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CONTENTS Solutions Manual for Machine Elements in Mechanical Desi By: Robert L. Mott Table of Contents ii MDESIGN software Included on the CD in the BOOK ....csrsvsesneesee ‘Spreadsheets included on the CD in the Solutions Manual .....c.csses X ‘Solutions to end-of-chapter problems Chapter 1: The Nature of Mechanical Design... 1 Chapter 2: Materials in Mechanical Design .. cecsesetseensees 8 Chapter 3: Stress and Deformation Analysis ... " Chapter 4: Combined Stresses and Mohr’s Circle 37 Chapter 5: Design for Different Types of Loading con TA Chapter 6: Columns ..... teat eesceeee 98 Chapter 7: Belt Drives and Chain Drives... 106 Chapter 8: Kinematics of Gears j.s.rcsencistsstntninieienesenesen 16 Chapter 9: Spur Gear Design ........ 137 Chapter 10: Helical Gears, Bevel Gears, and Womgearing 180 Chapter 11: Keys, Couplings, and Seals Sceceseaceecnceer Chapter 12: Shaft Design 7 7 218 Chapter 13: Tolerances and Fits... edie 240 Chapter 14: Rolling Contact Bearings screenees 245 Chapter 18: Plain Surface Bearings .......0 251 Chapter 17: Linear Motion Elements ...... 7 258 Chapter 18: Springs. Chapter 19: Fasteners : Chapter 20: Machine Frames, Boted Connection, and Welded Joints 279 ‘Chapter 21: Electric Motors and Controls... : Chapter 22: Motion Control: Clutches and Brakes ...... 293 MDESIGN Software - Its applicaticn to Machine Elements in Mechanical Design, Sth edition By: Robert L. Mott Published by: Pearson Education - Prentice-Hall General Description of the Software A powerful computer-aided calculation software package called MDESIGN is included with ‘each purchase of this book. A total of 6 modules divided among 15 categories make up the ‘complete package, outlined in the Introduction tothe software. The software is an updated version of one that first appeared in the 4th eition of Machine Elements in Mechanical Design. ‘The software was created by TEDATA, GMBH, a German company that has long history of producing such software for professional use throughout Europe and many other parts of the world. The version ineluded with this book has 32 modules tat have general applicability ‘or that were produced specially for the book, following the analysisand design methods presented inthe book, most of which are pattemed on methods and standards commonly used in the United States. The other 34 modules were developed primarily for use by professionals and ‘conform to common practice in Europe as represented by DIN stancards, VDI publications, and the popular reference book on machine elements often called Rolof¥Matek Machine Elements, ‘writen by Herbert Wittel, Dieter Mubs, Dieter Janaasch, and Joachim Vobick and published by ‘Vieweg* Teubner, Wiesbasen, Germany, 2009. Identification of the two types of MDESIGN modules listed in the Introduction to the software: ‘+ The list identifies the 32 modules most closely aligned with this book by the symbol ©. ‘The chapter and section ofthe book most relevant to each module is indicated. The text includes several sections where a special icon appears to indicate thatthe use of MDESIGN is pertinent to that topic. ‘¢ The other 34 modules are denoted by the symbol 8 and are more closely aligned to European standards. They may use terminology, notations, and symbols unfamiliar to those experienced primarily in U.S.-based practices. Itis important to note that the inclusion ofthis extensive ané diverse set of modules can be useful to users ofthis book throughout the world as a means of expanding the breadth of knowledge of design practices in different regions. Furthermore, many users ofthe book are likely o engage in projects with industrial companies, design services, consultants, and university faculty members from many pars ofthe world and having these modules available ‘can aid in communicating across traditional geagraphic boundaries ond hetween different technical cultures. Advice on Use of the MDESIGN Software The following comments are directed primarily to those using this book as a learning tol either incollege and university degree programs or in professional self-study ‘The author's approach tothe inclusion of calculation sids within initial leaming of| technical subject mater + Users of compute software and calculation aids must have solid understanding ofthe relevant principles of design and stress analysts fo ensure that design decisions are based on reliable foundations. + Software shouldbe used ony after mastering a given design methodology by careful study and practicing manual techniques. ‘Then, data with known results can be applied tothe software as a check on ‘the understanding ofthe program's input data requirements, symbols and ‘notation used ims onthe range of acceptable data, and analysis methods. + Only then should users rely on implementation of design decisions based on ‘output results from the sofoware. General HELP for Running MDESIGN ‘An extensive 123-page help ile can be accessed from the main ment ribbon. Particular attention should be paid to the Graphical User Interface section on pages 33:39 for those few modules that permit graphical data input. [Recommended Primary Uses for MDESIGN Software with this Book ‘Upon launching the MDESIGN software package, reading the Introduction, and opening the software, the left side of the initial screen will include thelist of 15 categories of modules. Each ccategory name is preceded by a plus-sign (+) that, when selected, yields te lst of modules in that category. Double-clicking will open any selected module. Alternatively, you can right click and select Open, ‘The 32 modules most closely aligned with the presentations in the book, identified by the symbol © in the Introduction, are obviously those that should be considered frst for ‘incorporation into courses and individual study. Pertinent sections of the book for which these ‘modules may be useful are indicated by the graphic symbol in the lft margin, Particularly for design projects and where multiple trials for design decisions are to be ‘expected and where the large catalogs of data in MDESIGN can be accessed, the following ‘modules enable learners to ty many options ina short amount of time after learning the basic fundamentals. The following modules serve well these purposes. ‘Beam Calculations Column Analysis 180 Fit System Statically determinate beams Column Design Parallel Keys Stutially indeterminate beams Ball and Roller Bearings, V-belts Helical Compression Springs Plain Surfice/loural Bearings Synchronous Belts Helical Extension Springs Clutches and Brakes (5 modules) Roller Chains Helical Torsion Springs Combined Stresses/Mohr’s Circle Shafts-U.S. Standards Certainly, in an academic learning situation, instructors must enforee expectations on when and ‘where use ofthe MDESIGN software is accepted, expected, or prohibited. ‘The process for using any module should be as follows: 1. Open the relevant module and read the General Text Help screen in the lower left part of the opening page. This outines the basic functions ofthe module, shows the technical bases forthe analyses performed, and identifies relevant references, tems, and symbols. ‘Be aware thet for some module, the txt help has been translated ffom the original ‘German language and the result may not be in adequate standard English 2. Use the pull-down menu on that screen to peruse what other textual aids are included. ‘These ofen elaborate on design approaches by, a. Explaining unfamiliar terms > Stating typical units for input data o results Setting acceptable limits on values of certain variables 4, Providing tables of data from which some input data must be selected by the user 5. Observe the graphic aids inthe lower right ofthe opening page, agin srolling among all available topics. Some of these can be accessed directly from the Input page. 4. Peruse the data required for the input seen. Open any available hep icons for text, ata, “choice” options to determine requirements or available options. 5. Under th Tools tab onthe main men ribbon, select the pl dwn mens onthe “Measures System icon and select US, System, Metric System, or All Systems. These choices st the primary unit in which data ae tobe entered and for which output results vill be shown. In any ease, you have the option to change nits fran tem by passing the ersr over the unit and pulling down the local ment 4 Pay special attention to the precision of results data shown on he Output pages. ‘Attimes, only one ort significant figures of accuracy ae played and that may not be adequate for your use. You may be able to select a smaller unit that vill show higher precision, Fr example if length of diameter measurement shows 6.0, selecting the mi unit (0.001 — thousandth) may show 6075 mils, indivaing 6075 in. Note that the standard European Metric system uses the comma rather than the dscimal point for separating digit in floating pint calculations. For example In ‘the US. system a number maybe 12456; in Mec it wil appear 12:45. 6. When ll data ar entered, select the Calculation tab onthe main meno, simply, press ‘he FIO key on the keyboard to inate the module's calculations, Note the following" In some modules intermediate data etry screens popup for which some initial calculations have generated data on which subsequent design decisions are based ‘You are asked then to make the final decision before the complete results ae found. b. After short time for completing the calculations typically only afew seconds), select the Output Page option a the upper left of tie data page to see results. ©. Carefully evaluate results for reasonableness and check that proper units have been selected. 4. Some modules include internal checks on output ta assess acceptability, with ‘unaeceptable results shown in RED. If that oceurs, you must return (othe Input Page and change design decisions, recaleulate results and re-evaluate acecprability Consider the degree of optimization of any particular result and, where possible, ‘make adjustments to hone into a more optimum design. It is typical for ‘mechanical design analyses to require proposing and analyzing several alternative solutions to achieve the most efficient and effective design. 7. When the final result has been found, use the Print command to print out both the Input Page and the Output Page. Its essential for an instructor ora client to see complete records of the data used along with the results, Descriptions of Selected Modules The following sections describe certain topies from this book for which the use of MDESIGN is particularly pertinent. Suggestions for applying the modules are also given, but practice with known data is a good way to gain skill at entering data and secking optimum results. Use of data taken from Example Problems from the text is highly recommended. However, there may be slight differences between results in book problems and those from MDESIGN because of rounding of numbers and slightly modified ways of making calculations. ‘Combined Siress and Mokr's Circle ~ Chapter 4 Module group: Shafts, Axles, and Beams. This module solves problems of the type featured in Seetions 44 and 4-S ofthe text in which data for applied normal and shear stresses in one plane are known and the program computes the maximum principal stress, the minimum principal stress, and the maximum shear stress. The complete Moly’ ciele and the pertinent stress clements are also developed and included in the output. Columns ~ Chapter 6 - Two modules: Column Analysis and Column Design “Module group: Shafts, Axles, and Beams, These modules follow closely the methodology used inthe text for applying the Euler formula for long columns and the J.B. Johnson formula for short columns to either analysis or design problems. Loading can be either central or eccentric and both straight and crooked columns can be analyzed. Problems of the types shown in the text in Example Problems 6-1 0 6-6 ‘Module Group: Belt, Chain Drives: These modules ae pertinent to Sections 7-4 to 7-7. Each ‘module contains large databases of commercially available products that can be selected for = 2658 mm ZB 8 wl 1639 x18 mmm? / iy? 2.43 0 met T= 88.00" « 4.162 */05 mea / yt» 2.66 08? aman * EMEA Ay? Didinn HBS ONS Amis ~ AURIS: LB 421Yo, A=) Sit? = B10 im ACE LES: ANGLES S010 Ke AMD DENTS 4S 11 AVE A= BEY mm PRAT he XSI W/ de = S.S9 KO W = S59 AW Sut 127 Ak x 6.895 HA / hai ~ 876 N0w Ler D™ 0035 3 =0,625 2m 1 Voveme =V AO Jab, Ym Zlears om", 0625 mw 549 510% 9? “1 PASS = Destiny 4 ® 7680 Ap Jods 6.4906 n= 498 hy Wersnr > mays AIBLy, BBL mfs*= 89 baynf> = YBIN, al Tr? 180 LOM x OiI20 Nm /LOM = 20.3 Wis 02 35° x em/180" = 0.6/1 en. Scone = Yo= /boum/2s' = 5.11 Len /oeance Sem = 7/0* 20.3Wm/ 0.61 Ero. = 33.2 WmJeno. EneecY = Power «Time Ee 2ShPy Lh g EDM y SWS, SSDETIB , Zoot ‘ay wean” ene come £ = 103 x10" erza/vene & © 02 x0" Er. DLA x BEL Lethon bi YenR Phe she wads £2 8.810 Wi/tera = 38.8 MWh jie Viscocsr¥ SH = 3.25 Revel, Loln:s , Wa 540 L8. We kar Fre “Fre AF BISLOS WHEN « Lam wae Te Gs ce 20S 25 9x07 nS Lire = J250RBY, 21h « Lorin, , 2650N6 , Stones aN DAY YEAR Ure = 4.60 x/07 Revowwnors 20. a. CHAPTER 2 MATERIALS IN MECHANICAL DESIGN Ultimate tensile strength is the apparent stress at the peak of the stress-strain curve. Yield point is the value of the apparent stress from the stress-strain curve at which there isa large increase in strain with no increase in stress. It is the point where the stress-strain curve exhibits a horizontal slope. Yield strength is the apparent stress from the stress- strain curve at which there is a large increase in strain with Little Increase in stress for materials that da not exhibit a yield point. The offset method is used by drawing a line parallel to the straight part of the stress- strain curve through a value of 0.24 on the strain axis. Many low alloy steels exhibit a yield point. The proportional limit is the apparent stress on the stress~ strain curve at which the curve deviates from a straight Line. At this value, the material is usually still elastic. The elastic limit is the apparent stress at which the material is deformed plastically and will not return to its original size and shape. Hocke's law applies to that portion of the stress-strain curve that is a straight line for which stress is Proportional to strain, The modulus of elasticity is a measure of the stiffness of material. The percent elongation is a measure of the ductility of a material. The material is not ductile. Materials having a percent elongation greater than 5 are considered to be ductile. Poisson's ratio is the ratio of the lateral strain in a material to the axial strain when subjected to a tensile Toad. From 6@ 26 G = E/(2(14V)] = (114 Gpay/[2(1+0.33)) G = 42.9 ca 3 a. 13. ua as. 16. v7. 18. 19. 20. an. 22. 23. 2a. 25. 26. 27. 28. aa. Hardness = 52.8 HRC (approximate; Appendix /7) Tensile strength = 235 ksi (Approximate; Appendix /7) -17. Errors in given statements: A hardness of HB 750 is extremely hard, characteristic of the hardest steels in the as-quenched or surface hardened condition. Appendix 3 shows annealed steels to have hardness values in the approximate range of HB 120 to 230. Hardness on the HRB scale is normally limited to HRB 100. Hardness on the HRC scale is normally no lower than HRC 20. The relationship between hardness and teneile strength is only valid for steels. Charpy and Izod tests measure impact strength. Tron and carbon. Other elements are often present. In addition to iron and carbon 5#€ 4340 steel contains nickel, chromium, and molybdenum. (Table 2-8) Approximately 0.408 carbon in 424340 steel. Low-carbon: Less than 0.38 Medium-carbon: 0.308 to 0.50% High~carbon: 0.508 to 0.958 ‘Typically a bearing steal contains 1.0% carbon. Lead {s added to 5A£ 12113 steel to improve machinabllity. Shafts are often made from S46 /s¥0, 4140, 4640, 5150, 6150, and 8650 steels, (Table 2-4) Gears are often made from sf€ 10Y0, 4140, 4340, 4640, 5150, 6150, and 8650 steels. (Table 2-4) The blades of a post hole digger should have good we: resistance, high strength, and good ductility. s#¢ 1080 steel is a’ reasonable choice. : sAE 5160 OGT 1000 is a high-carbon, chromium steel, containing approximately 0.60% carbon and 0.608 chromium, it was heat treated by heating above ite upper critical temperature, quenched in oil, and then tempered at 1000 degrees Fahrenheit. Tt has fairly high strength (sy = 151 kei or 1040 MPa) and good ductility (14% elongation) . y 29. 30. a. 32. 33. 34. 38. 36. 37. 38. In general, a high hardness with good ductility are desirable for machine parts and tools subjected to impact leads as seen by a shovel. A hardness of HRC 40 corresponds to approximately 8 375 and is considered moderately hard. While this is a good level, even a higher value up to HRC 50 (HB 475) would be better, provided ductility is fairly high, say about 15% elongation Appendix 3 shows some forms of oil-quenched SA€ 1040 and hone listed have sufficiently high hardness. Appendix 4-1 shows the same material quenched in water and tempered. 5AG1040 WOT 700 has a hardness of HB 401 (HRC 43) with approximately 208 elongation and a yield point of 92 ksi ‘Through hardening involves heating the entire part followed by quenching to achieve the hardened condition. Except for some variation in thick sections, the part is hardened throughout. But no chemical composition changes occur. In carburizing, the chemical composition of the surface 13 changed by the infusion of carbon. thus, carburizing results in a hard surface while the core is softer. Induction hardening is a heat treating process in which the area to be hardened is subjected to a high-frequency electric current created by a coil, inducing current flow near the surface of the part and causing local heating. After sufficient time to bring the surface to a temperature above the upper critical temperature of the material, the part is quenched to harden the surface. Some carburizing grades of steels are SAF 1015, 1020, 1022, 1117, 1118, 4118, 4320, 4620, 4820, 9620 and 9310. ‘The Carbon’ content ranges from 0.10% to 0.20%. Ape 4-5. ‘The AIST 200 and 300. series of stainless steels are nonmagnetic. Chromium gives stainless steels good corrosion resistance. ASTM AG%2 structural steel is used for most wide-flange beans. HSLA structural steels are high-strength, low-alloy steels having yield strengths in the range of 42 ~ 100 ksi (290 ~ wat ; Three types of cast iron are gray iron, ductile iron, and malleable iron. ASTM AGB, Grade 30 is a gray iron with a tensile strength of 30 ksi (207 MPa); no yield strength; less than 18 elongation (brittle); modulus of elasticity (stiffness) of /6fx106 psi ( J/7 GPa). Problem 38. (continued) 39. 40. a. 42. 43. 4a. 45. 46. a7. 48. ASTM AS36- Grade 100-70-03 is a ductile iron with a tensile strength of 100 ksi (689 wpa); a yield strength of 70 ksi (483 MPa); 38 elongation (brittie); modulus of elasticity (stigéness) of 24 «106 pal (/6s GPa). ASTM 7), Grade 225/0 is a malleable iron with a tensile Strength of 5° ksi (3¥y MPa); a yield strength of 225'kst (220 Wea); 0% elongation (ductile); modulus of elasticity (tiftness) of 25x10¢ pal (172 GPa). ASTM A220, Grade 70003 is a malleable iron with a tensile strength of 85 ksi (586 MPa); a yield strength of 70 kei (48) MPa); 38 elongation (brittle); modulus of elasticity (stiggness) of 26x106 psi (179 GPa). Powdered metals are preformed in a die under high pressure and sintered at a high temperature to fuse the particles. Re-pressing after sintering 1s sometimes used. Parts made from Zamak 3 zinc casting alloy typically have good dimensional accuracy and smooth surfaces, a tensile strength of approximately 41 Ksi (283 MPa), a yield strength of 32 Ksi (221 MPa), 10% elongation, and a modulus of elasticity of 12.4x10° psi (85 GPa). (appendix 10) ‘type D tool steels are typically used for stamping dies, punches, and gages. (Table 2-/)) ‘The suffix 0 on aluminum 6061-0 indicates the annealed condition ‘The suffix H on aluminum 3003-Hi4 indicates that it vas strain hardened. ‘The suffix T on aluminum 6061-76 indicates that it was heat treated. Aluninun 7/76 -T6 has the highest strength; tensile strength = 8 kei (Gor MPa); yield strength = 72 kel (596 MPa). Aluainum alloy 6061 is one of the most versatile. ‘Three typical wane of titaninm alloys are aerospace structures, chemical processing equipment, and marine hardware. Bronze is an alloy of copper with tin, aluminum, lead, phosphorus, nickel, zinc, manganese, or silicon. 6 “3 50. si. 52. 53. 5a 5. 56. 57. 59, 50. 51, Bronze C86200 is a manganese bronze casting alloy with a fensile strength of 95 ksi (655MPa); yield strength of 48 ksi (331 MPa); 20% elongation (ductile); modulus of elasticity of 15<106 psi (103 GPa). Bronze is used for gears and bearings. ‘Thermosetting plastics undergo a chemical change during forming resulting in a structure of cross-linked molecules. ‘The process cannot be reversed or repeated. Thermoplastic materials can be formed repeatedly by reheating because the molecular structure is essentially unchanged during Processing. Pet, a a) Gears: Nylon, polycarbonate, acetal,, polyurethane elastomer, phelolic. 5) Helmets: ABS ahd polycerbonates. ¢) Transparent shield: Acrylic. d) Structural housing: S&T 4BS, polycarbonate, acrylic, PVC, phenolic, polyester/giass composite. e) Pipe: ABS, PVC. ‘f) Wheels: Polyurethane elastomer. g) Switch parts: polyimide, phenolic, srr, Designers of parts to be made from composite materials can control 1) base resin, 2) reinforcing fibers, 3) amount of fibers, 4) orientation of fibers, 5) number of leyera, 6) overall thickness, 7) orientation of layers, 8) combinations of types of materials. Composite matezials are comprised of two or more different materials, typically a resin reinforced by fibers. Resins used for composites include polyesters, eroxies, Polyimides, Frewteics Cau nrecnesers? © 4K%0 Pus De! PC, PM, Peek , PPS, Pvc, Reinforcing fibers used for composites are glass, boron, aramid, and carbon/graphite, Sporting equipnent is made from glass/epoxy, borcn/epoxy, and graphite/epoxy composites, Aerospace structures are made from glass/epoxy, boron/epoxy, graphite/epoxy, and aranid/epoxy composites. Sheet molding compound is typically a glass/polyester ‘compos iti SMC's are used for auto and truck body panels and large housings. Reinforcing fibers are produced as continuous filanents, chopped fibers, roving, fabric, yarn, and mats. 7 62. 63. 6a. 6s. 66. 7. 6s. 6. Wet processing of composites involves the layup of fabric reinforcing sheets on a form, saturation of the sheets with the resin, and curing under heat and pressure. Preimpregnated composite materials are produced with the resin already on the fibers in a convenient form, called a prepreg. ‘The prepreg is layered onto the form and cured. SMC's are preimpregnated fabric sheets formed in a mold and cured similtanecusly under heat and pressure. Pultrusion is a process of coating the fiber reinforcement as it is pulled through a heated die to produce a continuous form such as tubing, structural Shapes, rod, and hat sections used to stiffen aircraft structures. In the filament winding process, continuous filaments are placed around a mandrel in a controlled pattern and then Cured, The process is used for pipe, pressure vessels, rocket motor cases, containers and eficlosures. Specific strength is the ratio of the strength of a material to its specific weight. Specific stiffness is the ratio of the modulus of elasticity of a material to its specific weight. Many composites have significantly higher values of specific strength and specific stiffness than metals 70 - 73 refer to Figure 2-2 and Table 2-/7. General conclusions from Questions 70 - 73: The specific strengths of the metals listed range from 0.194x10¢ to 1,00x106 in, approximately a factor of 5.0. The specific stiffnesses are very nearly equal for ali metals listed, approximately 1.0x10° in. ‘The specific strengths of the composites listed range 1.87 to 4.8gxi0f in, mich higher than any of the metals. Glass/epoxy has a specific stiffness about 2/3 that of the metals. The other composites listed range from 2.2 to 9.) times as stiff as the metals. Section 2-/7 for answers to Questions 74 to /29. ‘Supplementary Proplems — Chapter 2 1. Poisson’s ratio: a) Carbon stel ~ 0.29; ¢) Lead ~ 0.43; e) Concrete - 0.10 10 0.25 2. See Section 2-2, subsection: Flexural Strength and Modulus, and Figure 2-5. 