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Alexey Stern

Pittsburgh Foundation Wish Book Application


- Crisis Center North is dedicated to ending the cycle of domestic violence by empowering

victims, cultivating healthy attitudes, and emphasizing the power of prevention



- $1.6 million


- Human Services

Description of Wish:

- According to the National Domestic Violence Hotline, 65% of Domestic Violence

victims report not leaving their abusive relationship because they do not want to abandon

their pet. The bond between a pet and their owner is sacred, one that is worth honoring

and protecting. Your generous donation will allow us to provide aid to these abused

animals by offering “Animal Safety Kits” to survivors who want to ensure the safety and

protection of their pet. These packages will provide emergency and essential resources

for caregivers’ pets, such as food, bedding, and medical supplies. Our vision is to support

and empower victims of domestic violence by ensuring that they and their pets can be
safe together. With your donation, we can help victims to overcome a significant barrier

that prevents many victims from seeking help and a life free from violence. With your

help, we can take another decisive step toward ending the vicious cycle of domestic

violence within our community, one safety kit at a time.

Wish List Template:

- See Attached Excel Document and Accompanying Word Document

Population Served:

- This wish will directly contribute to helping victims of domestic violence and their

abused pets living in our community.

Overall Population Served:

- We have served over 1,600 clients of domestic violence this past year alone, a number

that continues to increase. The positive impact of our crisis services resonates within our

community as we directly or indirectly support countless families, friends and loved ones

who share a meaningful connection to our clients.


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