PruValue Med

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Get MORE with PRUvalue med

All about PRUvalue med
We all know just how crucial medical care is in today’s world and the need for healthcare becomes even more
paramount as we age. With the escalating cost of healthcare, have you ever wondered if you are able to
safeguard yourself against any uncertainty and insufficient savings for healthcare?

Wouldn’t it be great if there is a medical plan that not only promises you a lifetime of assurance for all your
medical needs, but also helps you save with more benefits?

Here are some questions to help you identify your needs in order to select the features that best fit those needs!

Do you already have medical coverage?

NO PRUvalue med with PRUvalue med

Med Saver 300 without
OR Med Saver
Read more about Med Saver
in this brochure

YES life
annual time
limit limit
Is there any or
on your existing medical coverage?

Is your existing medical coverage sufficient to

cope with the rising healthcare costs?
Some facts and figures to think about:

3 Main Killers in Malaysia

Cancer Heart Disease Stroke

2.5 times
higher than the
1 IN 4 Malaysians proportion of deaths from 6 Malaysians are
gets cancer by age 75 1 all cancers combined 2 hit by stroke every hour 3


A guide on rising healthcare costs

Medical Treatment Current Cost (RM) Cost in 20 years (RM)
Cataract 3,500 to 5,000 24,000 to 34,000
Heart attack 10,000 to 30,000 67,000 to 202,000
Knee replacement 15,000 to 40,000 101,000 to 270,000
Hip replacement 18,000 to 50,000 121,000 to 336,000
Cancer 18,000 to 300,000 121,000 to 2,018,000
Stroke 35,000 to 75,000 235,000 to 505,000
Kidney failure 150,000 and above 1,009,000 and above


In fact, what may seem enough today in one’s medical plan may become insufficient in the future. PRUvalue
med helps you safeguard against rising healthcare costs, and allows you to have peace of mind knowing that you
will have adequate and lifelong protection.

We have a solution for you!

Extending your medical safety net with
PRUvalue med with Deductible
Benefits at a glance
PRUvalue med offers you:

11 Med Saver or Deductible option

Med Saver or Deductible option gives you the flexibility to have a medical plan that is
tailor-made to fit your needs.

Med Saver Deductible

300 20,000 / 50,000 / 75,000 / 100,000

Allows you to enjoy the premiums saved to Provides extension to your existing medical plan as
increase your coverage a safety net for unexpected healthcare costs

MORE value in every way


Savings Protection Benefits

Read more about Med Saver and Deductible options in this brochure

22 Med Value Point: RM1 million, RM1.5 million, RM2 million

PRUvalue med is the first medical plan with no annual and lifetime limits to provide you continuous coverage.
In the event that the total eligible claims paid exceed the initial Med Value Point plus any accumulated Med
Value Point Bonus, we will still pay 80% of the total eligible benefit cost.

Total eligible claims of RM2 million
Med Value Point
RM1.5 million 1st RM1.5 million
• 100% of the total claims will be paid
by Prudential

Subsequent RM500,000
• 80% will be paid by Prudential
• 20% will be borne by policyholder
33 Med Value Point Bonus 44 100% Non-Cancellable

Rewards you for staying healthy by

increasing your Med Value Point. PRUvalue med


2% Med Value Point

is the same as Guaranteed Renewable
PRUvalue med is non-cancellable unless there is
fraud or any circumstance that makes the policy
or rider voidable or null and void. This depends
on all premiums being paid duly and the policy
or rider being in force.

55 More Benefits

Additional benefits on top of what you would expect from a medical plan.

Day Care
Save time &
go home Outpatient Cancer &
Kidney Treatment
Take Home Drugs
Consultation Fees

11 Examination Test

Treatment for Home
Accidental Nursing Care
All about PRUvalue med
What is PRUvalue med?

PRUvalue med is a regular premium investment-linked medical rider that reimburses medical expenses incurred
in the event of hospitalisation and for outpatient treatment.

What are the benefits provided under PRUvalue med?

Benefits Benefit Amount

Room & Board Benefits

a) Hospital Daily Room & Board (R&B) Flexible option between

(up to 150 days per year) RM100 and RM600 per day
(Increments in multiples of RM100 per day)

Hospital & Surgical Benefits

b) Intensive Care Unit / Cardiac Care Unit As Charged 1

(up to 90 days per year)

c) In-hospital & Related Services

• Surgical Benefit
• Hospital Supplies and Services
• Operating Theatre As Charged 1
• Anaesthetist Fees
• In-Hospital Specialist’s Visit
(limit to 2 visits per day)

Outpatient Treatment Benefits

d) Pre-hospitalisation Treatment
(within 60 days before hospitalisation)
e) Post-hospitalisation Treatment
(within 90 days after hospital discharge) As Charged 1
f) Home Nursing Care
(up to 180 days per life-time)
g) Day Surgery
h) Day Care Procedure

i) Outpatient Cancer Treatment As Charged 1

j) Outpatient Kidney Dialysis Up to 1.5 times of the initial Med Value Point per lifetime
(including take home drugs, examination tests &
Benefits Benefit Amount

Other Benefits

k) Maternity Complications Benefit Up to RM5,000 per year

(for female life assured only)
l) Intraocular Lens Up to RM6,000 per lifetime
m) Emergency Treatment For Accidental Injury Up to 10 times of Hospital Daily R&B amount per

Med Saver or Deductible 2 Yes or No.

If Yes, flexible option: Med Saver RM300,
Deductible RM20,000, Deductible RM50,000,
Deductible RM75,000 or Deductible RM100,000.

Med Value Point Flexible option:

RM1 million, RM1.5 million or RM2 million

Med Value Point Bonus Med Value Point increases at 2% of the initial Med
Value Point at the end of every 2 policy years,
provided no claim has been incurred during the 2
policy years.

Applicable to plans with Hospital Daily Room &

Board of RM300 and above.

