Biography of Jesus Christ.

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 Birth year: 6 - 4 B.C

 Death year: 30 AD
 Family Lineage :
o James, Joseph, Judas and Simon / BROTHERS (with unnamed sisters)
 Any other interesting facts you can find:
o Matthew and Luke focused on various aspects of the character of Jesus.
Luke assembled his gospel account for a man named Theophilus from
several eyewitness accounts.

Matthew was an effort by the Jews to claim that Jesus was the supposed
Messiah of the Jews.

o Jesus’ family tree has some pretty shady characters

If Jesus was given the chance to choose his family members, He wouldn’t
choose family members that are:
Jacob: Deceiver 
Judah: Helped his brothers sell their youngest brother
Joseph to slavery.
Rahab: Seducer 
David: Killed someone to hide his
Solomon: Instead of being devoted to the lord, he chose to marry 700
women and got his heart broken by one.
Rehoboam: “Did evil because he
had not set his heart on seeking the Lord” (2 Chron.
Abijah: “Committed all the sins his father had done before him” (1
Kings 15:3)

o We don’t know how many gift bearer visited Jesus

We know that Jesus was visited by three wise men. They were also
interpreted as king for they brought extravagant gifts. Actually the Bible
doesn’t even indicate how many kings/wise men went to the Nazareth when
He was born.

o Jesus spoke multiple languages, Aramaic was the primary language

spoken by Jews in Palestine of the first century. Like most Jews, he
would have learned to read Torah in Hebrew.


 Schooling (where and from whom did this person learn)

o We all know that in the early era, people pass down traditions and
knowledge through the word of mouth. Since Jesus wasn’t prominent he
didn’t go to rabbinical schools. Mary and Joseph were from a very big family,
it seems likely that they possess Scriptures or any piece of literature (Bible).
It is believed that when Jesus was 12 he visited a temples and by that time he
already has a lot of understanding of the Scriptures. Mary taught Jesus the
scrolls of the prophets, and after that He was always found meditating at a
peaceful environment comprehending everything that’s in the Scriptures.
 Important relationships

o Magdalene – Jesus freed Magdalene from demons and by that Magdalene

loved Jesus deeply. She was very much one of the disciples, although it arose
many concerns since she was a woman.
o Peter – Jesus renamed Peter into Simon. Jesus changed Simon’s life and
made him strong. He wanted Simon to have a clear goal — to be the fisher
of men. Simon is part of the inner circle of Jesus, including John and James.
o John – John and Jesus are close because they are related by blood and has
known each other since they were young. Since John was the very closest to
Jesus, he monitored each and every little detail about Jesus and recorded it.
By that, John’s gospel was the most special among the gospels for it tackles
every intimate detail and is credible.
Accomplishments/ Significance:

 Major accomplishments;
o Jesus gave His life for world.
o Jesus taught many prophets and scholars.
o Jesus was a role model.
o Jesus turned water into wine.
o Jesus fed hundreds and thousands of people by miraculously multiplying
bread and fish.
 Minor accomplishments (things they achieved but aren't well known)
o We only know that he resurrected only one human, but actually it’s three.
o Jesus fasted for 40 days.
o Battled constantly with the devil.
o He cured lepers.
o He learned different languages at an early age because of reading and
studying the Scriptures.
 Significance to Christianity
o We find connection to God through Jesus.
o Jesus changed a lot of lives that has made our religion what it is today.


1) “He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone.”

Jesus Christ, John 8:3

2) “Don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s
trouble is enough for today.”

Jesus Christ, Matthew 6:34

o Your opinion on each of those quotes... What do they mean to you?

1) Jesus is simply saying that we have no right to judge other people when us,
ourselves have sins. We have right to call out other people for their mistakes, but we
don’t have the right to drag them, for they are just people who makes mistakes like
every one of us.
2) At the end of the day, just be thankful that you made it, worrying about tomorrow
burdens today.

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