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OKURUT JULIUS 16/U/10950/PS 216014096

MABIRIZI AHMED KIZZA 16/U/553 21605350

WAVAMUNO BRANDON 16/U/12377/PS 216005908


LUBEGA MARK ARNOLD 16/U/6609/PS 216003185


SIGNATURE: ……………………………
17TH, OCTOBER 2019

Copyright © 1999 by Karl E. Wiegers. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
Software Requirements

MyTractor System
Version 1.0 approved

BSE 20-27

Supervisor: Mr. Mwotil Alex

10-NOV 2019

Copyright © 1999 by Karl E. Wiegers. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
Software Requirements Specification for MyTractor System Page 3

Table of Content
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 7
1.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................. 7
1.2 Document Conventions .................................................................................................... 7
1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions .................................................................. 8
1.4 Product Scope................................................................................................................... 9
References ................................................................................................................................. 11
2. Overall Description ............................................................................................................... 12
2.1 Product Perspective ........................................................................................................ 12
2.2 Product Functions ........................................................................................................... 13
2.3 User Classes and Characteristics .................................................................................... 13
2.4 Operating Environment .................................................................................................. 14
2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints ........................................................................ 14
2.6 User Documentation ....................................................................................................... 15
2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies ..................................................................................... 15
3. External Interface Requirements........................................................................................... 16
3.1 User Interfaces................................................................................................................ 16
3.2 Hardware Interfaces ....................................................................................................... 19
3.3 Software Interfaces ......................................................................................................... 20
3.4 Communications Interfaces ............................................................................................ 20
4. Major system features ........................................................................................................... 21
4.1 User management ........................................................................................................... 22
4.2 Tractor hiring.................................................................................................................. 24
4.3 Terrain, topography, and location determination ........................................................... 25
4.4 Provide Predicted Weather Condition ............................................................................ 26
4.5 Reporting and rating ....................................................................................................... 27
5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements ...................................................................................... 28
5.1 Performance Requirements ............................................................................................ 28
5.2 Safety Requirements ...................................................................................................... 28
5.3 Security Requirements ................................................................................................... 28
5.4 Software Quality Attributes ........................................................................................... 28
5.5 Business Rules................................................................................................................ 29
6. Other Requirements .............................................................................................................. 30
Software Requirements Specification for MyTractor System Page 4

Revision History
Name Date Reason for Changes Version
Group BSE20-27 10/12/20 Implementation of the changes suggested by the 1.0
19 supervisor
Group BSE20-27 13/12/20 Implementation of the changes suggested by the 1.0
19 supervisor
Group BSE20-27 16/12/20 Implementation of the changes suggested by the 1.0
19 supervisor
Software Requirements Specification for MyTractor System Page 5

List of Figures

Figure 2-1: The major components of MyTractor system and their interconnections ................. 12
Figure 3-1: The booking interface of the mobile application ....................................................... 16
Figure 3-2: Locating tractor providers on a mobile application ................................................... 17
Figure 3-3: Web Application Login .............................................................................................. 17
Figure 3-4: Statistics at the Web ................................................................................................... 18
Figure 3-5: Tractor statistics at the Web ....................................................................................... 18
Figure 3-6: Various users of the system on web ........................................................................... 19
Figure 4-1: MyTractor system use case diagram .......................................................................... 21
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List of Tables
Table 3-1: Hardware requirements for mobile application ........................................................... 19
Table 3-2: Hardware requirements for web application ............................................................... 19
Table 3-3: Software Interfaces ...................................................................................................... 20
Table 4-1: Specification for creating a user .................................................................................. 23
Table 4-2: Specification for making payments ............................................................................. 24
Table 4-3: Specification for requesting a tractor service .............................................................. 25
Table 4-4: Specification for weather prediction ........................................................................... 26
Table 4-5: Specification for requesting a tractor service .............................................................. 27
Table 6-1: Acronyms and Abbreviations ...................................................................................... 31
Table 6-2: Member Participation .................................................................................................. 31
Software Requirements Specification for MyTractor System Page 7