3. Erosive, abrasive, adhesive, fretting, surface fatigue 4, From Table 2-6: 1¢ alloys listed, Examples: ASTM A36, SAE 1018 HR or CD, SAE 1045 HR ‘or CD, SAE 8620 CD. 5, From Table 2-6: SAE 304 and SAE 316 6. From Table 2-6: Si alloys listed, Examples: 2024-T4, 3003-H114, 6061-T6, 6063-16 7. From Section 2-3: ASTM International, AISI, SAE 8, From Section 23: Aluminum Association 9. From Table 2-7: 8) DIN 42CeMod or W-1.7225; 6) BS 708A42; c) EN 42CrMo4; d) GB ‘MLA2CrMo4; e) JIS SCM 40H. 10, From Table 27: e) DIN CAS or W-1.0503; 8) BS 0607; c) EN C45; 8) GB 699.45; 18 $45C 11, From Table 2-7: ) DIN X6Cr17 or W-1.4016; 6) BS 430817; 6) EN X6CH17; d) GB MLICHI7; €) JIS SUS430 12 From Table 2-7: «) DIN AlZnMgCul 5 or W-3.4365; b) BS 1.95, 96; ¢) EN AVZn6MgCu 13, Wate, brine, mineral ol, water-soluble poyalkylene glycol (PAG) 14, From Section 2-6 Fine steel orcas iron shot is projected at high velocity on critical surfaces to produce residual compressive stress that tends to improve the fatigue strength 15, From Table 2-10: ASTM A27/A27M; A9IS/A91SM; A128/A128M; AL48/A148M 16, From Table 2-10: ASTM A757; ASTM A3SI; ASTM A216; ASTM A389 17, Carbide austemnpeed ductile ron used for: rlroad rolling stock, earthmoving equipment, sgncultural machinery, crushers 18, From Section 2-10: White iron is made by rapidly chilling casting of gray iron or ductile ‘ron during solidification. ASTM Standard A532 describes the process. Used to improve ‘wear resistance for ball mils, crushers, mixing equipment, and material handling devices. 19, From Section 2-11: Powders are pressed to their basic form and then heated to sinter the powder particles into a strong solid. 20, From Section 2-11; Powders are compressed by a flexible membrane in a hermetic chamber ‘to produce a high density; may be done cold or at elevated temperatures. 21. From Section 2-11: Metal powders are fed into an injection molding machine to form a green part that is then sintered to complete the solidification and bonding processes 22. From Section 2-11: Metal powders are frst pressed and sintered, then forged ina closed-tie press to achieve final form and properties. 23. From Table 2-12: Carbon steel F-0008-HT, s, = 85 ksi (590 MPa); Low-alloy steel FL-4405-HT, 5, = 160 ksi (1100 MPa); Diffusion-alloyed steel FD-0205-HT, s, = 130 ksi (900 MP2); Sintor-hardened steel FLC-4608-HT, s, = 100 ksi (690 MPa) ‘24, From Table 2-12: 8) Nickel silver — CNZ-1818; sy = 20 ksi (118 MPa) 'b) Bronze —CTG-1001; (no strength listed; used for bearings) ©) Copper ~C-0000; No strength listed; used for electrical applications 6) Aluminum - s,= 32 ksi 221 MPa) 25. From Section 2-11: Projected surface area less than SO in? (32 000 mm?) 26. From Section 2-12: Aluminum casting alloys: 202, 222, 319, 360, 413, 444, 512, $35, 712, ‘M1, 850, 852. Others available. 27. From Section 2-12: Aluminum 2014, 2024, 6061 28, From Seetion 2-13: Zine alloy No. 3 or Zamak 3. 29, From Section 2-13 and Appendix 10-1: Zine ZA‘8, ZA-12,$,= 59 ksi (404 MPa); ZA-27, 5, = 61 ksi (421 MPa) 30, From Section 2-14: Nickel-based alloys have good corrosion resistance and retain good levels of strength at high temperatures. 431, From Section 2-15: a) Bearing bronze 932001; b) Phosphor bronze C54400;, ©) Mantz metal C37000; &) Manganese bronze C86200; ©) Copper-nickel-zine alloy C96200; £) Manganese bronze C6750 132, From Section 2-15: H-numbers indicate the degree of hardening by strain hardening ‘methods; a) HO4 Full hard; b) HO2—% hard; ¢) HO1 ~ 1/8 hard; d)HO8 — Spring hard 38. From Section 2-15: D temper indicates — solution heat treated and cold worked 4, From Section 2-15 and Figure 2-18: As the percent cold reduction increases, tensile and yield strengths increase and ductility a indicated by percent elongation decreases. 10% cold work: 5, = 133 ksi (917 MPa), = 121 ksi (834 MP2), 17% elongation 40% cela work: 5, 154 ksi (1062 MPa, 5, = 142 ki (979 MPs), 1% elongation 35, From Sect 2-18: Metal, polymer, ceramics, glasses, elastomens, hybrids 36, From Section 2-18: Foams, sandwich structures, honeycomb structures 37. From Fig. 231: d) Metals, ceramics, g) composites, c) polymers, ) wood, 1) rubberflastomers, 1 foams 38, From Fig. 232: ceramics, d) metals, ) com 1) elastomers 39, From Figue 3-32: lightest o heaviest) e foams, ¢) wood, ) elastomers, g) composites, 4 and 8) Metals and ceramics (about equal) 74 MPa) +8) wood, c) polymers, f) foams, Jo CHAPTER 3 STRESS AND DEFORMATION ANALYSIS Direct Tension and Compression Fla; AR TL 1eYYAIM I ome = YS ONS IAY mon? = 3).8 from? = 3/811 Pan §= LL. bscows¢ 250-0) 106 vm FA [207 TN om MiuYonm*) Ane Bel = A= FF yyy) yy = We6N Coe o- W Th = 20500] (p30) man® = bb. Mow oO: A= 8608/6400 5325 bs = As A= Camm) = rms aha Bil 6 FE 2 Seow) (s6s0mm) £7292 je, £4 (Eom Vitimm) 4) Aisi 100 j © = 207G P= 207 x0 Yon} B= 0.292 mon z 4. Ss] = ye M0e6/r cases) Yy=/] 2000s é 6) AISI 360 5 E=2076 Pa 5 £* 0.277 mon 6) Ducrste sens B2/65 GPxef £20,397 amen d) Atummum 6067-76 } B= 696 te 8° 4,830 2mm ©) Torani Ti-bht-Wj ©°0Y Pac 520.503 tne $) AVC 5 = 2400 Mfe 2201 Lm $EEINT mom B Prenoric 5 E= 280M. F22Sb 0m OMe: Srezss 16 clase 7 Tae UonmTe Foe fF avo YF 1 52 P/eq; pu S88 T pt zasw || [zen Am (2s*- 2.0%)wt= L020 4 qe pa GucoonXiara’ Yn Ns02 #) « ossece F= ya SS.) = 2506 03) fa] ZMaso= 250015) =f, (és) | Fox 250 ("Yq)= 3125s =reswes roecem Ae) ) ete etgee erect F* Garin Stes. yt 2 Fe swe = 150018 fe [ fe Fam oo ipey) Obl eb [a] w= 4; R000.A= Yen, «1548 - » = 70% A” Fao00 an = OSH = Oy =f = [FS 0 =f F = [LEED . 27400 mmnin Onsss 5 Fig = L008 _ 50068. 2o9 918 2 Fe Sano" zenray SEPEL. Az 2898 = ose ® 2 p9[PDe “M1800 = 0.167. 30 EBe aysze P2500 a [2. vomr & Pomresky AB. is be Mesh somnt A 3 Avante =S2shw fo = 2shu aco }e AG = AoCrs wh" 109 hy #66 cick) Sreessess x 16,8 Fe > Fae 253 foe Teco Bo: Gos eee == LS Tend WN 3Dm—n ee 40,60! 4 =(30)*-(20S" = Stumm fe fom Elayee 73-26 Ey n0* booster rirccol) Ret) Rem 0000 ue 2p 208 (e206) +e ROO) Paw Bosoee ae Ae ne Jean oemeie My 8 AB a0 = AeCor) AB» Ry jess Boe0/n.1™/0088 ame AB= AB ono oe 2 Lenn Be ano how Agate =o Be Abate $000, 19400600) -t00 23014 rn, BC* AE cm TBE case Soseelas)+ 250 (002 BC 2500L6 Cont. Bc# ce cme be Cr © 6¢/s0= 2300 /0.8- 25018 Cont CE 1Re00-C# Aino = /2om-/2 004) = 20006 ¢ Fe a EF CE couo™ [2500 (0/8) 1808 revs, 2 Strewees: z F Gio * Sie = Sey oie srt at ane Gin = P5m/osee Ite ie 20 See *2iy/oyey 765 pst Fee = 20/omny SH ps Sha = ~Aecfaya » =AiBipad Fae = ~PRA/asrae ~3et4 ps Gen = ASH Hes pst Att of menses: (her as, 46) 40, be, Er ~ 20096) 0.4684 80, be ce~ OMe AB, Be, OF 2Cnu)2 24b > Mire! Conteesian mentees mur te tnecxee Fit covons bectunee 14. dts Bobs \A¥0) + 20 boveViosyCt)] = 44) wv ea © (St000 ayy yj ys) 11 791 Oak vt A= (BO\$0) + 14) p= 4.57 am ® = Las BVO WN y457 mame = 1b Na Direct Shear Stress, Pin DIA = 0.501. Dovace SnEne Ass 2(r0%4) = 2 1 Cas0%y = o3nant TFA, Menten Be: E11g 70 = Q500 IS) ~Fe 60) Tne = 2500(Fte) * Biases ANO By= Fac= asta By=2mme8 Resuurmur Ar: B= JTF ERE «tones PINS A AWOL" Te gy = BELYy 295,42 7458 05; Pn ste "yy = Hts /o.s922m~= 19/0 065 i. Fon PRob. 9% FoRcem ncn Roo™ Fa $8, FOR B= 40"? FR= 6726 = Swern Foeta ow uiPER ANS Assurte Pousce srene: fig= 27% = 2 “OIYY -oggttin™ T= Lays MPL sy sey Lowen am: F:> ssveve T= a> /S@Lb, a C9) annirsa ream Pestiens 9 Aue Ler On/S* Fx (Oy y= IE, | | 2 209808 T* Pgg= P89BY, gaye a = B2Bors! MMe rms Vt) erate 3-1 KEY ww SrEnd. Asa bt (QKIS) =Stomm® Fen Tot, 3 00M, KA. os ssH/ 98.811 we fe ye SW | 7 Ins ® FEE 5 98,8 Wf wT Pincn ~F1G P20 Aza Geein) €=[250- 200 +154 la Fre |(o.00) As2B.56wYlo.0¢014)= 0.5/8 m™ PO ys FLOM, og yx = 1010 Fah zs. fercss) PuNeH-Fiée 05-21, Pern e 60 +2630) + 207.5) +3 [EL] 245-2 As -Cean) &°(205,7)2.0)= Wma Te Ff. 2250nw . i Torsion 2 ToT = £00M: Lime = 32,6 Ma = 52th eats TOI, Reso a 7 Fok a ete re 3 = CE t Fem mm = 80050 Wm sle= Zp : 7 Ga B0n = BoP Wa ge Tote meso oy Tot Re He Cie onmet en Beoxn™Momen) (ascom—e) — _ 90/38 eho, 180 266 = 0:79, (Geox 3) (6.1710 mm) ee ze. Bog 28.0 web - - ooo _ ie "Ih > Tavewe T= 63000 Le/m = &2000CM se )/stoben™ [295 c8W, pete Bim S Be hes 2003 #5), 32270 psi zs) - - ed 622 Nom T= P/m agin 1/yse A = ceed). rhe 3 domed! - 859mm? 20° Ga" Gam iad re EB ee = ey waren Fe 2 @aninome) Bas ayaase go" 4 CoP asian mm lg he” Zo. Les pa wept, eB tapes mel! f 6 16 Noncircular Members in Torsion SARE G0= Seem 5 Q= O22883 #32500 gre3-6 Ke onl ale $25/x10" aman T= Tes 8°" Ygase nad) CE 8 og 9 20.8 Te _(230.xn Wimm) (620m) e- =! = 0.03900, 12 agg" ek” OL (as7'mm) ‘rns RA} Mae MY o20yo CF, Tek - 14, £32) G5 0.785 = 0.90 we et KGa Pesan adhe 3.96 ay erate 0m lim) = 236m +2. eeeun : r Been 1487 05) ox Zh. Wasooummeyiare) : SR Casa eggg) 2.950 OUR LB 0 0157” Bod an 20m 5 82 Hom) Cmetet ns G-tle 18%; G-Yn38Um; 22 (aoe 200s l).ouyCoeI ke a ten2e (2:0 +4.0-26areu] fee 3 = 20 (aD -t2 > 200.109)61.89/98.09) = A604 T= TQ = (6000 LH, )//,b04 m3) = BY cow Oa Zh, Meemern) = 0032 2h0,, 180" = 83° GR lst ety) (2.070) R00 —— n Beams ame | ta br] c= Us iad Vaan ; denier, Spee tera Tat ies o) Sounce; sate tL % oye i 6257s = 1100 h=3b= 350m pea Ose b= 4250n,h22.90 00 oO Recrangee q aE ae See at beViu hennshestece | USE hElasajbmsooa 42918 | Use OmZoom Fa), €) S#279 cusx Yo 2) Yin Scneowe Yo Pree Senor at fi ae SytSIU ye SEB 2UT in? ARN Le} a) vowme Are = Gasman 120 = toons anal 2PYs\00) B) VeAate bes \Qis0000* sas? 5 urn (aE I ec) V= b7SXsrada)= /oSom? 5 par= C2930) * 2978 Dve ea . Taney, am BY8 is jr 20-206 ©) 2 7eajerCmer)® 20U8 CE) Yo Lup Cioer) + Hoos 4) 10.10 usferC mer) = Jorg ce VM Cry Wiz0d~ 38.08¢m" de 0208138.0912 1890 afr 35] eon case c sneresene Mardin; L=/20m1; Ponany erent, Mone” PR BYa*) a neocrocsina 20"). 228, = ZYous wer 2¥Goue') TF =z ce PARGGL~8) _ ppoocse*[3ce-¥00] _ 66 Tent Cer Scene Ee (se wecr Pace) 8 our) A) I= a%a = (es) fres26i" tpg SE 20a ire ee Mrs rasa 592m. By re Mia 0 OAKEY 24 gril: Fone 051 05 20418 cy re Nie SMC, o 22009: fam" NOU sg HtS6e4, wot rou)! OY re Bn Fe 900 tue SIV Haz tHE on ED Le 6.28" SAnmr= O39S A 5 44 307 FD ES 1.25 6" 5 armae® 0.247 5 apa 0.200% Q)I= 7:28" j paar = cette pines : anager an zee angie i. ae om, o = Lo—.sm | -300 L tm —sf a 3 Lan | [Nee m | ae Ory) | a = Mg= 8297 Ul) = 330m ~” My = 352 30960.) = 200 em MMe 2 ~Bo% 2006.2) 2 Yon 6.) em sree : Beg 52 Hae FAA BED 0 Bommd ce 02030? HeTeKe sHace with raALest A aud S935t0mm": Alb 16-19. Rey! mec. rHbine Round. 0 ‘3° 3361 ota? " 12 PX (aan ENO = VE] $0238 ww. a» EE 0 9) Ga I) OBE =I Be Yak = Yam Ax b gh 72; Ha08 Fem S Gan da Been fran-7) “% 4) Sepmereo chumueren -c4se & -Aroasoar M3 WP e (36,-0 Me Freres FOOD za igietan 34h Din ba es t00 S Lonpee/tactzenage aia Ge a LCLeb) = 72 (rasylsea)= L¥S2 x46 yy? ca ait a) (Lob) tae =092)( 148) 226i) = hota wm? Lee) AB00_—atuacr ss -ronunt(ri] “O01 Ta “Ga” Cain" V0723) (720 gan LEE plats west] peri eek Fea) Soyasiew (nale72)] = ae rap ase) eto) ate io roy O25 5° Vet = _ S™ Jeo tafore nbs o> a |e= ie leone Seaugsr Benn ot. v BE +4375 S=299u5; 222.2410] Ho! a thee do Sear 449) | 2 $SeNINVOKED) [7440 4, 90,4 dpeaa CH ete | Ely g fe ee i ; m2 $E G0 Lo y00 (20)* (20970 Fler NZ) et tps Noa 90e! Tera vn Bo See Ment PROE FOR He a8? -Lo00) (s0rlvo)™ FEL” 3a Veano = PAL 10,0605) = eee (0-005) > gyam e Wore: he = */70% 0.87). Dem Por CUE CASE 72 Apgy O88 Mem apes tpea 2 0d52 4012 =-0.00 114 Den) S-OAS3 IN Ded 27] Goer) yes = seu soe [ze] Myung? 380 e8-0r (iu er) = 215720 Lem TAM datasets ati! | eB COI 0,3 P| y z7s | @w t “a, fo 728 ; = oo Gio BI wars0rs - Se re Bh Wit? = 203} Lines pa eee 380, 2A” 20RD ic Beams with Concentrated Ge Bending Moments. . bel a Yo oe ee N roo et [ { Fate | Fetoam | a ‘ote ma ot : | o2oe———; | Lr 1 1 25] lm 4 ay | Gun) I 120 21 We Cae | senn [20 | em | aw Lew "7 eae S peg9315 Fep = oc BD Seen ts = ores se janes lagreaewen| ya + “0 08 v wy ° 1 | mre i | i na | 439305 Gm) 0; ” ae = (ime) o | oat i] Bean AS pe Gu (25mn)2 120M mee saa eet fom 1211250 Nm rane] |e feran pa ¢ : ate Ieee Fsinsy — |Rantsow w& sins | eh ey fae | cae 1 m (orene 2400) on \ I | ome) 5 ae | | an 95} = mol628)= 7208180 ye Artie sta ayeam vated pm 206162 0) + 14a C28)= h/sYaons) on ae Sie SSHEEEE pad ame ! “= Linsen ow} hi ese an be —pee— he 5 ye | aoe one net sEEEEIER ee | a (Ritem), usr 4 recone T2000 + ent drones + £ eos i lens wh Fo Ane WN iiss ts jaszoetsre |Pa* a Fras ee na fet mI [Pe a i ten " i fe | ° ™ 7 ace i On | ss wen | beven an} ” a Gam | omy i 43 Sp] Maeesdwc atmo 232d om IM Goole) #20006) = Yoo tom Te L25AN(,30mm) 2 0.326 WET Tokaue= 2004) ~ Zooks) s Rem yan ures Combined Normal Stresses 3h [As 20690) = (620mm Me Blinn) Se ORY, «200017 « 2/383 mm? Go Ee Glee « pa bre tree ee [ohare Bimwns* 3.333 mm = at “19 + bose waza eed Nas Gj]a o> Waser: eccne Foe w 9x10 Ben A= 296m = go r0» (8ec0)~ Ay CP) ates ei Apel 290 U8 | Cy sBt0~ Bye 68 ete fan thy Dad =Ce ate ow trons = f- 2 Bee (5260 Bie rh oof RE Sea a pr ae darn ae een pa arr ae =e * Cette) gy AS ner a aracn) a Phy Ag 2M Mayne Bt S * seat Tenaya GH O30) Haney «2097. Femnw AEB, Mm YI0CI eRe aim Assune Axia Sraess sf Sma? 3 Ys Boob S= At, Béosedionm 2 rma! = thG pe fame ce juts 8 PSs! fe fn Gah Fteme age Set, heen me 20.55 pe oe Fiat Gye eer ee ATE, Mt YENED® 250mm a = se fe 2lsBo 2/927 nb j 12S SADT «77, 4mm Ler falta on tenn; Se “act, «yuan? 20 ae la + ein, 20.20 fre 612 £4 Hassan Ree Ty903 hee I= Foe cfass etre v2 tain A= 2500 sti} — S* tow? f | Peet geaua “6 Tesyou on pee cae 8 sittt oo) qe Eizbae 4 BORE Low 3.Stu ¢ corn ner 1000 + wenA OWE yo ara: o= B= wg A Gory seus [=] Plan Pie So. 5 M=EIS Momens Fe*300W A> S:0(2¢) = Porm Sa 26501 = “400mm? oo Rt Ge SBee, 4 £Eiine = y.59 Mrentiey 24 2M Borrem op serio Ea Bex [FI «781m Je oe CR 2Sm/ we B05, Eg 20 =-ty G2) + UAE) yx Fybrous/sni) #7288 Oe Ans 45708 = 1s2C3h)-by CN) Bao * Vet 07398" im, Be Sus Ba Gee Fis 193941382 = 282268 Frye Fswo=useLe Fak eas o> (58308 ors Foe 6xye rote: (are. 15-11) At 59 a; ON Ae BS9 aS Se" 760 last Agave Ci pet Bpes7e ; \ oe ee Me ah 11406 A” 5° tor "ae o* S80 bei Tense v 1) usr deve Ct we mame mo ! os enti conreccom 4) oe sr tm, tore anety se Me aoe oof * SR Sate $2 - 190 aur assvere t memes fatten: 2 iy is Save a2 42: 5 fe aT a yqzyy OH Tey gz oswig> taint A= 02s; S* Ye =00208 ww? o> hoes — Beeb. = ~ 20 se =1/ 740 0%) 28. Oa ia Lee haere EB por raon maser 3 ee eleaaete FROM BC SS 393 Wm meet [eine ses ae oo Got Eh = Bae + Ea Peer | Om 20833 amt Ars0"s 25%m—* eet Se i+ 003308 Se Delve L298 Moa. rensns Aorrin” Suaeace aerwens Aw 26 Fan cese. 3.48: ~ymcewsrhrs 93150 jn Fax sted Fain A mee a “ ew one = h oa a 92259 mon (An 25% ett ie > GSS Sa = M315meaP fa Fin = 009 3% 27.922 gre. cimenessinn lel Féan 608 3-49 3 Powe & 1S WHERE SRhexer ATTAEhES 78 Alem on a3 mal/Oii coin 5 * "Ys [2000 So Bow LOREM egsyp Se Yj 02 Reape (RCA » 169 amet 2uS6 02.9600 chece me emer oma ms Whieibn; Fea 4s “Ae FORE M0 OF FE = Hee IE ae $zepry 2 ggens” MUa* wha? ‘Stress Concentrations: k; factors obtained from the website: / [Note fora flat plate with a ‘or d/W < 0.50, use K;= 1.0. The eFatigue site does not show this. Dh Ye=/so | pao [aa] tert beat Yo= Ww 2am Miooce Ay = filam ate 238 ‘caindene : one = ees) AL tenes eae calii berren: a 2th seo Rubies Yous Yave we aes ieee = 50/63) exe Satan Sips psi max |B] he "eye ogee hae 2Y% ps9 #2, 67) eer 2-08 “Th = Tam = 01 Gert oat Be EECED. eey A = 20ers, me ay NM Osi EY] %G= P75, = 7b pease Tee: aster eet ecin fla 5 ooh OS 1h MYjg 288 = BPE» Hf G = L2G tee). 0 pat Zee Tn eral yy AY y= 200/25 162 Tyee 148 ya0l0/jxy 2008 Fru CLC 203 68h TOY 27 a Oy = Pefjye® 60 penaa . Ro Sa = 82 5Y Ps, Mn 280 xe ao, Bae Ye = "38 /am “068 e030 Gt Ke Gin * Re tstw = G30Uasr2 7 Be i Mar “L226 sms of a General Nature pitas sees of Rist 1,2 0 125k (1on)~ ke@Sm) kez RDMY, 52 a00hut ve feertsty Yeon fe = 2ohW-R.chan T5kY fel . Prune? 18.28! my pm we ly Tr om a Pane 18.IEK IO Momm ° Sucriw moonw=5= afe=bos pie S2 1333 wm? es - AUER OF AB “(Rm =) 100 0m Seon. Agen te Pin -ueeie sven 1 SOM Pa Siena i pay: T= Eee Basen. 99 94 BENING IN Cd iA Bi Ope Mg = LB2EKOW me Hy 663 reo, BE ee Mey wien SU6GEST Chamae im Choss Secnow © EB To MaKe On< Wart. REOD Se Vo = Le7s%0%) eats pee A | Photrsed Chess Seerion oF eB 26 het2iol7 pats 200 ue 40. a om Aly : sey oe al. ee v aad es | Rw 7 | ae € A lms|_ bal a oto Tw an bere @ = am Doewie bose 37a pore geo ore oz arms TS From Peo6. 10, = 0.60 ym vvoer Lona. oe helt: 5. Ge ADE. Boles Naw Saw te eae Yur = 2 hp = 0.625) bean 128 pete = Gs 0-bobwe me) 4 BT maha cae fal Assome Lamvans eeung yee i S ztover fate feta are tr Longs Me=a7iSea.0r tno: SEV Galt a3 = = Ce2 Mate een Pee Ae = Mesensi | im Warn srianne nae, : ! Migs tastiaers derteeosye CO ~_—— keh wa 6 Seer 2 at hMi20) soy, : pee = Oa ee exhatsasnen _iermnd im | ky cise Tes EAE ar car 2am op due 2 nesasnunrr; a nash; Sates Om = REDO - r899 | panimuns tes2 en Le 2 a] a4 Sy Bay te | 5 BBD ot fol Soe ae yg Ye See 208s sy, ee es Feat shame tx2 80.) Lo Tom, PP2an A Ah Yo Ex oe ke He aba) Lua Ket eT atoee Tee rater Race Ce Lipase waren £2 fate nere +—-7+ 4.65 243 in. ry S54 “MN FS +2512) Caco Er- brSd dO) = 0.75 d= 206.9 mm” d= Wrath gy = Vek mm Seeciev parece site! d=/ima CAP. rheu' u2 hye En yS0mm } C205 =J.omm Tain = = Zeotony 20001" GTO ~ 10ND” STi * 8230 LUE DESC A CALAMETER) WERE WOT FENSE! oe * CHE Sika S7hESS IN iN? Pa foe gem teem se sane Tildnadin = 230 Chece Fy> FE. O25 52 OTDM) | 217 pyle 2393 A0o a + OR Foe PN Sora 0 mam Ch 2) =1B. 06 am ce ~ Spin (hore) 92 [51] ceeven Benms: rap F Fon Yi2.01NE OF STE AST AX Steet Sy eae MORAN, A ty Co RA/ASE) AsBclofeamm* Gitew: hi =/30.0¢0m | o> tos 470 “1bcomm he srg te Wants Ast = b bn (Ae/ay) = 10b> C51) 2 0, 64539 oom Re Afase = 100 0,64259 = 1SY. 94 b Aman a MEd = €C325~-Y2)+Z20F Wesanve) Oe = (320M IS¥.9%6-46)__ = 487998 a Fe “G00 60 C1SS 1S) am ae 2 = C3206) L/54,.946 ~/$0) A962 E matinun arinswe (00) (150) ( /85-74. 99) Pe OS uebacee LET Omng = VILE =~ 248A] mn; 2 24OO c/pestue mm cameos 9 igen Ved sracacns baie [st] Cueveo Bena: coans Sd FInd AI FOR [20H Temstte we eLhoe Dee, dle reais = donee B1veW) Nes 22010" 32 mm few 222452 Dim aw oa bn ofp) 4 C Fon) £118 I me eens ah R= Vase > Wy yggy = AOA: Spe ret. G) Fok Ou ac swt TAs)=26,688 -20-= bBo mm Cre R) = 37.0 ~2b, F8B © 0.3115 00 Rho) = 26688 - 32.0 = ~S.31S mem EMME) - 297.6008 conteessaw CoNé2) (0.30/5) On inciv€ Seerace Mn ¥00) €-5.205) + I = 231. ante. teusrew ee ca Par OW OUTSIDE 5 ORFALE Naw Se. a 3S8tele ayy mini Oe? ain aate = 8 MMA aay, Sy. 3s2mee , oo 2340 nea Poe 33 gl Craven BEAM Hck Sul 1G: °3-83 1 Gwen: F= Hon; FIND N- “7 SAE 20€0; 572352 nea cn swen Tues rede A commusite ecm: O©7® i= TOY = 1a. SYdms As? TB = cBtImn™ Qe AAA z= 50.265 mm? i 4 Ase = Ast, Ashe ASe,= 2m [Ae - GeO. “ ‘u']=2990 3m One Askas 217 |ee~ (Ad PM") = 1.9218 am Gee = 39947-14218 = 2.56.22 mm Se: - . iE ae Rt Re Beets 19,569 0m See Mespiem Bi For EO URTIOFS: (R-Aey 9, 869-25) — 5.4307 om (re Re Ba ~19.569)= O43 07mm RAA> 9569-15)> 1.569 mm M= Fed © YEON (Bomm)* 38900 Manon £3800) CLE) 590.30. contleessirw Goes 50D * oat ibe Cees e 0% = LBOHES 1309 395;3 nen Mens 0.26522 O30) OW OUTSIDE 5 UkFRe esi os Boni murcare EALne, fes2e s Agser Se Beano 05.3006 Aoomun 70 PROBLEM: FIND Fugu TO ACHIEVE W22-0 STAC ARE PhehAsiWm To MAMENT AdD ThE Ssretce RtDoeMas BEGR: Gig = Se ELMO 5 176 nem. Sas. Pete 2.326 + tess Ma > 0-326 Mh = O.3060-38 900) -12 504 Hmm fy A Fu ® 2500 mm = SGN Four Beinn = 1SGAN 13 34 81} cuaven BEAM Ganven Ton Me een ten hme Fino F Foe View 0Ing- CAsr ALommum: 556 .0-T6, ashe oe Ve Ca? - 04) ase = one ~ (2-84) ci Sones S201 Heo. 4mm A Ai)? ON 6508 ~ B= 2666 Baan + HA Ae 2 LET m= Fd, = 5Sy* Lorne (os) i” TRA) Ler Sys 207 Pa Compe esSron Fenw Charm VSR 265mm Mom \0 B18lme) 346.1 ff aa Aan Sin Ret Fin SAA Lies 8, Lorese.2esverlar 13) = 20s.6W mA) Gayl #6508) “Bo 00S CURLED Behn H000 SUbHRT £16,P2-B5 hy:h-9, RTEL'ASTa Rid-en6 Sye35Ke Bee tsi ine Fede) (ttm -ovolen Wee) — garac-oy, Aunssis 40m F606 3- BS =p cia Srmess ers. Feae 2-81 ae ABESASA ~ ASE? 2 SIN 8= ONE VORP OUILZE A te Re A 2 Labs /a¥769 Rn) “1.5231 0 jfRAY= 13519500 850m El ofeoseX 52/8500) _ ETL 9 rem Nata og enero) Tetaine GBS Tacansieo™ 2602: 08) reason SL, BE 8! - 323 Lowes etter Sansthe ray = Beet ones Rae 608.103) as CuRveo BEM CHC LANE FIG F386 CAs Bie AID Sun = Moe Snes 261 mre Fo: FOR FF [OA ete Fl45K)] Menten 0G ns60] a aspen Panels Ae 3 boda” ba Lolth) 5 ayehge syns tme Cutis 8 te oo CALA) j apeasese ; Sapa lhe saosin eee i Nase = 8% a55 ° 8-165 0 a hank tye SASHD SF Leth) = Fl 26+ 5-523)= 51553 6 Pos) sine op «LOLLY BSBECTIN airy pCR NOHO PAs (he) CI SMUG) _rewsive RES Bath Ler Oy ~ Spt, LUM 134 7p testo EB" 1553-8944 veo cesn) / DSECHOM) 4 16 Commas as * Enea extn ~* teres LEG ME BY IM mm YES BECAUIE Fo = Fi, THE DESIEN OF THE /NVEESED T-SECROW USES THE MaTerin. VER EFFICIENTLY. 36 CHAPTER 4 COMBINED STRESSES AND MOHR’S CIRCLE NOTE: Thesolutions to Chapter 4 problems 1~ 30 are shown on the following pages as images ‘of the output from the MDESIGN— MOTT software that is included inthe text. Each problem ‘produces a solution inline with the procedure shown for manual solution in Section 4-4 in Chapter 4 ofthe text and as shown in the four Example Problems in Section 4-5 of the text. Problem 4-1 is shown worked out in manual form below and the MDESIGN ~ MOTT solution is shown on the following page. Solutions forall other problems are shown only as the results from the MDESIGN — MOTT solutions. Note that in the MDESIGN-MOTT outout. the araphic view of Mohr’ circle and the stress elements show the stress values only in psi. Oy* 10 KSi | 0720} Tey? JOKE; X-Axit In 1ST QUADRANT Siva * Cet OF fp + C0 t0)/2* Ib.bke: = DxnOaug> 20-10 2 Jo kei; b > Tey “/OKS! R= a*th* = Votsn® = 7 = Tag > Tin) = 10a) = 48 ¥5.0he = 22.5" 2b = ‘k= 90S = 4S" CCW FROM HAdiy 70 Tmax Oy = 2dy/fe* YSf + 22.5° Dit Cue R? JOT 2h MES) Oa = Oya 10-11 = Bite Bor Cw Peom X-axis Ts O+ ORG Hult PpwcieaL MAST Aum Seam. MOS Cree crac ce sracss meee elenear Cleaeet eueaear 37 wy 1D eh bets Maximum principal sess Minimum principal stress Maximum shear ress ‘Average normal stress Princ planes ‘og of masirum shear ress 202 4102 14102 30.000 22500 22500 °anae ox=-85000 ps y= 40000 pst y= 30000 ps cram principal stress ol = 46827.123 pt Meinam pial tress 2 = 9187713 ps enum shear arese rmex= 68327125 pe ‘Avenge normal tress ‘oag= 2500000 pst Pinal planes w= me _ = mine oye ist Results: w= Maximum pingpal sess a= 300 tt Mimum penn stress 2 = 300 i Maximum shor stress mace S300 il ‘Average normal stress cag= 000i Print planes = mass . & & ‘Angle of asim shes tress or) os y= 30 st ama ppl stress ol = 702k inn pinpl stress a= 702 Maximum shear ese maz 6702s ‘verve norma sess = 2000 Prindoal anes ws mn ‘gle of ax shear ress he uw rina ress Pipl stress Masirum sae oe ecment ‘res dement Maximum pial ross ol = a4e2ts ps Minima pcp stress o2 = 122462113 ps xin seat sess rma 8462113 ps ‘Average norma stress oeg= 40000000 pa Pinal planes = am Angle of mm shear sess 6 = 3790 ox=-t20 6 v= 40 | Resins; 27°20 Macrmum pincpal sess Mum principal stress acum shear rece ‘Average norma stress Principal planes ‘Angle of macmnum she ress aaa 4c 122.462 2462 40.000 2982 37982 ‘Gaar x= 60000 pst oy = 40000 pst esate ey =-35000 pal Maximim pnp stress Miu picpl stress Maximum shear sess ‘Average normal sess Princo plans ‘Angle of renimur shear stress 702778 ssn 7a 5103.78. 10oc.000 17496 4 “REESE ‘owt sma 3 a1 eats: cbt Maxum ppl stress Minimum princpal sess Maxmum spear svess Ave rermal ress Principal planes Ang of maximum shear ress 3 s Ps 158,082 28.052 1000 26m 19330 ‘cana x= 190 oye0 y= at andra principal stress Mine principal tress ema shear res ‘Avege normal sess Fencpal eres Angle mar shear stress Mea Mra Mo at ko = 14340 sme 94.0 cwwg= -50.000 fe 61003 = 16003 a a a Ma ‘oa Gu santa Toe Maximum sheor ‘fear elomsent 355 113.905 293.305 198.205 25.0 73155 Pe Pa Pa Pa cow to max x50 ov=-0 osu: y= aim ppl stress Mim ping stress Maxum shear sess ‘Average normal stress Pinca planes ‘Ancl f masnu shee trace 53% a= Re rmax= 76.322 omg= 15.000 = 84 = m96 x=150 MPa ey=80 MPa y= 40 Rests: ra aximum ppl stress ol = 156758 HP Minimum pica sess 2 = 8675 Mh Maxum shear stress emax= 121758 MP ‘Average nema ress eag= 35000 MPa Pinal planes w= 950 * ‘Angle of masimum shear tress ho sa ° ov to-max ate annette? Tare Ae us ears Manu prinpl sess Mein pec tress Moxnum shear stress ‘verge nomal sess Prine planes owe of menu shear stress a= Pa Pa EE) oso , yo, roses. 