LP Flag Football 1 Rivest

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Name: Cameron Rivest Date: 9/16/19 Time: 8:00-8:56am, 10:00-10:56am,

11:00-11:56, 1:34-2:30pm
School: Holyoke High- Dean Campus Lesson #: 1 Facilities: Outdoor Football Field
Class Size: 35, 33, 35, 18 Grade: 9, 10, 12 Unit: Flag Football
Focus of Lesson: Basic Terminology, Grip on Football, Throwing/Catching, Basic Routes
Equipment: 15 Footballs, 16 Cones, 50 Sets of Flags

Student Performance Objectives (SPOs): By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
Psychomotor Hold the football with the correct grip when attempting a pass 100% of the time
during Activity 1.
GLO S1.H1.L2
Cognitive Apply the terminology of flag football when asked questions by the teacher
throughout the class.
GLO S2.H1.L1
Affective Follow basic safety guidelines for the class, so that there is a safe learning
environment created throughout the entire class.
GLO S4.H5.L1

Teacher Performance Objectives (TPOs): During the lesson, the teacher will:
Create a safe and positive learning environment for all students to be able to participate to the best
of their ability.
Give specific, corrective feedback of students’ form in different skills whenever possible throughout
all activities.

Special Considerations: Accommodations for this specific class/ safety concerns:

Flag football can become dangerous if the right safety guidelines are not constructed and enforced.
Making sure all students have the correct footwear. Understand that even in flag football there will
be contact between players but making sure that contact stays at a minimum and stays in control.
Making sure that students are listening for the teacher’s whistle for instructions, or the beginning or
end of an activity. Making sure to cut down on on-task behavior as much as possible to increase
activity time.

Couturier, L., Chepko, S., & Holt-Hale, S. (2014). National Standards & Grade Level Outcomes for K-12
Physical Education. Reston: SHAPE America. (37-42)

KEY: S = Student
T = Teacher


0:00- Daily Routine: Students will walk into the S S S S
6:00 gymnasium and have the chance to S S S S
change their clothes if they find it S S S S
necessary. If not, they will sit or stand in a S S S S
single-file line with their teammates. S S S S
6:00- Attendance: Instructor will meet the S S S S
7:00 students in front of the team lines and S S S S
make sure that all team members are in S S S S
class. S S S S
7:00- Introduction: Go through the word wall SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Had students
10:00 with the students. Discuss the definitions T stop before going
of each word. Give the students the word outside and
and let a student answer what the walked them
definition is but correct if need be. through each
word on the
Offense: Team unit working to score word wall.
points by passing and running the ball.
Huddle: When the team groups together
to get instructions from the quarterback
or captain.
Quarterback (QB): calls signal, throws
passes, hands the ball off, and runs the
Running Backs (RB): often take the ball
from the QB and run towards the other
team’s end zone. Catches the ball
sometimes, as well.
Receivers: catch passes and can run the
Center: snaps the ball to the QB. Can catch
the ball in Flag Football.
Line of scrimmage: an imaginary line that
runs from sideline to sideline through the
football. Separates the offense and
Snap: the exchange of the ball from the
center to the quarterback.
Completion: a successful pass and catch
between two players on the same team.
Hand-off: when one player hands the ball
to a teammate.
Defense: team unit working to prevent the
offense from scoring points by pulling
flags, interceptions, and other means.
Defensive Linemen: try to stop all
movement toward their team’s end zone.
Defensive Backs: in charge of stopping
receivers from catching the ball.
Interception: the act of catching the other
team’s pass to gain possession
Sack: the pulling off the QB’s flags behind
the line of scrimmage.
End Zones: located at both ends of the
field, where touchdowns are scored.
10:00- Focus of the Day: Instructor will discuss SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Talked about the
11:00 the focus of the day with the students. T correct grip and
1. Basic Terminology how to correctly
2. Gripping the football correctly throw and catch
3. Throwing and catching properly
4. Basic Routes
11:00- Essential Questions: Instructor will discuss SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Wanted the
12:00 the essential questions of the day with the T students to think
students. critically
1. What are the 4 basic routes we throughout the
discussed? lesson about
2. Where should your fingers be these questions
when gripping the football? so we could
3. What is the biggest part of flag come back to
football? them.
12:00- Transition: Students will leave their SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
13:00 backpacks inside the gymnasium or inside T
the instructor’s office and then walk
outside and meet near the field goal posts
of the football field.
13:00- Safety: Safety is the biggest part of Flag SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
14:00 Football because it can become very T
physical and dangerous if the safety
guidelines are not followed. The safety
guidelines are:
 I must always see you even if you
are just walking around and not
playing Flag Football. You must
stay inside the football field
 Contact will happen in Flag
Football, but it will be kept to a
minimum or students will be
asked to sit out for the rest of the
 Make sure that you are always
listening for my whistle for
instructions whether it be football
related or something in the
14:00- Instruction: How to Grip a Football SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
15:00 T
There are laces on the football. They are
the white, small stripes across the ball
with one long stripe down the football
perpendicular to them. This is where your
fingers should be on the football when

