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I. Objectives
A. Content Standards:
The learners demonstrate understanding on different words using context clues
and are able to answer questions through the given story.
B. Performance Standards:
The learners are able to determine context clues and portray roles of some
personalities with different sacrifices in the society.
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives
1. Decode the meaning of the underlined words through context clues.
2. Answer the questions based on the given story.
3. Present a role play showing the sacrifices of the people presented in the

II. Content
Literature: “The Sacrifice”
By Celso Al. Carunungan

III. Learning Resources:

A. References: English Time Fourth Quarter Grade VII (pp.17-20)
B. Materials: Chart, Laptop, Illustration boards, hand outs, pictures
C. Value: Determine and show respect for the sacrifices of different people.

IV. Procedures
A. Daily routine:
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance

B. Priming
1. Warm up Exercise
Instruction: The class will be divided into two groups. Each group has to think
of a song that is related to love or sacrifice and will have to sing the chorus or
any few lines from the song. Groups will be given 3 minutes to present.

C. Motive Question
1. Have you ever made a sacrifice for the people you love?

D. Motivation
Activity: Play a short video clip taken from the movie Passion of Christ.
1. Did you get affected with what you saw?
2. What was presented in the video?
E. Vocabulary Development
Widening Our Vocabulary
Mechanics: The class will be divided into two (2) groups. Each group will
answer and determine the meaning of the underlined word or phrase based on the
context in the written activity. The group that will have the most number of
correct items will be the winner.
Determine the meaning of the underlined word or phrase based on the context.
1. Mother rose from her chair and walked slowly for she was heavy for her fifth
a. Fat b. Massive c. Weighty d. Pregnant Answer: d
2. After the boy left, the carabao groaned long and heavy.
a. Whisper b. Cried Out c. Talk d. Sing
Answer: b
3. The carabao moved and one of his horns struck an ipil house post.
a. Hit b. Support c. Hold d. Maintain Answer: a
4. Father gravely told him a sad experience.
a. Lastly b. Solemnly c. Falsely d. Loudly Answer: b
5. Father kicked the loose ends of the hay closer to us.
a. Mint b. Flower c. Dried grass d. Herbs Answer: c
6. Suddenly the skies darkened and we saw locusts swarming over our fat fields.
a. Ants b. Bees c. Spiders d. Grasshopper Answer: d
7. I became sullen and nervous after learning of their plan.
a. Hostilely Silent b. Talkative c. Chatty d. Conversational Answer: a
8. The last thing he sold was the carabao that pulled the plow in the devastated
a. Constructed b. Built c. Damage Severely d. Raised Answer: c
9. After the typhoon, she asked me to sell the house and the tragic field.
a. Successful b. Flourishing c. Prosperous d. Damage Severely Answer:
10. I looked out the window and saw the dead stalks of rice plants with some
fallen on the ground.
a. Stem b. Roots c. Flower d. Branch Answer: a
11. In the morning the sun was pale and lifeless. But in the evening, the sky is
eerie rosy glow.
a. Bloomy c. Earthly Answer: b
b. b. Unusual connection with supernatural d. Natural
12. Father patted me on my shoulder and mused my hair.
a. Messed Up b. Organized c. Arranged d. Set Answer: a
F. Reading
“The Sacrifice” by Celso Al. Carunungan
1. How do you find the story?
Second battle and same rules apply.
1. Why did Tomas go and see the Spaniards?
- Because he wanted to lend money from the Spaniards.
2. Did the Spaniards lend him money?
- No, because the Spaniards has no money to lend.
3. What did Tomas consider when he could no longer think of where to get
money for the delivery of the new baby?
-Tomas considered selling Crispin’s carabao to get money for the delivery of
the new baby.
4. Did Crispin agree wholeheartedly? Why?
- At first no, because he couldn’t understand why they have to sell his
carabao. But when he learned of his father’s sacrifices, he agreed
5. What did Crispin mean when he said “Why must we sacrifice Silver for the
baby that we are not even
sure would turn out good?
- He meant that they should not sacrifice Silver whom he knows very well
for the baby he doesn’t even know.
6. What did Tomas sacrifice when his eldest son was born?
- Tomas sacrificed the carabao, the field and their house.
7. Who was the eldest son?
- The eldest son was Crispin.
8. What did Crispin realized?
- Crispin realized that he can also do what his father did for him because the
baby is more important than Silver.
9. If you were Crispin, would you have to sacrifice your carabao or pet, too?
Why or why not?
- Yes, I can replace it in the future but I can never replace the life of my
V. Abstraction
Complete the following statements.
1. We learned that:
2. So we plan to:
3. We hope that

VI. Application
“Mini Exhibit”
Tribute to the people who have done big sacrifices for their families, for others
and for the nation.
Mechanics: Leaders of each group will pick one number and they will stand
beside the number of the drawing they picked. The group will present the
sacrifices of those people through a role play and will be given 3 minutes to share
each idea in the group. There will be a 1-2 minute presentation.
Below is the criteria for judging the role play:
Criteria Weight Score
Delivery (clarity of voice: loudness, proper 3
Interpretation (gestures, facial expression) 3
Creativity (resourcefulness) 2
Stage presence 2

V. Evaluation
Summarize the previous story (“Sacrifice” by Celso Al. Carunungan) using the
important events.
1. Beginning scene.
- Tomas had gone to the house of the Spaniard to lend money, but the Spaniard
has no money to lend.
2. Next main event.
- Tomas told Crispin that they will sell Silver, Crispin’s carabao.
3. What happened next?
- Crispin asked his father why they must sell the carabao for a baby that they are
not even sure if he/she would turn out good.
4. What happened after that?
- Tomas told Crispin of the sacrifices he did when his mother gave birth to him.
5. How did the story end?
- The ending of the story was when Crispin agreed to sacrifice Silver for his
mother’s delivery of the new baby.
VI. Assignment
Make a two-stanza poem about sacrifice. Write it on a short bond paper
and it will be passed tomorrow.

Prepared by:

Mea Mellaine I. Marasigan

Student Teacher
Rizal College of Taal

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