100 ee eae aeons pianiae ean) 0,28 Ate) T= 28a. { Thea. él ) a2 me 15} = Me emuts yo mPa Maxum pnd sess ol = 250000 MPa Miu pcp ress 2 = 60900 Pe Manu shear stress smax= 165000 ‘Avera norma ress cag= 85100 Ma rina planes = 0m ° ‘gle f maim shear ress ee | bt. ae <\ —H ot} eS don vm oo gees: egress oe noe orate wa Je xe on oye30 acm pineal ress Minin pial stress Maximum sher sess veage coal ress rnp planes ogi of macmum shear sess Pe Pa Pa si eo te Moms. 2400 Na oy=-300 MPa Results: y=200 MPa emu ppl stress ol = 453113 He 2 = 358113 Hee 403.113 Me 90000 MPa man Stina sess Principal sess Moma shear hat element shes element, ox = -120 Mea ey = 180 wpa et a es dana fa 631 5S ox = -30 ey = 20, Remits sy = 40 Maximum principal stress Minimum principal stress Maxisum shear stress Average normal stress Principal planes Angle of maxinum shear stress Faris wpa Pa 42.170Mea 52. 170Hea 40. 170Mea =5:000mea 61.003" 16.003" Cave * Sone Cas LN Mt Sate. as Pane “ae i ane Maximum shear Sess element ox = 220 wea ey = -120 MPa Remlte = Y= 0 MPa Maximum principal stress a 220.000mPa Minimum principal stress 2 = -120:000mea Maximum shear stress max > 170: 000MPa Average normal stress avg 50 000MPa Principal planes te 0-000" Angle of maximum shear stress pr 45.000" ra Se ntes Sree Pp TOOT ta shen, z-Agis 7 ‘Sane 3 riginal stress rial sess Maximum shear cen conan she sere ox = 40 ksi cy = 0 Kes uy = 0 Ket Maximum principal stress ot = 40.000Ksi Minimum principal stress 2 : 0:000K83, Maximum shear strese max 20.000Ksi. Average normal stress eavg = 20:000Ksi Principal planes ros - 0-000" Angle of maximum shear stress gr - 48.000" cow to ~max. 0 ng 2.0K; 7 any * 260i zac 2008447 Origa! stress Principal sens Maximum shear eement Stree element x= oy =o way = 40 Results Maximum prineipal stress Minimum principal stress Maximum shear stress Average normal stress Principal planes Angle of maximum shear stress ksi Kei a Py avg ro 40.000K=5 40: 000Ke4 40,000K84 0: 000pes ¥5:000" 0.000" [J oe yess “Results: oyeie iat Mima pring stress as Mirna principal sess as Maximum shear sess mace ‘Average neal stress ong rnp panes w= ‘Angle of rum shear stress k= me ° aan oye0 Results: ay=0 emu pial sess ot = 55000 Miu pnp sess a er) Masur shear stress sma 2750 ih ‘verge nomal sess omg= 2750 i Prinpl planes = 000 0° ‘gle of maou shear ress = 500 + ‘wt -xmax ~The a) Lt Grind stress mum gi Pncpal stress Hiximum shear él 2392 192 292 15.862 29.138 ‘Eaae 26 x= 050 y= 3250 Results: say = 2600 Maximum principal stress Mrimum penn stress Maximum shersrese verge normal stress Prinpal planes vs 1 es sien -sie0011 e00.011 -$00.000 7166 °RERE za Bom PRNCIAA STRESSES Age TENSILE - SAME SiN ogutdaias ‘Combined Stresses and Moht's rele Mra Mra Ma acum prinpal stress ot = m0 Mo iomum pnp stress a 71338 MP ion pnp ress 3 = Como MPa asm shear sess rmx = wean Mos ‘Shear azese e = tmo6e Me "Note: Boh rine sreses have the same sgn (both ae tense or both ae compressive), ‘User must conser the esting tre dimensional ase ue to compoure anges, elements as alate ae not spa ot put deta: Norma stress acing along xs Nal stress acting along yas Results: Maximum princi stress Meum prncip’ stress sium prncip' stress Shear sess ‘Combined Stresees and Mohr’ Circa a o 3 psec nl Tit sw pt 6x [28 } Dent PRN PL STAM SES ACE TEUdSWE -SANE SIGH. x=750 (Ma oy=1s0 Ma y=" MPa 264001 Pa 135369 Pa 0.000 Pa 132016 re e031 Pe | Not: oth pencil stresses have the same sign (th are tense or both ae compress). User must conser the reauting thee eto Case ‘ue to compound angles, element scaled are not applicable. [27] Bom eanicwALsreeses aa Comeessiré — Sone S16N {np data: ‘Combined Strccee and Mohs Cirle "Norma stress acting along 3-2 Wea Norma stress acting along yas wo ‘Sheer sess Wee Rests: Maximum principal stress ot = 00 Ba imum principal stress 2 = sar836 wa imum principal sess 3 = 7064 rs rerum sear sress wma = 47522 iro ‘Shear sess ss 564 Wa "Noe: Boh rnp sresss have the same sgn (bth are tense or beth are compres). ‘User must conser the routing tee denna ase, ve o compound angles elements as atalted ae not appa Both PRINCIPAL STARCSES ACE Com foessVE- Sams Soe ‘Imput data: ‘Combined Stresses and Mohr’ Circle Nomal stress acing log xe x25 ite Noma ress acing ala vd =D ee ‘Svar sess vy a sults: Maximum principal stress = (00m wea Miu prinpal sess a “ua Wea Meumum prin ress = STS Wea Maseru shear rece ax = 168750 wea ‘Shear sess += some ira Not: Both principe stresses have the same sig (oth are tense or bath ae compres). ve to compound anges, elements a caused are not appicabl 61 USE D2 0,c00w Fee sHAET ABC. Sreess bLEmewT OW BoTDM. From Fle. 3° 2= Poa= Trlosens/2 > 0.012270? p= Bes 22 tBi = 20598 pie MMys 252 com 3 Taez00cou Ry tee: > aan dp = Wofarl2= 0.024590 — oat nessa Ga Ta, deol = aaspe Be” Boavsra? P= Tam W029 Baas 15 2 a Ore Need + 15 966.026 215 Hi Oh 20 a5 Me = S617 1 ee BE : 267 Tan’ (22) = 1997 e+ 20-48" cow a 20, = 2by +98" 139.97" o= 69.98" Tints 160d Foe Sune Ade Frau #18 Vest eee a Sreect Guemenr aw barrio. Eton Souumes For Pasccen 343 5 Mg 472 caver; Te6vec tavm, 27081 = 0393 wh, 2 Ma/a = 4572 H/o 213 800 Fi ~The Bp 10 re =23 «0.662102 ; 75 To) ty = Shtofy ier) «Mare Pe Tag Wate ISB = 870055 Le 01 6400 +180 = /8 11009). qsctoai Gy > 6900-4 Bo= -11 70035 tt + ee 2a = Taal (EB) ost46"; hp =2122 Taye 0S 2 = 2p 7°= WI; By 2722” + 33. Use 0= 2.251, FOR SHAET AEC. : STRESS ELEMENT OW BorTot, Fon Socums Foe FLOEN 3-49, “My Sbtocems Te Yatton B= rpihr -h18 mi, og = Ve= 8640 wale n= 126 Bl rensew Bee ihe =22 = 3.33 Ta; Ta Glee = HO bin, 287, = 1790 Tan WEST r G nse tor? TORE Zensen ou > 3063 - 3867 = ~ Vest 27 = 705i (Ygey) 22.05" Apa haP ew —- 2H = 90"-2pe © 87-35" 7 = #87" cow G0 a FE ceren 2f ae ca le] ose D2 Some Fon sumer AB? S7Ress BLEMENT OW, Fhom SouuTio Por PRiGLem I-50, Fg? W6SObt mT "OoS1SLiion POY = 1220s Ge y= LH m oie 52.9) nha. conperttias Byrd endd= 25H Blam 2/528 hte Po Tamy = VisaB + 21 HDS O7= “2648 +351 = 4.0%nhe Gu = ~26 18-3057 —— s20SHle a= Tan" (52 /55.49)= 20.0" 2d = 180% iso? Bena cow 2s Gotra = No Br= 60" cw oye0 open tA Fay= (5 19Mte COM sg] De voom ; A= MOY a 2.s7m¥; B= FY aDsrW? F=768 at Cc), Sueedce ELEMENT RoTrana = SIR 6 2907 3282 Pi O7=~2931 +33 = BEI 2p FIA 6132" als r= 4096" cow Fe = 2868MA, fener Tir Vag = ISDH, fimem vai me 7 Oi Snav oes DRE Me One 573 apps —eaH- dna 2662 Toe! 2&Yor4) =78,7 Bice Totes 3 he G 10 CHAPTER 5 DESIGN FOR DIFFERENT TYPES OF LOADING ‘Stress Ratio ae al A= Belemny. 78,5 Trae = 350M, 2 Hehe Cnm= 500N/g = 637 Hm Fons CSc +5002 = 20000 Cin = 2000 we 25.5 Ha Da* Orme Cae W8~265* AM Me Re A Oye Yigg = ONS. 0 Th: Aa llomm)o0mm)= 20mm Thae* Dosis,» * bb. 1N Paw Crm = -B0n0Y, “A Fon =00-8)/2 Om= 6M p= 2 Ta. ™ Dnta~0m © b61~Da0 Vict Re ag = 2H gy 7 = 040 o= Va A= bso Y= 0.16 m2 Tnme= B66 1 yx = S325 Bei Cm * MOU == 75003; Fn = Gb0-120Y, = 37008 om = 3901b jy = 25/5 #5i OL = Ounce Om = 5275-2382 3062 esi, Re Omg = 7 ssa ab 2A: Az 20% = 1 10325Y fyso. totim™ Orne 180018/0,yopnd- Sram * 15 a yay ai Pow Cm * 995tb/q > 602806 Ou Omvar= O72 6247-0828 > 1470 x" Be Tm oy, = IY pg ray* 00 8 U ew sree srrees Time Ei] t=: Ae BBs FEIN yyy, Sn Siam ® ON fay rg? D0 3 Om Sm = 86007 y = 50.9 Pe Fm = (80#3¢0Y/2= 570 Oy = F700 = 80:6 11 Pa Cu = Mod ~bo= 267M. R= 0-4 yp5 = 462 = Vs, 5p 8? Pom 1ALEN TUE EY ates Are art v, seo 10 oo rr Cnty M18, 9736065 M488. G10, : dete lett fgeicen— rams 10588 5 113593, | Oa ® BRP. 2595 09 Om e(GBOFUISY a? BYD2 i com 704250 65 Otc U*4DO-UE Ga *Smy-OmtF7-R— ed 5 ‘* oie 251505) 5 2548 si FC BE mis 7 Re CaM/eqaer Re HY, 4 aE Boos Rone cs | Razer SMCS V5, TIME WARAN- SAM AS FUOEERS. f —— SEE eens oe 1D ean, 2 Lh 503.00 m4 ra srry |e Vets | Pinar = (Ceo Ledl6o d= Facer cen ea, | Mma Goer \orsd= Souseein® Me PAE oom + Sami °/7e00 com se Ina" Some =/2am /2smetvn 5 oe Snae™ Steet» as nin = S0iay » MES ; eo An fan M5Wfpo ay « E257C8: C ¢ Sum My = MERE nde se 5 fe Siw 1G = of? a {at © Ca aw 6 : on “ Ssreess on Go Crue ° aE Lhooo= hintnwe A” isew om Stem Orne sO. On 2 AE = [SatroW me japnpe. So “riven = Ltrs Om = (ii Hee 50) nha Sraess g.| Siam = 09-11 = th BO Mie PY yy = 0087 Sree 15 A Surpeeren cAurieren~ Cate lb) ALP AM-3. | Dercecnon Pireanoum 7 Fence. BEVE/NE Menevt Plietiouw 1 Fok, Derecned Ar Lone @! one Eber eek) a nt amant peg exer crams Pe Tote 52 FO a soma? a EF 2070107 Moon | 1, Sowe Fon P: re Tere mn _(leaiMawliPre, arer(sire) dees (demeas] | Ps 1628 He a Foe sgn = 05mm; Bietes8 loa) LIM? Fok 0.Yomm y= 28S loet) = EYDED loerye) =2.607 P_Macimon ax Lath bsee)= LOSI) Sorunaey FATT Maes 7.02 = DE WIM! May® BA,s atmo § Thy = 297 Hf =O Om WIV = 366 Hla Ons 118-386= 89.0/n%u R= Yee FUEL) bee 2c90)] = Bune 2S Women a TESA aS 1 bas Tre 5 Ome. fal oe yy? oes Sm (| Fine su‘ j SAEI0YO £D; S4* BOKst; 5m=31KE) For co Cueve OF Ww o/h. Cx 7040 F691 FG. 5-8. Come 110 whovetr sfee; Csr=h0 REV. BENDING: 6270.8 09%R) Sal= Sm bs Cm Ose On? SIRES (OI NM-M OR) =22-6RS4 SAE SEO ORF 12 0; Su = REAP: Sn*lOO Ne Fin FB, 66° O80 F164; Ome menveeir cree, ANE? Cer* ho kev. Beworns; Ca=0.81(R=0.99) Sam's Sa ls Com Cos Co. * Z00MCMOWLLO)-0NOB))= 219 Meo. V2) Fru Sut SAE Y/90 WAT 1300; Su" 676NM ; Sm 2260MER. Fila S-B £0.18): De* 0,808 Vk b= 0.3 0BVGWi20) 228.0. —— r C5= O87 FUGE-9 5 Cm i] Gop Ls REY. Bewoons ; Ce™ 0-31 Sin = 5% 03 Com Csr Ca = 2EOMFALOBM 0-00.91) 13.) Fivo Sq $4€ 301 57S. Pe Whe} S4= ISdKs1 Su =S2ke! Flea 8. Ch Fee Avid. TERGLE Steet. Cm lO WROUEME Sree Csr* 0.86 Ara ae reste Sreest. Le*A7E Foe h=0.499. San'= Sm Cs Com Cr Ce * S2KCW1.0M 80K OID = VZKS i V4} Fup Sal? ASTH ALY; Sue ksi; Sa7 220KC5, F4S-8 £@6-B); De 0.808 Ihb-0:808/B5Yo379) = 0.92b, C5 0.883 l Cam" HOWROUGIT Sra} Cp" Ud LOL BENDING; CqrOrBi(e-0M) AE rm 5 Cm Bsr Ca*2 Obi ND: BEM MIM MONOBN = /9,5h55 oo Design and Analysis, Problems 15 - 18 are open-ended design problems for which ther is no unique answer. The General Dasign Procedure rom Section 9. should be used. ‘The loading and suppor ccdtlons should be ‘compared with the cases described in Section 5-8 to determine the approprato design sross. A decign, {actor should be specified using the guidelines in Section 5-7 Whon needed, the endurance strength sould be computed ftom Equation «tn Section 5-¥. 15, The lnk Is subjoctes to a fuctuating normal stress. Use Case 5 trom Section 5-6 See also the solution fr Problem 1. 16. The rod is subjected to fuctuating normal tress. Use Case 5 from Section 5-9 See aso the sation for Proloe & ‘7. The strut subjcte toa fuctusting normal stress. Use Case 5 from Sacton 5-2 See aso the -soktion for Problem 2. 18, The latch partis sutjected to fluctuating normal stress. Use Case 5 from Section §-£ See also the sokition for Problem 5. a FGRS8, See nse FLBLEN & xeLuTIW.PLICARWA LOMO fie tte case 5 aie S41 Mte j On2 hb Fine HM. SAE 1020 WB; Sy Zod hee ; Su 2379 MA; Sane W0 MP Cs feerawcse! Der BO8TRED 27am 304 089 Fibe-@ Hat me yp Leman ir Sra’, Car "10 (Ret Beweasssy Ler eh tata dudl Sale (0.89 )b.0) G.0)b.e Cys) Pl 4 Fas Piezo: / SAI WAN 48.6 wo Ret WROD, ; fer Rr 0681 5 W= 18\ WiaareraaS DESIGN Phiten 10 UNI O08 foLu MAW: Suscerrets: Ket bo mm wilh FOR SEM AMPLICATIA. Conssoen Mie nen Sraewk th rinreni mj THANE STC FUMED MID Cann. cHare KKH. Cowcvonn. Tatennte Coes secnew Det ~Decran tr Lano~ Less Doe WER SUPP SRT Whee Hameo 1S $ Othe stam, Cows/ 6d PEEK -APEIS-7 08 REE. Y-ACA 15~B. Mein AUR, ZA) pare Aee SAME ASM FROET WHEne AN SYR?.7 Sree BeAr WAS PRorisen. FLUCTVIDNA STRECS. USE CASE arse 4 & +e. 1 Seecner Aston ASG Sere Gz Babess Sat SAS 3 ES Ce ta etign abataceiay ta W328 0768 Be 2, cates fon 50), fe ewe Cm= 105; Cae =10;5 LET R0.99~ Ca=0.61- sn $4ab, Sab MIb gh 20) 109 Kel? One 5727 Fo: OB=YU2 Pei PAT. SISTA! 10001 EN ps; W > sBoc0A7 + ee SWE: SRO = OF 3 WE ASS check yeetor ° sx__ » Bose. e. Ne Blog F ea) WUT SID FOE We 2,83 1S SANSEACT ORY IF We UMISURLCOMBAIAS Ok UM CERTANTY 22.] OATH SAME AS PROBLEM 4, FLULIRDING NOP AR STRES~ CARE 5. Om= 386A § Fi 80 Nee From n0e.3 As ¥i¥0 OOrYe Was Tite Heres” Bm tI > lobe Clswemrte rok 00) DUCHCIFE Sa*2oromre omens Sr=1730mba; Su>¥ conn Fre 53) Son'= G81) ldsbries) = 304 ree | Po fe Loy Keon A fart bee Sa as) TE a saNeat hem (oho : CBP conse 29 Sussesr TRYING TA Fino 4M EVEN STEINER MATERA POA Omen REFEREW CES: PAY ADUUIT WiODd O® DYiCANesS OF SORE STOCK: USE ANALYSIS FRem PALM TD Com OvTE Fuac€ VF See Zeco Far DERECHON FOR SPRIN Go Course A ovine LAT PIM FART POOR FXG END 06 SRG, TRA 6000 S2eEhe $ Hest Peodstn, ire Dire same ns PRow. , FLverUAne WORM srkees , case 5. Gow = B32 OSI 5 0a.= USK tui Foeasrm Asda lennveB! Su~ SEH, 5Y=MRS! ATC! Gms ble. By Tu 3560 pH; «| Sno dart Roaahoaca bl” Cree pnt ASTAI mY, Aap: basi Detar fret spe OE, boN0b0) «oy at Ay Dee S34-965 68955 onoBNt)* Ans 21 | chee ye Feces” 7308 271 | feet ar aves aia W = 2,97 9.2.91 of. FEV Ey TUBING EIA YS BITBLOJOR APL ISM. A Lanter @oIn Cdr BE OEE WED BY Placita Yni 3/06 (Ben coe me USING A Trnmen Uales INAPP 15-78, THE SOULE © S066 ENCE NL » OFFS YK 20.181, 5.223, HFT. WIM V.0/0 S126 VERTICAL, SALINE OREM Se=H19 50 BEANS FALE. WTS REDICD By x Yat Ey PISTON Row. P16 PE-24, Dia=o. boIn. Ax"? =0,263m* FLvervaT Ne Lona. Frmav= 0.6 rent; Pam= "Hors tint, Chee 5. Fm bs00-10)/2 > 53108 5 Fam /S00-ED= 198 Cinm lmfg= F186 ey ys" 1198161 5 Fa = Poppe ID, gS BRSIES, SAE 1180 WOr 13005 Sa= Mess; Y= ONL si, Se 7 Msi i. 6-9) C82 0493 ; Cm “ho 3Cer~0.80 Gum) ; R91 te=O. Sm! = 6 INANO BNO, 9) 3740) = 2203 07 “be Be, Kalen) sa I9V3es' , C.allesresi) — Pca PS 22308 Oar O70 ME SET Sare bur nei. Stone Ase Crete Foe Kei FAM DetlaN, UP Roo 21h 13 REPUB? 70 ASD/N. AmO1% 14 Om CBO | n= VEU | VEYE GeTTR.BE OSD 6 es DRITTLE MATER IM -STANE LokD ~CASE |! M8 546) Opry - KE 1 Cray” HE 3 Let Nzsom a). Ce soe de) = 11897 psi comptessiew Ald = 0.250 / 12010 * B10625 5 Dfd F800 /yyy® 125: Ther kel 49 Na Sax. 1% 0006!) omar” “1877 ep LAB eFangue com 26] Berrree Mareeine~StATIC Lono-CASE | : Me SH¢/ py Ting = Ke® 99X22 bd) — j900 ps; s Nhe came as Peee.zs) At tbam/4 . We Sue Pawel 4), ona = “19 00e7 [24 BRITTLE MAreeine ginam cremss- Seri FU) USE Meoieeo mona mented Oh, OL Feo Fem none craw STeess ELEMENT MM Fleer AEA WAL Coathessine SrAEss PROM 1608. + Figg” NEN Asi= ay Conninsea —NErr PAGE. Ib T= liye 20.00 8m /ia.stin 2350 661 From Mone ciate: Bazi se*+ 51 * = (304 esi Om Girt +9904 #6385 = 150 esi TeNsron Oa = Orv ~Ro-51 - O55 2-712 5} comme, Gentnich. covet Va" ovns hawt Fr k Ae 812000 Fio“1t Pe! Tine “OAciza3ce) Og 1s Ponte fare Lime of ls 3osed CeAvee) He Mine 625 Gere) sate bes Ducrie MmArmein- STANK Lone ~ CASE. SAE UII CD $7 = SOE MPw stk 2 we FS Pe) s 188M. IN mivoee oF SHAET n=331.S Adio Reg'0 Sa Log BISA Mo «pee ed . 188 Ware 7 sa mor: oo (fe Tp = 26.3. 20m (ss) Use PRepenzen Vics Om 28-0 aT a. as Fino % WHEN WeAOOE Stra Fla deinn (enned 1 Seg, MONK, w 7069 mm? 220" = GSC 88 Ame YV15S pnd) * 117 650 Ninn = 127 bw But m= 21K: et a Lt hibrenie 6 54-7mem (its) 27k USE a> 55mm ie e Leer 2S ae belli 29] FIG UEO5-28. SEE Ls PRD. 28. CASE j Rerenreo Revenseo VOKAML STRESS ; BOE N37 CD Su" B26 MPa Sw £42090) m=, Ce a= ty a* Sy 1 250 te (1458); Foe dome 0) R=99 C01 BS =( PN MGS) = 182 Me, 18 © 60, 10 eB Puy ® BEATA Aimon Ar tat (Poh 28) Recs S= £4 = 32S80 Noam. Se pores DY ee e00 D= YEE Hy = dtivomm 2 Use D= m| ign pee Aeconaese ons vee "ar. Ler Ranaimm, Riga ano oe HM Hn BS: 57857 mallpeaza) > y= Uy=2.0 Manes S22, Lam = 26 y55 ramen #205 heroes 2.7% (ese 28) Hnae = Maa]. 7 = UE Aer mey, 4 = YE) mae TISE 9.0mm 7 2] sem ere. reves AND fees. 28.AND2a. KerZ8 Roe karat] TOE he a homes Yao | ree erm Gy. 5-22: $e a. + @aleae] Gndnax= Veo | Stine seers oa Mee te Shes raw bh one EL igh eo Be Be oll rhe fing Be Ri aa taney te € os ee EGE + aha SRe0 20-0 | SE Ef? 7 SAC 137 Cot Sax Cmte, Sum 250m Aisyme Du so nm) 2 3.8/, Ca= 0.81 : Sh osrdst B50 NABNa BREED = Feortea. awd san) Spun = O25 Sm = 0.75162) 2 507 lm aoe, £25" ReO'D brs 3| [pee er 25.5% mont n OMG Dawn re = EY p= 0.20 Sek “en. oupo. AMY STD = IF APe pew ntaface fixgae Be The 5 Pam 13193 Aeon PT) <8 A PRon Peso, 2-28, M= 70 wd Bia mm 2B am 448 mnt Vand Senate Kis Ren MiDbLBOF Banens TO STEP. eee RD ESEW 1s REQUIRED, CONSIDER LAGER OR MATERIAL WIM Miehen STRENGTH, 78 3/. Sy 230K! 5 Tg = OS Sf) = O50)/a% See! Sc00pH ASE 2: Comawer sraess~Srane bean, MAL SHEMe SrBess mane. ASSUME AXIAL Compact Sad IS SeaAie- THEN MAL Process AT Fart Ano BEM -OrMGine BEWOING Ano TESA. oe SQUVMEWT TORQUE (rETHOO CU, EB. V6 4u0H1? 7-= Covea)jem) = 3600Lam {eee Lente Die re zoe M™ (Ye0uX/Bm) = 72008 ene 1a tay eae cs Bere en Biever” ver, Tee [Patote “Vf F200*r Seem FoSD Lt Toate Tae =a 3 Then ton Ja St yyy? Ber Se By fam 0.805 MW >——Feam poe aa ichioe 2b mn seue S# A 0s: Ze= 21a; AeA 70n> LEE ate ie Ter AF itsy 2 393.83 00 a wea og xt. out G20 ye : 5 ot He 709 10 TH EBL 2600 Ee Zee 2 pee os &] Flocruarine Sdena Sreese: ie nals corsa fe Ta hee gage | Tae Tos fe jee Tho) o #2 4B od Vie sete Ext $22 [2 2%) Les Jag UASxM Mime 2st smn 2 fee ow [Edie ]-3 Papagios Aaeaaiee] Sus 075 Sax 075tHenay> 0mm —7 UIE Ssh> 157754 Fhe WM ORT (08 j Sue UEoMee 57AL0S0 Mh F0l S° 60 Mee j 5m 2Yitaen bre 8)! Ler bs 0.0, C= 0.8 Sen'eb50 1(0-9M 01 YamA\= J ate. Reto bee 108 am? = 1% | Reronee Ot Pa Pnm= WHEY, -[eme. WB awaal Zo~ MUO jg = Bod mm? caeck YiCOING* eaw. a toe Jp = AEM 6 Dirt ate | tnt Le HIBS B06 are, ae” Ser mant z ay Ger 2 tile nae = 2.0 0% Wn? alta)” EaheamTm) *2:607 20 98 3 FLUCTUATING MoemAL frteeet a [Feemenes Lig Day kee & owes: pe ee 2 Yay se Sy = SKS 3 Spe PRS 5N A355 28085 ne ree lew AStrme MACHWEO SULERCE AHO Ce*0A Cosel Sa! nlea)fas1y ene) s204%0i edower! 3 M$ —J Wnae™ Ele 2 22000 w Yoo Lb. mn Pinatas Yenc ro Le Re nfm 4800.04 en | s= 8%; amb L = fie oe Soe ie gua i= tes. 4 Lore we 200 4 i tO PAS bee oan, ase _ zoe dao ba o% ce ot Pat LEE + ae eure, ath, Hip. 1s, LP art — aR = OSE SE Team ponmne Bit nomes 65: VAT = 196m cialis) Paararcor Rechuae Ce Fo be i80m gertee, roses Nik vase E*cqnrs T¥ ‘Pen 0BeBCLBO= MYSYIN » Dhew Ce Sm = (0.89M0.81)(28K51) © 12,0555 = (P0S0 est ovarey © Becomes oh, Ho neat 2pge We So, 2020 4 030r , 1372, om , 46% Bem, eso ge Le MR, 4BIe 2 9.331 5 ok + oar 33) 5 2 Sreurr 80 at FLUCTUATING Com bea Sreece: hovel Cuncun-meAw Sreess is] Che 51 = Bam pclae semas Eelrt eee re ene vs Ga19 saa * he PS Fan pasn.33, menu sree 2 Ge ies Sa ate ar coe WR 7 Aer eet Tw GA, ren benares omy Si ni Ree BE Tied Lg Se oe seg 987 tix* Hew sm pon ag ahd ar osoe prise Te recs sae Sit pap Flom beagetd n= O75 Sena i 2s0) ~ * aes ier Gogg © 2876608 Jom Reee Tae 82 tem; shonsry so b.7¥o. enon) tor Weep Fan tm fuesy £200 esi wa eae WO ga * Toa 202% KW =35 oe ose PROBLEMS 36, 3 AND 37 ALL oucrILE mAmeEsALs~ Srenor Lam CASE 2. 2 Ee Ee 2818s ye Vie My oe oF Re eral a ee wae" Be SAE YO Ha Sys 280M ae] oe aw SG ma BNI Mes We Hs, 4) 1020 4a N= 207/sn7 ) ase e sa at verte jean, co-vonia 2 M22) fan = 2.95 ad) Awa. bor: = 276/917 = 19S yi] €) TI-6a-W? i= 827 fang © BE $) PVC 2 B45 oy Tine sraevey ; M* Woy 2hde BP Mieco p50 daw BSUS EW» Sfp WYO gg 93037 a Pho6s. 38, 34,40 DS ST a® Qverne MaTrain.-STeADY Lomo- CASE 2 sae 148 €0 37° FoRsi afomons EAg2O= IF 600 § C2 1am /ga3OFLB=He ip OF Cape 2258 sper) T pe Sofa nN ian ORY Han Cousneet b smite of A ie fe freee Bebe Lig n teers pono A Sovaes Bre W ww ov Asie Weve Do. Benes fae Pee oy aoe mee Be Ba] ZF #0 = scold 2 Fe Sw 4s" case Far /s00/zbomvs}~/06lea eee theajae wos: ly An Fa, LOB sounsguha rote 1070-5 m eso qo Meco uae G0 Ho we 0] Fen (50/2 )n209e io As HL usa Yum Rerenrec Levehsio ALUM. LoAO! Cee 100; bp = 0.8 Akita vote ey OnE 1 A= Su! £ Canes be F/M = EOE OY a, Abn IS © one a4 70 pen 1.93 Sor = Yn = 0.05 STETL Ee 52000) gue sav-vin0 007 0 Sige (/hoptra mm Su = YO rn s-Q) 352g DCIONOA) 2 We MY nine Jot Low muse caesar bm Aua/sd avec mtreaiae. | Peneaneo Reveaces Siena craesti Case 4 :C2> 681 ,€4+0-81 Tz Ee sta a 32 bee ihe, Sa NIGMS = E80 Tas Be PREG,» Behe ti os iain” “Crksa) Sa! = ]sd(081 VoarNeay 119.04 Fas = O55 We Stole W faze #282 08 RePeAveD “WWE DIRECT SHenn STRESS’ FLUCTUATING SWEAR Sreecs % : :f-B,ee 7 cases: oq set we Se SF a Ben MOY AR» 2151 mom? Tae Tin 110800 mee) ay on mad ~ [b-20MPe 15078 nA) 5 5 mba + Gasiet0) a ones Sym 07 (fra! Pea tho. #2) 82 Ducrie mATaUAL -STANE Lone - CASE 21 N=0.5 5y/ tree W. Tet W280 DOE eo = SER 2 00s es) Deis Tae ap 7 Server, MOLE Reed sp ~ W Thaw foe = BC700Y, 2 Y2OTPS/ Aevmmun Zbrf TY WAS Sy = 47000 05) [is] _reverearina Siena sreesss Case Z| pesone 0208 vo b30006/8 erat Trane 000) 5 £300 = asics cans Taw Tae Rim 2 be te 2 E Sucowismtia) isi 35a" 200Ksi —~ Su 2 6H! 98) Seal =| Be oe HE Bree 2] = poste Ban tBSr Sia” Sant I. aim Use Deh 7Em. 2e> 3[ geet “Ek LEE] 20593 05 OY 6p [le] sree tono- tase 3 1 11+ 05 5/ tue, T= = canto, 622 Wim © 622467 Hime arma lorsy Pelham S570-mae “eo 6 La) Tanne = Vag 26220 Hm foggy py at” 22.9 M2 OSS ftingy o Sys Many, 3TENhoo 189M Pe iss [Yo coo OdAnIN HAS Sy> YPM Pan FlUcTUATING Swena Sraess Case St EO. 5-22 (see faseLem 6.) Tan = Pf UM yg m 178 Mom zo}. See bee Ts ms Spe 1H ae Tas Tapp = Whee ncy, scene — (ho) Tae ge Monfgon = tht ter be B+ She Bite ore oF peren. raraett Bie) 00 ah j S72 BY rire Su Crate —m Su 2 ts ned 04 0) G21 Neenoenesye aS0nn or mma) sestose r Bem BR + EE o 0508 $m Yoror 2 3:28 8 ¥e| Plvcruarine Wokeae Sree! Case 5 20,5-20 Proaucms 68) ¥4, 5b, 51+ — ones t= Zee tem LEAS Ae G-a6= G.50-0.52) (0.52) <0.500* qs0 ae Zo morsi Cue ‘ie. Stoo rst tho Fin 20093 ke2 23! Pau Spe 107K8)j Saat UPS) eS VIG Sul ™ BaNoanen=27 9 ast fe BE Bae 8555 7! im) AA MEY» 28.21 mom re anz204 Gan Fag HOEY op 2mm tas| Be texte nar am + Bee. 96 Pm « waza er yfccopan tne s 2.03 | peers 5/8 709m Sas PHA Be BEAM one 51279 Sma 3tnten cg 199 eayeg vie setae. Sn! ORM ODN 390 194. 470% Fed vo W869 on “OTERO bam Ron past. 62 ,chATraR S, OM STRess Ceaas AT borrin Kem 1/36 | Sig 8 000 pei Sn” 221 200/83 S= 45000 25 Su! @GSLED (20) #27000 px) 2 OR = A = KS 508K rs! Gene A WONT aera eae one Sin Sh ee 5 BOS (AYE ogary 3 e VIE OF fm St (e008 PY serio: N2TS6 On Fea Peek 63 stihers 3, TIAL Srress ccovas Ar LEPr pas O72 018) ke= 22055 Ae (ete 0K oa)-03 a a See Tne Ene O20 /se00P5s a0 te an"tee ‘tee agaases) —_ 4, be, £800 4 2ICID y gyy 2ST errr * SS ume 53000 eS, np 319 | waa tame Sue 8h Ne 39 Om. Sn GBI, af fr Feom Pag 2-61, Ging LEEDS: /eesvons ke 26ASe) th FH REGO Syem Nor~ SUE 201) ¥ 515 PL DUE Gatwe EACAT Ite : S a case 5: hm Gp hee posssaur Gechvse BsTy Sx Awe Sa! AOE suhivown) « Also O4TA Foe EuDVeAICE Foe TITAW im ARe Wer DiagcrLy AVAiAeUE HERE. AS Ad SENATE WE WILL USE PIA S-§ fe [he DISCUSSAN FIR STIL 7? O6THN Sm!, ALSO Wire Fem Pests PROBLEMS, Sql % Rf» THE PERMITS SHUT FUE Ss, ALT MATERIAL En ene tne b0 nc re sae pres ene no REE I Wore Thar a omecr snore 1S ar As main 20} man™ 2 one fan ZEATION 35.57 x Fim fae Ea, SEE» 228A a" jae be By Mew 28572000720 . ious Be TWN S20 129% 510255 #208 M Ac! TRY ThSOA,IVLIN fe Sa BH Fiton £18. 591 Sm 2 Rome lernnere\ > aioantzey mrs are 2 Be CI yn ewe 531 a iSO Fein eee, 3-665 4 ke® /V3 2 Tine /f00temn 27h Be= Wty 2162 0383 mi? Tn = Th/ ee” Mi/y 293 = 2868 Ps) = 7a. —e CASES Be Bee ascome Sen! = Suafy (ser rece 53] Ln 2868 1G (060, 293 wes 5 Wt Bt BE ee LOE 2 Sib 801203.) ST ps BES Sn = OWS 50s Sac Mfpiz e VA pie 1690 05: ZAY AISI UST Or 13003 Spa 60 He ; Soo 61 Hj Sue 938! Sie om sh 3 Sal Bago ONCEN Ic PAG i Groene ces seer ite ne O45; Ma2,v7 Low rage mitre igo esiobicoati) ieee Bs 55] 05e CASE | Becnuss Meee SrRewaDn Drenee fans ASE Fiuely barron, Fein Pace. 3-67 , 32 5610s; meuneg ke. t Vat Rego, Suc = NO-2 SCI2I6N2 IPM wise Géice s09-70-43- [st] Fin neve. 2~60, © = 9325 AS; weevome te 2 C1862 A/2 Fei Regd Sq! a worm 3 CHB 147-965 PE Revere 70 14, SBy THE 13 VEL Hate Me Pakcrine spree ht Revesien Tre manson. Pra erEPE eer eHP error [57.] Loto is Rerenten ove Dieec row ~Toasalm. smena sTeess s FLUCWATNG Stone sreass ~ CASES! [=Tz = POM, 2 SDLpuM, Ar pitsert Yd= 25% 39 = 187} = Oo, 900083 :Ke=/¥3 Bpt IY = MAO, © 0.00530 017 Tatas De Bite. yyesi Be" dost? HEBD CBT 10001 Sym 16 7ksi j Su /ISKSI; Then Sn = bore: bret) Semle BIH MOSOGRNED 60K 24.3 deel; Seu 0.755u 02181005) R133 KS Fae Meta, 9, LLHOOD oper yn jibe bool WM See” "Sent" iatsen * “24360 8] srenoy Lone-serrie mari: Case | ei eereeeeaeeeee Ar Mito e-BeTw wen Cob? alz 29 BP LHL, OX 2.25) 620.6? les ? ° sa = My» DI, oy yp SSO! Ar SRP Por 82 B= bh Ye-G. BX sasi7h -O1Asani? The las tis Ueerscs Wf, = 22502180, i A \ Tr = Heth, LEST). J25)4 : 2 aaa Mr Samy VOI), .. = 5:19 3) — Gp] Aereres ote meeerust Cases! ca. s0ihh <3 D=0n50m.t A a"2Yy = 0.196 mj Asone kghd 1 ae NL LEE TRIALS SHERID CD! SY*T/AS! 5 Sa Bakes!’ Sa 2 30K} C659); Su! 2lesNcer) Sm 200 81V0.8)(3a)= 189 dest Be a Lat, e800 pga: ne 2.04 cow : = Boowe * “14 00 210, ERE HW WAT 10001 Sau Hebei; 1997 mei, 20% ws Sa Yak Smits en ROL Ta RR ep Hee PE GE a3; 4 22.8 ol ROT AUT 86 Barons Woay) ok eo] Rerennco~ Ove DIECTA | CASE St Stacey sree. Fona= 800083 Frun7O Engg 0.0/0 105 1=2501% gq Comstoee DEFLECTION FLEST + REQ. A= Pl Jeg = genres = 0.0667 025? FE S= A= (00 Tn* = 0.25810 2 Tesco. — Fmho = 40LG. Sreers Auheysis t Asume ke=/0 : On Oa = LOLs = yH49 ts) i Bien) cemSeenoe TRY SAE W040 CD? Sy=2/Ksi j5a*80KEI; Atenas FROM FIG 5B! Sy 230K 2 LET Cs=10 5 Cop =0.80ltnsm); e081 Sa! = OAYOL0NG.8IN30) =1,e0 51 £0, 5°20: 1 Oa, Kee. NY, OY) 29.206 We 3.51 Oe, WS Se Gomo" 9¥00 lec Rerenmea- One Diewcrtod | CASES: Fayy=BOLE | Fagg? Fas? 6008. OL. Say ted beoce* nah $+ “at _ PR ILeasrAnmed) ULE Ame MATERIA. pent AtIM Cheb, 60! Shelefo Co Sa=BoKs/ 5 Su 30K) Sa! = t0le)(08/)(30) «V1.9; a 26 pews Fr ET Ais Yo00 Lan; em 10 SS Dp, = 102.0) = 0.705002 29.520: 1, w ‘Ca Oe ft me a ar One Me = Bebb pg Blots} 2 in FRE + Goleta), ore 5 way.s0 wenen Toru (6). 2) Ar Seeriy @: = Hoven, Mm Ot), = 200 G2 "Yh, Keth2V: On.~ Onn gt. Zio fi = Foseesi Fo tee Bose, O20) _ a % * Woe “27405 = 028 jw 516 Lower Tum (a), Mevesten) BEAv 1H Peod. 6]. Ware THM IS vente PhotcemovAL To Mamet M Awe DISTANCE ac. THEM @ MHVST ae Revues ay: a! an? yco 0070) =0.1nC80)2 630 WLS Eoem) Then = 30018) * JerstBin.; > Oe Ye m 8 = DIPS + L243) zi ita We GE + AAO 8 a 200 5 Wade oe ME, (a), Stecey a> 625 mn 81 Raven re e&oBs, 6/,62. 1 Hew As A40;G="%q=0,20 yw n= 4D 3 hem |e UE a= 200m AS Elen; Ma Weoain WF 8 1 fe Bee. ae we ae fOr OR= Dose os) + PLD ooser 5 ye3e1 Dinavind g misrae ReDttee Te BET NZUED Ar Are. 2 ax OU yg = 8,000,130) = 749 IN § LET a2 125 1M, Tren 14 20290700) = 2175. caw; O-= ew 2711 psi 1, 200 202 W” goose © "21 G08 Amn 5 HSK OK [4] REPeArad -ONE DIRECTION | FiucrvAnne Srhecs * Case 5; 605-20 SAE pove Hh! Sy = Y2KSi | Sa* 1246; Su> Basi Fe 5B bor buen. Cen/0 Dies revimt cet; ee® DBO AAG Loko Sen’ = Mo.wnesksi)> 11.9 481 a sar Pus Howe § ab = Oo2Sim. Dun,, ar= Lown. dy 220 Yur = 0.053 Ke= Yo Far anemoed. Sion ™ a 3 bouts GorazsVodar Lt Bp Kale = H2 , UIONII). ye 5 H20.243 WSS * Fete * “78900 faptexres Dar rucers: Y> Bigs 1025 eT zp ae OM eratece nin Mx cot thew & Toaxeary-= “0! LL. L2200 (10000) ~~ Row” W900 152038 emute. Wétovemenrs: )Mcnenre THicennss, 2.) Mebane Filer Beans, 3) Ase Crean eh MATBRIAL, LINEAGE PML S19 -O8- CHANGE MANUER OF ALILING FoRce To The PAET To EUNWATE HOLE - Oh~ Paper PRT THIER ATE Hotes THis IN MUDLE OF THE FART: Aretih. MAL BE REHOVD 1M 3.0010. Smet NER ODOLE LP URET TD OFPLET ADDED mATERIAL. Fes unem.e, L002 TAY TITANIA LitTAL OAL BEML Td Sree, TH peau An Be To RESTEICT IME 7 Pex ony A PlAcn Cm Soe UTE WITH DAM ITS oak. AY HAVE 10 Acceer LOWER NRO OR Some InCMEME hy WEIGHT OF IME ComBouewT. 8B 66] Fivcruarive NoRan. Sreess ~ OME 5 ~ EO, 5-20 SAE 1090 CDi Sy = Wksi 3 Su = Boks; Sy =20Ksi F658: A708! eas Csr=0.80 AM: e = QBlo8i{ 30) *19 ¥00 Ai Fu=Onarsove = /3.9h4 (um Jari 298 Fas 248-139 = 10,9 EYyvesay 24008 2° 0,5%Sin. | whim; db =0.625iN; Tes OW7 ns FP Pa Hewes be =2.844 a 5 Gast” Ga-saNo og = f= 2h __ a 7967935 Gait * 050-000 fe See Sees EY, BBCI) oan sop a WE Tsu" WE Feet0 * “79700 pawuee. AT mgt Hate Koad 223 Suenouids Sreatel Lh. $520, E2076). tes fat + BAND. posy 32/11 Low. LAT M01T Be REDESIGNED. (67 Retenred REVERSED Lote -~BewtiW~ OSE Y ? W250 To Tae SACL80 O@T 13007 SY =5/2/1Pe.; Su= E90M Pa; Su 20 Mla; Ca 0-8! C57 09 Coy =10, Cm=l0 3 Sa! =. 9N0O) 0) 206 MPa Ree YN (29/4e0)= 20H) Gear ts momskr-ober eevense0) Bn tnt Cali fo |e" me He = 125% = 2880nm* ey The tape 2067143 2 p= ke? = Ken 60 be 2 per, 29 = 168 seem 5 n acai Se 543 a) Frou 228) 46.9 te. kare.) °. Saale APB? Peon eFAnsve: ars "hy > 070 ker i¥0 Onan btu kRSIaNO ~ Yremns oy, pte-tan DSiine * oS eee Comat he Tun = ON 172.6)= 6.6 nla (care) fmimin N= LéteAr 8 (Low) 68] Sex Peet. 67: FoeW 25 Sx'=H One= 225) =U Sate Uo P0ip$l) in THEW Sy @edD > % MIO fa ua 74) Sue 3ayea lee PRON APP AL SAEISYO OOF 900 HAS S,> USHER 64 a 72 FLUCTUATG NORMAL SrRess ~ CASES ! Fran Jools Fa 68 F-60026 Ye = Si0ee 5 Fa Parco =Z0018 oe AF Fituer hy = 0.67 | = 01048; Bn? Yoko 2296 : SS Bae HUEY = 0.192 ww? = ane than Leable Ym pyi|™ On I ee tn OF 6 1 ee a en daw ds Hone Webinar if ee ee “ TE BIEY Synthesis Sav9iesi | Sin =26KSi ($16 5-8 AK Conse); Sx'b.99)(041) (28) 20, OKSI Gn ie lee BE CHUB 2,65 WENES Laws SEC PRO-EF1 CREASE NTO 3.0 08 MENGR BI VSilG LARGER A. Mar Miveie wiPeantaur wonoae echo woes: abe By ee. 10010 Cox) WS * "Sa" —* jrow "tooo OF iW EROE Covina «dum Toe. 08 Ok Sex Plot. 67! Mceante MATERIAL STREVEMI TD GET W230. TR SRE 1340 OT 4c> 3 Sy=/S Kei ; Su2 Wes) (hon 9-3) MTeerove USE MAcHneD SIREACE! S* Bre} 5 1uG ICON D2 W631i $f aee Lave 2350412) a ar ee 77 wese 20s We aes Oe Aevenrae Revesier Stes; {ACE Y! Destes Foe W23.0- SOECIRV MATERIALS OG=Sn'/ ToagAT Bt Me booesun er Sem = lind, = nortan? Po es Ar Fiber: MY, 20.06 jpy 0:06 5 U5 = hy ah te Kel Yo Pa Ler 5" Onye eA, OMI 2 nyys E Reo’? Sa = Me ~CoXnin = 26977 FS) er8H C5 08, Sou ® Su f0.88.0081)~ SUIT gsi FRom F16.5-9, ReGd Su = /1S 00s! (macunen SitrAce) Olle PeSss8LE SouUTAN! SAC 31¥0 OCT 1000, Su*/520600/, /Theras, Lteoorom 7) Favcruanve wokMm SraRet CASES: hon S66 39% DOT 200! Sy=/97Ksi j5u=ZUKSI I Su 's080N089 Cheat) = Yael KET fe win re Fin = 4500 414 000) /2. = 12 20L8 Fre = 16000 -/22D = 375046 AF P1csa! Hig @ B8Sy a= 01019; Up 2 1M gy ASH ken 210 fe 1G» wlasihy coaiain® cas Age abou ae 15 n> fo 1 $39 200081 5 n> Top » SDUw. aartat be Ga, eae” 5900, 2Wfasw We Tse t Sar aaron * Garo 778 5 Sane Ptoe. 131 TRY re Rep estes ro hemave W220. ceaalie FALLET RABE To A=OIBSIM. FULLET UBD THEO UST Biewe WIM OUTS OF 80.00 DIA, = LBS 2 9295.2. boo, 7 alsin j= GRE 0 0.205 Do L086 1s; be h36 Me STeaNGOR MATIN § TRY S26 8650 2a 700 Sus Wokri 5 Sy 2221815 2% arom Aon GEND ALL CEM SuRMACES GEMTLY, Sa BETS TCO OTT THEM S,'= 00.8) (8K 1)= 57.0 03 spe Bike OR 018 a aysi 5 =320 Site roo Lous EVEH IF ke =10, W= 1.67 “Stee Loos Dinmerees MAY HAE TORE WCREASED. 25 Revenneo RevVexcean LoAo-CAte 13 SENQING MomenT AT FiLLeTs=FCtaun) “(600 ta) 3200 L010, oar, steal? Gian” hw Hones es my Ge Beet eves) O° Fine * Fe ticn STIS oe Fe, Ce Fee Recranaue 125 H001m. Dee 0808 IE 0-Fe8 CREO 128 Ge OY) "2085 ANSI UY OOF 1100 Sard Msi, Sm 2 HSI. U5E CH 0.8 Sh2 Cr 45m OBSNCO.BDLS? 70.9 Kei = 28% 25) THe Kenag® a= EBROOLSE a, Woven Greenday “7 Faon erhicea | Myx 2/9516; Fon MeelS7 Then A> 0201 Gives Hee 2h? ww Declan Secraw APB" Fak M FR0. a ie EMpyy "0 = ScObIS)~ Bilas) | Ry = Bm 4225 feone| 13) Neem ‘pus Munim Souvtws Possieue ? te Cer MiDIH =2.08/n; Sau #5 OT SecPud yo devia Fok Leh, case |: = 5a! ppyg = a BOT ing = 2 ral ne 30 ae Hew y= > Feta ot NaN 2533) te [ [zee factastetecn) a tm ma. Sm b erm V2-00) JO” Lert =o8sm 5 we2.00 1 Foe ke=t®,/.= 0:3 esr. THEW dim 0.30% = 030108) 0255 1n [7.8 Phoaiems 77-83" ARE DES/eM PRO BLEAS FOR WINCH THERE ARE MULE Soeunens FOSSIBLE: ch f Bl CHAPTER 6 COLUMNS ns y= 0.75/72 0188m tkt/a= hoCrYoa=/7) Sym Ge 00p sj Cee) (2S = = 119-m lone Covwrens ¥ ‘vise eucen. Ax 10% « 0.4120 Pes Dea = Geno). wise oe O70 * Kt [n= 10les\fo.t0= 99.8 Y-0S0m Tlnxa) Kije (9) (0Yos0 = /00 7% owe Dia. Sevaae:I=Siiu; ae s*: Fear 60, 6-0-eeer Tesh gee gx [ewe be (conrinve vex Pace) |Comrmueo) Jonuset Abs SY. 2h) Sr bee)™ count han ner Ay [In Geren 5 [ees TET wen SS ~ Fetule «55, 33%60*: Bere Fie 5 SS = NO 4 B57GL* pire ey Sy Ane Pane Vo ae, oo (x + Siew] F Vs] geene rena T= pers re epi) ) riot R'D). protli-e") waeee. i TY iY 2 Aete)* he * To alge we d= RD eye oe bees] oun: GD Am 2012, 70 B0D fan won any [tm BOT) acres 0, A~ AE pie Ot, Dee” > Yee he See = Beltre) aren ee CN ae we = partie) _ GAS. Ge)” 5 7 Tete) wove). 2, E02) 5 laey* Wracree> tet sia)* 7% on tear rx oeioe a oo Biba eS, we — Tae Ta] Asreme Cowunw 15 Lawes pay pase, t sx (2Xebe? ] Ke = 065622 hb WI CEnceo 005) Wh 5 PASO), pact m vse cece casa) Chee! Am Sys = SO/ITE = OMB 3 Kip hays) = Mod Fee 606/76, Sy= Yost 3 Feary P16 G6) C= 70 Live oe Rn fon 20.8 (RI = OS9Y ASSOME Love's FLOM fesee)3 Seg om [tee ae | eeecereantual [8 37 yrte FD Crna TD) Use_D=L50m 3dz 080 j20ut WF =0¥tn ki) Lp WarGAT con Caeson t WT PRAT imine. 70 AREA ax Souter + A= s*x0.50)*= 215 a Tear | A= Ow ag Goria) aa 656 10% Us Jur = 225 a osew $51 — 7008 NueH mae SPILT 16] Assume cooume 15 Lone: €9.(6-9) 9 =(Stee es =|” Wee » -[atrsxoayany’ 46m Trane) | se pat som crece he Of a os7= Kifax bare 160 townoe Zoe Ce 2 80 Fak.) Sy=/9KSI nee Moret CARE Wound AVE 70 EE 60D Ar caNEETIINS 7 ene Ata Ute, MOLTIAE DESEMS POSEIELE, CONSICER Horton) THEE —Rimd 0 SOUMEE- CHehece PATELIN. MAY So BE USE lla] rocnece vestcns gossres Fir Fr/enom $00 = isseece Be 19] Puree pases sossace Aye U8 2 33.51 a> Wee = s3seece Ts 20} b= pase x hr a Bom. : ke=2KL/29)22 9150 8Kd 3Co2 98 Atsong Cents Line ~Eutea~ 9, &-9) 7 » p= feeee eel] foes czewocen 3) Check A= Yya hint Kofae jos 255 BABA renece sours posse 25] ceveceo coevey + a* 0.085 D=0.Sm, ¢*0/2-0.37574, = Wy 34188 my 72 d0852 pu; A202 05 Pee® 19928 DW EREM* 9. “4 [Ar (ir 8) ru] EEN 6 —rescone (i C8BE322) yy] = 079 Co + Ala. Hemlarnvuemls 9.220106 G Pe as[-cors)-Yessd Fanaa Lésoweo coeumut A B04m3 C= o5)220, 250; Pn $2695 ca CHO) A= ASW His e* 210208 Wj A 20.5043 SY 2/0 10005) oe ~¥ Yee, 0X osy Cr S222) reise -syaz0 20208 Cus GOL HOS 26D 0 4.79) wh to P= 0.S[-C-s122) ~ E8222) Hpagah|sposseus [25] cena carumn: arotsing 02° = afer; xa 799000 (ram erg A* 0.S29n; 0.280105 10.51 06 n>; y= Fo 000 PS) c= ZY sccexenson + (1+ $2O89) yyy) 8677 Cre C2enOa“esOA) ,27:207 Pe os[-Caer -[ Can -ylariexn)) |= 20708 189 18 n AcceN rte COLUMN! Ledam.5S=L2sm.; CaK 0.8m A* Hp = b3in.; A? = 0.130N; A=S*= (SOW C2060 s £* SY =0.2018i"; 57713 0000s) Foe A. 063-74. = 2 - 22 jp bteYous. [br iw Fam ele: 12b Cage” Op, = LEY 1+ OT see esc can) Tune = 3.458 Psi = C061: anc Osa cecle ao ny) ~!] = 08150 {g Eccewrele Coun t L=3.2.m= 200m} PaS0CKN #20500 Sein Seu v0 | Dy @Z50/H 962 Mh 21, 250 ESV mn Yay Yas mam 1 cickmibeeet inns abgames ae SoBe L= 0200" 597) = 1251 x10 mae! § 2=/S0mm 4181 to20WR! E = 2076 te =207H0'Pa= 207 000 te-= 207001 Yawe,™ EOL Gon See PY i0 CE li |B] Trae = 2120 fe, 2 BOT Sy = 207atba. , Tow Srtect 16 reeset, Anse = b80)f seed -1] = 25:9 moe rark. Deer wer Vee. Lecanrere Coon t L=/4,28w3C* 030M; 599,20 A= ste a0sesn*3A= Spe = Af = parzains ho aes Pets.a, E-2840 tsi: 0= Asari ts! 26162)! Gjg® LES [+ O2WOLD) oof te. [IE eases Siar SEL GE se rae LUM yy =0030 Sect F7]= 0.075, ECCENTRIC Cowen tL = Yous 620.01; P=2Somie 4—=F—]] 4 Je BST GLE 1 Reams A231 go Ke Deoes — Aern AW! SV * 0m Bj E=loxto es) Val Ler w23 THe Be Yen 18667661 Ler Oy" Ratrinae oF Chle13)” BeH jn GN dH Ou 34020 Oi 20a _wtSi0e ure: bxerh Read: co =900 a7 Lear eM LoAD ? b= 1.0 Fr OY ey)=/920n $ Ast A386, S=3oe Fron Me ts3t he SH Ms Eyatltly = VIn* 128 ; ke OAV, yyy Fon £16 b-S, 0421253 SHer Cosonns~Jomisey reenica. LEE =3 Bsncou) [y_ Geen V4.2") a7050 48 CENTRAL LOAD : FxeD-En0, K=AkS Lew aatEo)= 429M, SYXRI! AS22605 Aqy = hp= 0,58; Lefr.® 18 5M *IsPoPen/y Asim ASL! Sy =36 00 61; F= 20x08) 5Co® /30~Sihar “Rl.20¥ p~ Skew 7z8)* Siew 6 Bb 26¥s600/s] [7 eee NZESY Na 22 soos, 32 D Feceurese LoAd? P= J000 Laem osor Y= ofan; L272, A= 0. b0)00)= 428 m™; C=0B0/s-OMDM; A= alifih =Di230¢m Use stem eo tenet 207, = L222h 14 GrtoiCom Ga" ZL! AEE L!* SB sels |g atemams )| ses Hone = 0.96 eel 1955 -1] =0.3860u SPECIFY A MATEUAL To PRovivg W2?. (04 =28 240 ¢s/=Sy/y : THe Sy a= 84900 6s) SPECIFY H1S/ fo¥e WOT 1060, S/ = 86 000eti (Omen SoLenens asses) CEWreN Loni Stecim A Sram. Tube! SyeSéocabsis LETNE Assume Cavum SofPoers te Term Lonos R= ss 0001/2 =2750 LE Assume Couunul Is LONG ! Bg, 6-8: [= XPRCK~ Astime P0GO-Prunteo Couns, KE Ise 50. Toe Y9VEVe, Z011,4 wit aL Ceass0 $0.8! okie Bet 3022.5v0M /726)” re FRR 6 7754 Trlsoue') —~ 74 atime "og eect rute AYTY, 1 “ines CEWreAL LOAD? SRF Sram. cabener 1A LAY a y= O9NIN Wd Kin LOLrY oY) *229 : Asrm AB -5y-Bé00n ts) ,lc%/20 Lentele, fe TEA. Wtaaintd yy ee feo aw MEY ~ 2022475 Prius. Be) cewron Lose! same As 39 exceer Prteo exes, koe ks (ns/ 0,409 =H ki Paw Ui i0xn0) 2.49) fat 508: MIDE EccaurRic Leno t Ox Flan APRIEM ON IBIN, AND O=e Ure a (6-13): =F =?©°% =/2000e) 00 Bag [t+ OPM O 08 cud tm | Pa)] By (reRtaout FoR Pam 4002, Oa= Ml 1206! Ww Troe Note: Entorr of computer = sart(/A) Tabways entr Area} [mtr 2e0 for Jor ri not used) Joo 0.777 for strength 14025, 0.449 for deflection 11008 ej nag = a0 pl 0 |ECCENTRIC COLUMN ANALYSIS. Data rom: fon 13 for es an Guan 6-14 Tor maxima Sonsistont US [Solution considers the 6ccan load with bending about the horizontal axis. Eq Length, Ly =KL= 40.0 in Column const, Cy = 70.2 Argument of seo: Value of secant = (0.355 for strength 15236 ‘Argumentof sec= 0.494 for deflection Value of secant = 1.1385 Stender. ratio, KUC= LTS |must be loss than actual yield streng = 40,000 pst Max DetectOn, Yous = _ 0.257 In 0 also Sol Tor buckling about thinner vertical axis. Wore! Ax (50m) (o.vem) © 0.600/4* L010 at fhe BB wars 5 Pes barca Eccenimie Lona ress 19 Bvccce THe GM Adored Srmewe fs. Bur See Sonuned $88. Lennie Lone 15/4 LB Fon Esteiine Abeer Mun ARIS. Jot COLUMN ANALYSIS PROGRAM. Tero Figure 64 for analysis ele Column const, Ce = __702 JNOTE: Cross section properties taken with respect tothe vertical axis because the load is [central to that axis. But buckling is expectad the axis through the thin (0.40 in) section, ANMYISIS AS A STRAILNT CEWTEALLY Load CLAN THAT TENDS TO Bowie ABOUT Thun AXIS, £2 0vOIN he MS sm Ola Hm Fron avia FoeatA wim wes Pat /65es. Jon, IECCENTRIC COLUMN ANALYSIS “Solves Equation 613 or ee 103 Ea. Length, Ly = KL= one 0.811 forstrength 14512 0.488 for detection 4.1205 1029 |COLUMN ANALYSIS PROGRAM. Revert ogi 104 |CROOKED COLUMN ANALYSIS res Equation 6-11 (or Column const. Ce = Euler buckling load = Cy inqn. 6-11 = Ce in Ean. 11 = Jos" V-gers 2. CHAPTER 7 BELT DRIVES AND CHAIN DRIVES OS Moms D2=/2. 9S ws DIES INS BV Rr ea 7-3) . Ee 2eness7 Onsenses) + COED pa a5 USE L=7S nv -STANONRO Lenemt ae: Aervac 0 Fem &Q.9-41 L275 B= VCIS) ~b. 28 S390 +5525) = AIRE £29 + VOUS 32 (34 F2D_ 5. y 00m ve coos [EsSao2e 072 0'~ 252" (BEEEE) apsnz? Go. 1-8) one? pact PBIEABAE), 251.0° r= [20425 (ees 208° (ep 2-4) CE 60.09n 9 DL= 277 5 DAB Ym 3 SF BELT CERTAID ConeuTee L= 128.20 Ure L=/207m Aera o= 55:83, (€9,7-+4) O,= Hol? 3 B12 1999 (@99-5) (7) CE Mim 3 Da 94.814; Ds*/3-80; BV barr (6073) CompuTea L= Yb99GIN. BE LEYSO WM herve 0 [332.64 €Q.%4) O12 hI? 5 OL=2s.3% (EO a-s,7) AG" Ri ck> GPEIn 2008 er, wrt, er 2415 Arf Mio Rene Zbie ~ dense, Urs ALEE = 2857 ifaw Me hiur> LL Be, gee p Apidae = 313 r/o Tamm Rano=4Y s20% 2.6652 &2Sh0 5 Lo =0.905 Cox /03 Comescre Hwee CoC.P= OYC.oXKers) =EFhe 106. Bers Rar = 27.7/at= 220 5 PAct /2e a/b IEA lamas} Cue er Coarsereo wewne= Go. P= CIM A526) = He 2EAO Riri ® 918/138 = 6.82; P= Yoke 3 Coe 915 Cox 109 Connscreo Power. Co Ce P= IOV LOYl ye) = ¥234E A cake dar A mares Sree mente A roe wn omic Sine 70 A Sv bar: ALA BEW is A rere. AerononVE BAT Arun A rer WOT OF Dam. Smiene re AW wl puremiare ber DESlEW $ Source PAcroe = h85 Desteu Powenn 2 28)= TEMP Peon Fig. 79 ose SY Ber RAtm = 82/310 = 2.8/ Fon Wz xYoo rum 3 D, = £2 PSN wean) Foe Dill; Des 32402 Ma Cx" Ye, 2305824 om Rite Power = 225+, 94 €23.1VAE Cen ee Dusmwee: b2 (26400 rLiswd) =), 2 jm. Foe Die /btsais D* 27.) 0 5ta=/500 61097227 = 552 RAM ae ATO Pewee S25;Alp BY sw ToRPoArrid on Free 137 pr 2508 ROM QIPCK UY § USEC % 36M. LE (Bhim le ba /PtiM, erin €= Biles O12 /5U2* pour ZOLS Cp IES CS ol Cone, Fowwe= C42K i wNas2)= 23.9 Ae/eerr No on 6eurs = 56/239 = 2.30 — yse 1beurs DESIGN! SAM § Des, Pamet ~LY(20)=28kp eS Bear RATIO 128 89S = dO 3 DRY LD) = 2.210 FORD, = 05500} Dis /P.9SIN3 Hz a/2S0" page= 69S: IRA ax KATE Pow en = WhO BY Tee puhTed t4 E34 AT 12 SORIA HRC LOO 3 YEE 0% 20 5 L=8h2M—MUSE L™IOM, ACTUAL 6 =2L02IW 50,"/57.913 Bra Zoe"; Co*.9%j CALE? Co“e, Power» C9YNL07) U0) ™ 10. ¥64e/éeer Ho oF Bevrs = 28/0v5 = 268 gerTs —> USER Beers Dessau: SAi= 2.0 Grusine); Dé3.P22.0(/u)=200k? —m sv ener Rariom 590/525" 139 § Dix (26 ead) 7 (g20* /7iber Foe. Dx /obin; Din lI ta= 8762 0Y nig = 63/600 ox Pareo powee. =/264,778/930K 5 MIKE 72.1 3USE ORY EW L& [ion ese Le /32/0 5 AcrvAL C= YS0/ 9:2 Ia" 38x 195.1" $ Com 980 3 CL™10/ Cove, Power= 6988)ia1)U837) * 19.33 he Jacer Moor beers = 200/83 = /09 ~S HEH BeLrs, Hor acueerasve TRY BY Baur: FoR D2 /280m 5 Dra2h.8inj tty beer OS RATE powER = Behe 5 2UIEC Waa W/n 3.6670. be Pex T/A prftas 26/800 2 en ahaa 250/= AUT Ay hyn ath = 236/i4 OIE de ame ase mm Le hye acs Wy =A 2 aes awaomnm, 2] v= sy; meov 5 be 126 oop = aaszan D2 Yay THiIM. — Gren 0%, 490022 00/09/8 b fa Mayzoiim — 4 yw ashs soyntea ste 0.0937 0, came 29* 1SBiem he figs 20.7 Yays c108T3 ds 0 400 mon j. B= Magan = ooteym S, Te Revcawram — ke Dae OU ay = Hay 2 1500, a] waves Aaz fr be *Ya= o.b2sm, ge ge Saf = las a 02 im 2esom. f. her 2a hts & Rem Manns mn. he kee Afa = Love ci mee Am iutmm 4) em Maas * 18a deme Pmt % a as h=0.S0m A. dew VA = 23.50m. #) waas nce a, 02 *Y%222s0 & Pes Mosor2m Crm = P93 BIS $62 '*Ve= wisesia. 22 72% o.0313)4 Q hee 2290+ 0.2813 0 = 24 = ozo J, m= 50 men 1. ee Mace? Ol463in. 2, as Azomsm. ke d= 29m 2.5000, 222 3 y= 195, a be yas = barisn a, 07 Zags = 12.51 im ee 986/126 oul 2000, b Pee Pre WAS. t hes iar 4288700 cme /iaceltisitmm A. haw %n95= b1¥2dm dm = LE man 4 re Maur) > 0.8760 2. ae Yas = SIH Dex Atfurs= 17H Me [a] w=20; Beoy a, d= *Yeye 32m db. fam Mey oval om Lome AU @ 0312 mm J. ms O:Yoman ce. as Yv=o.0ise m 1.|_W= 180 5 e280 1° = 2.2500. Pom "Zan 2 0.0393 0 ams 291/80 = 0.3 /2mm fm 0650 mom a? Ves oolesim o= Ma28 5 = 18 a. 02*Y 9 =L5S5bim b Fee em 0179S Cem BASLE Ui mm J. m= Son a. a= VI8 = 0,05 Sb. #26 ; yx 20 ae = Mie= 400m b. bez Mee 20S UH. me AM/s0% [24 mm d. me Lao mm ean /so™ o.050m. [i] N= 3Y 5 m=3=%h 4. D=amne3G¥)= Jolmer be fas lym marty FY2omm hy fs Ys A= BY7 ds fand G2, B= m= Room be 122% tasca® 06208 es 82a bad = 30051" fem Lty= 00367 iw, dae Afer= 0.031310 ee "Alen aor Dox B*/ey~ 0,3438/m $. b= Ym $0,000 = 0.017. c= 82M, di hae Yee Let Mace) © 00196 w. Lo be Often 222m, 4 62! *He= 0.06140, C= 026/78 = 00/3970 he hee 230/06 on/2fm as dem B78 = olin im 4 Tem gett 1 Oe 30/02 berm $b 12%, + 0.080 0,060.00 = ay pee = onrdvm aren rrriyn A hes 20> 0,/100m t= Thon = 07 8500 Dee 2/20 = hod im. $b asm 92D 320 ann 09 onatm 2025092 0176 mee de> athe 225m=6200mm igs c aa tanatea ie fo BAST OBS Y Timm J. tne mlvea)= 3020% 108 mn “4 (Sg ane has $. besaar(mefastias) S63 moe Qe D= MIA) # h2E(4s)2SE25mm — 9. C8 OIE O2TLII™ 0.3/3.0 b. Cae Bm 7bb2)™ BI2Imm — Ae hee 22 me Z20U{35)™ 2.813 mo Pie Wms Yj are2a3 A. dae 2ATALLAD= A.Om— dy farzo fi t= Aa he damm CA em AIS mm G daemlaeadaLasC¥ = S07 mm [a] weve 5 mesa Kb anastia)= (domme Q. Ox am a= 1LiP)= Zomm — Ge 64 2.20LA)™ 3.10 mom Do Bev mrcja)= 32% mon Chew Zaxtngs 2200 CBs raw aust 4. hut 2n= 200m do Genk ~ t TOMAT Reem 2 Bema linn Kb = mnbateadeniz0)= 240 [3] w= 225 m=20 bs pastad~ 25,0000— 4, DaamN= 20622)= 140mm > a2sCIn™ Footman 0, feomtan= eabsmn fC feu darlin fromm ie Mons 27 de hee Bom © 29> *10,00mm a tan has ett POY A= 342 aman Lt = 2mm be 4620" 80 2mm [4] W205 m= / Bo be LAC) L200 $e 02 O,251)* d25mm @ bema=R000m—™ Ae hem Basi) * 225mm & fer Won = BN mam 4. hee 26) > 2001 fan SI = asr te Om 1597 mm de ue ad £ Dox ()C22)™ 23,20-m— © Bem hmm $b bastoy)s O169mm, Fe C822" Ov mm ‘he hem as Coa)= 01400 20m L003 704 Be D* DHL M0)= R00 mom be Fes TON) = Laem Ae hee RU) = 010mm CBs Bifoye Sas fo eT, era mm soln wf By Om ONL PL) © 72, Bom aes fom 8 Ve] _W= 28 5mass € bs heslis}= LB 2am . D= mine L5C282 9) C* ORT LSD 0159S mom O Gmmpe raz thom be he tantnn~ 33 Bom eH ez 1693 Fe hee AlAs) 3.080 J nw fe t= POYa = 236mm a ro eee 2. Diz 1SCBI= K.00m—m A] _N= 285 meas fe Be h25(08)= 100mm Ae D> O.8628)% 2240mm = = EC OB)= 0120 Imam be Fee lg= 2Etmm 4 hes 22 COD ™ /.£0mm 6 ten AMYogm 3075 ds ham 208) = A bomem a Ms 32 fp bt POM 25 h257-mem 2 Ame bmn Be Dem 08 sa)™ 240001 [ja] Stcxcasn ~ sax A389. [i] Carte Feom Feos.t: Py lit BACKLASY 0.006 r+ 0.009" "Gane FROM Pheb./2 1 m= 12! BACLAM O52 To 0.B2mae Detensus On CENTER. DISTANCE: Velocity Ratio [20] a, Ce Wetwg [eet occ, 3a” aco b, Ven Mijug = p= Rose Cg = oie MY)» 2450 Yer)= 887 ae a. = Dame” 7 Xp me. renova) 2 Rae 78) WO mim 6 ten 2207p)» tararn d: tran TED «297,546 ns. a. c= © Ysen= oso & Ver Mus #60 a. c= OY Khery = tve0m, b vex re 20267 ty» 380 (se) 395 209 premes. : bari IG fla Bc. c= #2 ey 2 asceon b Ve2 PM ye bas C. mas 3450 Yas)= 52 20m ds es lve) av ae we Teer) SOG 4 fey] eo = Yc = Heer. emg > 0 (er) = 479200 bo vee Ye = 3.667 Beene de Mls. fas] 2.c=We twe)m/a= Gar22)Carh= %ssarm b At MY ups Sf = 5.891 C. tas Apa, = 100 CVea)= £66 Rem G+ za Reve OW, [mAs me) Gane ce Set [agrt e] cued, arm, po, ge a SAME iy, CHIE. 9 Pree REE yg CAND. ¥,05-m/s ET a. c= Wer 18)lot/a= 26.40 mm b. yer Wg = 2.667 C, ma» s/s C99) = 431 REA A. = G.LUODD) 19097 Wem 286 Imp 2 WLU 5 See 19099 ae 2A a. om Gstseinfar Memn b Ven Whee ha e.g 150 O45) = /20 Ren Ba] a. c= Gerrans tes mer | oh wer HME, prem b Yer 36ir~ 240 a. man 180 "Tau ~ 200 Ren Priped thie G60 Chit HIVE DIPPERENT Prices Cn Werus . BRL g a teciasaveenanies = 2 8,333 13 Gueue Is 2 26 65 18 BY O.083 14 [ar] Te Few remem Ww rons Prwton) ,ASSUMINK 204F.0, PeETH —— [wreepenewer woul occue. 32] c- MAR ME BYE a prey # De Chever Bo USED Maem D Ce ty 2M) Housing Dimensions a3] Hose muse coeme A00evaym ciLcse om Mee coms By atoning arta = Vo = 028 m5 Dag haer/am 6/92 0250 Gas +l)» Bsn, Ha Tee a we Ciahe He Me, & y ecann 2am aae ter 0 Xe (0.7000 sae Bo Doge Gigt2Vau= Z52/ey= 3-938ar: Y=3aieto2 assay KE S40 tant eos) 404 os, 2 paren YesmeK B+ EZ pawn n7erm aK 25] Osg= Watd)m= 50602) = Yoomm 1 Y= Y0.0+2Crmm)* Yhoumar Xx SADR DAH ZCD = ae Me fom Ne + 20 $20 Xe ObC/)t 1001) £20) ho = S8YO mers ot Be] Page 470 y= 180 mom ¢ Vm 188% 263) 19D 1mm X= db +06 2a 2Cr) = ma NetemNa tim He X= Wt [80% 809 = 336 mm ak Gear Trains - Analysis, TVS He We Weg ME, Hg GIF = lng Wn We ae ev i Ahn mJ Tv = 1250 2a] by 5:5) TL ROM Ce) Be] rv= -wa, we we 22.82 en eg MA Wa No 222s Phoa® Om/ TU * 1250 Rtn /~9.907 ~ "20 ROM ceed Tr=t Da, do, De, Wy = 280, 2395 229 342 /2,/; On De Of Wa F280 ot BS e018 SP Daw Ma/a= 20/06 = v2sow | me Ay, D0 = WV RO ban Welias wlss taom |e te Base de® Nef > /8/r = LE [eo] rvs +e, mm = 2rue wr009 ne 2 Ge rime mitre fang TIO Ri Cus fa Helical Gears, a #2] 43] Heuche cme P,* 8, by" 44", W295 Term, F=Z.00m Hex avare= V=30". Cuncavta Piren = p= Yp «po 0.392700 MeRmAL CiReULAe PCH = Pn, = freae $nb.S727 ct Gosl O8YOUN, Nokma oinmerane r1ret= 2, Ax}he P1TeH = Pye aay -2 Pitt olameren. = Dee Ni» "jy a 56570. Nokmac Pressvee ANbLE = Om 2 Ta” [trp Coo ¥) Gu = Tor (tan le4s") coolio) ) = 12-62° "Yi 2 2001/9 poy 4 2.97 AXIAL CiTeHEs WI FAC EWIONE HELICAL Gene 9B, Puy 22, On» 20% Fehsom, Po 4S PT / py — BUT Py Png Cos Yo 12-005 His) 2848S Be "ates = 2033010 Fe pte Po Yaga Tye fe Yamye 22270 astm Og” fet 7a fede} (am = om ¥. U2 V3OM]y ayy = Yu0S Aki PiTtbes 1M FACE work 26/8 14. a HELICAL GEAR N=36,8°6, be*I¥h", VO¥S Fohoom 44) £2 Vas Ue 2 15236. 3 Aaa pp CoV F-cowbs) = O50 In. Fast Yas Yom *BH0E 5 las TW" iy * AB kie, D> Ya ~ FY, = 6000. 