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Question 1

Do you think English is important?

1. ______ Yes, I think English is very important
2. ______ No, I don’t think English is important
3. ______ Mmm, I don’t know

Question 2
What do you think of English?
1. ______ I think English is a very difficult language
2. ______ I think English is easy
3. ______ I think English is fun

Question 3
Why are you learning English?
1. ______ Just for fun
2. ______ Because my parents force me to learn English
3. ______ Because I want to understand the native speakers

Question 4
What makes you want to learn English?
1. ______ Because English just like a words arts
2. ______ Because English is very important for my future
3. ______ I’m just follow the trends.. if the trends is learning Korean, then I will learn Korean.

Question 5
Are you joining the English course?
1. ______ No, I don’t want to waste my time for such a thing
2. ______ Yes I am. I really love English
3. ______ No. I guess I can learn English at home

Question 6
How often you speak English in a week?
1. ______ Very often. it's a must for me to speak English at home
2. ______ Never ! I LOVE Indonesian language too much
3. ______ Not so often. I don’t feel confident to speak English

Question 7
Do you think English is fun?
1. ______ NO! English means boring
2. ______ Yes, English is so fun for me
3. ______ I think English is in the middle of fun and boring

Question 8
Do you think learn English is important for your future?
1. ______ I don’t think English is important for my future, because I don’t live in an
English speaking country
2. ______ Yes, English is very important for my future, because English is the 2nd language
3. ______ I don’t know and I don’t care

Question 9
What do you think about English as the international language?
1. ______ I think it’s very nonsense. Why they can’t make Indonesian as the international language?
2. ______ That’s why I want to learn English so much
3. ______No comment

Question 10
Which one is the most interesting lesson about English?
1. ______ Grammar and Vocabulary. Because I’d like to learn about words
2. ______ Listening and Conversation. Because I want to understand the native speakers
3. ______ I don’t know

Question 11
Which statement best expresses your opinion about English?
1. ______ I need to learn how to socialize with my neighbours when I’m move out someday
2. ______ It’s important to speak English for my education improvement
3. ______Just a lesson that fill my spare time

Question 12
What is the most important English task for you?
1. ______ Understanding native speakers
2. ______ Writing excellent communication through email, chatting or in letters
3. ______ Understanding the basic things in English

Question 13
How often you visit the American or British site?
1. ______Very often! I’m really serious for learning English.
2. ______ Not so often. I’m just visit the American or British sites to improve my English skill
3. ______ Never, I prefer visit sites in my language

Question 14
Do you think that….
1. ______ Learning English is fun and it can help me to improve my skill
2. ______ Learning English is essential to improve my life where I live
3. ______ Learning English is frustrating but really useful for works or school

Question 15
Which statement is true for you?
1. ______ Basic pronunciation is important, but excellent pronunciation is impossible
2. ______ Pronunciation and the correct accent is very important to me. I want the native speakers to
understand me.
3. ______ Pronunciation is not important. I need to understand and write English well

Question 16
Have you ever chat with the native speakers? If yes , how often?
1. ______ Yes, maybe a couple of time
2. ______ Never, I prefer to chat with people who understand my language
3. ______ Yes, I chat with them almost everyday

Question 17
What are you doing to improve your English skill?
1. ______ Visiting the American sites, chatting with the native speakers via internet, etc..
2. ______ Read English newspaper and magazine
3. ______ Do nothing. I’m too lazy to learn English

Question 18
Have you ever use English at home or at the public places?
1. ______ No, I’m not confident to use English as everyday language
2. ______ Yes, I always use English everyday!
3. ______ No, I can’t speak English

Question 19
What do you think about ‘Using English as everyday language’?
1. ______ I’m really excited!
2. ______ I don’t know, I’m not really good at English but I will try, I guess
3. ______ I’m totally disagree! I don’t know how to speak English at all

Question 20
What do you think about ‘live in an English speaking culture’?
1. ______ No, I’m already comfortable here
2. ______ It’s quite interesting but I think I have to improve my English skill first
3. ______ It’s very interesting. That is my dreams since I was a kid.

Question 21
Do you have a relative who live in an English speaking country?
1. ______ Yes, I have so many relatives there
2. ______ I don’t know.
3. ______ No, all of my relatives live here

Question 22
Do you have friend who live in an English speaking country?
1. ______ Yes, I have a lot of friends who is a native speakers
2. ______ No, I don’t have one
3. ______ Yes, but not so much
Question 23
Have you ever visited an English speaking country?
1. ______ No, but I have a plan to go there
2. ______ Yes, I go there almost every year
3. ______ No, and I’m not interesting

Question 24
Do you like listen to an American or British music?
1. ______ Yes, I always listen to American or British song
2. ______ Yes, but I still prefer a song in my language
3. ______ No , I like a song from my country so much

Question 25
Do you have a plan to continue your education at an English speaking country?
1. ______ Yes I have and I’m really concern about it
2. ______ I’m still confused about my future
3. ______ No I don’t

Question 26
What do you think about people who live in an English speaking country?
1. ______ I think they’re really awesome
2. ______ I don’t know. I can’t see something really special from them
3. ______ They’re just a human with a high nose. I guess..

Question 27
Are your parents from an English speaking country?
1. ______ Yes, one of them is from an English speaking country
2. ______ No..
3. ______ No, but I think it might be cool if my parents are from an English speaking country

Question 29
Do you have a plan to move to an English speaking country someday?
1. ______ Yes I have and I’m really excited about it
2. ______ No, I feel more comfortable here
3. ______ Yes I have but I’m not really sure about that since I’m not really good in English

Question 30
Do you want to marry people which from an English speaking country?
1. ______ Yes I want
2. ______ I don’t know
3. ______ No I don’t want

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