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Introduction to Geophysics

Maulana Rizki Aditama S.Si., M.Sc


On completion of this module, students should be able to:

• Understand the general concepts of seismic wave propagation in the

Earth; its theoretical description; the physical properties of rocks that
control wave propagation
• Understand the underlying physical principles that control the
establishments of earth
• Understand the geological sense with respect to geophysics parameters
Book Reference
• Bott, Martin H.P., 1971, The Interior of The Earth, Edward Arnold.
• D’Andrea, Wayne R., 1991, Seismic and Gravity Prospecting : What’s it all
about, 2nd edition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
• Dobrin M.B. & Savit C.H., 1988, Introduction to Geophysical Prospecting, 4th
edition, Mc. Graw & Hill.
• Imai T., Sakayama T., and Kanemori T., 1987, Use of Ground-Probing Radar
and Resistivity Survey for Archeological Investigation, Geophysics v.52,
• Milsom J., 1995, Field Geophysics, Wiley.
• Nittleton L.L., 1976, Gravity and Magnetic in Oil Prospecting, Mc.Graw &
Hill, New York.
• Reynolds J.M., 1998, An Introduction to Applied and Environmental
Geophysics, Wiley.
• Sharma, 1997, Environmental and Engineering Geophisics, 1st edition
• Telford, W.M., Geldard L.P., Sheriff S.E., 1990, Applied Geophysics,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Learning Contract
• You will have 14 classes before the final exam
• 7 before the mid term and 7 afterwards
• There will be pre-test during the classes, but the time is
• The marking compositions are divided into some parts, as
• Pre-test : 10%
• Tasks : 20%
• Mid-Term exam : 30%
• Final Exam : 40%
Dinamic of Earth
Wave Propagation (1)
Wave Propagation (2)
• Road Bed
• Bridge
• Pipe Construction
• Landslide Prediction
• Subsurface Tunnel
• Rock Stiffness
• Aquifer Modelling
• Groundwater
• Groundwater
• Freshwater and Brine
Geophysics Methods (Overview)

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