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MILITARY MEDICINE, 178, 2:218, 2013

Emerging Technology in Diabetes Care: The Real-Time

Diabetes Monitoring System
CPT Anthony Recupero, MC USA*; LTC C. Becket Mahnke, MC USA†;
MAJ Jordan E. Pinsker, MC USA†

ABSTRACT The majority of telemedicine interventions for diabetes have failed to show objective improvements
in outcomes. We describe the Real-Time Diabetes Monitoring System (RT-DMS), which augments our successful

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telemedicine system for pediatric patients with type 1 diabetes by allowing automated uploads of glucometer readings.
The addition of automatic transfer of glucometer readings enables RT-DMS to improve patient compliance and
increases monitoring by physicians. The system is scalable for use by both children and adults with all forms of
diabetes and has the potential to significantly improve clinic workflow, allowing RT-DMS to serve as a model for
managing chronic disease using telemedicine.

INTRODUCTION that are sometimes challenging to connect to home com-

Caregivers for pediatric patients with type 1 diabetes must puters,2–5 RT-DMS allows for transparent uploading of
be able to communicate effectively with their physician to glucometer readings with minimal patient and physician effort.
facilitate quality medical care. We have previously reported
on the effectiveness of the Pediatric Diabetes Education THE REAL-TIME DIABETES MONITORING SYSTEM
Portal (PDEP) website at our institution, showing that users With RT-DMS, patients were given a MedApps HealthPAL
of the PDEP website had a significant improvement in device (MedApps, Scottsdale, Arizona) to connect to their
Hemoglobin A1c when compared to nonusers.1 PDEP is a glucometer as part of an institutional review board approved
secure, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act project at Tripler Army Medical Center (TAMC). The
(HIPAA) compliant, asynchronous (store-and-forward) website HealthPAL is a Food and Drug Administration approved
for pediatric diabetic patients and their families that improves device that plugs into a glucometer and was preconfigured for
communication with their physicians. PDEP allows families each patient’s PDEP account. The device collects glucometer
to log on from home using a computer or smartphone, review readings and securely transmits them via the cellular phone
clinic testing results, post comments and ask questions of their network to our existing PDEP website in real time. The
diabetes care providers. Patients and families can also review HealthPAL uses 128-bit secure socket layer encryption and its
educational materials on the web site. transmissions meet all administrative requirements for full
A major limitation of PDEP, however, is that it requires HIPAA compliance. Configuration of usernames, passwords,
patients to manually type in or upload scanned copies of their or other settings is unnecessary. Instead, the device is precon-
blood sugar readings for later review. Because of this, a signif- figured and linked to the patient’s PDEP account by the med-
icant amount of data captured by the patient (glucometer read- ical team. After transmission from the HealthPAL device, RT-
ings) is never transferred to the physicians for review. To DMS saves transmitted glucometer readings and aggregates
address this, we have now deployed our Real-Time Diabetes them for posting on a weekly basis to PDEP, so there is no
Monitoring System (RT-DMS), an addition to the PDEP required time to plug in the device, emphasizing ease of use. A
website that allows for automated uploading of glucometer schematic representation of the system is shown in Figure 1.
readings to help pediatric patients with their diabetes care. After posting weekly glucometer readings, diabetes care
Unlike previous systems described in the literature which providers are immediately notified by email to log on to the
required telephone calls, use of computer modems, potentially HIPAA compliant, secure PDEP website where they can
difficult interactions with websites, or downloading of devices interpret the readings and send a response to the patient. As
shown in Figure 2, the parents of a 5-year-old type 1 dia-
betic patient plugged in the HealthPAL device to their son’s
*Department of Pediatrics, Uniformed Services University of the Health
Sciences, 4301 Jones Bridge Road, Bethesda, MD 20814. glucometer at home. No other intervention was needed, and
†Department of Pediatrics, Tripler Army Medical Center, 1 Jarrett White now the patient’s glucometer readings are automatically
Road, Honolulu, HI 96859-5000. ready for review by the pediatric endocrinologist and appear
This article was presented as part of a larger oral presentation on Diabetes as a detailed table on the website in the patient’s PDEP
and Telemedicine, BIT World Congress of Diabetes, Beijing, China, June 2012. account. The endocrinologist is able to respond, and the
The views expressed in this manuscript are those of the authors and do
not reflect the official policy or position of the Department of the Army, the
family is automatically notified by email to log on and read
Department of Defense, or the U.S. Government. the response. One week later, new readings are automati-
doi: 10.7205/MILMED-D-12-00317 cally uploaded again. The parents, who were resistant to

218 MILITARY MEDICINE, Vol. 178, February 2013

The Real-Time Diabetes Monitoring System

educational website that can provide patient-specific feed-

back, we hope to improve patient care beyond what we have
shown previously.
Although we have not used the system long enough to
formally assess the impact of such a device on changing
objective outcome parameters of care (such as Hemoglobin
A1c or the frequency of hypoglycemic events), we offer a
description of RT-DMS to show how it can improve clinic
workflow. This is because despite the extensive funding of
the development of telemedicine systems over the last few
years, results of many telemedicine and mHealth projects have

