Pink Mohawk Rulebook v2

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To Kerstin, Stella, Luna

and Charlotte.
OM Shri Ganeshaya Namah

Thank you,
Vincent Baker.
Thank you,
John Harper.

A very special thank you to

Thorsten Panknin, Christian Biskup, Greg Barnsdale and Lester Ward —
you rock, chummers. This book would not exist
without your proofreading and invaluable input. Rad.

Enthusiastic high fives go out to:
(Big Knobi Klub is still the best!)

All illustrations creative commons.

Fonts: Decker, Francis
Cover art: CC0 material, remixed by me
Proudly made with a Mac, using Pixelmator and Pages.

Play more games!

version 2
August 2018
Norbert G. Matausch

The Sixth World 5

Rules Summary 7
..Attributes 7
..Skills 7
..Hit Dice/..Hit Points 7
..Mind Dice/Mind Points 8
..Optional Rule for Action-Oriented Games 8
..Languages 8
..Finances and ID 8
..Archetypes 9
..Metatypes 10
..Allergies 10
..Rolling the Dice 11
..Skills 11
..The Die of Fate 11
..Abilities 12
..Skills 13
..Lifestyle 14
Drugs 15
..Random Drug Creation Tables 20
Experience 24
Opponents 26
Equipment/Experts 28
Magick 31
..Alchemy-Talismongery 33
..Conjure 34
..Spellcasting 35
Combat 36
Decking 37
..Matrix Combat 38
..White ICE/Gray ICE 39
..Black ICE 39
..Running Naked 39
Tables 40
..Names 40
..Cyberware Brands 42
..Vehicle Brands 42
..Cyberdecks 43
..Firearms 44
..Ammunition 46
..Shadowrun Slang 48
..Languages 51
..Brand Names 53

Credits 62
Character Sheet 63


“The world is a business, Mr Beale. It has been

since man crawled out of the slime. All
necessities provided. All anxieties tranquilized.”
–Arthur Jensen, Broadcaster

t’s the year 2050. You live in the United Canadian
and American States (UCAS).

Where once superpowers dominated the globe,

the world has broken up in autonomous countries,
including several Native American nations.
Corporations have taken over. They have the right
to maintain armies for the protection of their
personnel and pr operty. All multinational
corporations are granted extraterritoriality. All over
the world, mutant children are born to human
parents. These are commonly dubbed “elves”,
“orcs”, “trolls”, “dwarves” and “gnomes”. Science
recognizes them as separate races. Inexplicably,
elves also developed (or re-discovered) their own
language (Sperethiel). Powerful Magick has
returned to the earth. Mystical creatures have
awakened, roaming the land. Dragons are once
again in power, pulling the strings behind many a


The internet crashed and burned a long time Cyberware enhances capabilities beyond
ago. Now, its successor is in place: the their natural limits. Bioware is less harmful
Matrix. Specialized hackers, called deckers, than cyberware, but research has only just
use cyber decks (high-tech portable begun.
computers) to surf the 3D environment of
the Matrix. To be able to deal with the You are living in the shadows of the
enormous amount of data, including sensory corporate highrises. You have no system
information, scientists invented a direct identification number. Technically, you are
brain-to-cyber deck connection called not a member of society. You live in the
“datajack”. Corporations employ security shadows. You deal in the shadows. You are a
deckers and harmful anti-intrusion software shadowrunner.
to keep intruders at bay.

An Awakened lizard surprising a team of



“The lesson is this - the game is rigged. The

cards are stacked. The dice are loaded. It's the
same as it always was.”
–Harlequin, Elven Mastermind

haracter creation in Pink Mohawk is quick and


Body, Quickness, Strength, Intelligence, Charisma,

Willpower. Roll 2d6 for each. On a 6-, the value is
0. On a 7-9, the value is +1. On a 10 or 11, the
value is +2. On a 12, the value is +3.


Choose one skill in addition to any granted by your



You can take 6 harm. Harm is a measure of mental

and physical damage in the game.



You speak your native tongue and Cityspeak,

and one additional language per point of
Intelligence. You find a list of languages in
the Tables section of this book.


The modern version of ID and credit/debit

card rolled into one. There are different ID
verification levels available (passcode,
fingerprint, voiceprint, retinal scan, cellular
scan). As a shadowrunner, you usually have
a credstick with passcode. Anything above
that level requires your SIN (system ID
number), and you don’t have one. On the
streets, deals are often made with paper
currency because it’s not traceable.

How much money you have as a

starting character is determinded
by your Lifestyle (page 14).


ARCHETYPES Mages get Awareness. Choose two special

abilities: Astral Projection, Conjure, Pet,
Burned-out Mages get Awareness. You get Spellcasting (+1 modifier).
Spellcasting (with a -1 modifier) and choose
another special ability: Lucky, Meditation, Mercs get Combat Tactics. Choose two
Skillwires, Smart-Link, Wired Reflexes. Your special abilities: Ambush, Cybercomm
Spellcasting rolls are modified by -1 for each System, Cyberears, Cybereyes, Dermal
piece of cyberware you have. Plating, Evade, Skillwires, Smart-Link

Deckers get Stealth. You get Hack and Physical Adepts get Athletics or Contortion.
choose another special ability: Ambush, Choose two special abilities: Ambush,
Cyberdeck 0, Cyberdeck 1, Cyberdeck 2, Enhanced Senses, Evade, Iron Shirt, Kung
Cyberdeck 3, Sleaze. Fu, Pain Control

Detectives get Stealth. Choose two special Riggers get Drive. You get Vehicle Control
abilities: Contacts, Evade, Lucky, Skilled, Rig and choose one other special ability:
Sleuth Drones, Spider, Evade, Vehicle Control Rig 0,
Vehicle Control Rig 1, Vehicle Control Rig 2,
Faces get Deception. Choose two special Vehicle Control Rig 3
abilities: Contacts, Crew, Lucky, Red Tape,
Skilled. Rockers get Performance. Choose two more
special abilities: Grace, Lucky, Skilled.
Former Company Men get Etiquette
(Corporate). Choose two special abilities: Shamans get Heal. You begin with two
Contacts, Cybercomm System, Cyberears, bound spirits. You get Conjure and choose
Cybereyes, Cyberlimbs, Dermal Plating, one more special ability: Astral Projection,
Skillwires, Sleaze. Meditation, Mend, Journey, Spellcasting (-1
Former Wage Mages get Awareness.
Choose two special abilities: Astral Street Mages get Awareness. Choose two
Projection, Conjure, Contacts, Meditation, special abilities: Astral Projection, Conjure,
Spellcasting. Contacts, Mapsense, Meditation,
Gang Members get Etiquette (Street). You
get Posse and one more special ability: Street Samurais get Athletics. Choose two
Ambush, Evade, Lucky, Mapsense, Sleaze. special abilities: Cyberlimbs, Cybercomm
System, Cyberears, Cybereyes, Dermal
Plating, Mapsense, Smart-Link, Skillwires,
Wired Reflexes.


Talismongers get Lore. Choose two special

abilities: Alchemy, Jour ney, Lucky, 2d6 Substance
Mapsense, Skilled.
2 Silver
Tribesmen get Nature. Choose two special 3-5 Plastic
abilities: Ambush, Crew, Posse, Skilled.
6-8 Sunlight
Make your own class: choose a class skill
and two special abilities. 9-11 Iron

12 Two substances (roll

again, ignoring 12)

When you create a new character, you

choose a metatype special ability:
To determine the severity of your allergy,
★ Dwarves (120cm, 54kg, short legs, males roll 2d6 on the following table:
grow full beards) get Metabolism.
★ Elves (190cm, 70kg) get Grace. SEVERITY TABLE
★ Giants (350cm, 280kg) get Massive.
★ Gnomes (110cm, 40kg) get Resistance. 2d6 Effects of contact
★ Humans (170cm, 70kg) get Humanity.
2-6 Nuisance
★ Orks (190cm, 95kg) get Rage.
★ Trolls (280cm, 225kg) get Massive. 7-10 Moderate (-1 to all rolls
when you are in contact
with the substance)

ALLERGIES 11-12 Severe (-2 to all rolls

when you are in contact
In a world gone crazy with chemicals, with the substance)
almost everybody is allergic to something. If
you're a Human, roll 1d6: 5-6 means you're
allergic. If you are a Metahuman (Dwarf, Elf,
Giant, Gnome, Ork or Troll), you are allergic,
no need to roll.

To find out the substance you're allergic to,

roll 2d6 on the Allergy Table:



When you attempt something risky

(including combat, of course), use the sum
of 2d6 and add one of your attribute scores,
based on the action you’re taking. (The GM
will tell you some of the possible
consequences before you roll, so you can
decide if it’s worth the risk or if you want to
revise your action.)

A total of 6 or less is a miss; things

don’t go well and the risk turns out

A total of 7-9 is a partial success; you

do it, but there’s some cost, Jon Bilibin, merc.
compromise, retribution, harm, etc.

A total of 10 or more is a full success;

you do it without complications. THE DIE OF FATE

Sometimes the GM will roll the Die of Fate

A total of 12 or more is a critical to see how the situation is established. Low
success; you do it perfectly to some
numbers are ill-fortune, high numbers are
extra benefit or advantage.
good fortune (or at least not misery). The die
of fate might be rolled to establish the
weather, indicate a random npc’s general
SKILLS attitude, or to determine if a wandering
monster appears. The GM may also roll the
if you have an applicable skill, you can’t
die of fate if the pcs take some action for
miss. A roll of 6 or less counts as a partial
which sheer chance is the only factor in the
success, but with a bigger compromise or
complication than a 7-9 result.

These rules are yours to bend to your will!

You may find it natural to expand, redact,
and modify them as you your game goes on.
We advise keeping an open mind and lively
discussion of possibilities at the table.


ABILITIES can plug into your brain (via a so-called

“datajack” in your temple)
Alchemy/Talismongery: You can imbue Cyberdeck 1 (Fisher Price): If you already
magick within a potion, salve, or item. You have Cyberdeck 0, you now get an upgrade
start with three alchemical formulas. for your cyberdeck, +1 to your rolls in the
Ambush: Attacks from concealment do +2 Matrix
harm Cyberdeck 2 (Shit-Hot Deck): If you already
Astral Projection: You can project your have Cyberdeck 0 and Cyberdeck 1, you
consciousness into the astral space, sense now get another upgrade for your
and interact with astral beings, and view the cyberdeck, +2 to your rolls in the Matrix.
real world's astral reflection. Cyberdeck 3 (Nova): If you already have
Conjure: You can call forth spirits to seek Cyberdeck 0, 1 and 2, you get two upgrade
their counsel...or you can bind them to serve options for your cyberdeck: either +2 to your
you. You start with two bound spirits that rolls in the Matrix AND it gives you the
you can call upon. Cypher Ability, OR +3 to your rolls in the
Contacts: You always know a guy who Matrix.
knows a guy and can seek aid from one of Drones: You get a small flying recon drone
your many connections. and a small combat drone.
Crew: You always have one mercenary or Enhanced Senses: Your senses ar e
two goons at your back, no pay necessary. If supernaturally acute. +2 to all rolls that
they die, you have to pay the initial price for involve one or more of your senses.
new ones, but they stay on with you Evade: Once per day, ignore the results of a
permanently. damage roll against you.
C y b e r c o m m S y s t e m : Yo u g e t a Grace: You get +1 to any roll once per
cybercommunication suite built into your session per request.
head that enables you to use all common Hack: You can attempt to control any
communication methods. computer or break past digital security to
Cyberears: You get cybernetically enhanced access protected contents. Decking is
hearing. +2 to all rolls that involve impossible without this ability.
eavesdropping, listening closely and similar. Humanity: Call a reroll on the Die of Fate
Cybereyes: You get cybernetically enhanced once per session.
eyes that can also record trideo. +2 to all Iron Shirt: +1 armor. You use your mind to
r olls that involve eyesight or visual create armor-like protection.
Cyberlimbs: inflict +2 harm in melee Journey: You can commune with astral
Dermal Plating: +1 armor. This is kevlar-like beings for guidance.
material inserted under your skin. Kung Fu: inflict 2 harm unarmed damage
Cyberdeck 0 (Drekdeck): You get an off-the- Lucky: Once per day, turn a miss into a
shelf, mediocre newb cyberdeck that you partial success.


