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China / Hong Kong Company Guide

Beijing Capital Intl Airport

Version 5 | Bloomberg: 694 HK EQUITY | Reuters: 0694.HK
Refer to important disclosures at the end of this report

DBS Group Research . Equity 5 Sep 2017

BUY New airport impact merely a blip

Last Traded Price ( 5 Sep 2017):HK$13.18 (HSI : 27,741)
Price Target 12-mth: HK$16.00 (21% upside) (Prev HK$10.70) Maintain BUY with higher TP of HK$16, after factoring in
increased concession revenues and impact from the new airport.
We see BCIA as an attractive stock to own given the strong
Paul YONG CFA +65 6682 3712 earnings growth outlook on an expected substantial
improvement in revenue sharing with duty-free operators from
What’s New 2018 onwards. This is even after we have conservatively
 29% EPS CAGR projected over FY16-19F on higher factored in a substantial drop in its earnings in 2020F on the
retail concession income and airport fees opening of Beijing Daxing International Airport.
 Balance sheet to be debt-free by end-2019F
Where we differ: We have factored in a 26-27% drop in
 Even factoring in the opening of the new airport passenger throughput and aircraft movements in 2020F for
in September 2019, BCIA remains attractive BCIA on the expected opening of Daxing Airport in September
2019, with a 4-5% per year recovery from 2021F-2026F in
 Maintain BUY, TP raised to HK$16
aircraft movements and passenger traffic, in our DCF valuation.
Price Relative
HK$ Relative Index
Potential catalysts: BCIA’s share price should re-rate on strong
14.5 223 earnings delivery, while clarity on BCIA’s involvement in Beijing
Daxing International Airport is also a potential catalyst.

8.5 143 We are raising our net profit forecasts for FY17F and FY18F by
24% and 47% to RMB2,326m and RMB3,047m respectively.

4.5 83 We believe there is upside risk to our FY18F numbers if the

Sep-13 Sep-14 Sep-15 Sep-16 Sep-17
new DFS concessions are effected earlier than July 2018.
Beijing Capital Intl Airport (LHS) Relative HSI (RHS)

Forecasts and Valuation Valuation:

FY Dec (RMB m) 2016A 2017F 2018F 2019F DCF-based target price of HK$16. Our target price for BCIA is
Turnover 8,678 9,454 10,622 11,828 based on discounted cash flows, and assumes WACC of 7.1%
EBITDA 4,450 4,796 5,706 6,708
and terminal growth rate of 1%.
Pre-tax Profit 2,377 3,158 4,066 5,094
Net Profit 1,781 2,366 3,047 3,817
Net Pft (Pre Ex) 1,935 2,326 3,047 3,817 Key Risks to Our View:
Net Profit Gth (Pre-ex) (%) 8.9 20.3 31.0 25.3 Impact from new airport could be more negative than
EPS (RMB) 0.41 0.55 0.70 0.88 expected. We have factored in a >25% decline in passenger
EPS (HK$) 0.49 0.65 0.84 1.06
Core EPS (RMB) 0.45 0.54 0.70 0.88 throughput and aircraft movements for BCIA when the new
Core EPS (HK$) 0.54 0.64 0.84 1.06 airport opens, but the impact could be more than expected.
Core EPS Gth (%) 8.9 20.3 31.0 25.3
DPS (HK$) 0.20 0.26 0.34 0.42 At A Glance
BV Per Share (HK$) 5.36 5.76 6.26 6.89 Issued Capital - H shares (m shs) 1,879
Core PE (X) 24.6 20.5 15.6 12.5 - Non H shares (m 2,452
EV/EBITDA (X) 12.1 10.9 8.8 7.1 H shs as a % of Total 43
Net Div Yield (%) 1.5 2.0 2.6 3.2 Total Mkt. Cap (HK$m/US$m) 57,081 / 7,295
P/Book Value (X) 2.5 2.3 2.1 1.9 Major Shareholders
Net Debt/Equity (X) 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 Capital Airports Holding (%) 56.6
ROAE (%) 9.5 11.8 14.0 16.1 Major H Shareholders
Chow Tai Fook Capital Ltd. (%) 23.9
Earnings Rev (%): 24 47 New
Artio Global Management LLC (%) 9.0
Consensus EPS (RMB) 0.55 0.74 0.73
BlackRock, Inc. (%) 5.3
Other Broker Recs: B: 8 S: 3 H: 6
Aberdeen Asset Management Plc (%) 5.1
Source of all data on this page: Company, DBSV, Thomson Reuters, H Shares-Free Float (%) 56.7
HKEX 3m Avg. Daily Val. (US$m) 7.0
ICB Industry : Industrials / Industrial Transportation

