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Chapter 28: "Nine-Tails" – The chakra of the monster inside

Naruto begins to leak out, healing and empowering him. Kakashi

panics and rushes to end the battle. Naruto grabs Haku out of
the air and with one punch, sends him crashing through a
mirror, breaking his mask and defeating the mirror techique.
Haku realizes he cannot defeat the enraged Naruto.

Chapter 29: "An Important

Person" – Naruto stops
himself from killing Haku by a
split second when he
recognizes who he is. Haku
informs Naruto of his past as a
persecuted child and his joy of
finally being wanted by
Zabuza. Kakashi traps Zabuza
in the meantime with his
summoned dogs and prepares
to deliver the final blow.

Chapter 30: "Your Future

Is..." – Kakashi shows his own
personal technique, Raikiri
(Lightning Edge). Haku begs
Naruto to kill him now that he
is useless to Zabuza. Naruto is
about to avenge Sasuke, but
Haku makes a last-second
deception and vanishes when
he senses that Zabuza is in
danger. As Kakashi lands his
killing move, he recoils in
shock as he sees his hand
piercing through Haku’s body.
Haku’s final act was saving
Zabuza’s life as a human

Chapter 31: "Their Own

Battles" – Inspired by Naruto
and Kaiza, Inari attempts to
round up the locals to rebel
against Gato. Sakura weeps
for the fallen Sasuke but
Zabuza seems heartless at
Haku’s death. Kakashi evades
Zabuza’s near-fatal slice and
slices his arms at strategic
points, disabling them
permanently. Just as Zabuza is
rendered harmless, a spectator
arrives to comment.

Chapter 32: "A Tool Called

Shinobi" – Gatô arrives with a
small army of hired thugs, and
the proceeds to kick Haku’s
corpse in revenge for him
guarding the recovering
Zabuza. Naruto’s emotional
outburst to protect those who
love you inspires Zabuza, who
borrows his kunai. Zabuza
runs the gauntlet of thugs and
slays Gato in front of them by
clutching the kunai in his teeth
and decapitating Gatô.

Chapter 33: "The Bridge of

Heroes" – Sasuke comes
back from the brink of death,
apparently “killed” in the same
way Haku “killed” Zabuza.
Sakura rejoices too soon as
Gatô’s army closes in to finish
their job, however, Inari and
the rebels appear in far
greater numbers. Naruto and
Kakashi back them up with
each performing Kage
Bunshin. After the thugs flee,
Zabuza and Haku are buried
together as companions. Out
of respect for Naruto’s deeds,
Tazuna names the completed
bridge after him. The team
departs for Konoha, ending
their adventure in the Wave

Chapter 34: "Intruders!?" –

Introduces Moegi, Udon and
the Konohamaru Corps. Being
his usual perky self, Naruto
runs around Konoha being loud
and meets Konohamaru and
his new play-gang. Sakura has
a bad first impression of them
which sends them fleeing, until
Konohamaru literally bumps
into an unknown pair of ninjas.
The male one takes offence
and grabs him violently. Then
the Third Hokage announces to
an assembled group of Jounins
that soon, the Chuunin (mid-
level ninja) Exam will begin.

Chapter 35: "Iruka Vs

Kakashi" – Introduces
Kankurou, Temari, Sarutobi
Asuma, Yuuhi Kurenai and
Gaara. The Jounins nominate
their entire teams for Chuunin
selection, with Iruka
disagreeing uselessly against
Kakashi’s decision. Sasuke
forces Kankurou to release
Konohamaru and Gaara steps
in before Kankurou can spill
blood. The 3 intruders are
revealed as Hidden Sand
ninjas arriving for the Chuunin
exam. However, they are not
the only outsiders...

Chapter 36: "Sakura's

Depression" – Introduces
Rock Lee, Hyuga Neji and
TenTen. Despite Kakashi
nominating them for the exam,
Sakura feels inferior to her
teammates. Various Genins
from Konoha and other villages
gather for the exam. Lee is
smitten with Sakura and
makes a promise to protect
her for life. Upon recognising
who Sasuke is, Lee makes a
request of him. Before the
exam begins, he’d like a fight
with Sasuke.

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