Emergency Medical Assistance Yes

Expert Medical Opinion 3


We shall only reimburse Reasonable and Customary charges on eligible expenses which are deemed Medically Necessary.
If Med Saver is chosen, policyholder must first pay a fixed amount equivalent to Med Saver selected out of the total
Reasonable and Customary Charges of eligible benefits, which are Hospital & Surgical Benefits, Outpatient Treatment
Benefits, Maternity Complications Benefits and Emergency Treatment For Accidental Injury (excluding the cost of Hospital
Daily Room & Board and Intraocular Lens) for any one disability.

Otherwise, if Deductible is chosen, policyholder must first pay a fixed amount equivalent to the Deductible selected out of the
total Reasonable and Customary Charges of accumulated eligible benefits, which are Hospital Daily Room & Board, Hospital
& Surgical Benefits, Outpatient Treatment Benefits and Other Benefits within a policy year.

If Med Saver and Deductible are not chosen, the fixed amount shall not apply.
Expert Medical Opinion is a value added service that provides second medical opinion from medical experts in various areas
of specialisation. This service is to assist you to learn more about your medical conditions and make an informed decision on
the treatment plans.

For Overseas Treatment, if the life assured chooses to have or is referred to be treated outside Malaysia, the
benefits for the treatment are limited to the Reasonable and Customary and Medically Necessary charges for
equivalent local treatment in Malaysia and subject to 90 days residence limit.
Med Saver 300

PRUvalue med with Med Saver 300

This page is to describe the PRUvalue med with Med Saver 300,
which is suitable if you are looking for a comprehensive medical plan
that combines extraordinary values and savings. Therefore, you will
never have to choose between your health and finances as your
healthcare needs are what matters most to us.

What is Med Saver 300?

If Med Saver 300 is chosen, you must first pay a fixed amount of RM300 out of the eligible benefits before
Prudential pays for any expenses (excluding the cost of Hospital Daily Room & Board and Intraocular Lens) for
any one disability.

Med Saver 300 applies to Hospital & Surgical Benefits, Outpatient Treatment Benefits, Maternity Complications
Benefit and Emergency Treatment for Accidental Injury Benefit.

Med Saver 300 allows you the flexibility to enjoy premium savings where the premium saved can be used to
enhance your coverage and retirement funds.

Use the premium saved for other goals



Higher Cash Value Better Protection Better Medical Plan

How does Med Saver 300 work?

Med Saver 300 Scenario

James is a 35-year-old male working as an Accountant (Occupation Class 1).

He has bought a PRUlink one (with Death and Total & Permanent Disability (TPD) Benefit) attached with Crisis
Shield (with Critical Illnesses Benefit) and PRUvalue med (PVM) on 1 January 2016 with annual premium of
RM5,250 and he has selected an equity fund.

He would have the following options:


Use the premium saved for other goals (RM)

Get More Get More Get More
PVM with Savings Protection Benefits
PVM Without
Med Saver Increase the life Increase the
Description Med Saver Allocate RM1,104 and critical illness medical
300 into PRUsaver for
(RM) coverage coverage
(RM) savings purpose to RM150,000 of PVM
Annual Premium 5,250 4,146 5,250 5,250 5,250
Cash Value @ 124,300 91,185 170,773 134,556 113,391
65 years old*
Death & TPD 100,000 100,000 100,000 150,000 100,000
Critical Illnesses 100,000 100,000 100,000 150,000 100,000
Med Value Point 1 mil 1 mil 1 mil 1 mil 1.5 mil
Room & Board 300 300 300 300 400
Expiry Age 80 80 80 80 80

Remarks - Saved Higher

Higher Higher
RM1,104 Medical
Cash Value Protection
per year Coverage

* Illustration is based on a high projected investment return scenario (i.e. 9% p.a. for the first 20 years and 6% p.a.
thereafter). The projected values are for illustrative purpose only. These values are neither guaranteed nor based on
past performance of the investment-linked funds.

PRUvalue med with Deductible

This page is to describe the PRUvalue med with Deductible, which
is suitable if you have an existing medical plan with limited
coverage, and you wish to extend your existing coverage to help
you safeguard against rising healthcare costs.

What is Deductible?

If Deductible is chosen, you must first pay a fixed amount equivalent to Deductible selected out of the total
accumulated eligible benefits within a policy year, before Prudential pays the rest of the expenses. The costs of
the eligible benefit accumulated for that year will not be carried forward to next year.

If you already have a medical plan with an annual limit equivalent to (or higher than) the Deductible amount, the
eligible expenses in excess of the Deductible selected will be covered by PRUvalue med.

Deductible applies to Hospital Daily Room & Board Benefit, Hospital & Surgical Benefits, Outpatient Treatment
Benefits and Other Benefits.

How does Deductible work?

Deductible 50,000 Scenario

James is a 35-year-old male who already has a medical plan provided by his employer with RM50,000 annual
limit. To extend his medical coverage, he bought a PRUvalue med with Deductible 50,000 and Med Value Point
RM1.5 million.

He is diagnosed with an illness and admitted to a hospital, and incurs a medical bill of RM200,000.


Extended coverage
RM50K Deductible RM150K for that policy year

Paid by existing medical plan Paid by Prudential

The above scenario is for illustration purpose only and all benefits are subject to waiting periods. Please refer to Policy
Document for the detailed terms and conditions.
All about PRUvalue med
What is Med Value Point (MVP)?

Claims on eligible benefits will be payable in full (subject to Med Saver, if applicable) up to the initial Med Value
Point. If the total claims exceed the initial Med Value Point plus any accumulated Med Value Point Bonus, we will
still provide continuous coverage up to the expiry age by paying 80% of the total cost of the eligible benefits.

