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Prisma P4000 Prisma P4000


MGA - Prisma P4000 product file - 07/99


Prisma P4000

Product knowledge

2. Overview
product description ............................................ 2
selling points ....................................................... 5
sales references .................................................. 6
Prisma P4000

3. Technical data
technical datasheet ............................................. 3
assembly manuals .............................................. 5

Communication and training ressources

5. Catalogue file
presentation/description ...............
references .......................................

MGA - Prisma P4000 product file - 07/99 Contents


Prisma P4000


Product description .................................................. 2

■ presentation of the switchboard ................................ 2
■ characteristics of the incoming and
outgoing cubicles ......................................................... 2
■ description of the incoming cubicle ........................... 3
■ description of the outgoing cubicles .......................... 4
Prisma P4000

Selling points ............................................................. 5

■ the fully studied, standardised and tested
4000 A switchboard ..................................................... 5

Sales references ........................................................ 6

■ only 8 new references ............................................... 6

MGA - Prisma P4000 product file - 07/99 Chapter 2 - page 1

Product description
Prisma P4000

Presentation Prisma P 4000 comes in the form of 2 types of combinable

of the switchboard cubicles: an incoming cubicle and outgoing cubicles.

The incoming cubicle contains:

■ the incoming unit, fixed or draw-out, 3P or 4P Masterpact NW40
■ the upstream connection
■ the downstream connection to the main busbar installed at
the top or bottom of the cubicle.

The outgoing cubicles contain:

■ the main busbar
■ the vertical distribution busbar
■ the outgoing units.

Characteristics The incoming cubicle

of the incoming and ■ 700 mm wide Prisma P framework
■ 600 mm deep (1000 mm deep = 600 + 400, for connection
outgoing cubicles
on bar tails behind the cubicle)
■ panels: front = front plate support door only, complete or

■ IP 31 at most
■ form 1 (little maintenance is performed inside this cubicle,
normally locked) (other forms possible, to be produced by the
panel builder)
■ specific inside layout: NW40 mounting plate, 4000 A busbar
supports, etc.

The outgoing cubicles

■ standard Prisma P frameworks: basic or extension
frameworks, with or without duct
■ 600 mm deep, or 1000 mm if the cubicle needs to be
aligned on a 1000 mm deep incoming cubicle. Naturally, a
1000 mm cubicle can be parallel connected with one or more
600 mm cubicles
■ a choice of panelling: front support frame or door, fixed front
panel + door
■ IP 31 at most
■ Prisma standard form 2 or 3
■ partially specific inside layout: partial functional uprights,
4000 A busbar supports.
The rest is the same as Prisma P: vertical distribution busbar
(to be cut), mounting plates, front plates, upstream
connections, etc.
■ vertical installation capacity: 31 x 50 mm modules.

MGA - Prisma P4000 product file - 07/99 Chapter 2 - page 2

Product description
Prisma P4000

Description of the incoming Installing Masterpact

cubicle The draw-out or fixed Masterpact NW40 is placed on a
specific mounting plate.

Busbar and connections


The main horizontal 4000 A busbar is installed at the top or

bottom of the incoming cubicle.
The horizontal busbar is fixed to specific supports.
It is made up of 5 copper bars, 125x5 per phase.
This busbar rests on its supports (unlike Prisma P where the
bars are held in place by suspended counter supports).

Schneider Electric supplies, in the panel builder’s file,

drawings of the busbars to be produced for connection to the
3P or 4P draw-out NW40:
■ connections between the horizontal busbar and the draw-
out Masterpact NW40
■ bars for bottom connection of the incoming cables
■ bars for top connection of the incoming cables
■ connections between the horizontal busbar and the busbar
in the duct (Linergy 800 to 1600 A or 2000 A 80x5 flat bars).

The incoming cubicle is always made up of a Prisma P
framework, 700 mm wide and 600 mm deep.

The panels consist of a front plate support door or of front
plate support partial doors.

This is limited to IP 31 to prevent temperature rise risks.
■ IP 20 with standard panels + ventilated roof and ventilated
front plate at the bottom of the cubicle in order to create
natural ventilation.
■ IP 31 with seal ref. 09372 + forced ventilation made up of:
❏ a fan installed at the bottom of the cubicle
❏ an output filter installed at the top of the cubicle
❏ partitioning between the incoming and outgoing cubicles.

