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DRAFT DEF STAN 95-024 Issue 4

Publication Date: 26 February 2019

Title: Armour Plate, Steel (3-160 mm)

WARNING: This Draft Document is not to be used as an agreed Defence Standard


1. Please return any comments on this draft document to by 09
April 2019
2. This draft seeks constructive comment that will assist the author and/or working group to
finalise the above Standard for full publication.
3. Does any part of the Standard create problems or require interpretation or is it restrictive in any
4. Please include in any email:
a. the page number, clause number(s) and wording that require attention;
b. the recommendation for correcting the deficiencies.
5. Any additional pertinent data which may also be of use in improving the Standard should be
included in your email.
6. No acknowledgement to comments received will normally be issued.
7. Positive feedback is always welcome.
DEF STAN 95-024 Issue 4
Section 1

Defence Standard Structure
Section 1 (Generated by the StanMIS toolset)
 Revision Note
 Historical Record
 Warning
 Standard Clauses
Section 2 (Technical information provided by Subject Matter Expert)
 Title
 Introduction (optional)
 Table of Contents
 Scope
 Technical Information to include Tables and Figures
 Annexes (as required)
Section 3 (Generated by StanMIS toolset)
 Normative References
 Definitions
 Abbreviation

This publication has had a complete rewrite.

This standard supersedes the following:

The Ministry of Defence (MOD), like its contractors, is subject to both United Kingdom and
European laws regarding Health and Safety at Work. Many Defence Standards set out processes
and procedures that could be injurious to health if adequate precautions are not taken. Adherence
to those processes and procedures in no way absolves users from complying with legal
requirements relating to Health and Safety at Work.


a) This standard has been published on behalf of the Ministry of Defence (MOD) by UK Defence
Standardization (DStan).
b) This standard has been reached following broad consensus amongst the authorities concerned with its
use and is intended to be used whenever relevant in all future designs, contracts, orders etc. and whenever
practicable by amendment to those already in existence. If any difficulty arises which prevents application
of the Defence Standard, DStan shall be informed so that a remedy may be sought.
c) Please address any enquiries regarding the use of this standard in relation to an invitation to tender or to
a contract in which it is incorporated, to the responsible technical or supervising authority named in the
invitation to tender or contract.

DEF STAN 95-024 Issue 4
d) Compliance with this Defence Standard shall not in itself relieve any person from any legal obligations
imposed upon them.
e) This standard has been devised solely for the use of the MOD and its contractors in the execution of
contracts for the MOD. To the extent permitted by law, the MOD hereby excludes all liability whatsoever
and howsoever arising (including, but without limitation, liability resulting from negligence) for any loss or
damage however caused when the standard is used for any other purpose.

DEF STAN 95-024 Issue 4

There are four parties concerned in the procurement process: the MOD (owner of the project for which the
material is being purchased), the contractor (responsible for purchase of the material), the validated supplier
of the material, and the Technical and Supervisory Authority (which may be another part of MOD). Additionally
a Proof Range is usually required for ballistic proof testing.

It is the responsibility of the contractor to name the Technical and Supervisory Authority in the invitation to
tender or contract for the procurement of armour plate from a validated supplier. The contractor should hold
discussions with MOD to determine who is best placed to fill the role of Technical and Supervisory Authority
for this purchase. The Technical and Supervisory Authority should be consulted and any necessary and
allowable waivers (e.g. for ballistic testing) agreed prior to placing the invitation to tender or contract for the
material. Any such waivers should be provided in that invitation to tender or contract.

Ballistic testing can be carried out at any suitable Proof Range facility. It is the responsibility of the validated
material supplier to sub-contract the Proof Range.

DEF STAN 95-024 Issue 4

Section 2
Armour Plate Steel (3 - 160 mm)

0 Introduction
This issue of Def Stan 95-024 is essentially the same as Issue 3, but with amendments to some aspects
regarding ballistic testing. In Table 2A one type of ammunition has been removed, as it is not a designation
which exists and has no associated ballistic table in Def Stan 08-036. Wording has been amended in certain
areas to remove possible sources of ambiguity and to correct typographical and grammatical errors.

1 Scope
1.1 This Def Stan specifies the material and performance requirements for five classes of rolled steel
armour in the form of hardened and tempered homogeneous plate of nominal thickness 3 mm through to 160
mm (medium hardness) and 3 mm through to 100 mm (high hardness) for the protection of crew and
mechanisms of armoured fighting vehicles against attack. The standard includes a requirement for suppliers
to validate their proposed material production route and for the assessment of product quality by ballistic and
other tests of pre-production or prototype material. The quality of production shall be assured by quality control,
inspection and testing procedures defined within a Process Control Schedule (PCS).

1.2 Relevant parts of this Def Stan may be used to control the quality of components made from the plate,
but whose final shape is achieved by a working or cutting process during which the cross-section of the plate
is not substantially changed.

1.3 Where the “design end use” of the armour material is primarily for protection against overmatch or
shock, then the ballistic testing for release purposes may be amended to test for these attributes only. In this
case, any purchase orders must be clearly annotated and the armour material clearly identified to reflect the
reduced testing and hence limited use of the material.

