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Blog #8 :

Today, July 12, 2019, is the last day of the ELL Summer Program! Although it’s not
officially my last day of my internship, we are getting pretty close to completing all my
hours. Today in class the students will be completing any work that they feel needs
finishing, watching a few videos, & just overall having a very chill last day. In one of the
classes Mrs. Austin was able to teach the students how to play the card game I created!
She said that they had a difficult time figuring out what the words were because of the
way I set up the cards. But overall It also seemed like the kids enjoyed the game, which
makes me happy :)

What I learned/observed :
- Today we as a class found out that the Mars One Mission we were reading &
watching videos about was actually fake ):
- Most of the inventions around today were created by writers and their imagination
- All the students are so excited and proud of their poems
- Mrs. Austin gave all the students awards, which had them all ​real​ excited

My homework for this week :

- Complete blogs (8/10)
- Create a lesson plan
- Question : Why do we go to school?
- Attend some of the conferences recommended to me for extra hours!!!

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