5 One To [te de Cra ¥) = 10.36" age Of, oa sey ® LA AMM OTCHEs IM HCE wi0rt (Low) Heaters BEA N= 725 Ig a24; dun 123 PrO2IN, Yas 77 9/ h , Bor f= Pug Coa V2 24 Cot 1S** 46.97 Oe Way = DBM. 5 big = Pe V™ OLS las 1520) 390 1M Fe Ulat> Yes ost9 3 ax Yaa Ty, wf Gabe ~ (tos) a7 B ete Se EET ra! BA. 23.05 Nya OY Wa SEE PevbLE YI ON NEXT PABE Fea roaMULAS AMD SYMBSLS [BEVEL GEAR GEOMETRY EN DATA IGiven Dara. al (ae ED VALUES [COMPUTED VALUES 5 ato 3.000 ratio 2.000 Pitch diametec Pinion 2.500 in JPtch dameter: Prion 2.500 in [pach diameter. Gear 7.500 in Jptch dlameter: Gear 5.000 in Pich cone angle: Pinion 18.435 degrees Jtch cone angie: Pinion 28.585 degrees Pitch cone angle: Gear 71.565 degrees JPtch cone angle: Gear 63.495 degrees jouer cone distance 3.953 in Joutercone distance 2.785 in Nominal face with 1.188 in Nominal face with 0.830 in Maxirmum face width (2) 1.318 in Maximum face wath a) 0.982 in Maximum face width) 1.687 in Maximum tace wath). 1.000 in Fac wath °C 8-000A Moan cone distance 3.328 in Iaean cone distance © 2.345 in Ratio A Ay oe fRatioa./A.. 0.839 [Mean circular pitch oat in sean croular pth 0.284 in mean working depth 0281 in Jean working depth 0.168 in Ciearance 0.035 in Jctearanco 0.021 in Mean whole depth 0316 in Mean whole depth 0.189 in mean addendum factor 0.242 lean addendum factor 0.283 [Gear mean addendum 0.088 in [Gear mean addendum 0.047 in [Pinion mean addendum 0.213 in [Pinion mean addendum 0.120 in [Gear mean dedendum 0.248 in raemean dedendum 0.141 In [Pinion mean dedendum 0.103 in Pinion mean dedendurm 0.068 In JGeardedendum angle 4.257 degrees ar dedendum angle 3.450 degrees [Pinion dedendum angle 1.774 degrees Pinion dedendum angle 1.670 degrees [Gear outer addendum 0.087 in ‘uder addendum 0.081 in Pinion outer addendum 0.259 in Pinion outer addendum 0.148 in [Gear outside ciametor 7.555 in rar ouside diameter 5.056 in [Pinion outside diameter 2.992 In Pinion outside diameter 2.764 in St ad i" Given: Np ~ 18; No ~ 72; Pe Computed values: 12; 20° pressure angle Gear ratio smo = NolNp = T2/18 = 4.000 itch diameter: Pinion d= NePy= 18N2=1.500in Pitch diameter: Gear D = NoPy= 7212 = 6.000 in Pitch cone angle: Pinion y= tan" (N/a) = tan (18/72) = 14.03" Pitch cone angle: Gear T= tai" (No/Mr) = tan (72/18) = 75.96" ‘Outer cone distance Ag = 0 SDIsin(T) = 0.5(6.00 in)/sin(75.96°) = 3.092 in Face width must be specified: F ~ 0.800 in. Based on the following guidelines: ‘Nominal fice width: Fay = 0.30 A, = 0.30(3.092 in) = 0.928 in ‘Maximum face width: Fac = A¢/3 = (3.092 in) ~ 1.031 in OF Fnac = 10/Py = 10/12 =0.833in ‘Mean cone distance Ag ~ Ang = Ae ~ 0.5F = 3,092 in -0,5(0.80 in) Ratio (Ay/A,) = (2.692/3.092) = 0.871 [This ratio occurs in several following calculations) Mean circular pitch Pa (®PAn/Aa) = (W/12)(0.871) = 0.228 in ‘Mean working depth = (2.00/P )Aq/Ag) = (2.00/12(0:871) = 0.145 in ‘Clearance (€= 0.125h = 0.125(0.145 in)= 0.018 in Mean whole depth Iq =h + 60.145 in +0.018 in = 0.163 in ‘Mean addendum factor €1 = 0.210 + 0.290/(mq)? = 0.210 + 0.290/(4.00}" = 0.228 (Gear mean addendum = (0.228)(0.145 in) = 0.033 in Pinion mean addendum dap = hag, = 0.145 in ~ 0.033 in = 0.112 in Gear mean dedendum bg = tg a) = 0.163 in - 0.033 in = 0.130 in Pinion mean dedendum bp = heap = 0.163 in 0.112 in = 0.051 in (Gear dedendum angle ta" o/A nc) = tan (0,130/2.692) = 2.76° Pinion dedendum angle 5 = tan" (6y/Ang) = tas "(0.051/2.692) = 1.09" Gear outer addendum ag ~ dg + 0.5F tad ‘aq = (0.033 in) + (0.50.80 in)tan(1.09°) = 0.0406 in Pinion outer addendum p= a¢ + 0.5F tands ‘dap = (0.112 in) + (0.5)(0,80 in)tan(2.76") = 0.1313 in Gear outside diameter Pinion outside diameter d,~ d+ 2aypcos 7 = 1,500 in + 2(0.1313 inoos(14.04°) = 1.755 in at [BEVEL GEAR GEOMETRY EN DATA. [SONPUTED VALUES PUTED VALUES IGear ratio 4.000 9 ratio 4.000 JPich diameter Pinion 1.500 in ch diameter: Pinion 0.500 in JPich alameoter: Gear 6.000 in itch diameter: Gear 2.000 in JPich cone angle: Pinion 14.038 degrees pitch cone angle: Pinion 14.036 degrees Jpich cone angle: Gear 75.964 deprees lPtch cone angle: Gear 75.964 degrees Joutercone distance 3,092 in Jouerconedstance 1.031 in Nominal race wth 0.928 in Nominal face wiath 0.309 in JMaximum face width (=) 1.031 in Inximum faco wenn (&) 0.833 in Mean cone distance «2.692 in Ratio An/Ae osrt Mean circular pitch 0.228 in moan working depth 0.145 in Clearance 0018 In Mean whote depth 0.183 in mean addendum factor 0.228 [Goarmean addendum 0.033 in Pinion mean addendum — 0.112 in IGearmean dedendum 0.130 in [Prion mean dedendum 0.051 in Iceardedendum angle 2.767 degrees [Pinion dedendum angle 1.080 degrees Jcear outer addendum 0.08% in Pinion outer addendum 0.13% in Icear outside ameter 6,020 in [Pion outside ameter 1.755 in [Maximum face width) 0.344 in Maxam acs with) 0.33 in IMeancone distance 0.881 in rato Anan 0.856 Joean cular pitch 0.084 in ean working depth 0.059 in earance 0.007 in Moan whole depth 0.060 in mean addendum factor 0.228 JGoarmean addendum 0.012 in Pinion mean addendum 0.041 in Jcearmean dedendum 0.048 in JPinion mean dedendum 0.019 in Jceardedenaum angle 3.113 degrees Pinion dedendum angle 1.227 degrees ar outer addendum 0.015 In JPinon ower addendum 0.049 in Jcear outside diameter 2.007 in [Pinion outside diameter __ 0.508 In as JEL GEAR GEOMETRY DATA. TA. ED VALUES [SONPUTED Vi Gear tio 3.000 JGear rato 000 Pich diameter: Prion 0.250 in JPich ciamoter Pinion 2,000 in ich diameter: Gear 0.750 in Pic aiamoter: Gear 8,000 in ch cone angle: Finion 18.435 degrees | Jpitch cone angle: Pinion 13.435 degrees IPtcn cone angle: Gear 71.565 dogrees | itch cone angle: Gear 71.565 degrees Joutercone distance 0.395 in Jouterconeastance 3.162 in Nomina face with 0.119 in inal face width 2.949 in IMaxirum face with @) 0.132 in jaximum face width (2) 1.054 in Jaaxirum face with @). 0.208 in Maximum face wish (@) 1.280 in ea 400 ft Jocancone distance 0.838 in JMean cone distance 2.682 in Ratio A Ay ose Ratio An/A. deez Mean circular pitch 0.055 in Mean crular pitch 0331 in meanworking dept 0.035 in Jmean working depth 0.210 in Clearance 0.004 in Iciearance 0.028 in [Meanwiole desth 0.030 in Mean whole depth 0237 in mean addendum tector 0.242 Jean addendum factor 0242 [Gearmean addendum 0,008 in Jcearmean addendum 0.054 in Prion mean addendum 0.027 in Pinion mean addendum 0.189 in JGearmean dedendum 0.031 in mean dedendum 0.186 in JPirion moan dedesdum 0.013 in Pinion mesn dedendum 0.077 in Iceardedendum angle 5.316 degrees | | ceardedendum angle 3.992 degrees Pinion dedendum angle 2217 degrees | [Pinon dedendum angle 1.089 degrees Jcearouter addendum 0.011 In Jcear outer addendum 0.085 in Pion outer addendum 0.032 in Pinon outer addendum 0.194 in Jcoar outside camater 0.757 in Jcear ouside ameter 6.041 in Pinon outside damoter_0.311 in [Pinion outside ciarmeter 2.969 in 126 Wormgearing (Fh soem cence. Dur=b2500n, My |, 2°10 j urlts* WoEM Genie 2 Myer Ng = 405 Fe 0.6250". “SINGLE THREAD, Lene =Axine Fire Oecuume bireh= T=, = 0.221, Lene Anata = a= Ton! [S| = Tact fois > 4.57) Aovenown = 0." Yiy= Iy=0./o0n.; DeveMotm= “YS =austin Wake OUTS/0€ DIA. * Day* Dye $20. 250 +10.100) 145010 Worm Roar O/h.* Dnw" Dw 26 = L250 ~2(BUST) = 1.0186 i, Geta Piren 0A. = Deg = Ns fy = Wy Cewree ourance =C = 0g + duly = uootlasrlh =26200, Yetociry RATIO =VE= NE/pj = 4/; > Yo NOTE: On the following two pages are the resuits of Problems 52-57 giving pertinent ‘geometic properties of worms and wormgears and their velocity ratios. The detailed Calculations follow the pattem ilustrated above for Problem 2. The equations come from ‘Section 8-4 , Equations 8-29 to 8-25. ‘Compare the results to discern how variations in geometry such as diametral pitch and the ‘number of threads inthe worm affect the overall results. This is especially pertinent to Problem 53 in which three different designs for wom/wormgear sets provide the same: ‘velocty ratio. The single threadied worm produces the smallest center distance and overall size ofthe reducer. But note, also, that ithas the smallest lead angle. The lead angle increases as the number of threads is increased. On the positive side, the small lead angle ‘makes the reducer self-locking. On the negative side, the smal lead angle results in lower ‘mechanical efficiency as willbe shown in Chapter 10, Section 10-11. The designer must, balance these advantages and disadvantages for each application, Jat WORMGEARING PROBLEM: 62 WORMGEARING PROBLEM: 52A INPUT DATA INPUTDATA ‘Worm ptchdameter= 1.250 9 ‘Dameval pich= 10 No.ofwormtveads= No-ofgearteoth= «0 Face wih of gear= 0625 in (COMPUTED RESULTS Circular ptch of goar= 033142 in ‘Al pch of werm= 0.3102 8 Lead ofthe worm = 0312p Lead angle = 4.574 dog Dedendum= 0.116 Worm outside dameter= 14509 ‘Worm rot lameter= 1.019 Geer ptchdameter= 4000 in ‘Center distance = 2025 in ‘Veo rato= 4000 [Lead ofthe worm = Lead angle = 9462 dog ‘Addendum = 0.089 0 Dedendum= 0.96 in Worm ouside dameter= 1.67 ‘Worm root Sameter= 007 i Gearpich dameter= 333 ‘Center dstnce = 2.167 "Veocty rato = 2000 10472 Leadange = 18435 dog ‘Addendum = 0.083 Dedendim= 0.096 i Worm ouside ameter= 1.167 6 ‘Worm root ameter» 0807 i CGearpich diameter = 6.657 ‘Center dstance = 3.833 in ‘Veloty rao = 20.00 1aB “WORMGEARING PROBLEM: 54 WORMGEARING PROBLEM: $5 INPUT DATA INPUT DATA "Worm pitch ameter = 0.628 in ‘Worm plc ameter= 2000 in ‘Diametalpicn= 16 Diamovalpich= Ne.ofworm ead = 2 No.ofwormdvesss= ‘No.of geartoat= 100 Novofgearteeh= 72 Face wath of gear= 03138 Face wth of gear = 1.000 in ‘COMPUTED RESULTS ‘COMPUTED RESULTS (Geer pth of gar = 0.1963 in ‘aia pitch ofworm = 0.1863 ‘ead of te worm = 0.3927 in Lead angle = 11.30 deg ‘0.061 in oonin (Creda pich of gear= 05236 in ‘apc of worm = 0.5236 in ‘Lead of the worm= 20844 in Lead angle= 18435 deg ‘Addendion = 167 in WORMGEARING PROBLEM: 57 Worm pitch dameter= 0.333 i ‘Oimeralpacn= 48 No.ofwormdveads= ‘Novotgearteoth= 80 Face width of ear= 0.156 in ‘Crear pch of ear = 0.0654 in ‘Asia pehof worm = 0.0554 in Lead ofthe worm= 0.2618 in Lemdangie= 14.050 deg ‘Addendum = 0.021 in Dedendim= 0.024 in Worm ouside lameter= 0375 ‘Worm oct dameter= 0.285 Gearptch ameter= 1.857 ‘Center stance = 1.000 in "Veloctyraso= 20.00 124 Gear Trains - Analysis, For Peosiem 58 ~ Assome THAT THe MEIT sae sa af Rorares crocemse, TRAIN VALUE = TY = Aiifpyg 5M SESDREA pya We, Me, He te be 2 BE bY Ue 8B ayy, Ne He He Me My 18 17 20 18 18 mye Ln 5 SUSVREM G7n32RPM CounTenceockns & TH 799 Gehan 1s Av (DLER-/T Doss WITALFECT THE TV BvT CHANGES TIPE DIREC Tied OF THE OUTPUT SHAFT: M2 1210 ROM; Fino me! TY ng rye He Ae He Dn, $0. ¥ 60.92 = 39000 Na Ne Ne We fe i212 Ms” Dh . 12 20OREM . 9,406) Rem Ty * 30.000 im 26 810 6M; Finp mai T= “Yury Te 48 He Me, 1 YB £2. Yoornny Wa Me Ne” 18 2 hs 66% _ Ren KMNY v — Me EIS REN; Frito ay: 1¥> May = 100 0 BS Ge He BE 5666.7 2.5014 Rtn 130 Gear Trains - Kinematic Design "RATIOFOR GEARS PROBLEW62 | [VELOGITY RATIOFOR GEARS PROBLEM ©] DESIRED VR= 3.1416 = tr DESREDVR= 1.7321 © V3) NP ONG NGAct VRC OFF = NP ONG ONG VR. OIFF= Dos VR-VR Act ‘twal Actual Dos VR -VR Act 16 5027 50 a250 O.nt680 18 2171 28 17500 o0t7es 7 sa) 83 3476 Onza06 47 2044 29° 17059 02617 18 5885 57 3.1687 o0z807 we 3118 3 17222 000083 18 5069 60 31579 0.01630 18 5201 33 17068 0.00479 20 62836331500 _c.00sat 20 3464 35 17500 001705 Bazi 6597 [oe [3 2 69 aie4 0.00525 2 7228 72 31304 O06 24 7540 75 3.1250 001659 Minit= 00126 [VELOCITY RATIO FOR GEARS (64 —] VELOCITY RATIO FOR GEARS PROBLEMS] DESIRED VR= 6.1644 = DESIREDVR= 742 NP ONG NGAct VR-Act DIFF = NP ONG ONG VR DIFF Des VR=VR Act ‘Actual Actual Dee VR-VR Aa 16 9969 99 61875 00700 16 11872 119 74375 0.01750, 47 10490__ 10564765 _ 0.01206 47 125.14 325 74118 o.00624 .00z2s 48 13356 io4 Jama oozes 38-7127 —B:1679 — 00S barisTisoae [ut] rest —oooies | 20 12320 123 61500 O0Mat 20 484d 14s 7.4000 0.02000 21 945 29 61429 002155 21 19542 196 7.4205 0.00857 2 isez 136 61818 001740 2 16024 103 74001 0.01001 4 2 ross 71 Tams 0017S ‘2a[ 147.95 [48 | 6.1087 000225 24 7a08 178 Tater 0.00388 Tae £m Besnase Minait= 0.00225 Mindit= 0.00105 Ist DEEN: pw * [BORE Mon= 22eA xR RAT Redd. ler E) essen cam=585s tt Err Agere T= '8t0/y = Iooekner 1 Vie FACTOR © Nnng=/SD 7 FACTIAS ME! 2-25-5123 22 KEE TABLE B-b FoR WTERFERENCE DATA FBS Fo 20°F. MEM USE Nyy 16 08 /7 SHE — NommAt Venue PER ee: 150% 982 Ton SArace alt. use Pires + (B92) 7708 Soamue 3 Ree toes (BBY =6B7 sha Fave tts :(8.8)"= bob) Rev'd. Reconbaie Memes! ypyaz, ve2>6, | nag Matlh ayztiatm| | | Was % rTLo Helba merle |, a7 ie No% eth be TagiE BL ENE Wh WSTORPERECE Foe “ Werte IF Wa Efel~ rye 56% 2 Bag pxner OB 6 DESLEM! ue 18b080m Brace | 21 Litter 22 Mayet HO 120 Waan™ mag ® BRT ng = Oe BD Ting M2857 Fon rhea Sk NO MMERPeMeWE WIM Ny 217 Foe 2A TEM Vinge Pee Pane (7O/jy = BAT smace’ Ta hmes VB yaa? (0B) 779 Laws Lavore Ab nl £16, 8°31 TEXT TRE _ Revie Tey coum teouerne karte: Vel Ler Mgede shee fp 1 ter hee 8m Ne OVID ES EIN Ne = Finn W286 BL 83.59 ar Ww Bo P.a TeeM, Flam TAGE D6 LET M1? Fak ne s1TeereRen cE VR yyag Pea Prvte= "Yip = 9.82: 200s Vera G.82)> 778 :3ehat = 686 fo aXneh 3 USE BOARS Simtel BABE nd TEXT DPBS 22-52-7224. Retaname 89-52280 eb¥o VRl= 8 i Na = 12, Ne= 136) Ve2~? + We=1h, Mo=1/ Tl veres yer yaee as ve 188, LOSE ea £5 = 250 exacny Comenoesians Assiece) Da 70) DEStEM Ss Min! 20080 wxACTLY : 13.0 Moun C/7ERIM 1 Posiniee TY TV nm 222 31,4 Tyg = 420% a. pee Tag = LE awe Tyas 64 Mae 8 Fear Pha 6B, 2 PAIR REO'D, Lavoer im Fik 8-2) Proovees A Nebariee TV. USE IDLER IM AWY PAIR. Yay vere Tay Resioum RATIO HETWOO> warn. VR VIP? 6 em Ak VAL = 65 Pen VOI By F755: se = Pin 70> VAL VRR “WO? = (YO 50) = 3/5 one W115 FAVED 40 PLACE HibHen RaneL EMLY IN THE TRAIN, LET VRIZ1S, VALE 7, VESzE LET Wa 2183 Hae 15UB)> 13S; LET NeHl2, Mot DOD 79 Ler We 217; Ne* 106) +108. Loum wected Fue Pos INE Than: lL Lar Ne=/?. Place W FST aie, “+ os Fava ream VaCue e |= + BE, UE, teh. P TU et OE Jee ore ies Bs aS com cor [| = LTE Comer 6115 nha tu ScLA OL of AI ORE, PITCH. BeCH Use oF sPELD/TeOVE CHW aeS, Fir? Por >is» LAKG OR fy GIES 8 MALL Cok GEMS. THU 1S me REASOW THA LARGER RATIOS SHULD BE PLACED EALLIER IN THE TAAIn Tt BeUSLe Roorerns nim a whrennm. cents TY nse = Rhy, = 20482 Tp” PP HWY 2 TP guy? Mom/hith. AT Fen EAL Pave “TURE 497. TRY VRIAE Toten Vaz 2 Kee Ses VIS 2 ram Mele a 2789 USE Mert Finn v1) as ‘Sewer Mar= 2 meh 133 DES/ENL My, = 550020 yon 2 S500/ 13.5 = 407.4 skerw asin MAY Lat Fon one OAie = "Yyy = B82 Tilo Parks nk £72, 85 THRs Pres 6 87 ~OK Nomnn Rane PER Pare! 12:0 Srigye 140 2AM Vaorg =74 TRY VAs EB, Vhx 2B -BUTUSE Hunnng Tent APPQACH- ve Naw 17, Wa* 1a)" /26: Use Ne 22E- Same Fam Ne sHye Ua s)= (BE) 72:99" 63.06 Resioum Rane! WI) gs, 9g > E16 =Ne Inge LOT Neg 2/7} Ne= 6.96(/9)* 109,82 USE Ho THT FINMTV? 2S q BE, Md foo. Pata eaeera tte Finke out Pir $tae0 = £300/49p,95 7 J34BKE N= OK, 72, Destant My=/730; WOK Moye & 150 1 Meson (?Ypgg = 82 Ft “3 oor Ler VE, = Ny, > 78g 162 on wH le Ha ' Ler Me*1B: Nox (802.837)= 5106 2St My 218, Na=75; Me mort 1250 « Beth 8 Ko 57, 73 Skerew swons at E]wintoney ree Pais Cece cess User a! Phosiem 9-71.) DESIGN! Myn= BSD ROH: YO mbar & YY SUSE RP AS Vem = Mr = 20.28, Ler ve, = Nye Gyn 4.50 sion Om Vee 20 ipa Vet AceIb gst Mean B50 «1B pb = UID Rts ok Erirese nessun isco! Potion 4-72) PELE LE Twn Cnt: tin? 3000808; AOE aS TV yam = 200/559 <2 VSWS: Ler Ves hs = SHES ©2335 Ler Wax /S'} Ng > /S(LIS)* 35:08 DSi LET Me2l Sy MOST Dour = 2000» {Ee SE > su8en ox [ese nesoers vseo m Pasion 9-16] 134 Fr Tee ep ESET TV nem = 2520 /y 4% 900! Use 4 Paes Facroemet 2|99, — useVh= @= 147 us n r 2s, b= em || Ses Uh = 5 = Fhe Mey BY He Toor FE. Vay» 52 17/6 ~tyy, | Le {IF LP Hs 3 ALIERWASE SOveTI0N vsIMG HunT We TOOTH) ca W LET Maz eaNe=Mg=: LET NB No IE. LET Nees Vi = Vax= Wg = 6.9375; Va = Og = e062 Ves #Vks Ves = 178.42. REvzoem Romo = "Yizny7” S043 LET My 2 81, Vy = Ua = Ue S-0625° Toran rv = C7997) s-06eT)= 08.5 Fite eur? 3600/93," 3984 ktm of P] ceseen! tn =o 22m <7 080m yon = 78% y5 = 900: Use rive Paves oF woan/eiten sews Wa? Ne=1 5 Ne~Mo=30 ws oan ¢. 11] Desa! Pep = 1800 Rem Fa Aout 80 exneray = LET Vigesv ween aca Deine. a 1. Wbofg noe! Voy = tin bs0 oa iat wien ones = aad Ler Haste M0212, Newly Hon Leen Mour = 1800 «1st 8.0 Rem 78 Derewt Mm=33l0 REA. mount id EENeRY, USE TH Phas OF wenrr Gam Oniver AS mi Paoaien a). Ler V&i=20 4 VEp=/¥ 2 Na=2, Ne Me~ FN o 028. ae DESIGN! yy 21200, 15:0 Moye h IS USE ComBmnee WELLLM WI Ween Genn A310 FeseeEn 77, Lev VRz* 5D. Worm GEA Deine, He> /, Wo» SD. TV nan Pppae= 3/6 98. Ver = VOU) 5 634 Ler asl. Ng>/B(LI) > Ni Use Wa we 18 yt pera space = 42002 18 x Le FIN oat eur Yeo to xb = 2k kfm of DESIGN? —my® SOOKE — IBA Argye CHOREA Use Tae Weam Gem DéIvEs Asin Fhoaten 76, Tivo? Ys,5 = 407.4. LET Vl,2 20, THEN VEy= VON y= 20037 TAY Me=2. Ny=3l20:37)" bls O56 bt Wat 5) Me260) Me= 5 Mp» 67 Fin owvur Stam > ss00n 2» 2 aianen ok Caw Me use Np 62, THEM Moar 1330 LEA 0+ THEN m pur = 13.75 ROA 136 CHAPTER 9 ‘SPUR GEAR DESIGN Forces on Spur Gear Teeth f Given: 07205, P= 250, Mp*/250REn, We*20,NE=22, Rem l2 © ngs me KE © 250kin 22 » 16.1 ROm 2) VR mag Vel »* 22/25 00 O De Nip,» 2p, = obtin; By = Mop,» MY, = b.seorm D cx Hetwe 20172 «3 53255 2 Fa 2esey 2) wer 1 Or mefje = I17b1-ts7i20 Ya = PEE Frome Tp2 43.200 P)_ 63000¢7.5) _ oo pees 7750 Z2eceun = £500? 4200022) _ Te a ze Pew = 220tem 3220 Deja ~ 1 b6?ngfg = PES Ok bye 230006), 23000075) _ area! ar saat A) hig = We tan 9 =G2¥ nee 204: A) Wy = va.e Wangs 324. 4 = 3e5e8 A Semana Merteo 15 1560 FoR PaiBcems 2-6. SRacnenenr Sectit ARE Saws OM THE FOLLIMNe PAGES. THE Sécd rr) Fin Fasten | 1S AtSe Seow FOR ComPnaison/ To THe Stev ew SHouns ABOVE: i37 oa 3778 3.800 in 13.600 in centerdstance=C= "8600 in ch line speed'= 1084 fYmnin orque'on pinion shat= 2730 bin Torque on gearshaft= 10348 bia tangential foe = 1822 radial fore = 554 1b normal foros = ___ 1620p 28 13 ‘torque on gear sha = tangential force aca force = normal force = VR= Mo = pion PO = ‘gear PO = cemter distance = = pitch line speed = racial foro = normal force = 40 ‘Gear Manufacture and Quality 7. See Section 94. Form miling, shaping, hobbing, grinding. For Problems 6-16, refer to Section 95 and Table 9-3 for recommended qualty numbers in the Ay system according to AGMA Standard 2015. Grain harvester: = 10 8. Grain harvester: A, = 10 9, Printing press: A,=7. 10. Auto transmission: A,=6 11, Gyroscope: =2. 12 Analytical quality measurements include index variation, toth alignment, tooth profile, root ‘radius, and runout 13, AGMA Standard 2015 is currently used, See Table 9:2 forthe range cf quality numbers inthis ‘system and the comparisons with prior systems. For Problems 14-16, for precision machinery, use the recommendations fr machine tool drives in the lower gar of Table 9-3. The choice of quality number i based on the pitch ne speed ofthe gears. 14. (Fm Problem 1). Pitch ine speed = 764 f/min Use A, = 10. 15. (Ftom Problem 2). Pitch line speed = 1086 f/min Use A,= 8. 16. (Ftom Problem 3). Pitch line speed » 903 ft/min Use A, = 8. Gear Materials ‘Answers for Problems 17 ~25 are found In Sections 9-6 and 8-7. Only brief statements are given here, 17, Bending stresses are created by the tangential force onthe gear teeth acting na manner similar ‘to that ona cantilever. The maximum bending stress occurs inthe ret of the tooth where it blends with the involute tooth form. High levels of contact stress, caled Hertz stres, occur in the face of the teeth near te pitch line as forces ae exerted between the pinion and the gear teeth. The probable mode of allure I iting of the tooth surface. 18, AGMA standards give allowable bending stress numbers and allowable contact tress numbers related tothe hardness ofthe material ofthe teeth. See Figures 9-1: and 9-12. 419, Gear stels ae typical medium carbon plain or alloy steels that are heat treated by through- hardening using a quenching and tempering process. For examples see Table 9.4,Section 9-7 20. The AGMA recommends hardness values from HB 180 to H8 400. See Figures 9-1 and 9-12. 21, Grade 1 steels typical commercial quality and i recommended for usin this book. Grades 2 and 3 require progressively more stringent quality controls onthe alo content and cleanliness ‘of the materials. Cost increases dramatically for the higher grades. See AGMA Standard 2004- 08 or the latest revision. 22, Grades 2 and 3 may be specified for high-speed aerospace applications turbine engine driven systems, ship propulsion drives, and high-capacity industrial dives such as those n steel oling ills. mt 23, Case hardening by flame hardening, Induction hardening, and carburiing are three processes ‘that produce harder surfaces than typical through-hardening.. 24, See AGMA Standard 2001-008 or the latest revision. 25, AGMA Standard 2001-004 provides data for gray cast ron, ductile ron, and bronze Table 96. 26. From Figures 9-11 and 9-12: Grade 1; 200 HB: s¢= 28.26 kt Sq * 93.50 ksl~ US. 59% 198.9 MPS; Sue = 644.6 MPa—St Grade 3; 300 HB: 5 = 26.0 kf = 125.7 kal US. = 248.1 MPa; = 866.6 MPa—SI Grade 1; 400 HB: = 43.72 Ksl Sc 157.9 ksl~ U.S. Se = 301.5 MP; 55," 1088.6 MPa~SI 4. Using MB > 400 isnot recommended. €, Grade 2; 200 HB: Se = 36:80 ks $5.= 104.1 ksi ~ US. = 253.7 MPa = 718.5 MPa—SI {Grade 2; 300 HA 5 47.0 59 # 139.0 ksi US. S¢= 326.0 MP; = 959.5 MPa—SI 1. Grade 2; 400 HB: 5 = 57-20 5.= 173.9 ksi US. Sn 394.3 MPa c= 1200.5 MPa St 27. From Figure 9-11: Grade 1: 300 HB. Grade 2:192 HB 28, From Table 9-5: Case hardening by carburizing produces 55-64 HRC 29, From Appendix: SAE 1020, 4118, 8620, and others 30, From Table 9.5: Flame or induction hardening produces 50-54 HRC with materials having high hardenabitty 31, SAE 4140, 4340, 6150, All have good hardenabilty 32, ASTM AS36, Grade 80-55-06 has a minimum hardness of 179 HB. 33, 2.5 45.0 ks Se 170.0 ks US. 5 310 MPa; 5 = 1172 MPa~Sl [Table 95] 1.50 45.0 ks 5 = 175.0 ksi US: Se = 310 MP2; Sc = 1207 MPO~SI [Table 9-5] 6-552 $5.0 ks 55," 180.0 ksi US. 59)= 379 MPO; 5.= 1241 MP2—SI Table 9-5] Not sted 54 = 55.0 ks Se = 180.0 ks US 5 379 MPa; 5 1241 MPa~SI [Table 9:5] 1.59 5.00 Si 5a-=50.0 ksi — US. 59 35.0 MP2; Sq = 345 MP2 Table 9-6] 8 Se" 13.0ks 5 75.0ksi~US.:59 = 90.0 MP2; 5 = 517 MPa ~SI [Table 9-5] hh se¢#27.0 ks = 92.0 ksi~ US. 55 = 186 MPa; 55. = 634 MPa SI [Table 9-6] i. sae# SOS 59¢=30.0KSI— US. 5 39.0 MP2; 55¢# 207 MPa~ St [Table 96) Js 5" 23.6 kal 57 65.0ksl—US.:54 #163 MPa; 5 * 448 MPa —5I [Table 9-6 k.5u=120 st 53 not listed: = 83.0 MP2; Snot sted [[Table 9-14} 1, s=9.0 kt 5 nt listed: 5 62.0 MPa; not listed [Table 9-16] 134, Depth = 0.027 in (Figure 9.23.) we pasties oom. puedes 43 “aia TON aE BAS Ta OO Sa rr STS a] [Parca eracrmmguimst cee crag aD a fas re secsoupsey nb ube‘ sed pa dyno Auou sossang [i 0) genoa ed 0 pases pol ne] Me venan® 17 Dum /2 Taine 837 OO" Dy Trem (hu = 1592 Ren Cuuver Witees ou OOF RUT Swaer oF Gene Cevien. the fae oF Genes. ‘Actus! Output Speed: ng = 160.0 rpm GoarRatio: me = 3.444 ch Diameter -Phion: Dp = 1.500 in Center Distance: C= lich Line Speed: vj = 216.4 fUmin ‘Transmitied Load "Actual Bending Sess in Pon: 5; =~ 5985 pst |[-—"Secondiary input Data Gear ty Factor. SF = ‘Same as fr pinion ‘or ‘F= 0.220 n Same as for gnion 2 SS al Bee sy 64 [2] Race eres rukwace Oose . Wenen® 2:0 FT/S = 128Fr/ nie PR* Wag = 0p he [p. Mig 2 12 en 2M) _ 4584 7 Do Do Do PUSIBLE Vices FoR Dat suaer Foe bens 666 a a le —a (aorw WeVKen BRIE aman se0oren om Sas 72.48 6 pce MT 37.96 59.72 USED MHS Fy PAB Is mgs 1800 ROM ge 1703 hon Wat 17, Nee M8, Veer Be) le) “FS PRD? one NG? 1723 RO, Me STI ~ h Me* Hb, No* 73, Vhe= 456 (Oy ere SEC rio seechosHET SLUMS DES/GMED Fok OREM GEARNG DEIN Lee! IN EACH CYCLE, RAK MOVE SFT EACH LAY Tora. RFT FR PUL CIE. AT ZOFTIS, CY tLe rinets! AIS, 4 12r = bs Sec feycee Ber bise_, Borees, 2046 , MEDI, HES bre ~ ryan ere” ka ‘DAY Vk Jaos USE 1500 hn PEGA LIFE. Summers Vewer =5.0 kt, ketl50, Ries? 2540, Seat Ar=I/ fi Me He De be =| see Bocadced nes wT noe 25% Png 177 Te T-F0 Te Boo rahe foez: & JG 73 2.66) 2,167 2.500 7,40 Alu GeAes MADE Fh sae 1340! Pai OGT 00; HE 32/ PAR? ~O6T 900; #8358 No Suva unde JONES Roceme Wea. ts me steese oF APinios ORME A Rack. ere Arar cenren ce wien EOVALS ae § Peed oF WET reich. pre Tayndie tow. 126/760% nw) Ty Cam TRAIN VALUE = 3000/ory 93° ISS rus Tu coud ke Peodteew BY ONE PMR DE GEMS Honeven, Fee. Ftesen REOUNEED, GEAL WONDEE TO LAkGE Te ALTACE 7D AXLE WITH RAN Sie. Use DOUtLE LEDUCTION. SEE Dost fittsenle (AGES: fro] eeae one Foe A LeFrrevee fs sD norer LF - 3 Fritts Vee= M22 Bena H Mere ft aw «tiga tty LE tl we We v2. 