Mapsense: You can never get lost in urban Spider: You can attempt to overtake control
environments. of an entire facility's security system.
Massive: You get -2 on your roll when you Vehicle Control Rig 0: You can remote
suffer harm. control drones and vehicles with your mind
Meditation: Recover from harm quicker. from up to 200 meters away.
Mend: You can attempt to neutralize Vehicle Control Rig 1: If you already have
poisons, remove disease or heal 4 harm Vehicle Control Rig 0, you now get an
with a touch. upgrade for your rig, +1 to your rolls when
Metabolism: You can heal 2 harm naturally. controling vehicles.
Pain Control: When you suffer harm, you Vehicle Control Rig 2: If you already have
get -2 to your roll. Vehicle Control Rig 0 and Vehicle Control Rig
Pet: You have a loyal and effective animal or 1, you now get an upgrade for your rig, +2
mystical companion. to your rolls when controling vehicles.
Posse: When in a group of 3 or more, you Vehicle Control Rig 3: If you already have
can take +1 more harm and inflict +1 harm. Vehicle Control Rig 0, 1 and 2, you now get
Rage: If you take any harm during a fight, an upgrade for your rig, +3 to your rolls
get +1 harm on the next attack you make. when controling vehicles.
Red Tape: You can circumvent, avoid or Wired Reflexes: You always go first and can
speed up bureaucratic procedures. react when surprised.
Resistance: You get +1 when resisting the
effects of magick.
Skilled: Pick two more skills for free.
Skillwires: Lets you plug in unlisted skills SKILLS
stored on hardware chips.
Sleuth: When you search for clues, you can Athletics, Awareness, Combat Tactics,
do so quickly and while on the move. +1 Contortion, Deception, Drive, Etiquette,
when trying to find out if someone is lying, Heal, Lore, Nature, Performance, Stealth
though you may not know the cause of their
Sleaze: You can attempt to quickly pick a
physical lock, pick a pocket, or disable a
physical security trap.
Smart-Link: +1 harm in ranged combat
Spellcasting: You can create magickal
effects drawn from the raw fabric of reality.
Such effects are powerful and wondrous.
However, the risks of weaving such energies
have hazards, both extreme and varied.


Not every shadowrunner is born with the 2d6 You are a...
proverbial silver spoon in their mouth.
Maybe you were born poor, or you lost your 2 Squatter. You’re homeless.
You start out with
childhood home early on.

With some luck, though, you can start your 3-11 Working Stiff. You live in a
Pink Mohawk adventure as someone who‘s small apartment in a part
of town where it’s not
very well off. suicidally dangerous. Your
lease ends in 1d12
To determine what kind of lifestyle you have months. You start out with
at the beginning of your career, roll 2d6: 1d6*1,000¥.

12 Rich. You’re the one who

writes the checks. You own
a huge apartment or
mansion in the nice
part of town. You start out
with 1d6*10,000¥.


“It's not like I'm using, it's like

my body developed this massive
drug deficiency.”
–Johnny Pusher, Recreational Artist

yberpunks use drugs. Period. It's that simple. The
advances of chemistry have brought up a plethora
of new drugs that give the user what he wants. Of
course, there is no drug without side effects.

Pink Mohawk uses a very simple system to create

these chemicals.

You can either follow each of the 11 steps outlined

below, or you can skip them and use the random
tables on page 20 to design some Pink Mohawk

Some descriptions mention the strength of a drug.

Simply assign 1-6 points to this attribute.


BETTER LIVING THRU CHEMISTRY: another person experiences different

11 STEPS TO DESIGN YOUR DRUG effects. To do so, roll 1d100, and consult
the following table:
1. Determine what primary effects the
drug has. These primary effects are the
desired effects of the drug. MIXING DRUGS
2. Determine what side effects the drug
has. These side effects are the negative 1d100 Effect
effects that occur while the drug's 01-30 Fully compatible: the two
primary effects are underway. drugs work together without
3. Determine the after effects of the drug.
These after effects are negative effects 31-60 Partially compatible: the
that occur after the drug's primary and drugs work at half their
normal primary effects
side effects are over.
4. Determine the permanent effects. 61-70 Single Dominance: one of
These are the ef fects that have a the drugs will work normally,
the other has no effect
permanent duration, after the primary,
side and after ef fects ar e over. 71-75 Cancel out: both drugs'
primary effects are
Permanent effects can't be cancelled out
cancelled out, but side and
if you take two or more different drugs after effects are fully
at the same time. Determine how often experienced.
a drug has to be taken to experience
76-80 Mildly poisonous: the
those effects. combination causes 2 harm.
5. Determine the onset time. This is the Neither effects are
time that passes after taking the drug
before the effects take place. 81-90 Poisonous: the combination
6. Determine the duration of the drug's causes 3 harm to the
character. Neither effects
primary, side and after effects. are experienced.
7. Determine how difficult it is for others
to detect that the user is on this drug. 91-95 Extremely poisonous: the
Determine also what tell-tale signs there combination causes 4 harm
to the character.
are that he is.
8. Determine how many doses a user 96-99 Coma: the character falls
must take to overdose (OD). Determine into a coma for 2d6 days.
the effects of an overdose, too. 100 Fatal: the character suffers
9. If a character takes two or more 6 harm. If he survives this,
different drugs at the same time, you he falls into a coma for 3d6
have to determine what effects this days.

combination has on this user. Please note

that this effect is “personal” to the user;


10. Determine the format of the drug. There

is everything imaginable, from patches
to tickets to injections to liquid.
11. Determine the price. Most mass-
produced drugs are very cheap, ranging
from 2¥ to 30¥. Others, produced only
in small batches, cost considerably more,
easily 200¥ per shot.

Crimson™ is an energy drink that really

deserves its name. In production since
2016, this drink is a definitive upper.
After drinking it, the user experiences
extreme happiness, heightened
Drug-induced rage.
endurance (dancing for 12 hours without
rest? No problem!), and mild
hallucinogetic effects (color blurs). It
costs 5¥, and is available in every
shopping mall.
Let's say Norton, a young console girl,
The downside is less known. Crimson™ gulps down a can of Crimson™, and
causes cancer, if you drink it regularly, pops a pill of Crusade, a drug that boosts
over a period of three years or more. the user's strength by +1.
Primary Effects: happiness, hallucinogen
Side Effects: mild dizziness Now, it's time to determine what effects
After Effects: thirst the combination Crimson™ and Crusade
Permanent Effects: cancer (after 3+ years has on Norton. Her player rolls 1d100
of regular use) and comes up with 93. In the table, it
Onset Time: 5 minutes says:
Duration: 12 hours
Detection: very obvious, the user's breath “91-95: Extr emely poisonous: the
smells like Gummy Bears. combination causes 4 harm to the
Overdose: 10 cans; nausea character.”


LIST OF PRIMARY DRUG EFFECTS of 80%, plus 5% for every point of drug
strength. OD: An overdose of
★ ANTIBIOTIC: These drugs pr event contraceptive drugs can cause sterility.
infection, or stop an existing one. OD: ★ DEPRESSANT: Depressants slow you
Overdosing on antibiotics will cause down. They reduce tension, stress, and
severe nausea and diarrhea for 1d6 days. help you relax. OD: Taking too many
★ ANTICOAGULANT: The opposite of depressants will cause the character to slip
coagulants. Anticoagulants prevent blood into a deep sleep/coma for 1d10 hours.
from clotting. OD: Extreme hemophilia ★ ENHANCED PERCEPTION: The user of
will result in the case of anticoagulant these sorts of drugs starts to notice the
overdose. Even the smallest cuts will most intricate of details. While this adds
bleed heavily. the drug's strength to his Awareness score
★ ANTIDOTE: Antidotes help against for the duration, the user may be
poisons, toxins, etc. OD: Most antidotes overcome by his increased sensory
are almost poisons in their own right, and powers. Loud noises, bright lights, intense
anyone overdosing on them will suffer the tastes, and strong odors have twice the
effects of minor poisoning. normal ef fect on him. OD: Anyone
★ APHRODISIACS: These drugs increase a suffering the effects of overdosing on
person's sex drive and libido. The user will Enhanced Perception drugs will be
be physically uncomfortable unless completely overwhelmed by his senses,
involved in a sexual situation, and in the and cannot perform any actions. There is a
case of some stronger drugs, this may not 25% chance that he will suffer from terrible
even help unless the user is continually hallucinations.
stimulated. OD: The character's sexual ★ EUPHORIC: These drugs make you feel
urges cannot be satisfied, and his state of really, REALLY good. They give a “rush”
arousal will not diminish for up to several that lasts for as long as the drug's
days or weeks. duration. OD: Overdosing on a euphoric
★ ATTRIBUTE INCREASE: This increases an generally makes you very sick, including
attribute for the drug's duration. OD: If an nausea, cold sweats, and either
overdose occurs, roll 1d10. On a roll of sleeplessness or sleepiness.
1-5, you have lost a point from the ★ HALLUCINOGEN: Wow, man, look at the
attribute in question, permanently. butterflies. These drugs make the user see
★ COAGULANT: These drugs cause blood to things that aren't there. While under the
clot, and prevent blood loss. OD: An influence, or “tripping,” the user is prone
overdose of coagulants can cause blood to to see anything his frying imagination can
clot inside a healthy body, unavoidably cook up. Such hallucinations depend on
causing death. the mood of the subject (as well as the
★ CONTRACEPTIVE: These drugs prevent GM!), but aren't usually terrible unless the
pregnancy. They have a base effectiveness drug itself is bad. OD: If overdosed on,


