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Officially the oriental republic of Uruguay is a country of south America. The people of Uruguay
before were the charrua a small tribe by Guaraní of Paraguay, Uruguay has a climate that is mild
and humid, sometimes there is a snow. Uruguay is divided by 19 departments.

The flag of Uruguay is a national symbol called "National Pavilion" and "The Sun and the Stripes
“The white color represents, love and freedom, the blue color is used to represent space and sky
and the sun is used to represent for the glory and for the god “inti”.

The tourism industry in Uruguay is an important parts of the economy because there is more work
in that. Uruguay has a different tourist for example: Montevideo is the capital and the most
popular city of Uruguay there are some nice museum and theaters for example, it has a big
museum called Torres Garcia, include the Uruguayan theater is one of the most important in Latin
America it has more than 70 theaters for example There is an old theater of the world called Solis
also there are other museum as national arts visuals and Juan Manuel blande, the movie was also
made the three musketeers. In Uruguay the first soccer world championship organized by FIFA.
Uruguay is a beautiful country it has a world trade center that is a big building for important
company where working company and business as credit agricole banco suizo and burger king.

The Carnival of Uruguay is a typical expression of culture, it is the most important and the longest
because it is 40 days. Its considered the maximum party. In the carnival they use flute saxophone
cymbals matraca and others instruments, in this carnival there are music, dance groups, concerts
in an especially street. The people of Uruguay are very friendly and polite, there are many beaches
as devil's tip, piriapolis, are a tourist attraction for vacations in family, food and music are nice of
food there are the mate the roasted, the empanadas, the puchero, the caramel, the salsa Caruso,
the Milanese and the garrapiñada.

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