2 ‘tty, ~ 3000-2 58.2 6m 078s csastrey Merton Than Ta GET. Moret Genes Have (426 Fen Cnt Finoe And ba25 Fre. Pk 2. Face WOME Ae Rapnvey Lage. Fy 22010, A= 3.0010 REDESIEN W11TH MELICR. GEMS SH00? Nebo) A SmMeEr SYSTEM, MSO ALL GEMS USE SANG MATE Aud HEAT TREATMENT. 166 Ccstanin Lh, bons , Stues , dove A Std , Stabs, 20%. 99 gy0h Use Le oe Destin) Decunes: SFHL00, kazhSo [itmver i ho ia A Reo.99t) Conrinveo on Wexr THB PAGES m3 ‘SRT ORT TRG PET ed ST PO TA ‘me pn 5 pees msmna pu pu ere au] auewweo| SER aaa owe aes a aT mo | 5 [Actual Bending Svessin Pinon: 8 = 6240p] [Secondly put Dats Gene ' 90 Face Width Gear F= _0.300in Same a for pin ‘Acual Bending Stress in Gears_# = 4133 psl_M Me [Secondary tpt Bets Sears m ‘Computed dete: ‘Actual Output Speed: me = 120.4 pm GoarRatio: mo = 3571 PitchDiameter- Pinion: Dp = 0.282 in Pid Diameter Gear: De = 1.042 in Center Distance: C= 1.333 in Pitch Line Speed: v= 328 fUmin Transmited Load: Wi = 25.1 Widh 7 5 | __Stcondary input Data ~ Gears) en BODO sh Twn 8.7 ofa B= “Ralual Bending Stress in Gear. #1 = 4200 pst Must de <5 ms ‘Actual Output Speed: n Gear Ratio: me = 3338 Pitch Diameter- Pinion: Dp = 1.125 in ich Diameter- Gear: Dg = 3.750 in Contor Distance: C= 4.875 in Plch Line Speed: v; = 458.5 Amin ‘Transmitted Load: m CHAPTER 10 HELICAL GEARS, BEVEL GEARS, AND WORMGEARING Hersenc Genes! 22 8, Bex WE, MEYS, F= 20H IM, Y= 30% A, PeSOkP, Me = /250ker: ronaves f= SE000CED. $5 000659 250 C014 c Mae 73S Wer Ee 2 Oar Mee 625im mh erect lige Zebsaun ZEseee. 84,600 We = We ta P= 596 tan30"" 57.708 Wa > We tom be” O96 ond be Nps i$ Dewe A Recmeachii Punt, RUD Sape We Ps, Koke Km ke Ko gece vropes LO F tr - AeDesriainna tp Foam rb 2-5. DATA Ree Fok On” /S¢ (CTU Om = fal (ane Coa VI> bow [Cot cow 0 =/2. 6" tes ©.58)l0.92)= 2.369 Dew Nt/pa 19g 289510; Toe Kent h04 C06 Ca ®t [0875 Cre "0975 Cs? ASS 0.01 ONSL= 23 Ge 1 Dy mnafan 7B AM 2 BYpy = 18) Pr/ Mi Seacity Pigill $Me hore 1.5€ Ftte9-®) Bes) Gh aNGaliesXi hi) = if ae 7 el Bro et Se = Cp] ELE EERE, (95g) OME aYNL PHB) aa a T Bue Kia 028) Ste 3622000! 2 F esr. Faom TABLE /0- Stecirreo omer (Rend BECAWIE OF low STRESSES o Labd Cher PhO! San Cones! , Sag= Sp eee) class 2 Metcm betas: P=LDK0, Np2/b, Me pa Page 1240220, Tous FHLSomi roeques = $3000C2-50) Fone Picelaaliad 7 J7% ube er” Gary * Hass. F kaw pusteem O-VE! ty 38.985 ; Oa2 S450, Be°22.2° Opn Le. Le 1 589 6” aya”! boge Me tacPo is 86 tan 15°25 18 Wns We tom be = 25: Gen22’ IB kecleslentmce); kee ka=/00 5 te¥ 00 (Aen 17 Da jp, 2 LEGS IBY ps 2592 1F/um Cevrerriam Beat LEP Ae 3 Kam], fo oe /Ya0 b 2.095 Cow” 0085, Cmg= 0.5 Koa (120 Sen Wt P8 keke kim he he= LNELENAAH IEA AD.. 7 = Fr Glory Ae Prrmuh i> 0.21, CO* IIe carr /tatd Sex Ce] We Ea Em Er _ /ye]bta) SVR DUB Fore pa ae be 20,195 PSI? Speciev LLA35 20 CAST Rtn) Sat= S008) , Soe =SDOOCS/ 3 Horton Genes P=/Sh 6, New 1d, Nam 36, Fab, ber V5 Yo 4s, Pobarn Maz De0vkem 5 T= E300 by E2ee0/S) = ¥30L0w Fron Favs. 6 2200 a we Yoar 43! De= 600m) dee He. Yo, a wp Hue We = We com b= H15 16 ton 1542 /12L8 We We ten den /esisto/r's 32068 ‘ero e0 Eh omjereeone Ca dsm ele b, MEs 06 Ate fp 2 MX DUOY, « 345 er /mre es kee 1.445 Se OB olerrd, = 0.196err) See EL Ye ka hm Ka knr = O1UEL INLINED « 9 5405, rae LL MANO PKED -Syyps} Use wonear Coreme) (tial Cer 2650 Se ne PTERLFERARE «yyy, O2LOMONCAN) Foer “Teovemtera) 2230086 C, Seectey: pueriue May Aira AS36 b0-H~is. jon oo Cnet te = Bose 76), Sac 77 on Os) | 8°04, Set 75 44! Mere: PROB. 8-92 G10 a= Prien = OSL 3b Tew Tbe= "Yoses LH -Lans-SHa Ue BE 72.0 Fen Fate Neti ACT, ie HELENE GERRS ? P= OSB HE, Mee IVDRON, Fas= 2H, On2/¥5 * Vi dss Wa2 22, Ne=/b, FO OLSIM, WME M00, Sance Ke Fean 1608 B14 P= 16.97, Darh2 sin Dez Wee Lt = bre0slh). 6300006). 9/3, 5.n ea ae 3450 a Me? Ton) GIN heva/r)* tLe Wy» We Cam C= 45066 CoS © YZO8 Vins We Cam be> 4:50 Gn 21"= 15768 j Dex laa' Teen He 8-1T. [Me> 1 Dama fpy 2 ICVNIMIDY/ y= 3820 Frimin Ler Ave§ , kare IB y hs ehoscrta. Seo as2err) 5-02 nr) Lop 22Syay3 = 0,065 ; Coe SO; Omi 0105 Lome 1 Se WER ke kes Kore He Mor = 43 036169291, ILL 0H es Seer timo tt st 1) 75M 0. #2) Sex 2308 bi Ti ener eons Sew Co [le Keehn le = /460 JOIN aL Fer B= 099TH 0,25) Sem 20 633esi SAELIFY CLASS 20 CAST Maw SO= 50000 Se as FSi More: Pesscers 8-10 EWES fe = AwAtritey ~0.18/SI0 Phew Teg» BEA, sy gyX 13S ha S00 ke PED Fok tote Hse AERO. THE FOLLOWING CABED GIVE SAMPLE DESIENS FOR PROLEMS 5-1. The Pescevvne 1s SuaeARTo Tear leo N EXAMCLE CRIME 10-L. OTEK DETIEAS ALE PISCE: KEAVER 15 enLOAED 1 Weer Tiwhen A Phencuioe Gon OF MATERIM. TYPE, CENTER. DUTALCE, Oven STE 04 orm ArnicaTion Sbacloe Gant. Were Har rithuvenia DIANE Teh MIST BE MOT. IP Wetmde DIAMETIN FITCH IS OLIGIWALLY SPEIFED, Comeure (a> Pug Coo 1a. ‘ezinaed "65 ON Dav LOOS OEEY SVE "Ul 65 TRH soar] go vou qu0N Pea pseu owes atu peed du, samedi reg sd ogy c000 8600 oho wero = sald %3 voReaig ‘auiuog vedo prensa 9600 Twoe>-au>cra] 9000 uo = wrsos Loss ov: "BBE GH 006 100 OPI avS se GH eon 9] 4 Benduoo) ursends 5010 = soenel wozee ty29 seonts ie dees. Tome pre oo een wie Ba ua pree 00 een i-8 Os zi Soy aa 2ubve ewosed « ha von Jedd POO NOULYOCIAA ‘si'suvao qWwortaH 40 noWsaa] 181 ‘BE GH Door LOO RTS ‘9 006 100 oFew 3 THz sop wnto wens Butts 17 ope 9oto enag Cums "BoE Ge OGG) 100 Ova ave zee GH sO IHD] Waa proeno0% een are Ba uma pe 00% een 9-8 8 THSWaYS OSIGNVA Baa] ‘On Pinion Shaft-Toraue: Tr = 690. Tbsn Mean rads of pinion: fn = 1.052 in Enter: pressure angie: = 20 degrees. ‘On Pinion = Tangential load: We = 508.7 b (On Pinon -Radalload: Wp = 206.7 b ‘On Pinion -Aalload: Wir = 68.9 16 On GearShaft-Torque: T= 1800.0 bein ‘On Gear-Tangentalload: Wie = 598.7 tb (OnGear-Radalioad: Wie = 6891 ‘On Gear-Aalioas: Wie = 208.7 a GEARS Forces and torque for shaft and bearing load analysis: ‘On Pinion Shaft-Torque: Tp = 1764 Ton Mean radius of pinion: fm = 1.003. in Entor pressure angle: = 20-degrees On Pinion Tangentalload We = 1613 b OnPiion -Radialload Wie = $2.51 On Pinion Axial load: Wie = 28.3 fb On Gear Shaft-Torque: To = 3628 bin OnGear-Tangentelload: Way 164.2 8 On Gear-Radalioad: Wie = 28318 OnGear-Aaialload Woo "625 tb ‘See following page for stress analysis and design details. iat ‘On Pinion Shaft-Toraue: Tp = 370.50 Toon Mean radius of pinion: fm = 0938. in nor. pressure angie, ¢= 20 degrees, (On Pinion - Tangential oad: We = 3952 (On Pinion - Radial load: Wp = 1366 fb On Pinion - Axial load: War = 47.9 fo On Gear Shaft-Torque: To = 1050.0 bein OnGear-Tangentisload Wie = 3952 OnGear-Radialloat We" 479 On Gear-Avatioad: Wie = 1358 ‘See following page for stress analysis and design detalls, 196 ‘On Pinion Shaft- Torque: Mean radius of pinion’ fm = 0.388_in Enior pressure angle: $= 20 degrees (OnPinion-Tangentalioad: We = 680 ‘On Pinion - Radial lad: (On Pinion ~ Ail lad (On Gear Shaft - Torque: 902 bin (on Gear - Tangential load 680 (On Gear- Radia loa: 63 (On Goar- Asal oad ‘S00 following page for stress analysis and design deta 198. Woemeeaeiné DATA Flom (EOE. 8-S2:To=92¥ Lau.) Mg =Z0nm Pekces! Weg thew” "Abc/2)= EM, yy 2 Ve2LE PITCH UME SPEED OF EEN Ne4= Ig aly = Mail 3p 23140, Sane 1eL0 0 “103 = Waehag A= Yeah aD) Eat Flam Fb, 0-26 j 200923 Coomertan ton «0./o~-0 | We = Wew = Hey , Cathie) SALISNT 003 OWS) «5546 Ga rao) Casb¥s) coslV2) ~0.0323:S0 HN) Wage Wage ——¥62 calls) enya) Casbus) Cass ~a.022-Sutt.c7) + We = 03230462) FR OSE E™ Zastz.e cos DOB IAIT) TE WiWe, GINS)

Pot. = Tame , a1 <09 t0d8e2B.b2SNO Zeon eq Ppa? Wh = 20.4% 2 uber speed >m,-Ve=Gollto) = 2 icohtm Was Wes 6, Gao) _____— i Wh pm Bp Pred” lo9WNotlouarlcartg) Kem 7200/ foe + Wee) = 1206/ Cros + sey) 209 SUE Wea Co OE" Fe Cm ly, geen oP B.tes Nor OVe) ~ 6b 4.8 Bethe Win 7 Weg ~ O FoR Fira. Te 2YLIS A) SLMHNY GHER THel Sax -2Hoal Fit nsetoe Bauoe (s@€ SPREnDsHeET SOLU OH Fotcowme PAGE.) 20 6. Feicren fowen. Lass = = Prue 260 ‘Output torque (Din), To = Output power (1p), Po= 1254 Gear beading sires (ps) 23987 Limits in Bold ‘Allowable bending tess (ps) ‘4000 Rated load fo surtece durabitty (1b) 1714 Limits in Bota ‘Gear trasmited load (8) 28 Efficiency ¢) [Problem 20] 4 08 Power input (tp) 1381 Lead angle (degrees) 14 (Gear pich diameter Gn) e087 ‘Center distance (a) 38 ‘Comments On resus [Mo civen face wath is small Could use F > 0,601 in to maximize effective face with Worm diameter is too lage for Design A. See Equations 10-48 and 10-47, Worm ciameteris too smal fr Design C. See Equations 10-48 and 10-47, 203 dos 207 208 det ‘iametral pte: “Toreads in wor: Tooth in gear Worm diameter (a 1.750 Design A Rev. -Smatier ameter Face with - Goat Gn) 41130 Design A Rev. - Larger face width Pressure angle (0g): 45 65 125 480 ‘Lead angle (degree): 5.44 Design 8 - Higher lead angle Eticioncy 70.8 Design B - Higher efciency Power output (0): 0381 Power input (ip): 0.54 Design B OK for 22 hp motor Gear pitch diameter Gn): '5.000 Design A smaler Center distance (a): 3.375 Design A smaller ‘Stress - Wormgear (ps): {8824 Design A - Lower bending stross Rated load - Durabity (2): 1408 Design A ok esd cmt inane ose Design B- ok a snd eax Pheapor en do a aid jive care aero oor] —I Ae ys aa CHAPTER 11 KEYS, COUPLINGS, AND SEALS Gansta. Nores FOR Ker esiew PRobiemS /- IS! Seeepe Toi eo STEEL: Sy2 St000¢si« IF KEY MATBRINLIS eMEST Ao Sas , 2aiSb800) 6 3000 #5) a> OF a i a2 es ede cf ig = 3E 2 EMO = /B000 A yse Yom Seay SKE (018 CO ee) = h.6670 ao oe Le FE pw ~ Geen Ya Il20m bso) Ber ped LangTe = Hove» vse "ene js €o$ Sys 770003) Fyn Oorsy/n'> BSC] 3m eS Le zezee) _ = 5127p o5¢ Le Sh 59S. £= Bae (esas Ye 1018.60 [E] ee sserns use 701 Sernee Hors ° pee Tier 2 = 148 L= Goonyleeoo#®) 248 pepany 1A TeA Hie LEWSTH pm saosin vie Yon Sa.kay 5 SAE 18 D5 Ti ooo est Poa Aut] CLASI2O ROSN pee GSoC 529) AT 22040; RE 65000¢220//700 # IEF L1H AT HObPS T= 30006 170)//700 = 4076 LeyN S20) vse 6 Séeies Pin Stevea stone Mes T2* Sas = Sulo.e) Geer 2-2 Pa swore mor yao ar G5 % Ses * 560s) Foe A sive Onl S puro suber D i 6Q. WB n= te; +42», ST" Sage § Te Gee MIE n em asy te O75 5_ Daad~ ine spa 228100) S.0 2, Mase coe oehuns Syeut ou (3153) HAVE Sp 2 O7TSe Fea, SAEOIB Co. eft? ofa 0,297 on. Pins Von Vearecnann) t= Be 1 Vera > Hetero hon) 8

(Foo LaasyoD SsreEEEyEEEETEEEED tnrangenes Ve Si.e6/ b= 26469) __ = heim use LVDS (90D CLAM 8 9SD Wecoeuen Key 2oy *Mawn. WF ode wy: Monrnebe BE i Acrum pins. WI PHBE I/-3 Nan. 2 He 2 bin Nor t27F =3t wy Weooeune key 16 Dy Mle ARE DeAWINGS [3] Tero = F=27/0 key we Ve sre £2 ao Ae bs 42” Dud Te Ta dew a oct) V4] Taoue _ Gor Xmaemyuad | = a ts: e00)(3:25N2SN(09 29 970 Te OEE SATO. 297014 ncn pean "3 are /390% 11010)" (81) 0558 aa SB atin few 4) r= 3260126 (2.00) zissw = 3997 cain Ju om nual. (Pra6ii) Gehan) C.) T= RED = brt Caso) = 1 300 bu au 06 Hus C- (PR6 18) 26 NOTE: Problems 20-46 call for narrative answers for which the proper information can be ‘found Inthe text. Guidance is provided below for sections in which additional information ‘can be found. 20. Section 11-6 includes discussion of applying set screws to transmit torque. A table of approximate holding force capacity vs. set screw size Is provided. 21, Press fit is described briefly in Section 11-6. More discussion follows in Chapter 13. 22. Section 11-7 describes both rigid and flexible couplings and compares their performance. Examples of commercially available couplings are shown and described. 23, Section 11-8 contains general information about universal joints 24, Section 11-9 contains general information about retaining rings and other means of locating machine elements axially on shafts and in other devices. Included are collars, shoulders, spacers, and locknuts. 25. to 38 Section 11-10 contains general information about seals. 139, to 46, Section 11-11 contains general information about seal materials, Including elastomers. 40.045. list of 14 elastomers in included in Section 11-11. Following the lst of 14, elastomers, their general performance capabilities are described. 46. The required conditions for shafts on which elastomeric seals operate are discussed Inthe ast part of Section 11-11. Examples are: ‘+ Steels, hardened to HRC 30 with tolerances of les than 40,005 in (0.13 mm) are ‘typically used for shafts on which seals operate. The surface must be free of burrs with a surface finish of 10 to 20 microinches is recommended. Lubrication 's recommended. an CHAPTER 12 SHAFT DESIGN (GENERAL NOTES CONCERNING SOLUTIONS TO SHAFT DESIGN PROBLEMS ‘© Design values for stress concentrations as given in Section 12-4 are used forthe intial ‘calculations. These values mus ils are specified for diameters, filet radi, and other Features. ‘= Estimates are originally used for the sie factors used in calculations because they depend on ‘the shaft sizes that are unknown at the start of a design problem. These values must be ‘checked once final design decisions have been specified ‘The choice of the reliability factor, Cy, isa design decision. Other values may be preferred. In most cases the proposed final values for diameters are expected to be safe because trial ‘values are typically conservative and because final specified diameters are typically made to ‘the next larger preferred size according to Appendix Table A-2. ‘+ Final specifications for diameters where bearings are to be mounted must await the selections {or suitable bearings that can accommodate the radial and thrust loads applied to them. This process is described in Chapter 14 and the MDESIGN ~ MOTT software is an excellent tool for ‘making those decisions. The computed ‘minimum required diameter’ from the shaft design process should be used as to limit the bearing selection to onl feasible sizes. ‘Shafts with Only Radial Loads Applied to Them: Problems P1 through P30 relate to one of the Figures P12-1 through P12-17 showing shafts carrying a variety of combinations of gears, belt sheaves, chain sprockets, anda few other Items such as a flywheel and a propeller-type fan. All of these elements apply only radial ads to the shafts on which “they are mounted. ‘+ Problems 1-11 include only forces and torques exerted by gears on shafts. No separate solutions for these problems are included here. ‘Problems 12-21 include only forces and torques exerted by belt drives and chain drives on shafts, No separate solutions are included here. ‘+ Problems 22-30 are comprehensive design problems that use the same shaft assemblies that are used for Problems 1-21. The solutions to these problems include the analyses of forcesand torques and should be used as the solutions for problems 1-21. ‘+The parts ofthe solutions for torques and forces give discrete, single-answers. + The remaining parts of the comprehensive shaft designs include many design decisions and ‘multiple solutions are possible. The given solutions should be corsidered examples only. ‘There are mutiple ways in which the problems P1 through P30 may be assigned. The following table ‘may help instructors decide how to assign the problems for student solution and may help students 28 ‘comprehend how the sets of problems lead to the more general shaft design. Any combination of problems may be chosen. ‘Toraues and Forces Acting Radial to Shaft Somprehensive Figure P12-1: P1—Gear 8; P14 ~Sheave D P22 : P2—Gear C; P12—Sprocket D;P13—PulleyA P23 P3 Gear B; P15 ~Sprocket C;P16~Sheaves D, E P24 Figure P12-4: P4—Gear A; P19 Sprockets C D P25 Figure 12-5: P5—Gear D; P20~Sheave A;P21-SprocketE P26 Figure P12-6: P6-—Gear E; (Noseparate analysis of Sheave A) P27 (Includes Sheave A) Figure P12-7: P7—Gear C;P8-Gear A 28 (Includes Sheaves D, €) Figure P12-9: P9 - Gear C; P10~Gear D; P11 —Gear F 29 (Includes Sheave 8) Figure P12-17: P17 — sheave C,P18~Pulley D 30 (Includes Fan A) ‘Shafts with both Radial and Axial Loads Applied to Them: Problems P31 to P34 deal with shafts carrying helical gears and wormgears that produce forces Them Toe = SUE Lawn j Ten 0 ° 1 say Liked 00) Ge 67 Wea = Wea? Stas = ¥37L8 ——=Fey ae Wn8 = beg ton2or= 15928 bere, Fiatees oni Sfisceer 0: Fe= Te. = "Yo = 2908. Feg = Fe Atm jst = 271005 2 258 Foy a Fe cow /ot® 299 eradst= 27924} on ot A= Yeo Yes=Hn0 Foe Fithe= USCA Ai) 05097)% 2568} fry 2 Fv Fokces ow Senve 6 Fe sys 29606, ory ote ——_— ALD! Agn [7016 RST = 1013 Leer Tox 796 tare Coro 70 Lepr) 5 He LO RET Ris . Gat 17 OOF 00} Suen TAS) 5 57> COKS Ses = 33 ksi FIG SB) Sm ontesie 33) 3.1 ei 2-234) a) a jffeetun: 3] 200 ie 3 7 2 a ESE eee 20 = 0 LEBYE nA 1.5 Secwies Dor Zot ms Inceante ay 6% cheer? 5 *081; 5 110065; Dp ggg™ BsOl ns; ACPTACLE Te USE OgF 200i ag Fieves 012-4 Tiague Ov Bein As Tam E200 / 20= 2/0000 © Ow Seaeckers 0401 Te 270 = b3000(te)Z,, ahsvo Lb Teague 1y SHAT + Ting 000800 | Teg= 050814; Tog O Fontes ou xe A! Wey = Yau= Fe * zezsee|=Fay Wnan Wen Com 20° = 9558 4— = Fry Fatcas ont SPlockets 080 + Fecahoy= Tae "Uy isoi—=— ALB! 72 Zoo Lem 1 aI Tio Bream = 22397 om Rees TORIGRT OF ts e225 —sime FuueTiOn, [2202 [[exeamale 3 pro 2m by ates 1" (aoead | = Dag™ 6.056 spurt 5.201 Coors of Hep To LEFT OF B: ke =/5-weutsn rig OIL Dt SDA! = face [Eee F/uzocey" Sy He) sac 1020 © ‘6/000 /«i 5 Sm #22000 65) (614 5-8) Dav a Stecity 4.5014 Cyr 0.7V Qk USE Ls? OTS “LARGE DIA 52 =(0.0110.75L22.000)= 1300 esi a Cr Fig vee ba-S5 ToRQve OW SHeAVE A: Tqm SPOON, 2625 08M = Tho ns Tocque on Gena _D: Tg = $1000) 4,,= 8938 Le. Toaque On Seeeceer Ef Te = €4°°CSYhy 2 (3/3 18-10 sTog SMe ces oy SHenve At F-Fu2 Vere "Ye = W306 § Fano Fa Fay = Fite 2 ASLE PAD ® het yaa 457s) Faces oy CARO: We,= Way? y = 70510 R Wao=hes thn2-' =Sset0 1 Ca Finge FBZ I — B5Bew30* = (82t8 Foye US count +358.a>~%'= 103218) Fetes ow speceat £1 2 Tip, 2 Yer sece ‘$0 a Fags Fe coute'= 39908 3 Fg, Fe atom 2iguet =? owrieme ME 4160 (bey) “ ay 2 ° Ae G1 Te2izeunyy svtewed siten N= [980% 9703%m qULow heave 73760 - 5 = 820005 STE Sapa Fe casempvegnn | a ft ous ae tase) + (ae Paral Wim Kegs AS, De Cer 07? OF —S aad 27] ElGUAs C/G ToRreve on SHanve A M0 G6n@ £: Te 63°C yg » Hoes om Foeces 40 Srenve Ai Fi-Fe = Way” WO 2 37008 Fash tic bSCAA)oss¥cs, Figs Fa Cra20? © S2/GE 5 Fry = Fa asn20" P2019 09 8} -sr0.6l” tees cme out Freces 0 GEAR E? Ue = 7px Ey 35508 Fe ORS? 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Sq 2SRRS 5S" Cr CaS m Sa *(0-85)la 8152) = Is:0 Kf 26 Fig uae PI2-F _ 29) Tanqve on Stenve 0: Tex TO Yorg = Piecerm “LOW Genes 6 Ave Ft Te Ta = Sees, = /YILiEM "lay Gene Dt Tox SOY, = Sree cow Totque 1M S4ner i Taa=° 3 Toe Toor ASR LBM Foeces on Suenve B:F,-Fu® Yeas "V5 ge Fen, 2 /SCAMPL) 2 5(238) = 558 U6, Fag = Fg Ande! = 1798-+— 5 Fay = Fa Ceo 2H/064 foacet on GOn2 Cf We = Te/eg = 7g 247708 +—= Fix Whe = Wee Can 20° (477) 20 = 17728} = Fey Ponce ot GEN 5 Weg = Tay= "Ve =59708 +—=Fox line = Bhp tm 20> 697¥e~ 2a" = 2/744 Fancast OV SOE T Wephee= I7U8. = Deeb 5 Teg *ZPLEIN Hoe | i m car bo) | a+ eran Arc TE 2M uuim rs Birr san Z0; Met SY28LOm Te Mem nur fente = fu) pm f cad eae alas tes TZ =) emer, aerate {EI este cos 52 Goya eIAL bweasiee ty ouibe™ vi cots os pw SH Sat Be e2ghm Sm GesBaDlse)= L525; Sheci#Y ez Loom Ce 0,78 oe ant er Ce ricvat Pan Leseve AT FAN 1 Tq = b8e00(R)/ YI = /S9ELE IW "pay Pusey Di To= bt0celzs)/yre= Verse Qu SHEAVES! Te> b3008C Bis)/¥75 * 205bi8-m Totus JW SHAMT! The = 159% Lbin 5 Zep 2 468M {Tog =O Foeces onl At Furn0 jFay= Bea Tread wong hiss Manes Aa Ane THeUrr Paece Bor 175 SRR bd DRT ha She faeces 0) 21 87) ete Oe et ay yn ek Fe = Fog = Ftee® ASCAPe)*/SLYID= M7085 fey =O Foeces off 0 (ear aerz) Fes Tae "Yan isree a Foe Fithn 2 206K -A)a a0 lass) =Fols $5 Foes Fo Contet = (rise Feces lte tain 5 Teeter ove Men forte r bn” vob IH Are € 79 Lent! kex20 zeserr, a = 2c, Bocad)t 2 feta)" | 22.00 + oe BRO Peon (sey fre Ar Rewer OF 0: Ka*20 — Rs Grove ar zZ te sacany ©0159 Yon! ote aca g Gap lies a cmeyatiaea! oot GG , unene 5 slave ails@)-26,24S) MCRAE: BY 61 D> ha6(220= 2.43004 mu ce ee K(eUN D* 2S0iN C5*0.79 OF 228 Figvee Pi2-3t I3/| Torque o# Gann 6 two iW SHAT FRbe 8 ro Courting fem SF80OC7S/ aso = 722 ea OF sae ett Sey Son be Sane 226s 5 S/ab.ghba)B = 160%) veesion. Meanourn, |“ a Are: plans yu" 32(3) 7 S503 tw yes waste Dae ker20 (eerrem) 0 (503) Vee) esi) ep) | ape aoe sees oe eter Toeque = 6300 C7s)/r950 = 2718-10 ‘eae ee gece euros: Es pus) Howi2. fesse seme recone eRe ee esa Petre e oe ES > rraaiayae OMS" le Can Subs OB)" O47 Fn feoe ode hegeHCWSED” naps 00S Reed Sa Srfaei= 26 000% Fae 5 Less rian pervs Dehn Faam F658; San % 6BXSI aaa Figves 012-35. 35] Toreves Ow Genes Awe 1 SHAETSS Gane Ps Samert i Tr S30c0(s\//80* (7S LbIw Genes EFC, SMAETLS Te = b3000CS)/9m * 350L6 Gena ° SWAT E: a= b30006S)/re0 = [050 81M “syanr zi (ee cho} Oman"; Wuys” TP Wes = Beg = is 7 288C8 ee 0-2) agp | Ugg = Weg Bon Vm 297 42 233, 4 n-8) foo fasten mire EP soouico) | Wrg2We tan de ~ 23301566) ES U6 (e201) Simncneey [Mees Yes “4 =35008 —— Co | Ulce = Wee Tin Vi = ISD YO A3 8 We tor de = 3506.366)=/28 48 Wne Fox SRE Y/%0 oor Noo; Sy* Mesi; Su*MoKs ; Sm Yoxsi (Fre S4) Sal© Cron 5m = (OAMOM V6!) *33-° KSI ak ir) oy we am ope P Ares T= aca 5 Mor / sare 470° [5a0% Yes Dolan 2050 bere (eer) a [ee f (ee 2 ¥] aa er 2/140) ousrean oomcna Fa (Be see) Prosuum 33. ts Der b26n. j Cg 0085 0% a 230 DATA Fam Frese 10-0 1 ae 2. [36 Puma: T= 263 Lbun 5 Mg = [220 GBF POLbIN; Ho3, ea2ol s2estiSu assis Sn 36K5 55a a aioatac She (oto Corize0s Sy= -Pee Vee 23 | @ ee 7 &e [zotaia)? 32s "cote me. se 2261 ksi Genet be 1b Me= ssunin fos jer o> (2.0 (3 ‘78! Pele ese HCE] Pete. soa $5004 Y gon = om esis Tra = Mhz Boetn [27] Teena Fu eh Yee ee ie P= Tex (Ya)= Mee Weg = an = *Yser= 10806 1s Tas! e)o 184? Wage Wee Cond Gre ['s Gettin t? on 2a 1208 gym We Td Am [= G08) tem trend hs? 3748 flag: Ses ricme raf a ate is q mi yy Gy Benes Dt (> [las*+29™ = 3666-4 USE W23 ker BS Fecer) Ag 46 418 207 new + [ae econ. = ae Oe at San SBI 4 95K0 5D Sheciey O¢ Loum x2 088 Ok sale Hodsi wi [5.0401 my 2/225 80m; ate SIS Rem; mya267S20n FIM, TOkQUE OM SAAET | = Ty> Tix 63 00US/j72¢°S¥8 Lt.on, ToRave om Stber2 = Ta~Tas Te = 63000 1Y/ 505 1643 8-0 Tokque ow S#HTS = Ts *To = 6200009 /2825 32810. Wer = Talag® Ste a 50908 _— ng * beg tin = Concer 1042 2220 $ MEAOMS! Moy = 60968 —w 5 byw 22200 # smert POs are ae [38 Ar mpour obser’ = Viste 227° owe S48urm Feo coueuua 70 Sent A. je de yan ya SAE T | a a Os 3.00 x06 28 Lquarrond (21) U0 70 Camara ALL Lamerens. DIAMETER Dy! P= SYE LBM 0 : DESLEN Fon 0.999 2AINBLLITY = GEOIE USE S46 1o¥0 cb SreEt! Sy" 7/0018 Sn= 8000 71; 12 Reraunarias Fn =30;000 05/5 Su!® Sm Clg “B00 0.9 BI)" 2429051; LET =3- THEM Dinys” 2.587 i Dhweren By: SAne conormus AL 0; Bamu® 0589 Diamar Det DEPENAS Bo Dr, DIAMETER Dui 11 = 972LBm3 TH SUB LLIN AT SP tk Ar SHEL! apy? LEHia. AT RING 6t00¥e? Tmo, Ke 22.0! Des, Hm Mnceears 81 26% bee Dy! Dy S/ael/sv) =1.70 im Goveouie Vive Dinweren Osi (170 ;7=0 : VERY SMhle 0/4, RE@D TO RESET SHEA. BEARME SEATS dz, Ox? ASU ore BEAK ES WIT Bees 0.787% Comm) ST Chil BE Faun Tr" CARLY PAIR. Late. Chiro It , Table H-3 OR AND Hers eAr. ns) Cte a2ea) SRecriCried s+ Benewe we. 6208 Be aan De sPecimen a7 Reruns Rive meée. = De = a7821N, brs Eaos ma REUEE Provoeo ON LEFT S106 oF. Ds Ao RIGHT EHO 8 Dy Dy 1.8 mm J To ensvee Mar outge Ace Oe BER « Does Nar Ca TAO Rorariag siher: Ds” by's 0.909 Onarr Snasoon) Cs CWeaceo FeRaie Dia stetoRs OK ae (eounmeeo) (Conrmued) super 2 £ cawes © T2148 com Wee tome Hing Te. seveeam e22ta = Wee = Bezte—— Weer Wee tenO= Biz tored= cance t a Man = 29008} es Eel lle MEL eT ATALNEO,T 20 1 1 Vysldarroe one co Bi mpsleoreeae Deis ce mw a 3B Lime = AIF 233 920.0 Diao de | Vorbertrm” move stat | fae ae | ler. seme. to $1 B0000 Pe 12% ee odo Psi: S4'© 20280 Osi [SAME MINCE (gr 2018 Caan} To HIB LE- Ae ets sma Oe 29) Penn = b968 in, ar sHovera™ Ar rine 6éoort: Demn? (2. 