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Public Disclosure Authorized

Volume 5



(Submitted to Mumbal Metropolitan Region Development

Authorit, Govt. of Maharashtra)
Public Disclosure Authorized

Public Disclosure Authorized

Serene Environmenl Svics

509, 'Devavrata', Plot No. 63,
Sector 17, Vashl, Nav Mumbal 400705
Telebx - 7896926
E Mail: sereneffvsni.com
Web sie: www.serenenviro.com
Public Disclosure Authorized

JUNE 2002

FlI r efiv
Environmental-Audit of Santacruz- Bonvali Serene Environmental Services
5Eh Railway line


Sr. No. Description Page Number

Executive Summary
1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Statement Of Purpose 1
2.0 Project Details 2
2.1 Project Need And Details 2
2.2 Project Components and Status 2
3.0 Scope And Methodology 4
3.1 Scope and Methodology 4
3.2 Legal Requirements 5
4.0 Baseline Environmental Status And Impacts 8
4.1 Terrain and Geology 8
4.2 Climate 8
4.3 Ambient Air Quality 8
4.4 Noise Levels 9
4.5 Ground and Surface Water Quality 9
4.6 Natural Habitats and Ecology 10
4.7 Landuse 10
4.8 Resettlement and Rehabiliation 10
4.9 Archaeological and Cultural Property 11
5.0 Assessment of Environmental Mitigation Measures 14
5.1 Introduction 14
5.2 EHS Mitigation Measures 14

6.0 Environmental Monitoring And Reporting 21

6.1 Environmental Monitoring Program 21
6.2 Institutional Setup 25
6.2.1 institutional strengthening 26

6.3 Estimated Cost of EMP Implementation 27

Environmental Audit of Santacruz- Bonvaii Serene Environmental Services
5h Railway line


Table Description Page

Number Number
1.1 Project Components 3
1.2 Project Implementation Status 3
2.0 Detailed Scope and Methodology 4
3.0 Day time Noise Monitoring Results 9
4.0 Impact Matrix 12
5.1 EHS Mitigation Measures (Pre-Construction / Design Stage) 15
5.2 . EHS Mitigation Measures (Construction Stage) 16
5.3 EHS Mitigation Measures (Operation Stage) 19
6.0 Monitoring Program during Operation Phase 24
7.0 Training Program for Institutional Strengthening 26


Figure Description Page Number

1.0 Existing Organization Framework For Western Railway 25


Annex Description
l.A Terms of Reference for carrying out Environmental Audit of Railway Projects
11.B Legal Requirements
2. Site Photographs
3. Public Consultation Details
4. Environment/ Health/ Safety Inspection Sheet
5. Documentation to be maintained by contractor or railway site engineer on site
6. Format for survival reporting for tree plantation
Environmental Audit of Santacruz -Bonivali Serene Environmental Services
5Eh Railway line.


AAQ: Ambient Air Quality

CPCB: Central Pollution Control Board
CEMP: Community Environment Management Plans
EA: Environmental Assessment
EMP: Environmental Management Plan
EHS Environment, Health and Safety
FOB: Foot over-bridges
GOM: Government of Maharashtra
MMR: Mumbai Metropolitan Region
MOEF: Ministry of Environment and Forests
MGGM: Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai
MMRDA: Mumbai Metropolitan Regional Development Authority
MLEA: Micro-Level Environmental Assessment
MRVC: Mumbai Rail Vikas Corporation
MSEB: Maharashtra State Electricity Board
MUTP: Mumbai Urban Transport Project
PIA: Project Implementation Agency
PUC Pollution Under Control
RAP: Rehabilitation Action Plan
ROW: Right of Way
R&R Resettlement and Rehabilitation
SES: Serene Environmental Services
WR: Westem Railway
Environmental Audit of Santacruz- Bonval: Serene Environmental ServiceS'
5 1h Railway line Project


The Mumbai Urban Transport Project (MUTP) has identified a number of sub-projects to
strengthen the suburban rail transport and road transport in Greater Mumbai and Mumbai
Metropolitan Region (MMR) as a whole. MUTP places considerable emphasis on improving
public transport including the railway capacity.

As per requirement of The World Bank, Environmental Assessments (EA) was done for some
of these sub-projects in the years 1996 to 1998. Also, a consolidated EA was prepared for
the entire MUTP project. Environmental Management Plans (EMP) was prepared as a part
of these EAs, which included mitigation measures for minimising adverse environmental
impacts. Currently, several of these sub-projects are in different stages of construction and
MMRDA desires to carry out an assessment of the relevant EMPs.

This assignment pertains to the EMP assessment/audit for the 5 th line construction between
Santacruz and Borivali stations on Westem Railway (WR). This project is being implemented
by the Western Railway (WR).

Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA) has retained the services of
Serene Environmental Services (SES) to carry out Environmental Audit for railway projects of


The objectives of the Environmental Audit are as follows:
o Assess the status of environmental impacts during ongoing construction and future
planned activities.
0 Assess whether any environmental mitigation measures are required based on on-going
completed works, if any. i
o Environmental mitigation measures for planned works, if required.
O Document lessons that can be useful for future projects.
O Mitigate environmental impacts on the marine water quality, water flow due to
construction of bridges and other possible impacts as identified in the MLEA report bf
Borivali - Virar Quadrupling Project prepared by Montgomery Watson Consultants,


The Santacruz - Borivali 5 th railway line is necessary to improve the reliability of Suburban
trains, which are working beyond saturation level of line capacity. The scope of project
includes construction of 5 th railway line between Santacruz to Borivali covering about 15 kms.
Four additional 9-car rakes or 12-car rakes service could be introduced on this line to
enhance the capacity of suburban section of Western Railway.

The broad components of the project can be grouped under the following heads:
. Earthwork for laying of rail tracks between stations
Environmental Audit of Santacruz- Bonvali Serene Environmental Services;
5"h Railway line Project

* Construction of additional infrastructure at various stations such as New Plafforms and

extension of existing platforms, Station building and Booking office, Foot over-bridges
(FOB), Extension of level crossings, etc.
* Construction of major and minor bridges at various locations
* Construction of miscellaneous structures such as drainage, boundary walls etc.
The implementation status of the project is given below:
No. Section Current Status
1. Santacruz to Andheri Project Completed and Operating
2. Andheri to Goregaon Work completed - Ready for Operation
3. Goregaon to Borivali Only track-linking work is remaining

3.1 Applicable Legal Requirements

The applicable Indian environmental regulations, World Bank policies/directives and GOM
directives for all MUTP projects are given in detail in Annex lB. This EMP's for the
Santacruz-Borivali project have been prepared within the framework of the Consolidated
Environmental Assessment (CEA), Report for MUTP, 2002. The legal requirements
applicable to the Santacruz-Borivali project are as follows:

Indian Environmental and Other Requlations

o Environmental (Protection) Act, 1986, associated Rules and Notifications under the Act.
0 The Maharashtra (Urban Areas) Preservation of Trees Act, 1975
g Land Acquisition Act 1894 (LA Act):
0 Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966 (MR&TP Act):
D Development Control Regulations for Greater Mumbai 1991 (DCRs):
World Bank Policies
o Environmental Assessment (OP 4.01)
O Involuntary Resettlerpent (OD 4.30)


For this project Environmental Assessment has not been carried out earlier and baseline
environmental data is not available. As discussed earlier, construction work for the project is
fully complete. Thus, impacts during construction phase of the project cannot be assessed.
However, residual impacts, if any, due to completed activities and ongoing activities have
been evaluated and are presented below. A summary of Impacts is presented in Table A.

4.1 Ambient Air Quality

CurrentAAO Monitorin' Data
Baseline data for the project site is not available. AAQ is being monitored by Municipal
Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) at several locations in Mumbai. Monitoring is done
as per the methodology prescribed by Ministry of Environment and forests (MOEF), New
Delhi. One of the locations where monitoring is conducted regularly is near the Khar railway
station. Although this station does not lie between Santacruz and Borivali, it is on the same
line and located adjacent to Santacruz to the south. This location is considered as an
example of area near the railway stations, having high density of vehicular traffic including
auto-rickshaws, buses, private vehides etc. The annual average values for the year 2000 for
Environmental Audit of Santacruz- Borivali Serene Environmental Services
5h Railway line Project

SO2 , NOx and SPM reported at,Khar was 16.16 ILg/m 3

, 69.25 jig/M3 and 290 tW/M3 . These
values may not represent the MQ levels at other stations, but may be taken as an example.
The values for NOx and SPM exceed the MO annual average standards for residential areas.
These MQ annual average MQ standards for residential areas are as follows: S02 (60
jig/m3); NOx (60 .g/m3); SPM (140 gg/m3).

AAQ near commercial and residential areas near railway stations, typically have elevated
AAQ levels due to sluggish traffic and highly built-up area with poor dispersion conditions.
However, areas between stations have much lower values.

Impacts During Construction Phase

Construction work is completed. Thus impacts on air quality due to construction activity
cannot be assessed.
Impacts During Operation Phase
During the operation stage, there will be no impact on air quality, as electric trains will be
operated on the proposed track.

4.2 Noise Impacts

Baseline data for the project site is not available. However, spot monitoring of noise was
done near the 5 th line between Santacruz and Andheri to assess noise impacts.
Durinq Construction Phase
Construction work is completed. Thus impacts on noise levels due to construction activity
cannot be assessed.
Durinq Operation Phase
Existing baseline noise levels in this area exceeds the CPCB noise standards for residential
area. This is typically found near the railway stations, where residential areas are located
quite close (30 to 50 m) to railway tracks.

Boundary wall have been constructed along the railway land, however this is not expected to
have much potential for noise attenuation, as residential building are located very close to the
tracks and are 3 to 4 storey high. Providing a barTier all along the track to this height may not
be feasible. Source reduction techniques by providing better track/wheel interface and track
modification may be more appropriate for noise reduction.

4.3 Ground and Surface Water Quality

Construction work is completed. Thus impacts on any water body, due to construction activity
cannot be assessed. However, there are no water bodies of any significance (lakes, rivers,
creek etc.) present in the Santacruz-Borivali rail corridor. In fact most of the area is dense
Built-up area. Thus there would not have been any adverse environmental impact on water

Impacts During Operation Phase

The operation of the project is not likely to have a significant impact on water bodies due to
the following reasons:
Wastewater generated at platforms and the new railway quarters will be treated in
septic tank and discharged via soak pits or discharged into existing sewerage
Environmental Audit of Santacruz- Borivali Serene Environmental Services
th Railway line Project

* Drains are constructed at locations near stations likely to be flooded during

* There is no other activity which generates effluent and which can adversely affect
any water body.

4.4 Natural Habitats and Ecology

Management and conservation of natural habitats likely to be affected by the Santacruz
Borivali project is required by The World Bank Operational Policy OP 4.04. There are no
natural habitats along this route such as forests, mangroves, which require protection.

ImPacts Durina Construction Phase

Permission for felling of these trees were obtained from the Tree Officer of MCGM. Area for
tree plantation is limited due to dense built-up area on this route (See Photo 1-in Annex 2).
However, WR is carrying out track-side and other plantation for enhancement of the area
wherever feasible. This activity is proactive and plantation targets are normally set for various
WR managers.

Impacts During Oneration Phase

Impacts on ecology is not expected during the operation stage as the project is coming up
alongside the existing tracks and there is-no forest and other sensitive ecological reserves
near the tracks that can be affected due to operation of additional rakes.

4.5 Landuse
This rail corridor is large built-up area with no significant ecological resources, water bodies
etc. There are mixed use and residential areas immediately adjacent to the corridor
boundary. At Malad and Goregaon few patches of vacant land are seen in between stations.

The land-use pattern has not change significantly due to the implementation of the project as
it has come up alongside the existing tracks.

4.6 Resettlement and Rehabilitation

There are 515 project-affected households (PAHs) which need resettlement. Resettlement
and rehabilitation of the project-affected households is being done by MMRDA as per the
Rehabilitation Action Plan (RAP) of Govt. of Maharashtra. Site specific Community
Environment Management Plans (CEMP) are being prepared separately by MMRDA for
transit and permanent locations.

4.7 Archaeological and Cultural Property

Rehabilitation of Cultural Property such as archaeological and historical sites, religious
(temples, mosques etc.) affected by project activities is required by The World Bank
Qperational Policy 4 11 on Cultural Property Preservation.

As per survey conducted by MMRDA, there were no such structures present on this route.

