Hammond (1999)

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Darlington-Hammond, Linda (1999). Authentic assessment of teaching in context.

New Concept

Resulting to investigating the journal, I found a few solutions concerning [1]

Teacher appraisal, [2] Teacher Education, and [3] Authentic assessment.


Masters and inspectors occupied with planning change propose that preparation
is getting persistently inconsistent considering progressively testing informational
program needs and developing not all that terrible grouping among understudies. The
course toward instructing for comprehension and application as opposed to for excess
review makes progressively significant unconventionalities in teaching as instructors must
have the choice to get a handle on and embrace upon understudy thinking so as to deal
with a procedure of information headway that is different for everyone.

Critical Questions

I look for demands on the going with demands: [1] What is a reasonable surveying
structure? [2] What elective surveying decisions may be considered? [3] How may
wellness have the alternative to be bolstered and seen?


The requesting of setting up all the furthermore moving substance to legitimately

differentiating understudies propose a need for instructor direction that draws in teachers
to wind up being continuously present day in their impression of the impacts of setting
and understudy anomaly on preparing and learning. Instead of finishing set schedules,
instructors need to wind up being always fit in their capacity to assess showing conditions
and make instructing reactions that can be appropriate under various conditions.

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