This document specifies the software requirements specification for the MyTractor system of
release number 1.0. It explains the purpose and features of the system, the interfaces of the
system, what the system will do, the constraints under which it must be designed, implemented
and operated and how the system shall react when users interact with it. The document is intended
for both the stakeholders and the developers of the system.
The document contains the system and user requirements for the MyTractor system. These
requirements have been collected from several sources including tractor dealers like Tata, tractor
owners around Kampala, booking agents and farmers around Kampala and Wakiso districts, and
other parts of the country by using the various data collection tools (interview and questionnaires).
MyTractor system is a system that shall provide an automated solution to tractor hiring services to
Ugandan farmers. This document will be used to aid in specifying the different requirements that
the MyTractor system will be able to do and how it will do them. Also, the purpose of this
document is described and a list of abbreviations and definitions is provided. More so it also
provides an overview of the requirements specification and the scope of the system

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this document is to give a clear description of how MyTractor system will be able
to automate tractor hiring services in Uganda and how other functionalities provided by the system
will be implemented. The document also explains the purpose and features of the system, the
interfaces of the system, what the system will do and the constraints under which it must operate

1.2 Document Conventions

When writing this requirements specification document, we used the following standard
formatting conventions that are provided for in the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
(IEEE) document conventions for software engineers. To make the document more effective and
readable we used
i. Times New Roman font style
ii. Font size 12 for paragraphs
iii. 14 font size for headings and bold,
Software Requirements Specification for MyTractor System Page 8

iv. 1.5 line spacing for the whole document

v. Justification alignment for the entire document.

1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

This document is intended for all the stakeholders of the system. Stakeholders are people who
are affected by the system. These include: tractor dealers, tractor owners, booking agents, farmers,
developers, system testers, system administrators, maintenance engineers and others.
This document will be used by people of different skill sets that includes any individual user,
project manager/designer, data analysts, developer, tester or documentation writer that needs to
understand the basic system architecture and its specifications. Below are the potential reader

i. Project manager: The project manager will focus on the entire document in order to
understand its functionality and performance so that he gets a better basis for recommendations
so that they can be able to plan for the project in terms of economic feasibility, duration
feasibility and other project management aspects.
ii. Data analyst: The data analyst will base on the data and requirements provided to come
up with a feasibility report and final analysis of how the system shall be implemented.
iii. Developer: The developer who wants to read, change, modify or add new requirements
into the existing program, must first consult this document and update the requirements in an
appropriate manner so as not to destroy the actual meaning of them and pass the
information. They need this document in order to come up with the exact product with no
conflicting specifications from those stated.
iv. Testing team: The testing team needs this document to validate that the initial
requirements of this product actually correspond to the final product that will be released.
Sections 3, 4, 5 and 6 shall be of importance to them.
v. Supervisors
These are people who ensure that the students are making progress on their final year projects.
They will use this document for evaluation purposes. This document contains detailed
information about MyTractor system. It has different sections starting with an Introduction,
Software Requirements Specification for MyTractor System Page 9

the Overall Description, External Interface Requirements, System Features and Non-
Functional requirements.
vi. Marketing staff: The marketing staff reads this document to understand the purpose,
benefits, and goals of the system to be able to approach potential customers/users of this
system. Their focus shall be on Sections 1 and 2.
vii. User: The user of this system reviews the diagrams and the specifications presented in
this document and determines if the software has all the suitable requirements and if the
systems developer has implemented all of them and to verify if the requirements
correspond to what they really want the system to do. They need this document so as they read
and understand the features that are to be included in their would-be system as
indicated. Their focus shall also be on Sections 1 and 2.

1.4 Product Scope

MyTractor system will provide a platform that effectively and efficiently offers tractor-sharing
services to Ugandan farmers. It will also enable tractor owners and dealers to expand to new
markets and grow their businesses.

1.4.1 Benefits

i. The system will create equitable and sustainable access to tractors, enabling smallholder
farmers to earn more and grow more.
ii. The system will create efficiencies, productivity gains, and inclusive growth for all
stakeholders in the value chain, leading to higher profitability for tractor owners, increased
income for farmers, and greater employment and food security for communities.
iii. The system will enable tractor owners and Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) to
expand to new markets and grow their businesses.
iv. The system will create jobs that empower and inspire youth to actively engage in agriculture.

