1401 The Age of The Earth Why It Matters

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The Age of the Earth: Why it matters The Age of the Earth: Meee il | would like to personally thank you for watching the Origins program. Origins was a special program, near to the heart of Sees ~ my late husband, Russell Bixler. 4 a > ) | trust that the information in this presentation will be helpful in J he your study of creation science. Thank you for your prayerful and financial support of Origins... you're making the television production of this program possible. ALWAYS | | means an “EVENING” OR “MORNING” ie | TOGETHER WITH “DAY” 23 times each Uses of :Day” Outside of Genesis one Ps 410 times vam ets) “EVENING” & “MORNING” Rouen 8 §=ALWAYS — Bisa tiles) means an ama SONAR “NIGHT” WITH “DAY” 52 times Genesis 1 UGielteaciits CUS ce) { called Ging And there was Genny Dd foneldayy snes there was Gyeniyg and there was 2 [morningsersecond[day, 13 Where was Gyeaing and there was i) [morning merthindtday. 19 There was Gyan and there was. e ae [morningwekfounthydayl 23 There was Gyaming and there was. e i) imonningMenfifthiday) i 31b And there Gyeailagning and there was AN [mornings Cay Gy * For in six days the Lord made the heavens and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day; therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy. BSCE Now CU NES PET OW TC ied (Genesis Bue : Abraham to Christ = ~ 2,000 yrs. Christ to present =~ 2,000 yrs A Kel <-1) bale ALOR { Jesus and age of universe | ia “But fromthe beginning of creation, God made them male and female.” Mark 10:6 4,000 years before Christ t i BCs st) Christ er | Time line for 14,000,000,000 years since ‘big bang’ a Memeo TL) ‘Adam and Eve’ Evolution Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day. EVOLUTION MILLIONS OF YEARS * Serpent judged physically (Gen. 3:14) - Animals cursed (3:14) + Eve judged physically with increased pain in child-birth (3:16) + Adam and Eve judged physically with the death process beginning (3:19, Rom. 5:12) -Ground (outside Garden) cursed (3:17) Cali eliseMr-UNMEL Co diem come ence Adam and Eve’s nakedness because of sin (3:21) If God Genesis 3:18 cursed hs the earth EE, with thorns AFTER Adam sinned... “millions of Devonian 360-408 > years ago”? illion years f Two Histories of Death ) , Theistic ager ik thd Evolution 1 Creation Common Factor Framework eta Hypothesis, Compromise] Gap esta (ela ageless NA} eg 1a (0) ) oe reer hte OTe Relate ht it mira: ¢ Purpose of the Flood * Character of the Flood + Depth of the Flood 7 ¢ Duration of the Flood cH Ren eee inate SS _ ¢ Purpose of the Ark + Volume of the Ark + Landing of the Ark « Rainbow promise The age of the earth is NOT a salvation issue. But it is a gospel issue IPEREEGTAWORLD) Cy Sia mmm EMOTIONAL EU [PERFEGIAWORLD RESTORATION) vs > ie) a DN) 4 a4 o Dal a AND aa Cy Sa EMOTIONAL EU FINAL CREATION Nema INITIAL CREATION Pam Sod Fa ata : Wiel=Nesta>aleuon EARTHQUAKES SON OMe enn soy TORNADOES, ETC. oar) FINAL CREATION??? Ratan Pyne Net INITIAL CREATION Pe = Se Wiek=Nesta> alee EARTHQUAKES RONAN coae | rola Nee) -(ona ear orca) MILLIONS OF YEARS ‘Researcher, Speaker Answers In'Genesis PO Box 510 Loe Leda pu utela altel) Ph.D. History of Geology vA Download Ta a rea ti ae al wwworiginstv.org Meo Serer tee eM Nee wey | ate) TORR Pasa m ome eR ALL IS MADE POSSIBLE BY THE FAITHFUL PRAYERS AND FINANCIAL SUPPORT OF YOU OUR ‘CCORNERSTONE FAMILY. Bren — Oo iT ee eee | ee ee

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