A summary of the impacts during construction and operation phases of the project in given in
Table A

Environmental Audlt of Santacruz- Borivalh Serene Environmental Services
5Zh Railway line Project

Table A Impact Matrix

No. Parameter Impacts During Construction phase Impacts During operation phase

1. Air Quality Construction work is completed. Thus impacts on air No negative impacts durng operation phase.
quality due to construction activity cannot be assessed.

2. Noise Construction work is completed. Thus impacts on noise Existing baseline noise levels in this area exceeds the CPCB
levels due to construction activity cannot be assessed. noise standards for residential area. This is typically found
near the railway tracks where residential areas are located
quite close (30 to 50 m)to railway tracks.

Boundary wall have been constructed along the railway land,

however this is not expected to have much potential for
noise attenuation, as residential building are located very
close to the tracks and are 3 to 4 storey high. Providing a
barrier all along the track to this height may not be feasible.
Source reduction techniques by providing better track/wheel
interface and track modification may be more appropriate for
noise reduction.
Environmental Audit of Santacruz- Bonvali Serene Environmental Services
e" Railway line Project

Table A Cont..

No. Parameter Impacts During Construction phase Impacts During operation phase

3 Water Quality No water bodies of any significance such as lakes, rivers, No significant adverse impacts as effluent from
creek etc. present in the Santacruz-Borivali rail corridor. platforms will be treated in septic tanks and
No adverse environmental impact on any water body. discharged via soak pits/ or into existing sewers.
No other source of effluent during operation.
4. Natural Permission for felling of trees had been obtained from the No adverse impacts on ecology during operation
Habitats and Tree Officer. Area for tree plantation is limited due to phase. No forest and other sensitive ecological
Ecology dense built-up area on this route (See Photo 1 in Annex reserves located in the rail corridor.
2). However, WR is carrying out track-side and other
plantation for enhancement of the area wherever feasible.
(Photo 3 in Annex 2 shows plantation and fencing at
Andheri station)
5. Landuse The land-use pattern has not change significantly due to No adverse impacts expected.
the implementation of the project as it has come up
alongside the existing tracks.

There are 515 project-affected households (PAHs) which

need resettlement. Resettlement and rehabilitation of the
PAH done by MMRDA as per the Rehabilitation Action
Plan (RAP) of Govt. of Maharashtra.

6. Archaeological As per survey conducted by MMRDA, there were no such No adverse impacts expected.
and Cultural structures present on this route. More details are given in
Property. the Rehabilitation Action Plan (RAP) for MUTP and
Rehabilitation Implementation Plan (RIP) for the Project.

Environmental Audit of Santacruz- Bonvali Serene Environmental Services
dh Railway line Project

5.0 Assessment of Environmental Mitigation Measures

The entire construction work for the project is complete and thus EHS measures cannot be
audited/assessed for the construction phase. Also, as seen from the previous section, site
visits have not revealed any significant adverse environmental impact caused due the already
completed activity.

Thus, as far as this project is concerned, recommendations for EMP implementation

include the following:
• EHS mitigation measures that could be included as a requirement for contractors
for future works in this area.
* EMP monitoring and reporting during operational stage.
* Institutional mechanism for EMP implementation

The EHS issues are addressed for the components given below

* Ecological impacts such as tree cutting and destruction of mangroves.

* Resettlement and rehabilitation
* Utility relocation
* Generation of Dust due to construction activity
* Construction Vehicle /equipment exhaust emissions
* Noise from vehicles, plants and equipment
*. Contamination of water bodies
* Ecological impacts such as tree cutting and destruction of mangroves
* Soil erosion
* Debris disposal
* Soil contamination by construction wastes, fuel etc.
* Land degradation in quarry area.
* Health and hygierqe at construction labour camps
* Delays and congestion on tracks
* Traffic Control and Safety
* Occupational Health and Safety

Critical EHS recommendations for the project are given below, more details on audit findings and
recommendations are available in Tables 5.1 to 5.3 of this reporL

Pre-construction and desiqn stage:

1. Resettlement is currently being carried out by MMRDA as per RAP of GOM. Separate
Transit and permanent accommodations for project affected households should be audited at
least 6 monthly.
2. All necessary permissions to be taken for cutting trees/vegetation
3. Along with design of noise barriers, technology with low noise should be incorporated.

Environmental Audit of Sentacruz- Bonvali Serene Environmental Seivices
dh Railway line Project

Construction Phase

1. Road wetting for earth-working operations to be done regularly for dust suppression..
2. All contractors to make sure that all dumpers and other vehicles being used at site have been
checked for vehicle emissions and have a valid PUC certificate.
3. A clear documented procedure to be made part of the tender documents for future projects,
requirng contractors to dispose debris in low-lying areas away from water bodies, as fill
material only.
4. Documentation such as quarry release receipt issued by the District Revenue officer at the
quarry site to be available at construction site.
5. Safety and hazard posters and signs should be clearly displayed at locations such as plafform
works, level crossings, Station building construction areas etc.
6. W.R. to assure that procedure for work permit is followed at all construction sites.
7. WR to assure that all contractors make available safety shoes, face masks, earplugs etc. as
applicable to the labourers. Such PPE's should be available on site and assessment should
be made during scheduled inspections.

WR to make sure that all above requirements (given in more detail in EMP tables 5.1 to 5.3)
should be made part of tender documents for future projects.

ODeration Phase
1. Regular maintenance of track side plantation.
2. Noise monitoring on Santacruz-Borvali route as given in Table 6.

6.0 Environmental Monitoring and Reporting

Ste visits and interviews have revealed the following facts related to environmental
management organisation:

. In the consolidated EA report for MUTP, MRVC was reported to be the Project
Implementation Agency (PIA). However, Westem Railway '/VR) is the PIA for this
project. MRVC is the coordinating agency to facilitate communication between MMRDA
and WR.
o WR has not been involved in any of the earlier EA efforts. Environmental mitigation
measures identified in the earlier EA for this project and also identified in the consolidated
EA are not available with WR. However, WR has incorporated certain EHS elements in
the tender documents.
o Environmental monitoring is currently not required to be done by the contractors. Apart
from periodic safety inspections, currently there is no feedback mechanism for EHS
elements of the project.

The construction phase is completed and site observations have not revealed any significant
residual impacts on the site due to construction phase. Major significant impacts would be
the displacement of project affected people and cutting of vegetation along the ROW. The
monitoring of R&R components is being covered separately as a part of another study and
permissions have been taken earlier for cufting of vegetation
Environmental Audit of Santacnuz- Borivali Serene Environmental Services
h Railway line Project

Comprehensive periodic site inspection programs for EHS elements and a regular
environmental monitorng program will best achieve the objectives of monitoring described
above for this project.

The recommended EMP monitoring and reporting mechanism, inspection schedule - format -
responsibilities, current institutional mechanism, training requirements etc. are given in detail
in Section 6.1 of this report. The cost for EMP for Santacruz-Borvali line is estimated at Rs.
1346000 (See Table 8).

Environmental Audit of Santacruz- Borivali Serene Environmental Services
dh Railway line Project


1.1 Background

The Mumbai Urban Transport Project (MUTP) has identified a number of sub-projects to
strengthen the suburban rail transport and road transport in Greater Mumbai and Mumbai
Metropolitan Region (MMR) as a whole. MUTP places considerable emphasis on improving
public transport including the railway capacity.

As per requirement of The World Bank, Environmental Assessments (EA) was done for some
of these sub-projects in the years 1996 to 1998. Also, a consolidated EA was prepared for
the entire MUTP project. Environmental Management Plans (EMP) was prepared as a part
of these EAs, which included mitigation measures for minimising adverse environmental
impacts. Currently, several of these sub-projects are in different stages of construction and
MMRDA desires to carry out an assessment of the relevant EMPs.

This assignment pertains to the EMP assessment/audit for the 5th line construction between
Santacruz and Borivali stations on Western Railway (WR). This project is being implemented
by the Western Railway (WR).

1.2 Statement of purpose

Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA) has retained the services of
Serene Environmental Services (SES) to carry out Environmental Audit for railway projects
of MUTP. The scope of work is as per TOR given in the RFP no. PD/MUTP/EA/701/2001
dated October 16, 2001 (Annex 1). The work was awarded to SES on November 7, 2001,
after final negotiations on November 6, 2001.

Objectives of the study:

*' Assess the status of environmental impacts during ongoing construction and future
planned activities.
0 Assess whether any environmental mitigation measures are required based on on-going
completed works, if any.
l' Environmental mitigation measures for planned works, if required.
0- Document lessons that can be useful for future projects.
*' Mitigate environmental impacts on the marine water quality, water flow due to
construction of bridges and other possible impacts as identified in the MLEA report of
Borivali - Virar Rail Quadrupling Project (BVQR), prepared by Montgomerry Watson
Consultants, Mumbai, 1998.
Environmental Audit of Santacruz- Borivah Serene Environmental Services
5e Railway line Project


2.1 Project Need and Details

The Santacruz - Borvali 5th railway line is necessary to improve the reliability of Suburban
trains, which are working beyond saturation level of line capacity. The scope of project
includes construction of 5 th railway line between Santacruz to Borivali covering about 15 kms.
Four additional 9-car rakes or 12-car rakes service could be introduced on this line to
enhance the capacity of suburban section of Western Railway.

Benefits of the 5th line between Santacruz - Borivali:

1. Segregation of suburban and non-suburban traffic between Santacruz and Borivali, thus
releasing capacity on through lines to allow more suburban trains and create new route
for passenger trains to new passenger terminus at Bandra.

2. Provision of 5th line will provide additional three suburban 12-car rake paths from Borvali
to Churchgate.

2.2 Project Components and Status

The broad components of the project can be grouped under the following heads:

* Earthwork for laying of rail tracks between stations

* Construction of additional infrastructure at various stations such as New Platforms and
extension of existing platforms, Station building and Booking office, F?ot over-bridges
(FOB), Extension of level crossings, etc.
* Construction of major and minor bridges at various locations
* Construction of miscellaneous structures such as drainage, boundary walls etc.

The broad project components and implementation status of the same are given below in
Table 1.1 and 1.2 respectively. Santacruz to Andheri line has started operating and track-
linking work is in progress in case of Goregaon to Borvali railway line. Photo I (Annex 2)
shows the completed 5th line with boundary wall. Photo 2 shows a view of a minor bridge
(subway extension).

Environmental Audit of Santacruz- Borivali Serene Environmental Services
eh Railway line Project

Table 1.1 Project Components

No. Description Unit Scope
1. Land Acquisition Sq.m. 968

2. Earth Work Cum 150000

3. Major Bridge (12 to 18 m) Nos. 4
4. Minor Bridge (< 12m) Nos. 23
5. Level Crossing extensions Nos. 6
6. F.O.B extensions Nos. 8
7. Quarters to be dismantled Nos. 105
8. Quarters to be constructed Nos. 105
9. Hoarding Nos. 72
10. Ballast Cum 55000
11. Booking office at Kandivali, Nos. 1
Plaffomm shed at Vileparle and
12. New Plafform at Andheri Nos. 1
13. Construction of Boundary wall, Boundary wall near residential areas,
drains, fencing etc. at different encroachment areas. Drainage
stations provided at stations and areas prone to

Table 1.2 Project Implementation Status

No. Section Current Status
1. Santacruz to Andheri Work Completed - Ready for Operation
2. Andheri to Goregaon Work completed - Ready for Operation
3. Goregaon to Borivali Only track-linking work is remaining

Environmentl Audit of Santacruz- Bonvali Serene Environmental Services
5 h Railway line Project


As described earlier the construction of project is completed. An assessment of Altemative

Sites for the Santacruz - Borvali project was not carred out since the lines will be coming up
adjacent to the existing lines with a view to enhancing the capacity of these lines. Public
consultation have also been conducted for MUTP and its various components. The details of
which are given in Annex 3.

The various tasks and methodology followed for completing these objectives are given below
in Table 2.0. Methodology followed is as per the Inception Report of the project.

Table 2.0 Detailed Scope and Methodology

Scope Methodology
Task I
Review of previous reports such as These reports were reviewed for understanding the project
engineering design, MUTP background.
consolidated EA report etc.
Task 2
Determination of significant impacts on Site visits along ROW of the proposed tracks and facilities
the air, noise and ecological such as stations etc.
environment that have occurred due to Ambient Air Quality
current construction works and future Ambient air quality impacts during construction stages of
planned activities. the project cannot be assessed, as the construction work is
over and tracks are largely operational. Residual impacts
that could have been caused due to construction /
modification of infrastructure such as plafforms etc. were
assessed during site visits. Ambient air monitoring is not
envisaged for the project.
Noise Impacts
Spot monitoring of Noise levels at the following location
wilIbe done:
* Near 5 line between Santacruz to Andheri - This line
is operational and noise levels due to operation of this
line were measured.