1.4.2 General Objective

To gather and analyses requirements, design, develop and implement a system which will provide
a platform that effectively and efficiently offers tractor-sharing services to Ugandan farmers.
Software Requirements Specification for MyTractor System Page 10

1.4.3 Other Objectives

i. To gather and analyze the requirements of “MyTractor system”.

ii. To design and implement “MyTractor system” basing on its requirements.
iii. To test “MyTractor system” to ensure that it meets its requirements.
iv. To deploy and maintain “MyTractor system”
Software Requirements Specification for MyTractor System Page 11


[1] Objections and services provided by the service providers,

[2] Page formatting and referencing,

[3] Book tractor service,

[4] Definition of tractor services,

[5] NAADS report,

Software Requirements Specification for MyTractor System Page 12

2. Overall Description
This section will give an overview of the whole system. The system will be explained in its
context to show how the system interacts with other systems and introduce the basic
functionality of it. It will also describe what type of stakeholders that will use the system and
what functionality is available for each type. At last, the constraints and assumptions for the
system will be presented.

2.1 Product Perspective

MyTractor system will be a mobile and web-based system that will provide the functionalities
described in the Product functions section. The mobile and web applications will be able to connect
to a remote server through a client-server model. The mobile application will be used by farmers,
booking agents, tractor dealers, tractor owners, and operators. The web application will be used by
tractor dealers, tractor owners for accessing available reports and system administrators for system
maintenance and management.

Figure 2-1: The major components of MyTractor system and their interconnections
Software Requirements Specification for MyTractor System Page 13

2.2 Product Functions

Below are the functions that will be performed by the system

i. The system shall provide authentication and authorization to users.
ii. The system shall allow farmers to make bookings, and assign booking agent to the farmer for
a tractor service.
iii. The system shall be able to predict the type of terrain given image samples of the farmland,
provide a range of the cost of farming, and the range of how much fuel shall be required.
iv. The system shall be able to rate the tractor provider services according to the previous farmer’s
v. The system shall allow payments to be made via mobile money.
vi. The system shall allow tractor dealers and owners to accept or reject farmers’ requests.
vii. The system shall allow tractor dealers and owners to schedule their tractors’ activities.
viii. The system shall provide geo-targeted weather reports of the current day.
ix. The system shall provide the location for available tractors.

2.3 User Classes and Characteristics

There are six types of users that interact with the system: farmers, booking agents, tractor owners,
tractor dealers, and system administrators. Each of these types has a different use of the system as
explained below:
These include people who have farmland and are in need of a tractor to cultivate, plough, harrow
or ridge their farmland. Farmers will be required to register by giving their user and farm details.
A registered farmer can log in and request for a tractor service. Upon request, the farmer will be
assigned a booking agent.
Booking Agent
A booking agent is an entrepreneur who identifies, organizes, and manages smallholder farmers in
need of tractor services. Booking agents also need to register their user details before using the
application. When a farmer requests for a service, a booking agent is assigned to that particular
request. The booking agent then sends the request to available tractor dealers or owners. The
booking agents may also directly play the role of the farmer, if so, then they have to follow the
procedures farmers undertake to acquire a tractor.
Software Requirements Specification for MyTractor System Page 14

Tractor Owner
These include anyone who owns at least one well-functioning tractor and is willing to it out. They
also need to register before using the application. Each tractor owner has a fleet of tractors that he
can manage (add, delete, schedule, among others). When a tractor owner receives a farmer’s
request, he can assign a tractor operator to a tractor and schedule a tractor to the farmer’s request.
A tractor owner can also access activity reports that are available for each tractor in his fleet.
Tractor Dealer
A tractor dealer is a company that sells tractors and can also tractors. Their functionalities are
similar to those of a tractor owner.
Tractor Operator
A tractor operator is anyone who has the skills to drive and operate tractors. They also register
with the system and are assigned tractors every time their services are needed.
System Administrators
System administrators will manage the overall system and ensure that there is no incorrect
information within it. The administrator shall also manage the activities of farmers, booking
agents, tractor owners, tractor dealers, and operators.

2.4 Operating Environment

MyTractor system will consist of a web and mobile application. The web application will run on
all operating systems in any given browser and the mobile application will run on both Android
and IOS mobile platforms.

2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints

There are a number of factors that will limit development options. These include:
i. Since the mobile application will be cross-platform, it has to be implemented using a
framework that can run on all platforms i.e. React Native.
ii. It is assumed that the requirements described in this document have different levels of
Software Requirements Specification for MyTractor System Page 15

2.6 User Documentation

We shall provide a user manual that will contain useful information about how to use the
application, its implementation, maintenance and support to different categories of users on how
to interact with the system.

