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HND Computing. Unit 42.

Programming. Assignment

Submission Date: 20th June 2008.

1 Introduction 1

2 Part 1: VB Maths Solver 1

2.1 Assignment Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

3 Part 2: Using the Debugger 3

4 Assessment Criteria 3
4.1 Learning Outcomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
4.2 Merit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4.3 Distinction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1 Introduction
This assignment is it two parts.
Part one requires that you produce a Visual Basic (VB) application, which
we will call the VB Maths Solver. The application presents a choice of math-
ematics problem solvers and provides an interface for one of them. You are
not required to write any VB code that implements any of these mathemat-
ics problem solvers. You should produce evidence of a preliminary design,
using suitable techniques, such as wireframes and story boards. The design
may show the forms required, the components they contain and their rel-
ative behaviour. In addition, a suitable test plan should be produced and
utilized to identify and if possible correct semantic errors. A list of the task
requirements is given in Section 2 below.
Part two, described in Section 3 below, requires you to produce a de-
scription of the use of the debugging feature available from Visual Studio in
relation to a VB application that will be made available to you.

You must ensure that you refer to the formal Cavendish College
assessment criteria (attached) before submitting your work.

2 Part 1: VB Maths Solver

This assignment relates to the C program that you produced in UNIT Pro-
gramming Concepts Assignment1, the quadratic equation solver. That C
program implemented a command line user interface. The main goal of this
Visual Basic (VB) project is to provide a graphical user interface (GUI) that
could be used as an alternative. You should provide evidence of designing
the GUI components of your application (using wireframes or story boards).
A more detailed specification with suggestions for its implementation is as

2.1 Assignment Tasks

1. Explain why VB may be a suitable choice for this application and in
which contexts it would be unsuitable.

2. Produce a GUI design using suitable techniques.

3. A startup form with user login by userID. (TextBox and Command-

4. The user ID’s validity should be queried from a database (The path
to which will be specified later) using suitable connection and SQL
methods available from VB methodologies such such as Data Access
Objects (DAO) or Active(-X) Data Objects (ADO).

5. Successful login spawns a new Form where a list of possible maths

problem solvers are presented as a list (at least three in all). One of
these items will relate to the quadratic equation solver of assignment
1. A list of the other elements will be provided or you can make them

6. Each element in the list of solvers should be selectable using for example
a set of Command Buttons with suitably named labels, or, Option
Buttons with a single submit Command Button.

7. Only the option corresponding to the solution of a quadratic equation

will be implemented in a non-trivial way. All other options if selected
should produce a simple Not Implemented message in a suitable way.

8. Selecting the quadratic equation solver will result in a new Form that
will act as the interface for the parameters a,b,c. It is essential that
the data entered by the user has a suitable numeric format and that
the value of a is non-zero. You may use the VB function IsNumeric()
on the string entered from the data entry text boxes to test whether
valid data is input, only then should the value of a be checked.

9. If a subset of values input fails validation then the corresponding source

textboxes should be made empty and the insertion point placed in the
textbox having the lowest alphabetic value or which ever appears first
in the containing GUI element.

10. Based on the example given in class write a short description explaining
why it may be desirable, for numeric data, to remove spaces from data
input strings before using the VB function IsNumeric(). You should
consider using a suitable CType (VB type conversion) function prior to
testing the value of a.

11. Write a short description of how an existing quadratic equation solver
may be called from your VB application and therefore remove the need
to implement the solver in your VB application.

12. Write and utilize a suitable test plan.

3 Part 2: Using the Debugger

A VB application similar to the one you are required to produce as Part 1
of this assignment is to be provided to you. You will access this application
from Visual Studio and run it. During its execution a run-time error will
occur. You should produce a brief description with a few screenshots of how
you use the debugging features of Visual Studio to identify the variable that
is causing the error, why it is causing the error and how you would resolve it
or set about resolving it. You should use the following data:

• userID: the same as your VB assignment user ID.

• From the Solver Selection Form choose and submit: Test Equation.

• Set the value in the Test Equation interface to 0 (zero).

4 Assessment Criteria
4.1 Learning Outcomes
1. Use Visual Objects

(a) Use and customization of visual objects. Tasks: 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8,

(b) Understanding and use of object methods. Tasks: 5, 9
(c) Develop simple forms using interacting objects. Tasks: 2, 5, 8, 9.

2. Design of Visual Applications

(a) Select an appropriate design technique for a given visual applica-

tion. Task: 2

(b) Use appropriate design techniques to produce an application that
can be modified. Task: 5
(c) demonstrate appropriate planning before development Tasks: 1,
2, 12.

3. Use of advanced VB programming features.

(a) Demonstrate an understanding of advanced visual programming

features. Task: 4.
(b) Build a maintainable visual application using advanced features.
Tasks: 5, 8, 12.
(c) Create a Multi-form application. Tasks: 2, 5, 8.

4. Use a suitable testing methods in a visual environment

(a) Produce and a suitable test plan. Task: 12.

(b) Demonstration of effective use of debugging tools. Section 3.
(c) Demonstrate the ability to resolve errors found during testing.
Section 3.

4.2 Merit
M1.1 Effective judgements have been made. 1

M2.6 Complex information/data has been synthesised and processed

4, 8, 8,9

M3.1 The appropriate structure and approach has neen used. 2

4.3 Distinction
D1.1 Self Critisism of approach has taken place 1

D2.1 Autonomy has been demonstarted 1, 2, 10, 11.

D3.4 Problems have been solved 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

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