MGA - Prisma P4000 product file - 07/99 Chapter 2 - page 3

Product description
Prisma P4000

Description of the outgoing Type of cubicles

cubicles The outgoing cubicle is 600 mm deep. It can be combined
with a 400 mm deep cubicle for alignment on a 1000 mm
(600 + 400) deep incoming cubicle or for rear connection.
The framework can be of the “basic” or “extension” kind.

There is a choice of width: 700 mm (or 650 in extension),

900 (or 850 in extension), 1100 and 300 for the extension

Installing the main busbar

The main busbar is fixed, as in the incoming cubicle, on
specific supports and takes up 4 x 50 mm high modules.

Installing the vertical distribution busbar

The vertical busbar is installed in the duct, on standard
supports for a 600 mm deep floor standing enclosure:
■ up to 1600 A: Linergy 800, 1000, 1250 or 1600 A
■ for 2000A: 3 slotted flat copper bars, 80x5 per phase.

Installing the outgoing units

The mounting plates are installed on specific (shorter)
functional uprights, just as in any 600 mm deep Prisma P
functional floor standing enclosure.

Installation capacity
Generally speaking, the available installation height is
31 x 50 mm modules. In point of fact, the specific functional
uprights limit the height available to install switchgear.

Inside equipment
The outgoing cubicle receives all the standard Prisma P
equipment with no restrictions: upstream connections with
screen, cable connections on duct, flanging supports,
screens for form 2 or 3, etc.

Standard Prisma P, but limited to IP 31.

MGA - Prisma P4000 product file - 07/99 Chapter 2 - page 4

Selling points
Prisma P4000

The fully studied, Standard Prisma cubicles

standardised and tested The 4000 A switchboard offers no major difficulties for
experienced Prisma P users.
4000 A switchboard
Frameworks and associated panelling are standard and
supplied in kit form.

Incoming cubicle
This cubicle is fully studied to avoid all approximation in design
and production. Safety and reliability is dependent on this.
All aspects are taken into account:
■ mechanical mounting of Masterpact: specific mounting plate
■ temperature rise monitoring
■ control of prospective short-circuit currents
■ complete study of incoming connections and links up to the
main busbar.

Outgoing cubicles
Installation of the main busbar is fully studied to suit all cubicle
assembly configurations, in view of prospective short-circuit
Connection of the secondary busbar to the main busbar is
fully studied.
Installation and connection of outgoing units are exactly the
same as those of all Prisma P floor standing enclosures.
All standard components contributing to increased simplicity
and safety can be used:
■ Linergy busbar
■ upstream connections with form 2 screen
■ Polypact and Multiclip distribution blocks
■ cable connections on the duct
■ cable flanging support
■ form 3 screens
■ main and secondary busbar covers.

Conformity with standard NF EN 60439-1 (IEC 60439-1)


The manufacturer has carried out the 7 stipulated type tests.

The panel builder has to carry out the 3 routine tests specific
to each switchboard.
Produced according to proper procedures recalled in the
“Electrical switchboard implementation guide”, and to
manufacturer’s data (choice guide, manuals, etc.), the
Prisma P4000 switchboard offers a differentiating advantage
for panel builders who place their complete trust in us.

MGA - Prisma P4000 product file - 07/99 Chapter 2 - page 5

Sales references
Prisma P4000

Only 8 new references Incoming cubicle

■ 07296
❏ mounting plate for fixed and draw-out Masterpact NW40

Outgoing cubicles
■ 07290
❏ set of functional uprights

■ 07291
❏ set of 2 horizontal busbar fixing supports
■ 07292
❏ busbar support
■ 07293
❏ set of 5 125X5 mm sliding fishplates
■ 07294
❏ busbar flanging rod
■ 07295
❏ set of 4 vertical busbar fixing angle brackets
■ 07297
❏ horizontal busbar support

MGA - Prisma P4000 product file - 07/99 Chapter 2 - page 6

Technical data

Prisma P4000


Technical datasheet
■ mechanical data ....................................................... 3
■ electrical data ........................................................... 3
■ conformity with standards .......................................... 3
Prisma P4000

MGA - Prisma P4000 product file - 07/99 Chapter 3 - page 1

Technical data
Technical datasheet
Prisma P4000

Mechanical data Material

■ steel.
Surface treatment
■ anticorrosion coating, hot polymerised polyester-epoxy
■ colour: Prisma beige.
Degree of protection
■ incoming cubicle:
❏ IP 20 floor standing enclosure with front plate support door
❏ IP 31 floor standing enclosure with front plate support door
+ seal 09372
■ outgoing cubicle:
❏ IP 20 floor standing enclosure with front plate support frame
or door
❏ IP 30 floor standing enclosure with front plate support fixed
front panel + plain or transparent door
❏ IP 31 floor standing enclosure IP 30 + seal 09372.

