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I, DEBRA BOWEN, Secretary of State of the State of California, hereby certify:

That, Constance Codling was, on March 26, 2010, a duly commissioned,

qualified and acting NOTARY PUBLIC, in the State of California, empowered to act as
such Notary in any part of this State and authorized to take the acknowledgment or
proof of powers of attorney, mortgages, deeds, grants, transfers, and other instruments
of writing executed by any person, and to take depositions and affidavits and administer
oaths and affirmations in all matters incident to the duties of the office or to be used
before any court, judge, officer, or board.

I FURTHER CERTIFY that the seal affixed or impressed on the attached

document is the official seal of said Notary Public and it appears that the name
subscribed thereon is the genuine signature of the person aforesaid, his (or her)
signature being of record in this office.

In Witness Whereof, I execute

this certificate and affix the
Great Seal of the State of
California this 23rd
day of April 2010.

l/\+~ OffX>€X»_^.
Secretary of State

NP-24 A (REV. 1-07) OSP 06 99602



Ad #31802

In the matter of: Notice Disclaimer

Notice disclaimer an truth affidavit contest all collusion to

the natural human man Robert Nathan Roman, from a straw
man identity titled ROBERT NATHAN ROMAN, and the
State of California. Common current knowledge a birth
certificate.marriage certificate.T.I.N.,S.I.N.,Drivers License
In the matter of the United States, I am over the age of eighteen years, and I am and other corporate ID.s take rights and natural function from
real human people. I hereby disclaim and retire from the use
not a party to or interested in the above-entitled matter. of all instruments to the corporate US. and the jurisdiction
of US corporation and disclaim the power of attorney. I
hereby claim back my nationality a Moor that has inheritance
1928 moroccan trust act Noble Dre Ali trust the land called
I an a foreman or principle clerk of the printer and publisher of the East Bay Africa, A! Moroc North an South Amexum. North Gaie.and
finally called the America's with a global claim of world
Express, a newspaper published in the English language in Alameda County, citizen. I Robert Nathan Roman, claim right of redemption to
repent for all my S.I.N.,s and be charged to (fiscal) Minister
Slate of California. amicable mutual agreement to offset and sine off to redress
the public debt from fiat currency from all straw men
collusion act to fraudulent US. government I am not black.
African America. Colored.or negro a chattel brand that is an
I declare that the East Bay Express, is a newspaper of general circulation as improper person. I hereby with this promulgation redeem
back my nationality and true self by name robert roman bey
ined by the laws of the State of California, as determined by the order of the born in California by Edna J Starks and John B Roman, from
Louisiana ancestry from Blackfoot Indians to the Washitaw
Superior Court of the County of Alameda, dated June 12, 2008, in the action Proper Moors. In the year 1933 Moors of North America
Legislative Journal House pg.57.59 Resolution 75 #1034
-.titled "In the Matter of the Petition of Hal Brody to Have the Standing of East April 17.1933 adopted May 4.1933 House of Representatives
the status of the proud Moors. The article 6 of the US.
f.j-. Express as a Newspaper of General Circulation Ascertained and Established" constitution treaty of Marrakesh and moroccan flag to redeem
back my birth right, natrualization to my with all disclaimer
."umber RG08379734. Said order provides that: "The Petition of Hal Brody of color law. This public promulgation confirms to domicile
by (ad#31802) unalienable rights by provisions to Ca. S.O.S.
. .rtain and Establish Standing of East Bay Express as a Newspaper of to the notice Uniform Commercial Codes l-207ap(UCC-l)-l-
103-6ap(UCC-3) disclaimers of rights, in valid time frame of
Circulation is GRANTED." Said order has not been revoked. 30 days from receipt of this certified mail affidavit to respond
on a point by point basis. Response must be by proper
affidavit there signed and sworn by oath and affirmation
under penalty of perjury pursuant to 28. UCC-1746 ( 1 ) and
; that the notice, a printed copy of which is annexed hereto, has been executed "without the United States".
r_rushed in each regular and entire issue of the East Bay Express and not in any
iement thereof on the following dates.
*-it:2/3, 2/10, 2/17, 2/24, 3/3, 3/10/2010

I certify (or declare) under the penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and

____ :ec a: Emeryville, California.

this 10 day of March 2010

Commission # 176668C (
620 3rd Street • Oakland, Ca Notary Public - Callforn a |
Alameda County
My Comm. Expires Sep 9.2011 |
Notice disclaimer an truth affidavit contest all collusion to
the natural human man Robert Nathan Roman, from a straw
man identity titled ROBERT NATHAN ROMAN, and the
State of California. Common current knowledge a birth
<_^ certificate,T.I.N.,S.I.N.,Drivers License
and other corporate ID.s take rights and natural function from
real human people. I hereby disclaim and retire from the use
of all instruments to the corporate US. and the jurisdiction
of US corporation and disclaim the power of attorney. 1
hereby claim back my nationality a Moor that has inheritance
1928 moroccan trust act Noble Dre Ali trust the land called
Africa, Al Moroc North an South Amexum, North Gate,and
finally called the America's with a global claim of world
citizen. I Robert Nathan Roman, claim right of redemption
to repent for all my S.I.N.,s and be charged to (fiscal)
Minister amicable mutual agreement to offset and sine off
to redress the public debt from fiat currency from all straw
men collusion act to fraudulent US. government I am not
black, African America, Colored,or negro a chattel brand
that is an improper person. I hereby with this promulgation
redeem back my nationality and true self by name robert el
roman- bey born in California by Edna J Starks and John B
Roman, from Louisiana ancestry from Blackfoot Indians to
the Washitaw Proper Moors. In the year 1933 Moors of North
America Legislative Journal House pg.57.59 Resolution
75 #1034 April 17.1933 adopted May 4.1933 House of
Representatives the status of the proud Moors. The article
6 of the US. constitution treaty of Marrakesh and moroccan
flag to redeem back my birth right. This public promulgation
confirms to domicile by (ad#3 1802) unalienable rights by
provisions to Ca. S.O.S. to the notice Uniform Commercial
Codes l-207ap(UCC-l)-l-103-6ap(UCC-3) disclaimers of
rights, in valid time frame of 30 days from receipt of this
certified mail affidavit to respond on a point by point basis.
Response must be by proper affidavit there signed and sworn
oath and affirmation under penalty of perjury pursuant to 28.
UCC-1746 (1) and executed "without the United States".
2/3,2/10, 2/17,2/24,3/3,3/10/2010
This public promulgation con-
firms to domicile by (ad#
31802) unalienable rights by
provisions to Ca. S.O.S. to the
notice Uniform Commercial
Codes l-207ap(UCC-l)-l-103-
6ap(UCC-3) disclaimers of
rights, in valid time frame of
30 days from receipt of this
certified mail affidavit to re-
spond on a point by point
basis. Response must be by
proper affidavit there signed
and sworn oath and affirma-
tion under penalty of perjury
pursuant to 28. UCC-1746 (1)
and executed "without the
United States".
3/3, 3/10, 3/17, 3/24/2010

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