NOTE: In order to provide a coherent classification, including the high hardness armours listed in this standard,
the designations used in this standard for Class 1 and Class 2 armour have been interchanged from Military
Vehicles and Engineering Establishment (MVEE) 816 and preceding standards. Class 1 armour from MVEE
816 is now Class 2 in Def Stan 95-024 and Class 2 armour from MVEE 816 is now Class 1 in Def Stan 95-


2 Contents

Title Page

0 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 2-2

1 Scope ............................................................................................................................. 2-2
2 Contents (this list) .......................................................................................................... 2-2
3 Warning .......................................................................................................................... 2-3
4 Normative References ................................................................................................... 2-3
5 Terms, Definitions and Abbreviations ............................................................................ 2-3
6 Classification .................................................................................................................. 2-3
7 Basis of Specification ..................................................................................................... 2-4
8 Plate Requirements ....................................................................................................... 2-5
9 Documentation ............................................................................................................... 2-6
10 Production Plate Requirements ..................................................................................... 2-6
11 General .......................................................................................................................... 2-9

DEF STAN 95-024 Issue 4

Table Page

1 Test Plate Sizes................................................................................................................ 2-6

2 Ballistic Limit Test Ammunition for Class 2 and Class 3A ................................................ 2-10
2A Alternative Protection Limit Test Ammunition for Class 2 and Class 3A.......................... 2-11
3 Protection Limit Test Ammunition for Class 3 .................................................................. 2-11
4 Protection Ballistic Plate Dimensions ............................................................................... 2-11
5 Overmatch Test Ammunition for Class 2 ......................................................................... 2-12
6 Mechanical Properties for Class 1 & Class 2 ................................................................... 2-15
7 Mechanical Properties for Class 3.................................................................................... 2-15
7A Mechanical Properties for Class 3A ................................................................................. 2-15
8 Mechanical Properties for Class 4.................................................................................... 2-16
9 Mechanical Properties for Class 5.................................................................................... 2-16
10 Chemical Composition ..................................................................................................... 2-17
11 Flatness Tolerances ......................................................................................................... 2-19
12 Thickness Tolerances ...................................................................................................... 2-19

Annex Page

A Ballistic Assessment ......................................................................................................... 2-10

B Hardness and Mechanical Properties .............................................................................. 2-13
C Chemical Composition ..................................................................................................... 2-17
D Weldability & Cutting ........................................................................................................ 2-18
E Dimensional Tolerances ................................................................................................... 2-19
F Workmanship.................................................................................................................... 2-20
G Identification ..................................................................................................................... 2-21

3 Warning
All Warnings for this standard are contained in Section 1.

4 Normative References
All publications referred to in the text of this Def Stan are contained in Section 3.

5 Terms, Definitions and Abbreviations

All terms, definitions and abbreviations for this Def Stan are contained in Section 3.

6 Classification
6.1 Class 1. Armour plate which is heat treated to develop the maximum resistance to high rates of shock
loading for which resistance to penetration by armour piercing ammunition is of secondary importance. Class
1 alloys must be readily weldable.

6.2 Class 2. Armour plate which is heat treated to develop maximum resistance to penetration by armour
piercing types of ammunition. Class 2 alloys must be readily weldable.

6.3 Class 3. Armour plate which is of similar composition to Classes 1 and 2, but is heat treated to a higher
hardness (500 HB) to develop maximum resistance to penetration for lightweight armour applications. Class 3
alloys are usually only used in relatively thin sections, typically 5 - 35 mm, and must be readily weldable.

6.3.1 Class 3A. A similar armour to Class 3 but heat treated to a hardness of 420 – 480 HB in order to
provide a high, combined resistance to both shock and penetration. Must be readily weldable.

6.4 Class 4. Armour plate which is of a higher carbon and alloy content than Classes 1 to 3A. This enables
their use in thick sections (typically 50 – 150 mm) for increased resistance to penetration in heavy armour
applications. Average hardness is typically a little higher than Class 3 alloys. Welding of these alloys is possible
with pre and post-heat treatment. Special rules on cutting also apply.

DEF STAN 95-024 Issue 4

6.5 Class 5. Armour Plate which has high alloy content and is heat treated to develop hardness values
exceeding 600 HB. These alloys are used in special applications e.g. can include perforated plate and tool
steels. These alloys are not required to be weldable but require sufficient engineering ductility for integration
into systems. Special rules on cutting apply.

NOTE: Class 1 and Class 2 armours in this standard were formerly, respectively Class 2 and Class 1 armours
in MVEE 816.

7 Basis of Specification
7.1 This standard is a ballistic standard and validation is based upon a supplier offering a material to meet
the detailed ballistic requirements (see Def Stan 08-036). With the exception of Sulphur and Phosphorus
maxima no chemical composition limits are detailed in this standard, so these are left to the discretion of the
supplier. However mechanical property limits are included and these are mandatory.

NOTE: Whilst the mechanical property limits given in Table 6 to Table 9 are the minimum and maximum
permitted for each Class of armour, the actual values for production plate shall be based on those of the
validation plates and may well be within these limits. It is in the supplier's interest to provide as wide a range
of values as possible for validation subject to meeting the overriding ballistic requirement.

7.2 Before proceeding with validation, which is site specific, the supplier shall demonstrate that their
production procedures, inspection and quality control facilities are suitable and adequate to maintain the
production requirements of this standard.

7.3 The supplier shall demonstrate the ability to produce consistent satisfactory material as detailed in
clauses 8, 9 and 10. The supplier shall define their production, inspection and quality control procedures in a
PCS. This PCS is subject to agreement as part of the validation process.

