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Journal of Islamic Economics Science – Vol.1 No.



Diah Krisnaningsih


Information about Islamic perspective on exchange rate in relation with global

exchange rate stability is still lacking in mainstream literature. This latest work aimed to
set theoretical basics of thought about exchange rate in Islamic perspective in relation
with global exchange rate stability paradigm which has close relationship with
international trade. This paper explains exchange rate in conventional perspective and
exchange rate conceptualization in Islam religion and effect of both exchange rates
on international exchange rate stability. This conceptualization aimed to establish an
enlightening dialogue and encourage understanding about inter-country currencies
use in Islamic conceptualization to benefit academics, practitioners and policy makers.

INTRODUCTION longer barrier for transaction to

process, even by advanced
In essence, trading is an technology, in recent day
exchange. International trading is businessmendo no longer need to
not different with exchange identify or know their trade partners
between two individual within a who live in very remote location.
country. The difference is that in Payment transaction or
international trade one party might service and goods buying between
live in other country. In the global one country andothers is performed
economy, it can be said that there is through several ways including cash,
no country that runs its economy L/C, transfer via bank and other
without interacting with others. These valuable notes based on exchange
trade relationships include various rate of destination country.
types ranging from simple one like According to Karim (2014:157):
barter, goods or commodity “exchange rate represents
transaction (agriculture, plantation exchange price level of one
and the like products) to most currency to others and be
complex trade transaction or used in various transactions
relationship. including international trade
Complexity of the transaction, tourism,
international trade relationship or international investment, or
transaction is caused by technology inter-country short term cash
service (particularly information flow which cross geographic
technology) hence trade borders or legal borders.”
transactions can be done in faster Conventional Exchange Rate Theory
manner. Country borders are no

JIES – Postgraduate School Universitas Airlangga

According to Greenwald, others hence none exchange rate

(1982:430)it is stated that: can measure purchasing power
“Exchange Ratesor more adequately of domestic currency
popularly known as currency over foreign exchange in general.
rate is quotation of market According to Karim (2014:158)
price of foreign currency in concepts of effective exchange rate
domestic currency or vice a has been developed to measure
versa, domestic currency weighted average of foreign
value in foreign currency.” exchange rate in domestic currency.

According to Karim, Purchasing Power Parity Theory

“exchange rate represents Purchasing Power Parityor PPP
exchange price level of one is defined as condition where price of
currency to others and be any goods which can be traded
used in various transactions, (tradable gods) in any currency should
including international trade be same wherever the goods are
transaction, tourism, bought (Landsburg, 1997:503). Say if any
international investment, or identical goods are purchased in two
inter-country short term cash countries where there is no transaction
flow which cross geographic cost, transportation cost and no trade
borders or legal borders.” barrier hence it can be said as tradable
goods. If arbitrage condition, a
A country exchange rate can condition where there is no opportunity
be determined by government to purchase a good with lower prices
(monetary authority) such as in and resell it with higher price, occurs for
countries which use fixed exchange every individual goods, then this
rates or determined by combination arbitrage condition will occur either for
between market powers which are a group or a basket of goods in
interacted each other (commercial representative quantity hence following
bank – multinational corporate – equation can be derived:
insurance company asset P = e P'
management company – foreign Where:
exchange bank – central bank) and P = (domestic price)
government policy such as in P' = (foreign price)
countries which use flexible e = (exchange rate)
exchange rates system regime. The above equation is what
Exchange rate can be noted called as purchasing power parity
as spot or immediate delivery equation which state that Rupiah in
(delivery +/- 2 days) or also can be quantity x n Indonesia will have
noted as forward transaction in same purchasing power in
various delivery periods. Difference Singapore. It will be in line with
between spot note and forward insurance that every goods is
generally reflected difference tradable and existing arbitrage
between cost of borrowing in two condition that guarantee each
currencies in related period since individual can sell the goods with
every country has relationship in equal price in everywhere.
investment and trade with some