ed-TH / sa- AH
Company Guide
Beijing Capital Intl Airport

WHAT’S NEW Imputing a base-case scenario for when Beijing’s new

Factoring in higher concession revenues from mid-2018 international airport (Daxing) opens in September 2019.
onwards following DFS tender
Beijing Daxing International Airport looking to commence
Huge boost for retail concession income following T2 and T3 operations in September 2019: Beijing Daxing Airport recently
tender results: It was announced in July that BCIA’s duty-free announced that its terminal steel structure topped out on 30
concession tenders for T2 and T3 had been won by China June 2017, with main construction to be completed by end-
Duty Free Group (CDFG) and Sunrise Duty Free (China) 2018, and operations to commence in September 2019.
respectively. Furthermore, the new concessions reportedly Most reports have the project on track to meet the
come with a first-year guaranteed rental of RMB830m for T2 September 2019 opening and we believe that the new airport
and RMB2.2bn for T3, with a commission sharing rate of should be fully operational by the start of 2020.
47.5% and 43% for T2 and T3 respectively – a significant
Market Share by Seats at Beijing Capital Airport*
improvement from c.22% currently.

Non-aeronautical revenue to exceed aeronautical revenue by

FY18: Assuming the new concessions kick in from 2H18
onwards, we project non-aeronautical revenue to grow from
c. RMB4.4bn in FY17F to c. RMB5.4bn in FY18F, and
RMB6.5bn in FY19F. Non-aeronautical revenue will thus make
up 51% of total revenue in FY18F and 55% in FY19F.

Segmental revenue forecasts for BCIA (RMB m)


Source: CAPA, *For the week commencing 4 Sep 2017
China Eastern Airlines and China Southern Airlines to move
4,000 to Daxing; Air China to stay put: With the opening of Daxing
Airport, China Eastern and China Southern will move over to
this new airport while Air China will stay put. Along with
2,000 other SkyTeam members, about 31% of BCIA’s current
passenger throughput could move over to Daxing. Based on
1,000 data from CAPA, SkyTeam has c. 37% share of domestic
flights and 14.4% share of international flights at BCIA.
Market Share by Seats at Beijing Capital Airport*

oneworld U-FLY Alliance Value Alliance Star Alliance

Aeronautical Revenue Non-aeronautical revenue (affiliate) 0.2% 0.1% (connecting
1.1% partner)
Source: Company, DBS Bank estimates Unaligned
SkyTeam 19.8%
Higher airport fees from April 2017 also a positive. With a
new airport tariff standard taking effect from 1 April 2017
onwards, we expect BCIA to see up to 10% increase in its
average airport fees (per aircraft), which will help boost its Star Alliance
aeronautical revenues.

Raising FY17F/FY18F net profits by 24%/47%. As a result, we

are raising our net profit forecasts for FY17F and FY18F by
24% and 47% to RMB2,326m and RMB3,047m respectively.
We believe there is upside risk to our FY18F numbers if the Source: CAPA, *For the week commencing 4 Sep 2017
new DFS concessions are effected earlier than July 2018.

