Rushi Abdas - Bi-Weekly Progress Report - 10 28 - 11 8

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Bi-Weekly Progress Report (10/28 - 11/8)

Monday (10/28): This day was a day for me to review my conversation with Dr. Jindal and
reflect back on what I learned in preparation for my research assessment.

Tuesday (10/29): I made more phone calls from the contacts I was able to receive from Dr.
Jindal. This allowed me to try and get in contact with others for interviews.

Wednesday (10/30): I continued to make my last phone calls and leave emails and voicemails.

Thursday (10/31): I went back to working on my interview assessment, and completed the main

Friday (11/1): Finished completing Interview Assessment #1. Reflecting back on my interview
with Dr. Jindal was very helpful for me. I was preparing for my interview the next day with Dr.

Monday (11/4): This day was all about preparing for my Quick Trip speech. After I submitted my
outline, and was finalizing my speech tips to make sure that my presentation would happen

Tuesday (11/5): This day was presentation day. I made sure to execute the same tips I used to
practice during the presentation.

Wednesday (11/6): This day was a review day, where I modified my questions for my next
interview, and tried to think of some deeper level questions. Then, I started my interview

Thursday (11/7): I continued to work on my interview assessment during this day and finished
the main body paragraphs.

Friday (11/8): Continued to make final touches and edits on my interview assessment #2, and
turned it in.

Upcoming Goals: My upcoming goals include to learn more about my mentor, as I have
officially gained his permission to be my mentor. I hope to ask him more questions about his
professional life and how he was able to be successful.

Reflection: I think that I made good progress during the past two weeks, the highlights being
the fact that while I struggled to gain interviews, I was able to earn 2, and secure a mentor with
one of them. Going into the future, I hope to capitalize on the opportunity I have with a mentor.

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