2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies

There are some assumptions in the software, hardware, and users of this system that if
changed could affect the specified requirements.
i. Internet Connection. This crucial for the basic functionality of the systems because the internet
will provide a link for mobile and web applications to communicate with the server.
ii. The mobile application may not work as intended on mobile devices with limited hardware
resources such as a poor-quality camera of less than 8 Megapixels.
Software Requirements Specification for MyTractor System Page 16

3. External Interface Requirements

This section provides a detailed description of all inputs into and outputs from the system. It also
gives a description of the hardware, software and communication interfaces and provides basic
prototypes of the user interface

3.1 User Interfaces

To model the logical characteristics of each proposed interface of the system, we used low fidelity

3.1.1 Mobile Application Interfaces

when a user opens the application on their smart phones, the home page displays with the various
features and functionalities of the system. The user then has to choose the function they prefer to
do with the system, for example, Figure 3-1 below shows the booking process by the farmer.

Figure STYLEREF 1 \s 3. SEQ Figure \*

ARABIC \s 1 1 Landing page of the home

Figure STYLEREF 1 \s 3. SEQ

Figure 3-1: The booking interface of the mobile application
Figure \* ARABIC \s 1 3 Sign in
Software Requirements Specification for MyTractor System Page 17

Figure 3-2: Shows the process of locating the nearby tractor providers around the location of the
farmer. When a particular provider is chosen, the system shows the period when the tractor shall
be free, it as well provides the services provided by that specific tractor provider.

Figure 3-2: Locating tractor providers on a mobile application

Figure STYLEREF 1 \s 3. SEQ Figure Figure STYLEREF 1 \s 3.displays
SEQ Figure \*
Figure 3-3: Below shows the login
\* ARABIC \s 1 5 Farmers' home page
page for the web application. This page as well some
ARABIC \s 1 6 Tractor owners' home screen
of the features of the system that are only accessible only upon login. The user can also register
their account.

Figure 3-3: Web Application Login

Software Requirements Specification for MyTractor System Page 18

Figure 3-4: Statistics at the Web

Figure 3-4: Shows the administrator view of some of the system statistics such as the number of
registered users, the number of tractor requests (pending and completed), average ratings of tractor
operators and user ratio.

Figure 3-5: Tractor statistics at the Web

Software Requirements Specification for MyTractor System Page 19

Tractor owners are able to view different tractor details and statistics such as the size of land
ploughed and total fuel consumed in the web application as shown in Figure 3.9. They will be able
to see some graphical representations of these statistics as well as assign tractor operators to
various tractors.

Figure 3-6: Various users of the system on web

Figure 3-6: above shows the administrator’s view of various users of the system via the Web

3.2 Hardware Interfaces

3.2.1 Mobile application


Mobile Android or IOS 1 GB 50MB Internet 8mp

Table 3-1: Hardware requirements for mobile application

3.2.2 Web application


Web Browser Intel CORE i3 1 GB 100 MB Internet
Table 3-2: Hardware requirements for web application
Software Requirements Specification for MyTractor System Page 20

3.3 Software Interfaces

Software Purpose
● Windows operating system specifically Windows 10 will
be used for the development of the application.
● The Web application will be able to operate on any
Operating system operating system that supports browser technology i.e.
Windows, macOS.
● The mobile application will be able to run on both Android
and IOS.
● MySQL database because of performance, reliability, and
ease of use.
TOOLS ● Eclipse IDE, Visual Studio
● The Apache tomcat web server will be used to host the
application logic. This will include handling user requests,
signs and symptoms analysis, image segmentation and
analysis and so on.
Table 3-3: Software Interfaces

3.4 Communications Interfaces

Communication between the different components of MyTractor system will occur using the
client-server model. Messages will be sent using HTTP and file uploads like images using FTP so
that they can be processed and stored on the server.
Software Requirements Specification for MyTractor System Page 21

4. Major system features

This features of MyTractor system include user management, tractor hiring, terrain and location
determination, weather predictions, reporting and rating of the services provided. This section
provides the major services provided by the system in a more detailed form using a use case
diagram and use case narratives.