assume that the hallucinogenic “trip” goes pills. You go to sleep and never wake up.
completely bad. In the case of extremely Assume that without proper treatment,
traumatic hallucinations, mental illness someone who has ODed on soporifics will
may result (ie, phobias, etc.). die or enter a deep coma which will last
★ HYPNOTIC: Hypnotic drugs, in high doses, for 1d10 days.
are used to produce sleep during surgery. ★ STUN REDUCERS : Like pain killers, but
In low doses, they make many users speak these are usually taken before one is
and talk less guardedly about things they actually wounded. OD: In the case of most
might otherwise have trouble speaking stun reducing drugs, an overdose will
about. Due to this side-effect, hypnotics cause the user to become extremely
are routinely used as “truth serums” by hostile and enter a psychotic rage.
corporate, military, and government
agencies. OD: Hypnotics, if taken in large
doses, cause a deep anesthesia for 1d10 LIST OF SIDE AND AFTER EFFECTS
★ INCREASED ENDURANCE: These drugs Acne, Bloodshot Eyes, Cold Sweats,
include most stimulants. While under the Constipation, Cowardice, Dandruff, Eczema,
influence of these types of drugs, the user Dehydration, Delusions, Depr ession,
has increased energy and stamina. This is Diarrhea, Difficult Respiration, Diuretic,
reflected by adding the drug's strength to Dizziness, Easily Bruised, Excessive
his Endurance skill checks. However, Salivation, Flatulence, Hair loss,
someone under the influence of such a Hallucinations, Headaches, Heartbur n,
drug may have trouble sleeping. OD: In Hives, Itches, Impotence, Increased Pain
the case of an OD, the user can suffer from Sensitivity, Insomnia, Internal Bleeding,
a heart attack. Irrational Fear, Kidney/Liver Failure, Lack of
★ INCREASED HEALING RATE: These drugs Concentration, Light Sensitivity, Loss of
speed up the body's natural healing Appetite, Loss of Inhibition, Memory Loss,
process. OD: If healing drugs are taken to Nausea, Numbness, Paralysis, Paranoia,
the point of overdose, assume that the Psychotic Rage, Reduced Attribute, Reduced
user enters a severe state of shock as the Awareness, Ringing in Ears, Runny Nose,
body attempts to heal nonexistent wounds Sense Reduction, Sexual Arousal, Sleepy,
and injuries. Strange Skin Pallor, Suicidal Tendencies,
★ PAIN NEGATION: Pain killers, plain and Technicolor Excreta, The Munchies, Tremors,
simple. OD: The user can slip into a coma Weight Gain.
for 1d10 hours.
★ SOPORIFIC: Soporifics put you to sleep.
Otherwise known as sleeping pills or
tranquilizers. OD: We all know what
happens when you take too many sleeping


LIST OF PERMANENT EFFECTS Dude, I’m not a doctor, just give

me a table to roll up those drugs!
Addiction, Tolerance, Carcinogenic, Heart
Attack, Coma, Death, Genetic Damage,
Nerve Degeneration, Nightmares,
Per manent Sense Loss, Physiological
Addiction, Psychological Addiction, Possible
Attribute Loss

DRUG TABLE 1: Primary Effect

3d6 Primary Effect
Pill, Tablet, Gel Cap, Paper Tab, Smoked,
3 Antibiotic
Inhaled, Powdered, Snorted, Injected,
Liquid, Derm, Slap Patch, Contact 4 Anticoagulant

5 Antidote

6 Aphrodisiac

7 Attribute Increase

8 Coagulant

9 Depressant

10 Enhanced Perception

11 Euphoric

12 Hallucinogen

13 Hypnotic

14 Increased Healing Rate

15 Pain Negotiation

16 Soporific

17 Stun Reducer

18 roll again
Just another Seattle night.


DRUG TABLE 2: Permanent Effects DRUG TABLE 3: Permanent Effects

1d12 Permanent Effects 1d8 Delivery System

1 Addiction Tolerance 1 Pill, Tablet, Gel Cap

2 Carcinogenic 2 Paper Tab

3 Heart Attack 3 Smoked, Inhaled

4 Coma 4 Powdered, Snorted

5 Genetic Damage 5 Injected

6 Nerve Degeneration 6 Liquid

7 Nightmares 7 Derm, Slap Patch

8 Permanent Sense Loss 8 Contact

9 Physiological Addiction

10 Psychological Addiction

11 Possible Attribute Loss

12 Death

Shibuya, a district of Tokyo, where you can find every kind of legal and illegal drug.
The Japanese are even more lenient with substances than the UCAS.


DRUG TABLE 4: Side Effects

1d100/2 Permanent Effects 1d100/2 Permanent Effects

1 Acne 26 Irrational Fear

2 Bloodshot Eyes 27 Kidney/Liver Failure

3 Cold Sweats 28 Lack of Concentration

4 Constipation 29 Light Sensitivity

5 Cowardice 30 Loss of Appetite

6 Dandruff, Eczema 31 Loss of Inhibition

7 Dehydration 32 Memory Loss

8 Delusions 33 Nausea

9 Depression 34 Numbness

10 Diarrhea 35 Paralysis

11 Difficult Respiration 36 Paranoia

12 Diuretic 37 Psychotic Rage

13 Dizziness 38 Reduced Attribute

14 Easily Bruised 39 Reduced Awareness

15 Excessive Salivation 40 Ringing in Ears

16 Flatulence 41 Runny Nose

17 Hair loss 42 Sense Reduction

18 Hallucinations 43 Sexual Arousal

19 Headaches 44 Sleepy

20 Heartburn 45 Strange Skin Pallor

21 Hives, Itches 46 Suicidal Tendencies

22 Impotence 47 Technicolor Excreta

23 Increased Pain Sensitivity 48 The Munchies

24 Insomnia 49 Tremors

25 Internal Bleeding 50 Weight Gain


Price: ______________________________________
Legal drugs: 1d100¥
Illegal drugs: 1d100*1d10¥
Krügers Sharp Sense
Primary Effect: enhanced perception ______________________________________
Permanent Effects: coma, numbness ______________________________________
Delivery System: injection ______________________________________
Side Effects: cold sweats, paralysis,
diarrhea, increased pain sensitivity
Cost: 75¥ ______________________________________
Dreamland ______________________________________
Primary Effect: hallucinogenic
Permanent Effects: physical addiction
Delivery System:smoked ______________________________________
Side Effects: delusions ______________________________________
Cost: 25¥ per cigarette ______________________________________
Stinnes Sleep Well, Original German
Formula ______________________________________
Primary Effect: soporific
Permanent Effects: genetic damage,
psychological addiction
Delivery System: liquid ______________________________________
Side Effects: loss of appetite, numbness ______________________________________
in legs, heartburn ______________________________________
Cost: 26¥ per can
Your designs:
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________


“Karma is a bitch.”
–Soni Hiko, Bounty Hunter

arma is a fancy word for experience. Levelling up
in Pink Mohawk is very simple: Go on adventures
and survive them. What counts as “adventure”?
This is for you, the Gamemaster, to decide. Maybe
it's a simple brief mission if your group has little
time, or maybe it's a long, dangerous, exhilarating
quest that takes the characters around the globe.
You decide.


Level Harm Skills Attributes Abilities Damage Karma Total

1 6 Class 2 Start as a
+1 newbie

2 You have
survived 1

3 +1 +1 You have
survived 3

4 +1 You have
(max +3) survived 6

5 roll 1d6 +1d6 You have

when survived 10
harmed: adventures.
6=no effect

6 +1 +1 You have
survived 18

7 +1 You have
(max +3) survived 28

8 You have
survived 40

9 +1 +1 You have
survived 75

10 roll 1d6 when +1 +1d6 You have

harmed: (max +3) survived 100
5-6=no effect adventures.


“Just once I'd like to fight

something that could be
harmed by bullets.”
–Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart, Brigadier

pponents usually get one or two weapons, armor,
and a special ability or two. Average opponents
can take 1 to 3 harm before they die a gruesome
death. Powerful enemies can withstand a lot more
harm. Here are some example enemies:
Street Ganger: light weapon, light armor, Posse.
Goodfella: gun, light armor, Family (killing a
mafioso marks you for death with his family).
Lone Star Officer: heavy gun, full armor, Backup
(will call reinforcement in any disturbances,
bringing the heat down fast).
Troll Bouncer: big weapon, light gun, light armor,
Bounce (gets +1 armor when working at his
MegaCorp Elite Guard: heavy gun + autofire,
grenades, full armor, Wired Reflexes.
Toxic Spirit: acid attack (4 harm), purge attack (2
Harm), no armor, Splash (toxic spirits reflect 1
Harm back whenever they are successfully
attacked), Recover (everytime the toxic


spirit hits a target with its acid attack, it heals ______________________________________

1 Harm) ______________________________________
Banshee: claws (3 harm), causes fear, causes
Essence Drain (gain 1 -1 modifier on your
Spellcasting rolls permanently), can turn to
mist, Regeneration (heals 2 hharmarm at the ______________________________________
end of the round) ______________________________________
Unicorn: always goes first, Magickal Guard ______________________________________
(all rolls involving harmful magick are at -3
when a unicorn is present)

Your creations: ______________________________________

______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________


“Whadda ya mean
there's a three
magazine limit?”
–Wedge, Mercenary

t would be easy to fill pages upon pages with
shopping lists for your character. Undoubtedly:
While this can be fun (for about 10 minutes), it‘s
not what I have in mind for oldschool Pink
Mohawk games.

The following couple of pages give you a quick

overview of the most important equipment types.
It should be no problem to come up with new


Weapons Advanced Gear (25¥ each): arc-torch, auto-

saw, armored briefcase, wetsuit, gas/
Unarmed/Light Melee Weapon (50¥): 1 to airmask, surveillance gear, camera, etc.
2 harm. Includes knives, lead pipes, whips Comlink (200¥): hand-held, wrist-mounted,
and chains. or headset-style communication link.
Medium Melee Weapon (100¥): 2 harm.
Must be wielded in main hand. Includes
crowbars, hammers, clubs, swords. Skillsofts
Big Melee Weapon (300¥): 3. Uses two (Skillwires required, see Abilities):
hands. Includes fire-axes, katanas,
chainsaws. Knowledge Skillsoft (2,500¥): Lets you
Small Gun (300¥): 1 harm. Includes light learn a knowledge skill (History, Maths,
pistols, light SMGs, tasers, and hold-outs. Business Development, etc)
Gun (500¥): 2 harm. Includes medium and Activity Skillsoft (3,500¥): Lets you learn an
heavy pistols, SMGs, and hunting rifles. activity skill (Parcours, Hoverboard, Soccer,
Heavy Gun (1,000¥): 3 harm. Two-handed. etc)
Includes shotguns and assault rifles. Language Skillsoft (1,500¥): Lets you learn
Crazy Gun (2,000¥): 4 harm. Lasers, panther a language.
cannons. Ignores armor. Combat Skillsoft (10,500¥, illegal): Lets you
Auto-Fire (+500¥): Makes a gun automatic – learn a reality-based combat style.
make two attacks.
Grenades (100¥): 4 harm to an area. Also
mines and explosives. Magickal

Alchemist Kit (2,500¥): Speeds up the

Armor creation of potions and talismans.

Light Armor (250¥): Armor 1.