7.4 If the results of the validation exercise are unsatisfactory, resubmission of further samples is not
permissible until the cause of the failure has been identified and suitable corrections made to the manufacturing

7.5 Plate offered in satisfaction of contracts to this Standard shall comply with the production requirements
of clause 10, using the manufacturing and quality control procedures agreed in the PCS.

7.6 After validation any changes proposed by the Validated Supplier to the PCS, which may be considered
to affect quality, shall not be made without the prior knowledge of the designated Technical and Supervising
Authority. Any such change, or lapse in production, which is considered significant, may necessitate
revalidation in accordance with some, or all, of the requirements of clauses 8, 9 and 10.

NOTE: A significant lapse in production is greater than 2 years.

7.7 If any material fails to comply with any of the requirements of this Standard, this may indicate a lack
of control within the manufacturing route. Should failure rates prove consistently high revalidation may be

7.8 Certification. Validated Suppliers shall provide a Certificate of Conformity for all material supplied to
this standard stating that all elements of the standard have been complied with and that manufacture has been
in accordance with the agreed PCS. The Certificate shall also clearly relate the applicable ballistic test results
(including test range) to the plate being released.

DEF STAN 95-024 Issue 4

8 Plate Requirements
8.1 Thickness Ranges

Validation for the supply of the armour plate can be sought for each of the following nominal thickness ranges:

(a) 3 mm to less than 5 mm - all Classes

(b) 5 mm to less than 15 mm - all Classes
(c) 15 mm to less than 35 mm - all Classes
(d) 35 mm to less than 70 mm - Class 1, 2 and 4
(e) 70 mm to less than 120 mm - Class 1, 2 and 4
(f) 120 mm to less than 160 mm - Class 1, 2 and 4

Only suppliers who have demonstrated their ability to produce Class 2 armour shall be permitted to seek
validation to supply Class 1, Class 3 and/or Class 3A armour. Class 4 and Class 5 armours are subject to
special requirements.

8.2 Validation requirements

Validation samples shall comply with the following requirements:

All tests shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant Annexes.

(a) Ballistic see ANNEX A

(b) Ballistic Overmatch see ANNEX A
(c) Hardness see ANNEX B
(d) Mechanical see ANNEX B
(e) Chemical see ANNEX C
(f) Weldability see ANNEX D
(g) Dimensional see ANNEX E
(h) Workmanship see ANNEX F
(i) Identification see ANNEX G

8.3 Validation samples (Ballistic Assessment)

8.3.1 Four sample plates are required which shall comply with the dimensions in Table 1 and shall represent
the thickest plates to be produced in the thickness range for which approval is sought. The four plates are to
be respectively at the upper and lower ends of the proposed hardness and / or tensile range and shall cover
the proposed range of chemical composition. At least two different casts shall be used.

8.3.2 The chemical analysis of the sample plates shall be declared as part of the validation process and
must include residual element analysis.

DEF STAN 95-024 Issue 4

Table 1 Test Plate Sizes

Nominal Thickness Dimensions

(mm) (mm)
3 to less than 5 650 x 650
5 to less than 15 650 x 650
15 to less than 35 1000 x 1000
35 to less than 70 1500 x 1000
70 to less than 120 1500 x 1500
120 to less than 160 1500 x 1500

8.4 Assessment

The performance of the submitted plate material shall satisfy the requirements of Def Stan 08-036 and give
assurance of the capability of the supplier to produce plate consistently to the production requirements of this

8.5 Resubmission

If the results from submitted plates are unsatisfactory, permission shall not be granted for the resubmission of
further officially designated validation plate(s) until the cause of failure has been identified and effective
corrections have been made to the manufacturing procedure.

9 Documentation
9.1 Following satisfactory completion of material qualification, the PCS shall be agreed. The following
elements shall be included in the PCS.

(a) Name of Validated Supplier and place(s) of manufacture.

(b) Validated thickness range(s) and place(s) of manufacture.

(c) Validated hardness and/or mechanical property ranges.

(d) Validated chemical composition range.

(e) The manufacturing process and route to be adopted for production plate.

(f) The Validated Supplier shall state that the weldability tests defined in Annex D have been satisfactorily

(g) The Validated Supplier shall state their capability to produce plate to the thickness tolerances in Table
12 in the thickness range(s) for which validation has been obtained.

NOTE: All such information shall be treated as Commercial-in-Confidence.

10 Production Plate Requirements

10.1 Production plate shall comply with the following requirements:

(a) Ballistic see ANNEX A

(b) Ballistic Overmatch see ANNEX A
(c) Hardness see ANNEX B

DEF STAN 95-024 Issue 4

(d) Mechanical see ANNEX B

(e) Chemical see ANNEX C
(f) Weldability see ANNEX D
(g) Dimensional see ANNEX E
(h) Workmanship see ANNEX F
(i) Identification see ANNEX G

10.2 Sample plates, selected for ballistic testing, shall be shown to satisfy the requirements given at clauses
10.3.1 and 10.3.2 prior to the inspection lot being released by the Supplier. Certificates of Conformity shall be
supplied with the plates and shall include reference to ballistic testing data for each inspection lot.

DEF STAN 95-024 Issue 4

10.3 Sampling, Test Failure and Retest Procedure

10.3.1 Ballistic Penetration Resistance


The sampling rate shall be a minimum of one ballistic test plate from each inspection lot or a minimum of 0.5
per cent by weight of production, whichever is the greater. Where more than one ballistic test plate is required,
they shall be taken from the product of different slabs.

