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Lot2A Maduya

Carmona Cavite


In partial fulfillment in the subject of

Quality Service Management in Tourism and Hospitality


Malabag, Zhylyn Maeve F.



Professor Rowena Marian Hebron

(October 29, 2019)


Jean is a supervisor of the graveyard shift in XYZ hotel who is quite energetic
and believes in getting things done no matter what. He has a strong personality, but
one evening he had a heated argument with the mid shift supervisor Luis about the
tasks of their respective teams. Upon arriving in the work station, Jean yelled at Luis
saying “Luis! You have a very inefficient and lazy team!” What kind of job are you
doing every time you are in charge? Luis was astounded by the sudden
confrontation and asked Jean what the problem was.

Jean snarled at Luis, ’’You know what I am talking about. Your team of idiots and
misfits left another mess again for my team that we have to handle now. We can’t do
our jobs if you won’t do yours!’’

Both started to yell slurs and profanity to each other. They resorted to belittling and
throwing insults and mean words.


1. What is/are the conflict /s present in the scenario?

The conflicts that I can see in this scenario are the both supervisors have their pride
in terms of supervising each other teams. Additional with that, they can’t
communicate properly or should I say Jean and Luis don’t have respect to each
other because if they have respect to each other, whatever conflict they will
encounter in both parties they can resolve it but since they are the same supervisor
who needs to handle or discipline each other teams they are pressured to perfect
their jobs.

2. What are the sources of conflict in the scenario?

The source of conflict in the scenario was come from the given tasks to the both
respective teams of Jean and Luis. I can also say that conflicts are getting worst
because of the two angry supervisors that are trying to resolve the conflicts by
shouting at each other.
3. Explain how the two supervisors tried to resolve the conflict.

The two supervisors tried to resolve the conflict in improper way or not in the right
conduct because both of them are telling the problems by yelling to each other which
is not good because there will be a tension between the two people if they continue
doing that. Jean is taking care his personality which is strong that can intimidate his
subordinates which is not good but somehow it is an advantage while Luis that is
also a mid shift supervisor that is also a good position in working industry. They both
have prides to defend that’s why they hard to resolve the conflict.

4. List down the negative effects that might result in the above situation and
explain why

 One of the negative effects that might result in the above situation is having a
misunderstanding between Jean and Luis and their respective teams will get
 The two supervisors can’t do the assigned jobs to them because their
workplace is full of tension.

5. What better approach could have been applied to resolve the conflict?

The better approach to resolve the conflict is to talk solemnly with each other or
explaining each other sides with respect. Because the best way to resolve a conflict
is to have unity to make the problems resolved but if the two leaders aren’t good
enough to handle conflicts in their workplace the problem will be getting worse. It is
good for the two leaders to become strict but not totally to the point that they are
using their positions just to insult co-workers. The two supervisors must have a
positive attitude all the time to create a good environment and by having that, they
can easily perform their jobs and settle the problems.

It is a busy day at the airport, Joe and Maria are eating lunch. Suddenly,
Maria sighed. Joe noticed the gesture right away and asked her what is the matter

Maria responded “Oh it’s nothing it’s just that this new ground services agent who
came in a few days ago”. Joe asked again “are you talking about brad?” Maria
answered “Yes, he’s driving me crazy since he came in. The airport duty manager
asked me to teach him the job, but he’s having a hard time catching up on the tasks
which are very simple and straightforward.

“Have you discussed this with him?” Joe asked again

“Well, not really. He’s actually a nice guy and I wouldn’t want to hurt his feelings”
Maybe the duty manager will notice his ineffectiveness and decide what to do with


1. What is/are the conflict /s present in the scenario?

The conflict present in the scenario is that Maria can’t complain to the duty manager
with regards to Brad. Since she is asked to teach Brad the assigned job, she is being
stressed because Brad is having a hard time catching up on the tasks which are very
simple. Another conflict is, Maria can’t tell his problem to Brad because she wouldn’t
want to hurt Brad’s feelings and maybe the duty manager will notice his

2. What are the sources of conflict in the scenario?

The sources of conflict in the scenario is the shyness of Maria to tell the truth or her
opinion to Brad to make their job properly and also one of the sources of conflict is
that Brad is affecting Maria’s work because of his ineffectiveness to do the assigned
3. Explain how Maria tried to resolve the conflict.

Maria tried to resolve the conflict by opening or sharing her thoughts to Joe and Joe
is asking Maria if she already discussed her problem to Brad. Maria is trying to
resolve the conflict by letting the duty manager notice Brad’s unproductive work
because as for her, she already did her part to teach Brad day to day. She’s tired
teaching Brad and also it is affecting her work.

4. List down the negative effects that might result in the above situation and
explain why

 One of the negative effects that might result in above situation is that Maria
opened to Joe about her problem to Brad, it may cause backstabbing that is
not good in Brad’s part.
 Being not open to directly share her thoughts to the other person involved in
her problem.
 It may cause misunderstanding.
 Awkwardness in the working area.
 They can’t do their job properly because one of them is having hard feelings
to her workmate.

5. What better approach could have been applied to resolve the conflict?

The better approach that must be applied to resolve the conflict is to Maria should
talk to Brad with regards to Maria’s thought to Brad. Maria should be honest that she
is tired teaching Joe because she has a lot of things to do, not just teaching Brad. Or
else she must motivate Brad that however hard the work is, Brad can do or perform
it. They should help each other, once that Maria is helping Brad the right thing that
Brad must do is to strive harder for him to be able being effective in the service
grounds. In that way, they both make their duty manager proud for them.

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