Bray (2014)

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Bray, M. (2014). Comparative Education research: Approaches and methods.

Second edition. Hong Kong: Comparative Education Research Center, University

of Hong Kong and Dordrecht: Springer [Book review]

New Concept

I got some answers concerning the going with: [1] Comparative Education, [2]
Different Comparative Education Approaches and methods, and [3] the Comparative
Research in Hong Kong.


The field of comparable guidance investigate has progressed over the seven
mediating years, similarly as the many key perspectives that have proceeded as in the
past. Among the points of view that have changed or elevated in sway consistently, for
instance, free-feature fiscal game plans and the following deregulation of guidance, and
extending forcefulness and obligation have become the raison d'etre for some
informative foundations.

Critical Question

I search for answer on the going with requests: [1] how contentions among
schools improved preparing? [2] Is it possible to improve preparing without standing out
it from various structures? [3] What an ideal enlightening structure look like?


The diagram of comparative preparing assessments can fill in as one of the most
basic accomplishments in the progression of relative guidance examine framework.

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