Water Quality
Construction of the project is complete and no impact on
surface or ground water quality expected. No water
monitoring envisaged
Impacts on water quality due to planned construction of
platforms, sanitary facilities etc will be assessed. No water
monitoring envisaged.
Soil Quality
All earthwork and construction of bridges etc are complete
Soil analysis is not envisaged.

Environmental Audit of Santacnrz- Borivali Serene Environmental Services
5e Railway line Project.

Table 2.0 Cont

Scope Methodology
Ecological Impacts
Area alongside the tracks is largely built-up and no
ecological resources of any significance are present in this
corridor. However, stock is taken of the number of trees
cut in the ROW and track- side plantation efforts.

TASK 3 Construction work is fully complete for this project. Thus

* Preparation of EMPs for adverse implementation status of EMPs during construction stage
environmental impacts identified cannot be assessed. However, it can be safely said that
for the completed and planned measures implemented durng the construction stage was
works. Preparation of EMP matrix, similar to those currently being implemented at the Borivali-
specific EMPs, responsibilities and Virar Rail Quadrupling project. Both these projects are
authorities for implementation and being implemented by Westem Railways.
the cost implications for the EMP * To assess any residual impacts that may have been
implementation. caused during construction, site visits were conducted
* Assess the adequacy of current along tracks and at Andheri Station.
institutional arrangements and * Organization structure and chain of command between
suggest measures for contractors, Railway and MRVC was reviewed.
strengthening the same if required. * A representative EMP matrix consisting of measures
* Suggest improvements in that should be incorporated in the tender documents for
implementation of mitigation any future projects are included.
measures in future activities. * Environmental Monitoring protocols are defined for
operation stage.
* EMP implementation framework, reporting
requirements etc. have been firmed up after
discussions with MRVC, Westem Railway and
Environmental Audit of Santacruz- Borivali Serene Environmental Services
5e Railway line Project

3.2 Applicable Legal Requirements

The applicable Indian environmental regulations, World Bank policies/directives and GOM
directives for all MUTP projects are given in detail in Annex lB. This EMP's for the
Santacruz-Borivali project have been prepared within the framework of the Consolidated
Environmental Assessment (CEA), Report for MUTP, 2002. The legal requirements
applicable to the Santacruz-Borivali project are as follows:

Indian Environmental and Other Regulations

*' Environmental (Protection) Act, 1986, associated Rules and Notifications under the Act.
*' The Maharashtra (Urban Areas) Preservation of Trees Act, 1975
*' Land Acquisition Act 1894 (LA Act):
*' Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966 (MR&TP Act):
* Development Control Regulations for Greater Mumbai 1991 (DCRs):

World Bank Policies

*' Environmental Assessment (OP 4.01)
*' Involuntary Reseftlement (OD 4.30)

Relevant compliance action for these policies has been covered in the following Section 4.6

Environmental Audit of Santacruz- Bonvali Serene Environmental Services
5 Railway line Project


For this project Environmental Assessment has not been carried out earlier and baseline
environmental data is not available. As discussed earlier, construction work for the project is
fully complete. Thus, impacts during construction phase of the project cannot be assessed.
However, residual impacts, if any, due to completed activities and ongoing activities have
been evaluated and are presented below. A summary of Impacts is presented in Table 3.

4.1 Terrain and Geology

Santacruz - Borvali tracks run over almost a level terrain in the area. The area through out is
built-up. Some open areas are observed between Malad and Goregaon. Geology is typical
of the westem coast i.e. Basalt rocks overlain by alluvial soils / clays.

4.2 Climate

The climate of the area is characterized by high humidity nearly all year round, oppressive
summers season and well-distributed and heavy rainfall during the southwest monsoon
season. This suburban district receives heavy rainfall during the southwest monsoon season
between June and August.

4.3 Ambient Air Quality

Current AAQ Monitoring Data

Baseline data for the project site is not available. AAQ is being monitored by Municipal
Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) at several locations in Mumbai. Mronitoring is done
as per the methodology prescribed by Ministry of Environment and forests (MOEF), New
Delhi. One of the locations where monitoring is conducted regularly is near the Khar railway
station. Although this station does not lie between Santacruz and Borivali, it is on the same
line and located adjacent to Santacnrz to the south. This location is considered as an
example of area near the railway stations, having high density of vehicular traffic including
auto-rickshaws, buses, private vehicles etc. The annual average values for the year 2000 for
S02, NOx and SPM reported at Khar was 16.16 t1g/M 3 , 69.25 jig/M3 and 290 hig/M 3 . These
values may not represent the AAQ levels at other stations, but may be taken as an example.
The values for NOx and SPM exceed the AAQ annual average standards for residential areas.
These AAQ annual average AAQ standards for residential areas are as follows: S02 (60
[Lg/M 3 ); NOx (60 jig/m3); SPM (140 jig/rn3).

AAQ near commercial and residential areas near railway stations, typically have elevated
AAQ levels due to sluggish traffic and highly built-up area with poor dispersion conditions.
However, areas between stations have much lower values.
Environmental Audit of Santacruz- Borivali Serene Environmental Services
5 h Railway line Project

Impact Assessment

Durina Construction Phase

Construction work is completed. Thus impacts on air quality due to construction activity
cannot be assessed.

Durnnq Operation Phase

Durng the operation stage, there will be no impact on air quality, as electric trains will be
operated on the proposed track.

4.4 Noise Levels

Baseline Data
Baseline data for the project site is not available. However, spot monitoring of noise (day
time) was done near the 5e line between Santacnrz and Andheri to assess noise impacts.
Photo 1 in Annex 2 shows a section of the completed 5th line with boundary wall and
residential areas next to it. Noise monitoring was done at a similar locations. The noise
monitoring locations and values are given below in Table 4.0

Table 4.0 Day time Noise Monitoring Results

No. Location Noise levels CPCB Noise
dB(A) Standards for
residential area
1. Baseline noise level 30 m from railway track at 65 - 70 Day time - 55dB(A)
Santacruz - no train movement (behind Night time - 45
boundary wall) dB(A)
2. Baseline noisb level 30 m from railway track at 83 - 87
Santacruz - with train movement (behind
boundary wall)

Impact Assessment

During Construction Phase

Construction work is completed. Thus impacts on noise levels due to construction activity
cannot be assessed.

During ODeration Phase

Existing baseline noise levels in this area exceeds the CPCB noise standards for residential
area. This is typically found near the railway stations, where residential areas are located
quite close (30 to 50 m) to railway tracks.

Boundary wall have been constructed along the railway land,-however this is not expected to
have much potential for noise attenuation, as residential building are located very close to the
tracks and are 3 to 4 storey high. Providing a barrier all along the track to this height may not
be feasible. Source reduction techniques by providing better track/wheel interface and track
modification may be more appropriate for noise reduction.

Environmental Audit of Santacruz- Borivali Serene Environmental Services
5e' Railway line Project

4.5 Ground and Surface Water Quality

Impact Assessment
Durinq Construction Phase
Construction work is completed. Thus impacts on any water body due to construction activity
cannot be assessed. However, there are no water bodies of any significance (lakes, rivers,
creek etc.) present in the Santacnrz-Borivali rail corridor. In fact most of the area is dense
Built-up area. Thus there would not have been any adverse environmental impact on water

During Operation Phase

The operation of the project is not likely to have a significant impact on water bodies due to
the following reasons:
* Wastewater generated at platforms and the new railway quarters will be treated in septic
tank and discharged via soak pits or discharged into existing sewerage network.
* Drains are constructed at locations near stations likely to be flooded during monsoons.
* There is no other activity which generates effluent and which can adversely affect any
water body.

4.6 Natural Habitats and Ecology

Management and conservation of natural habitats likely to be affected by the Santacruz

Borivali project is required by The World Bank Operational Policy OP 4.04. There are no
natural habitats along this route such as forests, mangroves, which require protection.

Imoacts During Construction Phase

Permission for felling of these trees were obtained from the Tree Officer of MCGM. Area for
tree plantation is limited due to dense built-up area on this route (See Photo I in Annex 2).
However, WR is carrying out track-side and other plantation for enhancement of the area
wherever feasible. Photo 3 in Annex 2 shows plantation and fencing done at Andheri
Station. Photo 4 shows the completed 5th line with track-side vegetable plantation which is
given on contract. This activity is proactive and plantation targets are normally set for various
WR managers.

Impacts Durina Operation Phase

Impacts on ecology is not expected during the operation stage as the project is coming up
alongside the existing tracks and there is no forest and other sensitive ecological reserves
near the tracks that can be affected due to operation of additional rakes.

4.7 Land Use

This rail corridor is large built-up area with no significant ecological resources, water bodies
etc. There are mixed use- and residential areas immediately adjacent to the corridor
boundary. At Malad and Goregaon few patches of vacant land are seen in between stations.


The land-use pattern has not change significantly due to the implementation of the project as
it has come up alongside the existing tracks.

Environmental Audit of Santacruz- Bonrvali Serene Environmental ServiCeS
5lh Railway line Project

4.8 Resettlement and Rehabilitation

There are 515 project-affected households (PAHs) which need resettlement. Resettlement
and rehabilitation of the project-affected households is being done by MMRDA as per the
Rehabilrtation Action Plan (RAP) of Govt of Maharashtra. Site specific Community
Environment Management Plans (CEMP) are being prepared separately by MMRDA for
transit and permanent locations.

4.9 Archaeological and Cultural Property

Rehabilitation of Cultural Property such as archaeological and historical sites, religious
(temples, mosques etc.) affected by project activities is required by The World Bank
Operational Policy 4.11 on Cultural Property Preservation.

As per survey conducted by MMRDA, there were no such structures present on this route.

Table 4.0 presents summarized impacts during construction and operation phase of project.

Environmental Audit of Santacnrz- Bonvali Serene Environmental Services
h"' Railway line Project

Table 4.0 Impact Mjatrix

No. Parameter Impacts During Construction phase Impacts During operation phase

1 Air Quality Construction work is completed. Thus impacts on air No negative impacts during operation phase.
quality due to construction activity cannot be assessed.

2. Noise Construction work is completed. Thus impacts on noise Existing baseline noise levels in this area exceeds the CPCB
levels due to construction activity cannot be assessed. noise standards for residential area. This is typically found
near the railway tracks where residential areas are located
quite close (30 to 50 m) to railway tracks.

Boundary wall have been constructed along the railway land,

however this is not expected to have much potential for
noise aKtenuation, as residential building are located very
close to the tracks and are 3 to 4 storey high. Providing a
barrier all along the track to this height may not be feasible.
Source reduction techniques by providing beKter track/vheel
interface and track modification may be more appropriate for
noise reduction.
Environmental Audit of Santacruz- Borivali Serene Environmental Services
eh Railway line Project

Table 4.0 Cont..

No. Parameter Impacts During Construction phase Impacts During operation phase

3. Water Quality No water bodies of any significance such as lakes, rivers, No significant adverse impacts as effluent from
creek etc. present in the Santacruz-Borivali rail corridor. plafforms will be treated in septic tanks and
No adverse environmental impact on any water body. discharged via soak pits/ or into existing sewers.
No other source of effluent during operation.
4. Natural Permission for felling of trees had been obtained from the No adverse impacts on ecology during operation
Habitats and Tree Officer. Area for tree plantation is limited due to phase. No forest and other sensitive ecological
Ecology dense built-up area on this route (See Photo I in Annex reserves located in the rail corridor.
2). However, WR is carrying out track-side and other
plantation for enhancement of the area wherever feasible.
(Photo 3 in Annex 2 shows plantation and fencing at
Andheri station)
5. Landuse The land-use pattern has not change significantly due to No adverse impacts expected.
the implementation of the project as it has come up
alongside the existing tracks.

There are 515 project-affected households (PAHs) which

need resettlement. Resettlement and rehabilitation of the
PAH done by MMRDA as per the Rehabilitation Action
Plan (RAP) of Govt. of Maharashtra.

6. Archaeological As per survey conducted by MMRDA, there were no such No adverse impacts expected.
and Cultural structures present on this route. More details are given in
Property. the Rehabilitation Action Plan (RAP) for MUTP and
Rehabilitation Implementation Plan (RIP) for the Project.

