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[sia] Ira Rabba eleventh enhancement: One strand does not part from another, and they are sured by a perfect standard.” welfth enhancement: No hair overhangs the mouth, and the mouth is clear on all sides, with lovely hair all around. “Thirteenth enhancement: Hair hangs beneath the beard on either side in fine glory, in beautiful glory, covering to the navel.”* “None of the face of the fragrant offering is seen except for those beautiful white apples that generate life to the world and radiate joy to Ze’eir Anpin.” “Through these thirteen enhancements flow forth thirteen springs of anointing oil, streaming to all those below, who glow from that oil and are anointed by that oil. By these thirteen enhancements is distinguished the glorious beard, concealed of all, that of the Ancient of Ancients, From the two beautiful apples of His face shines the face of Ze‘eir Anpin, and every calyx and blossom existing ies and glows from that light.” “These thirteen enhancements appear in the beard, and with the perfection of the beard by its enhancements a person is called faithful, for whoever beard attributes faithfulness to him.” “It has been taught in the Concealment of the Book: Of these thirteen en hancements dependent upon the glorious beard, some are manifested in the world, and thirteen gates of Compassion are opened. Whoever extends his hand to swear is as if he swears by the thirteen enhancements of the beard. ‘This 8 to Arikh Anpin, For Ze‘eir Anpin, how many?” below shi fenth enhancement... Describ- stand in the Tabernacle, See Exodus 25:33, ing the strands of hair covering the throat (mentioned in the tenth enhancement). The final clause may imply that the hairs are of length 95. Thirteenth enhancement... ‘The hair behind the visible hanging body of the beard (described in the eighth enhancement) 196. None of the face of the fragrant offer- ing... The only visible parts of the entire cheeks (“the fragrant offering”) are the round fleshy “apples.” See above, notes 83, 91. 97. Through these thirteen enhance- ments... Through the entire beard flow streams of emanation to the sefirotic con- figurations below. ‘On the thirteen springs, see above, note 84. The phrase “calyx and blossom” derives from the biblical description of the lamp- and Targum Ongelos, ad loc. On the associ tion of apples with calyxes, see BT Menalot a8b: “The pins (kaltorim), ‘calyxes’ [of the lampstand), were like Cretan apples.” (The term kaffor means both 98. with the perfection of the beard. ‘A man whose beard is fully grown, display- ing all thirteen of these enhancements, is considered trustworthy and faithful, See be- low, note 324, 99. the Concealment of the Book... Referring to Sifra di-Tsni'uta (The Book of 2h. Zohar 2177a (Sd); Vol. alyx” and “Crete.") Concealment), 5, P. 558% n. 30. See above, note By the manifestation of some of the thir teen enhancements in the world, thirt gates of Compassion are opened. These gates, correspond to the thirteen attributes of Com M9

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