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Company Guide
Beijing Capital Intl Airport

What this means for Beijing Capital International Airport… traffic, which is more lucrative. As a result, we see the share
With SkyTeam members set to move to Daxing Airport once it of international passengers at Beijing Capital Airport rising to
opens, Beijing Capital Airport is bound to see a drop in 40% or more in the longer term.
passenger throughput. SkyTeam members currently have an
estimated share of domestic flights of 37%, and 14.4% of … and for Beijing Daxing International Airport. Assuming c.
international flights at BCIA, and we input a 32% drop in 10% passenger growth for SkyTeam airlines that move to
domestic passenger throughput and 10% drop in Daxing Airport in 2020, this works out to be over 28m
international passenger throughput in 2020 to factor in passengers for Daxing Airport in its first full year of operations,
Daxing Airport’s opening. against a capacity of 45m passengers. This figure is likely to
be conservative given years of pent-up demand for flights
Subsequently, we project domestic passenger throughput to into Beijing, and we will not be surprised if it takes only a few
grow at 3% per annum between 2020 and 2026, and for years for Daxing Airport to reach full capacity by 2025, when
international passenger throughput to increase at 8% per its capacity is slated for expansion to 70m passengers (if
annum over the same period. Aircraft movements are Daxing Airport handles 28m passengers in 2020F, it will reach
assumed to grow at the same rate. 45m passengers by 2025F with an annual growth rate of
10% - not a far stretch of the imagination).
Passenger throughput (m pax) at Beijing Capital Airport
BCIA’s strong balance sheet position can help fund a
potential acquisition of Daxing Airport eventually. Backed by
strong free cash flow generation, we project BCIA to be
nearly debt-free by end-2019, with shareholders’ equity of c.
RMB25bn. Meanwhile, Beijing Daxing International Airport is
expected to cost RMB80bn in total (100m passengers), and
we estimate phase 1 of the project (45m passengers) could
cost around RMB50bn (c. 60% of total cost). Hence, BCIA
should be in a strong position to acquire Daxing Airport
within a few years of its opening (assuming Daxing Airport is
attractive to acquire from a returns perspective), given that
the ultimate owner of both BCIA and Daxing Airport (the Civil
Aviation Administration of China) would require funding for
the further development of Daxing Airport.

TP of HK$16 after factoring in Daxing Airport disruption.

Source: Company, DBS Bank estimates Factoring in BCIA’s drop in EBIT in 2020 and gradual recovery
in the years after, we derive a TP of HK$16 for the stock
International passenger traffic could see greater share at based on a WACC of 7.1% and terminal growth rate of 1%.
Beijing Capital Airport. With more slots opening up following
SkyTeam’s expected move to Daxing, we expect BCIA to
continue its focus on growing its international passenger

Discounted Cash Flow Valuation for BCIA (WACC of 7.1%, Terminal growth rate of 1% post 2026F)
FYE De c 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 T.V.
RMB mn

EBIT 3,393 4,275 5,230 3,110 3,317 3,538 3,776 4,031 4,305 4,599
Plus: D&A 1,394 1,421 1,467 1,467 1,502 1,536 1,570 1,604 1,638 1,673
Less: tax payable on EBIT (848) (1,069) (1,308) (778) (829) (885) (944) (1,008) (1,076) (1,150)
Plus: working capital chg (2) 5 (19) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Less: capex (1,315) (1,115) (1,116) (650) (650) (650) (650) (650) (650) (650)

Free Cash flow 2,622 3,518 4,255 3,150 3,339 3,540 3,752 3,978 4,217 4,472 74,285
NPV of FCF 2,622 3,285 3,711 2,566 2,540 2,514 2,489 2,464 2,440 2,416 37,482

Net (debt) at end 2016 (6273)

T.P. p e r s h a re (HK$ ) 1 6 .0 0

Source: DBS Bank estimates

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Company Guide
Beijing Capital Intl Airport

Interim Income Statement (RMBm)

FY Dec 1H2016 2H2016 1H2017 % chg yoy % chg hoh

Revenue 4,197 4,481 4,614 9.9 3.0

Cost of Goods Sold (2,752) (3,035) (2,857) 3.8 (5.9)
Gross Profit 1,446 1,446 1,757 21.5 21.5
Other Oper. (Exp)/Inc 0.0 0.0 0.0 nm nm
Operating Profit 1,446 1,446 1,757 21.5 21.5
Other Non Opg (Exp)/Inc 1.92 0.78 2.30 19.8 194.3
Associates & JV Inc 2.88 2.74 (1.4) nm (151.5)
Net Interest (Exp)/Inc (195) (174) (120) 38.5 30.9
Exceptional Gain/(Loss) (47.3) (106) 49.4 nm (146.5)
Pre-tax Profit 1,208 1,169 1,687 39.7 44.3
Tax (303) (293) (423) 39.8 44.3
Minority Interest 0.0 0.0 0.0 nm nm
Net Profit 905 876 1,264 39.6 44.4
Net profit bef Except. 941 955 1,227 30.4 28.4
EBITDA 2,251 2,199 2,467 9.6 12.2
Margins (%)
Gross Margins 34.4 32.3 38.1
Opg Profit Margins 34.4 32.3 38.1
Net Profit Margins 21.6 19.5 27.4