Figure 4-1: MyTractor system use case diagram

Software Requirements Specification for MyTractor System Page 22

4.1 User management

4.1.1 User login and sign up

This feature enables the farmers and tractor operators to create an account with MyTractor system,
the account is then kept in the pending state until the system administrator either approves or
disapproves the account

Use Case:
User sign up
Brief Description:
The user has to creates an account with the system in order to access all its features.
Primary Actors:
Farmer, Tractor provider
Secondary Actors:
1. The user is new to the system and is in need of a new account.
2. The user wants to log in to the system
3. Edit user credentials
Main Flow:
1. The use case starts when a user wants to access the system.
2. The system provides a login form
3. The system verifies login details
4. The system redirects the user to the home page.
Optional flow:
1. The user can change their credentials
1. The user is redirected to the homepage.
Alternative flows:
In step 1, if the user is a new user, the system provides the sign-up form for registering the user
In step 3, if the login details do not match those in the database, the system asks the user to re-
enter their login details or click the forgotten password button to reset the password
Table 4-1: Specification for the user login and sign up

4.1.2 Functional requirement associated with login and sign up of users

FR-01:A user should sign up to be able to login to the system
FR-02: A user should login to access the system features
Software Requirements Specification for MyTractor System Page 23

4.1.3 Administrative account management

This feature enables the system administrator to approve, reject, activate and deactivate farmers’,
tractor providers and other administrator accounts. This feature as well enables the system
administrator monitor the progress and tasks of different tractor providers and monitor farmer
demand for the tractors per region.

4.1.4 Administrative account management use Case Narrative

Use Case:
Administrative account management
Brief Description:
Administrator can approve, reject, activate and deactivate farmers’, tractor providers and other
administrator accounts
Primary Actors:
Secondary Actors:
Administrator has login to the control portal
Main Flow:
5. The use case starts when an administrator logs in to manage new account requests from
the farmers or view performance details of the tractor providers.
6. The administrator then chooses the appropriate action to take
The farmer gets notified about the account status.
Alternative flows:
Table 4-2: Specification for creating a user

4.1.5 Functional Requirement Associated with Create Account Use Case

FR-03: Administrator should approve and activate the user accounts for the user to be able to
access the systems’ features.
Software Requirements Specification for MyTractor System Page 24

4.2 Tractor service payments

This feature enables a user to choose an appropriate method of payment and use it to make all the
necessary payments.

4.2.1 Tractor service payment use Case Narrative

Use Case:
Tractor service payment
Brief Description:
The farmer will choose an appropriate method of payment and use it to make all the necessary
Primary Actors:
Farmer, Booking Agents.
Secondary Actors:
Payment System
1. The user has signed up and logged into the system.
2. The user has requested for a tractor service.
3. The user has a debt to clear.
Main Flow:
1. The use case starts when a user wants to make a payment.
2. The user chooses an appropriate payment method.
3. The user sends their payment to the respective account
1. The user gets notified about their payment status.
Alternative flows:
Table 4-3: Specification for making payments

4.2.2 Requirements Associated with Making Payments

FR-04: The system shall all farmers to make payments through mobile money or cash.
Software Requirements Specification for MyTractor System Page 25

4.3 Terrain, topography, and location determination

This feature will determine the terrain and topography of the farmland using the photos the farmer
will upload together with the geolocation and these will be used to determine the type of the tractor
to be assigned, the cost of the ploughing, and the fuel to be used.

4.3.1 Request Tractor Service Use Case Narrative

Use Case:
Terrain, topography and location determination
Brief Description:
The system will record the location of the farmer in real-time and use the photos uploaded by
the farmer to determine the terrain and topography of the farmland which together will be used
to determine the cost of ploughing the farm.
Primary Actors:
Secondary Actors:
1. The farmer has uploaded the photos of the farmland.
Main Flow:
1. The use case starts when a farmer uploads the photos and actual size of the farmland into
the system.
2. The system analyses the photos uploaded by the farmer and returns the estimated cost
considering the terrain, topography, size, and location of the farmland.
3. The system provides an estimate of how much the farming shall cost and a given
percentage (60%) of what the farmer has to pay upfront before farming starts.
1. The user is paired with a service provider.
Alternative flows:
In step 2, if any required field is blank, the user is instructed to fill it in.
Table 4-4: Specification for requesting a tractor service

4.3.2 Functional Requirement Associated with Request Tractor Service

FR-05: A farmer should be able to request for a tractor service.

Software Requirements Specification for MyTractor System Page 26

4.4 Provide Predicted Weather Condition

This feature provides for predicting future weather conditions (7 days ahead).

