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Weekly Progress Report (9/2-9/6)

Monday (9/2): Although we didn't have school this day, I was able to begin my Career/Industry
Forecast. I was able to find useful websites that had sufficient information. Also, I was able to
brainstorm ideas for my interview questions.

Tuesday (9/3): I missed class because I was out sick this day, however at home I continued
working on both my interview questions and the Career/Industry Forecast. Completed basis of
the research questions.

Wednesday (9/4): I finished my interview questions and was able to order them in sequential
order. Continued working on Forecast and finished everything but the analysis.

Thursday (9/5): I was able to finish the analysis on the forecast, and moved on to annotating an
article and citing my sources. After that I started creating a skeleton for my resume.

Friday (9/6): I enhanced my resume and completed it. I was able to start finding articles for my
first research assessment.

Upcoming Goals: I want to complete my research assessment prior to the deadline so I will
have time to thoroughly review and edit it. I also want to get started on the Digital Portfolio and
set up my Linked In account.

Reflection: I felt as though my week was very productive, as I was able to get ahead on a
couple of assignments. Most importantly, I was impressed at how much I was able to learn in
the forecast through my thorough research.

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