Source of all data: Company, DBS Vickers

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Company Guide
Beijing Capital Intl Airport

CRITICAL FACTORS TO WATCH Aircraft movement growth (%)

Higher airport fees along with modest growth in aircraft 2.33
movements and throughput underpin aeronautical revenues. 1.95
1.71 1.72
Aeronautical revenue made up c. 55% of total net revenue in 1.56 1.41
FY16, and consisted of 1) passenger charges, 2) aircraft
movements and related charges, and 3) airport fees. These 0.69
components made up 39%, 36% and 25% of total
aeronautical revenue respectively.
2015A 2016A 2017F 2018F 2019F
With a new airport tariff standard taking effect from 1 April Passenger throughput growth (%)
2017 onwards, we expect BCIA to see up to 10% increase in 5.0
its average airport fees (per aircraft). Along with modest 4.4
growth in aircraft movements and passenger throughput, we 4.04

project aeronautical revenue growth of 5.3% in 2017F, and

2.3% per annum in FY18F and FY19F.
2.1 2.1
2.02 1.7
Meanwhile, BCIA is expected to continue with its strategy of
improving the passenger throughput mix towards international
travellers, which generate higher aeronautical and non- 0.00
2015A 2016A 2017F 2018F 2019F
aeronautical revenue per pax.
Aeronautical revenue

Non-aeronautical revenues get a boost from higher concession 5,085.8 5,203.9 5,326.1
income. Non-aeronautical revenue includes revenue from 1) 4,585.9
concessions (from retailing, advertising, restaurants and food
shops, ground handling, VIP service and others), 2) rentals, 3) 3,260

car park charges and others. Among these, the larger revenue 2,173
contributors are retailing, advertising, and rentals, which each
making up over a quarter of total non-aeronautical revenue in 1,087

2016. 0
2015A 2016A 2017F 2018F 2019F

It was announced in July 2017 that BCIA’s retail concession Non-Aeronautical revenue
will receive a significant boost in revenue following the tender 6,502

of its duty-free concessions in T2 and T3. Assuming the new 5,418

concessions kick in from 2H18 onwards, we project non- 5,254
aeronautical revenue to grow from c. RMB4.4bn in FY17F to c. 3,940 3,801 3,849

RMB5.4bn in FY18F, and RMB6.5bn in FY19F. Non-

aeronautical revenue will thus make up 51% of total revenue
in FY18F and 55% in FY19F. 1,313

EBIT CAGR of 22% over FY16-FY19F. Driven by firm top-line 2015A 2016A 2017F 2018F 2019F
growth as described above, and relatively stable operating
BCIA’s net debt position (RMB m)
costs, we project BCIA’s EBIT to grow from RMB2.9bn in 2016
to RMB5.2bn by 2019F. 17,775
18,000 16,003
Lower interest costs to further boost profits. We expect BCIA’s 14,000
interest costs to continue declining as it pays down loans using 12,000 10,028 9,570
internally generated cash. We project BCIA to be nearly debt- 10,000
free by end-2019F. The continued lower finance costs should 6,273
6,000 4,782
boost BCIA’s net earnings to grow at a 19% CAGR over 2016-
4,000 2,649
2019F, to RMB3.8bn by 2019F. 2,000 33
2010A2011A2012A2013A2014A2015A2016A 2017F 2018F 2019F

Source: Company, DBS Vickers

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Company Guide
Beijing Capital Intl Airport

Appendix 1: A look at Company's listed history – what drives its share price?