06)(2089 DUE me" 2339.0 TeTeeELonm Ay Re LsEm Ane Saomaee (ke*e 7) Desibt = 2.068 st Av fins G&o04E! THO, Ke Dy She Jo¥d Cd Lr ead Sy* owas Sr Pat 21S im, ovens $2.0, 12 2379 bm .66)(2-1959) 2.328 1m. Boverss DSL Blane B&G. M20} 120) Yr Troe; Re=2F Dent 21211 Re VM in, P2,IVL HIND fod 90 = O92 1A, Var 69108 —w Dinms = 0.855 1N. 1600.1» Di Ano Ds DEEN OW BEAEING SQCOTON, 293 [28] Gowrmven) Swaer 3 Weer. | 22L7h, | lz ie : the & 4 td Mylar at Mys Bre wn | T32ecam Fea tower iH Kee | 37), knoe fe oP er: ” we USE Sane MATORUNL AS Fok Gem Yin Suners | ta 2.652090 Sy#Ho00 ti; pe——s00 —__p—3.08 in = SHAFT 3. Peele T ‘Weose rei be De 2 a es. Gene d DiAmeTER Dz! M3 2/2 LBM $ T= 2287 L800, ken 2Z5Ar SHonoee. D2 = 179m. AT sHoveose. AT Gkoove!De™ 88m Fit. Ke"30;T=0. WCREATE BY 6%! Da = 86 (eA) Boveews 5 DSizung 2 120) 7232870006 j Diy =! Dinmaree Dp, 1M. SPECRY! Dy = 13780m (25mm), £06 6207 Dy = 2000m D3 = 2.200 Du 13780 i (325mm) B06 6207 Ds= hes (cnece@m Cy a%) 334 Pa 12.00, mnane® 150 ROM, Flovee PH Me ree Sumer Wer Belvine FoRcé =F Vojp T= 63000LPY/m = &3000¢/2)/19™ ES7e8m. Fu © 6511800) 7.6 y/a) = PELE. azeyn pncem BOONE PACE = Pig @ LS Fod 225218 eee Fox = Farin 35° "G52 om 25) = 20200 a— Laer enw Fav > Fa gas 25*=bs2 0a Ucir2s*)=280181 en PORCAS ACT on mere SHAT. DIRECTIALS 13 View a Faun BenND Tike LEFT ENO OF The OTe. Fou CER WPIT SHAFT? Forces shoud AS VIEWED Flom aes ENO Fok CONSUTENCY WITH VIEWS OF & OM SISTEM Tact pane Sitter Stexd: 1, =" norelet)= skin fEs\ = 2, traf) = 8 Pnf 8} = 76200 T= 62000) / 762 = 986 Lea FORers at Sitenve: Fu Tfp/.)* bpecen Vin pi Ziv. Fas / str 252 U8 fy Foyazead — Fays220ea Bex more chaer unseat) hon Pestiene 382 Gem 4S Nag = Voge WEI 50 D9 LE Wing = Wen tan P= U0 % 18am Oto 399281 Losirrad OP Sane 00) Sxner) fstumin Hoertnuem Rie mua ase 1 nnVeoe 80 Ma= 10ST Len Meat" ta ' Ne» 22oten, HE Bete oscar! ay Reav2ve% TR fer 30, easter Ro=725c8. am ‘ne ass 32) cow maven Dess6Y OF SHAFT) WouLo RE ConAEnD WA MANNER Smnan To mar Srowd WM PRo@can 28, SHAT 21 SEE Prikinn 38 FOR AAMYLS AMO DESIhu Poe. Forces: We, 2 Weg /08¢ 18. ~—j Mignlnge 399} SEE Saner2 teese'= ang 2am Mane ern ea astnen Tax 68000 jag = 2958L0m Wee "Yage APB, oy? = Wee Galo $388} SHNET 3? SEE FRobLEr 38 Fok ANALYSIS Awo DaS/éu PRocetver. Poeces: Weg = Wee /979L8t—; Nn, =n, 75kW. Come CRUSHER ~ UIE W=E SECMUIE OF INCRET AND SHOCK. = Hoke , Ye, Ih. 2.50.21 Om). + i, «Lo ibtnse : a (50.2) te /s ree ny ee cee 2S 03H me [oo bay fea ho bees ttm IF, Tokous sor Genet = BeSiemlt . Y¢7 4m _Tatove a tuner DUT traf 00m Taken Liter fonees . ae Thee 28Bttm Pom 2 59oy ever Gene A! Wen” BR" “Soman Ee EE Wan 2 Wen Cando’ * L59204/ Yeon 20'= 2169 wt Gane: Mee Te WIM, 10 6 2980H he ~ “160mm fing * be tte Gre nae 065 Wl Gane Ft beg» TE» Hem, Ltt, BE a Yen damm Wae* Wee at cat Boer tints 249 Hoereen! we sre 21000 ee Yd gia on 00 | va] 2 x0 | : éb a | a ” ©) “5900 Stee sre ot oy Len ony ay lon ie oa o-, i neayaim 5 Mo (Sen*rars*) 400 shoe y= (Y0U'r008] * 231 — 4 Cow mveo Baemane Foeces! Rg™ Yeo) + A> E221H 5 Repfagry Pea SB PRoroseo SHMET DEsteN t GORA Benen EGR fommo coer tee asm oem 2 mn 24 oF at od ted ad ort al ASTI INE UL PRLETS HEE mMLL RIOINS BUTH Keg 20S, EXCEPT ha, LE WE Ke= 3DAT RMle Bkvaves WI Steer Dim = LbeXGhouve Bid, Use ken EAT Iu tore fu (olen Ronse) AER RE SELECTIcI! SACYMO ORT 1000, Su°Hea nly 5y “LeDntee Dr eoneamed — 6100 SENET Awd DICHLITY. Fein Pia, 5-4! Sn = 900.44 Pane Serer 0; #080 (Foto ~ 6am ances) 5 Ce =0-8100.00 texinensrr) Sn" = C5 Ce 5m = O.2N 0. BN Ian te)*254 NP 251 Mier” Secured Fon Ditmerens USie OQ, 9-22 -~Summney : iV =¥) ocamn | ke! MGrmnl| Timm) | Dam | Steirren D a, zt oo 296,00 256 | 2.4mm a As | es%c00 | 276000 | 53.13 | 00mm Ds Ls | 634,000 | 298000 | 42.9% | b50m—r ov 20 | sso00% | 2¢ace | beuBex|t0e~ kee os 2.8 | ¥er4000 | 244000 | 51.67 amps % 20 | y2,200 | M4000 | 60/4 teimenae.e a aS | sre,200 | 17.000 | 5862 | 600 man oe 45 | gn000 | 149,000 | 4295 | 55.0. D9 as | 0 L400 | a4 £5. 0.amen i, RMTOMEMS AT Dy EImATED Between PWT? & sve €. B00 rvm USED Fil DyPS,fni0 D4 T PloviDE SNAADER Pee. BeNnKt br toe D. Ds Ana 04 PRovice EASE” OF MITALLAT IN Fak Bcndines. Di AO 09 MADE LARGER ThA REGED FoR ComPAnKiTY WiTt AVIACENT DAMETERS AND TO Ld /BeiThue Miners AT SPONDS. FUR SThesces musT Beene AFTER S CecierMe FieteT Rho ti, Gloove GeomeTAy, ANO BEALING SELECTION. 138 FlGuae Pel DESO Sher Ano Levees. F=20¥ Fam Filéomml/Vimm = 20H £ Toeoua =F;:b0™ /200V-mm HOA 6m De ier ose RENE? Co sre Sa * MPa S72 565M Sum 260mte (Fre 8) Leres*09, Cera Su'OANa N26) «EM Pe Wr Ree Merchakioe HAS Ad OsciLsAnINE MOTI, BOTH Baw ole ArlO Dechy Wie Bevacrive. SHeT Resrenmen iN BEAANE AT A bar Can Floer 1m BEnenec. 9 ASTOME Ke"2S Ar meer cp Ze flee on hase e 4 Ken ho Are. i stine cove dee ermuee t HY wena wewr Pees pir LJ Awe Tat wetve 1 Pesinen, ez “Use y= 20 Fewae Ma ls DEx/EN EOUATAS 2-2 MUST o8 moo rerE FLLVIRY Me TOROS. ADD ke FOR TAS Svarnnns Su! £08 Ly. Tew: p= [224 |[ea 1) 53m a = [24 Vl ger sar) eh 2s » [e202 acer, sot nee) |e opm oe ETERS |= 50 re! =) ages ASE + [ce [stanfeg ste) |» aama| SES - 1 as) tC PRs Use D= Boaem Levee desten! ise rea sen tome onetab —) jy ATR Store meraiits A Sater Cos Pade Oos Spin Ew SEA Mans © GOH} bined = 00 Kaun t Oe Me Reed Sx fhe eed Dy Stam bY Reed n= fe5g = (elms Vigan = SS mm Ar Sener. Baca SHOP 1S Wamera Did, LEVEE IS Aocbuare. ei eae 239 CHAPTER 13 TOLERANCES AND FITS Loose ~kca t Hoe 1S 3 Smer Zoe stem °7 ad SS saso 3.9930 Liours: tue PES £ 0.0070 ro 2. rites ZEEE swap BL ce 0.0070 re oneness tay Hate og teas Peeusin~R62! fore “pj Swaer “ES 5ck Ties Limits: Hote PEC sup pr OFINE, cx o00025 aas20 99S soot Loose cat Hore 2° 5 soaer I, ce TE AduUSr reveenm ees Fok BASIC SHAEr SYSram =Aob 35. 163; eo a BE hove 3535 suaer Ze 5 ce HE 63/3 2.6250 Swaer ost Close Fir—Revaaee morrow Limirst Hove OEP sees =aes CL 0.0085 re 0.0079 of sce th wae 2s stan aed 3 ce Let eon Limirs? Hove 22002 ct 0.0076 re asare de ~ Ho pee P52 ose ~2e e see foe p2syo 22950 2 Mur LES Ze aso na, limis. Hive LBS Soe 00050 re o.0US loose koa: Hoe 8S 5 ry _7Z2— ADIOS ToLeanwees Fue BASIC SHMET Sisrem +20 2 Woe #70 SPM Es See Yarro 40070 yy $0000 3976S Lmirs: Howe ato +20 ras 3280081 EXAMCLESS Roly-r4, 512 WKS) 08 boe)-T%,Sy°YOKS> ANYSTEEL Fon Rov wins CE SATISFACTOLY Prevod 547 Al 8B H5/)> 17788 AU (R46 0n 08 ALLOY SrimeL WIM! S718 0006! Faon OFF 3. exameces usr tre HE, 57 30K) AS11080 14h, 5p = MS 343 [B) sree nerve ow peimmm ree 2 [200-2lomn]/ j= 20/2 /tom ; Onzeysz sm C.D ax ep (B28) ap CREE) « pts) Fie a= -8 consis pe AEE. Srp) sone Aumnae “Goan af“) LES ~} doe Sori psd j Ed® OWN GS; 20,27; 120,33 Sprav= 0.00177 Nerriati. DIA, = LBSDM. SAsSimE MAE Hore reLeee ~ 0.2081 /0 FOR Pun CLENRDAICE =0,08% , CHANEL 1 DA 2,QceYrhc02=0.01N = eos = tGe =, O08 = Baran = TT EG sree See Rewes -Sreme paan 19 70-20; BexISE Fan Lbe) Cron Npen)4s)= mao 38m. PAY HITEEP CREME = G.00N9 1H. mete Se acer Hoge Doses cumewer : nag ROE I £00 Elion! De Seb. ace zi. au = 2094 OO RO re Cae) EE a arcu Zeve Ac00 sre rene, 493-7 Sz2 RAL Bre? yD, aeons) f deere a Lear +] Cr) [200 pag Fi = = 0.0028 uw. Fy 23.500 0.029 224973. 244 CHAPTER 14 ROLLING CONTACT BEARINGS § e 3 ewe: Le (ZY 109» (ZE\coyearusbem 12] Ly= Ge cee He)(8 80 kr) Lomu/aa)= 06 x09 Lev, 5 lo')*12 74528 &Q. 4-3: CF fa lujat)*> 1280 (j06x0 3] eee & Len aye Jee) EByao- 299x104 eeu, ® 4-73) Ven9= 0.243n0tm 2.72400" cer, Use Lyx Gs00 re)lysvarm\leomm/ne)®/orinieer % Calf: 20 Goren) = /yperce Fein Frauer ie-/2: Renenn Ar Bt = Ra Pag beep fy overs = Mica Renoms ar Dt =o Vox Rie * Yous a= 2078 20 Freon ex, 2e18.12-13 Dia. AT & (on) =Dy 3255 0 214, Ar 0 Gem) = Dee j.09 La bes reine Beauran. j UE Ly m('0 coh Caw tar) i) #260%/0" pay, Rood C uteww Arb? * ke (2650 ededescamns 33 02916. Ar: c= holsswo8 fat)? 20127. 4 78218. Peon THEE 4-3. BEG, 6319 HAS CH 3439705 bute = 3. WIN. BAG, EM HHS CB IOTG LB; RE" 2.1654 1% aus’ 6] Dare OF ex, reas, [RA : Fon FY, 12-16 Rom FIO + y= 6/185 Ky=[393°F TPE ¥56c0 Derry ® 2008 10 5 Comm = MIR fe. FROM TABLE RZ TABLE [4.4 1 Agatenrvenn of, ~Lar l= So00Ke by S000sr00 ann\tod= s./xa"gev % hey Cymer ares C= by ON) = yaszie i. fro: ca 4seO"Yas) © a¥03.8 ArB: Faom rage /y-3 1 BENING 601) HAS 6263/7 a two 4 boar oF 2.1659 IN. Crs pramer THAW Redd BT SURE OLA. raUsT BE >2, 02 Wo SPECIFY BAG, 601! FoR Bord B Avo O- DATA OF e, PROB. 12-3 Awe PUBS. [2-12 ao [2-18 Ra = fF = 50908 3 Re *WV6 9) +593" / T9208 trom, Fa foany Kagiae 3 B4&C cheares t65 08 rueasT Lone Pain? 1 04 3 Deny 2 2b jy se Ly=(20 ocone)(Zo) tomdles) *L2.x/0% ey. a Reqd. £ Yau ATAL Can ne (Yes) b25/900 C66, 6302 WAS Cw t563 LB Ano A BoRe OF 0.5906 10 Steno 85 COMPATIBLE WITH D/A. De Crea io-/é\re Ponoe A SRO Roemer BEpéue .A CIbHTER Bateng Wim A LARben Bvee aay BF 2arrenece, Benene 02 Comawer Rone somes cote. (48) Assvmg YEho 2 P= CaNosol/ Wt CEX265) = /3 73 we. Cex 20 OA 6779 18 Beg, 62 Hes CH 67908, CORER E322 IW 5Cy Clack THe» U5/yzq) = 0.096mO F028 Ween 265/71 0/52 <8 ~WE EQN S$Pa/0 bene 18 Cox 179 ("0 Ye)% 859218 Bee, 622 01 aye 1307 ce We worgerd oF 6 1 woRTIOS ene a5) Des vee SFO Tes ° ‘on _] age oss 68 950 9 ° ose oss 0 1s ° ose git Tet 950 soca fcovse0t c000e | ose | seo oot sre feovaeet oo0az | ostr | 0 oot ses jcoeseeT ooooe | ostr | 0 or et 980 9089) zoss0r's 000 | ose | 2 oot ores oestre ooosr| osre | 0 oot ores soratr'e ooost| osre | 0 Tew 11 950 anes ‘sovav's oo0st | 009 ‘ost e5 950 oes 60-312 _o000e | scr ue set | 9s0 cos 1013069 0005 | orz oot 09 ‘0-31 8 0000¢ | 050 oot 3069 [sovage'r | on0o | oste woe 0 a fsovate't | o00oz | tor wt ot z089 soratet Tor sev ot 1109 out sar 0 1109) out tesey 0 oT 119 008, istry ot sits 009, ‘ON Tweed > kx 48 ‘3345 [1 ‘av01]v'avor] on pinwnna nino asnvia| wavs | oud Pou [2S Ronerrors jo sreep 7) suonnos pouew see] Gasv9 TV NISHLVION Jovu NN] —eyT Savi Wow! Vive DNS] svoneioqe9 ultsog yo ewan] TE WaLaVHO - SNOWWIN3TD NDISBO ONNIVG 19¥ANGD ONMOY| 14. 8] VARYING LoAos ; (B86. 6324) m= boorgm; C= 46 188 2 Yeoe 2smn p . bstysal's sos, 2 25068 ISIN Yo S7ISLR Yai. L: (p)" Jo (83/29 imate sane, ped bn Le %285h ee aw BEARMG b3/Y m= boohpr 5 C= 23341 L8. 4 25018 25mIN Bg festemyVeiceat)? 2ber 2 (La LIN 40 é Yea L(y = 22284 Jt = 1759 xr $32,894 fea Ges t/act) Gam) BEARING 6204, M=/I00Ape > 746916 L 60048 ¥RomIN 2 toe smn 2 (100 68 ASN 6% HN » is 3, 2, 3\5 Fine [Y80l00)*+ est2u)"r Y5Cha) | = syoig (ee Sig 62 (Vm)? Ps (ere = 2580 xe 224,9094 Yovoee)™ Gre BEARING 62.0% M= Too Apr, C= 7164 18 A 428 480 2. 18016) mW 2 2a Ysa Bean 4 (180 Cys0 Fe Enge C40) ate 45050) Yue. £-(E J Pist)'= 160 nhs T0070 fam }(Baneafyh 2 agg. 25) serene b205, m= so/ypm, C2347 U8 L 500t@ 8.754 2. Boced 29K fe = fstentsautabrostd +040 l seoS asst} ff nace 7 1018 085k 8.004 ): sy = 237.7 10a 3423) 4 C21 racfounX boum/4) Lt] eanng 62/1 , m=/ol Apr, C2 960218, Cox 652018 Coma mes RADIA Ano THRUST LoAOS: Comerre EOQuymenT LOH ALIN SecToy M10. rae Hy e 1 67ch fis Fae he BE &, t Twa 2, 0.404 boo. 29L6 A477 0.4983 O2M 194 S04L8 3. o8sk Bee WoLe 0.395 0.0/7 0.20 3.00 k 220 W3ea (Pease arrr]—_f Use EQUIVALENT Loter To anaes Fm ts Fae (Coes + onvoltor§ +‘60) } Kesave l- Coals "(ior /an Woon fa) sh aya Be. 27] [ze] = YSOLB. = WSDREA. Ly */S000h. R095 7 e0= 0.62 eriac £4+ soos k\iswendtena/)= WH nev REY Addus ED kyo = Lien? bYNCY, = 168x109 rev cet c= By fella cons: c= by (lie\s 4\4 (hasnniV’s 1722906. Pa= 509 wm. m= loileen. La* 28 40h R2099=P Cx” O-2! Actua. by > Gooor)(sor\l60) = he x10* Rev. ADs usteD bi * Yog> NUK, 4s 0 S.77¢0 REY ER NIT: Co 509 (ERKEVS. yo 7006 P4436 68. m* 1200800. Ly= L000. R=0I7=P OW Rerum Ly Sooo) 00\lbo) = 510X108 REV. Ao0sre0 Lda = fags FOK0Y, yy « Lsexnreer 20.n3: Cn 96 UALS. Yet0Le Fa= (25016. m=, 20 Ru, Lj~ 200008. R=8-9S=PCA=O.62 Acrvm ty= bo 000k 8¢08Fn) (bo min/k) = /.06Ks8eev y Aosesnew La? Veg = MOONY, 5g = L20xn Rev eons: co reso CRAP) O= 1 n908 250 CHAPTER 16 PLAIN SURFACE BEARINGS ‘All of the probless in this chapter are design problens with no unique solutions. A sample of each type of design problen is show here. Fe 2288; 022.0005 17/350 RPM Ler & 8450 jsChe)? %50 mM wm fn 22ers 2S Ipet Io GaNaa™ Va 70 mfie= lool /IYr * /37V brvd PY = UbDC329) =22 900 pei fom KeQb pV-BATIg = 2CpV)= 2622 900) = YS 8 cogs fom Pokous Besse Berane MmArersae/ Oi (nrecbuend 2h by Ch ON DAY LUGRICK TED BEARING FF te; 0= 0500 5 m= corp Ler. be LD ™ 18¢ 050) 20,25 pe a Aeon 2s fl2slosy > Zeoapeil y= F708 pth pom VY = Ae. scol/r= 78S film Rod's py= 2lir ne) = pel fom Pores Sere 0 gu BeneNG 7] F=Socea 3 p= Soot 5 = 550 Mer Ler L250 0> /S0(20)= 450m pn eos Yosatec)™ 58) py 1 2p pre Ve Mlsonl3sr/a = 2754 . 2000 Ve Vid 0) 45 seo put oontran Braver (Of BU GEnanG, F-26016 5 D=0,25im; m= 2SORPATRY L= beSD> 12510.20)=0.4ti bet esha 3 Sos Myre lian : a : e> Yar °Yiwx0.75) = Boe QAV =U 189 ps hom VE 10m fy = TOISX 75D re = 192.5 pf Reqo pv MING = QM 189) 23588 pu fp — Use Bawa nr wien TH ast ROD NAMES LUBRICATION Flecrae MOTOR @) F#/280283 Daw 2:60.53 m= /250K0e fer Dn20s an 6° 2 336 : £2508 = ASSN Pot poatoe es) 3 L* iy = “Los "Fags 0,55 2 LET Las =/13250 5 Y0=05D i = AA Bie * 1a * C322 750 Yooue™ 7 = 2,0036.w 3 Cr o,001am 5 os Tra e-3} Svarnee Pris? Cee i ns Ave Ao * 0:00025(225) = 0.000 6 Ian 2 6EA12 0.00074 by, _ 0.000 = . Yen Vaca = 0387 —~ 5-029, mss Yo = Yo = 2907 Aen] , se . Gx) Reem ® i eye “enntios SAG S50 0% YAS = bSX10~ Boru @ /to'F Ss teomanwn rol $90.28 CLay)* 0326 = 57940 canis Fem 61g 6~8: 8 Yen) = 8.0 shen) 2.0. $= Gey = GE —= 2.0006 Te~ SFR B06 CaM n37)= 18.2 Lhd Pe Tin 5. O22) Opn) asvcke Zz 000 ‘Ziooe asa. 13. Fms00 0 3 Dnw™ L/S in 5 A = 2500R0', FRecisiea/ Spuoce Ler O= 200n 5 R= %= 0,b00m. 7 ; ie 204 _ zg Foe yu * 200 pais L= 0” Rosen \(/ ream) Yo = ?°U;,200 = 123 5 ter Lss00 = ein) /fean FE - = ~00___ = : oe fem De Gay ese Ra.= Lu = 0.0014 10 3 n= 0.0002 5 Yen= * Borscog= BS? Suecace Aovtn? Vb Abn Ai a) Ao % 2.00025 (7.20) = 0.000303 “Yous Yo, oo09 = 0.929 S= OM 5 705 > 250/60 = Wb Pru 5 OKA). 5 a2 x aenis beo't se = 802 MT, Elen AN SI SAE SW HAs d= 0.9 x00 @ /eo'F S15 reoovemum re 252093) = 0/20 (Len) = 2.80 Keon Fré 16-8: $ Cen Z.80 Fe “@en) 7857 Te= $FL=@.0032)Cs00#)0.60n)> 0.939LEm = 0.0033 Pee Te mJesco0 = 0.9m) 2SmNIm\es0 = 0.039 he as3 fe F = 72.7b03 Dim= lodmm 3 m= 50 RAN § Converon D= 100 mm R™ SD anam Yond: (= phn n ela Foe pos omtu= 20 "mm; b= Zz, iota Pim Ler_Yorho0; Leb =/00 2mm EL IEDR LO C0” G0) Greayenm? OP Yom Gym 0.1 Simm 5 Cr = 0.0795 a1 5 Ven? Ngaas = 667 LARGE Cueheawce DEs/eEd) Suenpes Fans? Nore! Lajpel = 10208 y 5 s025%e00 = oasyyjm 7 ths = 2% LEP Mae 0k Then BMW 204m 5 Jedlow® OVO; S3Hw 2080 om 3m = nbn Steury Sverhes Fin lt * 0.8 ro bb pom fVb. Ae 20.0025) =0,02S:man 3 Vou? age 0332 S009 5 3 = feo = ~Vky = 8.33 Rl/s Fe Fi “poe Ome Pes AT 20°C , SAE SO HAS M20, 0V6 Far Sid 9 Sib yTeY <0.065mm Ove 8 = S= 6,09: 288 = ac9,—~ (Yeu) = 26 pe SHS Tae acess fen 667 Tea FF R= 6,003VC/8, 2x0 WN sd wim) = 3.65 Va aapd m= Pam Tn B65 Wms E35 8BV. 4g SELLE. = 19) jYr0g x LYE = 11/ dior 191 wins ast Mt. F = 22841) 5 Dix 25mm y Aus 2200 Riot S$ MACHINE Toot. 2 B= O03 6mm} Ca= 2.0/8 em ler g2 a6mon; a U8 Simm |Yoom Bee a 6p Faas Fea PedonA; b= z= aaeee Ot CSRS A po Gay, Yr) Ler Lx =s0mm 5 Yo =20 = home Fo 2asxntw = fp - aenwle sy 2 480. x” Ae 18 ye = 680 Ee oe Sveracs Favs? 1-3%fvt Aa. CO 9 AB stm VG) SHORE Fatt § ASA oe MB. C04 7 OB AVG) do 0.00025 C28) = 2-006 25mm Z O.00bmam Mex = O° 1), = 0,533 ——S= asp Man eae 2p = 56.7 2au/s . Ss; (0-057N18ax00* Fa.) 8 11? ai Ter, = PBs 6 asp fe, 06 >, Co “ba ven \eoe™ aes SAE EN Yds ph= 0.0066 Put © 90°C $+ 01057 (Cmca = aver —— Ha) =26 s. = Eten) Zé = ee = Epp 40028 Tp = FF =Q.0023)2asB ANT) = 01065 Nm Fe = Tim = ©.065Mim\e5.7¢et)( 2rkse) = 1520 am POEBS)= Sonn Racnowarrs ass ia. MYDROSTATIC! LUBRICATION FP 280083 pr,= Boopai 2 LET PA= Wrst Lor Rafe» 0.50 3 ag = 058 3 Pp = lO £ J250. Ape DG = PRA = 109m arrow OO aata bso zeignn) p= [ip =fPOY, = yum ob R2 0h = how 3 Rae OvSR= OSU WBS, Ler A=. Let § SUE 50 oe @ (20°F =O DI L6-5fmj* om = £ C40) U/asoet)(.0ac\s 4 &: $+ Tt SSS Vase 2a 2 Pn O= Casveasn) (2.900) = 72518 Why, LE gy gttte F = 250018; pen S0orsi tleor p,= 209s) Ler a= 0.605 a¢2 262 5 Ger 168 F_ _ as00e0 a Ss 40 aapn Ceara d” “OO 2 =fTAe]ge = [VO bi Diy = ESB — U8 05450. Aen TO'fy = lin) fy = 50m 208 OX" ag he bexticgonw? eet oe R= Yar aS mig Rie 0e= 435m. Ler k= 0.008 t SAE Yo 02 @ [46°23 = 20464 Lassa" = BEM _ OtoKsscouracosiw? — x Oe femaseslaestld = 280 Ye P= pn 0= GssuyrNone nhs) = Wess = 139he (escocsmusVhe ase HIDROSTATIC LUBRICATION — METeIC DATA F = 22540; ps= 20a 1t87 py = kbomha = Mews ojo, Jom * £r]a=0-60 5 Az =0-62 3 $4 160 Eee a Aon i= GES tated D> [Faeyr = VERT = [20mm oe R= ax Simon 3 Re = Shomom Ler Le otS nm? BESO, SHE 30 ere WA p= aOSy Au$ see 5 or BEE UY sr sail fm gay yah 3 aA G2indlm ats 0 YoR) Hime IB Ls, Poon oafieorniy (asi) sorte Lae nies OS) = tbe ispunrrs F apr0bns py = 20h <0 he LET pip = 600k Pe = 0.60/17 0.6 0210 Ar = 01601 farm ® 3 FRAO FL pseu. 3226-mm™ A> npn” tah tonne)? _O= (arf = | Pisati p= BV mon oe Re Yam B23 Rue O:6R = 682) * LL Prfe = 0.60 3 ae* 016 Ler A=O.tomomt A 60°C, AE /00 oF 115 = 0.008 Gas 2 Be GN 1200nNalojont fm _ = 2 be * (22 met ot 5nd) Ginn HES mile Bota atosnly t2snila's acim oasswhrrs ast fa) é. A CHAPTER 17 LINEAR MOTION ELEMENTS E_ Bocous ~ 0, Amen Boewit_ 220 im 90. Ay Boe an BO Use 2h 3 heme Be= 3,800 m* sa000 us R000 Ae a= USE 2 on™ Foe. Au Bene 24-32 As = te075y1/meeleunrn Read k= o/s £2, An Fon Ta EB) sre Oven arest Gan)" 7 (ames) Toye Be B= ways = 0.968 Ge, 12-0) feel: Grog toma + ©], ssc00cr2934h (.960Co¢«2)4/8) 7in= “BR Lenp-Fo—r 9 ~15C. 06D Lae err hem Tae Ea ceeg van ), 200006202955 wrwetkeved) ZY > Longrtm al 2 Leetratoven) Tan 2: Souaee macho: W 2) 3 P= to0le,Lop ely Ve-0.leb7m. Tan» £02 [i oe [eamere) Yoel HPO] eet eth ee is ob [eect tev) T= 203M ros [wepe-L oot. way | WIS, way) 1667), eve a. Baz Loe tee | RL PCA rb esr) | A qe rel (fm od-TH bY meen) =49e Beast Sak hocking 458 72] e= FL. 000)64.1667) art.” 27 (300) REL , 625../90R0m ©" OleeTu un P= Tm /esoso =(3 0(/80)/ 63000 = O.BEKA V4] reprenn Bho , doevecet | 2p Berd sones =2,/0x10l vers eyes” me < Day ye” Ar 600 663 W-2 Scash LEO". 5 L=0.5b/d a] ~ FL _ Gato 7 are arta ee Last , 200M 6 29,9207 = 53.) Drm Ost * “own P~ Le = 53/099 2 40/74, 63.000 63008 see Fok re Yy-2 Scacw AT 60028, Teaver rex Lovie LOAD LE HR AY g YE BV ~Doevece “Zire “Seronrs OAL #0. Hyves SPECIFY A SI2Et Loan i 000K © ELI man ~ WE MSS YF Seer a” Bulmo facet mn MOMWAL be ES gun, LEAD BiH! 1.0 av Fuk Grahee ttle bee Sos 19] ino reeice 10 hase (25d Loao Fok Fs 0/8. Toe Foe [LEME de] _ (25 000N(SrSmom\f 101 MOINES) Ee IT. ft (LEAR). even tensanPreeneiaees) gone Tos 656 559 Nome = 658.6 Hom [2] Fo Tomeve 1a Lowee Low. F=lesew, 60S tz be [UADe=L) « Ketan sn) (nist =3) gero4 2 Lwoe rat! 116035) #415) Ta= 241 405 ahs mom = DIL Als me 22] 6. 24, Fab Couite. To RAISE [2S BA 4250. 49m I DSS. METH A Se Bas P= Tom. Te = 65.6 Avan FROM PROB Ye = WeSdamme , LREY , BERS. 395, 6 RAv/y Tot ase * Gam * Bev PHTom = Leb bien 4395; Role = 260 547 tm ]e 2 260 17 p2260.5- tu! Veny Hise) FIOLEAD AMIE AL A + Fe" (Ti Bo): Bes! 20.03 Fee a <5 SELF LOCKING. Cora a Finn Ee GcvencH! 2 FL ~ JeF00! rte ent 3} _ 0.270} 212% Fevesen 24-29 See A bowen sthers Ste! F= BSN, Te =OMbe |DSE Same DATA, ~f. B500N Reap Ay > eee = 70.3.2 — Bsc0acw Te? faupaes * 778 M1413 sc: Dee Nes aim, LBD pn AT EIB Yt FMD Toe ave 40 BASE L0Ad, F OMS tus Fee [koma Be. ssxoulenn) [Bes nfesotn) Cle.s o> © VLD neanen = 12JE7 Nem Find TO@QVE Th Lowen LoAo. Fe GSHN, $015 p< Ebe[ REV! C) « BSCOML iron) [OLR ~ zm ae Lire z (2) OE) a+ 3456 Wiomon © 3956 Nit Fino Power ro Raise £400; 2Yomem IN 3ES Potem 5 Tur elé Wm (R806 25) ote Ww AM Lome, Rt 4 2IEA® - /, 62 Rao ls BES “Somme” ib PENT Nm (062 ROW = 11D NS STOW NTR) LEA Awaie Ax Tate )= Te [Be . 137 Pera Ls 2500N (amen) 0.384 2 334% 260 [2] sme sceens ea0m persien W. Wy =2 4) LEW ATH 228.0 FIND ESTIMATE OF CRITICAL 2 PEED. EG. /71S 2b x0! d Ke Mme (Rea) « BE Aes I= W08 DIA, OF SCREW « THIS VALUE WOT AVNLABLE IN This BoOk, a0 0 EMME SITE 10, Ad Ad BETA, USE MINOR DiRe Foe A Ms ACME SC RBM ~ b= O.SEIN ~ FROM sIACHINGEY'S HAH BEEK, 28 €D-, 6.1830» PAINE BETWEED Civ ale BEMINES Pr EROS Le Ke hoo Ler SFo ho Teestimane ceITiem SPEED. arena me = Wexnessud(bo « 3339 Rem — 1) 128.0 wS* _— Sale Weecoase ceeC0 - SF 3.0 Droge > Ae = 28298071 Mra? ee B waren 61 A= tau = ?-Yeas-188) 153 tty. z = f-2 “k= abr. fash A Trats 3 te $54 ark (as fee 197, 3] An BEES ie he tdth = 76:7o8 06204512°H28 10 Ls los ae ogre + p07 = 25m =h5 4) pa Mae IY b2,5 32m 3.26 Mfr ws S) tee ee b= 2992 me iy9 W/m = bd mm 6) Fee £lG-k) #2 8.95294 ~244)* BY = 205.6 =Fe bes Lor An 2004 Yhas = YY mm Hp 7] Lo= 00-20u= Z/00 -2(0.005)* 0.93 w ~50 Dm= 00-Dw= /:/80- 0,085 [01S jy = Om Os Pmfy > bOI So, 29¢ = MIG aC Lee Mm 5 M2 Uifoy ~ OSV o 0b s ~ ES Cons B] Pm = 00-Dar » 00560-2059 = 0.5m C= Mp = OY bg pat 2Dee ¥ MatW-u 2 /9u2a/7herIre cores een seta). a2V/ as 2 Te! Seti) = 87 nears 3 na be = Monee ae SA l2mzbs an 9 SG 0y 22-2 lrastaNoas9) Fi = £GDw € on ONE Sie 8CaTIPLID) T= SEBS 0 BUM 2 294). 7y 500 05/: Tow" 7 C0.089)* — ka HL 5 06E, HOUNT | obs. yyp wey Hoan "69 Fon Fiaute 10-9 # Mesreldree: Tj >/32C0005) FoR AVé. Séaviee “OK. a2 Le = 04 70] 2s /om= 422/050 B92: Fein Fe iris,coeved, (Ye )egfO/8 Gi)og® 8 be = O1864,22)= 0.7604 Acrim = 4.22-00 > 422m 70,26 Breanne Sawen occue, Gens) —= - Go),= \/Dm2e FP + ay = Yen’ PEEP seymasieaw 's a ia pz] Fe = Ale -t4) = evolu 22-112) = 26,0508 Be. a3 mayo, Fon (200.9: As Sen» LM 8 ¥0.Hy Te = Ti FY, » Py S00 #5) x HOY, 0 2 18930005) zest Flan $e /G 9 GMT SERIE 5 Em 199 000 08) =AUPRaL, Sy Motes concerning Problems 13 - 35: Most of these problems are design problens. No single unique solutions exist. Sample solutions are shown. Problens 13 through 24 are compression springs. Problem 13 is done by boch methods 1 and 2 as outlined in the text. Others are done by ore or the other method. In some problems only Sumary resul:s are shown. Problems 25 through 31 are extension springs. Problem 25 is worked out in detail. Problens 26 through 30 were designed with the aid of a computer program using the same procedure. Only summary results are shown. Problem 31 is the stress analysis of the ends of the spring. Problens 32 through 35 are torsion springs. In each case, the design of each end is required. Tt was assumed that ends would be straight with lengths 1; and L; as shown. The effects of the ends on the spring rate were then included in the analysis. 263 13| 2temen t Fe= 22 003 Fim /Bo ts ; Ap= 220-~/t0 =¥ola; Ainosom ‘Srer/ — ASTM A229 3 Severe Seavice 5G* 12x0%9s} Srees2-s—her Li= Soon 50mm 300m. (Cas/an Decisvows) Faron = Yougform= 500t/n Le = Li +A /l> 300% /20/t = S25 Loe Lp = BC= 300-0599 20m fie y-bee S2r-25= LIEW Sree b— foun Ta = %0 200 Psi Sree? - “a * fee eacaront]” eta et Cenateun 1] P= o2R Srer = Sever Das od04zm Us. Gage Onis Mt Toa res Sree $= 6" Om/ dar = 20¢/oS0ts= 7992K= 115 (FB B-M) Star 10- = BK Dn RSL IN00s) = 6p 246955 0% Te" Fond * roses _ erm, (an Cn 2000) BAe?” acteNaza)e 72 Gres S701] — Ne = Sree /2— Ls = Dre rd) 0.3005 (5.720) = 2365 Beeb llg le)» £0 (S2r-2365)~ 23/ la a= T(PJq)= 67/26C%iu) = 20 700s ae STEP /3 — Dp = Dim +Dar™ 2.00 40,3065 = F-20651 Dy = Dy = Dur ® 300~0,J065 = 2.69. Daur = 0.506501 be = S250 5 Lt 2500; Dm F-80010. \/3| Ate700 2 Phocess Srhurssme AS METHOD L WimMwT Dm. S75¢ 2—(EOIB-) Dac=[Y re = RVR Ro0ae 70.243 sy STEP T~ TRY Ou 0.2625 VS. GME 2, T= 9000075) sree 4 - (2019-0) Maat” Bim one os enzani/anis 25s jnrxoorers)® fee E2 sree 6 = ben) e{see|"t Pecans) ® 215° rer oy) Ke M6 E16.7-r) (9-4) Bae HL) G6 262 75) — sorb. 72o( Sse « emcee» 2620.7 sh REPEAT Pein STEP 31 TRY Dur= 02830 wm, Us. GAGE 1,73 70008 couTiwueo -MEXT Pager) Tame = /¥ coors) aeq Bi] Gournven) St004 = Maye (250-260,222\ azo > 6,83 an Ovozess) USE Me = 6Cons Sree 6 ~ c=[ Hee Ne2O0) S55 seesisr SBP E creaanns 7 CSUN MUSH 958/220) = 7577005! o% Srtess @ise* = Sap Lewem ¢ sracss Ar sone Leven Las Darlaatr) = 0.28300 4072)” 2.2600 Fem ACLs -Ls)= Gotan )(S25-2.26)m = 23928 Sree A Te To (Ye.)* 25 990(“Yrw)= 8227209 oe Finan ~ Dm CDar™ 9, 38C0,2830) 2.650. Cmeery Doe Dmt Dar = ZbSS 40,2830 = 2.930. Di = Dm-Dur® 2.655 0,283) $2372 c= ote) Jun = C250 ~ 22W///E,0 © 0.03927 > 2 Li 23.00%; Fingioen Ti 7250s aprtrsjnch |S #3360-/25 a) = 5. 