Journal of Islamic Economics Science – Vol.1 No. 1

Real exchange rate of a more expensive hence industries which

country is amount of domestic have to import input goods needed in
goods needed to purchase 1 their production processes from foreign
identical good unit in foreign have to buy more expensive and
location. The equation is following: furthermore making the manufactured
goods price become more expensive
Real Exchange Rate = too.
Then how do government (monetary
If real exchange rage > 1,
authority) cope this issue? Using analogy
then more than 1 unit of domestic
as conducted by Khalifah Umar ibn
goods are needed to buy identical
Khattab r.a, Bank Indonesia could take
foreign goods. If real exchange rate
intervention by decreasing IDR supply
<1, then less than 1 unit of domestic
through foreign exchange reserve
goods are needed to buy identical
(SGD) selling. Decreased IDR supply will
foreign goods.
cause expected return on IDP deposits
to increase. It will make IDR exchange
Exchange Rate Policy
rate on SGD being appreciated or
In this section it is assumed that in
domestic price changes that can
Then to what extent the BI intervention
disturb exchange rate is not exist. Price
could be done? Intervention is only
change occurred in foreign can be
performed until initial exchange rate
grouped by two causes:
(before changes occured), or in other
1. Non-Engineered/Non-Manipulated
term “original supporting level.”
Called as Non-Engineered/Non-
2. Engineered/Manipulated Changes:
Manipulated Changesare due to the
Such called Engineered/manipulated
occurred change is not caused by
changes is due to the change occured
manipulation (aimed to impose loss)
is caused by manipulation by particular
performed by specific parties. For
parties aimed to impose loss on other
example, if Singapore Central Bank
parties. For example fund managers in
(SCB) lessens circulated SGD amounts,
Singapore release IDR they posses
then it will cause IDR depreciated
hence “Rupiah flood” occur which
unpredictably (planned by Indonesia
cause Rupiah exchange rate
Bank). Therefore, BI usually will exclude
depreciated in sudden or drastic way
this effect by selling SGD it owns
which BI does not predict.
(foreign exchange reserve) both by
Action by fund manager in Singapore
sterilized intervention and by unsterilized
keeping IDR to release it in particular
time to reap benefit from IDR exchange
If BI adds IDR by issuing it, then it is called
rate fluctuation is prohibited by Islam
as unsterilized intervention whereas if IDR
law considering that: first, it is
is added by selling other asset then it is
categorized as ikhtiar
called as sterilized intervention.
(supplymanipulation to take advantage
Decreased SGD supply will cause IDR
beyond normal benefit without
exchange rate on SG weaken
(depreciate), it is due to expected
Should it occured, using Ibn Taimiyah
return on SGD deposits increase. The
thought analogy, government should
weakening exchange rate will cause
stipulate exchange rate system which is
imported goods from foreign will be
fixed temporarily to prevent these

JIES – Postgraduate School Universitas Airlangga

vicarious acts. Exchange rate stipulation IDR term) is the lower IDR price (in SGD
should be done by Bank Indonesia in term) vice a versa.
original supporting level of IDR that is IDR In any country, the only
exchange rate before occured official institution which can change its
engineering which predispose to the IDR currency supply is central bank of the
fluctuation (this policy is acted until the country. Central bank in its daily activity
fund managers attack subside.” often sells and buys foreign currency.
Second, when fund managers in According to Karim (2014:162), every
Singapore commit manipulation on IDR central bank can chose between two
demand, for example through forward different exchange rate policy regimes
transaction mechanism combined with as follow:
margin trading, hence as if IDR demand 1. Fixed Exchange Rate Regime: when
drastically decrease where furthermore authority of a country stipulate a
these fund managers will reap benefit specific exchange rate for its
from the IDR exchange rate fluctuation. currency;
It is also prohibited in Islam which 2. Flexible Exchange Rate Regime:
categorizes it as Ba’i Najasy (demand when a country exchange rate is
engineering to take advantage beyond determined by balance occured in
normal benefit without engineering). its exchange rate.
Fund managers actions in Singapore by
manipulating IDR demand through 3. Fixed Exchange Rate Regime
forward transactions and margin trading Within this policy system
through big foreign banks central bank of a country
complemented with political issues announces specific exchange rate
maneuver (such as if anti-US demo keep for its currency on particular foreign
continuing IDR will keep weakening) will currency where central bank is
cause ducking effect that is making willing to buy and sell foreign
opinion of weakening Rupiah in future. currency with any quantity. For
Similar with coping Ikhtikar, to cope Ba’i example is Indonesia in era before
Najasy Bank Indonesia has to stipulate a mid 1980s used fixed exchange rate
temporary fixed exchange rate on its hence Central Bank can control
level original supporting until these exchange rate or money supply, but
vicarious actions by fund managers not simultaneously. If central bank
subside. stipulated exchange rate then it has
Foreign currency can be used to offer any quantity money needed
to purchase goods from foreign or also by traders or in other words Central
financial assets such as stock, Bank has to buy any quantity foreign
obligation, treasury bills, option, futures, currency offered by traders (losing
warrants and others. If someone travels control over currency supply) shall it
from Indonesia to Singapore for happen international reserve crisis
vacation purpose, probably he/she will result, that is condition where a
wants to buy Singapore Dollar (SGD) central bank loses its ability to
with Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) by maintain particular exchange rate
prevailing exchange rate. If every SGD 1 for its currency. When Central Bank
is valued IDR 5000 then it can conversely realized that foreign exchange
be expressed by every IDR 50 is valued reserve has been depleted
as 1 cent SGD. The higher SGD price (in excessively, then Central Bank is
forced to increase foreign currency