BCIA's share price performance vs. H-shares index over the last 10 years

Source: Thomson Reutuers, DBS Bank Estimates

BCIA Price-to-Book vs ROE

Source: ThomsonReutuers, DBS Bank Estimates

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Company Guide
Beijing Capital Intl Airport

Leverage & Asset Turnover (x)

Balance Sheet: 0.70
Net gearing to improve on positive free cash flow generation. 0.60 0.4
Taking into account a modest capital expenditure programme 0.50

of RMB1.0-1.2bn in the next few years, and coupled with 0.40

steadily growing earnings and cash flow, we project BCIA’s net 0.30 0.3
gearing to improve from 0.3x in 2016 (from 0.5x in 2015) to 0.20

0.1x by end-2018F, and to be debt-free by end-2019F. 0.10

0.00 0.2
Share Price Drivers: 2015A 2016A 2017F 2018F 2019F
Gross Debt to Equity (LHS) Asset Turnover (RHS)
DCF-based target price of HK$16. Our target price for BCIA is
Capital Expenditure
based on discounted cash flows, and assumes WACC of 7.1% RMBm
and terminal growth rate of 1%. 3,000.0


Improving earnings and ROE to re-rate share price. We see 2,000.0

BCIA’s share price re-rating towards our target price of HK$16 1,500.0
as the company continues to deliver on its earnings. 1,000.0

Second Beijing airport a longer-term catalyst. With Beijing’s
second airport slated to be opened in September 2019, which 2015A 2016A 2017F 2018F 2019F

would cater for longer-term air traffic growth in Beijing, a Capital Expenditure (-)

subsequent potential asset injection of the second airport by ROE

BCIA’s parent company could prove beneficial to BCIA - at the
right price and at the right time

Key Risks:
Capacity bottleneck restrains growth. Beijing Airport has
already reached/exceeded its design capacity (over 94m
passengers handled in 2016 vs capacity of c. 80m) and is
currently facing constraints in growing its passenger
throughput, which would limit its revenue growth potential 2015A 2016A 2017F 2018F 2019F

over the next few years. Additionally, the airspace around Forward PE Band
Beijing is tightly controlled and BCIA's growth could be limited (x)
if airspace restrictions are not relaxed when there is demand. 18.7
+2sd: 17.4x
Overpaying for acquisitions. There is a risk that BCIA will 15.7 +1sd: 15.7x
overpay for any acquisition and lead to lower returns for 14.7
Avg: 14.1x
shareholders. 13.7
‐1sd: 12.5x
Company Background 10.7 ‐2sd: 10.9x
Beijing Capital International Airport (BCIA) owns and operates 9.7
Sep-13 Sep-14 Sep-15 Sep-16 Sep-17
Beijing Capital Airport, which is the busiest airport in Asia in
terms of passenger throughput, and the second busiest in the PB Band
world. Its revenue streams are segmented into aeronautical 2.6

revenues (passenger charges, airport movement fees and 2.4

airport fees) and non-aeronautical (concessions, rentals and 2.2

+2sd: 2.14x
car park) revenues. It is over 56% owned by the government. 2.0
+1sd: 1.83x

Avg: 1.52x

1.2 ‐1sd: 1.21x
‐2sd: 0.89x
Sep-13 Sep-14 Sep-15 Sep-16 Sep-17

Source: Company, DBS Vickers

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Company Guide
Beijing Capital Intl Airport

Key Assumptions
FY Dec 2015A 2016A 2017F 2018F 2019F
Aircraft movement growth (%) 1.4 2.7 0.7 1.7 1.7
Passenger throughput growth (%) 4.4 5.0 1.7 2.1 2.1
Aeronautical revenue (RMB m) 4,585.9 4,829.2 5,085.8 5,203.9 5,326.1
Non-Aeronautical revenue (RMB m) 3,801.3 3,848.6 4,368.0 5,418.0 6,502.3
Source: Company, DBS Vickers

Segmental Breakdown (RMB m)

FY Dec 2015A 2016A 2017F 2018F 2019F
Revenues (RMB m)
Aeronautical 4,586 4,829 5,086 5,204 5,326
Non-Aeronautical 3,801 3,849 4,368 5,418 6,502
Total 8,387 8,678 9,454 10,622 11,828
Source: Company, DBS Vickers

Income Statement (RMB m)