3eam ee bam bes Li Fin 3.00 SYpy Z F.B0Em 0, = (RVR rs *V aI aa) as m08 * 0.961 4, 2 OGEE [HT =/SOKS 5 Tg (80 XS! .ob2s)Vonstas = 263TRY a= 20 2) edss—Ket2es 2 ZS ZEN bD/210 3 (@.0825)* (2232508 che Ls = Dur(Wat2)= 0.0625 C22)" L395. Clb -Ls)=/3.0(3.368-2325) = 27./c4 tee Tal) 120 ses0sil? Yann) HELE TS! ox Dm ™ Car ® 6-85C0 0625) Dm Do = Dent One = 0-995 Di = Dan Doo = O66. aces he Wes bzr-1392Yus 4, ae Busing: *om = 34 Yo yig @ 2.87 2( ap gs O12/ Pee 9-15) han 05 Les aus 1e8)= arm. aus beta Bnei 4. bs: Cowrmoco) Arree Seven sreenriows Tat Desiqal WAS Peoovees WHICH wie eT GUteee Dur 007% 1m > Ta * 29K; Trume2 (85S) Manae "223 5 0800 MuB/2 5 C#8S25 D™ O63 10 Ta > 1082.00 ps) 5 hg 7H 008 IM. 5 Fz > S21 L853 T3= S29 C= 0.062. Cérce) ¢ Bveeeng ~ “y= 5:49 5(%Z,),, 2053 Geen 053M" 178 ms herute fe ahbt mt ok Memo 2 b= A250; he =Moce; Lit Zoom} Fah sua ASTH ABM 5 T¥08 Tor » AVA. S08ViC# 574% /0048/ A= Woh 16167 hy 2 Lar Lit ha 200% Dee ond BO ag 7 FOF Dare (210A Je,* YeAV Ia] 104 mr 0,055 4, Ty 16 44.5 Dar® 0.06250m 3 152 ERS 3 Tay 120K) Mays les "200) jou sUlr ateuoYiuase (ts ise mn/é G baw 73 [aralrnn © aan 2 feseetvwo) TORY Tew AES Tee BEING = DYSY005) eb Coa Le» Our (Mut2) = 0962572) = /-/25W. Fis™ ig la) = Uob7l299~ b125)* vo 908 Fa 7 CUaye 715100" Yay) #85650 71 0 Dn 20 De® 564 0.0625)* O.9/5 Liam 20/915 = 5 Ns Boceuns ce = Leta 20.25 -/125 4 = 0,008 > ey ee Dex Det Ow WO YEP.Ob25 = 0.91810 Di ~ Dom ~Dew = AS ~D06IF 9 4.35310. dso 266 7 SDIK, Fer 6018 ACTM #231 Ty V0KS/ Fab Severe SERVICE 22-623 39.22 19hy 2, =/00+4 2 = 20 PEA 2 2a 3 bg = 1050+ OH yy DL Oy «V2 Fra 1A 9099 = 0144. Téimes with GENET ZAND | FAMED Ty UHH For Dav= 0.506610 ( 0 6h6E), Ti = 20000007, Trn= eke! Many (lo-2DaVouw = on -260,3 060 osoe* M053 Te a2/0 fe 0027 fi.280Io2060))2 - ev bea Esteve Taya] » Meats Tew KAS Ti> Sst ke bs. CINIRAVIVCD), 96 659/ o¢ Dur @.3085) Ls DelWerr)© Bs06s)C/2)* 32.6780 Fee blhe-le)=@4 2 se -2478)= 25908 Te= To Yo, = Gb 60) 2g = FOO) CT OF Dem= © Due M3? oso 65) = 248500 Lb lane 2 ige = 2.60 wo Buckes le 60 ate Y/y, =C,.00-3, 618 y = 0.0L > fy ox. Meno 2 -/toee; Leno. bm; Fino; bi = by Prin sholhnr, = 2.0b laf 4 aa Mie aya SAY Sens, f Ty = /2oKsi fea l3800 Dass VEEN iia om * 4.0500 UE Dud 0 055u0, 246K arth Manag? (la- 2m) dn 9.682605 ose? B9CRS Wsem ono ca [lee Masse)? 920-4210 awe) Poe REVEL 9.29)0D) = 25 25005) 0m Cos™ hem Dae (Nat2) = ASSCM) = OSS Fis = RL dy ~Le) = 15.08 C75--O.55) #757018 Te Te Fp) © 25 750(7 Voy) = 19 00 PS ple Dm= COw> 9.200065) = 0, SdEw Le/om2 “os é = 3.46 we aveneine ce = O.68-0.s5) fez oat > ?o te De> Ome Dan 0.56/1m f= Dan Om neKeri4, a0 a. ba 824765 jemion 2 Lee 27S3 $= 175143 Ly=Le ~ fo" /00m | Fa? Faden. AETA ASIS TYPE 3/6 AV S000; Ty = RAS Dur = VEAP CED B08 * O.0¢¥ 0 —U5e Due F075 mn; EAE Tas = O0t¢/22mSi) = OVS) § Tn CORSE) ™ MEAS) 20m You» (00 2haevr evr = 19,05 -—vseWe2/7 oe (Goax0d coor 9] a CYSTS ID Tas POI ANN ED). (ove) © Ls = o0¥7el (rer) = 09S fhe? Ysrala late 9015) 98, yee Tae TPla)= 957% (8 Yaa)= M1 050 Os; ok Dm = Cdn = Parlour) wavavn. 3 4, = yyy &33(a6H) (Her\oat 03% 5 Gan onrlesd ontens & shte>ott 5 Ma nae 2 9SI0PS) oe Same As /@ exceer Deg =a626n Use mene | Ler On 0.2505 Tam bul. FetG Cnet) 2 feseceacase] 13)] 8 0,057 —m tie Dursoveiem. Ta* estas) = INPRS STi OESC/28) 19 eS) CF Dm/Dw = 0:25 Jo. 0625 = /2.8 eA N/E Tis 20tUa te) = 79 100 PS} oe G062s)* Maz 6 da, (exit)Cogrs) = 9.99 cos gee?” eeysne/2) Ls» Darlvar2) = 210625 (1.94) 20.99 Frye bllg-la) = 40702, 35-0.019)™ B/208 Tso 0 (Pa )= 70 a a Bo vers ox “the 29% = 5.67 oh we Brecine ce = hati) Jn = 00-078 ogy = 2.0260 Br00 Dy~ Dat Due = O25 0.0626 * O82 Sen Da = Om —Dur = 0,75 ~ 2.0625 2 OSE > Deyy Oe 268, SAMGAS 17 excoor Ones 0.7m AM Ler 0n= 0.6255 73x ons} oun [Bee Ceear eels ee O61 im ape Dux Orn6 ng 722708 Tay 48! C= noun 1625/.063 = 9.92 me hI T= ZHELLINIIXIY0) © Jorsv0 rs) ek @.0e3)™ Na= Gracin) o065) = 73/ Coes t Ler 046207310) = 0.58600 2Ci5.08)C 2.90) Fem kl nts)> B0b0175-0-586)” (52218272 75 Va= Hisers! oa Lloms LIS) e552. be ny Boeuwiig ae = 68 0.50) 75/ = 2,013 > Sy te De O62548:063 @O.68P ww Cleneance WITH Horm 2,75 -0, 688 = cern Bx >? Mericg % Le= Rosw; ie Wea; Lew RI} js 220 La Rm GER = S71 eb/n 5 Lem bi t pw 3501 Hoy 29300 Teter cefme 5 ‘a Dun RCV too Astin ara: 03 In 088 Dee” 0.105504 Taw (09/5 Tu 2 AeDaa! 5 Sovece Stance Nasgyy =a ~20—-)/on, = B.05 = 200.2088) Yavess £269 conse Nani of =] [fseatonn % * SW ee PRIS Lacsr cre SA whose Tor BIULL LENEID LYS) 9 ompeg: my om @7esD* ~ Lem Dee (Wat2)® aulose C20) = 201 1 2 D1 My (398-21) 295.008 732% (n)o 90 Ying) WP 20009) erg, 0 Dax Cm = SY lovss)= ossthin Yt /ome 2.93/05 = 665 ¢ Oy )\egt 0.27 Cog ™ G21 3gNs 06/04 ayer = Le -to2 3-300 = 0,607 <)eg OK 0 Breen ce= Gos -2Wfie=ossr > 2 on Die Dnt Due 268009. a= Dar = 0.469 0. 264 Comegesssuy SPem6 i METHOD 1 ASH A227 STEEL Wite ; @= HSK) (THEE 18-1) Sraesies Peow FG. 13-6 Lis 2.50 Fi =20008, bo=2-lorm, Fo=25v8. INSTALL SPRMG AROUND 13014 Dm SAF, Sane Sema b= FexFi, 35°20 2,514, Ute” 29-20 Feer tensm= Le- Lit “Ya 2.507 BOL, = 2033, TRY Dm L7S iM 5 Daaeayg® Om Day = 49S UD “0.2510, Sevens, Senvice: Ty = 8s50wh! Dae = psetnnton es [es asp, 2c) aso Ta 85-000 TRY Uns. wee G0. 9! Dur™ 0.1 821m, Ty #87 000 017 (Severe see0) ; Taye ® Wb 00 181 (C7Seeu:) c= pn FY = M805 R= 125 (616, 1e-) Om Bens larX 130) To = BER Om 28 ANEHUID) «53 aoc05) “Tox? ar lanes)? F480! Om Ne = de, GSO) 2525 BRC” acsasHyeoye = 7 OMe hs = Duc (Na +2) C0,/ 4B) (3.4510) = 01809 in. Fe = alle be) °G9.5)( 3.033 -0.509) #82. 18 Tit Ti Ye = 628000) )(PYec)= 128200081 Tee Men TRY Duc = 0.162 n= BEE? 75 =86,000081 | Tounr=U/8 000i SUMMARY OF Resvers i O° 10,70; K= h/t Tea disses! 04. Me= 4.93 cons 5 L Te = 8Yo0tsi On D2 Dm ~ Dov © 1 9F~0.162* 1.588 )N_OK 210 [e] commesssiv Sree ey Merioos ! METRIC ASTM AAT STeEt WIRE! = 79.260 = 713 40 nba. 0 BA) LaF bomem FA = WM, Lo = Soman, Fat ISOM (Re Ford 135-90 LEI Lacy, + 60-50 Vane PH Bomm + 70 cy), = 3. Bsmon SPANG WISTALLED ON 3 Bmtan Did. SHAFT! TRY Dim™ {Simmer Scie Scavice: Ty = ssogte fee. 191), fa 4 7 (G0 6X FM Dred)" [2.06 X45)) », RUN. Daw 4 NX I5)) 9 3,39, TRY Dor = 2. Bomm [Aace/O-2) 5 T5 = co0n te Tey B00 C= OAL = Vy go = 84 5 k= Li12s Exe ig-M) To BK Fs Dem . BOLIUSNIS) «ay nf ok TDw? 1703.40)? “ & Dur sso3)(3-0) Woe GLE FEED <2 02cm Lem Dal Hn 42) (280299 11) = 20.86. 1400 Fs= RL be bs) 65H gyn) O38E~ 20.6 om 2290 4) = Tt Yan 6i ita [BLM = 89 97m. (rar sites mee) ED*0m-Dar = YS~2.80= Yh2mm Ok Comensssionl SPRING! AWALIES § Arto arz4, &=//2404) ds= le 12 44: Dard O.ASV 1M G = nb ssi SV ete) 75 = 128 0/(Ave) T5°/ Mt er) 2D= 0.53/1H ! Dru 0D-Dare 85Y= 0.850 2 OY? Ion ce "owe ® OY, goy = BBS j= L/D5 Noha Cu; Har forre Fea woote! Ty 2 SKE. BCLMILAUEED) — 99 20933 atcee Bi feh = PLANED). Go20n) 0X rot. serete sexy fo = SALCWA) | OX AN 2450) 2g y65 0 Dar W-2xt0 W064) how Le “he ® bes -0,4%= O:71%in 5 hs = Dalat) 0.05407) 0-378 1 a Lote 313 + bent Gas -0.7Aln FE. Fe = (Lele) bras h25-0378)= 9-12.18. Tee Te Y= 02D 09) 92> /22,600081 ros Man BOT Pragy * Ta Foe Liter Setnce = YL omts) a an etTeasis emg R= 77668 j ket 2 ISmj b)eB2em, Fi = 2518 Ds [2A DapE Pecans] o3¢7m Y36 Hh Gee, Duur= 9,037 1m j Ty = 120.000 05 Doe Dnt Dn 9,287 /N 24 502 =D m= Dew 0.2/3 cap = 9%, 37 676 eee h2te Tez GER Dm = BERE > BCi 230 270K6.24) £ a 19 3%0ps) Oe M7 me TO ae 700,037) Ae B82 DIESE stay, Naz @2 . UesrKHo.03) BIA 306,760 5-0) Beay Lower ® Our Muri)™ 0037 Ge.s)* b3200n. Assume Flee L00e AT EAed EnD lpn BLAZDs* ESF 2023) h777 IN DEP Ce IM Ta bet Fue Lenkg = 2.7F0-1.779 = O97 MUNI FeRce = Fe Fy ~ Abs 275-S0l 0.9) * 258 (WT Sraest Te = Tar p> 1932 sty sree Peon Fle Au ~STet smnote x iypriasr TEX USE smaicen Eno LosPs Shy o.06EnEH Len Bt, r2lag6)= LEse ofe= 27 Ges Gbps 2750-197 = ooh Fire Dr -S ACAD AIO Tes 7 ye 19st "WG gu 20 suet) oe Sumer aay Dav =0,039 0 ~ 786, MISE WHR Des 0,200 5 Dy? 125719 5 04 P55 Cals 2 coats 0.86 7 SEH Pani pr ea @ 2 2r i ~orcermun Fis 352042 © 2.25 ju ~ MITA Fre (3508 @ LYIN =I AE om. an 26 EXPE SAN: WISH wiee, AVE SeQviE, Ts ~ [oKs! Fo* [5.0 la; FL > 5208 jlo Stoke jie 27S. BE ROY Wms Dm, 20105 Daeg gs OASV6 rj De 0.963 (26602) Ty > De, 0B! 5 CH 952 SL5 ASS s TES 105; 6002S) Be, Wat 278 Beoy LENG ry =8:.=0,99/ mj Foe Boe buen Se Osta) jF2~ SAE Sanne B89 Dom Fe= (2th; 78 B50 bm 15 821) 27 Exrenae: pose wee, COVERE Saonte; Tyr foes’; Hah LeRo0m, $8681} Din, = 8-SSM iD, = 018500 Use D015 (5b) Tas IW A8i j 0020-709 a LO" OI g C* M02; 88 A/T; TH Yt ash ae Mam toby cosy Bile = ORG Wf ELS ASI IDs Feo], fib Tel IIS) Kia coanas Bit. $= Pati} Fs prota T= p28 Ses! O26. BU) ge. I Wh LMS wide, Sevens Saxr. 5 Faz sea a; lo bitom 752 foekes/ Gave dt 227 Fat Ong bray 30,65, Te Vine BN con bast nPE EUS 80a EO; FeYBB; Pe 213 0078 Cou Pits 1.31) EXT BAlgy nl (AMIE WIRE; AVERAGE R015 F108 Lh; 9k 4? PSOE Ts 2 1Dkd; Que 0.t075in Clte)s Dag, “OASYS WsLI6D BaF, Tye 1959; (2960)! 002 0, 7925013 L020. 6325 m3 91255 a Aid [a= U2 BMS, Na 228) cass, Bb.” 150003 ErkL* 0.632502 T0—— Fee 0/4002 craved 6.452103 Fer0.96 ds Tee Waki Gu) 30. EAQENS AN) IATA A413; THE BOL 2 8162 85 byt 0b BIE Hag Py 2 fOeSS (AVE SU) 5 De Lam 2 Dang O2t010 De beazssin Ga.) Tam 8148) | OD=AP2S San; Lose 29V Iw 3C~ bibs =p 22F Phe 86306) § Me226/ cys 3 Bin SRE BLE Fes 1/7283 72029 200 12 (71 1104). Crhwer 28 =0.90m; Fea V3608 Tea /28Ks; (be 716 |8-2) (2700 £0, 213 EXTENSA, Serine Enos 09 Gat Dawe 0, OW Dan © e281} RIX 0.2505 Rum OW Le Oy = [HAY } T= Foes! Pu avenge seavice Bewomg Ceqsy-3) (FtG/8-22} Gi th/dme= 26.25/09 = 12,20 Kem He Xen! 5 foes vate) a= Le (SN L06s) , 160 = W¥ooPs ee ERNE Ses frase Geie-/5) Cre 2hs/Du = 26.090 foo bre Kes Hl. 7209 vay Tes 30m kx ~86.mlaglpt09) lon)? za Ba) zevsm Seong 1 AST ABA, TIPE B02 AVE Seamer Assiné Dn =O.Y20m3 Ge Jago P51 jh = MESO MO ZONA. ws Hoke] 5 [elon yh ise [BuO 0m a mn ae? C= Oman, © 0-920/ nayn= BBP LALO E = 092 aD B2meks Acre = = B2CAoN 109) . aS Playas) = (ORM) om Aix boitn/osmacs~ Zen cheer Nae SO Gentle 1 iy cys rrr Mr DnB) nr 200) ous EW0S! SOC bi wky = 0.7Sm Lint, Nem S17 2 QIFH02F 9 36co (Enos) sro. 2rloyu) ° é Nz = Ne~Mas 1609 -0,39 2 b,26 cons ru bier opening One Dont Me « 24200) 9 yp y Maree (bara) Misimum 50= 0408 —Der = 0900 -0,0995 = 0.3600 MAKE Red Whe OF 2am = 0.9 .360)* 0.5204 USE Ony = O,300y Csrv site) L= Dur Hat + Be) = OOIF/6AY 1/405) =0.862W IF COWS TO, Dee Dee Dart OV 20 + IS? OMG IS IM. Oke an 62 copy ox oe Thes/enl Spans! AS AIM, TPE Zee, Serene Seance Assimé On= Perl ye 0Ksi 5K of SF ee 270° =0.75A6v, = [F2 te be F220 lbis (USE M G8. OPO PeSon Den REE]? (EGET ovetsn! prowess C= Pnfowe = 14 fatss * WH jhep HEAL a 1807 e oe Tite 2acnlnses) | ea Tad” ely ey? 75° 9200S; Oe Boe Mage M2068), 20, 2/0 ebleny = Sot. Gono! 5 32.15 cms rerm Ne® promlB) nila i0 EMSS LET bebe §ASOINSNe> SU = 0,28 con (ones) Ferran) Beoy Nj+ NaWNe = BISWa 38» GLT9 cosy OPeeATIG Im > Dont Ne _ GL2DC52.D = Stearn Maree 1100 = 0.1285 = O19 TIEN 5 Dag 21,9795) = 0882 USE Oeyy » Uae = O.89SM 5 L = OncLNatire) = 010a8 S215 44 95) Le Horm tOD= A/2S tS = A2¥em esa Sensis wees Serene senvies; 8 ie LQ Woasi 5 ty 2115 meanjteoaee . a], fasteaicaa 1186 2660: Dor2 063 Dave [peta BEG ssrtnf ae nrcteats = Om 262, = 8923 ky a Hee 8 2 Ooh FT, ays 292 5a LEE wen gon B2C2 L108) 70-063) = (a /eoes! Y . wy, aeannttoses! - 29,46 can 4 26 Yas, — 40264625 20) 2 cut Specipy Enos L, hy = 450. Ne = 2LUS) = 0.7 Core. f Ny= 28166-0151 = Dh F cues mrnoan Doz Poe Ne b15C808) 5 4, boyy0 Wate” 2P.66F.0 MINEO = 01609-01063 = O-5V/ Dew % 04 Co.SY/)= OV8I7m USE One Ym =e OD= C6257 0,063 =O. W Le 0.0690 28: 661 41,0) 69380 1139S, as las) Tress Seams; Durt0.03 36804 § Nye FS0eans 1g Le 1/25 UN 5 Mot STE. 3 O = M0"=0.s0Ry Fem 29,721 ,S0ere pe tt Me 20a O_~ Gara (oose"ose) - BrlOmM Mo) food 9-330 Nar) WHERE! Dm = Dy~Dar® 0,380 -0,030= OS30W ENS} Nye Like. QDS “ate Mee Da mas OS Nae Np + Mae ZSDASE = L002 Cans = B2in he 32lo4Nl p04 Flow)? 7C0038) SAY doors] omnes 6» You? 9 ra FHF Ky= 4ESt 2 Low Con) Foe Sevens Satine G~ 200.000 75/5 F=/1 8008) oe, 216 @ Loan ven Bore b00064/y =/SooLe Sestr Gator 2 t O.=+IF Spray” HUST I0e)= 11250781 m0 . Csassescee] Aer Yam ~ 00367 * ae ose ty-2e ye ca. The V8 we Foe Lett TOP © 1S WALLIS)" 20/3 LEM Fo AeS pe, Gor Nos000 wifi) 190 18 Tage 1 ——— ER Si Am UII am; Garoe G6 (Secnes ar) Teushe sTaewém % 300 fa Wero srrewsm % 0.6 C7:S,) = +8030) 490 Fee ORooe ST REMETA ~ O.9LLSI= «P(LR)EYRL MAR FA Ae Sre= 22m )C43vafarr)= 9124 VaHpashel Thee 19-5 Ye -W UNF 5 D HORS my 2 mr py IRD mer per lan ie eattt ng astinop ie Weness olerese Hest =t2V aR DIRPERENtE ww O= AY0 22.2 =hE Morale Taeto Ib APPL Bt LARee. THE SIDE Pi renin 620/20 20.03/5 9 x25 mame Bf 1E0O mom D> 001960 x 25 mem) are Yo98 mcr Clrosesr srAwoAeo Treene AS MERI Ameascad StAWOARO */0-32 /S S/mnae BLT WOT AS cuse Te MEASIESD Dims Lous. Menst fe = £80 mm™ Wrens 6/8 TS = No Pee 2 Bie Gam O90U rs” /09.S Mh Fa Acone Stamm s M/mor) = 635) VE ESI am /o Wy 20 te ¢ Ae = 0103/8 w™ 3 Op* OS0TO A) She Kener 21 opm 0.0 WI IIMS) 3 Pafte ag =CoUeto7000) FEU IZLE 3) she Gator 51 SC" SOAS} Pe (90818 3 SHE GAROT 8? Ops SU80)* 2S dss F= ZIRSLE d)Asra A277 op= 5000) 30 RSG FOF ca OQ asra ASW! a=. rlien= %0 hii 5 FE2eeee F) mere uve 8.8; 75.= Oustarome)= tismte (LOL) =60..ks) FrAe on =lo.018 eo r201e/w')" 9NLB Siauna re Stes Fa 1M 498 M/i8 * BSIBM » BSAA Atuer, 2ox¢-7 4? Thm 6. SYS 200, pnnis 2 CIS) * 37585) 53 PHI A) TAPELYY, Aen j O52 +5130) = Seas) | B00? 18 WYeoul séoef? Sam 0.8121)" s0stsi | P= 33416 9S Pocrosunre | Tn BS C4)= tk EERE DY ABS (HRN Imther) { Tu2/SCE)* TRG j P= F068 1 Seats MAY BE FULL HARD Abb © G0KSi, 5.208090" YEH.) FEMS LB rename Foe h 3¥3 006 ne 2 CHAPTER 20 MACHINE FRAMES, BOLTED CONNECTIONS, AND WELDED JOINTS 12 Dieser SHEA S CUTS» 4307 EERE 100 6 4 sie 4 Fx CE. ay: /eur Ct +5 Swed Srone T= Fa, Fl6. = Bee aa 2y0 yw? Poet* Ae PW 3 0 = [Wife [Vaiyp ossw ue We-vrewe burs, Hem Love Dieser Syshe, EXCH BAR Sureoes ¥ Mémeens F= ¥ (930) * 200018 = 707m. Lose ov dune ¥ bux W owes stone, A307 Firm Az toon = = OS car04* As= QD 2 = aro o=\Aap = [03am =b20w bse 1-20 we Bux 5 2.00,u Love an Yours | beco Hoare, puerer sHommerke "ys /agpay, | & Veorren. Die. srenes f= 7°% = psvea 4 | = S196(/3)= 67.578 Lom, in |e A= [U30°F)* = A80m tee fours Cate vate Vilgeyha Joo f Fs Grsveiess), aoe EH Forme fe = 7994/2195 193 Torte Fy > 96+ 29+ S9Ve rim em [n92*h5I6* Fe esse AY% bars , buss srene - Bn comers, 2 = 20704) 70% Ase Fe > LSE wasn = My) = 72% Rego D = [ZATH =(ECH WTP = 0.88/0, ose Vere one, 3% cone a0 FINeo-EWs BEAM - CASE APpenow H-3 WA, (Beceplere ‘ Me a Bese 32873 26.0" ‘ EACH Sloe 79 332673 Lew. Dicer Sten = LEE = 18869 2un 4 USE YROLTS OM EACH FACE OF Cavan) — ss THROIGH PLANE AND PLATE. y FORCE on EACH BaLr B05 70 Memenrt AaAMIn; En” Sid) secon 4 Fe MA. Goniiyn) dem os an P= 67.40m—d 32.073 Zar Honeo I, em) FORCES of Boer Ar UPRER eiéir + 2059 =F Gr Boul ce Tener é orm Fst pydeeaniate Fee f aia*rtosv ** Zou 2 SrecnY ner A ae hen sreeware bars 1421120 esi = Fa/y, Acs Oy » 2ouu - ab Acs Oy» son Oo new aut PT. oa Y= [ee Acero; D= omy Use A138 VE Boers. We THAEros IA THE Stone CLAUE, Lae073 ew dat Sours , A207, Meset/ner TT4] Sere: “2% 233 ta four 4 H9> Cyoowizu)= [9200 bi a ‘fa As [a*rt = 2.80 — i Az* 200) +++ +H Ears Yaa 20.00% bow Oe tts, NOY. yee Tom FA n9e ce Ace $2 Bm 8 - 2/300 POW a”) Le {$ = 0.906 im. use Yer Boers 48a 6.) 4G.P20-6 Verner Comveniot op Feece Ua ete Chae Aust BF 2e00LE Fe Coo 25+ = 2000 Lf =Fev Yew rs 220708 Fey Fs 2s* s2ec1as 25 fu 293208 Yeoo U8 ae = r aa?” 7 iB ZAT= 803.0) *= 22,0) : ws fy atte = Been gow ——| = 2a °F ae fae Devout wpe 200080 Srom—mee. R= "Ye = 1/74 ~ "> boasoren Sree 10ers fa 200%/p = 2008 | oO Fr=\eia*e7* = 27s3¢e ae G a. fer Ss 8 aay 20% 29m) Fk Cao YUE = 0.478 19 7 fo se A bourse Ass Wewweo Jowrs Fleves pet racer suena; f= V/p, Ween Cont veerncde S10Es, Yow. Leg, 2 Aw 2D "Bbw Vo Zoos _ fo far GF ws00 uf Fok A36 Sra Ane b60 Secresoe; $u2 7600 bn Ju £._ (roti. are $= L500 Far $600 Wim Ja (OAS Z Us Ewen Stary Leg. & FRom Posen Y “AT EACH ENO OF Nie Benn, V=/s0L8 > 32073 LOIN — SHARD F QUILLY om FRONT AND BKE OF PiATes Ther AR WELDED To S7KISD COLUAW, 1 Wenn Aewe TH? An0 Barron OF RATE. al Lase 3-616, 20-8: Aw=2b=2046) 22m, FTO Swe 673407 = G06 307 el tory d=teo +— swe 3795? FoRSON 4 OM EACH Wieww PATTERN Ve 75068, 721, yesetin [Be | Ar O! f= Le PL sy, copy Ob Le BB yy iy | Fre Ter , yeveqenn Neon) _ tae 3745 WY = 67 b in om fp Ten. fheuseslar) tw 3045 sapeeint VECTOR Sum oF FORCES: Fax /2// t/y, o Use E60 Lecreove: Bow | » fe, Ra, | a Sa Ge O18 iw 06 [ egltwra, ose w= Yeo * 0.188 m=Mininin FoR Vim fare. aay Fligvec 20-5 ¢ DRI 5/0580 DAT 2oojy Expo iets TP Ane Boro oF} p) ERA SE CAREIES /¥o0LS Lr weet 1s ti Toeque on wero :77/¥00(84%) dea T= Heo (e+ )) 2/2 bo0Le/0 i Awe 262 202)2 Yoow ' be shd™ (ah L Gace? - fon Ree OOD, go yy Flmew 8 ve Hes Se Ha fase ~ FF Sam Dee. Cxbooctn)l vy = 77 bby —— Tu E53 oF = Set = Gr tce)Cuo py. f~ = fee. 3 cain $ Eso ELecreoos om 7 198 ~ P= cow sem Fee Ba 52 J oe 9934 /y Ose 202 Ye"= o.teti0 (wr) aas be 59.0 — 2 Jeti —4 I I 1s ft Te Luss Xo ‘spa? 3000 thee foe cue® OD rma + Thy = VeNie ts 206 how srere= Use jroetey { = frarpue Tt = POOL. ysoiyy, — 3 or Fa en Ym fee reasny ~The 9, 2 ypu t gw vw Sy hy = BD Low - oy ? Joram * “yt fetSy= soo téfm, fee My pain vse ane ow Fig uae tZo~ |! ’ case © Fra w8 eft Awe bred = 942G5)2 22.0 Hsbc | ys | esed wt a —l4 jt Ft Teer *Gewen “1 eo I 2C2b+d) _ &, 69 5, Su Seite eeflacns69 a 22.3 Leorrvm) dua ew? con” = 687. ~ 41> Y2bn? 386 7) Gourmyeo) Ar @* 4 > suena Fi = SE. jay eey, } faa cereus = BUD. yoseceyy Gum ame) 3 = 7eesiodl (her )= Tey 2 120k lys® ot MOIS 3/3 08) a lo) ( 4.50) Spe ratios nr)» Gh = LEGO. 369 § Sithy> 191+ 209 = Yoo Lefm b Resvcravt = br [he * hy + Ce, 5) =, Veysse* 21374400” Fem YOU L/w cages Ben sey we 3 use Ye "nar USE E20 wacrese Lz. Fea pto-| win fan 5 we mesien) fie sromm= = 22» 36 c4fu 4 Fox bewamny 2 Soe FRE ws 2792 184 Gre whee) a [Ere fie 2992 A 2096 ow use g6o mecreces: are FS 2 o302 mm We Faw sort 381 13] Flg ves 020"l p= Yoo 3 Ge Auer Dieser srene — rire Peon Trace 19-2 ef = sort Te a omar’ =e meee wer As = Sane pagn = (0:70) ar) & BWM OF WE fe vow? precck AeLey p Thum ® £000 057 (pag Hots Prcee Aeeey 9 Treen SOR Ler Lx 2tWoon) = Fan) (vente. 5/065 oF eascxer) ees 9/91 1 B.D w= Sort Ppa onl tarnl 0 a) uss Ve yn wee Ctd)- Flaues piold Dicer SHER , COW Ane” Yo1g Freee (eL0y Lever a waco 222 770? POUR A508 . pss at w= Gotta OMe Bosom. BVLHTO yee 74" cos Aus0 CWS1OGR. FAETIN WELD FiLeues 920-15 pieecr SHAR, 6063 ALu/te ee Pars Fret Ler wre We ont Pen Sows Poet eo 2 Sate fee Le F707 ar Tae Cre 0) S000) 0 pusrenaune Caen. WLS THANG 1207 “ZouAeey on Barn siees OF THB. 388 [4] Feeme 020-6 Oreeer seme, $003 Aeumeun Yd Fieise Attoy Abin Pecblen [¥% A 06 w= LTE Ta = S000 657 LAG O)> 2rd sq wee pee peowo fo oon ue a= © Cp astywleceo.djnn) TI WE a= Wo 0.250 2] srareR IAL Comeneicow Fa YB008 3022 5 B= 5/2 e290 A= Yq 5 oer Comore winenr bar en oF LEWETH Y= Axhow we hv ante — Sylal)_ Gla) Al) Dw Vow Adbsdwea 2) Some Bo 4 932 £38 32 1293 706 4) 5760 OGrj0 oO S00 09H 35D 09 4283 0272 Dhwwa. 209-78 60 30 6/6 14S) Ib fod 0/80 d)Atin 015 7g 73 PS of32_ VF /32 spon 0/32 “Al Ro 6.80 3/1 080 ko W128 DTM aye et A) TBM 3VnCe IIS BIS 0S 1264 2055 Who 0 284 Questions 1 - 3 to. a. a2. a. aa. as a6. wv. 18. a. 20. CHAPTER 21 ELECTRIC MOTORS AND CONTROLS See Sections #-2 and 2/-3. equency for AC power in the U.S. is 60 hertz. ‘Standard Standard frequency for AC’power in Burope is 50 hertz. Single phase AC power at 115 and 230 volts. ‘two conductors plus a ground wire. 490V, three phase is preferred because the current would be lower and the size of the motor would be smaller. Synchronous speed is the speed at which an AC motor tends tO run at zero load. = 120(f)/p, where f is the frequency of the power and p is the number of poles in the motor. Full-load speed is the speed of the motor when it is delivering its rated torque. In U.S.: ne= 120(f)/p = 120(60) /4 = 1800 rpm In France: ms = 120(f)/p = 120(50)/4 = 1500 rpm 2-pole motor. Zero-load speed approximately 3600 xm. Rg = 120(£1/p = 120(400) /4 = 12000 xpm wo speed motor; 1725 rpm and 1140 rpm Variable frequency control 21,22,24 - See Section 2-8. 23. 25. 26. a7. 28. National Electrical manufacturers Association EFC - Totally enclosed - fan-cooled. See Section 2/-8. Tm - Totally enclosed - non-ventilated. section 2/-8. NEMA Design 9 - Hazardous locations. Flour can explode. TEV because motor may get bathed in water during cleaning and to protect food from contaminants from the motor. 20 20. an. 32. 33. aa. 35. 26. a7. 28. 39. Locked roter torque is the torque that a motor can exert when the rotor is at rest. Also called starting torque. A poorer speed regulation means that the motor would slow down more vhen subjected to an increase in torque. Breakdown torque is the maximum torque a motor can develop during the increase in speed after start or the torque at which a motor would be stalled if the torque is increased after ic is running. capacitor-start; permanent-split capacitor; fa) Single phase, split-phase AC motor because of the moderate starting torque and the change of torque when the Switch cuts cut the searting winding. b) Fron Table #/-2, full-load speed = 1140 rpm ‘T= 63000(P) /n' = 63000(.75)/1140 = 41.4 Ib-in c) Starting torque = 1508(F-L. torque) ‘Te = 1.5(41.4) = 62.2 1b-in (approximate) 4) Breakdown = 3508(F.L. torque) Te = 3.5(41.4) = 145 1b-in (approximate) 2-pole; 1.50 kw rated power. b) From Table 2/-2, full-load speed = 3450 rpm n= (3450 rev/min) (2x rad/rev) (1 min/60 s) = 361 rad/s Tm P/n = (1,5x109 W-m/s)/(361 rad/s) = 4.15 Nom ¢) Starting torque = 1.5(4.15 N-m) = 6.23 im @) Breakdown torque = 3.5(4.15 Wem) = 18.5 Nem Fan requires about 18 1b-in of torque at 1725 rpm; low starting torque; assume fan cools motor. Recommend 4-pole- single phase permanent split capacitor AC motor. Power = Tn/63000 = (18) (1725)/63000 = 0.49 hp (use 1/2 hp) Full load torque about 0.5 N-m at 3450 rpm; high starting torque (about 2.8xF.L.7.) due to starting compressor against hich pressure in the system. Recommend capacitor start, single phase, 2-pole, AC motor. n= (3450 rev/min) (x rad/rev) (1 min/60 s) = 361 rad/s P= ™= (0.5 N-m) (361 rad/s) = 181 N-m/s = 181 watts speed is adjusted by varying.the resistance in the rotor circuit through an external resistance control. F.l. speed = synchronous speed = 720 rpm. (Table 2/-2) au 40. Pull-out torque is the torque that would disengage the motor from its synchronous speed and cause it to stop. 41. Universal rotors are very small and light weight for a given power rating. Some vacuums, appliances, and hand fools utilize the high speed of rotation effectively. 42. A.universal motor can operate on DC or almost any frequency of AC voltage when operating near its full-load point. 43. Batteris |, generators, rectified AC, /vOeesew furs ceces. 44. See Table 21-7. 45. SCR - Silicon controlled rectifier. Used to produce DC power from AC. 46. SCR controls do not produce pure DC power; it has some variation, called ripple, due to the AC input. A low- Fipple control would produce a nearly true DC power. 47. could use a 90v DC motor powered from a NEA Type K SCR power supply to convert 115 VAC to 90V DC power. 49-50. 8% Section 24-11. 51, ‘The motor vould speed up without Limit and may fail catastrophically. 52. Speed is proportional to torque. T = Ti (m:/ma) T= (15-0 N-m) (3000/2200) = 20.5 w-m 53, 56-61. See Sections 3-9, 21-11, and 2/-12. 54, MBMA Size 2 motor starter for 10 hp, 220V AC, 3-phase. SS. NEMA Size | motor starter for 1.0 ki, L1OV AC, single phase. 292 CHAPTER 22 MOTION CONTROL: CLUTCHES AND BRAKES Fon QA! T= 6 PKIp,= G02SNSEONLISY 9” YISLB-I LAND EK FRan Ste riin 24-4, Stmahay OF Resvers For Phoaecus 2-7, Fes PK Tore 2 Ss 7SiP S025 7B LEFT 3 B3as ashe hs WD YW LeN 4 = b3015 5.048 275° 10 YB LAIN St 630s Soke 10 17D Bo Ltn S2 $252 EMP osm ds8LA Fr 53 610s ODkF 40 1% ~— 27¥LEIN SY BIS Soh 0/80 1751 L8vH 6 9519 ZoAW 295 HD AW me Da) 959 sokW 40 900 212m eeeren () 9599 SDhAW 10 900 59) Wm Bamee 8] DK: De 2hom; Ae om; Le 25005 Lrn0; 57 2, LO6t AY _ 2,000 s204—0) 1 — Wade SO = SED teers eoocerr = (RD) Geoylooo a 3068S 308 (2.6) 29 we a ee ee ee Shar “oear 0 Uo "0,0075¥ Cournyng — 1-50 BS Zar g.024) bac./ Loo es ho 40077 hve 2.00 62ar hoo bV8F Gent hve ga how froma GaGr 100 +6es 70 _ 0.0047 TeDte /20e ta-ee™ T= whan) lar) boy Lepr Boat 208 C42) 293, A NeG Leer cluren Awe SHAT Shar CETweCN CevTE ANGE Aq Spe or sanera! in) eoaey Oi/-03 k ee “ aoe A 200 o 3.00 Gene 8 250 pes 500 Star 2 eee o sto Hoe { 250 brs Go Hus 2 250 Aes 60 enmpuares 80 nas 200 Huw) Cr 9.00 5D PHO n ps0 (nor ps0) = ¥66. 700% GreJm) > Geer 280) = 20M whe wh O82 24.2833 2.4070 25653 oss 10.109 an ay rae pa whrlon) _ 22.8122)020).. jo¥.5L8-Fr Boe = 208C150) aye 2oazy 0025? a.0702. aoror 28798 22,578C ZS i. 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