Journal of Islamic Economics Science – Vol.1 No. 1

value over domestic currency in the offset acts designed to prevent

hope that demand over foreign overall change on domestic
exchange reserve decreases. It is money supply;
known as devaluation whereas if the Individuals who had debt to
converse occurs where central bank foreigner would not be influenced if
has to buy foreign exchange to domestic currency value was
decrease its currency over foreign depreciated as expected since
currency the term used is effect of depreciation had been
revaluation. included within debt amount as firstly
When Central bank loses negotiated, but if depreciation
control over currency supply, Central occured beyond level predicted
Bank also loses control over price (unexpected) then the effect would
level, hence Central Bank is willing to be worse for individuals who had
control domestic price level and debt in foreign currency.
must let exchange rate to freely Exchange rate is determined
floating. by demand and supply from the
4. Flexible Exchange Rate Regime currency. Furthermore, supply on IDR
This floating exchange rate is determined by Bank Indonesia
regime is system most used by whereas demand on IDR would
countries in the world. If central bank depend among other on Indonesian
is willing to increase money supply, it citizen income. Individuals with
can print money and then buy any higher income will need more
asset (usually in form of government money. Same thing happens to
obligation). If central bank is willing to foreign currency. Karim (2014:163)
decrease money supply, then it can stated that exchange rate since
sell any asset (usually also in form of following buying power terms has
government obligation) and destroys following mathematic equation:
money it gained from the selling.
In other hand, if BI bought IDR,
then it could influence IDR supply
since BI could effectively destroys P and P’ levels are
IDR it gained from the asset selling. determined through money demand
The Central Bank activity of trading and supply interaction in each
currency is termed as “intervention.” country. Then, bargaining of
By intervention, Central Bank makes arbitrage opportunity will force
change of foreign currency exchange rate toward level where
demand. According to (2014:162) it buying power parity equation of P =
is stated that in general, Central e P’ prevails.
Bank intervention can be According to Karim
differentiated into two: (2014:162):
a. Unsterilized Intervention: “In neoclassical theory, price
intervention which is not rate within a country can
accompanied by offset acts change due to money supply
designed to prevent overall or due to factors predisposing
change on domestic money to the country output change
supply; such as fiscal policy,
b. Sterilized Intervention: technology, war, weather
intervention accompanied by and others. Increased IDR

JIES – Postgraduate School Universitas Airlangga

supply cause Rupiah being balance occured in market except

depreciated, conversely things which disturb the balance. So
increased foreign currency it can be said that a stable currency
demand (for example SGD) is result of appropriate government
will cause Rupiah being policy.
depreciated, should To make easier, in this
significant money demand discussion about Islamic exchange
increase happen, then rate Rupiah (IDR) as domestic
significant price increase currency and Singapore Dollar (SGD)
automatically would result as foreign currency will be used as
(inflation). example.
We know that price fluctuates Like inflation, fluctuation
significantly due to decreased causes of a currency are grouped as
money demand and depreciation. follow:
This fluctuation is also termed as a. Natural Exchange Rate
“exchange rate overshooting.” The Fluctuation:
exchange rate overshooting is an 1) Exchange rate fluctuation due to
important phenomenon since it can changes occured on Aggregate
help us in explaining why exchange Demand (AD): like discussion in
rate moves drastically from day to inflation part, AD expansion (AD )
day. will cause overall price level increase
(P ). As we know that P = e P', when
Islamic Exchange Rate Theory
price level in domestic (PIDR ) rises
Karim (2014:167)stated, as in
his previous writings about inflation, whereas price level in foreign (PSGD) is
that appreciation/depreciation fixed then exchange rate will be
(fluctuation) causes of exchange depreciated (e ). Conversely, if AD
rate in Islam are grouped into two: experienced contraction (AD ) then
1. Natural; price level will decrease (P ) which
2. Human Error cause exchange rate being
In discussion about exchange appreciated (e );
rate based on Islam two scenarios
are used: 2) exchange rate fluctuation due to
Scenario 1: price changes changes occured on Aggregate
occur in domestic which influence Supply (AS)
exchange rate (foreign factors are Exchange rate fluctuation due to
considered fixed/not influencing); changes occured in Aggregate
Scenario 2: price changes Supply (AS); if AS experienced
occur in foreign (factor in domestic is contraction (AS ) then it will cause
considered unchanged/not increased overall price level (P ),
influencing) which will cause weakening
In addition, bear in mind that exchange rate (depreciation) (e ).
exchange rate policy in Islam can Conversely, if AS experienced
be said using Managed Floating expansion (AS ) then overall price
system where the exchange rate is
level will decrease (P ) which will
result of government policies (not
constitute manner or policy itself) strengthen exchange rate
since government is not intervening (appreciation) (e );