Environmental Audit of Santacnuz-Bonvali Serene Environmental Services
dh Railway Line Project

5.0 Assessment of Environmental Mitigation Measures

5.1 Introduction

The previous sections described the changes observed in baseline environmental status and
the environmental impacts during construction and operation stages of the project. This
section is dedicated to evaluating the Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) mitigation needs
and institutional mechanisms for their implementation. EHS mitigation measures, monitoring
programs and reporting structure are required to be a part of an Environmental Management

As discussed earlier, the entire construction work for the project is complete and thus EHS
measures cannot be audited/assessed for the construction phase. Also, as seen from the
previous section, site visits have not revealed any significant adverse environmental impact
caused due the already completed activity.

Thus, as far as this project is concemed, recommendations for EMP implementation include
the following:
* EHS mitigation measures that could be included as a requirement for contractors for
future works in this area.
* EMP monitoring and reporting during operational stage.
* Institutional mechanism for EMP implementation

5.2 EHS Mitigation Measures

EMP measures are presented in Table 5.1 to 5.3 for the design, construction and operation
stages. Tables 5.1 and 5.2 will be applicable only for future projects. Table 5.3 is
applicable to the operating stage of the current Santacruz-Borivali 5th line project.

The mitigation requirements mentioned should be complied by the WR by assigning

responsibilities for the same to various WR departments and making it a part of contractor
requirements where relevant.

Environmental Audit of Santacruz-Borivali Serene Environmental Services
dh Railway Line Project


Environmental EHS Mitigation Measures To be taken* Responsibility **

Impact Implementation Supervision
Ecological impacts Trees to be removed before commencement of construction, with prior permission from Forest
such as tree cutting Officer as required by the The Maharashtra (Urban Areas) Preservation of Trees Act, 1975. WR - Site Engineer WR - Dy. Chief
and destruction of with contractor Engineer (Construction)
Utility relocation All utilities, such as electrical installations, telephone lines etc. to be shifted after prior approval of
agencies. WR - Site Engineer WR - Dy. Chief
with contractor Engineer (Construction)
Noise pollution Construction of noise barriers at appropriate locations. Barriers as mentioned above may provide
the noise attenuation to some extent, however, it is doubfful that any attenuation will be possible WR - Site Engineer WR - Dy. Chief
over the ground floor of existing structures. Also, the effect will be variable to a large extent as with contractor Engineer (Construction)
residential and sensitive receptors will be located at variable distances from the boundary wall.
Noise reduction at source appears to be a more practical approach to address the noise impacts.
These should be implemented by WR.
A variety of sources are responsible for both the total environmental noise pollution of a passing
train and its interior noise. These sources are the wheel, the rail, the track components - sleepers,
ballast etc. Some of the measures which are being introduced in all new rail lines are:
a. Use of continuous welded rails
b. Rubber pads between rail and sleepers.
c 30-cm stone ballast cushion below sleeper seat, which will reduce noise by providing elasticity.
d. Construction of concrete bridges instead of steel bridges.

o T/e EMP Measures given abovefor pre-constructionand constructionphases are applicablefor Future Railway Projectson this and
otlierroutes of WR.
** A follow-up mechanism for regular monitoring of mitigation measures to be followed as per EMP monitoring and reporting in
Section 6 and the inspection sheet and formats in Annex 4 and 5.

Environmental Audit of Santacruz-Borivali Serene Environmental Services
5 th Railway Line Project

TABLE 5.2 EHS Mitigation Measures (CONSTRUCTION STAGE)

Environmental EHS Mitigation Measures To be taken* Responsibility **
Impact Implementation Supervision
Generation of Dust Construction site to be watered periodically to minimize fugitive dust generation. WR - Site Engineer &
due to construction Site contractor Dy. Chief Engineer
activity (Construction)
All Earthwork and construction material should be protected in such a manner so as to minimize WR - Site Engineer &
generation of dust. All dumpers should be covered by tarpaulin sheets to minimise spillage of sand Site contractor Dy. Chief Engineer
and soil. (Construction)
Construction Vehicle Exhaust emissions from all construction vehicles shall adhere to vehicle emission norms. WR - Site Engineer &
/equipment exhaust Site contractor Dy. Chief Engineer
Noise from vehicles, All vehicle and construction equipment shall be fitted with exhaust silencers. Damaged silencers WR - Site Engineer &
plants and to be promptly replaced by contractor. Vehicles to be maintained and services regularly. Site contractor Dy.. Chief Engineer
equipment . (Construction)
Contamination of Silt fencing shall be provided at the base of the embankment for the entire perimeter of any water WR - Site Engineer &
water bodies such as body (including wells). A documented procedure to be made by all contractors clearly prohibiting Site contractor Dy. Chief Engineer
wells and discharge/dumping of waste material into any water body. Checks on the same shall be kept as (Construction)
per format given in Inspection Sheet in Annex 4
Construction material containing fine particles shall be stored in an enclosure such that sediment- WR - Site Engineer &
laden water does not drain into nearby watercourses. Site contractor Dy. Chief Engineer
Siltation of soil into water bodies shall be prevented as far as possible by adapting soil erosion
control measures as per MoST (Ministry of Surface Transport) guidelines Site contractor WR - Site Engineer &
Dy. Chief Engineer
Construction work close to water bodies shall be avoided during monsoon.
Site contractor WR - Site Engineer &
Dy. Chief Engineer
In sections along water courses and close to cross drainage channels, earth, stone or any other
construction material shall be properly disposed so as not to block the flow of water. Site contractor WR - Site Engineer &
Dy. Chief Engineer
* The EMP Measures given above for pre-constructionand construction phases are applicablefor FutureRailway Projectson this and other
routes of WR
** A follow-up mechanism for regular monitoring of mitigation measures to be followed as per EMP monitoring and reporting -in
Section 6 and the inspection sheet and formats in Annex 4 and 5.

Environmental Audit of Santacruz-Borivali Serene Environmental Services
5th Railway Line Project

TABLE 5.2 Cont.

Environmental Impact EHS Mitigation Measures To be taken* Responsibility **
Implementation Supervision
Ecological impacts such as tree All works shall be carried out in such a fashion that damage to flora is minimum WR - Site Engineer
cutting and destruction of mangroves Site contractor & Dy. Chief
Track - side plantation shall be done as per the Tree cutting permission from Tree WR - Site Engineer
Officer Site contractor & Dy. Chief
Soil erosion On road/track embankments, slopes shall be stabilized. The work shall consist of WR - Site Engineer
measures as per design, or as directed by the engineer to control soil erosion, Site contractor & Dy. Chief
sedimentation and water pollution, through use of berms, dikes, sediment basin, Engineer
mulches, grasses and other devices.
Debris disposal Debris generated due to dismantling of existing structures shall be suitably reused in WR - Site Engineer
proposed construction. Un-utilised debris shall be suitably disposed either as fill Site contractor & Dy. Chief
material or at pre-designated dump locations, approved by engineer. Care should be Engineer
taken that the material does not block natural drainage or contaminate water bodies.
A clear documented procedure to be made part of the tender documents, requiring
contractors to dispose debris in low-lying areas away from water bodies, as fill material
only. Monitoring the same to be done by use of inspection sheet in Annex 4 and 5
Slurry or similar debris generated from pile driving or other construction activities shall WR - Site Engineer
be disposed such that it does not flow into surface water bodies or form mud puddles in Site contractor & Dy. Chief
the area. Engineer
Loss of top soil The topsoil from all areas of cutting and all areas to be permanently covered shall be WR - Site Engineer
stripped to a specified depth of 150 mm and stored in stockpiles. Site contractor & Dy. Chief
The topsoil from the stockpile shall be used to cover disturbed areas and cut slopes
and also for re-development of borrow areas, landscaping and road side plantation.
Soil contamination by construction Oil and fuel spills from construction equipment shall be minimized by good O&M WR - Site Engineer
wastes, fuel etc. practices. Soils contaminated by such spills shall be disposed as per MOEF Site contractor & Dy. Chief
requirements. I_Engineer
* The EMP MYeasures given aboveforpre-constructionand construction phases are applicableforFutureRailway Projectson this and other
routes of WR
** A follow-up mechanism for regular monitoring of mitigation measures to be followed as per EMP monitoring and reporting in
Section 6 and the inspection sheet and formats in Annex 4 and 5.

Environmental Audit of Santacruz-Borivali Serene Environmental Services
5"' Railway Line Project

Table 5.2 Cont.

Environmental Impact EHS Mitigation Measures To be taken * Responsibility **

Implementation Supervision
Land degradation in quarry Sand and stones shall be sourced from only and licensed quarries. Documentation such as WR - Site Engineer
area quarry release receipt issued by the District Revenue officer at the quarry site to be available Site contractor & Dy. Chief
at construction site. Engineer

Health and hygiene at Construction labour camps shall be located away from the nearest habitation to avoid WR - Site Engineer
construction labour camps conflicts and stress over infrastructure facilities. Site contractor & Dy. Chief
Health and hygiene at Engineer
construction labour camps The contractor will provide, erect and maintain necessary (temporary) living accommodation WR - Site Engineer
and ancillary facilities such as toilet blocks, potable water supply etc. for labour as per the Site contractor & Dy. Chief
standards set by various labour Act. Engineer

On completion of the works, all temporary structures shall be cleared away along with all WR - Site Engineer
wastes. All excreta and other disposal pits should be filled in and effectively sealed. The site Site contractor & Dy. Chief
should be left clean and tidy to the satisfaction of the engineer. Engineer

Delays and congestion on The construction plan shall be discussed in advance with Western Railway Authorities to WR - Site Engineer
tracks avoid delays in existing train schedules. Site contractor & Dy. Chief
Traffic Control and Safety The contractor shall take all necessary measures for the safety of existing train traffic during WR - Site Engineer
construction and provide, erect and maintain such barricades, including signs, markings, Site contractor & Dy. Chief
flags, lights and flagmen as may be required by the engineer for the information and Engineer
protection of traffic. All such measures should as per requirement of Western Railway.

Special consideration shall be given in preparation of traffic control plan to the safety of
pedestrians (at railway crossings) and workers at night.
* Tie EMP Measuresgiven abovefor pre-construction and construction phases are applicablefor Future Railway Projectson this and
other routes of KR
** A follow-up mechanism for regular monitoring of mitigation measures to be followed as per EMP monitoring and reporting in
Section 6 and the inspection sheet and formats in Annex 4 and 5.

Environmental Audit of Santacruz-Borivali Serene Environmental Services
5" Railway Line Project

Table 5.2 Cont.

Environmental Impact EHS Mitigation Measures To be taken * Responsibility **

Implementation Supervision
Occupational Health and The contractor is required to comply with all the precautions as required for the safety of WR - Site Engineer
Safety workmen. Site contractor & Dy. Chief
The contractor shall supply all necessary safety appliances such as safety goggles, helmets, WR - Site Engineer
safety belts, earplugs, masks etc. to the worker and staff. All laws related to safe scaffolding, Site contractor & Dy. Chief
ladders, working plafform, gangway, stairwells, excavations, safety entry and exit etc. shall be Engineer
complied with. This requirement should be made part of the tender documentation.
Adequate precautions shall be taken to prevent danger from electrical equipment. All WR - Site Engineer
machines/equipment used shall confirm to the relevant Indian Standards (IS) codes and shall Site contractor & Dy. Chief
be regularly inspected by the engineer. Engineer
A readily available first aid unit including an adequate supply of sterilized dressing material WR - Site Engineer
and appliances shall be provided as per the requirements under the Factory Act. Site contractor & Dy. Chief
_______________________________________________________________ ____________ EngiEninee
All anti-malarial measures as prescribed by the engineer shall be complied with, including WR - Site Engineer
filling up of burrow pits. Site contractor & Dy. Chief

* The EMPMeasures given aboveforpre-constructionandconstructionphases are applicableforFutureRailway Projectson this and other
routes of WR
** A follow-up mechanism for regular monitoring of mitigation measures to be followed as per EMP monitoring and reporting in
Section 6 and the inspection sheet and formats in Annex 4 and 5.

Environmental Audit of Santacruz-Bonvali Serene Environmental Services
dh Railway Linre Project


Environmental EHS Mitigation Measures To be taken Responsibility **

Impact Implementation Supervision
Noise pollution To track the benefits accrued from noise reduction WR- Dy. Chief
at source from installing improved track, wheel and WR - Site Engineer Engineer
other mechanism, regular noise monitoring should with contractor (Construction)
be done as per monitoring plan in Table 6.
Land and water Contingency plans to be in place for spill clean-up.
contamination from Contingency plan needs to be made for the entire District District Collector MMRDA
accidental spills from by the District Collector. Emergency situations will need a
goods trains. combined response from many agencies and a specific
plan as a part of this project is not envisaged.
Rail traffic and safety Unauthorised building development to be checked. Slum WR- Dy. Chief
encroachments to be discouraged. WR - Site Engineer Engineer
with contractor (Construction)
Surveillance along railway boundary to be increased to
check encroachment and breach of boundary wall.
Loss of plantation. Regular maintenance of the mandatory track-side and WR- Dy. Chief
other plantation should be done. WR - Site Engineer Engineer
with contractor (Construction)
Monitoring of plantation to be done as per format in
Annex 6.

