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Zoey Weir

AP Language

Mrs. Stephanie Tatum

10 December 2019

Argument Essay

Rights are principles that are hard to acquire and difficult to maintain. The United States

stands as a symbol for freedom, since its founding fathers constructed the Constitution, its

principles have demonstrated such rights. The principles and ideals that our country was built

upon continue to reign in modern day. We celebrate the birth of our country's principles every

fourth of July, in support of our opportunities that our rights provide us. However in some

circumstances, some Americans take for granted the freedoms we have readily available at our

fingertips. Supporting the ideas and principles that our country was founded upon, a true patriot

is someone who recognizes and appreciates their freedoms, shared by Eleanor Roosevelt's view.

A fundamental principle of our constitution, the right that anyone can vote, is an idea

appreciated by many Americans. However despite this fact, there is a drastic amount of

voting-aged youth who are choosing not to participate in presidential elections. This action is a

travesty of American patriotism and illustrates an ignorance for the suffering and effort it took

for our country to be Democratic today. A true patriot is someone who recognizes that we are

one of the few countries in the world that gives its citizens a say in their government. If these

unpatriotic citizens were living in North Korea, would they be more appreciative of their rights?

The ignorance of these nonvoters is apparent, these youth should have an appreciation for the
impact they can create in the movements and notions of our country. Considering our president

can influence the course of Americas progress, should prompt someone to want to have a say in

their future. One of the most influential first ladies in America, Eleanor Rosevelt stated in her

Book of Common Sense Etiquette​, “True patriotism springs - a constant striving toward the

principles and ideals - this country was founded”. Eleanor Rosevelt clearly stated in a book about

common sense that patriots should comply with the principles this nation created. True patriots

should appreciate the founding principles of our great nation and sacrifices those have made to

create the privileges we have today.

Furthermore, there is also a notion in American youth against the feminism movement I

have experienced in my teenage years. At my cross country practice a few friends were teasing

me about the fact that I believe in simple feminist ideals; simply, that women across the world

should have a say in their lives and that any American woman should appreciate the sacrifices

earlier feminists gave in order for women to vote. I had commented at practice that I had enjoyed

the new Disney movie at the time, "The Incredibles 2", because it featured a female as the

powerful main character. Some of my teammates readily disagreed stating that they were tired of

the feminine push in modern television and film. This shows yet another example of youth

ignorance, in which my teammates do not appreciate the sacrifices and suffering past women had

to undergo in order to provide our rights today. One hundred years ago it was unimaginable for a

woman to be the strong main character. Having taken the class AP European History I learned

and greatly appreciated the freedoms I have as a women in this country. In the same book,

Eleanor Rosevelt wrote, “True patriotism springs- equality not only for Americans but for all

people on earth”. Do young girls not realize that the freedoms we possess in America are not the
same for women all over the world? On October 9, 2012 a young girl by the name of Malala

Yousafzai was shot in the head for attempting to go to school. At the time the Taliban was

occupying her home in Pakistan and outlawed any girl from attending school. All women in

America are allowed to attain an education no matter their background or religion. This is

something many young girls may also take for granted because all girls are allowed to attend

school. Any true woman patriot should have an appreciation for the anguish millions of women

endured and still endure everyday. With the words of Eleanor Rosevelt, every patriot should

appreciate the freedoms and rights we have attained.

Eleanor Roosevelt addressed that a true patriot should have dignity in the principles and

ideas in which the United States was founded. I agree with her statement, in which Americans

should appreciate where they have come from and the effort it has taken for our country to reach

its state today. Americans should be appreciative for the rights and readily use them, such as

voting, because they have the advantage to change our government and influence America as a

whole. Young girls, should have an appreciation for past feminists and the suffering they

endured when men said they could never have a say in our government or the right to an

education. It is important for any true patriot to appreciate where they have come from because

that shows an appreciation for the rights and privileges we have today. If it were not for

influencers such as Eleanor Rosevelt, the culture and ideals in this country would not be evident


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