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Freire, Paulo (2005).

Pedagogy of the Oppressed

New Concepts

In the wake of perusing the diary, I found out about the [1] instructional method of
the persecuted, [2] banking idea of training, [3] dialogic, and [4] antidialogic networks of
contradicting hypotheses.


A cautious examination of the instructor understudy relationship at any level, inside

or outside the school, uncovers its in a general sense story character. This relationship
includes a describing subject (the educator) and patient, listening objects (the
understudies). The substance, regardless of whether esteems or exact components of
the real world, tend during the time spent being described to get inert and petrified.
Instruction is experiencing portrayal affliction.

Critical Questions

I look to address the accompanying inquiries, for example, [1] What are the
inconsistency between the oppressors and persecuted? [2] How it is survived? [3] Why
freedom isn't a blessing yet a common procedure?


Issue presenting instruction doesn't and can't serve the interests of the oppressor.
No abusive request could allow the persecuted to start to address. While just a
progressive society can complete this instruction in methodical terms, the progressive
chiefs need not take full power before they can utilize the technique. In the progressive
procedure, the pioneers can't use the financial strategy as a between time measure,
legitimized on grounds of practicality, with the aim of later carrying on in a really
progressive manner. They should be progressive – in other words, daialogical – from the

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