Environmental Audit of Santacruz -Borivali Serene Environmental Services
5th Railway line.

6.0 Environmental Monitoring and Reporting

Ste visits and interviews have revealed the following facts related to environmental
management organisation:

. In the consolidated EA report for MUTP, MRVC was reported to be the Project
Implementation Agency (PIA). However, Westem Railway (WR) is the PIA for this
project. MRVC is the coordinating agency to facilitate communication between MMRDA
and WR.
* Environmental monitoring is currently not required to be done by the contractors. Apart
from periodic safety inspections, currentiv there is no feedback mechanism for EHS
elements of the project.

6.1 Environmental Monitoring Program

The main objectives of a monitoring program are:

* To evaluate the effectiveness of the mitigation measures during the construction and
operation phases.
* To satisfy the legal and community obligations
* To respond to the unanticipated environmental issues at an early stage and to verify the
accuracy of environmental impact prediction.

The monitoring of R&R components is being covered separately as a part of another study
and permissions have been taken earlier for cutting of vegetation.

Comprehensive periodic site inspection programs for EHS elements and a regular
environmental monitoring program will best achieve the objectives of monitoring described
above for this project. This is covered in Section below.

6.1.1 EMP Monitoring and Reporting during Construction Phase Environmental Monitoring

The construction of this line is complete and hence monitoring during construction phase is
not being provided. For future works, monitoring of air quality, noise levels etc. will need to be
defined based on actual location and site conditions of the project. Monitoring of EHS mitigation measures implementation

In the context of Railway projects of MUTP, an effective inspection program will go a long
way to assure implementation of various EHS mitigation measures for this project. The
program given here could be used for future construction activities on this line. The inspection
program needs to be dove-tailed into existing programs followed by WR and, the parameters
for inspection, inspection schedules etc. need to be clearly defined. The EHS parameters to
be monitored depend upon factors such as:
Environmental Audit of Santacruz -Borivali Serene Environmental Services
5 Railway line.

* EHS components affected

* Construction schedule of the project
* Environmental Mitigation measures suggested

Based on the site observations, level of awareness of contractor and WR staff, the following
program and procedure is suggested for effective monitoring of EHS implementation at future
construction sites covered by MUTP:

a. Monthly inspection program by WR for all project construction sites. The

inspection will be carried out by DCE (Construction) In-charge of the construction
site, or his representative. The format for inspection will be as per Annex 4. The
inspection will be carried out during the entire period of construction activity
including before start of construction and immediately after construction is

The completed inspection checklist shall be submitted by the concemed DCE to

the Chief Engineer (WR). Correctve action plan with time frame for implementation
for any non-compliance to be also submitted.

(Separate checklists need to be filled in for separate works. However, a group of

similar activites could be inspected using the same checklist . E.g.- Findings of
inspection of construction of station building, FOB, platform extension work at a
station could be entered in the same checklist).

b. All site contractors to maintain log books and other documentation specified in
Annex 5.

c. Copy of the completed monthly inspectfon checklist should be sent by the Chief
Engineer (WR) to MMRDA every month for review. The Inspection checklist for a
month along with the corrective actfon plan, if any, shall reach MMRDA no later
than the 1?m day of the next month.

d. MMRDA to carry out independent 3rd- party inspection of various construction sites
(the sample sites indicated in this report could be visited at a minimum) every
quarter during the constructfon activity and also after construction is completed to
assess any residual environmental Impact A Project Management Consultant
(PMC) should be appointed for this purpose by MMRDA. Review checklist given in
Annex 4 could be used for this purpose.

Environmental Audit of Santacruz -Bonvalh Serene Environmental Services
5e Railway line.

6.1.2 EMP Monitoring and Reporting during Operation Phase

Operation phase monitoring for this project is required mainly for the following:

* Ambient noise levels to determine baseline levels and track improvements accrued due to
implementation of source noise reduction. Ambient air monitoring is not suggested since
the operation will not contribute to air pollution (Electricity driven trains). Also no impacts
during operation stage expected on water quality and soil quality.
* Health and survival rates of the compensatory and other plantation done by WR.
* Monitoring of Rehabilitation and Resettlement (R&R) sites for the people displaced due to
the project. This will be done as a separate exercise not covered in this audit report.

The monitoring program suggested is given in Table 6 below.

Environmental Audit of Santacruz -Borivali Serene Environmental Services
5 th Railway line

Table 6 Monitoring Program During Operation Phase.

Compone Parameters Locations Duration Frequency Responsibility

Noise Leq (day) * At residential Continuous Once every PIA (Deputy
levels and Leq location 200 m 24 hour season Chief Engineer-
(night) North of reading with (Summer, WR) through
Santacruz a frequency Winter, Post- extemal
station, facing of 10 minutes monsoon). agency
the 5t line for 2 non-
tracks. (At consecutive
front of and days per
behind week for 2
boundary wall) weeks.

* At residential
area near new
constructed at

* At residential
area behind
boundary wall
200 m south of

Tree As per At plantaton 6-monthly for PIA (Deputy

plantaton Format in locatons 3 years. Chief Engineer-
survival Annex 6. WR) through
rates. external

Environmental Audit of Santacnrz -Borivali Serene Environmental Services
eh Railway line.


The construction activities of the project are being implemented by WR. The existing organisational
structure of Railways for operation phase is given below in Figure 1.


(Santacruz-Borivali 5h Line)

|World Ban MMD_ DxAec

| RVtr. - Cnrtlinntinn Anpnr

Chief Engineer (WR)

Dy. Chief
Borivali to Virar

Assistant Engineers

In the consolidated EA report for MUTP, it was envisaged that the monitoring and reporting
process for mitigation measures during construction should initiate from the contractor at the
lowest rung who will report to the Project Implementation Agency (PIA) through the Project
Management Consultant (PMC). PMC could be appointed for periodic 3r party review of the
EHS elements for the operating stages and for construction phases of any future projects.

Environmental Audit of Santacruz -Borivali Serene Environmental Services
5 h Railway line.

6.2.1 Institutional Strengthening

For carrying out regular inspection for the EHS elements, the WR staff needs training for
appreciation of various EHS elements. The training program proposed is given in Table 7

Table 7. Training Program for Institutional Strengthening

Module Topic and Contents Duration

1 Environmental Awareness Class Room
Appreciation of Environment, Health and Safety Training of I
issues - Fundamentals of Air Pollution, Noise, day
Water Pollution, Solid and Hazardous Wastes
generation and handling etc.
2 Environmental Impact Assessment Class Room
EIA fundamentals. Consequences of adverse Training of I
environmental impacts on various ecosystems. day
Typical environmental impacts of railway projects
3 Environmental Legislation Class Room
Indian Environmental Laws and their application to Training of 1/2
_Railway Projects. day
4 EHS Management System Class Room
Components of EHS Management System in Training of 1/2
general and as applicable to Railway projects. day
Methodology of environmental monitoring for air
quality, noise etc. Site visit to any
one railway
Environmental monitoring and inspection programs construction
as suggested in this report should be discussed. site for
appreciation of
Review of existing tender conditions and its various
modification to include EHS elements for better EHS environmental
management. components.
(1/2 day)

The training should be provided at a minimum to the following personnel:

* Deputy Chief Engineers (Construction)
* Westem Railway Site In-charge of various construction sites
* Contractor Site In-charge of various construction sites.

1 training program of 4 days as given above should be conducted every quarter to cover all
concemed WR staff. The training program can also be integrated into the WR induction-
training program.

Visits to country's having similar railway projects and with established and demonstrated EHS
Mahagement System, including demonstrated measures for noise attenuation could be visited
by concemed officials of WR. This will help in increasing awareness with WR and improve
technical skills for EHS management.

Environmental Audit of Santacruz -Borivali Serene Environmental Services
5 h Railway line.

6.3 Estimated Cost of EMP Implementation

As seen in the Tables 5.1 to 5.3, several EHS elements are already induded in the current
construction operation. The construction phase is complete and hence construction phase
EMP costs are not applicable.

Table 8 Cost of EMP Implementation

Component Unit cost (Rs) Units Total Cost (Rs)
(Operation Phase)
Noise Levels (Leq 2000 per 24-hr Leq 16 samples per season x 96000
day and night) (1 sample) 3 seasons = 48 samples
Tree plantation 15000 per survey 1 survey every 6 months 90000
survival rates. for 3 years = 6 surveys

Training Program 40000 per program 4 programs per year 160000*

of 4 days each.
Visit abroad to 200000 per person 5 persons 1000000*
Railway Project site
with demonstrated
Measures for
Protection and
established EHS
Management System
including noise
Total Cost 1346000*

* Cost of Training has already been included for WR in BVQR project The staff of
WR for this 2 lines will be included under the same training program. The actual
cost for EMP for Santacruz-Borivali line will be Rs. 1,86,000.

Environmental Audit of Santacruz- Borivali Serene Environmental Services
5 th Railway line






The purpose of this assignment is to assist Mumbai Metropolitan Region

Development Authority (MMRDA) in carrying out an environimlental audit of
various ongoing railways projects to determine how environmental Issues. if any,
can be addressed at this staae of project implementation.


2.1 MMRDA had appointed Montgonmery-Watson Consultanlts (India) IPvt Ltd to

undertake the preparation of the Environmental Assessment (EA) for the MUTP.
This EA process resulted in the preparation of Sectoral-Level Environmental
Assessment (SLEA), Programmatic Level Environmental Assessiment (PLEA)
and Micro-Level Environmental Assessment (MLEA) The SLEA was a strategic
document, the PLEAs were prepared for small generic sub-projects like flyovers.
ROBs and RUBs while MLEAs were prepared for larger sub-projects like road
wideening and extenisionis This study was undertaken between 1996 and 1998
and resulteCd In several outp)uts including a syntlhesized final epoit

2 2 Consequently, almost all of these railway projects except DC to AC conversion

have been started and are in varying stages of implementation As the
coInstruction work of the project is already underway coIIsullants slhould assess
the cUrrent and residual requiremenits of environmiiiental manlagement practice
Environimental Studies, whict have been carried oult for railway projects, are as

a) Report of MLEA of Borivali-Virar Quadrupling prepared by Montgomery-

Watson Consultants (India) Pvt. Ltd in 1998,

b) Report of Initial Environmental Examination for Thane- Kurla 5th and 6th lines
prepared by MMRDA in 2000-01.

The Consultant should use these reports as the basis to carry out the proposed
environmental audit

2 3 Somie of the projects may also involve construGtion in aieas. wlhichi are classified
as restricted areas unfder Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Rules H-lence,
permiission needs to be obtained under CRZ FRules fromil thie Ministry of
Eiviroinilent and Forests. Governimlenit of Ildia for SUCIl projectS




The purpose of this assignm1ent is to assist Mumbai Metropolitan Region

Development Authority (MMRDA) in carrying Out an environmental audit of
various ongoing railways projects to determine how environmental Issues, if any.
can be addressed at this stage of project implementation.


21 MMRDA had appointed Montgomery-Watson Consultantis (India) l vt Ltd to

ulidertake the preparation of the Environmental Assessment (EA) for the MUTP
This EA process resulted in the preparation of Sectoral-Level Environmental
Assessment (SLEA). Programmatic Level Environmental Assessmelnt (PLEA)
and Micro-Level Environmental Assessment (MLEA) Tlhe SLEA was a strategic
document, the PLEAs were prepared for small generic sub-piojects like flyovers.
ROBs and RUBs while MLEAs were prepared for larger sub-projects like road
wicdenin1g and extensionis This study was undertaken between 1996 and 1998
and ICcsullCd in several outputs includinig a syntlesized final i epolt

22 Consequently, almost all of these railway projects except DC to AC conversion

hiave been started and are in varying stages of implementntion As tIhe
conistiuctioni work of the project is already underway consultalits sh ouldl assess
the currenit and residual requirenienits of enviionimental management practice
'Enviionnmental stLidies, whichi lhave been carried out for railway projects. are as

a) Report of MLEA of Borivali-Virar Quadrupling prepared by Montgomery-

Watson Consultants (India) Pvt Ltd in 1998.

b) Report of Initial Environmental Examination for Thane- Kurla 5th and 6th lines
prepared by MMRDA in 2000-01.

