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Name: Date:

Math 432 HW #

Determine whether each of the following situations is a Combination or Permutation.

1. Creating an access code for a computer site using any 8 alphabet letters.

2. Determining how many different ways you can elect a Chairman and Co-Chairman of a committee if you
have 10 people to choose from. Permutation

3. Voting to allow 10 new members to join a club when there are 25 that would like to join. Combination

4. Determining how many different ways you can arrange 5 pictures on wall. Permutation

5. Choosing 3 toppings for a pizza if there are 9 choices. Combination


1. Suppose that 7 people enter a swim meet. Assuming that there are no ties, in how many ways could the
gold, silver, and bronze medals be awarded? 210

2. How many different committees of 3 people can be chosen to work on a special project from a group of 9
people? 84

3. John bought a machine to make fresh juice. He has five different fruits: strawberries, oranges, apples,
pineapples, and lemons. If he only uses two fruits, how many different juice drinks can John make? 10

4. How many different four-letter passwords can be created for a software access if no letter can be used
more than once? 358,800

5. There are 25 people who work in an office together. Five of these people are selected to go together to the
same conference in Orlando, Florida. How many ways can they choose this team of five people to go to the
conference? 53,130

6. There are 25 people who work in an office together. Five of these people are selected to attend five
different conferences. The first person selected will go to a conference in Hawaii, the second will go to New
York, the third will go to San Diego, the fourth will go to Atlanta, and the fifth will go to Nashville. How
many such selections are possible? 6,375,600

7. 12 Republicans and 8 Democrats have been nominated to attend a convention in Europe. How many
different arrangements are possible if 4 Republicans are chosen and 4 Democrats are chosen? 34,650

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