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TRIZ, which is a word stands for “Theory of Inventive Problem Solving”, is a problem solving
methodology that was invented based on the belief that there are universal principles of invention of
the foundation for creative innovations that help in advancing technology. It has been promoted by
several enthusiasts as a systematic methodology or toolkit that provides a logical approach to
developing creativity for innovation and inventive problem solving. Actually, TRIZ enhances the
structured problem-solving methodology by applying its principles to the first few phases of the
conventional structured methodology with more creative and advanced steps that make the problem-
solving process more efficient and effective. TRIZ’s ways of solving problems are explained in detail,
and several main applications of TRIZ in the technology-related and other new fields (non-technology)
are discussed. Several suggestions are put forward in order to overcome some of the main issues faced
by TRIZ in order to improve its effectiveness in solving problems. It is now being taught in several
universities and it has been applied by a number of global organisations who have found it particularly
useful for spurring new product development. However, while its popularity and attractiveness appear
to be on a steady increase, there are practical issues which make the use of TRIZ in practice particularly
challenging. This report paper takes a step away from conventional TRIZ literature, by exploring not
just the benefits associated with TRIZ knowledge, but the challenges associated with its acquisition
and application based on practical experience.

The economy is the most talked about topic among Malaysians, with issues including the increasing
cost of living, shrinking ringgit, continuing weak economy and sadly, the endless politicking. While
attention has been cast on the Bottom 40, or the group known as B40, as they make up the lowest
earners, the middle class. Malaysians are categorised into three different income groups: Top 20%
(T20), Middle 40% (M40), and Bottom 40% (B40).

The cost of living has become a major concern among the B40 community. The main concerns centre
on the rising cost of affordable housing, education, healthcare etc. On the other hand, there are views
that the Government needs to help Malaysians to better manage their income and improve financial

Based on this project, we be using TRIZ methodology as a tool to aid the poor and needy in B40
community. There are many families in Malaysia living below the poverty line. This group or
people is known as the B40 community. The values may increase or decrease from year-to-year
and this is depended on the country’s GDP. Thus, the median household income is used to
determine and more accurate value will be collected.

Although the government had helped b40 community a lot, however they still facing some
problems in their daily life which need helps from other people to solve their problem. Hence,
project "Empowering B40 Community" is established to help b40 community to solve their
problems and enhance their life to a better way.


With TRIZ method that we learnt, we comes the solution to propose a modified table and stove
become the “mini kitchen” which are movable and flexible. This can help the old lady to cook and
eat food at one place and this solve the space limitation issue. There are few steps in TRIZ that
are identify the real problem using the 5W1H. Then, we developed an alternative by
understanding the function analysis which contains the component, interaction and functioning
model. Then, we identify the engineering contradiction parameter and inventive principles. Next,
we implement the inventive principles and evaluate the result and one of the sketches is being
chosen as the best solution for the problem.
Problem solving nowadays is getting more and more challenging because all components or parts that
need to be assessed or analysed are changing rapidly, and there are always possibilities that by the
time a solutions formulated for the current state of a system, new problems may arise. Review on TRIZ
and its application performed in this paper, it can be concluded that TRIZ has an enormous influence
on the problem-solving and decision-making process. TRIZ problem-solving methodology is still
gaining further popularity since its application has been extended beyond its initial problem domain,
which is engineering and technology-related. Most problem-solving methodologies attempt to solve
problems by trying to directly find specific solutions to the problems, and this approach is very time-
consuming, costly, and also will not guarantee that the specific solution is usable or suitable because
it has not been tested in the past. TRIZ on the other hand, uses past conceptual or general solutions
to derive a specific solution for the current problem. And, this method of problem solving definitely
saves significant amount of time and energy in inventing new products.

1) Feniser, C., Burz, G., Mocan, M., Ivascu, L., Gherhes, V., & Otel, C. (2017). The evaluation and
application of the TRIZ method for increasing eco-innovative levels in
SMEs. Sustainability, 9(7), 1125.Research on B40 in Malaysia

2) Souchkov, V. (1997). Accelerate innovation with TRIZ. Available from (accessed 30.11. 11).

3) Souchkov, V. (2007). Breakthrough thinking with TRIZ for business and management: An
overview. ICG Training & Consulting, 3-12.

4) Nakagawa, T. (2012). Creative problem-solving methodologies TRIZ/USIT: overview of my 14

years in research, education, and promotion. The Bulletin of the Cultural and Natural Sciences
in Osaka Gakuin University, 64, 1-32.

5) Spreafico, C., & Russo, D. (2016). TRIZ industrial case studies: a critical survey. Procedia
CIRP, 39, 51-56.

6) Shang, J. (2019). An Exploration of the Application of Smart Sponge City Engineering System
Based on TRIZ Theory. Journal of World Architecture, 3(4).

7) Jakovljevic, M. (2019). Criteria for Empowering Innovation in Higher Education. Africa

Education Review, 16(4), 53-71.

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