The Consultant should use these reports as thie basis to carry out thie proposed
environmental audit

2 3 Som1e of the projects m1ay also involve coristruGlior) In areas, which are classified
as restricted areas un1der Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Rules I-fence,
perinission needs to be obtained under CRZ FPules from tire Ministry of
Eiivironment and Forests. Government of Indis foI SUCIn proJeCts
Assessnicut has not Iben cairied out for this project as unider the scrcereeing of
MUTP carried otit by Montigomlery Watson, it was placed in the category of
su)bproject w;thl possibly negligible unrpacts on the environmilent

322 hlle puIpose of the Audit will be to

- asscss teic status of enviroririiental liznpacts duringl onigoil(iColnstitictior0 ar rI

opet atio!n

- assess wNiletlir aiiy environimilental miiitigation imeasuLres are e(ltiireid based

on the on- golilg and comipleted works

OUtlin1e enviroinmienital rnitigation measures for planned works if required

CdocuIMent l^ssons that can be useful for future projects

LSuggest MiltigalIon m1easures for environimilental impacts on the mllarine watel

quality, water flow due to construction of bridges and othier possible impacts
as identified in the MLEA reporl of Borivali-Virar Quadrupling project
prepared by Montgomery Watson Consultants, Munmbai

.' :.3 *rlie detailed scope of woIk will be as follows

Task 1: Pr eviouis oitap)it arl(l stti(iies

I1Ile conl0staLINlt s' oiol1l alaniiliatize hliiiiself with

- MLEA report of Borivali-Virar Quadrupling project prepared by Montgomery

Watson Consu'm.AaWts, Mumnbai

- Final report on Environmental Assessmerit for the MUTP project prepared by

Montgo iney Watson Consultants. Murimbam

- Project Design/Enigineering and Techno-economic Feasibility Reports

prepared by MRVC.

Task 2: Assessment of Impacts

Consultanl sho-ld undertake site visits to Construction and Operation

sites to chleck whether any significant impacts on the air, noise and
ecolo,:ical envi onmenit, have occurred, if any due to the already
comi,;c ted works

Cor .-.:;r: shoijlcd identify significant envircnmental impacts dLue to 6ni-


goin( anca i).oo)csed activities, if any,

CCorII-ltcat shouuld develop a matrix of poss'Ie envtionmierntal impacts

arid 'ssues for assessment of the cumulati%. e impacts due to ongoirig
cons t: uctioi anrd operation activities
AssessmIcerit lias not l)ben camiied out for this project aS Under th1e screenillng of
MUTP carnted out by Monitgomiiery Watson, it was placed in the category of
subproject w;thi possibly negligible unipacts on the environmilent

3 2 2 1 hle pLi pose of tlie Audit will be to

- assess tIic status of ciiviioninilenital imlpacts (ILJIiig oriqoilr(; (C.tnStr

ii0o am
opei ati o!

- assess whiethier any environmental mnitigation miieasures are we(qitirecd based

on the on- going and coimpleted works

- Outline environillenital mitigationi mieasures for planned works if required

- docuLiveii llcosos tllat can be useful for futLire projects

- Suggest miltKi1ation mieasures for enviroiinmental inipacts on the mlarine water

quality, watCl flow due to construction of bridges and othier possible 1impacts
as identilfed in the MLEA reporl of Borivali-Virar Quadrupling project
prepared by Montigomery Watson Consultants, Munmbai

2 :3 The detailed scope of woik will be as follows

Task 1: Pre; iOIIS oultiht anrd st i(lies

I he cOIISLilhif1t s'Iould familiarize liiiiiself wvith

- MLEA report of Borivali-Virar Quadrupling project prepared by Montgomaery

Watson Co.su':amits, Munmbam

- Final ret Slt ole Environmental Assessmaerit for the MUTP project prepared by
Montgo riery Watson Consultanits, Mumbai

- Project Design/Enginieering and Techno-econornic Feasibility Reports

prepared by MRVC

Task 2: Assessnient of Impacts

CIComIsultani slhojld undertake site visits to Constructioni arid Operation

sites to chleck whether any significant impacts on the air, noise and
ecoloiical envioniment. have occurred, if any due to the already
coii:;c ted %vorks

Con,.,;;tan: slioi Id idenitify significant envirormiental impacts dLIe to on-

goin( ancli propcsed activities, if ani

Conn;wlt,Inl sliuuld develop a matrix of posslt!e environiiienital impacts

*and ssues for assessment of the cumulat . e impacts due to ongoling
ci and operation activities
cons t: ctil
sulg9e ;t (!Ivii iicllial m1itigallon niieastires for planlnied ViOlKs. if aiiy as
delinclte(l in tIhe IFS iepoit as well as based on the MLEA repoil of BoDtvall-
V1i.1a 01Qil(1 Iiidi'ilii
pli ct'(1p1 epale d by Mol)toolli\ly W;at'.4m (,o i';i il-,;f,it;

I Ie detailcd scope of woi k will be as follows

Task 1 : Previous output anid studies

TI'he consultant shoLild famliliarize hIimiself witlh

- Initial Environmental Assessment Report prepared bv MMRDA and MRVC

- MLEA iepoit of Bomivali-VWiar QuaCilupling project prepaied by lorollgomery

Watson Consultants, Mumbai

- Final iepoit on lEnvironmental Assessmicnt for the MUITP project pilepalCd by

Montgonllely Watson Conesultants, Mumitbai

- Project Design/Enigineerincg and Techno-economilc Fren-ibllty Reports

prepaiedcl by MPRVC

Task 2: Assessmilenit of Impacts

Consultant shiould undertake site visits to Construction arid Operation

sites to clheck whethler any significant impacts on tI-E' air, noise and
ecological environimienit, iave occurred, if any due to flhe already
coiiipletecl woiks

1Consultallt should identify significant environmental impacts dLie to on-

4o9ing and lpioposeCd activities. if any

sliould develop a matrix of possible environmilenital imlpacts

and Issues for assessment the cuMIulative impacts due to ongoing
constiuction and operation activilties.

Task 3: Enviroiinienital Mitigation Measures

Consultant should undertake visits to Construction and Operation sites to

identify if any environmental mitigation measures are recquired based on
conm,pletecl and planned works and delineate environniental mzlanagcmenit
plan fol- tillIs puipose. An EMP matrix giving t[e environmental
11mpactsS/ssUes. -thie mitigation measures, the impienlentatior and
supeivision authlority for tIe EMiP (whIicth inay e t.o dil'ere1nt ageicies),
and the cost iiplications for each mitigationi miieasure s1o.ld be pl ovided

The l-MI's and their imiiplemlentation plans shIould )e pmepaled in

(:oisuIllatiol ar 1(d aq lceiCllet withl thl MRPVC .r1(id ti1(, . (1 crh, d
stiggjel et iviionnieital imitigation miieasures for planned V,OIK-s, if aiiy as
dIclihncŽte( in tlhe IES iIp)oit as well as based on the MLEA iepoit of l3Drivali-
a; Quld,II III !I pol'o(ct ptlep.iled by Moitqolliely W:11.'il Coii'.t11t11il';.

II e detailed scol)e of woi k will he as follows

Task 1: Previous output anid studies

Ilhe consultant shIould familiarize Ihimself with

- Initial Environmrental Assessment Report prepared bv MMRDA qnd MRVC

- MLEA icpoit of Bor ivali-Vuiar Quadiup[lilg project prepaied i y Monltigoliely

Watson Consulltants, Muimbai

- Final iepoit on l-nvironiunental Assessiment for Ille MUI'P project pi epaied b)y
Montgonllcy Watson Consultants, Mumbai

- Pr oject Design/Enginee riig and Techinio-econorlic f:e.,silility Reports

preparedcl by MRVC

Task 2 : Assessimcint of Impacts

Consultant slhould undertake site visits to ConstruCtion arid Operation

sites to chieck whetlher any significant impacts on thE air, noise anid
ecological environment, lave occurred, if any dire to the already
corpletecd works

Consultant should identify significant environmental imprincts dLue to on-

oiirg and pi oposcd activilies, if any

IConsullanit slhould develop a m1atrix of possib'e environmental imlpacts

and Issues for assessmient the cum1ulative Iimpacts rlnLe to onigoing
constiuction and operation activities.

Task 3: Envirotinierital Mitigation Measures

- Consultant should undertake visits to Construction and Operation sites to

identify if any environmental mitigation measures are reFquired based on
comiipletecd and planned works and delineate environmental mnragellient
plall fol tIlIs pir pose An EMP mzatrix giving tte environmental
inpacts/issues, -the mnitigation measures, the impieillentation and
supeIvisioll autthoity for tI,e EMP (which may 'e two cil'i elut age.rcles),
and tle cost irmiplications for eacth mllitigation nieaSLure slhouild hcE pr ovicded

- TThe EMPs andcl their iiiplermienitation plans should Ibe prepared In

(onscillatiir arIl( anclieinil,nt withl tl)e MR\./(; aId( tiii' ,I I,(II(
SIJ(jCi ii i 's
Task 2 Assessmicint of Impacts

- Consultant should undeitake visits to the proposed sub-station sites to clieck

whiellter any significanit impacts during constiuction and opeiation especially
on ecological environmienit, would occur, if any due to the proposed activities
Sonie of the impacts likely to occur relate to construction works. access
roads, ImIpact on suLioUlndilng flora and fauna, and imi pact oni thc coastal
ecology (CRZ violation)

- Consultant shouild identify impacts during construction due to laying of

undergrouLid cables for replacement of L T. overhiead lines

- Consultants should identify whether the DC transformers to be replaced

contain l'oly Chloiinated 3i-plienyls (PCB3s) anldlll( diqlit the 1n
iii ipa(. of
disposal of old DC tiansforimers,

- Consultants slIoLild review the Project Design Report and Enviionmental

Assessmienit Report prepaied by M/s Rl-l ES and identify imipacts oii air,
noise -and ecological environlmenit due to various othier activities of the

Task 3: Environmiental Mitigation Measures

- Consultant shlould identify measures durnglg construction anld Operation, if

aiiy reqilleed to miitigate eiiviroiniienital impacts anrd delineate -lviiorio
i nmidll
mariagemerit plan for this purpose

- Consultant should identify ilitigation measures for minimiiizinig thie impacts of

old DC tiansforniefs and delineate EMP incorporatinig thle n easures for safe
disposal of old tianisformers, arid prepare a PCB mianiagenietit plan in case
PCBs are likely to be found in old transforniers

- The EIVIPs aiid tIlicir iniipleniientationi plans shoulce prepared iii GOiISilS1iato101
and agreemient with the MRVC and other concerned agencies

Task 4: Environmenital Assessment Report

- Prepare an Environimlental Assessment report based on the above tasks


r:ie coosultants shIould review the following documenits

Final ieport on Eiivironiental Assessmaerit for the M1UTP project plepared by

Montgloiielry Watsoni Con sultants.lMunibai

ii Project Design Report for Borivali-Virar Quadrup',ng. Santacruz-Borivall 5til

line, Klula-Tlharie 5thi and 6th lines and DC to AC conversionl piolects
piepar ecl by MRVC
Task 4: Enviroinmental Assessment Report

Prepare Environmental Audit report for the present exercise based on the
above tasks

3.4 To perforn Environmenital Assessment of DC to AC Traction Conversion

Project (1500 V DC to 25000 V AC)

3.4.1 The MRVC has proposed to undertake the conversion of DC to AC Tractioni so

that the sub-urban trains in Mumnbai would be converted to traction of 25000 V
AC from the present 1500 V DC. The project would involve the provision of 18
DC sub-stations (5 substationis on Western Railway and 13 sub-stations on
Central Railway) in place of existing 69 DC suib-slalions Jlle delailed
Fnviio0ni enlal Assessmtenit was not carried out as ni1rder
JlC ret r mj ol MLJ i
carried out by Montigomiiery Watson, it was identified to have least impacts on the
environm1enit. M/s RITES as a part of feasibility study have identified various
environmental benefits of the project. The project will have 10 to 15 %Yo lower
consumption of energy and lesser use of insulation materials such as copper and
Aluminum whichi would have least impact on environment as compared to DC
traction/ disposal of old DC transformers.

3.4.2 The objectives of the environm1ental assessment will be to

assess whiether any activity of tihe project will have imnpacts on the

environimaenit such as construction of sub-stations withinl coastal regulation


propose proper disposal mleasures for the old DC tiansformers

Lsuggest enviroiinmental management plans if required for riiitigating

envirotnmenital imlpact.