FY Dec 2015A 2016A 2017F 2018F 2019F
Revenue 8,387 8,678 9,454 10,622 11,828
Cost of Goods Sold (5,603) (5,786) (6,061) (6,347) (6,598)
Gross Profit 2,784 2,891 3,393 4,275 5,230
Other Opng (Exp)/Inc 0 0 0 0 0
Operating Profit 2,784 2,891 3,393 4,275 5,230
Other Non Opg (Exp)/Inc 15 3 3 3 3
Associates & JV Inc 8 6 6 7 7
Net Interest (Exp)/Inc (479) (369) (284) (218) (146)
Dividend Income 0 0 0 0 0
Exceptional Gain/(Loss) (135) (154) 40 0 0
Pre-tax Profit 2,193 2,377 3,158 4,066 5,094
Tax (551) (596) (792) (1,019) (1,277)
Minority Interest 0 0 0 0 0
Preference Dividend 0 0 0 0 0
Net Profit 1,642 1,781 2,366 3,047 3,817
Net Profit before Except. 1,777 1,935 2,326 3,047 3,817
EBITDA 4,400 4,450 4,796 5,706 6,708
Revenue Gth (%) 11.0 3.5 8.9 12.4 11.4
EBITDA Gth (%) 14.2 1.1 7.8 19.0 17.6
Opg Profit Gth (%) 16.7 3.9 17.4 26.0 22.4
Net Profit Gth (%) 18.0 8.5 32.9 28.8 25.3
Margins & Ratio
Gross Margins (%) 33.2 33.3 35.9 40.2 44.2
Opg Profit Margin (%) 33.2 33.3 35.9 40.2 44.2
Net Profit Margin (%) 19.6 20.5 25.0 28.7 32.3
ROAE (%) 9.3 9.5 11.8 14.0 16.1
ROA (%) 5.1 5.3 7.1 9.3 11.8
ROCE (%) 7.0 7.2 8.5 11.1 13.7
Div Payout Ratio (%) 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0
Net Interest Cover (x) 5.8 7.8 11.9 19.6 35.7
Source: Company, DBS Vickers

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Company Guide
Beijing Capital Intl Airport

Interim Income Statement (RMB m)

FY Dec 1H2015 2H2015 1H2016 2H2016 1H2017

Revenue 4,095 4,293 4,197 4,481 4,614

Cost of Goods Sold (2,750) (2,853) (2,752) (3,035) (2,857)
Gross Profit 1,345 1,439 1,446 1,446 1,757
Other Oper. (Exp)/Inc 0 0 0 0 0
Operating Profit 1,345 1,439 1,446 1,446 1,757
Other Non Opg (Exp)/Inc 9 6 2 1 2
Associates & JV Inc 3 5 3 3 (1)
Net Interest (Exp)/Inc (251) (227) (195) (174) (120)
Exceptional Gain/(Loss) 1 (136) (47) (106) 49
Pre-tax Profit 1,106 1,087 1,208 1,169 1,687
Tax (279) (272) (303) (293) (423)
Minority Interest 0 0 0 0 0
Net Profit 827 815 905 876 1,264
Net profit bef Except. 826 917 941 955 1,227

Revenue Gth (%) 12.2 9.8 2.5 4.4 9.9
Opg Profit Gth (%) 12.5 21.0 7.5 0.5 21.5
Net Profit Gth (%) 22.0 14.2 9.5 7.5 39.6

Gross Margins (%) 32.8 33.5 34.4 32.3 38.1
Opg Profit Margins (%) 32.8 33.5 34.4 32.3 38.1
Net Profit Margins (%) 20.2 19.0 21.6 19.5 27.4
Source: Company, DBS Vickers

Balance Sheet (RMB m)

