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Mutual Fund Kickstarter


Are Great For Retirees

Mutual fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully.
You like the sound of the ping on your mobile phone informing
when pay gets credited every month. But how can you ensure that
the sweet sound continues even in retirement? You will still need a
regular income to meet your regular expenses. That’s not all.

You also need to meet periodic expenses such as home repairs

and maintenance, besides have lump sum requirements from time
to time, especially during family events like marriages. That’s not
to forget the needs for emergency cash due to possible health
and other emergencies.How will you do all this and not let your
retirement become all about managing money? The answer lies
in investing in debt mutual funds.

By investing in different categories of debt mutual funds and using

their various features, you can ensure that not only do you get
regular retirement income, but also meet periodic expenses, lump
sum requirements, besides meeting emergency needs. Debt funds
can help your money grow well thanks to tax efficiency and Retirement Big Picture
capability to counter inflation. Remember, inflation quietly eats
away the purchasing power of retirement savings. From accumulator to harvester of investments During your
work life, you are an accumulator, investing regularly for retirement.
Here, we will tell you how retirees can smartly use mutual funds. However, in retirement, these investments need to be harvested to
But before we do that, we will give you a financial big picture of meet various needs be it for regular income, periodic expenses, lump
retirement. This will help you appreciate the utility of debt mutual sum requirements or emergency funds. It is important to appreciate
funds even better. this financial transition.

Balancing money’s easy access with its growth As you
manage your retirement savings, it is important to have relatively
easy access to money parked in investments. This is essential to How Finances Change in Retirement
meet emergencies and sudden expenses. This involves investing in
lower risk, lower return investments that typically provide broadly
stable returns. This helps create regular income. At the same time,
you also need to balance the requirement for money’s easy access Relying on
with its growth. After all, you don’t want to run out of money. investment income
You depend on income
Mutual funds not only help you meet these financial challenges but from retirement
also help you combat four significant financial risks. investments to meet
regular, periodic and
emergency expenses
Financial Risks in Retirement

Investment risks In retirement, most retirees tend to invest in

lower risk investments for stable returns and regular income.
However, these investments can be impacted by risks like Beating inflation Need for liquidity
unfavourable changes in interest rates or default in repayment Savings invested in You need quick access to
retirement needs to grow money for emergencies
of invested money. faster than inflation to with low risk, low return,
secure living standards liquid investments
Outliving retirement savings A monthly budget of Rs 30,000 on
retirement at age 58, will need to double in 15 years i.e. at age 73,
if average inflation rate in the 15 years is 5%. This simply means that
your retirement savings needs to keep growing at a healthy clip so *
that you don’t run out of money.

Risks related to money’s easy access You need easy access to Post Office Monthly Income Scheme (POMIS) This is a five year
your money, especially for your emergencies. Since this means regular income investment that is available in the post offices. For an
typically going for lower risk, lower return investments, there is investment up to a limit of Rs 4.5 lakh for an individual and Rs 9 lakh
always the danger of either having invested too less, or too much, for a joint account, you receive monthly income. The monthly income
in these investments. While the dangers of inadequate emergency comes to you thanks to the interest paid out. The interest rates are
funds are obvious, excess liquid investments means retirement revised periodically along with other small savings schemes available
savings can’t grow well. in post offices.

Tax inefficiency It is of great importance that re-investments of Apart from the limits to the maximum amount of investment and
retirement savings are made in a tax-efficient way so that your the lock-in during the tenure, there are significant penalties for
savings can keep growing. premature exit. Importantly, the interest income is fully taxable. A
drastic revision in interest rates during the tenure means sudden
With a brief background on the financial risks to retirement, it is decline of regular income without recourse to an alternative. These
time to discuss the various investment options and see the edge debt are significant limitations for those in the highest tax slabs looking to
funds as an option have. park their substantial retirement savings.

Regular Retirement Income Options The other limitations pertain to the fact that being a regular income
investment, the scheme is not appropriate for meeting significant
Fixed deposits In India, fixed deposits (FDs) from banks and post periodic expenses and expenses requiring lump sum amounts.
office are quite popular with investors. While FDs provide regular
income from their interest, the income is fully taxable. This can hurt Senior Citizens Savings Scheme Over the years, this scheme
those in the higher tax slabs. What’s more, the income also gets hit has been very popular with the retirees due to its interest rate, which
by inflation. An FD providing annual interest of 7%, effectively is typically is higher than alternatives. This is a five year scheme that
provides 1.9% if the annual inflation rate is 5%. What’s more, any can be extended by three years. You can invest upto Rs 15 lakh and
premature exit from the FD rates typically to lower applicable slab if the interest rate gets revised periodically along with other small
you exit before maturity. savings schemes.

Like POMIS, Senior Citizens Savings Scheme has some
significant limitations. While interest is calculated
annually, it is paid quarterly and the interest income is
Financial Risks in Retirement
fully taxable. You can’t make premature exits from the
investment without paying stiff penalties. The regular
income character of the investment means that it is
unsuitable for meeting certain types of expenses such Investment risks
as large periodic and lump sum expenses.
Regular income needs make people opt for lower risk
investments that are impacted by interest rate, repayment
Life insurance annuities Whether you save money default and other risks
for retirement in a life insurance policy or any other
investment, you can invest in life insurance annuities. Outliving savings
They provide regular income. Annuities can provide With inflation constantly pushing up costs, you could run
monthly income for different periods of time and in out of savings
some cases, even your whole life. There are many
other variants of annuities including those that also pay Liquidity risks
the regular income to spouse and heirs.
You need liquid investments for emergencies. But having them
in excess dents growth required to counter inflation
Whether you save money for retirement in a life
insurance policy or any other investment, you Excessive tax payouts
can invest in life insurance annuities. They provide
regular income. Annuities can provide monthly income Excessive tax payouts from investments impede the growth of
for different periods of time and in some cases, even retirement savings and typically impact living standards
your whole life. There are many other variants of
annuities including those that also pay the regular
income to spouse and heirs.