■ rated operational voltage up to 1000 V

Electrical data
■ rated insulation voltage up to 1000 V
■ nominal current: 4000 A
■ permissible rated peak current Ipk up to 176 kÂ
■ permissible rated short-time current Icw up to 80 kA rms/1 sec
■ frequency: 50/60 Hz

Conformity with standards IEC 60439-1, NF EN 60439-1.

One of the requirements of this standard is to carry out 7 type
tests or verifications.
Some of the type tests already conducted on Prisma P apply
to Prisma P4000:
■ no. 2: dielectric properties
■ no. 4: protection circuit effectiveness
■ no. 5: clearances and creepage distances
vno. 6: mechanical operation
■ no. 7: degree of protection.
Tests and verifications specific to Prisma P4000:
■ no. 1: temperature rise limits: declaration of conformity
■ no. 3: short-circuit withstand.

The panel builder must carry out 3 routine tests to ensure

conformity with this standard:
■ no. 8: overall inspection
■ no. 9: verification of insulation
■ no. 10: verification of protective measures.

MGA - Prisma P4000 product file - 07/99 Chapter 3 - page 3

Catalogue file

Prisma P4000


Presentation/Description ...................... 200E_1_0001

■ P4000 switchboards .............................200E_1_0010
■ switchboard configurations ................... 200E_1_0020

References ............................................. 200E_5_0001

■ incoming cubicle ................................... 200E_5_1000
Prisma P4000

■ outgoing cubicle.................................... 200E_5_1010

MGA - Prisma P4000 product file - 07/99 Chapter 5 - page 1

Presentation/ P4000 switchboards

Most of the components making up a P4000

switchboard are standard Prisma offer
However, some of them such as busbar
supports, the Masterpact mounting plate, etc.
are specific.
Only the specific components are described in
this section of the Prisma catalogue file.

A P4000 switchboard is produced from a combination of 2 cubicle types:

■ a 700 mm wide and 600 or 1000 mm 600 + 400) deep incoming cubicle for
cable connection to bar tails behind the switchboard.
It contains:
❏ the incoming unit: 3P or 4P, fixed or draw-out Masterpact NW40
❏ the upstream connection of the device
❏ the downstream connection to the main horizontal busbar installed at the top or
bottom of the cubicle.
The front panelling is created using a front plate support door or front plate
support frame.
■ an outgoing cubicle consisting of a basic or extension framework, with or
without duct.
This contains:
■ the main horizontal busbar taking up 4 modules
■ the 4000 A flat bar or 1600 A Linergy bar vertical distribution busbar
■ the outgoing units (31 modules available).
There are no panelling constraints.

Mechanical data
■ material: steel
■ surface treatment: Prisma beige polyester epoxy paint
■ degree of protection:
❏ standard: IP 20
❏ optional: IP 31.

Electrical data
■ rated operational voltage Ue up to 1000 V
■ rated insulation voltage Uimp up to 1000 V
■ nominal current In: 4000 A
■ permissible rated peak current Ipk up to 176 kÂ
■ permissible rated short-time current Icw up to 80 kA rms/1sec
■ frequency f : 50/60 Hz

Conformity with standards

■ NF EN60 439-1
■ IEC 60 439-1.

2 P4000 Merlin Gerin Schneider Electric

Dedicated incoming cubicle




flanging rod
07294 framework



busbar spacer
support 02407
busbar bracket
support 07295


Dedicated incoming cubicle for 4P 4000 A Masterpact NW

3 P4000 Merlin Gerin Schneider Electric

Presentation/ P4000 Switchboard
Description configurations

P4000 switchboard


Dedicated incoming cubicle combined with an outgoing cubicle

2 P4000 Merlin Gerin Schneider Electric

Incoming cubicle


3 P4000 Merlin Gerin Schneider Electric

Presentation/ P4000 Switchboard
Description configurations

Incoming cubicle (continued)


Vertical connection

Rear view of the upstream and downstream connections

Horizontal busbar supply connection

4 P4000 Merlin Gerin Schneider Electric

References Incoming cubicle

Enclosure The basic enclosure is made up of a 700 mm wide and 600 mm deep framework.
In case of connection to bar tails behind the cubicle, a P400 framework must be
combined with the P600 framework.
Panels are standard Prisma with compulsory front plate support door.

