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No. of Printed.Pages : 3 BPCE-014

Bachelor's Degree Progranune (BDP)


Term-End Examination

June, 2019


Time : 2 Hours Maximum Marks : 50

Note : All Sections are compulsory.


Note :Answer any two of the following questions in

about 450 words each. 2x10=20

1. Explain the different psychological factors

contributing to psychopathology. 10

(A-53) P. T. 0.
[2 BPCE-014

2. Discuss the symptoms, causes and treatment of

avoidant personality disorders, and dependent
personality disorders. 5+5

3. Describe conduct disorder and oppositional

defiant disorder. Discuss the etiology of conduct
disorder. 3+7

4. What are substance use related disorders ?

Explain the symptoms and treatment of alcohol
addiction. 2+3+5


Note : Answer any four of the following questions

in about 250 words each. 4)6=24

5. Explain the concept of Normality. 6

6. Discuss the assessment of psychopathology. 6

7. Explain the causal factors in autism. 6

8. Discuss symptoms and causes of Bulimia

nervosa. 6

9. Explain Somatisation disorder. 6


Note : Write short notes on any two of the following
in about 100 words each. 2x3=6

10. Asperger's disorder. 3

11. Profound Mental Retardation. 3

12. Dissociative amnesia. 3

BPCE-014 3,500


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