Full Armor (1,000¥): Armor 2. Always has a Vehicles
helmet. Makes it very hard to run, move
quietly, swim, leap, etc. Boats: Small Hovercraft (45,000¥), Small
Boat (50,000¥)
Cars: Shitty Car (1,000¥), Decent Small Car
Gear (5,000¥), Sports Car (30,000¥), Truck
(10,000¥), Van (14,000¥)
Simple Gear (10¥ each): 10 meter rope, Motorbikes: Fast Motorbike (10,000¥),
lockpicks, grappling hook, flashlight, Scooter (3,000¥)
backpack, restraints, detox sprays, chemsuit, Planes and Copters: Small Plane
survival kit, etc. (150,000¥), Helicopter (400,000¥)


Vehicle Upgrades: Daily Life

Faster (price x1.1), A Lot Faster (price x1.5),
Impossible Speed for a vehicle that size Coffin Hotel: 25¥ to sleep, 10¥ to eat, 20¥
(price x3) to get drunk, 150¥ to get laid.
Light Armor (+1, price x2.5), Heavy Armor DocWagon Contract: Wearing the sealed-
(+2, price x6) band, direct-dial wristphone guarantees the
Sensor Shielding 1 (suppresses noise, arrival of a highly specialized trauma team
electronic emissions and other telltale within ten minutes (failure to arrive in time
signatures, +1 when rolling to hide vehicle gives you the immediate medical care for
from sensors, price x1.4), Sensor Shielding 2 free). That’s the Basic service. Gold service
(+2 when rolling to hide vehicle from gets you Basic services and one free
sensors, price x2). resuscitation per year, and a 10 percent
discount on any medical bills. Platinum
Vehicle Weaponry: use weapons as above, service adds another three free resiscitations
but multiply prices by 10 (when used against on top of that. Basic: 5,000¥, Gold: 25,000¥,
(meta)humans, they do double or triple Platinum: 50,000¥.
harm — and no, they’re usually too heavy to MedKit: Helps treat wounds and provide
be carried around) first aid. 200¥

Specialists for hire

(Cost per day)

Goon (100¥): small gun, knife

Mercenary (300¥): gun, light armor
Expert (350¥): small gun, special gear
Badass (800¥): heavy armor, gun, heavy
gun, grenades


“The only thing more reliable

than magick is one's
trusting friends.”
–L. Surehand, High Prince

agick and technology don‘t mix.

M In the Sixth World, Magick has awakened again

and is in full swing. Being a natural force, it reacts
strongly to technology. Every piece of cyberware
implanted in a mage's or shaman's body reduces
their Spellcasting rolls by 1 permanently. This is
the way of the burned-out mage. To compensate,
many mages and shamans thus affected use spell
foci (see Alchemy-Talismongery).

Mages see magickal principles working behind
everything; they use magick formulas (spells) to
bend consensus reality to their will. Mages can
learn to Conjure elemental spirits, but it takes long,
careful rituals to make them work. They do not
have a totem animal. They use their Spellcasting
ability with a +1 modifier (Burned-out Mages get a
-1 for every piece of cyberware they have installed).


SHAMANS Raccoon (anywhere but the desert; clever

bandit, can break open any trap, fights when
Shamans interact with the spirits of the land. he must, but prefers stealth and trickery):
Everywhere, there are spirits: in technology, manipulation spells +1, +1 to conjuring city
in houses, in plants, really everywhere. A spirits. Disadvantage: loner. His curiosity
makes him disregard danger; loves to steal
shaman is chosen by his totem animal. This
(raccoon is a thief totem). -1 to combat
is his soul companion and advisor. When a
shaman works his magick, his face seems to
be subtly overshadowed by a mask that Rat (anywhere; stealthy thief, reluctant
looks like the head of his totem animal. warrior, clever): +1 to detection an illusion
Totems help with certain types of magick, spells, +1 to conjruing spirits of man.
but they also imprint the character of the Disadvantages: Rat shamans are dirty and
shaman. Shamans start with two bound unkempt. Rat is a coward, but when he
spirits. If they have the Spellcasting ability, it fights, he fights to kill. -1 to combat spells.
comes with a -1 modifier.
Raven (anywhere; trickster, greedy and
generous, a living contradiction): +1 to
TOTEM ANIMALS (pick one)
manipulation spells, +1 to conjuring wind
spirits. Disadvantages: Raven shamans are
Bear (forest; slow but powerful, a healer and
either overweight or rail-thin; gluttonous
caregiver): all health spells +1;
and always hungry. It's impossible for them
Disadvantage: wounded Bear shamans roll
to refuse an offer of food. -1 to combat
+INT; 6- they go berserk for 3 rounds,
spells. -1 to all spells when not under open
attacking the closest living thing with their
most powerful weapon

Snake (forest, prairie, mountain; wise healer;

C o y o t e ( l a n d ; t h e G r e a t Tr i c k s t e r,
good advisor, but for a price): +1 to healing,
unpredictable): Coyote refuses to be bound
illusion and detection spells. Either +1 to
by mortal concepts.
conjuring spirits of the land, or +1 to
conjuring spirits of man. Disadvantages:
Dog (urban; loyal to friends and family, loves
Doesn't fight unless he must defend himself
people, defends them): detection spells +1,
or eat. -1 to all spells cast during combat.
+1 to conjuring field and hearth spirits;
Disadvantage: single-minded, roll +INT
Wolf (forest, prairie, mountain; hunter and
when changing plans: 6- you simply can't
warrior, fiercely loyal to his mate and his
cubs, brother to his pack): +1 to detection
Eagle (mountains; proud, solitary, fierce):
and combat spells, +1to conjuring forest or
detection spells +1, +1 to conjuring wind
prairie spirits (shaman's choice).
spirits; Disadvantage: will not tolerate evil
Disadvantages: Loyal to the death. Nothing
actions; fierce defender of the land; every
will make him betray his loyalty.
piece of cyberware reduces Eagle's Power
by 2 points.


★A potion that can be consumed only once
Alchemy and Talismongery are similar to ★ A salve or balm that can be applied up to
spells, except that the magick is contained three times (cost x3)
within a physical form, typically a potion ★ An object that grants its effects only once
(Alchemy) or an object (Talismongery). to each user
Creating an alchemical object can be quite ★ An object that needs 1 harm of human
risky because of the various chemicals and blood to be used
explosive fumes involved, but using one is ★ An object that needs to be doused with
not inherently dangerous, and usually does holy water to be used
not require a roll. ★ An object (talisman) that works
permanently (costs x10)
The user will... (pick one):
It costs 1d6*1,000¥ in caustic chemicals,
herbs, and purified minerals, and requires at ★ +1 armor for 3 rounds of combat
least a day to prepare. If you have an ★ +1 to a single Attribute for one minute (if
Alchemists Kit, then it only costs 1d6*250¥ it's a potion)
and takes at least four hours. ★ +1 to a single Attribute as long as the
talisman is worn
Using the right ingredients: roll +INT. ★ Add +2 harm to either melee or ranged
attacks for 3 rounds of combat
6- You get the wrong ingredients, but are ★ Benefit from an Ability for one hour
not aware of it and prepare the potion/ ★ Benefit from a Skill for one hour
talisman — the GM decides what‘ll happen. ★ Inflict 5 harm against a nearby target (6
7-9 You get the right ingredients, but they're harm if vulnerable)
not pure. Reduce effects or duration by half. ★ Instantly heal, 1 harm remains
10-11 You get the right ingredients. ★ Know the answer to one question
12+ You get especially potent ingredients. ★ Not feel pain
Effects are twice as good. ★ Perform a superhuman feat (flying, breathe
underwater) for 1 minute
Usually, potions have a one-time effect that
lasts for a certain time. Talismans usually
work permanently, but costs more.
Alchemists start with three magickal Spell Focus (talisman): The user gets +1
formulas, and may learn more through to his spellcasting rolls, as long as they
research or experimentation. These formulas wear it. For an alchemist with a kit, it
are built much like spells, picking one option costs 1d6*250¥ *10 = 1d6*2500¥ to
from each of the following. manufacture.
The Potion/Talisman is... (pick one):



Spirits and other non-corporeal beings live in

our world, but on a different plane of
existence. A shaman or mage can interact
with them. Calling a spirit is known as
Conjuring or Summoning. The act of
Conjuring can be dangerous, depending on
the circumstance, and requires that you
know the name of the spirit you wish to
conjure, the ritual required to call it, and one
of the following:

★ FOR MAGES: one hour of uninterrupted

★ FOR SHAMANS: 2d6 minutes of
uninterrupted ritual
★ A magick item containing the bound spirit

Once summoned, you can converse with it ★A portion of the spirit or spirit’s flesh
and ask it questions, for spirits possess many ★ Signing a contract with the spirit
secrets unknown to mortals. It is always ★ A sacrifice worth 10 harm
easier to conjure a type of spirit that lives in
the appropriate environment, ie, a shaman
When the spirit is Bound, it can be
trying to conjure a city spirit in downtown
summoned to perform a single deed,
Seattle will have a much easier time than his
typically answering questions or using
colleague trying to summon a tree spirit in
baleful magick (as controlled by the GM)
the middle of an industrial complex.
without any risk to the Summoner. Anything
beyond that will require some very tricky
Binding spirits negotiations, as the spirit will do anything to
twist your requests to its own evil desires.
You can also attempt to bind a spirit. Binding
Conjurers start with two bound spirits. A
is always risky, as the spirit will try to take
spirit will be set free when the sun goes
every advantage of unwary mortals, It
requires a circle to be drawn in orichalcum
powder during an hour-long ritual, as well as
one of the following:



To learn new spells, you must either do

research on your own (roll +INT), buy or
swap available spell formulas on the market.

The first version of Pink Mohawk had a

system similar to the Alchemy-Talismongery

This new edition handles magick differently.

I now try to include much more freeform
magick in the game. I honestly can‘t
remember where I got the following move
from. My sincere apologies.

When you try to cause Change to occur in

conformity with your Will, take 1 harm and
10+: You bend consensus reality and you
can specify that the very thing you need
appears or occurs just when you need it.
7-9: The spell works, but choose two:
• It draws the attention of witnesses who
weren’t supposed to see this.
• The power you were calling on is used up;
you can‘t cast this spell again until that
power is restored.
• There’s a price to be paid and you lose
something unexpected.
• You let something loose that is not
supposed to be here.
• This really takes it out of you: you pass out


“I have 9 good arguments right here in my hand.

And each single one of them is killer. Literally.”
–Gondwana Ghostface, poet & hired muscle

etting hit: you suffer the harm of the attack minus
your Armor.

If the attack is armor-piercing or neutralizes armor

somehow, ignore armor.

When you suffer harm, roll+harm suffered (after

armor, if you’re wearing any). On a 10+, the
gamemaster can choose 1:

• You’re out of action: unconscious, trapped,

incoherent or panicked.
• It’s worse than it seemed. Take an additional 1
• Choose 2 from the 7–9 list below.

On a 7–9, the gamemaster can choose 1:

• You lose your footing.

• You lose your grip on whatever you’re holding.


• You lose track of someone or something When you suffer 6 or more harm in total,
you’re attending to. you are about to die. Choose between the
• You miss noticing something important.
 following options:
• come back with all attributes reduced by 1
On a miss, the gamemaster can nevertheless point
choose something from the 7–9 list above. If • come back with the ability to Spellcast at
she does, though, it’s instead of some of the -2 the Spellcasting roll
harm you’re suffering, so you take -1 harm. • keep your character, but change their class,
and any +2 or +3 attribute is now at 0.
Player Characters: Injuries • die.

For each 1 harm the character suffers, you Non-Player Characters: Injuries
make a checkmark on your character‘s harm
Meter. 1 harm: cosmetic damage, pain
2 harm: wounds, likely fatal
When you suffer 2 harm in total: the 3 harm: terrible wounds, fatal
damage will go away by itself with time. 4 harm: immediately fatal, mangling
5+ harm: bodily destructive
When you suffer 3 harm in total: the
damage won’t get worse or better by itself. Of course, there are non-player characters
who are forces of nature, powerful and
When you suffer 4 or more harm in total: mighty. Those can take more, sometimes
unstabilized injuries will get worse by much more harm. Use your common sense
themselves, stabilized injuries will not, and here.
it’ll get better only with medical treatment.