3.4.3 The detailed scope of work will be as follows

Task 1: Previous output and studies

The consultant should familiarize himself with the:

- Components of the Project

- Final report on Environmienital Assessm1ent for the MUI1P proiect prepaireld by

Montgomlery Watson Consultanits. Mumbal

- Project Qesign Reports prepared by Mls RITES and MRVC.

iii. MLEA report of Borivali-Virar Quadrupling project prepared by Montgomery
Watson Consultants, Mumbai.

Iv Initial Environmllenital Report prepared by MMRDA and MRVC

v Environnienital Status Reports piepared by MCGI3 for tile yea.I; 19916-2001

vi. Guidelines available (from the World Bank and elsewhere) oni environmental
issues related to electrical substation / transformers.


The Consultanit will report to MMRDA and the following is tthe output schedule for
each ot' the four projects. The draft reports submitted by the Consultant will be
reviewed and monitored by a Technical Working Group (TWG) constituted by
MMRDA comprising of the representatives of MMRDA, MRVC, MCGM, and

Inception Report 1st week

1i Interimr, Report I 4th week
iii DDiaft final Report 7th week
iv. Final Report 8th week


The study should be cornpleted within a period of 8 weeks The total Consultant inputs
for the above assioniment is expected to be 6 person weeks.


The Consultant for the assignment shall have acquired a post graduate degree in
Environmental Engineering with at least 7 to 10 years experience in preparing
Environmental Assessment reports, conducting Environmental Audits and good working
knowledge of environmental management in related projects.
Environmental Audit of Santacruz- Borivali Serene Environmental Services
5h Railway line



1 The project will be implemented within the Indian legal framework and will also complywith
the safeguard policies of the World Bank. The applicable legal and policy framework is
descfibed below.

Applicable Indian Legal Requirements

2. The applicable Indian legal provisions are described in two groups one related to
environment and the other related to resettlement.
Legislation related to Environment:
3. There are various Acts, Rules and Notifications applicable for different environmental
components such as Air Polluton, Water Pollubon, Noise Pollution, Coastal Areas,
Hazardous Matefials Handling and Transpoit, Forest and Wildlife. In additon, regulatory
provisions by way of environmental clearance also exist. The applicable acts and
regulabons are listed below.

Environmental (Protectfon) Act, 1986

4. This is an umbrella act for environmental protection. Various rules and notifications are
issued from bme to time under the provisions of this Act. Environmental Protection Rules
(2000) specify standards for ambient air quality whereas Noise Pollution (Regulation and
Control) Rules, 2000 provide for the ambient noise standards in public places. However
legal mechanism to achieve these are not explicit in terms of emission at source in
transport sector except for the vehicle emission norms like Euro II or Bharat II that have
been prescribed. The Environmental Impact Assessment Notification. 1994 (as amended in
May 1997) make environmental clearance mandatory for 29 categores of developmental
projects listed in Schedule 1 of the notification. Railways are not listed in schedule 1 and
hence do not need environmental clearance. For other components under MUTP, MoE_F
has confirmed that environmental qlearance EIA notfication is not required.

Coastal Regulation Zone Notfication, 1991

5. The notification provides for determining certain areas between the Low Tide Line
(LTL) and High Tide Line (HTL) and adjacent land ward area as the Coastal
Regulation Zone and its classification into CRZ I -ecologically sensitive and coastal
wetland between HTL and LTL, CRZ II - where development has already occurred
and CRZ IlIl - the residual area largely rural in character. The notification also
prescribes prohibited activities in CRZ and activities that can be taken up with the
approval of MoEF. Reclamation being a prohibited activity cannot be undertaken in
The Maharashtra (Urban Areas) Preservabon of Trees Act. 1975
6 GOM legislation requires every local authority to constitute a Tree Authority. No tree can be
felled without the permission of this authority. The Road development agencies will have to
obtain the permission of the Tree Authority for felling of trees in the right of way and follow
the Tree Authorities stipulations in respect of transplantng or compensatory plantation.
Legislation related to R & R.

Land Acquisition Act 1894 (LA Act):

7. This act provides for compulsory acquisition of land for public purposes by paying
compensation at the market rate with 30% solatium for the compulsory nature of acquisiton
and interest at 12 percent per annum from the date of notificabon of land for acquisition.

Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966 (MR&TP Act):

8. The act provides for preparation of Regional Plan for the MMR as a whole and preparabon
of Development Plans (Master Plans) for-the local jurisdiction of individual municipal
authority like MCGM. The Regional Plan of MMR has been sanctioned in 1999whereasthe
Development Plan of Greater Mumbai was sanctioned in 1991. The Regional Plan is policy
oriented and strategic in nature whereas Development Plan is more specificand prescribes
detailed land use zoning including designation of land required for public purposes, which
can then be acquired in conjuncton with the provisions of Land Acquisition Act. The act
also provides a statutory framework for formulation and enforcement of Development
Control Regulations. The sub-projects are required to be consistentwith the Regional Plan
and the Development Plan.

Develooment Control Regulations for Greater Mumbai 1991 (DCRs):

9. The DCRs set out the standards for building design and construction, provision of services
like water supply, sewerage, site drainage, access roads, elevators, fire fighting etc. A
separate set of regulabons is included for the redevelopment or resettlement of slums,
which are administered by the Slun, Rehabilitabon Authority (SRA). Buildings procured for
R & R have to conform to these DeRs. Up-front clearance of the entre project is however
not required under the DCR. Approvals are to be obtained for individual scheme, as it gets

10. These regulations prepared under the MR & TP Act offer an alternatve to acquisibon under
LA Act by way of Transfer of Development Rights (TDR). The permissible Floor Space
Index (FSI) defines the development rights of every parcel of land in Mumbai. If apartcular
parcel of land is designated for a public purpose the landowner has an option of accepting
monetary compensabon under the LA Act 1894 or accept TDR (equivalent to the plot area
times the permissible FSI), which can be sold in the market for use elsewhere in Mumbai.
The DC Regulations have been amended to provide incentives for rehabilitation (including
resettlement of slum dwellers) in 1997. For landowners prepared to provide 225 sq.ft.
dwelling units free of cost to slum dwellers, the incentve is in the form of right to build and
sell floor space equivalent to that required for slum rehabilitation subject to the maximum
in-situ utirization of FSI of 2.5. The remainder of the total development rights can be used
as TDR. In case of land designated for resettlement of slum dwellers affected by
infrastructure projects, the land owner has an option of offering dwelling unitsto the project
implementing agency free of cost and getting the benefit of maximum of TDR equivalentto
floor area calculated at FSI of 3.5 (1 for land and 2.5 for the built-up area).

The Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act 1960:

11. This act provides for establishing, registering and administering the co-operative societies.
Housing co-operative is a special form of co-operative society, where the land and building
is owned by the co-operative and its members have occupancy rights of apartment
occupied by them. Sale and purchase of such units can take place only with the consent of
the society. This is a common form of tenure in Mumbai's apartment buildings and iswdely

Applicable World Bank Policies

12. Given that MUTP has been developed with the intention of mobilizing financial resources
from the World Bank, project preparation has included a number of studies and
assessments which have sought to address and meet the requirements of the World
Bank's environmental and social policies, often referred as the 'safeguard' policies. The
next paragraphs provide a summary overview of how these guidelines have been

Environmental Assessment (OP 4.01)

13. In the context of the Bank's Operational Policy (OP) 4.01 on Environmental Assessment,
MUTP has been classified as category "A" project, largely on the basis of the large number
of people requiring resettlement and rehabilitation. Because of the large-scale resettlement
and the triggering of more than one safeguard policy the project is also classified as 'S1 " in
terms of safeguard issues. A consolidated EA including SEA has been prepared that
provides the framework for preparing sub-project specific EA and EMPs in compliance with
the World Bank policy.

Cultural Property (OP 4.11):

14. The United Nations term "cultural property" includes sites having archeological
(prehistoric), paleontological, historical, religious, and unique natural values. Cultural
property, therefore, encompasses both remains left by previous human inhabitants (for
example, middens, shrines, and battlegrounds) and unique natural environmentalfeatures
such as canyons and waterfalls. The World Bank's general policy regarding cultural
properties is to assist in their preservation, and to seek to avoid their elimination.

15. Mumbai with its history of- nearly three hundred years is rich in cultural property
particularly in the form of built herTtage. GOM and MCGM are acutely aware of the need to
conserve such heritage. GOM in 1995 with the involvement of NGOs listed over 600
buildings and precincts as of heritage significance. DCR 67 govems the development of
these listed buildings and precincts. GOM has also constituted a Heritage Conservation
Committee in 1995 to advise the Municipal Commissioner regarding development
permission to be granted in case of listed buildings and precincts. No development
permission can be granted of the listed buildings or within the precincts without the consent
of the Heritage Committee.

16. During the execution of works, if a 'chance find "of archaeological significance occurs, the
contract requires the contractor to immediately inform the employer and stop furtherwork.
Employer will in turn inform the state Archaeology Department for further investigation.

17. The only cultural properties that are directly affected by the sub projects are small
places of worship established by the community of squatters within the right of
way. These hav7e been created by the affected communities for their own use.
Such places of worship do not possess any historical or architectural significance
and may not therefore strictly qualify to be treated as cultural property.
Nevertheless they are treated as an integral part of preparation of RIPs. The
places of worship and other community assets are identified dunng the BSES.
Their rehabilitation is being implemented as a part of the R & R process in
consultation with the community The impact on these properties and the manner in
which such impacts can be identified can be classified in three categones. Firstly the
buildings that are only partially affected can be helped to add equivalent area elsewhere
adjacent to the building. Secondly structures that are fully affected by the right of way but
are patronized by the community that is not affected by the project could be rebuilt outside
the right of way in consultation with the community and with assistance of the NGO. In
some cases the entrance to the structure could be reoriented to ensure safety of the
devotees visiting the place. Thirdly the affected structuresthat patronized by the community
being resettled could be relocated in consultation with the community. In addition, the
community may agree to forego some places without insisting upon their resettlement

Natural Habitat (OP 4.04):

18. Natural habitats are defined as land and water areas where (i) the ecosystems' biological
communities are formed largely by native plant and animal species, and (ii) human activity
has not essentfally modified the area's primary ecological functions. All natural habitats
have important biological, social, economic, and existence value. Important natural habitats
may occur in tropical humid, dry, and cloud forests; temperate and boreal forests;
Mediterranean-type shrub lands; natural arid and semi-arid lands; mangrove swamps,
coastal marshes, and other wetlands; estuaries; sea grass beds; coral reefs; freshwater
lakes and rivers; alpine and sub alpine environments, including herb fields, grasslands, and
paramos; and tropical and temperate grasslands. Criticalnaturalhabitats include exisfing
protected areas and areas officially proposed by governments as protected areas (e.g.,
reserves that meet the criteria of the World Conservation Union [IUCN] classifications i.e.
Strict Nature Reserve/Wilderness Area: protected area managed for science or wilderness
protecton; Il-Nabonal Park: protected area managed mainly for ecosystem protection and
recreation; Ill-Natural Monument: protected area managed mainly for conservation of
specific natural features; IV-HabitatVSpecies Management Area: protected area managed
mainly for conservation through management intervention; V-Protected
Landscape/Seascape: protected area managed mainly for landscape/seascape
conservation and recreation; and VI-Managed Resource Protected Area: protected area
managed mainly for the sustainable use of natural ecosystems. The conservabon of natural
habitats, like other measures that protect and enhance the environment, is essential for
long-term sustainable development. The Bank therefore supports the protection,
maintenance, and rehabilitation of natural habitats and their functions in its economic and
sector work, project financing, and policy dialogue. The Bank supports, and expects
borrowers to apply, a precautionary approach to natural resource management to ensure
opportunities for environmentally sustainable development.

19. From this perspective one of Mumbai's notable natural habitat is limited to the 103 sq.km.
Nabonal Park at Borivaii, which is located in the northern part of the peninsula between the
two rail corridors. The National Park is protected underthe Indian Forest Act. None of the
sub-projects passes through the National Park. The other important Natural Habitat is the
coastal wetlands in the eastern and western suburbs and along the Vasai creek. These are
protected by the Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Notification of 19 February 1991.

Involuntary Resettlement (OD 4.30)

20. The Operational Directve 4.30 describes Bank policy and procedures on
involuntary resettlement, as well as the conditions that borrowers are expected to
meet in operations involving involuntary resettlement. Planning and financing
resettlement of projects are an integral part of preparation for projects that cause
involuntary displacement MUTP will require resettlement of about 19000
households (68000 persons) The World Bank Policy on Involuntary Resettlement
is therefore applicable to the project. In compliance with to this policy an R & R
Policy has been prepared and adopted by GOM for MUTP. RAP providing the
overall framework of policy, entitlements, consultative processes, grevance
redressal mechanism, component costs and monitoring and evaluation mechanism
has already been prepared. Sub-project specific RIPs are being prepared.