Outpatient Cancer Treatment and Outpatient Kidney Dialysis Benefits will be up to 1.5 times of the chosen Med
Value Point. Claims on Outpatient Cancer Treatment and Outpatient Kidney Dialysis Benefits will be counted as
part of Med Value Point.

How does Med Value Point work?

Med Value Point Scenario

James is a 35-year-old male, who has bought a PRUvalue med with MVP RM1.5 million and expiry age 80.

We pay RM400,000
(80% of RM500,000)


PRUvalue med with Total claims RM2 million of the James pays RM100,000
MVP RM1.5 million total eligible benefits, which (20% of RM500,000)
exceed the MVP by RM500,000


Policy incepted Expiry Age

RM1.5M MVP RM500K Coverage
Up to Age 80

Fully Paid by
Prudential Prudential pays 80% Customer pays 20%
RM400K RM100K

The above examples are for illustrative purposes only and all benefits are subject to waiting periods. Please refer to the
Policy Document for the detailed terms and conditions.
All about PRUvalue med
What is Med Value Point Bonus?

For plans with Hospital Daily Room & Board (R&B) of RM300 and above, if you do not incur any claims for 2
policy years, we will reward you with Med Value Point Bonus by increasing your Med Value Point (MVP) at 2% of
the initial MVP at the end of every 2 policy years.

When total claims paid exceed the total Med Value Point plus any accumulated Med Value Point Bonus, no
further Med Value Point Bonus shall be provided even if there are no further claims.

What is non-cancellable?

PRUvalue med is non-cancellable which also means PRUvalue med coverage is guaranteed unless there is fraud
or any circumstance that makes the policy or PRUvalue med voidable or null and void. This depends on all
premiums being duly paid and the policy or PRUvalue med being in force.

Introduction of Date of Deductible

Date of Deductible is a facility to match the Deductible reset date1 of PRUvalue med with Deductible with
the annual limit reset date2 of your existing medical plan. By matching the Date of Deductible, you can have a
seamless and uninterrupted coverage with both existing medical plan and PRUvalue med with Deductible.

If you choose PRUvalue med with Deductible and do not provide the Date of Deductible, the Date of
Deductible will be defaulted to PRUvalue med’s effective date (i.e. Date of Annexure).

When Date of Deductible and/or any of PRUvalue med with Deductible’s benefit is amended (i.e. Hospital
Daily Room and Board, Med Value Point, Med Saver/Deductible or Expiry Age), Deductible will restart from
zero and re-accumulate each time from the new effective date and Date of Deductible.

The date at which the accumulated Deductible amount resets to zero.
The date at which the annual claimable amount resets to the annual limit of the medical plan.
How do I get started with PRUvalue med?
Decide on your
STEP 3 Expiry Age

Decide on your
Hospital Daily
STEP 2 70
Room & Board
Decide on your
STEP 1 Med Saver or
Deductible Option 80
100 200
Decide on your
Med Value Point
300 400 90

1 Med Saver 300

2 Deductible 20,000 500 600
1.5 100
Deductible 50,000
Deductible 75,000
(RM, Million) Deductible 100,000 (RM) (years old)

Who can take up the plan?

PRUvalue med is available to anyone aged between 14 days to 70 years old on their next birthday.
It is also available to pre-birth child from 18 weeks onwards with a waiting period of 30 days from the date of birth.

Entry Age Expiry Age

Next Birthday 70 80 90 100
Min 14 days (prenatal is allowed to purchase)
Max 60 70

How much premium do I have to pay?

The total premium that you have to pay and the policy terms may vary depending on our underwriting require-
ments. You are given one month's grace period after the due date for the payment of premium. The premiums are
payable throughout the duration of the plan up to the chosen expiry age.

We will allocate a portion of the premium to purchase units in the investment-linked fund(s). Any
unallocated amount will be used to pay commissions to agent/wealth planner and other expenses by us. You are
advised to refer to the allocation rates given in the Sales Illustration.

Premiums can be paid yearly, half-yearly, quarterly or monthly via Auto Debit, Credit/Debit Card or
All about PRUvalue med
What are the waiting periods that I should be aware of?

Waiting Period from commencement date

or date of revival

Any Illnesses other than Specified Illnesses 30 days

Specified Illnesses 120 days
Maternity Complications 365 days

This list is non-exhaustive. Please refer to the Policy Document for the full list of terms and conditions under this

What are the key terms and conditions that I should be aware of?

1. Importance of disclosure - when answering any question asked by us, you must disclose all relevant
facts such as medical condition and state your age correctly. If the insurance policy is intended wholly for
your personal purposes, you must take reasonable care to disclose any facts that you know to be relevant to
us and not to mislead us. Your above duty of disclosure continues until the policy is issued.

2. Free-look period - you may cancel your policy by returning the policy within 15 days after the policy has
been delivered to you. We will refund to you the unallocated premiums, the value of units that have been
allocated (if any) at unit price at the next valuation date and any insurance charge, Goods and Services Tax
(if any) and other charges that have been deducted less any medical fee incurred.

3. Cash value - the cash value of the policy depends on the performance of the investment-linked fund(s) you
have chosen. The higher the level of Insurance coverage selected, the more units will be absorbed to pay for
the insurance charges and the fewer units will remain to accumulate cash values under your policy. You
should consider whether the allocation of insurance premiums towards protection and investment meets
your financial circumstances.

4. Policy lapse - The policy will lapse when the value of investment units is insufficient to pay for the
insurance and other charges.