“With time” and “by itself” are largely up to

you as MC, but you should make them
asymmetrical: harm should heal slowly, but
get worse rapidly. If the character’s up and
running around, that should make harm get
worse more quickly, but get better more


“Sure, sure, ‘Information should be free’ and all

that - but anyone can set information free. The
jazz is in how you do it, what you do it to.”
–Datajack Sinder Roze, Decker

ow to move around in the Matrix without being
caught. Deckers plug a cyberdeck into their brain.
Cyberdecks are hi-tech portable Matrix computers
that enable them to interact with the elaborate 3D
environment of the Matrix. They look strikingly
similar to keytars. They run the latest software on
their hardware because, let's face it, any self-
respecting decker would do exactly that. They
either swap, buy or code their shit themselves. In
the Matrix, they are represented by a 3-D virtual
construct called Persona.


A Persona is the virtual avatar a decker uses to

move around and do stuff in the Matrix. Most
cyberdecks come with a pre-installed Persona, but
any real self-respecting Decker will install a
customized version.


Writing and updating code White IC Variants

To write and update code, a decker has to ★ Access (verifies your legality in the
spend time. At the end of a week, the player system)
of the decker character rolls +INT. A Miss ★ Barrier (slows down virtual movement)

means the decker couldn’t find the time to ★ Scramble (tur ns the contents of a

write code: all rolls in the Matrix will be at -1 datastore, or individual files, into garbled
unless the decker spends 24 hours junk)
exclusively to update his programs.
Gray IC Variants
★ Acid (attacks your Persona; if successful,
When you use your cyberdeck to all your rolls in the Matrix are -1; also
manipulate or retrieve data from other called Binder, Jammer or Marker)
computers or networks, or engage in
★ Blaster (damages or crashes your Persona;
cyber-combat, roll +INT.
if it crashes the Persona, it immediately
attacks the cyberdeck. Roll +INT: 6- Blaster
• 6-: Things go belly-up, and the
turns your deck into useless junk)
Gamemaster decides what is happening
★ Killer (attacks your Persona)
now. It‘s possible and probable your deck
★ Tar Baby (resembles White IC, crashes
has been destroyed, damaged or been
your deck)
messed with. It‘s also possible you are
★ Tar Pit (like Tar Baby, only it poisons all
attacked mentally, by so-called Black IC
copies of the Persona utilities the deck has
programs. These attacks can be fatal.
stored. Spend 1d6 hours to fix that)
• 7 - 9 : A m i x e d s u c c e s s . Yo u g a i n
★ Trace (locks onto the decker's access path
something, but you also lose something.
and locates their entry point in the Matrix.
• 10+: It goes smoothly.

Black IC
Intrusion Countermeasures
Black IC behaves just like Killer IC, but it
Corporations don‘t like it when someone
attacks the decker instead of the Persona. If
decks into their networks and does things.
attacked by Black IC, the decker has two
So they install different types of Intrusion
Countermeasures, or „IC” (pronounced like
„ice”) in short. They also pay security
★ Hang Tough: roll +INT to withstand the
deckers to interfere with decking attempts
virtual onslaught and keep trucking online.
or make short work of intruders.
6: Suffer 6 harm. 7-9: Suffer 3 harm. 10:
Suffer 2 harm.
The following list will hopefully give you
★ Cut and Run: You try to jack out. Roll
some neat ideas.
+WILL: 6: the IC scores a 4 harm hit and


prevents you from jacking out, 7-9 the IC

scores a 4 harm hit, but you could log out,
10+ you jack out unharmed.

Running naked

Legend has it that some of the pioneers of

Matrix surfing, the grandfathers of decking,
are still around, “running the Matrix naked”.
That means you plug into the Matrix
WITHOUT a deck, and without a Persona.
That's right, chummer, running naked means
that every IC turns into Black IC, effectively.

Cort Davis, one of the first deckers. His

whereabouts are unknown, but his
signature melody can be heard from
time to time in the Matrix.


“The Government says you can't have it.

We say you can.
We're Ares Arms.”
–Popular ad campaign from Ares Arms

ames. All names taken from

Feel free to combine first name with different last



Graham Wyke, Kennith Corwin, Chet Haught,

Darron Rocheford, Cordell Rhyne, Isaias Alcantar,
Porter Bentzen, Benedict Alers, Chas Harcrow,
Jonas Malik, Chas Leath, Elden Castillon, Malcolm
Sladek, Isaias Kader, Graham Helsing, Hunter
Erikson, Scotty Weyer, Avery Castillon, Jacinto
Hartjen, Lucius Steiger, Chua Baio-Lai, Lai Shye-Ge,
Sui Su-Mou, Liao Li-Jai, Kao Da-Ke, Lu Jao-Che,
Chua Shi-Bo, Go Hwai-Hou, Tu Bi-Jao, Xiu Tia-Luo,
Tu Qui-Ke, Zhoo Fu-Chia, Ti Mei-Kao, Toy Shee-
Che, Gao Lou-Chou, Tao Young-Gui, Zou Zhi-Li,
Chu Ku-Ying, Gui Kao-Shay, Kao Fa-Wu, Tabei Taku,


Kata Suke, Tsaka Katsa, Maka Shitei, Yagan Loskova, Makra Bova, Anarya Malcheva,
Hige, Maka Mane, Hase Ichin, Matsu Fumi, Andraga Leva, Alera Dolgana, Inale Ginova,
Mizu Gito, Mizu Romo, Toyota Maro, Ogan Vilmaya Yakovar, Leksiya Myatovoi, Xena
Tetsai, Take Buro, Sakai Taro, Uran Katsai, Manova, Vela Motina, Anina Toffilai, Makria
Yoban Yokin, Moto Naru, Toshi Sahi, Kata Osulin
Sami, Taki Shide, Ignald Karakaya, Arav
Gina, Yurik Bukhuky, Gori Bunova, Adir
Neyeva, Ladi Bochena, Riani Mikhuba, Decker Handles
Kopos Reskina, Kaziv Kharova, Ladi Cheva,
Sandri Shine, Viktii Lanchovtsii, Friliy Kova, Perfect Angel, Radical Deck, Shady God,
Gori Fyevichai, Vlukonst Bedenko, Zivas Angry Saint, Angry Phoenix, Angry Lion,
Chenkiny, Lukyan Kovtusi, Gustii Krezhnova, Radical Gibson, Enigma, Merlin, Serial
Geni Penchenko, Markof Bogina Vector, Tengu, Neon Jack, Warlord, Strange
Phantom, Shady Edge, Steel Flynn, Deviant
Female Warlord, Neural Node, Deviant Alice,
Templar, Binary Nene, Bobby Tables, Lucifer,
Denisse Caldera, Calista Carthen, Phoebe Prime Nikita, Acid Shogun, Dead Lion,
Riordan, Rosette Hewett, Ai Castiglione, Quantum Link, Chrome Zero, Quantum
Ashlea Alessandro, Ardelia Sharpey, Denisse Dante, Vagabond, Shady Tempest, Grim
Vanlaere, Sarai Flanigan, Cherlyn Sarratt, Comrade, Terminal Warlord, Merlin, Psycho
Lynna Melchor, Phoebe Konicek, Makeda Sync, Master Ghost, Analog Exile, Infinite
Reade, Chasidy Wescott, Cayla Markell, Loop, Chrome Agent, Golden Hunter,
Denisse Vanlith, Makeda Simril, Lashell Golden Alice, Quantum Ninja, Digital Jack,
Forgrave, Teisha Vilchis, Evelynn Carthen, Agent Chaos, Anne Bonny, Terminal Adept,
Zhe Wa-Na, Qu Hu-Shu, Toy Yong-Ru, Lee Rogue Storm, Psycho Link, Corrupt Lion,
Yan-Ku, Chieu Shiao-La, Yuan Ku-Lu, Chao Ji- Kernel Panic
Xiao, Joe Jui-Fei, Goei Rou-Fei, Mao Mo-Shu,
Goei Xue-Yak, Gao Mao-Hi, Ang Mao-Sho,
Pi Li-Hu, Chiu Ji-Xue, Xiao Qiu-Bo, Toy Yeng-
Xue, Tsai Si-De, Kao Bao-Xa, Shoe De-Miao,
Okan Seko, Tami Kiko, Yawan Mako, Saki
Sumi, Mini Sako, Himo Chito, Kata Kichi,
Kawa Orun, Take Toko, Omon Mako, Kami
Akun, Kawa Fumi, Yaran Anan, Tsado Kine,
Kama Hiko, Kura Sako, Sona Kami, Sego
Suku, Kama Einan, Soni Hiko, Lara
Mandenky, Domaya Cher odol, Vetla
Gorcheba, Ashale Sashkusi, Zina Nova,
Etlalya Ikov, Vikta Kova, Gasha Rova, Sulya


Vehicle Brands
d12 Brand Name
1. Buick (cars, General Motors)
1 Psiberstuff 2. Cadillac (cars, General Motors)
3. Pontiac (cars, General Motors)
2 Kiroshi
4. GMC Trucks (cars, General Motors)
3 T-Maxx 5. General Dynamics (boats)
6. Mostrans (hovercrafts)
4 Dynalar
7. Pratt&Whitney (planes)
5 Cytech 8. BMW (cars and motorbikes, Saeder-
6 Cyphire
9. Messerschmidt-Kawasaki (motorbikes,
7 Zetatech Saeder-Krupp)
10. Eurocar (luxury cars, Saeder-Krupp)
8 Biotechnica
11. Vulkan (planes, Saeder-Krupp)
9 Geotech 12. GIAT Industries (military vehicles,
10 Nikkon or Zeiss
13. Chrysler-Nissan (cars)
11 Meade 14. Toyota (cars)
15. Daimler-Benz (cars)
12 Tritech or Kurasawa
16. Ford (cars, produces for DocWagon and
Lone Star)
17. Opel (cars, Ford)
18. Peugeot (cars, Ford)
19. Skoda (cars, Ford)
20. Jaguar (cars, Ford)
21. Range Rover (cars, Ford)
22. Citroen (cars, Ford)
23. Mitsuhama (drones and vehicle-rigs)
24. Daihatsu-Caterpillar (heavy industrial
25. Ferrari (sports cars)
26. Honda (cars and motorbikes)
27. Mitsubushi (cars)
28. Porsche (sports cars)
29. Fiat-Renault (cars)
30. Volkswagen (cars)



d12 Brand Name 2d6 Model Name

1 Radio Shack 2 abbreviation + three-digit

2 Allegiance
3 Greek letter
3 Sony
4 “Hyperdeck” + number
4 Fairlight
5 two letters and a number
5 Arasaka
6 “Matrix” + roll again
6 Fuchi

