Unit 4 Vocabulary 2019

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Unit 4 Vocabulary Words

Flocabulary 3.9 (Week of December 16)

1. cling (verb) To grab on to something firmly and hold on.
2. custom (noun) A tradition; something that people do over and over again.
(adj) Special; made different for just one person.
3. gasp (verb) To breathe in very quickly because of shock or surprise.
4. imitate (verb) To copy the way someone acts; to appear like something else.
5. launch (verb) 1. To throw. 2. To start up.
6. magnificent (adj) Amazing, beautiful, or wonderful.
7. pastime (noun) A hobby; something done to pass the time and have fun.
8. pause (verb) To stop for a moment before going on. (noun) A short break in the action.
9. risk (noun) A chance that things will go wrong. (verb) To take a chance on losing something or getting hurt.
10. vision (noun) 1. Eyesight; the ability to see. 2. A dream or something imagined.

Flocabulary 3.10 (Week of January 6)

1. attract (verb) To bring or draw closer. Related word: attractive (adj) Pleasing to the eye or mind; beautiful.
2. defend (verb) To protect, or keep something safe from harm.
3. grasp (verb) To grab onto.
4. loyal (adj) Staying true or faithful to something or someone.
5. passage (noun) 1. A short piece of a book or song. 2. The act of moving from one place to another, or a way in or out.
6. rely (verb) To depend upon; to count on.
7. revive (verb) To start up again, or bring back to life.
8. scatter (verb) To go in different directions, or to cause something to go in different directions.
9. survey (noun) A study to get more information on a subject. (verb) To look something over; to figure it out.
10. wisdom (noun) Smarts; knowledge. Related word: wise (adj) Having wisdom; being smart.

**Week of January 13- Frog Vocabulary Week- Your teacher will give you a separate study guide for this week.

Flocabulary 3.11 (Week of January 20)

1. average (noun) The usual amount of something, or the middle amount. (adj) Ordinary; not special.
2. chill (noun) Coldness, or coolness. (verb) 1. To make something cold. 2. To relax.
3. delicate (adj) Easily broken, but usually beautiful or pleasant.
4. limit (noun) A border or point beyond which you cannot go.(verb) To stop from going beyond something, or
doing too much of something.
5. privilege (noun) A special right or permission.
6. process (noun) The steps that one takes to make something happen.
7. sensitive (adj) Feeling something easily or strongly.
8. signal (noun) A sign or action that gives a message.(verb) To do something that gives a message.
9. spoil (verb) To ruin or make bad.
10. value (noun) The worth of something.(verb) To think highly of, or to figure out how much something is worth.

Flocabulary 3.12 (Week of January 27)

1. ancient (adj) Very old.
2. approach (verb) To come near to.
3. contain (verb) To hold, or have within. The pizza box contained a warm pepperoni pizza.
Related word: container (noun) A jar, box, can or bottle that can hold something else inside.
4. elegant (adj) Showing beauty and nice taste.
5. enable (verb) To make something possible.
6. observe (verb) To see, or to watch closely.
7. recall (verb) To remember.
8. symbol (noun) Something that stands for or represents something else.
9. theory(noun) An idea that explains something, but may or may not be right.
10. woe (noun) Intense sadness.

Flocabulary 3.13 (Week of February 3)

1. absorb (verb) To soak something up or take something in.
2. attitude (noun) The way you feel or think about something.
3. confess (verb) To tell the truth.
4. examine (verb) To look at something closely and carefully.
5. fortunate (adj) Lucky.
6. frail (adj) Very weak.
7. moisture (noun) A small amount of water, usually in the form of small drops. Related word: moist. Slightly wet.
8. prevent (verb) To stop something from happening before it happens.
9. reverse (verb) To turn around and go backward; to flip. (noun) The other way, or the opposite.
10. suitable (adj) Useful or correct for a specific event.

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