Regular Retirement Income Options
Fixed deposits (FDs) Post Office Monthly Income Scheme (POMIS)

Available in banks Provides regular 5 year investment Maximum investment:

and post offices for interest income providing monthly Rs 4.5 lakh and
various tenures income, available Rs 9 lakh for
at post offices individual and joint
accounts, respectively

Taxable beyond Lower interest Provides regular but Substantial penalties

Rs 10,000 p.a. payment for fully taxable for premature exit;
with higher limit of premature exit and limited unsuitable to meet
Rs 50,000 for interest income lump sum needs
senior citizens

Regular Retirement Income Options
Senior Citizens Savings Scheme Life insurance annuities

5 year investment Maximum investment: Provide monthly Option to choose

providing regular Rs 15 lakh income from a income for a period,
income; extendable lump sum of life, and covering
by 3 years retirement savings spouse and children
after demise


Interest fully Stiff penalties for Fully taxable income Very limited
taxable and paid premature exits, and returns typically emergency access
every quarter unsuitable for lower than to money;
lump sum expenses alternatives like FDs inappropriate for
lump sum expenses


How Debt Funds Score Over Others
Liquidity “Will I get access to my money during an emergency?”
This is a question that most retirees ask when they invest their
retirement savings. Thus, easy access to money is key requirement
for most retirees.

Unlike investment options that we have just discussed which have

lock-in periods, in case of emergency, you can liquidate units of
open-end debt funds any time you want. Once you liquidate your
units, the money is credited in the account within 2-3 working days.
Even for close-end debt funds like fixed maturity plans (FMPs) where
you need to stay invested till maturity, you can sell off the units in
stock exchanges in case of emergency.

Tax efficiency Debt funds tend to be more tax efficient than interest
bearing investments. Dividends from debt funds are tax-free in the
hands of the investors. There are tax benefits in case of capital gains impact in case of interest bearing investment for those in the high-
as well. If you remain invested for 3 year or more, the capital gains est tax slab. Of course, for any period less than 3 years, the capital
are treated as long term capital gains. In such a case, you get twin gains get added to the income and are taxed according to the rele-
tax benefits. vant income tax rate for an investor.

First, you benefit from inflation indexation. This involves Combating inflation The inflation indexation benefit for long term
enhancing upwards, the cost of acquired debt fund units, by the capital gains taxation ensures that you get to retain more of the
amount of inflation during the period of investment. Effectively, this growth of your retirement savings. It also ensures that those in the
reduces the taxable capital gains. You further benefit from a 20% highest 30% tax slab get to combat inflation far more effectively than
long term capital gains tax rate. This is much lower than the tax interest bearing investments.
How Debt Funds Help Retirees
Tax efficiency Growth of Meet periodic and lump
Debt fund dividends are tax-free in retirement savings sum requirements
the hands of the investors. For 3 Debt funds typically provide higher Close-end debt funds, especially
years or more, you get inflation growth as they exploit interest rate FMPs, can efficiently meet substantial
indexation benefits and pay long movements and are more tax efficient periodic and lump sum needs
term capital gains tax at 20%

Easy access Combating inflation Regular income from SWP Emergency requirements
You get money from open-end The inflation indexation benefit and dividends Investments in ultra-short term debt
debt funds units in 2-3 working for long term capital gains Debt funds can provide regular funds and liquid funds can help
days and sell close-end debt taxation helps counter inflation income from dividends and prepare for emergencies
funds like fixed maturity plans systematic withdrawal plans (SWP)
(FMPs) in stock exchanges
highest 30% tax slab get to combat inflation far more effectively than As FMPs hold debt securities like government securities, corporate
interest bearing investments. debt and money market instruments till maturity, they provide
broadly stable returns. Added to that are tax benefits that debt
Growth of retirement savings Debt fund investments have the funds get, especially when the debt funds investments are more
potential to provide significantly higher returns than fixed income than 3 years.
alternatives. This is because they can take advantage of investment
opportunities and market conditions like interest rate movements. There is also the inflation combating ability. Thanks to the inflation
This advantage gets enhanced after returns get adjusted for taxes indexation facility in taxation of long term capital gains, it further
and inflation. drives home the advantage.

Apart from the advantages that we have just listed, debt funds help Emergency requirements Future health and other emergen-
you meet other major financial requirements in retirement. cies are often at the back of mind of retirees. Making provisions for
emergencies such as setting aside 3-6 months of monthly expenses,
Regular income from SWP and dividends Debt funds can or more, often helps. However, quick and easy access holds the key.
provide for regular retirement income not only from the dividends Investments in ultra-short term debt funds and liquid funds help
but also through the facility of systematic withdrawal plan (SWP). It retirees meet this need so that they are prepared for emergencies
provides regular income, typically every month, by selling debt fund without compromising on all the other needs.
units. This is tax efficient as well. The long term capital gains tax of
20% is charged on debt fund units bought more than 3 years ago Clearly, mutual funds can be a financial Swiss knife for retirees, a
with inflation indexation benefits. multi-functional tool that can help meet various retirement needs. In
retirement, they can not only help get the regular ping on the mobile
Periodic and lump sum requirements Close-end debt funds, on the crediting of regular income but also provide much more.
especially fixed maturity plans (FMP), can play a great role in
meeting substantial periodic and lump sum expenses that arise in Calculate investments needed for a secure retirement with our Retirement
retirement. FMPs mature at a pre-determined date like one, three Benefit Pension Fund Calculator. Click
and five years and have an edge over other alternatives like FDs.


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