Journal of Islamic Economics Science – Vol.1 No. 1

tendency to hold money will cause

b. Human Error Exchange Rate money demand to decrease (M ).
Fluctuation: For example, inflation occured in
1) Corruption and Bad Indonesia was due to causes as
Administration: As we discussed in stated above.
inflation section, corruption and poor
governance will cause price to International Trade and Dinar Currency
increase due to misallocation of History
resource and high mark up which
has to be done by producers to Dinnar Currency History
offset “ghost costs” in their In pre Islamic era, dinar was
production process. In effect, overall money to be used in trade
price level will increase (P ). If transaction. Various types of gold
referring to equation P= e P', dinar and silver dirham were
increased price level will cause circulated in trade as increasingly
exchange rate to depreciate (e ); Arabians conducted trading with
2) Excessive Tax: High sale tax Romans of Byzantine, and traders
imposed to goods and services will who passed Arab land. At that time,
increase selling price of these goods Makkah city became center of
and services. In aggregation, prices trading and currency exchange,
level will increase (P ). If we refer hence many traders from various
countries came to Makkah to meet
back to equation P = e P', it can be
and conducting trade transaction.
concluded that excessively high tax
Terminologically, dinar
rate will cause exchange rate to
derived from term denarius (East
weaken (depreciation) (e );
Rome) and dirham derived from
3) Excessive Seignorage: As term drachma (Persia). According to
discussed in chapter about inflation, Islamic law, dinar to be used was
full bodied money issuers or 100% equal to 4,25 grams of 22 carates
reserve money will not cause golds with 23 milimeters in diameter.
inflation. However, if money to be This Standard had been fixed in
issued other than both types it will Rasulullah era and had been used
cause increased price in general. by World Islamic Trading
Effect caused by excessive money Organization (WITO)until today.
issuance (outnumbering real sector Meanwhile dirham was equal to
need) is increased overall price level 2,975 grams of pure silver. Dinar and
(P ) or inflation. Referring back to Dirham are currency functioning as
buying power equation P = e P', if exchange instrument both before
price level in domestic increase (P ) and after Islam (Sanusi, 2002).
whereas foreign price level fixed In Moslem history, The Prophet
then exchange rate will be and friends used dinar and dirham
depreciated (e ). as their currency. In addition to
The inflation itself can be function as exchange tools, dinar
termed as “tax on holding money” and dirham were used either as
since it causes individuals are syariah laws measurement standard
unwilling to hold money due to the such as in determining zakat
value decreasing. Individual’s imposition or thieve measurement. In