Indigenous People (OD 4.20)

21. This operabonal directive describes Bank policies and processing procedures for projects
that affect indigenous peoples. It sets out basic definitions, policy objectves, and guidelines
for the design and implementabon of project provisions or components for indigenous
peoples. The terms "indigenous peoples," "indigenous ethnic minorities," "tribal groups,"
and "scheduled tribes" describe social groups with a social and cultural identty distinct from
the dominant society that makes them vulnerable to being disadvantaged in the
development process. For the purposes of this directive, "indigenous peoples" is the term
that will be used to referto these groups. Indigenous peoples can be identified in particular
geographical areas by the presence in varying degrees of the following characteristics: (a)
a close attachment to ancestral territories and to the natural resources in these areas; (b)
self-identfication and identification by others as members of a distinct cultural group; (c)an
indigenous language, often different from the national language;(d) presence of customary
social and political insttutions; and (e) primarily subsistence-oriented production.
22. About 1%of the PAHs of MUTP belong to the Scheduled Tribes. A field-based review was
undertaken to determine if these PAHs were subject to application of this Policy since they
might have originally belonged to tribal communities in the distant past. As of now they are
integrated with the city life and do not have their traditional habitat or follow traditional ways
of life. More particularly, (a)they no longer have close attachment to ancestral territories;
(b)they do not identify themselves or are identified by others as distinct cultural group; (c)
they do not speak an indigenous language; and (d) they no longer belong to customary
social and political institutions. There is also a general reluctance to reveal the caste or
tribe particularly pronounced when data is to be kept in public domain. It wasdetermined by
the review that the social impact of the project on such people is therefore similar to thaton
other PAHs and thus the policy does not apply. No separate Indigenous Peoples
Development Plan (IPDP) has therefore been prepared.

Other Safeguard Policies

23. World Bank has other safeguard policies dealing with Pest Management, Forestry, Safety
of Dams and Projects in International Waterways or in Disputed Areas These are however
not applicable to MUTP.
Environmental Audit of Santacruz- Borivali Serene Environmental Services
5h Railway line


Environmental Audit of Santacruz- Borivali Serene Environmental Services
dhRailway line

~ ~ ~ ~
F~~~~~~ i *A V

1. The Completed 5 th Line With Boundary Wall And Residential Areas Next To It

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2.Sba Exenio WrkAtSataru -BoiaiTck5tLne

2. Suwa Exftenion Wor At S'tcu '' oiv' rak(ie

Environmental Audit of Santacruz- Bonvali Serene Environmental Services
5h Railway line


3. Plantation And Fencing At Andheri Station

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f7>4_ .cgi TeCmlt
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4.Th~ Copee Lin Wit Trc Sid Veea lePlataio

Environmental Audit of Santacruz- Bonivali Serene Environmental Services
eh Railway line





During CTS
1993 Conference Representatives of the Letters of Invitations List of
Room, govemment along with Executive participants,
MMRDA departments, local Summary of draft CTS Minutes of the
authorities, project report. Meeting
agencies, consultants in
the transport
Sectoral EA
June 2, 1997 Yashwantrao Representatives of the Letters of Invitations List of
Chavan government along with Executive participants,
Centre departments, local Summary of EA report Minutes of the
authorities, project were sent to individuals. Meeting
implementation Telephonic Confirmations
agencies, academia and about individuals
the consultants in the participation
transport and
environment field.
During R&R
1996 to 2002 All Sub-Project Project Affected Personal visits, List of
Sites, Households, Local discussions, Meetings in participants,
MMRDA Leaders, etc. MMRDA Photographs,
Updated EA
November 20, Conference Environmental experts, Letters of Invitations List of
2000 Room, Consultants, Academia, along with Executive participants,
MMRDA representatives of Summary of EA report Minutes of the
goverment were sent td individuals. Meeting
departments, NGOs Telephonic Confirmations
and of project about individuals
implementing agencies participation
and the World Bank
December 13, Office of Project Affected Public Notices to leading Public Notices,
2000 Divisional Households (PAHs), English and Marathi List of
Engineer, NGOs newspapers, Draft participants,
Mankhurd Updated EA report, Minutes of the
Executive Summary made Meeting,
available at Public Photographs,
Information Centres (PIC), Pamphlets,
Pamphlets, Non technical Updated EA
Summary of EA report in reports,
English and Marathi were Executive
distributed to PAHs Summary, Non
through NGOs well in Technical
advance. Summary at PIC
December 14. Yashwantrao The Cross section of Public Notices to leading List of
2000 Chavan Society, NGOs, English and Marathi participants,
Centre Journalists newspapers, Draft Minutes of the
Updated EA report, Meeting,
Executive Summary made Photographs,
available at Public Pamphlets,
Information Centres (PIC), Updated EA
Pamphlets, Non technical reports,
Summary of EA report in Executive
English and Marathi were Summary, Non
distributed to participants Technical
Summary at PIC

November 23, Mumbai Cross section of Public Notices in English, List of
2001 Marathi Society, NGOs, Marathi and Hindi to participants,
Patrakar Representatives of the leading English and Minutes of the
Sangh, CST govemment Marathi newspapers, Meeting,
Mumbai departments, local Draft Consolidated EA Photographs,
authorities, project report, Executive Pamphlets,
implementation Summary in English and Consolidated
agencies, World Bank Marathi made available at EA reports,
academia and the PICs at MMRDA and Executive
consultants in the Mankhurd well in Summary, Non
transport and advance. Pamphlets each Technical
environment field, in English, Hindi and Summary at
Joumalists Marathi were distributed PiC. Records of I
amongst the general written
public and in the project comments,
affected areas through e.mail
environmental and social messages etc
NGOs. Public Notice and mesges,net
Executive Summary kept maitaied
on MMRDA's web site
well in advance.
November 24, Goregaonkar Project Affected Public Notices in English, List of
2001 English Households (PAHs), Marathi and Hindi to participants,
School, NGOs, Representatives leading English and Minutes of the
Goregaon of the project Marathi newspapers, Meeting,
(West) implementation Draft Consolidated EA Photographs,
Mumbai agencies, World Bank, report, Executive Pamphlets,
Joumalists, etc. Summary and Non Consolidated
Technical Summary in EA reports,
English and Marathi made Executive
available at PICs at Summary, Non
MMRDA and Mankhurd Technical
well in advance. Summary at
Pamphlets each in PIC. Records of
English, Hindi and Marathi written
were distributed amongst comments,
the general public and in e.mail
the project affected areas messages, etc
through environmental maintained
and social NGOs. Public
Notice and Executive
Summary kept on
MMRDA's web site well in
I advance.
Environmental Audit of Santacruz -Borivali Serene Environmental Services
5 h Railway line.


Nature of Work: Earth working operations / Civil construction (platform extension, bridge
construction etc.) / Subways / FBOI other
(Tick as applicable)
Contractor Name: Sign
Name of Westem Railway - Site incharge: Sign
Inspected by: . Sign
Reviewed by Dy. Chief Engineer: Sign
Reviewed by Chief Engineer (WR): Sign
Report to JPD (Env.) - MUTP (MMRDA): Sign

Environment / Health / Safety Elements Compliance Status Comments I Remarks

f6r improvement
1) Watering of service / Haul roads, earth
working stretch, construction site. No. of times / day:
Source of Water:
2) PUC certificate for all construction vehicles
used, avail with contractor Yes No

3) All vehicles / DG sets have working silences
Yes No_
4) High noise generating operations in NA
residential areas limited to daytime only. (eg.
DG sets, drilling, fabrication etc.) Yes No_
NA _
5) Log book of construction waste generated &
disposed available Yes No
6) Any signs of contamination of nearby water
bodies due to construction operation. Yes _ No
If yes, method employed by contractor for its NA
control - dyke / embankment etc.

7) Any construction material stored near water

bodies with a possibility of water Yes_ No_
contamination NA

8) Have any tree > 1Om girth or sensitive
vegetation such as mangroves cut at Yes No_
construction site and stretch NA

9) Copy of NOC from forest Dept. or relevant

authority available at site for the trees to be Yes No_
cut. NA

10) Track embankments have been stabilized by

suitable techniques Yes No_
Environmental Audit of Santacruz -Bonvali Serene Environmental Services
5 Railway line.

Annex 4 Cont.
Environment I Health I Safety Elements Compliance Status Comments I
Remarks for
11) Waste Logbook of debris generated and Yes_ No
disposal available on site. NA

12) Any indication of land contamination by oil Yes No

spills, dumping of garbage etc. on NA
construction site.

13) Log book of quarry material brought to site, Yes No -

quarry location and related receipts of NA_
District Collector available on sie

14) Temporary structures, wastes dumps, Yes No -

material etc. been cleared adequately after NA
completon of construction activity


15) Adequate drinking water and toilet facilKies Yes No_

in labour camps NA

Are general sanitation conditions Yes No

adequate? NA

16) Have all safety precaubons been taken as Yes No_

per Annex 3 of engineering work permi of NA
Westem Railway

17) Copy of endorsed work permit for the Yes No_

amount period available at site. NA _

18) Safety and hazard sign boards at critical Yes_ No_

locations such as earthworks sites, NA
plafform modification, level crossing
extension etc. been installed


19) Are Personal protection equipments Yes No

(PPEs) such as safety helmets, safety NA
shoes, safety belts, safety goggles etc
available for all workers?

20) Are law related to safe scaffolding, ladder Yes No_

working, working on plafforms etc. NA_
complied with. (IS codes for safety for
various equipmenVoperations given in
Attachment A)

21) Any unsafe condition observed during Yes No

inspection? NA _
Environmental Audit of Santacruz -Bonvali Serene Environmental Services
5e Railway line.

Annex 4 Cont

Environment / Health I Safety Elements Compliance Status Comments I Remarks

for improvement
(22) Is adequate First Aid available at site? Yes No_ _
First Aid to consist of antiseptic solution. NA_l
Aspinn, sterlized gauze, bum ointment
etc. I

(ATTACHMENT A for Annex 4)

1. Code of practice for pre-stressed concrete IS 1343:1980
2. Wire Ropes Slings & Sling legs IS 2762:1986
3. Safety Code of scaffold and ladders IS 3696: 1991
4. Excavation Work - code of safety IS 3764: 1992
5. Safety code for blasting and related drilling operations IS 4081: 1986
6. Stacking and storage of construction materials and IS 4082: 1996
components at site
7. Safety code for use of hot bituminous material s IS 5916: 1970
8. Safety code for working in compressed air IS 4138: 1977
9. Safety code for tunnelling work IS 4756: 1977
10. Concrete batching and mixing plant IS 4925: 1968
11. Ready I Mixed concrete IS 4926: 1976
12. Safety code for piling and other deep foundations IS 5121: 1969
13. Safety code for erection of structural steel work IS 7205: 1974
14. Safety code for working with construction machinery IS 7293: 1974
15. Wire rope slings - safety criteria and inspection procedure IS 12735: 1994
16. Code of safety for protective barriers in and around IS 13415: 1992
17. Industrial safety gloves IS 6994: 1973
18. Safety helmets IS 2925: 1984
19. Safety in electric and gas welding IS 818: 1968
20. Safety procedure in hand operated tools IS 8235: 1976
Environmental Audit of Santacruz -Borivalh Serene Environmental Services
5' Railway line.



1) Road watering daily schedule and source of water in the following format:

Date of Location No. of times Source of water

road watering was
watering done

2) Daily records of Nature and quantity of waste generated

Type of Waste Date Quantity Disposal Method I

(Waste oil, debris, generated (in Kg, Number, Location
metaVelectric scrap and Truck Load
etc.) etc.)

3) List of trees to be cut or planned to be cut.

Tree Type Number Location

4) Copy of permission for tree felling from Tree officer / Forest Dept.

5) Amount of material taken from quarry, quarry location, copy of permit by District collector

Type of Quantity Date Quarry Name Copy of

Material and Address Official
Bought Royalty paid

6) Number of personnel protective equipment (PPE) avail at site (safety helmets, safety
belts, shoes, belts etc.)

7) List of First Aid available at site

8) Log book of fatal accidents on site.

Environmental Audit of Santacruz -Borivali Serene Environmental Services
.h Railway line.


Date of Survey:
Name of Surveyor:

Sr. Location of Tree / Mangrove Plantation

No. Plantation Species Total trees Total %
Planted Planted surviving survival
(numbers) (numbers) (%)

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