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not consistently shown definitive improvements in objective
outcomes of care.7–9 Instead, it has been postulated that the
greatest gains may come from simple increases in clinic effi-
FIGURE 1. Schematic overview of the RT-DMS system. ciency and use of time.10,11 Automatic email notification
of new postings and the asynchronous nature of the system
allows families and providers to post messages at any time
they want, with no need to interrupt other activities. For
write down glucometer readings and who had previously
patients using RT-DMS, we no longer have to review faxed
been nonusers of the PDEP website, now become active
or emailed copies of glucometer readings and then call back
participants and begin to post comments (Fig. 3). The physi-
patients to explain recommended changes in insulin doses,
cian response can refer to educational materials posted on
saving time and effort that can now be used elsewhere. And
the website, allowing patients to continually review relevant
by using billing codes specifically designated by the Depart-
educational material as they encounter new problems.
ment of Defense (DoD) for telemedicine encounters, pediatric
endocrinologists at TAMC are able to bill for their time and
DISCUSSION capture workload using an integrated billing form that con-
Automated transfer of glucometer readings allows patients nects with the Armed Forces Health Longitudinal Technology
and their families to effortlessly engage their diabetes care Application (AHLTA) workload module. In the case described
provider with objective data for review. Although many sys- above, we used an approved Current Procedural Terminology
tems have attempted to link medical devices to “health code for collection and review of data electronically transmit-
vaults” of medical information online, patient use was often ted from the patient (Current Procedural Terminology Code
limited because of difficulties sending data to the system and 99091, bottom of Figs. 2 and 3). In this case, we were able to
the lack of readily available feedback once the data was bill 1.1 physician work relative value units that are paid to our
uploaded. In fact, previous studies show regular communica- military treatment facility from the DoD’s military healthcare
tion and feedback are linked to higher use of such systems.6 system. All of this done using the integrated billing module in
By linking seamless uploading of glucometer readings to an RT-DMS that simply requires checking a box on the web page

FIGURE 2. Example of a provider responding to the weekly automated glucometer upload.

MILITARY MEDICINE, Vol. 178, February 2013 219

The Real-Time Diabetes Monitoring System

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FIGURE 3. Example of a family and physician discussing the automated glucometer upload.

after submitting comments back to the patient. This improves in children with type 1 diabetes on insulin pump therapy.12
clinic workflow by decreasing time spent on telephone con- Yet Carelink and similar systems do not automatically notify
sults and faxes; time that is often not billed appropriately physicians that new results are available for review. Instead,
in AHLTA. they require patients to click on a button and type in their
It has been our experience that in many cases this type of health care provider’s email address for each report they
data is never reviewed between appointments because patients wish to send. In addition, they neither offer physicians the
find it too cumbersome to use fax machines or secure email to ability to send educational feedback to patients, nor do they
send the relevant data. In addition, providers using AHLTA do link to a hospital billing system. These restrictions limit their
not want to spend the time needed to enter the appropriate suitability for use by physicians seeking these features.
codes and supporting documentation in such a cumbersome Similarly, there are now numerous mobile applications
system that suffers from poor usability. It is also important to available for patients with diabetes. Analysis of these mobile
note that providers outside of the DoD’s military healthcare applications has shown that although clinical guidelines
system may choose to require the patient to return to clinic widely refer to the importance of personalized education, this
to review data that could otherwise be easily transmitted remains an underrepresented feature in these applications.13
electronically. This is because Medicare does not currently This is reflected in studies that show improvements in the
reimburse for this procedure code, and will again change frequency of blood glucose monitoring in adolescents using
reimbursement codes for version 10 of the International mobile diabetes applications,14 but studies that track objec-
Classification of Diseases, making it very difficult for pro- tive outcomes of care (such as reduced hospitalizations and
viders to support such a system outside of a military treat- emergency department visits) note that involvement from
ment facility. multiple parties is needed for successful outcomes.15 Usability
A number of web-based and mobile applications cur- issues have limited the adoption of systems designed to inte-
rently exist to enhance diabetes management. The Medtronic grate all aspects of diabetes care.13 Our system is designed to
Carelink system is one of many programs that allows easily integrate all of these elements of care, with a focus on
patients to upload readings from their glucometers and insu- ease of use for all parties involved.
lin pumps to a centralized database on the internet, where RT-DMS is currently limited by the cost of each
physicians can download the results. Use of the Carelink HealthPAL device, limiting the number of devices in use.
system has been associated with improved glycemic control With more devices we plan to expand RT-DMS to serve

220 MILITARY MEDICINE, Vol. 178, February 2013

The Real-Time Diabetes Monitoring System

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