JIES – Postgraduate School Universitas Airlangga

the prophet era, dinar and dirham According Al-Magrizi, to cope

were set as trade transaction with the condition, dinar and dirham
instrument by Arabians. Arab Quraish money have to be used for goods
clan had tradition having trade trips and service trade such as workers
twice a year, one summer trip to wage payment. To support dinar
Syam (now Syria) and one winter trip and dirham use, government has to
to Yaman. stop debasement of money and
According to Huda limiting fulus money only for small
(2008:100) dinar and dirham were scale transaction and only for
printed for the first time during household daily need transaction.
Khalifah Abdul Malik bin Marwan Meanwhile, dinar and dirham are
rules in 695 AD/77 H. In their journey used for greater scale transaction
as usable currencies, dinar and such as foreign trade and other
dirham tended to be stable and not domestic transaction (Al-Magrizi,
experienced significant inflation for ± 2002; Rosly and Barakat, 2002).
1500 years. Use of dinar and dirham Has an in his book Al-Awraq
ended with the fall of Usmani Turkey an Nagdiyyat fi al-Igtishadi al-Islamy
Islamic Caliphate in 1924. stated that as World War I ended,
every country imposed tight
Effect of Dinar Use in International Trade surveillance and rules on world trade
Dinar use is a solution for world to decrease goods and
economy problem which is now commodities imports such as by
using fiat money. Use of fiat money imposing tax and tariff. Every country
creates global economy instability tried to encourage export which
and to cope that more stable then caused price differential in
money is needed, that is gold dinar. every country.
In 1250 AD/648 H in Egypt where When trade used gold as
dinar was used as monetary basis trade instrument then price index will
once ever been influenced by fulus maintain adjustmentsince using gold
money, that is mixture of brass and plays important role to maintain
copper. Use of fulus money and price stability in many countries. For
added by worsening economy example, trade agreement between
condition had made price instability. Syria and French were carried by
To solve that problem Al-Magrizi using gold system. Syria imported
(768-845 H) in his book Ummah bi commodity in massive scale from
Kasyfil Ghummah explained the French and it caused gold exit from
condition in detail way and gave Syria toward French and gold
solution for Egypt economy reserve in Syria will deplete. At that
condition at that time. According to time prices will decrease. When
Huda (2008:103), among Al- commodity price decrease in Syria,
Magrizi thoughts are: other countries will import from Syria
1. Only dinar and dirham and at that time gold will reenter
which can be used as money and strengthen in Syria. But when
2. Stopping debasement of world trade is no longer acted freely,
money; and gold money is substituted by paper
3. limiting fulus money use money which cause prices index
differential (Hasan, 2005:49)

Journal of Islamic Economics Science – Vol.1 No. 1

According to Majdi, gold and there is no difference of

Siswantoro and Brozovsky (Stable gold measurement contained by
and Just GlobalMonetary Systems, dinar in every country, there is no
2002), dinar use performed by both difference of dinar value used in
countries in bilateral trade will cause Iraq and dinar used in Saudi
automatic adjustment on their Arabia. Dinar money has not
balance of payment. Simple been suffering from inflation since
example is when one country Rasulullah SAW time to know. A
exports goods to other then the research has been conducted by
country will have more dinar gold Professor Roy Jastram from
and less goods. It will cause the Berkeley University who wrote
goods price to be lifted as export book of The Golden Constant. He
exist and by the higher price level studied gold price on some
automaticadjustment on balance of commodities for 400 years period
payment difference will occur. ended in 1976. His results showed
Dinar money and domestic that gold price is constant and
money use in simultaneous way will stable. Although during these
create speculation of exchange rate periods crisis, war, and disasters
between paper money and dinar were occured the gold value
money which at the end will cause was relatively stable (Vadillo,
dinar money system falls. Based on 2002).
the experience, arrangement on the 2. Proper exchange instrument.
dinar money is needed in forms of: With stable value and same
(Siswantoro et al, 2002): standard in every country, dinar
a. Dinar money is only allowable for will provide feasibility and
goods and service exchange. advantage for people who want
b. Monetary value of dinar money to have international transaction,
has to be higher than its intrinsic so there is no difference between
value. It is aimed to prevent dinar a goat fixed at one dinar in Saudi
money accumulation for jewelry. Arabia and one dinar goat in
c. Use of dinar money needs central Indonesia since dinar in both
bank to play a role controlling countries has same value. Gold
and determining amount of dinar dinar is money which has been
to be exist and circulated. By this known for centuries hence
way, dinar money circulation verification both legally and
flow will be controlled well. according to syariah as money is
not required (Vadillo, 2007).
Reason and Advantages of Dinar 3. Minimizing speculation,
Money Use manipulation and arbitrage.
There are some reasons of Same dinar value will minimize
using Islam dinar currency in order to speculation and arbitrage level in
achieve monetary system stability, stock exchange since possibility
including: of exchange rate will be difficult
1. Stable money. Difference to occur. (Meera, 2002:79-87).
between dinar money and fiat
money is the money value In addition to the three
stability. Each dinar money above, it can be stated reasons of
contains 4, 25 grams of 22 carat

