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Honorable jury, respected teachers and my dear friends.

Today I will be speaking

against the topic “is artificial intelligence good or bad for the society.”
Recently an accident had taken place in Las Vegas where a self driving van had
backed into one of the vehicles in less than 2 hours after its launch. Last
September, a week after the launch of iPhone X, one iPhone x had been hacked
by a Vietnamese security firm, bkav through its facial recognition AI system, by
using a 3d facial mask. The inefficiency of artificial intelligence is clearly portrayed
through these incidents.
Artificial intelligence or the intelligence demonstrated my machines, is one of the
greatest threats facing the humanity. While my fellow speakers may believe that
artificial intelligence helps in error reduction, difficult exploration and medical
applications, what they fail to notice is that artificial intelligence does more harm
than good.
Machines do not have any emotions and moral values. they perform only what is
programmed and cannot judge between right and wrong. . If you ask an obedient
intelligent car to take you to the airport as fast as possible, it might get you there
chased by helicopters and covered in vomit, doing not what you wanted but
literally what you asked for.
If a robot encounters an unfamiliar situation, then unlike humans, it would either
perform incorrectly or breakdown.
In the present world, autonomous weapons, like the long-range missile systems,
are artificial intelligence systems that are programmed to kill. In hands of the
wrong person, these can easily cause mass human casualties. Similarly if robots
are programmed wrongly, they can cause huge destruction. The Bollywood movie
ROBOT and Hollywood movie Terminators explains this fact very well.
Now I would like to pose a question to everyone here, Do we want creativity or
imagination in the world? Of course we do. But these are not the forte of the
artificial intelligence. While robots can help us create and design, they are not a
match for the thinking power of a human brain or the originality of a creative
Now I would like to bring to everyone’s attention, the biggest threat posed by
artificial intelligence. The Unemployment. Replacement of humans with machines
in the industries will cause high scale Unemployment. It is already a big problem
in our world. With the introduction of machines, it will only become worse.
The unemployed one will have nothing to do, which is harmful as after all “an
empty brain is the devil’s shop.”
Thus I would like to support the initiative taken by the Indian government in
banning of self driving cars to prevent large scale unemployment in the taxi
driving sector.
Now I would like to conclude with a quote from great scientist, Stephen hawking
“artificial intelligence is the greatest breakthrough in the world history but also
last break-through in human history.”

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