Q: Which hand do you throw with,

dominant or non-dominant?
A: Dominant hand

With your dominant hand, your pointer

finger should be above the laces, as well
as your middle finger. Your ring finger and
pinkie will rest on some laces. You can also
have your middle finger on the laces if you
feel more comfortable with that. Your
thumb will be on the bottom part of the
football, so you have a tight grip on the
15:00- Instruction: How to Throw and Catch SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
20:00 T S
1. Stand shoulder-width apart in an
athletic position facing your target
with the outside of your non-
dominant shoulder.
2. Have your weight mostly on your
back foot. That is where your
power is going to come from.
3. When preparing to throw have the
ball up at your shoulder level with
both hands on the ball and your
dominant hand on the laces.
4. Separate your dominant hand
from your shoulder and reach
back with the football still pointing
it at your target.
5. Rotate your body and have your
chest facing your target.
6. While you rotate have your non-
throwing hand pointing at your
7. Step towards your target with
your lead foot.
8. Bring your arm over the top of
your shoulder with throwing arm
slightly bent.
9. Release the football in front of
your body off to the side slightly.
Your arm should be at its highest
point when you release.
10. When you release your palm
should be facing straight down.
11. When you release, you want the
football to roll off your fingers and
your index finger should be the
last one touching the football.
12. Follow through after you release
the football. Pretend you are
putting a seat belt on in the car
and bring your hand all the way
down to your waist on the
opposite side of your body. This
will help the football release
better and keep your arm healthy.

1. Keep your eyes on the football.
Track the ball the entire way into
your hands. Look for the white
stripe on the football spinning.
2. Use your fingers, not your palms
or your body.
3. Position both of your pointer
fingers and thumbs into a
diamond with your thumbs facing
down. This is for a throw above
your waist.
4. For a throw below your waist,
place your pinkies together with
your fingers spread apart.
5. Catch the ball with soft hands.
Have your fingers and wrists
relaxed and flexible. You want
your hands to give back slightly
when your catch the ball. Catching
the football with stiff hands and
arms will make it bounce off and
6. Arms extended and away from the
20:00- Activity 1: Students will spread out in their S S Students were
25:00 own group space to throw and catch to S S gradually
warm up. Instructor will be moving around S S brought into
to give feedback on catching, throwing, as S S partner throwing
well as the grip on the football. S S and then could
S S move back when
Students will stand 10 feet apart to start S S they felt
and then eventually move further and S S comfortable.
further back when they feel comfortable S S
and their arms are loose. S S
25:00- Transition: Students will jog into the SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
26:00 middle of the field to meet the instructor. T
26:00- Intro to Route Running: The purpose of SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
30:00 running routes is so that the quarterback T
and the receivers are on the same page.
There will be 4 routes we will discuss. We
will number them, so it is easier to call out
when in the huddle during a game.

#1: Fly Route: receiver lines up on either

side of the quarterback and runs straight
and the quarterback will throw the
football over your head to lead you
towards the end zone.

#2: 5yd Out: receiver lines up on either

side of the quarterback and runs 5 yards in
a straight line towards the end zone and
then turns quickly out to the sideline and
the quarterback will throw once the
receiver starts moving towards the
#3: 5yd In: receiver lines up on either side
of the quarterback and runs 5 yards in a
straight line towards the end zone and
then turns quickly in to the middle of the
field and the quarterback will throw once
the receiver starts moving towards

#4: Hook: receiver lines up on either side

of the quarterback and runs 10 yards
straight towards the end zone and then
quickly turns their body and faces back
towards the quarterback and the
quarterback will throw the ball right as the
receiver turns to face them.
30:00- Q: What is a #1 route? SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
31:00 A: Fly route T
Q: What is a #2 route?
A: 5yd in
Q: What is a #3 route?
A: 5yd out
Q: What is a #4 route?
A: Hook route
31:00- Activity 2: Students will be back with their SS Three lines and 3
38:00 partners and line up as a quarterback and SS QBs and
a receiver. Partners will start with a #1 SS everyone else is
route (fly route) and switch off positions SS a WR. Everyone
after each throw. After the instructor has SS runs one route,
seen each group once, the groups will be SS then we switch
told to switch to a #2 route. Then, the SS QBs and then the
partners will switch to a #3 route and then SS WRs run a
a #4 route to ensure that all groups are SS different route.
always going the same way so there won’t SS
be any collisions. SS
38:00- Transition: Students will jog back into SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
39:00 midfield to meet the instructor. T
39:00- Introduction to Man Coverage: SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
41:00 T
For the next activity there will be defense
involved. Man coverage is having a player
on defense pick a player on offense and
sticking with them from the snap of the
ball until the end of the play.
41:00- Activity 3: Man Coverage Drill S Defenders and
46:00 Students will be groups of 3 with a S S WRs will switch
quarterback, receiver, and defender. The while in their 3
QB and receiver will talk before each play S S lines. QBs will
to see what route they will run. The S switch for those
students will rotate from QB  receiver who want to play
defender after each play no matter if the S S QB.
play results in a catch or incomplete pass. S

46:00- Transition: Students will meet instructor SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
47:00 back at the field goal posts with all the T
equipment for closure of class.
47:00- Closure: SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Students were
49:00 Q: What are the 4 routes we learned T able to
today? remember that
A: Fly route, 5-yd in, 5-yd out, hook route we had different
Q: What should the grip look like on the routes and why
football? safety is
A: Pointer finger and middle finger off the important in flag
laces, ring finger and pinkie on the laces foorball
and thumb on the opposite side of the
Q: What is the biggest part of flag
A: Safety
49:00- Transition: Students will help bring SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
50:00 equipment back into the gym. T
50:00- Daily Routine: Students will have time to SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
56:00 change for the rest of the day. T

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