4.4.1 Provide Predicted Weather Condition Use Case Narrative

Use Case:
Provide Predicted Weather Condition
Brief Description:
The system will capture future weather conditions from an external weather forecasting system
and display them for the users and service providers.
Primary Actors:
Weather Forecast System
Secondary Actors:
1. A farmer has requested for ploughing on a specific day
Main Flow:
1. The system captures future weather conditions from an external weather forecasting
system and displays them for the users
1. Weather prediction is displayed to the user.
Alternative flows:
Table 4-5: Specification for weather prediction

4.4.2 Functional Requirements Associated with Provide Predicted Weather Condition

FR-06: The system shall provide a forecast of weather conditions.

Software Requirements Specification for MyTractor System Page 27

4.5 Reporting and rating

This feature will enable a farmer to rate the services of the service provider.

4.5.1 Reporting and rating Use Case Narrative

Use Case:
Rate the service of the service provider
Brief Description:
The farm owner has to rate the quality of work that the tractor provider has done
Primary Actors:
Secondary Actors:
4. The tractor owner has done farming
Main Flow:
4. The use case starts when the farming activity is complete.
5. The farmer logins to the system to rate the quality of work provided.
1. The farmer has completed the payment.
Table 4-6: Specification for requesting a tractor service

4.5.2 Functional Requirement Associated with Request Tractor Service

FR-07: A farmer should be able to request for a tractor service.

Software Requirements Specification for MyTractor System Page 28

5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements

5.1 Performance Requirements

The following are the performance requirements for MyTractor system:

i. The response time for both the web and mobile applications should not exceed 1 second
wherever the system is accessed from.
ii. The time system startup and the availability of full system functionality should not
exceed 30 seconds.
iii. The web and mobile application should not consume more than 100MB and 20MB of
disk storage respectively.

5.2 Safety Requirements

MyTractor system shall have a backup that can be used in case of failure and loss of data. This
backup will be updated on a daily basis preferably during dormant hours.

5.3 Security Requirements

i. The system shall ensure the privacy of its users by preventing unauthorized access
to users’ information.
ii. The communication between clients and the server will be through the use of
encrypted messages for login communications so that other users cannot get user-
names and passwords from those messages.

5.4 Software Quality Attributes

This section specifies the additional quality characteristics for MyTractor system that will be
important to either the customers
Reliability & Availability
The system shall be able to function normally without failure in an environment specified in the
operating environment section
The user interface of MyTractor system shall be designed with usability as the first priority.
The system will be implemented while considering all user interface design principles.
Software Requirements Specification for MyTractor System Page 29

The system shall have the ability to handle invalid inputs without crashing. E.g. it shall be able to
detect invalid inputs, request valid inputs.

5.5 Business Rules

This section describes the properties of MyTractor system defining conditions that must hold true
in specified situations: -
i. For farmers to be able to request for a tractor service using the mobile application, they
should have registered on the system.
Software Requirements Specification for MyTractor System Page 30

6. Other Requirements
Other requirements for the system that have no connection to the normal functionalities include
i. The system shall undergo quarterly evaluations by the development team to determine
how it is adjusting to increasing traffic
ii. The system shall be marketed in the region of East Africa and subsequently to the entire
African continent
Software Requirements Specification for MyTractor System Page 31

Appendix A: Glossary

SRS Software Requirements Specification

SDD Software Design Document
FTP File Transfer Protocol
RAM Random Access Memory
GB Gigabyte
MB Megabyte
HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol
MHz Megahertz
i3 Itanium Three
O.S Operating System
DFD Data flow diagram
Table 6-1: Acronyms and Abbreviations

Member Participation
No Tasks Contribution
Okurut Julius
Mabirizi Kiiza Ahmed
1 Concept Paper
Lubega Mark Arnold
Wavamuno Brandon
2 Data collection tools Okurut Julius and Mabirizi Kizza Ahmed
SRS Lubega Mark Arnold
Introduction Wavamuno Brandon
Overall Description Okurut Julius
External Interface Requirements Wavamuno Brandon and Mabirizi Kizza
System Features Ahmed
Nonfunctional Requirements Lubega Mark Arnold
Analysis models Mabirizi Kiiza Ahmed
Glossary Lubega Mark Arnold
Okurut Julius
Mabirizi Kiiza Ahmed
4 Data Collection
Lubega Mark Arnold
Wavamuno Brandon
Data Analysis and Survey Findings Wavamuno Brandon
Document Mabirizi Kizza Ahmed
Okurut Julius
6 Blog
Lubega Mark Arnold
Table 6-2: Member Participation

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