Please note that this is an insurance product that is tied to the performance of the
underlying assets, and is not a pure investment product such as unit trusts.
Annual Premium Rates for PRUvalue med with Med Value Point of RM1 million (Occupational Class 1 & 2).
Premium rates are based on standard risk and are subject to underwriting.
Med Saver 300
Hospital Daily
Room & Board 100 200 300 400 500 600 100 200 300 400 500 600
Entry Age Expiry Age 70 Expiry Age 80
Next Birthday
1-2 991 1,127 1,465 1,859 2,197 2,478 1,267 1,440 1,872 2,376 2,808 3,168
3 - 15 958 1,089 1,415 1,796 2,123 2,395 1,267 1,440 1,872 2,376 2,808 3,168
16 - 20 1,044 1,187 1,543 1,958 2,314 2,611 1,410 1,603 2,083 2,644 3,125 3,526
21 - 25 1,142 1,297 1,687 2,141 2,530 2,854 1,576 1,791 2,329 2,955 3,493 3,941
26 - 30 1,182 1,344 1,747 2,217 2,620 2,956 1,632 1,854 2,410 3,059 3,615 4,079
31 - 35 1,260 1,432 1,862 2,363 2,793 3,151 1,744 1,982 2,576 3,270 3,864 4,360
36 - 40 1,464 1,664 2,163 2,746 3,245 3,661 2,017 2,292 2,979 3,781 4,469 5,042
41 - 45 1,787 2,031 2,640 3,351 3,960 4,468 2,523 2,867 3,727 4,730 5,590 6,307
46 - 50 2,122 2,411 3,135 3,979 4,702 5,305 3,072 3,491 4,539 5,760 6,808 7,681
51 - 55 2,737 3,110 4,043 5,131 6,064 6,842 4,086 4,643 6,036 7,662 9,055 10,216
56 - 60 3,407 3,872 5,034 6,389 7,550 8,518 5,064 5,755 7,481 9,495 11,222 12,660
61 - 65 6,099 6,931 9,010 11,436 13,515 15,248
66 - 70 7,723 8,776 11,409 14,481 17,114 19,308

Med Saver 300

Hospital Daily
Room & Board 100 200 300 400 500 600 100 200 300 400 500 600
Entry Age
Next Birthday Expiry Age 90 Expiry Age 100

1-2 1,756 1,996 2,594 3,293 3,892 4,391 2,311 2,626 3,414 4,333 5,121 5,777
3 - 15 1,756 1,996 2,594 3,293 3,892 4,391 2,311 2,626 3,414 4,333 5,121 5,777
16 - 20 1,986 2,257 2,935 3,725 4,402 4,966 2,636 2,996 3,894 4,943 5,841 6,590
21 - 25 2,256 2,564 3,333 4,231 5,000 5,641 3,017 3,429 4,458 5,658 6,686 7,544
26 - 30 2,394 2,720 3,536 4,488 5,304 5,984 3,287 3,735 4,856 6,163 7,284 8,218
31 - 35 2,580 2,932 3,811 4,837 5,717 6,450 3,615 4,108 5,340 6,777 8,010 9,037
36 - 40 3,010 3,420 4,446 5,643 6,669 7,524 4,224 4,800 6,240 7,920 9,360 10,560
41 - 45 3,796 4,313 5,607 7,117 8,411 9,489 5,230 5,943 7,726 9,806 11,589 13,075
46 - 50 4,501 5,115 6,650 8,440 9,975 11,254 6,173 7,015 9,119 11,574 13,679 15,433
51 - 55 5,839 6,635 8,625 10,947 12,938 14,597 7,735 8,790 11,427 14,503 17,140 19,338
56 - 60 7,319 8,318 10,813 13,724 16,219 18,299 9,229 10,487 13,633 17,304 20,450 23,072
61 - 65 8,797 9,997 12,996 16,495 19,494 21,993 11,016 12,518 16,273 20,654 24,409 27,539
66 - 70 10,887 12,372 16,083 20,413 24,125 27,217 13,518 15,362 19,970 25,347 29,955 33,795

Premium rates for Occupation Class 3 & 4 are 1.25 & 1.5 times the premium for Occupation Class 1 & 2 respectively. Premium
rates are based on standard risk and are subject to underwriting.
For PRUvalue med premium rates with other combinations of Med Saver or Deductible, Med Value Point and expiry age options,
please refer to
Annual Premium Rates for PRUvalue med with Med Value Point of RM1 million (Occupational Class 1 & 2).
Premium rates are based on standard risk and are subject to underwriting.
Without Med Saver
Hospital Daily
Room & Board 100 200 300 400 500 600 100 200 300 400 500 600
Entry Age Expiry Age 70 Expiry Age 80
Next Birthday
1-2 1,572 1,787 2,323 2,948 3,484 3,931 1,746 1,984 2,580 3,274 3,869 4,366
3 - 15 1,316 1,495 1,944 2,467 2,915 3,289 1,746 1,984 2,580 3,274 3,869 4,366
16 - 20 1,434 1,630 2,119 2,690 3,179 3,586 1,944 2,209 2,872 3,645 4,308 4,860
21 - 25 1,445 1,642 2,135 2,710 3,202 3,613 2,039 2,317 3,012 3,823 4,518 5,098
26 - 30 1,512 1,718 2,233 2,834 3,350 3,779 2,173 2,470 3,211 4,075 4,816 5,433
31 - 35 1,697 1,929 2,507 3,183 3,761 4,243 2,491 2,831 3,680 4,671 5,520 6,228
36 - 40 2,000 2,272 2,954 3,750 4,431 5,000 2,912 3,309 4,302 5,460 6,453 7,280
41 - 45 2,364 2,687 3,493 4,433 5,239 5,911 3,467 3,940 5,122 6,501 7,683 8,668
46 - 50 2,918 3,316 4,311 5,472 6,467 7,296 4,308 4,895 6,364 8,077 9,545 10,769
51 - 55 4,117 4,678 6,081 7,719 9,122 10,291 5,850 6,647 8,641 10,968 12,962 14,624
56 - 60 5,262 5,979 7,773 9,866 11,659 13,154 7,241 8,228 10,696 13,576 16,045 18,102
61 - 65 8,692 9,877 12,841 16,298 19,261 21,730
66 - 70 10,226 11,621 15,107 19,174 22,660 25,565