600 mm deep



1000 mm deep


2 P4000 Merlin Gerin Schneider Electric

Installing Masterpact A specific mounting plate is required to install Masterpact in a P4000 switchboard.
Description ref.
3P, 4P, fixed, draw-out NW40 mounting plate 07296
Use the standard Prisma front plate on the front panel.



3 P4000 Merlin Gerin Schneider Electric

References Incoming cubicle

Upstream connection Upstream connection is on the bar tails fixed to one another by supports.
The supports are in turn fixed to the framework by means of support angle
brackets equipped with spacers.

The following parts must be ordered for upstream connection:

3 busbar supports 3x 07292
1 horizontal busbar support 07297
2 sets of 4 busbar support fixing angle brackets 2x 07295
1 set of 4 spacers H = 25 mm 02407
1 busbar flanging rod 07294
NB: provide an insulating screen on the counter support installed behind the
vertical busbars.









4 P4000 Merlin Gerin Schneider Electric

Downstream connection The incoming unit is connected to the main horizontal busbar installed at the top or
bottom of the cubicle.
The horizontal busbars are fixed to each other by means of horizontal supports,

in turn fixed to the framework by specific supports.

The following parts must be ordered for downstream connection:
3 horizontal busbar supports 3x 07297
2 sets of 2 specific supports for fixing the horizontal busbar supports 2x 07291
2 busbar supports 2x 07292(1)
1 busbar flanging rod 07294
1 set of 4 angle brackets for fixing the busbar supports 2x 07295
NB: provide an insulating screen at the end of the horizontal busbar.
(1) 2 supports 07292 for 3P device and 1 support 07292 for 4P device.

E58397 07297






3P device







4P device

5 P4000 Merlin Gerin Schneider Electric

References Outgoing cubicle

Installing the switchgear The devices are installed on specific functional uprights with a capacity of 31
Description ref.
1 set of 2 P4000 functional uprights 07290


2 P4000 Merlin Gerin Schneider Electric

References Outgoing cubicle

Installing the horizontal busbar The horizontal busbars are fixed to each other by means of horizontal supports,
in turn fixed to the framework by specific supports.
Description ref.
1 horizontal busbar support 07297
1 set of 2 specific supports for fixing the horizontal busbar supports 07291
1 set of sliding fishplates/phase 07293


Horizontal busbar fishplating

4 P4000 Merlin Gerin Schneider Electric

Number of supports A variety of configurations with the number of supports.

for the horizontal busbar

Number of supports Incoming cubicle / outgoing cubicles

busbar set of 2
support busbar supp.
07297 07291
incoming cubicle 3 2

outgoing cubicles 1 1
3 2

700 300 700 200

incoming cubicle 3 2

outgoing cubicles 4 2

700 200 700 200

incoming cubicle 3 2

outgoing cubicles 1 3 2
outgoing cubicles 2 5 3

700 200 700 400 700

incoming cubicle 3 2

outgoing cubicles 3 2

700 700

incoming cubicle 3 2

outgoing cubicles 4 2

700 700 200

incoming cubicle 3 2

outgoing cubicles 3 2

700 700 200

incoming cubicle 3 2

outgoing cubicles 3 1

700 600


busbar support
set of busbar support

5 P4000 Merlin Gerin Schneider Electric

References Outgoing cubicle

Installing the vertical busbar Flat busbar

The vertical busbars are fixed to each other by means of vertical busbar
supports. Every other support is fixed to the framework.
The following parts must be ordered to install 1 vertical 4000 A busbar:
5 busbar supports 5x 07292
4 busbar supports 4x 07297
NB: provide 1 insulating wedge, H = 30 mm to create a busbar bottom support.




busbar spacer H=30
support 02407

6 P4000 Merlin Gerin Schneider Electric

The following parts must be ordered to create the horizontal
connection between the incoming cubicle and the vertical busbar:
3 busbar supports 3x 07292
2 sets of 4 spacers 2x 02407

7 P4000 Merlin Gerin Schneider Electric

References Outgoing cubicle

Linergy busbar
Use the Prisma busbar supports.

special fishplates

insulating wedge
H= 30

8 P4000 Merlin Gerin Schneider Electric

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