NOTE 1: The requirement for a ballistic test plate may be waived by the designated Technical or Supervising
Authority if it is considered that the test plate is, or test plates are, too great a proportion of the inspection lot.

NOTE 2: When calculating the 0.5 per cent by weight value for ballistic testing, it shall be based on the as
heat-treated "mother" plate rather than a profiled plate or plate cut for testing as per Table 4.

Test Failure and Retests

Failure to comply with the specification requirements of Annex A shall be cause for rejection of the inspection
lot unless the Supplier opts for retest. Selection for retest shall be as follows:

(1) If only one plate has been selected then two more plates shall be selected.

(2) If more than one plate has been selected but only one plate failed then one further plate shall be

No retest shall be allowed if more than one plate from an inspection lot has failed.

10.3.2 Ballistic Overmatch Resistance


Tests for compliance with this requirement are carried out on routine ballistic test plates.

Test Failure and retest

Failure to comply with the specification requirement of Annex A shall be cause for rejection of the inspection
lot unless the Supplier opts for retest. Selection for retest shall be as for ballistic test plates (see clause 10.3.1).

10.3.3 Hardness


Each finally heat-treated plate, whether mill plate, multiple size plate or profiled plate, shall be tested.


Failure to comply with the Validated PCS limits shall be cause for rejection of the production plate associated
with the test sample.

10.3.4 Mechanical Properties

Sampling Methods

Mechanical property tests shall be carried out in accordance with one of the following sampling procedures:


Each finally heat treated mill plate unit shall be sampled. When this unit consists of plate of various thicknesses,
then the thickest plate shall be sampled.


DEF STAN 95-024 Issue 4

Each finally heat treated batch of plate of the same nominal thickness produced from the same cast shall be

In either case the sample should comprise one tensile test piece and three Charpy V-notch impact test pieces.


Failure to comply with the Validated PCS limits shall be cause for rejection of the production plate associated
with the test sample.

10.3.5 Chemical Composition


Each cast shall be sampled.


Plates which fail to comply with the Validated PCS limits shall be rejected.

10.3.6 Weldability


Sampling for tests for compliance with this requirement shall be at the discretion of the designated Technical
or Supervising Authority.

Failure and Retests

Failure to comply with the specification requirements of Annex D shall be cause for rejection of the production
plate associated with the test sample selected. Two further tests may be carried out following failure of the
initial test. Both retests are required to be satisfactory.

10.3.7 Dimensional Tolerances


All plate shall be inspected.


Failure to comply with the specification requirements of Annex E shall be cause for rejection.

10.3.8 Workmanship


All plate shall be inspected.


Failure to comply with the specification requirements of Annex F shall be cause for rejection.

10.3.9 Identification

Plate shall not be released unless the relevant specification requirements of Annex G are complied with.

10.4 Resubmission

A Validated Supplier may, following agreed rectification, resubmit rejected plate as a separate inspection lot.
Any failure to meet the specification requirements shall be cause for final rejection.

DEF STAN 95-024 Issue 4

11 General
Any company (Contractor) having a contract for the manufacture of equipment calling for the use of material
to this standard is advised to consult the following on the fabrication processes to be employed: the Design
Authority for the equipment, the Technical or Supervising Authority detailed in the contract and the supplier of
the material. Where a contractor subcontracts fabrication processes they should advise their contractor to
consult with the above authorities.

The Validated Supplier shall inform the Design Authority and the Technical or Supervising Authority defined in
the contract of any known limitations of fabrication processes and environmental factors which may affect the
use of the armour.

The Validated Supplier and/or Contractor having new information affecting the use of this armour and/or
contents of this Standard shall inform the Technical and Supervising Authority detailed in the contract or tender.

Neither the information given by the Validated Supplier nor that given by the Contractor to the Technical or
Supervising Authority as provided above shall in any way derogate from the Validated Supplier's
responsibility for ensuring that armour produced fully meets the requirements of this standard.

DEF STAN 95-024 Issue 4

Annex A
Ballistic Assessment

A.1 Ballistic Assessment

Testing shall be carried out in accordance with the methodology detailed in Def Stan 08-042.

NOTE: Def Stan 08-036 (see below) and Def Stan 08-042 are OFFICIAL SENSITIVE standards available to
MOD Directorates and Design Authorities. Requests for these standards should be made in writing to DStan
who will establish a need to know basis.

A.1.1 Ballistic Penetration resistance is to be determined for Class 2, Class 3 and Class 3A material only. It
is not required for Class 1, Class 4 and Class 5.

NOTE: The Ballistic Limit is determined for Class 2 and Class 3A when using the test ammunition in
Table 2 and the associated tables in Def Stan 08-036. The Protection Limit is determined for Class 2, Class 3
and Class 3A when using the test ammunition in Tables 2A and 3 and the associated tables in Def Stan 08-

A.1.2 Ballistic Overmatch resistance is to be determined for Class 2 and Class 3A material only, and only
when using the test ammunition defined in Table 2 for determining penetration resistance. Note that Ballistic
Overmatch is not required for Class 2 and Class 3A when using Table 2A conditions for determining
penetration resistance. Nor is Ballistic Overmatch testing required for Class 1, Class 3,
Class 4 and Class 5 material.