Without Med Saver

Hospital Daily
Room & Board 100 200 300 400 500 600 100 200 300 400 500 600
Entry Age Expiry Age 90 Expiry Age 100
Next Birthday
1-2 2,256 2,564 3,333 4,231 5,000 5,641 2,827 3,213 4,177 5,301 6,265 7,069
3 - 15 2,256 2,564 3,333 4,231 5,000 5,641 2,827 3,213 4,177 5,301 6,265 7,069
16 - 20 2,543 2,889 3,756 4,767 5,634 6,357 3,210 3,647 4,741 6,018 7,112 8,024
21 - 25 2,716 3,086 4,012 5,092 6,018 6,790 3,493 3,969 5,160 6,549 7,740 8,732
26 - 30 2,945 3,347 4,351 5,522 6,526 7,363 3,836 4,359 5,667 7,192 8,500 9,590
31 - 35 3,398 3,861 5,020 6,371 7,529 8,495 4,436 5,041 6,554 8,318 9,831 11,091
36 - 40 3,972 4,514 5,868 7,448 8,802 9,930 5,178 5,884 7,649 9,709 11,474 12,945
41 - 45 4,696 5,336 6,937 8,804 10,405 11,739 6,088 6,918 8,993 11,414 13,490 15,219
46 - 50 5,605 6,369 8,280 10,509 12,420 14,013 7,197 8,178 10,632 13,494 15,948 17,992
51 - 55 7,404 8,413 10,937 13,882 16,406 18,509 9,223 10,481 13,625 17,294 20,438 23,058
56 - 60 9,108 10,350 13,455 17,077 20,182 22,770 10,910 12,398 16,117 20,456 24,175 27,275
61 - 65 10,775 12,244 15,917 20,203 23,876 26,937 12,826 14,575 18,948 24,049 28,422 32,066
66 - 70 12,581 14,296 18,585 23,589 27,877 31,451 15,032 17,081 22,206 28,184 33,309 37,579

Premium rates for Occupation Class 3 & 4 are 1.25 & 1.5 times the premium for Occupation Class 1 & 2 respectively. Premium
rates are based on standard risk and are subject to underwriting.
For PRUvalue med premium rates with other combinations of Med Saver or Deductible, Med Value Point and expiry age options,
please refer to
Annual Premium Rates for PRUvalue med with Med Value Point of RM1 million (Occupational Class 1 & 2).
Premium rates are based on standard risk and are subject to underwriting.
Deductible 20,000
Hospital Daily
Room & Board 100 200 300 400 500 600 100 200 300 400 500 600
Entry Age Expiry Age 70 Expiry Age 80
Next Birthday
1-2 276 314 408 517 612 690 373 424 551 699 827 933
3 - 15 276 314 408 517 612 690 373 424 551 699 827 933
16 - 20 307 349 454 576 681 768 422 479 623 791 935 1,054
21 - 25 342 389 505 641 758 855 478 543 705 895 1,058 1,194
26 - 30 384 437 568 721 852 961 545 619 805 1,022 1,208 1,363
31 - 35 437 497 646 820 969 1,093 628 714 928 1,178 1,392 1,571
36 - 40 524 596 775 983 1,162 1,311 734 835 1,085 1,377 1,627 1,836
41 - 45 619 703 914 1,161 1,372 1,547 873 991 1,289 1,636 1,933 2,181
46 - 50 758 862 1,120 1,422 1,681 1,896 1,048 1,190 1,547 1,964 2,321 2,618
51 - 55 901 1,023 1,330 1,688 1,995 2,251 1,262 1,433 1,863 2,365 2,795 3,153
56 - 60 1,056 1,200 1,560 1,980 2,340 2,640 1,542 1,752 2,278 2,891 3,417 3,855
61 - 65 1,914 2,175 2,828 3,589 4,242 4,785
66 - 70 2,313 2,628 3,417 4,338 5,125 5,782

Deductible 20,000
Hospital Daily
Room & Board 100 200 300 400 500 600 100 200 300 400 500 600
Entry Age
Next Birthday Expiry Age 90 Expiry Age 100

1-2 481 547 711 903 1,067 1,203 613 696 905 1,149 1,358 1,532
3 - 15 481 547 711 903 1,067 1,203 613 696 905 1,149 1,358 1,532
16 - 20 549 623 810 1,029 1,216 1,371 698 793 1,031 1,309 1,547 1,745
21 - 25 626 711 925 1,174 1,387 1,565 798 906 1,178 1,495 1,767 1,994
26 - 30 719 817 1,062 1,348 1,593 1,797 917 1,042 1,355 1,720 2,032 2,293
31 - 35 831 944 1,228 1,558 1,842 2,078 1,065 1,210 1,573 1,997 2,360 2,662
36 - 40 970 1,102 1,433 1,819 2,150 2,425 1,243 1,412 1,836 2,330 2,754 3,107
41 - 45 1,144 1,300 1,690 2,145 2,535 2,860 1,458 1,656 2,153 2,733 3,230 3,644
46 - 50 1,358 1,543 2,006 2,546 3,009 3,395 1,716 1,949 2,534 3,216 3,801 4,288
51 - 55 1,612 1,832 2,381 3,022 3,572 4,029 2,025 2,301 2,992 3,797 4,487 5,063
56 - 60 1,978 2,248 2,923 3,709 4,384 4,946 2,398 2,724 3,542 4,495 5,312 5,993
61 - 65 2,334 2,653 3,449 4,377 5,173 5,836 2,832 3,219 4,184 5,311 6,277 7,081
66 - 70 2,733 3,106 4,038 5,125 6,056 6,833 3,340 3,795 4,934 6,262 7,401 8,350

