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Low End Mixing Cheatsheet

These powerful tips will instantly improve the low end in your mixes. Enjoy!

1. Boost Higher On Bass

Many mixers add low end to try to make the bass cut through their mixes.
While this can work, a boost higher up in the frequency spectrum is often
more effective. On electric bass, 700 Hz – 1 kHz is a great place to start.
Boosting here will add clarity and presence, while keeping the low end lean
and clean. This is a great way to trick listeners into “hearing” more low end
than there actually is!

2. EQ Kick And Bass In Context

Since the kick and bass often function as a single unit, it doesn’t make
sense to EQ them independently. Instead, EQ the bass while the kick is
playing. You’ll be guided towards decisions that help make them fit together
better (which is what mixing is all about).
Avoid the solo button!

3. Make Space

Having trouble getting the bass to cut through your mix? The problem often
isn’t the bass, but other tracks in your mix. Start muting tracks one by one,
and stop when the bass suddenly becomes more present. Your problem
track is whatever you muted last. Often, this track will have excess low end
information that’s competing with the bass. Roll it off with a high-pass filter,
and you’ll solve your bass problem.

4. Be Careful With Multi-Mic’d Tracks

Conventional EQs alter the phase of tracks. Normally this isn’t a problem.
But when EQing a track that’s part of a multi-mic’d group, these phase
shifts can have unexpected consequences. Case in point: a bass that was
recorded with a mic and DI. EQ one of these tracks in solo, and your
decisions may create surprising tonal shifts when the two tracks play
together. To avoid this, buss the bass tracks to an aux and EQ them as a
unit. For more on this, ​check out this excellent video from FabFilter​.
Multiple mics on a bass

5. Use Headphones

If you’re working in a less-than-ideal listening environment, it can be difficult

to make good low end mixing decisions. Headphones can be a helpful ally,
because they remove the sound of your room from the picture. This can
give you a more accurate representation of the frequency content in your
mix. While I don’t recommend mixing on headphones alone, they can
certainly help when mixing low end instruments. Use them to dial in the
relationship between the kick and bass, hone EQ moves, or perfect your
bass automation!

6. Try Spectral Slotting

So the kick and the bass in your mix are competing. What do you do?
Try spectral slotting.
Spectral slotting uses EQ to carve a space in the frequency spectrum for each
track to sit. This simple but powerful technique can eliminate competition and
instantly add clarity to the low end.
Here’s how to pull it off:

1. Listen to the kick and bass together. Ask yourself—which is more

important? Which carries the groove, or anchors the song?
2. Add an EQ to the l​ east important track​.
3. Sweep a hefty boost up the spectrum while listening to both tracks
together. Find a spot where the o​ ther​ track becomes hard to hear. This
is the frequency you want to cut.
4. Dip the frequency out slowly while listening to the o
​ ther​ track. Stop
when you can hear both tracks clearly.
Cut as little as possible—a few dB can make a massive difference.

Sweeping a boost up the spectrum to find competing frequencies

Additional Resources:

Learn How To Optimize The Placement Of Your Speakers And Sweet Spot

Learn More About Acoustic Treatment

Learn More About Sonarworks Room Correction Software

How Much Low End Do You Need? (The Tempo Trick)

How To Mix A Powerful Low End With Grammy-Winner Bob Power

For more mixing tips and tricks, visit ​​.

Mix By Design is an online training course that will teach you
how to mix like a pro. You’ll discover a simple, step-by-step
system you can use to break through overwhelm, sink into
the creative flow, and make your best mixes yet.

Ready to get on the path to pro mixes?

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