A.1.3 Exceptionally, and only with the prior agreement of the designated Technical or Supervising Authority,
Class 2, Class 3 and Class 3A plate may be assessed using the "immunity angle" method. This method
determines the ballistic limit and overmatch as required by the contract. Details of this test are given in Def
Stan 08-036. The assessment criteria shall be based on a National specification and be agreed with the
designated Technical or Supervisory Authority.

A.2 Ballistic Limit Specification Requirement for Class 2

When subjected at 0° obliquity to the attack specified in Tables 2 and 2A, plate shall have a Ballistic Limit or
Protection Limit (see Def Stan 08-042, A.6.3) of not less than that shown in the relevant Tables of
Def Stan 08-036.

A.2.1 Any plate which, as the result of any fair impact fired in determining the resistance to penetration
exceeds the Cracking Limit or Back Damage Limit (see Def Stan 08-042, A.6.4) or back damage limit (see
Def Stan 08-042 A.6.6) shall be considered to have failed ballistic assessment.

A.2.2 The specified Protection Limit shall be that for the measured thickness of the plate. For plate
thicknesses between the values shown in Def Stan 08-036, linear interpolation shall be used to obtain the
correct minimum Ballistic Limit values.

Table 2 Ballistic Limit Test Projectiles for Class 2 and Class 3A

Nominal Thickness Range Test Projectile

3 to less than 5 0.303’’ Ball
5 to less than 15 0.30" AP M2
15 to less than 35 20 mm APP
35 to less than 70 2 Pdr AP PROOF
70 to less than 120 6 Pdr AP PROOF
120 to less than 160 17 Pdr AP PROOF
NOTE: The terms APP and AP PROOF shall mean such AP projectiles as have been
calibrated and found satisfactory for proof of plate.

DEF STAN 95-024 Issue 4

Table 2A Test Ammunition for the Alternative Protection Limit for Class 2 and Class 3A

Nominal Thickness Range Test Ammunition

3 to less than 6 0.30’’ ball M2 at 30°
15 to less than 30 0.50’’ AP M2
30 to less than 40 14.5 x 114 mm B32 API
40 to less than 71 20 mm AP-T M602


When subjected at 30º obliquity to the attack specified in Table 3, plate shall have a protection limit not less
than that specified in the relevant tables of Def Stan 08-036.

A.3.1 Ballistic testing shall result in no cracks being developed with a length greater than 5 times the calibre
of the projectile.

Table 3 Protection Limit Test Ammunition for Class 3

Nominal Thickness Range Test Ammunition Obliquity°

3 to less than 8 0.30” AP M2 30
8 to less than 15 0.50” AP M2 30
15 to less than 19 14.5 x 114 mm B32 API 30
19 to less than 27 14.5 x 114 mm BS41 API 30

A.3.2 The specified Protection Limit shall be that for the measured thickness of the plate. For plate
thicknesses between the values shown in Def Stan 08-036, linear extrapolation shall be used to obtain the
correct minimum protection limit values.

A.3.3 The witness sheet used for the Protection Limit determination shall be aluminium sheet (either
3.5 mm 5052 H36 or 5 mm 2024 T3) placed 150 mm behind, and parallel to, the test plate.


Preferred dimensions of test plates are as shown in Table 4. Plates of other dimensions shall have at least an
equivalent surface area and the width of plates of thickness greater than 20 mm shall be not less than 600

A.4.1 Plates of nominal thickness 15 mm or greater shall have a lifting hole. This hole shall be 50 mm
diameter and the centre of the hole shall be midway along and 75 mm from a longer edge.

Table 4 Protection Ballistic Plate Dimensions

Nominal Thickness Range Preferred Dimensions Area

(mm) (mm) (m²)
3 to less than 5 650 x 650 0.42
5 to less than 15 650 x 650 0.42
15 to less than 35 750 x 750 0.56
35 to less than 70 750 x 1000 0.75
70 to less than 120 1500 x 1000 1.50
120 to less than 160 1500 x 1250 1.88

DEF STAN 95-024 Issue 4

Ballistic Overmatch Resistance

A.5 Specification Requirement for Class 2

When subjected at 0° to the attack specified in Table 5, damage to the plate shall not exceed the Back Damage
Limit or the Cracking Limit.

Table 5 Overmatch Test Ammunition for Class 2

Nominal Thickness Range Overmatch Test Projectile

3 to less than 5 0.303’’ BALL
5 to less than 9 0.30’’ AP M2
9 to less than 15 0.50’’ AP M2
15 to less than 30 20 mm APP
30 to less than 50 2 Pdr AP PROOF
50 to less than 90 6 Pdr AP PROOF
90 to less than 160 17 Pdr AP PROOF
NOTE: The terms APP and AP PROOF shall mean such AP projectiles as have been currently
calibrated and found satisfactory for proof of plate.

DEF STAN 95-024 Issue 4

Annex B
Hardness and Mechanical Properties

B.1 Hardness
B.1.1 Validation Plates – Class 1

The range of Brinell hardness values shall be as shown in Table 6.

B.1.2 Validation Plates – Class 2

(a) The minimum and maximum Brinell hardness values permitted are as shown in Table 6.

(b) Following completion of validation testing, the agreed minimum and maximum hardness values shall
be defined in the PCS.

B.1.3 Validation Plates – Class 3 and Class 3A

(a) The minimum and maximum Brinell hardness values permitted are as shown in Table 7 and
Table 7A.

(b) Following completion of validation testing, the agreed minimum and maximum hardness values shall
be defined in the PCS.