Premium rates for Occupation Class 3 & 4 are 1.25 & 1.5 times the premium for Occupation Class 1 & 2 respectively. Premium
rates are based on standard risk and are subject to underwriting.
For PRUvalue med premium rates with other combinations of Med Saver or Deductible, Med Value Point and expiry age options,
please refer to
Annual Premium Rates for PRUvalue med with Med Value Point of RM1 million (Occupational Class 1 & 2).
Premium rates are based on standard risk and are subject to underwriting.
Deductible 50,000
Hospital Daily
Room & Board 100 200 300 400 500 600 100 200 300 400 500 600
Entry Age Expiry Age 70 Expiry Age 80
Next Birthday
1-2 209 238 309 392 464 523 274 311 405 514 607 685
3 - 15 209 238 309 392 464 523 274 311 405 514 607 685
16 - 20 229 260 338 429 507 572 305 347 451 572 677 763
21 - 25 250 284 369 469 554 625 341 387 504 639 755 852
26 - 30 277 315 410 520 614 693 385 438 569 722 854 963
31 - 35 314 356 463 588 695 784 442 502 652 828 979 1,104
36 - 40 372 423 550 698 825 931 514 584 759 964 1,139 1,285
41 - 45 436 495 644 817 966 1,089 607 689 896 1,138 1,344 1,517
46 - 50 529 601 782 992 1,172 1,323 750 852 1,108 1,407 1,662 1,875
51 - 55 612 696 905 1,148 1,357 1,531 884 1,004 1,305 1,657 1,958 2,209
56 - 60 741 842 1,095 1,390 1,643 1,853 1,078 1,225 1,593 2,022 2,389 2,696
61 - 65 1,293 1,469 1,910 2,424 2,864 3,231
66 - 70 1,620 1,841 2,393 3,037 3,589 4,049

Deductible 50,000
Hospital Daily
Room & Board 100 200 300 400 500 600 100 200 300 400 500 600
Entry Age
Next Birthday Expiry Age 90 Expiry Age 100

1-2 369 420 546 693 819 923 469 533 694 880 1,040 1,174
3 - 15 369 420 546 693 819 923 469 533 694 880 1,040 1,174
16 - 20 418 474 617 783 925 1,044 535 607 790 1,002 1,184 1,336
21 - 25 473 538 699 887 1,049 1,183 610 693 901 1,144 1,351 1,525
26 - 30 541 615 799 1,015 1,199 1,353 701 796 1,035 1,314 1,553 1,752
31 - 35 626 711 924 1,173 1,386 1,564 812 922 1,199 1,522 1,798 2,029
36 - 40 731 830 1,079 1,370 1,619 1,826 947 1,076 1,398 1,775 2,097 2,366
41 - 45 861 978 1,272 1,614 1,907 2,152 1,111 1,262 1,641 2,082 2,461 2,776
46 - 50 1,024 1,163 1,512 1,919 2,268 2,559 1,310 1,489 1,936 2,457 2,903 3,276
51 - 55 1,212 1,378 1,791 2,273 2,686 3,031 1,540 1,749 2,274 2,887 3,411 3,849
56 - 60 1,497 1,701 2,212 2,807 3,318 3,743 1,819 2,067 2,687 3,410 4,030 4,547
61 - 65 1,789 2,032 2,642 3,354 3,963 4,471 2,156 2,450 3,185 4,042 4,777 5,390
66 - 70 2,188 2,486 3,232 4,102 4,848 5,470 2,610 2,966 3,855 4,893 5,783 6,525

Premium rates for Occupation Class 3 & 4 are 1.25 & 1.5 times the premium for Occupation Class 1 & 2 respectively. Premium
rates are based on standard risk and are subject to underwriting.
For PRUvalue med premium rates with other combinations of Med Saver or Deductible, Med Value Point and expiry age options,
please refer to
Annual Premium Rates for PRUvalue med with Med Value Point of RM1 million (Occupational Class 1 & 2).
Premium rates are based on standard risk and are subject to underwriting.
Deductible 75,000
Hospital Daily
Room & Board 100 200 300 400 500 600 100 200 300 400 500 600
Entry Age Expiry Age 70 Expiry Age 80
Next Birthday
1-2 180 204 266 337 398 449 235 268 348 441 522 589
3 - 15 180 204 266 337 398 449 235 268 348 441 522 589
16 - 20 197 223 290 368 436 491 262 298 388 492 581 656
21 - 25 215 244 317 403 476 537 293 333 433 549 649 732
26 - 30 238 271 352 447 528 596 331 376 489 620 733 827
31 - 35 269 306 398 505 597 674 379 431 561 712 841 949
36 - 40 320 364 473 600 709 800 442 502 653 828 979 1,104
41 - 45 374 425 553 702 830 936 521 592 770 977 1,155 1,303
46 - 50 454 517 671 852 1,007 1,136 644 732 952 1,208 1,428 1,611
51 - 55 526 598 777 986 1,166 1,315 759 863 1,121 1,423 1,682 1,898
56 - 60 637 724 941 1,194 1,411 1,592 926 1,053 1,369 1,737 2,053 2,316
61 - 65 1,111 1,262 1,641 2,082 2,461 2,776
66 - 70 1,392 1,582 2,056 2,610 3,084 3,479

Deductible 75,000
Hospital Daily
Room & Board 100 200 300 400 500 600 100 200 300 400 500 600
Entry Age
Next Birthday Expiry Age 90 Expiry Age 100