7 Pandora 7 “Star” + roll again

8 Techtronica 8 “Grid” + roll again

9 WuTech 9 “Master”

10 Zetatech 10 “Captain”

11 Worldsat 11 “Navigator”

12 Siemens 12 roll on the next subtable:

d20 Model Name d20 Model Name

1 Kraftwerk 11 Grass Cutter

2 Powerhouse 12 Legbiter

3 Reactor 13 Sanglamore

4 „Atomic” + number 14 Durendal

5 Highlander 15 Heaven‘s Will

6 Skysurfer 16 Leah

7 Ryder 17 Vorpal Blade

8 Glyde 18 Vengeance

9 „Slimcase” + number 19 Graywand

10 Excalibur 20 Scalpel



active offline flow control power flux optic selector

ASIST microcircuit guardian RAM-bus assembly rack

central fiberoptic null- redundancy bios cable


Ihara-Grubb neural encryption serial ID booster flipswitch

checksum Tight-beam communicatr shockbolt box gate

cranial diagnostic decyphring shutdown chip transcriptor

defensive external ressource steepstate converter backlink

digital/analog backup interface slam cutout shielding

internal hardening IO bridge verification diverter reader

Laser-optical block neuraljack wavemaker driver processor


MPCP buffer control matrix cooling grid cache


passive wireless read/write Bit-synapse heatsink generator

phantom broadband keyboard keyboard inhibitor Re-router

plugrom lasertel liquid crystal electrode interpreter engine

primary microwave loadout terminal manager connector

fuzzy logic satellite lockout battery matrix overpass

subrouter iconographic logon code monitor grindcore

proactive data memory recognition relay leftbrain


reactive multiplexing motherboard radio router chartcoder

simsense construct output bridge vox conch twit

system deception passcode holo sensor toggle

quantum downshift overload synch stabilizer port

universal phasegrader information smart unit linkthru

virtual feedback overpatch power switcher codemachine



1-3, go to Firearm Table 1
4-6, go to Firearm Table 2


d8/d4 1 2 3 4

1 AkuTek Arasaka Ares Armalite

2 Birmingham Arms Browning Budget Arms Calico

3 Colding Arms Colt Constitution Arms Czech

4 Federated Arms Glock Goncz GRU


5 Kalashnikov Kamaha Lion & Atkinson Manex

Arms, Inc.

6 Nova Okusa Paltik Ranger Arms

7 Sherman Shin Chou Kogyo SIG Smith & Wesson

8 Steyr Streettech Taurus Tambu


d8/d4 1 2 3 4

1 Australian Ammo Bartholomew & Bauhaus Beretta


2 CAR Castech Ceska Zbojovka Chaddran Arms

3 Daewo Darra Polytechnic Dover Fabrique des


4 Heckler & Koch Hughes IMI Ingram

5 Militech Arms Mossberg Mustang Arms Nomad

6 Ruger Rossi Royal Enfield Seco

7 Sooch Sowet Stein & Sternmeyer


8 Towa UZI Wather Winchester



d20 Model Name d20 Ammo Type

1 Abbreviation of two words 1 Armor-Piercing

2 Abbreviation of three words 2 Explosive

3 A word related to the topic 3 Ceramic
of war
4 Fin-stabilized
4 A letter and a number
5 Memory plastic
5 Wild animal

6 Name of a military unit 6 Spray

7 Three-digit number 7 Fragmentation

8 Two letters and a number 8 Uranium core

9 Title (nobility) 9 Dumdum

10 “Cal.” + caliber 10 Duplex

11 „Model” + roll again 11 Gel

12 A poetic word 12 Hi-velocity

13 A country 13 Hollow point

14 A city 14 Hydrashok
15 “No.” + number
15 Hyper-Penetration
16 „Type” + roll again
16 Ram
17 Common English, Russian
or Japanese word 17 Rubber

18 A state 18 Expansive

19 Roll twice 19 ThunderZap

20 Roll three times 20 Titan



d6 Brand Name

1 Spartan

2 Tsunami

3 Glaser


5 Militech

6 Starburst


SHADOWRUN SLANG DEBS: Transvestites, a type of posergang.

Deck: 1. A cyberdeck. 2. To use a cyberdeck
Angel: A benefactor, especially an unknown illegally.
one. Decker: A pirate cyberdeck user. Derived
Arc: An arcology. from 20th century “hacker.”
Ballerinas: Reflex boosted female assassins in Deckhead: A Simsense addict. Or anyone
the employ of a major corp. with a datajack/chipjack.
Booster: Gang member that uses cyberware, Derms: see Dorphs.
leathers, and violence as a way of life. Dinks: Any member of a rival boostergang.
Bounts: Bounty hunters. Dorphs: Designer drugs that increase healing
Bopper: A robot. rate and limit fatigue. (also, Derms)
Brain Tap: A datajack or a chipjack. Dr. Know: A contact who always seems to
Breeder: Orc slang for a “normal” human. have useful info. Also a seller of knowledge
Business: In slang context, crime. Also “Biz.” and skill chips.
Buzz: Go away. Buzz off. Drek: Shit.
Chipped: Enhanced by cyberware. Duck: A person who carries more weapons
CHOOH: (”choo”) Slang for alcohol, as used than could possibly be needed.
in vehicle power plants. Dumped: Involuntary ejection from the
Chromatic: Heavy Metal music. Matrix.
Chromer: Slang for metalheads, heavy metal Enclave: Corporate subsidized housing aka
fans. the projects.
Chummer (also: Chum): Pal or Buddy. Exec: Corporate executive.
Chumsky: for special Pals Fate Meat: Someone bound for the body
Cinema: A movie, usually in tri-d. banks. “It is his fate to be meat”
Clavie: Any person who lives in an enclave. Fetishman: A talismonger, a dealer in
Combat Drugs: Designer drugs for military magickal items.
use. Flatlined: killed in the Matrix by Black IC.
Comm: The telephone. Flickerclading: A synthetic plastic material
Corp: Corporation, corporate. impregnated with fiber optics and
CORPSE: CORPorate Security Expert, a temperature gauges designed to respond to
corporate assassin. skin temperature, a 21st century version of
Cowboy: A decker/netrunner. the mood ring, but is worn as clothing.
Dadie: Knowledge or skill chip. Frag: a common swear word, used in the
Dandelion Eater: An Elf, very insulting. See same way as smeg or the other well known
also Keeb. four letter F*** word.
Dataslave: a corporate decker or a data Fringe, The: Edges of society where nomads
processing employee. hang out, barrens.
Datasteal: Theft of data from a computer, Geek: To kill.
usually by decking.


Glitter Clothes: Clothes made of Meat Puppet: A prostitute whose memory

flickercladding. and/or senses are disabled temporarily.
Glitter Folk: Rich people with money and the Mnemonic: Someone who uses a brain
time to spend it. implant as an electronic vault.
Go-go-go: A bike gang or gang member. Motorhead: A rigger or a mechanic.
Gothics: A posergang whose motif is death Mr. Johnson: An anonymous corporate
and old b&w horror movies. agent.
Gutter Jumpers: Claim jumpers among the Mundane: non-magickal
homeless, squatters. Muscle Boy/Girl: Someone with enhanced
Gyro: A small one or two man helicopter. strength.
Hardwired: 1. Having cyberware. 2. Unable NetNerd: Someone who spends more time
to change, inflexible options. in the Matrix than in the real world.
Heatwave: A police crackdown. Ninja: A freelance assassin.
Hitmage: A magick-using assassin. Nutrisoy: Cheap processed food product
Hoi: Hi, Hello. derived from soybeans, fortified with most
Hose: 1. Louse up, screw up. 2. to spray essential vitamins.
with an automatic weapon. Nuyen: World standard of currency. Used for
Hydro: 1. Hydrogen fuel. 2. anyone crazy Japanese foreign markets.
enough to take it as a drug. Output: A boyfriend.
ICE: Security software. Intrusion Oyabun: Head of a Yakuza clan.
Countermeasure Electronics. Panzer: A combat hovercraft/ground effect
Input: A girlfriend. vehicle.
Jacked-In: Actively using a cyberdeck. Paydata: A datafile worth money on the
Jam: 1. To fight or to run away “let's jam”. 2. Black Market.
Jamming. Plastic Gangster: A person with a great deal
Jamming: 1. Sex. 2 Moshing heavily in a of cyberware.
band. 3. Being involved in a paramilitary Plex: A metroplex, a large city.
operation involving a large amount of flying Poli: A policlub or a policlub member.
bullets and shrapnel. Polymer-one-shot: A cheap hold-out pistol.
Jander: To walk in a casual or arrogant Poser Gang: Any gang whose members all
manner, to strut. adopt a specific look or style.
Keeb: An Elf, very insulting. See also Razor Boy/Girl: A person who uses various
Dandelion Eater. After a discontinued bladed implant weapons.
advertising campaign (Keebler). Ripperdoc: A surgeon specializing in
Knife Bullets: Armor piercing ammunition. implanting illegal cyberware.
Know, The: Knowledge or information. Rocker Boy/Girl: A freelance musician.
Kobun: A Yakuza clan member. Samurai: A mercenary or muscle for hire.
Meat Bop Parts: Vat grown replacement Implies an honour code.
body parts. Sarariman: A corporate employee.


State of the Art: 1. Hipper than Hip. 2. To be

on the edge.
Stuntie: A Dwarf, highly insulting. also
Sprawl: 1. A metroplex (c.f. plex). 2. To
fraternize below one's social level.
System Identification Number (SIN): ID
number assigned to every member of
society. (but c.f. sinless)
Tag: Name, handle or trademark. To grab or
take something.
Tagged: Equipped with a tracking device.
Trid: Three-dimensional successor to video.
Trog: An Orc or a Troll, very insulting.
Very: Hip term for cool fun or “in.”
VatJob: Someone who has extensive cyber/
vat grown replacement parts.
Wagemage: A magickian who works for a
Screamer: A credstick or passkey that Wavy: Cool or smooth.
triggers alarms when used. Wetware: 1. Biological enhancement. 2. Any
Seoul Man: A member of a Seoulpa Ring. original body organ.
Seoulpa Ring: A small criminal gang. Wetwork: Assassination, murder.
Shadows: The quasi-criminal world of Wigly: Weird or different. Usually referring
freelance shadowrunners. to a good drug trip.
Shalkujin: An “honest” citizen. Wire Boy/Girl: A decker.
Sinless: 1. Part of the underclass not having Wired: Equipped with cyberware, especially
a SIN (c.f. System Identification Number). 2. wired reflexes.
In the Shadows. Wiz: 1. Wizard. 2. anything impressive.
Slot: 1. a mild curse. 2. To use a skillsoft. “Truly wiz, man.”
Slot and Run: 1. Hurry Up, Get to the point. Wizard: A powerful mage.
2. Move and Run. Wizworm: Slang for a Dragon.
So Ka: I understand. Word, The: Any type of slang or gossip, the
Soykaf: Cof fee substitute made from chant.
soybeans. Yak: Yakuza. Either a clan member or a clan
Squat: see Stuntie. itself.
Stud/Studding: Rigging or remote control of
a vehicle.