B.1.4 Validation Plates - Class 4

(a) The minimum and maximum Brinell hardness values permitted are as shown in Table 8.

(b) Following completion of validation testing, the agreed minimum and maximum hardness values shall
be defined in the PCS.

B.1.5 Validation Plates - Class 5

(a) The minimum and maximum Brinell hardness values permitted are as shown in Table 9.

(b) Following completion of validation testing, the agreed minimum and maximum hardness values shall
be defined in the PCS.

B.1.6 Production Plates – All Classes

All plates shall comply with the Brinell hardness values defined in the PCS. The hardness values (range)
defined in the PCS shall be overriding if they are tighter than those defined in the relevant tables.

B.2 Mechanical Properties

B.2.1 Validation Plates – Class 1

(a) The minimum long transverse tensile and impact values required are as shown in Table 6.

(b) Following completion of validation testing, the agreed minimum tensile and impact values shall be
defined in the PCS. These shall be overriding if greater than those in Table 6.

B.2.2 Validation Plates – Class 2

The range of long transverse tensile values and minimum impact values shall be as shown in Table 6.

B.2.3 Validation Plates – Class 3 and Class 3A

(a) The range of long transverse tensile and minimum impact values required are shown in Table 7 and
Table 7A.

(b) Following completion of validation testing, the agreed minimum tensile and impact values shall be
defined in the PCS.

DEF STAN 95-024 Issue 4

B.2.4 Validation Plates – Class 4

(a) The range of long transverse tensile and minimum impact values required are shown in Table 8.

(b) Following completion of validation testing, the agreed minimum tensile and impact values shall be
defined in the PCS.

B.2.5 Validation Plates – Class 5

(a) The range of long transverse tensile and minimum impact values required are shown in Table 9.

(b) Following completion of validation testing, the agreed minimum tensile and impact values shall be
defined in the PCS.

B.2.6 Production Plates –All Classes

All plates shall comply with the tensile and impact values defined in the PCS. The values defined in the PCS
shall be overriding if they are tighter than those defined in the relevant tables.

B.3 Test Piece Details

Tensile and Charpy test pieces shall be cut transverse to the principal direction of rolling (T/L transverse-
longitudinal), if known, or in two directions at right angles if not known. Where the thickness of the plate permits,
the test pieces shall be taken from a position midway between the axis and the surface of the plate. Test pieces
shall be prepared in accordance with BS EN 10002-1 and BS EN 10045-1 respectively. The use of reduced
section Charpy test pieces is necessarily permitted for plate thicknesses less than
10 mm.

B.4 Testing
B.4.1 Hardness

Testing shall be carried out in accordance with BS EN ISO 6506/1.

B.4.2 Tensile and Impact

B.4.2.1 Tensile testing shall be carried out at ambient temperature in accordance with BS EN 10002-1 and
the following figures shall be recorded: ultimate tensile strength, percentage elongation and percentage
reduction in area. Percentage elongation values shall be determined over a 50 mm gauge length.

B.4.2.2 Impact testing shall be carried out at ambient temperature and at -40 °C in accordance with BS EN

B4.2.3 No single value should be more than 10 % lower than the mean value.

DEF STAN 95-024 Issue 4

Table 6 Mechanical Properties for Class 1 & Class 2

Class Nominal Thickness Hardness UTS Elong Charpy Charpy (J)

(mm) (min – (MPa) (%) (J) ‘V’ Notch
BHN) min ‘V’ Notch Min -40 °C
Min RT
1 ALL 262 - 311 895 - 1050 15 42 40
2 3 to less than 9 341 30* 20**
2 9 to less than 15 311 30* 20**
2 15 to less than 35 285 955 14 30 25
2 35 to less than 50 262 895 15 35 30
2 50 to less than 70 262 895 15 42 30
2 70 to less than 100 255 850 16 50 35
2 100 to less than 160 255 850 16 65 40
* For reduced section specimens at RT a minimum value of 0.38 J/mm² applies
** For reduced section specimens at -40 °C, values shall be proportional to the full section values.
NOTE: The minimum values in this table will not necessarily guarantee compliance with the
overriding ballistic penetration resistance requirement for Class 2 material.

Table 7 Mechanical Properties for Class 3

Nominal Thickness Hardness (BHN) UTS (MPa) Elong (%) Charpy (j)
(mm) min “V” Notch
min -40 °C
3 to less than 15 470 - 540 1450 - 1850 8 16*
15 to less than 35 470 - 535 1600 - 1850 8 29
* For reduced section specimens, values shall be proportional to the full section values.
NOTE: The minimum values in this table will not necessarily guarantee compliance with the
overriding ballistic penetration resistance requirement for Class 3 material.

Table 7A Mechanical Properties for Class 3A

Nominal Thickness Hardness (BHN) UTS (MPa) Elong (%) Charpy (j)
(mm) min “V” Notch
min -40°C
5 to less than 50 420 - 480 1200 - 1600 9 16*
* For reduced section specimens, values shall be proportional to the full section values.
NOTE: The minimum values in this table will not necessarily guarantee compliance with the
overriding ballistic penetration resistance requirement for Class 3A material.