1-2 317 361 469 595 703 794 404 459 596 756 894 1,009
3 - 15 317 361 469 595 703 794 404 459 596 756 894 1,009
16 - 20 359 408 530 673 795 897 459 522 679 861 1,018 1,148
21 - 25 407 462 601 762 901 1,016 524 596 774 983 1,162 1,310
26 - 30 465 528 687 872 1,030 1,163 602 684 890 1,129 1,335 1,506
31 - 35 538 611 794 1,008 1,191 1,344 697 793 1,030 1,308 1,545 1,744
36 - 40 628 713 927 1,177 1,391 1,569 813 924 1,202 1,525 1,803 2,034
41 - 45 740 841 1,093 1,387 1,639 1,849 954 1,085 1,410 1,790 2,115 2,386
46 - 50 880 1,000 1,299 1,649 1,949 2,199 1,126 1,280 1,664 2,111 2,495 2,815
51 - 55 1,042 1,184 1,539 1,953 2,308 2,604 1,323 1,504 1,955 2,481 2,932 3,308
56 - 60 1,287 1,462 1,901 2,412 2,851 3,216 1,563 1,776 2,309 2,931 3,464 3,908
61 - 65 1,537 1,747 2,271 2,882 3,406 3,843 1,853 2,106 2,738 3,475 4,106 4,633
66 - 70 1,880 2,137 2,778 3,526 4,167 4,701 2,243 2,549 3,314 4,206 4,971 5,608

Premium rates for Occupation Class 3 & 4 are 1.25 & 1.5 times the premium for Occupation Class 1 & 2 respectively. Premium
rates are based on standard risk and are subject to underwriting.
For PRUvalue med premium rates with other combinations of Med Saver or Deductible, Med Value Point and expiry age options,
please refer to
Annual Premium Rates for PRUvalue med with Med Value Point of RM1 million (Occupational Class 1 & 2).
Premium rates are based on standard risk and are subject to underwriting.
Deductible 100,000
Hospital Daily
Room & Board 100 200 300 400 500 600 100 200 300 400 500 600
Entry Age Expiry Age 70 Expiry Age 80
Next Birthday
1-2 150 171 222 282 333 376 197 224 291 369 436 492
3 - 15 150 171 222 282 333 376 197 224 291 369 436 492
16 - 20 164 187 243 308 364 411 219 249 324 411 486 548
21 - 25 180 204 265 337 398 449 245 278 362 459 543 612
26 - 30 199 226 294 373 441 498 277 314 409 519 613 692
31 - 35 225 256 333 422 499 563 317 361 469 595 703 793
36 - 40 268 304 395 502 593 669 369 420 546 693 818 923
41 - 45 313 356 462 587 693 782 436 495 644 817 966 1,089
46 - 50 380 432 561 712 842 950 539 612 796 1,010 1,194 1,347
51 - 55 440 500 649 824 974 1,099 635 721 938 1,190 1,406 1,587
56 - 60 532 605 786 998 1,180 1,331 775 880 1,144 1,452 1,716 1,936
61 - 65 929 1,055 1,372 1,741 2,058 2,322
66 - 70 1,164 1,323 1,719 2,182 2,579 2,910

Deductible 100,000
Hospital Daily
Room & Board 100 200 300 400 500 600 100 200 300 400 500 600
Entry Age
Next Birthday Expiry Age 90 Expiry Age 100

1-2 265 302 392 498 588 664 338 383 499 633 748 844
3 - 15 265 302 392 498 588 664 338 383 499 633 748 844
16 - 20 300 341 443 563 665 750 384 437 568 720 851 961
21 - 25 340 386 502 637 753 850 438 498 648 822 971 1,096
26 - 30 389 442 574 729 862 972 504 572 744 944 1,116 1,259
31 - 35 450 511 664 843 996 1,124 583 663 862 1,094 1,293 1,458
36 - 40 525 597 776 984 1,163 1,313 681 773 1,005 1,276 1,508 1,701
41 - 45 619 703 914 1,160 1,371 1,546 798 907 1,179 1,497 1,769 1,996
46 - 50 736 836 1,087 1,379 1,630 1,839 942 1,070 1,392 1,766 2,087 2,355
51 - 55 871 990 1,287 1,633 1,930 2,178 1,107 1,258 1,635 2,075 2,452 2,767
56 - 60 1,076 1,223 1,590 2,018 2,384 2,690 1,308 1,486 1,932 2,452 2,898 3,269
61 - 65 1,286 1,461 1,899 2,411 2,849 3,214 1,550 1,762 2,290 2,907 3,435 3,876
66 - 70 1,573 1,787 2,324 2,949 3,485 3,932 1,877 2,133 2,773 3,519 4,159 4,692

Premium rates for Occupation Class 3 & 4 are 1.25 & 1.5 times the premium for Occupation Class 1 & 2 respectively. Premium
rates are based on standard risk and are subject to underwriting.
For PRUvalue med premium rates with other combinations of Med Saver or Deductible, Med Value Point and expiry age options,
please refer to
PRUvalue med does not cover any hospitalisation, surgery or charges caused directly or indirectly, wholly or
partly, by any one of the following occurrences:

1) Pre-existing conditions.
2) Specified Illnesses listed below occurring during the first 120 days from the commencement date of the
rider, the date it is revived, whichever is later.
(a) Hypertension, diabetes mellitus and Cardiovascular disease;
(b) Growths of any kind including tumours, cancers, cysts, nodules, polyps;
(c) Stones of the urinary system and biliary system;
(d) Any disease of the ear, nose (including sinuses) or throat;
(e) Hernias, haemorrhoids, fistulae, hydrocele or varicocele;
(f) Any disease of the reproductive system including endometriosis; or
(g) Any disorders of the spine (including a slipped disc) and knee conditions.
3) Any medical or physical conditions and its signs or symptoms occurring within the first 30 days from
the commencement date of the rider or the date it is revived, whichever is later, except for traumatic
bodily injury caused by an accident.
4) Any neonatal medical or physical conditions including birth trauma (a physical injury sustained by an
infant during birth) occurring within the first 30 days from the commencement date of the rider, the
date it is revived or the date of birth, whichever is latest.
5) Elective cosmetic or plastic surgery except re-constructive surgery necessary to restore function,
hyperhidrosis, circumcision, eye examination for nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism,
visual aids and refraction or surgical correction of nearsightedness (Radial Keratotomy) and the use
or acquisition of external prosthetic appliances or devices such as but not limited to artificial limbs,
hearing aids, cochlear apparatus, external or temporary pacemakers and prescriptions thereof.
6) Dental conditions including dental treatment or oral surgery except as necessitated by Accident to
restore function of sound natural teeth occurring while the Policy and the rider are in force.
7) Private nursing (except for Home Nursing Care Benefit), rest cures or sanitaria care.
8) Drug abuse, addictive disorders from any kind of substance or alcohol use or misuse, under influence of
alcohol, venereal disease and its sequelae, AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) or ARC (AIDS
Related Complex) and HIV related diseases, and any communicable diseases required quarantine by law.
9) Any treatment or surgical operation for congenital abnormalities or deformities including hereditary conditions.
10) Pregnancy, child birth (including surgical delivery), miscarriage, abortion and prenatal or postnatal
care and surgical, mechanical or chemical contraceptive methods of birth control or treatment
pertaining to infertility and its complications, with exception to the benefits as provided under the
Maternity Complications Benefits. Erectile dysfunction and tests or treatment related to impotence
or sterilization.
11) Primarily for investigatory purposes, diagnosis, X-ray examination, stem cell therapy, general physical
or medical examinations, not incidental to treatment or diagnosis of a covered Disability or any
treatment which is not Medically Necessary and any preventive treatments, preventive medicines or
examinations carried out by a Physician, and treatments specifically for weight reduction or gain or
bariatric surgery.
12) Suicide, attempted suicide or intentionally self-inflicted injury while sane or insane.
13) War or any act of war, declared or undeclared, criminal or terrorist activities, act of foreign enemies,
active duty in any armed forces, direct participation in strikes, riots, civil commotion, insurrection,
revolution or any war-like operations.
14) Ionising radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or nuclear waste from
process of nuclear fission or from any nuclear weapons material.
15) Expenses incurred for donation of any body parts or organ by a Life Assured and acquisition of the
organ including all costs incurred by the donor during organ transplant and its complications.
16) Investigation and treatment of sleep apnoea and snoring disorders, hormone replacement therapy
and alternative therapy such as treatment, medical service or supplies, including but not limited to
chiropractic services, acupuncture, acupressure, reflexology, bonesetting, hyperbaric oxygen therapy,
herbalist treatment, massage or aroma therapy or other alternative treatment.
17) Care or treatment for which payment is not required or to the extent which is payable by any other
insurance or indemnity covering the Life Assured, and Disabilities arising out of duties of
employment or profession that is covered under a Workman's Compensation Insurance Contract.
18) Psychotic, mental or nervous disorders (including any neuroses and their physiological or
psychosomatic manifestations).
19) Costs/expenses of services of a non-medical nature, such as television, telephones, telex services,
radios or similar facilities, admission kit/pack and other ineligible non-medical item.
20) Participating in racing of any kind (except foot racing), hazardous sports such as but not limited to
skydiving, water skiing, underwater activities requiring breathing apparatus, winter sports, professional
sports and illegal activities.
21) Private flying other than as a fare-paying passenger in any commercial scheduled airlines licensed to carry
passengers over established routes.
22) Expenses incurred for sex changes.
23) Experimental treatment, including medication and/or unconventional medical technology/procedure,
which has not been proven to be effective, based on established medical practice, and which has not
been approved by a recognised body in the country in which you receive the treatment.
24) Care or treatment that do not lead to a recovery, conservation of your condition or restoration to
your previous state of health.

This list is non-exhaustive. Please refer to the Policy Document for more details about the major exclusions under this

Important Notes

• This brochure is for illustrative purposes only. You are advised to refer to the Product Disclosure Sheet and
Sales Illustration before purchasing a plan, and to refer to the terms and conditions in the policy document
for details of the important features of the plan.

• You should assess the affordability and suitability of the product (including optional benefits) in relation to
your financial goals and risk appetite. To achieve that, we recommend that you speak to your agent or Wealth
Planner who will perform a needs analysis and assist you in making an informed decision.

• You must inform us of any change in your occupation, avocation or sports activities because it may affect the
premiums, terms, conditions and benefits.

• Emergency Medical Assistance and Expert Medical Opinion are services provided from third party providers
which are non-contractual in nature and do not form part of the policy. We have the right to terminate this
service by giving a 90-day written notice.

• PRUvalue med is guaranteed to be renewable but premium rates and / or insurance charges are not
guaranteed. We reserve the right to revise the premium rates and / or insurance charges at policy
anniversary by giving you a 30-day notice.

• Coverage to expiry age is subject to sufficient funds for insurance charges and service charges.

• Non-payment of premiums may cause your policy to lapse.

• There is a free-look period of 15 days after the delivery of your policy to allow you to review if it meets your
needs. If the policy (which PRUvalue med is attached to) is cancelled within this period, the value of units (at
next pricing day) plus the unallocated premiums, service charge, insurance charges and Goods and Services
Tax (if any) less medical expenses will be refunded.

• If you cancel the policy (which PRUvalue med is attached to) in the early years, you may not be able to obtain
the full value from the amount you have paid in. Upon surrender, the benefits under PRUvalue med will

• Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad (PAMB) is an insurance company licensed under the Financial
Services Act 2013 and is regulated by Bank Negara Malaysia.

• PRUvalue med is not a Shariah Compliant product.

Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad

Member of PIDM

Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad (PAMB) is a member of Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia
(PIDM). As a member of PIDM, some of the benefits insured under the insurance policies offered by PAMB
are protected against loss of part or all of insurance benefits by PIDM, in the unlikely event of an insurer
member failure. For further details of the protection limits and the scope of coverage, please obtain a PIDM
information brochure from PAMB or visit PIDM website ( or call PIDM toll free line
Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad (107655-U)
Menara Prudential, 10 Jalan Sultan Ismail,
50250 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Tel: 03-2116 0228 Fax: 03-2032 3939

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