LANGUAGES Finnic: Cheremis, Finnish, Karelian, Lapp,

Livonian, Mordvin, Veps, Votyak, Zyrian.
You speak Cityspeak, your native tongue Germanic: Afrikaans, Danish, Dutch, English,
(see list below) and one additional language Flemish, German, Icelandic, Norwegian,
for each point in Intelligence. Swedish, Yiddish.
Cityspeak: hybrid language spoken in the Hamitic: Beja, Berber, Galla, Hausa (Chadic),
world’s sprawls, with pr edominantly Somali, Tuareg.
American grammar, consisting of English, Indic: Assamese, Bengali, Bhilli, Gujarati,
Russian, Japanese, Chinese and German Hindi, Konkani, Marathi, Oriya, Punjabi,
words. Local dialects and variants exist. Rajasthani, Sindhi, Sinhalese, Urdu.
Indo-Iranian: Baluchi, Kurdish, Persian
(Farsi), Pushtu.
Anishinaabe: Algonquin, Arapaho, Iroquoian: Cayuga, Cherokee, Erie, Huron,
Blackfoot, Cheyenne, Cr ee, Micmac, Iroquois, Mohawk, Onandago, Oneida,
Mohican, Ojibwa, Shawnee, Wiyot, Yurok. Seneca, Tuscarora.
Armenian Japonic: Japanese, Ryukyuan (Okinawan et
Athabaskan (Athapascan, Na-Dené): al.).
Apache, Chipewyan, Navaho, Tlingit. Khoisan: Bushman, Hadza, Hottentot,
Baltic: Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian. Nama, Sandawe.
Bantu (Niger-Kordofanian): Anyi, Ashanti, Korean
Azande, Bassa, Baule, Bemba, Birom, Bulu, Malayo-Polynesian: Bahasa, Cebuano,
Efik, Ewe, Fang, Fante, Fula, Ganda, Ibo, Hawaiian, Ilocano, Javanese, Kiriwina,
Igbo, Kikuyu, Kituba, Kongo, Kpele, Kru, Madurese, Malayan, Māori, Melanesian,
Luba, Lunda, Makua, Mande, Mbundu, Micronesian, Misima, Panay-Hiligaynon,
Mende, More, Mossi, Ngala, Ngbaudi, Polynesian, Waray-Waray (Samar-Leyte),
Nyamwezi-Sukuma, Nyanja, Rundi, Rwanda, Sāmoan, Sundanese, Tagalog, Tahitian,
Shona, Sotho, Sukuma, Swahili, Temne, Tiv, Taluga.
Tswana, Twi, Wolof, Xhosa, Yao, Yoruba, Mayan: Guatemala, Kaqchikel (Cakchiquel),
Zande, Zulu. Kekchi (Q’eqchi’), Mam, Quiché (K’iche’),
Basque Tz’utujil, Yucatec (Maya).
Caddoan: Caddo, Pawnee, Wichita. Mongolic: Khalkha (Mongolian).
Celtic: Breton, Irish Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic, Mon-Khmer (Annamite): Cambodian
Welsh. (Khmer), Khmer Nāga, Mon, Vietnamese
Chinese (see Sino-Tibetan below) (Annamese).
Chukotko-Kamchatkan: Chukchi, Koryak. Muskhohean: Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek,
Dravidian: Gondi, Kannada, Kurukh, Seminole.
Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Tulu.
Eskimo-Aleut: Aleut, Inuit (Eskimo), Yupik.


Nilotic: Bagirmi, Dinka, Fur, Kanembu, Semitic: Amharic, Arabic, Harari, Hebrew,
Kanuri, Koman, Luo, Maban, Masai, Nuer, Neo-Aramaic, Tigré, Tigrinya.
Sango, Shilluk, Songhai, Wadai. Sino-Tibetan: Burmese, Cantonese, Hakka,
Oto-Manguan: Mixtec, Otomi, Zapotec. Kashmiri, Lao, Mandarin, Min, Nepali, Shan,
Papuan: Dayak, Negrito, Papu. Thai, Tibetan, Wu, Yueh.
Perkins-Athabaskan: A sign language often Siouan: Catawba, Crow, Dakota, Hidatsa,
used by Sasquatches. Omaha, Osage.
Romance: Amazonian Portuguese, Catalan, Slavic: Belorussian, Bulgarian, Czech,
Fr ench, Galician, Italian, Portuguese, Georgian, Macedonian, Polish, Russian,
Provençal, Romanian, Spanish. Serbo-Croatian, Slovak, Slovene, Ukrainian.
Salish: Chehalis, Okanagon, Salish. South Amerindian: Arowakan, Aymara’,
Cariban, Cuna, Epera,
M a p u d u n g u n
(Araucanian), Matar o,
Ngäbere (Guaymi), Páez,
Quechua, Tupi-Guarani,
Waica, Yanomani.
Sperethiel: Elvish
Tsimshianic: Gitxsan
(Nisga’a), Tsimshian.
Tungusic: Evenki
(Tungus), Nanai, Xibe
Turkic: Azerbaijani,
B a s h k i r, C h u v a s h ,
Gagauz, Kazakh, Kirghiz,
Tatar,Turkish, Turkmen,
Uzbek, Yakut.
Ugrian: Magyar
(Hungarian), Ostyak,
Uto-Aztecan: Aztec,
Comanche, Hopi,
Nahuatl, Paiute, Papago,
Pima, Shoshoni,
Tarahumara, Ute.
Cao Erikson, physical adept



d66 Brand Name d66 Band Name
11 Glingue 11 Local Guru
12 Manhattan Dynamite 12 Xcrement
13 May Queen 13 Zenlighten
14 Moloko Plus 14 FastHook
15 Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster 15 Sternocleidomastoid
16 Piso Mojado 16 Buttertop
21 Scumble 21 Ripple Effect
22 Victory Gin 22 Vulture Farmers
23 Vesper 23 Climox

24 Black Pony Scotch 24 Squish

25 Elsinore beer 25 Coney Island Minibars
26 Norbecker Beer 26 Mood Alter
31 Laughing Clown Malt Liquor 31 Bloat
32 Alamo Beer 32 Crustacean Prince
33 Ambrosa 33 Eye Nerve
34 Binge Beer 34 Cracklebox
35 Black Yukon Sucker Punch 35 Phlesh
36 Blump's Pork Juice 36 Moby Dink
41 Stelberg Louis 41 Planet Flip

42 Ashbury Export 42 Black Light Bolsheviks

43 Glen McKenna scotch 43 Fluid Druids
44 Glengoolie scotch 44 Trunk Stops
45 Hammersteen Beer 45 Offtown
46 Jumbo Jim's Grape Scotch 46 Garden Variety
51 Life Cry 51 Fool Flavor
52 Old Düsseldorf 52 Mannequin Depression
53 Panther Pilsner Beer 53 Manster Mosh
54 Samarian Sunset 54 Prom Thumb

55 Schraderbräu 55 Annagramma
56 Screaming Viking 56 The Clean Genes
61 Otter's Crest 61 Dead Letters
62 Old Monk's Bell 62 Crackroach
63 Orbital 63 Mosh Potato
64 Tandoor 64 Mold and Magic
65 Riland's Dark Water 65 The Good Nothin's
66 Allison's Amber 66 Bugdance


d66 Bar Name d66 Chemical Name
11 Bapoon 11 tridiamofic salene
12 Club Plastika Café 12 berate magdate
13 Tildé Restaurant 13 oxyfuretium estium
14 King Chard Steakhouse 14 gallene perveride
15 Futura Grill 15 oxy-dimeramoid cerium
16 Ahui 16 hypo-triferonide estyl
21 Django Restaurante 21 lanide chlorurium
22 Café Fish, Fat and the Otter 22 tocic pentacerite
23 Shoots & Spears 23 di-polyecetium tocide

24 Avalunch 24 plutium trialkene

25 Café Magma 25 methascetine
26 Voodoo 26 poly-tetraferene
31 Appointment Deli 31 glyamonate
32 Bulldog 32 adicrium
33 Fat Boy Deli 33 cycloglycinite
34 Chowdown Bar and Grill 34 perganine
35 Spoonbeam 35 tetracerimol
36 Ciao Buddha 36 tri-tripyrene
41 Blink Tank Cantina 41 hypohydritite

42 Nietzsche Bar and Grill 42 salecofid

43 Chorus 43 pyroid acetyllium
44 Nuxa 44 estic dechlorene
45 Tokyo Yo Bistro 45 tocium monovanide
46 Aura 46 di-hypochlorastium pyroid
51 Retroville Pizza 51 de-trikeluric glycite
52 Toggle Kibble & Chips 52 tanine dedenyl
53 Huskers Soysteakhouse 53 manine decaroid
54 Whisper Lounge 54 tri-polycalyllous viside

55 Chung King Chow Lounge 55 ferium deperine

56 Jurassic Pork 56 ketine oxydodine
61 Compadre 61 cyclozinofine
62 Chutney Kitchen 62 triglyoid
63 Centrifuge 63 hexgallorine
64 Pretzel Logic 64 methperium
65 Pope's Nose Tavern 65 panuvofene
66 Stuff't 66 dodgallenoid


d66 Cigarette Name d66 Cocktail Name
11 Red Apple 11 Winter Death Lime Tropical
12 Morley 12 One Fizz Splash
13 Wilmington 13 Death Punch
14 Capitol W Lights 14 Apple Pink
15 Llama 15 Tropical Shot
16 Chal 16 Breeze Lemonade
21 Manitoba 21 Precious Thunder
22 Nature American Sprite 22 Cherry Blossom Vodka
23 Cancer Sticks 23 Innocent Tremor

24 Black Death 24 Forest Joke

25 Mild Nine 25 Icy Slapper
26 Redwood 26 Crimson Wacker
31 fact 31 Tropic Horn
32 Victory 32 Brew Bliss
33 Kings 33 Oregano Cappuchino
34 Stallion 34 Infinite Petal
35 Heritage 35 Pineapple Wine
36 Phantom 36 Cloudy Mocha
41 Mirage 41 Vibrant Red Wine

42 Elegance 42 Ultimate Double

43 Tillburry 43 Apple Whistle
44 Viceroy 44 Chestnut Bliss
45 Spaceman 45 Imaginary Vengeance
46 Phillies 46 Warm Infusion
51 Palace 51 Caramel Howler
52 Twist 52 Red Sunset
53 Relax 53 Cranberry Thunder
54 Gungam Garam 54 Silent Critter

55 Kent 55 Gentle Smash

56 Big Leave 56 Hushed Torrent
61 Orchid 61 Insane Delight
62 Dunn 62 Lager Critter
63 Crowne 63 Spring Wine
64 Harlem 26 64 Sugar Snake
65 Kretek 65 Cloudy Hopper
66 Tristate Gold 66 Peanut Slapper


d66 Company Name d66 Demon Name
11 Integral Technologies 11 Zamalahr
12 Porphyria 12 Bitoxach
13 Blade 13 Sabnuhn
14 Arcady 14 Wuorach
15 Inspire 15 Demach
16 Inclusive 16 Feabuhr
21 NAEC 21 Staedun
22 Panafrican 22 Gruonohna
23 Goldmund-Teller 23 Culruiran

24 Universal 24 Marweaxon
25 Global 25 Shaxsur
26 Tonkatsu 26 My'ma
31 Gengrove 31 Gasbirius
32 Mirai 32 Ne'yes
33 Featherstone 33 Marroalan
34 Lucid Dreams 34 Za'res
35 Fountainhead 35 Rosmalas
36 Mars 36 Romadras
41 Gellar-Cuzin 41 Gaaplusci

42 Kenshiro 42 Ose-cus
43 Omni Consumer Products 43 Zu-de
44 Matsundai 44 Rasbale
45 Everleaf 45 Za-croha
46 Interglobal 46 Buer'rax
51 YoYoDyne 51 Phisgos
52 MegaCorp. 52 Lutzavelial
53 CyberDyne 53 Licormo
54 UMA SaG 54 Rielaar