DEF STAN 95-024 Issue 4

Table 8 Mechanical Properties for Class 4

Nominal Thickness Hardness (BHN) UTS (MPa) Elong (%) Charpy (j)
(mm) min “V” Notch
min -40°C
3 to less than 15 530 - 650 1600 - 2000 7 12*
15 to less than 29 495 - 605 1500 - 2000 7 12
29 to less than 50 495 - 605 1550 - 2000 7 12
50 to less than 70 475 - 605 1550 - 2000 7 16
70 to less than 100 475 - 605 1450 - 2000 7 16
100 to less than 150 475 - 605 1450 - 2000 7 16
* For reduced section specimens, values shall be proportional to the full section values.

Table 9 Mechanical Properties for Class 5

Nominal Thickness Hardness (BHN) UTS (MPa) Elong (%) Charpy (j)
(mm) min “V” Notch
min -40°C
3 to less than 15 560 - 655 1800 - 2400 6 5*
15 to less than 39 560 - 655 1800 - 2400 6 5
39 to less than 50 560 - 655 1800 - 2400 6 5
* For reduced section specimens, values shall be proportional to the full section values.

DEF STAN 95-024 Issue 4

Annex C
Chemical Composition

C.1 Chemical Composition shall be determined by Pit Sample analysis as per the agreed Chemical
Composition limits and this standard.

C.1.1 The Chemical Composition is free (as chosen by the supplier) with the exception of Sulphur and
Phosphorus maxima for all Classes which must conform to Table 10. However attention is drawn to the
weldability requirements for some Classes and the need to ensure a suitable Carbon Equivalent value.

Table 10 Chemical Composition

Element Weight % Class

Sulphur 0.015 Max All Classes
Phosphorus 0.015 Max All Classes
Sulphur & Phosphorus Combined 0.025 Max All Classes

C.2 All plate produced to this standard shall comply with the validated chemical composition limits
defined in the Supplier's PCS.

DEF STAN 95-024 Issue 4

Annex D
Weldability & Cutting

D.1 Class 1, Class 2, Class 3 and Class 3A

The weldability of plate shall be assessed using the weld tests defined in Def Stan 03-034.

D.1.1 The weldability shall be satisfactory if there is no cracking (except crater cracking) as shown by
examination as specified in the above Specification.

D.1.2 Plate may be welded either to itself or to other plate previously validated to this standard.

D.2 Class 4 and Class 5

Limited weldability only. Advice to be sought from the plate manufacturer.

D.3 Cutting Requirements

All cutting shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of Def Stan 03-035.

D.3.1 Specialist advice should be obtained from the plate manufacturer for cutting the thicker ranges of Class
3 and Class 3A and for all thicknesses of Class 4 and Class 5.

DEF STAN 95-024 Issue 4

Annex E
Dimensional Tolerances

E.1 General Tolerances

The tolerances on Length, Width, Edge Camber and Squareness for all classes of material shall be measured
according to and be in accordance with BS EN 10029.

E.2 Flatness Tolerances

E.2.1 Unless otherwise specified on the drawing or in the contract, flatness shall be measured in accordance
with BS EN 10029 and shall be applicable to the case where the departure from flatness takes the form of a
continuous "dish" or "bow". Corrugated or buckled plates are not acceptable.

E.2.2 The tolerances for Classes 1, 2, 3 and 3A plate shall be in accordance with Table 11 unless otherwise
specified on the drawing or in the contract.

Table 11 Flatness Tolerances

Nominal Thickness Tolerance

(mm) (mm)
Over 1 m Over 2 m
3 to less than 5 6 12
5 to less than 9 6 12
9 to less than 15 3 6
15 to less than 35 3 6
35 to less than 70 3 6
70 to less than 160 3 6

E.2.3 The tolerances for Classes 4 and 5 plate shall be agreed between the purchaser and supplier.

E.3 Thickness Tolerance

Thickness tolerances shall be in accordance with the limits shown in Table 12.

Table 12 Thickness Tolerances

Nominal Thickness Tolerances

(mm) (mm)
- +
3 to less than 5 0 0.60
5 to less than 9 0 0.75
9 to less than 15 0 1.00
15 to less than 35 0 1.25
35 to less than 70 0 2.50
70 to less than 120 0 4.00
120 to less than 160 0 4.00

DEF STAN 95-024 Issue 4

Annex F

F.1 Surface Imperfections

All plate shall be free from any defects, such as cracks, laps, laminations, pitting, rough surfaces and edges
which may affect its use in fabrication and service.

F.2 Soundness
All plates shall be free from harmful laminations and inclusions to a level which shall be defined in the PCS.
When plates are gas cut, the hard edge formed during the process should be softened or removed, if:

The edge is to be substantially machined,


Softening is required by the drawings.

DEF STAN 95-024 Issue 4

Annex G

G.1 All plates shall comply with the requirements of this Annex.

G.2 Validation Plates

Plates supplied for validation tests shall be individually identified. The major rolling direction shall be marked.

G.3 Production Plates

G.3.1 Each plate shall be indelibly identified with at least the Supplier's name or symbol, the Def Stan number
(and Class - see below) and either, the cast number and the mill plate unit number, or the inspection lot number.

NOTE: Impression stamping shall not be used for any class of armour defined in this standard.

G.3.2 Each plate of Class 1 armour shall also be indelibly identified with the suffix `S' after the Def Stan

G.3.3 Each plate of Class 3 armour shall also be indelibly identified with the suffix `S' after the Def Stan

G.3.3.1 Each plate of Class 3A armour shall be indelibly identified with the suffix ‘HH3A’ after the Def Stan

G.3.4 Each plate of Class 4 armour shall also be indelibly identified with the suffix 'HH4' after the Def Stan

G.3.5 Each plate of Class 5 armour shall also be indelibly identified with the suffix 'HH5' after the Def Stan

G.4 Reduced Ballistic Testing

Where plate has been subject to reduced ballistic testing in accordance with clause 1.1 then the plate shall be
indelibly marked to show the reduced ballistic testing and the limitations on the use of the plate.