FY Dec 2015A 2016A 2017F 2018F 2019F

Net Fixed Assets 27,750 26,629 26,611 26,341 26,025

Invts in Associates & JVs 53 53 59 66 73
Other LT Assets 1,384 1,403 1,342 1,305 1,269
Cash & ST Invts 2,113 4,530 3,521 3,154 3,270
Inventory 0 0 0 0 0
Debtors 1,266 1,139 1,182 1,328 1,479
Other Current Assets 126 150 150 150 150
Total Assets 32,691 33,904 32,865 32,344 32,267
ST Debt 4,645 5,670 4,670 3,670 2,670
Creditors 2,216 3,149 3,190 3,341 3,473
Other Current Liab 391 387 387 387 387
LT Debt 7,038 5,133 3,633 2,133 633
Other LT Liabilities 132 187 187 187 187
Shareholder’s Equity 18,269 19,378 20,798 22,626 24,917
Minority Interests 0 0 0 0 0
Total Cap. & Liab. 32,691 33,904 32,865 32,344 32,267

Non-Cash Wkg. Capital (1,216) (2,247) (2,244) (2,249) (2,231)

Net Cash/(Debt) (9,570) (6,273) (4,782) (2,649) (33)
Debtors Turn (avg days) 57.8 50.6 44.8 43.1 43.3
Creditors Turn (avg days) 188.6 231.1 247.9 241.9 242.4
Inventory Turn (avg days) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Asset Turnover (x) 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4
Current Ratio (x) 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8
Quick Ratio (x) 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.7
Net Debt/Equity (X) 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0
Net Debt/Equity ex MI (X) 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0
Capex to Debt (%) 20.6 4.3 15.8 19.2 33.8
Z-Score (X) 2.6 2.7 3.1 3.8 3.8
Source: Company, DBS Vickers

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Company Guide
Beijing Capital Intl Airport

Cash Flow Statement (RMB m)

FY Dec 2015A 2016A 2017F 2018F 2019F

Pre-Tax Profit 2,193 2,377 3,158 4,066 5,094

Dep. & Amort. 1,593 1,550 1,394 1,421 1,467
Tax Paid (551) (596) (792) (1,019) (1,277)
Assoc. & JV Inc/(loss) (8) (6) (6) (7) (7)
(Pft)/ Loss on disposal of FAs 0 0 0 0 0
Chg in Wkg.Cap. 356 1,030 (2) 5 (19)
Other Operating CF 574 255 0 0 0
Net Operating CF 4,157 4,610 3,752 4,466 5,259
Capital Exp.(net) (2,406) (463) (1,315) (1,115) (1,116)
Other Invts.(net) 0 0 0 0 0
Invts in Assoc. & JV 0 0 0 0 0
Div from Assoc & JV 0 0 0 0 0
Other Investing CF 0 324 0 0 0
Net Investing CF (2,406) (139) (1,315) (1,115) (1,116)
Div Paid (602) (712) (947) (1,219) (1,527)
Chg in Gross Debt (529) (880) (2,500) (2,500) (2,500)
Capital Issues 0 0 0 0 0
Other Financing CF (696) 1 0 0 0
Net Financing CF (1,827) (2,052) (3,447) (3,719) (4,027)
Currency Adjustments 4 (1) 0 0 0
Chg in Cash (71) 2,418 (1,009) (367) 116
Opg CFPS (RMB) 0.88 0.83 0.87 1.03 1.22
Free CFPS (RMB) 0.40 0.96 0.56 0.77 0.96

Source: Company, DBS Vickers

Target Price & Ratings History

S.No. Dat e Closing 12- mt h Rat ing

Pric e T arget
14.0 Pric e
13.0 1: 22-Mar-17 HK$9.49 HK$10.70 Buy
11.0 1








Source: DBS Vickers

Analyst: Paul YONG CFA

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DBSVHK recommendations are based an Absolute Total Return* Rating system, defined as follows:
STRONG BUY (>20% total return over the next 3 months, with identifiable share price catalysts within this time frame)
BUY (>15% total return over the next 12 months for small caps, >10% for large caps)
HOLD (-10% to +15% total return over the next 12 months for small caps, -10% to +10% for large caps)
FULLY VALUED (negative total return i.e. > -10% over the next 12 months)
SELL (negative total return of > -20% over the next 3 months, with identifiable catalysts within this time frame)

Share price appreciation + dividends

Completed Date: 5 Sep 2017 17:30:07 (HKT)

Dissemination Date: 5 Sep 2017 18:02:43 (HKT)

Sources for all charts and tables are DBS Vickers unless otherwise specified.


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