55 Polyhedral 55 Metcuhlesra
56 Sparktec 56 Tyasbadgor
61 Flipcatch 61 Ralesh’odo
62 Fever 3 62 Ler-ara
63 Gravity Blue 63 Huldrid
64 Zing Bros. 64 Ghar’i
65 ElectrOrb 65 Mahish’el
66 Matush Manhunt 66 Impai



d66 Drug Name d66 Gang Name
11 Xp 11 Shaolin Mafia
12 Twist 12 Demolition Boyz
13 Silver 13 Southside Crew
14 Impact 14 Nuclear Rascals
15 Mud 15 Chemical Knights
16 Blue 16 Demolition Gang
21 Hog 21 Danger Girlz
22 Stripes 22 Green Street Assassins
23 Leech 23 East Coast Brawlers

24 Devil's Tongue 24 666ers

25 Fate 25 The Angels
26 Myth 26 Angels of Death
31 Typhoon 31 Wars
32 Twist 32 Black Rebels
33 Morbid 33 Black Widows
34 Roth 34 Born Losers
35 Boogie 35 Brigands
36 Grunt 36 The Brotherhood
41 Warp 41 Crucifiers

42 Tears 42 Dark Souls

43 Ecto 43 Death Knights
44 Void 44 Del Fuegos
45 Wrathhog 45 Devil's Advocates
46 Songbird 46 Devil's Tribe
51 Mane 51 Dogs of Hell
52 Rabbit's Foot 52 Vegas Blasters
53 Fizzy Drink 53 Vipers
54 After Burner 54 Wizards

55 Ether 55 Yankee Rebels

56 Thorn 56 Yellow Dragons
61 Flashbang 61 Dale Sken Crew
62 Flinch 62 The Destroyers
63 Frost 63 Ghetto Ghouls
64 Raptor 64 Knot Tops
65 Snowflake 65 The Lizzies
66 Vamp 66 Mad Gear Gang


d66 Name d66 Herb Name
11 Caden 'Poison' Salce 11 Aggacress
12 Esuperio 'Pink Panther' Sinatra 12 Ichiamric
13 Eligio 'Action Jackson' Bonato 13 Sloyogon
14 Javon 'The Horse' D'Ovidio 14 Pijeonder
15 Nestor 'The Rat' Rosini 15 Noseafron
16 Koby 'The Suit' Madson 16 Sea Barberry
21 Demetrio 'The Referee' Burtt 21 Sapphire Dill
22 Draven 'Action Jackson' Stocks 22 Pygmy Sumac
23 Tullio 'Merciless' Carrow 23 Winter Savory

24 Vladimiro 'Blackjack' Marksbury 24 Blood Root

25 Macey 'The Spider' Marinucci 25 Emmia Grass
26 Joy Joyce 'Mad Girl' Giannattasio 26 Lekacory
31 Manuela 'The Cook' Giacona 31 Arrearic
32 Floriana 'Roulette' Sciuto 32 Kaceoraway
33 Rachelle 'Blackjack' Tomasso 33 Otiobi
34 Annabelle 'Squint' Blush 34 Autumn Vine
35 Brionna 'The Hook' Drewry 35 Hazel Ginger
36 Shawna 'Buddy' Averett 36 Cavern Clary
41 Riya 'Nightmare' Parslow 41 Sea Dill

42 Breonna 'The Skinny' Woodhull 42 Heart Safflower

43 Onorino 'The Grim Reaper' 43 Xoyea Leaf
44 Valerio 'Deaf' Dattoli 44 Greharaway
45 Will 'Squint' Mazzucco 45 Crurearon
46 Terrell 'The Bat' Giacalone 46 Struzioli
51 Orsino 'The Builder' Urso 51 Yabbiojoram
52 Austen 'The Phantom' Mae 52 Arctic Sassafras
53 Timoteo 'The Bull' Rycroft 53 Sour Anise
54 Isaac 'The Tiger' Kitt 54 Heart Cardamom

55 Braeden 'The Jackal' Stanwick 55 Mercy Curry Leaf

56 Candido 'Triggerfinger' Lishman 56 Bitter Chervil
61 Celeste 'Professional' Bove 61 Atiell Briar
62 Cointa 'The Fang' Cinelli 62 King’s Eldthin
63 Ainsley 'Flowers' Ruffino 63 Scarlet Cap
64 Linda 'The Calm' Ugolini 64 Tanner’s Rose
65 Brianne 'The Nose' Balbo 65 Gargana
66 Eve 'One Eye' Lutts 66 Rogue’s Cafdock



d66 Building Name d66 Movie Title
11 Hill Towers 11 Battle of the terrifying Cave.
12 East Quackenbush Place 12 Giant Beasts vs. The Gruesome
13 6th Avenue Building 13 The Battle of Dr. Acula!
14 Long Building 14 Rise of the Devil Bug!
15 One State Tower 15 Return to the Atomic Wasteland!
16 The WLM Place 16 Planet of the Robotic Cannibal!
21 Number Two Hill Headquarters 21 The Troglodytes of Dr. Acula.
22 Number 200 OLL Center 22 Return of the Star Shark.
23 1515 7th Street Place 23 Destination the Ruins of Balance!

24 Hayes Building 24 It Came From Another Dimension.

25 Three Houston Plaza 25 Fury of the Menacing Slime.
26 The Williams Building 26 Revenge of the Murderous
31 Number Two SUJ Plaza 31 Land of the Unstoppable
32 The Barrett Towers 32 Kraken From the terrifying Cave.
33 Aschenputtel GMBH Headquarters 33 Tomb of the Primitive Creep.
34 Number 1 Bell Avenue 34 Return to Beyond.
35 West Federal Building 35 Return of the Devil Ape!
36 The Steel Headquarters 36 Battle of the Were-Scorpion
41 Silver Building 41 Revenge of the Brutal Piranha.

42 UHRP Building 42 Expedition to the Lost Cave!

43 386 Times Avenue 43 Jungle of the Incredible Mutant!
44 World Place 44 Return of the Undying Plant.
45 The Stevens Building 45 Creep From the Cave of Death.
46 First Grand Towers 46 Return of the Unknown Invader!
51 12 Bloom Centre 51 When Invaders Attack!
52 DCI Place 52 Earth vs. the Merciless Being!
53 First Towers West 53 Return to Beyond.
54 Gray Hall 54 Earth vs. the Devil Living Corpse!

55 Grand Building 55 The Monster Strikes.

56 Number 11 World Towers 56 Tomb of the Man.
61 2nd Street Headquarters 61 Destination the Parallel Universe!
62 Governor Centre 62 Bride of the Atomic Neanderthal!
63 First Hall North 63 Savagery of the Horrific Bug.
64 Five Gibson Center 64 Earth vs. the Phantom Freak.
65 Houston Plaza 65 The Kraken Strikes!
66 The Bell Building 66 Cannibal From Beyond Time!



d66 Town Name d66 Snack Name
11 Bazile Mills 11 Huffles
12 Pottsgrove 12 Tiftofs
13 Tavares 13 Angelwings
14 Passaic 14 Cocos
15 Upper Lake 15 Jice
16 Canisteo 16 Mummies
21 Opdyke West 21 Wrilies
22 Klein 22 Fanties
23 Delphos 23 Shinies

24 Milladore 24 Wizards
25 Boiling Springs 25 Growlies
26 Perdido Beach 26 Barbarians
31 Spillertown 31 Snowflakes
32 Bodega 32 Jingles
33 Concorde Hills 33 Barbarians
34 Mahanoy City 34 Smoots
35 Orrin 35 Milkies
36 Jellico 36 Whippersnappers
41 Weirton 41 Rifrafs

42 Deseret 42 Grumbles
43 Kailua 43 Rebels
44 Ellisburg 44 Mumbles
45 Murraysville 45 Drivers
46 Rozel 46 Lasers
51 Mendota 51 Puds
52 Cottonwood 52 Sugies
53 Port Sulphur 53 Pasties
54 Adairville 54 Smoots

55 Starr School 55 Shinies

56 Tonsina 56 Vampies
61 Natural Steps 61 Chikkles
62 Durbin 62 Snackippity Doos
63 Clemmons 63 Geekeez
64 Bucks Lake 64 Baconoolios
65 Shepherdstown 65 Blastins
66 Larksville 66 Wheatums


d66 Game Name d66
11 Blood Rage 11
12 Solitary Haven 12
13 Invade of Immunity 13
14 Protect of Privilige 14
15 World and Embers 15
16 Prototypes and Heroes 16
21 Fireflight 21
22 Farsite 22
23 Deadblast 23

24 Farmind 24
25 War Enigma 25
26 Evil Death 26
31 Mysteries of Lies 31
32 Orcs of Blasphemy 32
33 Oracle and Monsters 33
34 Death and Sin 34
35 Firepiece 35
36 Embermore 36
41 Evocraft 41

42 Anticast 42
43 Boxing Revolution 43
44 Olympic Super Stars 44
45 Underdogs of Premier League 45
46 Coaches of Playoffs 46
51 Managers and Medals 51
52 Golf and Whitewater 52
53 DodgeballX 53
54 Karatelife 54

55 Freestyleace 55
56 Speedstyle 56
61 Honorbound Commander 61
62 Mutant Twilight 62
63 Tales of Supremacy 63
64 Fields of Peace 64
65 Magic and Bombs 65
66 Liberation and Death 66


CREDITS Page 34: „The Last Words”, drehmeister,
Cover: I picked up the drawing of the Last-Words-420551522

smoking punk a while ago and I can‘t
remember who drew it. If you do, please let Page 39: „sf_wyv_26”, wyv1, http://
me know.

Page 6: „Bahkauv in Action”, KonradV, Page 47: „Steampunk”, CC0, artist unknown
Page 50: „Cyberpunk girl”, feinbellt, http://
Page 8: „Finn quick sketch”, TWKeller, girl-440007696


Page 52: „sf_wyv_32”, wyv1, http://
Page 11: „Sweeper”, Kernspalt, http:// Wyv-32-501187034

Back cover: CC0

Page 14: „Flinch, commission”, TWKeller, 

 All pictures are (except when specifically
mentioned otherwise)
Page 17: „Orc Rage”, TWKeller, http://
 Thank you.

Page 20: „Cyberpunk”, Decepticoin, http:// All contents of the random tables on pages 51 to 63 have been taken from a variety of
 free sources, among them:

Page 25: „Shibuya”, Guwashi from Tokyo,
Japan (Shibuya Night (HDR)) [CC BY
2.0 (
Page 30: „Cyberpunk”, Gathen9, http://

Name:________________ Street Name:__________________ Sex:____
Race:___________ Karma:____ Archetype:_________ Money:_________


_________________ Harm
Body: ______
Quickness: ______
_________________ Strength: ______
_________________ MENTAL
Charisma: ______
_________________ Intelligence: ______
Willpower: ______

_________________ Substance: ______
Severity: ______
_________________ LEVEL: 


Type Damage
_________________ _________________________________
_________________ _________________________________
_________________ _________________________________
_________________ _________________________________
_________________ _________________________________
_________________ _________________________________
_________________ __________________________


_________________ _______________________________________
_________________ _______________________________________
_________________ _______________________________________
_________________ _______________________________________
_________________ _______________________________________

(c) 2018 Norbert G. Matausch




Make/Model Type Speed


(c) 2018 Norbert G. Matausch

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