DEF STAN 95-024 Issue 4
Section 3

Normative References
1 The publications shown below are referred to in the text of this standard. Publications are
grouped and listed in alpha-numeric order.
Note: Def Stan’s can be downloaded free of charge from the DStan web site by visiting
<> for those with RLI access or <> for all other
users. All referenced standards were correct at the time of publication of this standard (see 2, 3 & 4 below for
further guidance), if you are having difficulty obtaining any referenced standard please contact the DStan
Helpdesk in the first instance.

Def Stans

Number Title
03-034, Iss 05 Arc Welding of Ferrous Armour

08-036, Iss 04 Ballistic Tables for Def Stan 95-24

08-042, Iss 02 Armour Proof Ballistic Test Methodology


Number Title

Allied Publications

Number Title

Other References

Standard Type Standard Name

Other BS EN ISO 6506/1

Other BS EN ISO 6892-1

Other BS EN 10029

Other BS EN ISO 148-3

2 Reference in this Standard to any normative references means in any Invitation to Tender or contract
the edition and all amendments current at the date of such tender or contract unless a specific edition is
indicated. Care should be taken when referring out to specific portions of other standards to ensure that they

DEF STAN 95-024 Issue 4
remain easily identifiable where subsequent amendments and supersession’s might be made. For some
standards the most recent editions shall always apply due to safety and regulatory requirements.

3 In consideration of clause 2 above, users shall be fully aware of the issue, amendment status and
application of all normative references, particularly when forming part of an Invitation to Tender or contract.
Correct identification of standards is as defined in the ITT or contract.

4 DStan can advise regarding where to obtain normative referenced documents. Requests for such
information can be made to the DStan Helpdesk. Details of how to contact the helpdesk are shown on the
outside rear cover of Defence Standards.

DEF STAN 95-024 Issue 4

For the purpose of this standard, ISO/IEC Guide 2 ‘Standardization and Related Activities –
General Vocabulary’ and the definitions shown below apply.

Definition Description
Cast The product of a melting of refining process involving one teeming operation
used to produce a batch of ingots or slabs of known chemical composition.

Contractor A company in possession of a Ministry of Defence contract for the manufacture

of equipment calling for the use of material to this standard.

Design Authority The approved company, establishment or branch responsible for the detailed
design of material to approved specifications and authorized to sign a certificate
of design, or to certify sealed drawings.

Inspection Lot A quantity of plate which is precipitation treated in one furnace load and in which
the nominal thickness of the thinnest plate is not less than 80 per cent of the
nominal thickness of the thickest plate.

Mill Plate Unit A quantity of plate of one nominal thickness, hot rolled from one slab at one
time, and strain hardened at one time.

Plate A part which is cut or profiled from a mill plate.

Process Control The plan by which the Validated Supplier defines/specifies:

Schedule (PCS)

(a) The sequence of manufacturing operations and processes,

(b) The control parameters and tolerances for each individual process within the
total sequence.

Validated The Validated Supplier is a company who is manufacturing armour material and
Supplier producing material to this standard. The Validated Supplier may hold a contract
from the Ministry of Defence or a subcontract from an equipment contractor or
be seeking material validation in accordance with the requirements of this

DEF STAN 95-024 Issue 4

Abbreviation Description
+ Plus

- Minus

" Inches

% Percentage

° Degree

°C Degrees Celsius

AP Armour Piercing

API Armour Piercing Incendiary

APP Armour Piercing Projectile

BHN Brinell Hardness Number

BS British Standard

Def Stan Defence Standard

DStan UK Defence Standardization

EU European Union

MPa Megapascal (Unit of Pressure)

Max Maximum

Min Minimum

mm Milimetre

mm² Millimetres squared (Unit of Area)

MOD Ministry of Defence

PCS Process Control Schedule

Pdr Pounder

RT Room Temperature

UK United Kingdom

UTS Ultimate Tensile Strength

DEF STAN 95-024 Issue 4
DPA Defence Procurement Agency

MVEE Military Vehicles and Engineering Establishment

©Crown Copyright 2019

Copying Only as Agreed with DStan

Defence Standards are published by and obtainable from:

Defence Equipment and Support

UK Defence Standardization

Kentigern House

65 Brown Street


G2 8EX

DStan Helpdesk

Tel: +44 (0) 141 224 2531

Fax: +44 (0) 141 224 2503

Internet e-mail:

File Reference
The DStan file reference relating to work on this standard is 95/24.

Contract Requirements
When Defence Standards are incorporated into contracts, users are responsible for their correct
application and for complying with contractual and statutory requirements. Compliance with a Defence
Standard does not in itself confer immunity from legal obligations.

Revision of Defence Standards

Defence Standards are revised as necessary by an up-issue or amendment. It is important that users
of Defence Standards ensure that they are in possession of the latest issue or amendment. Information
on all Defence Standards can be found on the DStan Websites and, updated weekly. Any person who, when making use of a Defence
Standard, encounters an inaccuracy or ambiguity is encouraged to notify UK Defence Standardization
(DStan) without delay in order that the matter may be investigated and appropriate action taken.

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