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(Experimental or Correlational)

NAME : .................................................

NIM : .................................................

Research Title

Write your research title describing what you want to study in not more than 21 (twenty one)


Describe your reasons why the research must be conducted and explain some theoretical and
empirical issues (what happens in the fields/schools) underlying the importance of the research
project briefly. The description is certainly based on the English teaching and learning in both
national and international contexts.

Research Problems

Write the problem of your research in question forms briefly.

Research Hypothesis

Write the your research alternative hypothesis, directional or non-directional.

Theoretical and conceptual issues

Write the theory and concept underlying your research project that you will write in the literature
review. Support the theory and concepts with references (previous research).
Research Design

Write your research design (and the reason why you choose such a design).

The method of Collecting the Research Data

Explain the instruments for collecting the research data (questionnaire, test), how will you get the
instruments, and the method of collecting the data (how will you collect the data)

The method of Analyzing the Research Data

Explain the statistical data analysis you are going to use (explain why you are using that kind of
data analysis).


Attach the reference list underlying the research project based on the APA style (at least 10
research articles).
#Reference list is in alphabetical order from A to Z.

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