JIES – Postgraduate School Universitas Airlangga

gold system should be applied decrease about two percent of

again: real export value of developing
1. UnfairTrade, developed countries countries (Esquivel and Larrain,
dominate world institutions 2002).
including WTO hence trade 6. Gold is always stable in history
globalization become imbalance
and tend to give more To make dinar as global currency
advantage for these developed various strategic steps are needed.
countries not for shared To substitute fiat money in economy
progression. dinar implementation need to be
2. Small OKI trade volume. It is ironic performed periodically, step by step
that for example Lebanon and and not in drastic manner. One of
Turkey export cheese to Belgium, steps performed in implementing
England and other Europe dinar is by making dinar money as
countries meanwhile Iran, international goods and service
Pakistan, and Syria import same trade transaction tools, both
product from Europe (Yakcop, multilateral and bilateral.
2002). There are several things need
3. Failed OKI Economy Program. to be considered in implementing
One of OKI long term dinar money for international trade
cooperation is establishing including:
Islamic Common Market (ICM). 1. Dinar money role in trade
ICM functions to facilitate natural Use of dinar money is not
resource optimization possessed shown to replace domestic currency
by every OKI member (Sadeq, role but only be used for payment
1996:39). on foreign goods and service trade
4. Fiat Money creates injustice, for transaction. Domestic money is still
example production cost of one needed as domestic transaction.
dollar paper money is equal to Dinar money is not embodied with
four cent of dollar (Yusuf et al physical form, but be measured in
2002). By assumption that one gold price measurement.
dollar is valued Rp. 10,000,- then
four cent of dollar is equal to Rp. 2. Use of Gold Dinar Money
400,- whereas in other parts of The gold dinar money will be
world 2,8 billions of lives have to used in both multilateral and
work hard for only to gain two bilateral trade transaction.
dollar a day and even 1,2 billions Multilateral trade involves some
lives have to work hard for one countries in trade transaction such
dollar a day (Wolfensohn, 2004). as expo and import between
5. Money Volatility has negative Malaysia and Saudi Arabia and
effect. Volatility creates Indonesia. Whereas bilateral
uncertainty and furthermore transaction involves two countries in
increases additional cost in trade. goods and service trade such as
A research which studied G-3 trade between Indonesia and
currencies volatility (USA, Japan Malaysia.
and Germany) explained that
one percent increase of this
money exchange rate will

Journal of Islamic Economics Science – Vol.1 No. 1

Advantages of Dinar Use in By fiat trade system today

International Trade opportunity and room for
Dinar use in international developed countries are
trade mainly in bilateral trade will available to dominate world
provide many advantages (Meera, economy and widen gap
2004: 95-98), including: between rich countries and poor
1. Decreasing and abolishing countries. Dinar use will minimize
exchange rate risk. Risk created dependency of developing and
from exchange rate change will poor countries on developed
influence world economy activity country economy, bearing in
particularlyinternational trade. mind that most of natural
Dinar money will abolish all risk resource in this world are
created from exchange rate belonging to developing
since dinar is stable and countries.
profitable currency for every
country that perform trade. CONCLUSION
2. Dinar use will minimize Concepts from effective
speculation, manipulation, and exchange rate have been
arbitrage on national currency. developed to measure weighted
But by making dinar as single average of foreign currency rate in
currency in trade, speculation domestic currency. Karim (2014:158).
and arbitrage will not occur in Flexible Exchange Rate Regime is a
the trade. In practice, economy floating exchange rate system used
and politic situation of a country by most countries in the world today.
will influence its currency rate If Central Bank is willing to add
and will affect economy activity money supply, Central Bank can
and market, but by using dinar as print money and then buy particular
global currency, it will not have asset (usually in form of government
significant effect since dinar is not obligation) by these money.
belong to particular country. Exchange rate policy in Islam can
3. Dinar use will minimize transaction be said using Managed Floating
cost and increase trade. Small system where the exchange rate is
amount of dinar will be able to result of government policies (not
cover great amount of constitute manner or the policy itself)
transaction and provide since government does not
opportunity even for country that intervene balance occured in
has no adequate foreign market except when things which
exchange reserve. disturb the balance occured. So it
4. Dinar money use in trade will can be said that a stable exchange
increase trade which at the end rate is result of a proper government
will increase cooperation policy.
between member countries. In In pre Islam era, dinar constituted
addition, dinar use will influence money used in trading transaction.
domestic currency condition Various types of gold dinar and silver
which at the end will influence dirham were circulated in trade as a
national monetary system. result of many Arabians had trade
5. Dinar use in international trade transaction with Romans of
will minimize sovereignty (power). Byzantine and merchants who

JIES – Postgraduate School Universitas Airlangga

passed Arab lands. In moslem Raja Grafindo Persada 2005, hal.

history, Rasulullah and his friends 49.
used dinar and dirham as their Karim, Adiwarman. Ekonomi Makro
currency. In addition to function as Islami. Jakarta: PT Grafindo
exchange instrument, dinar and Perkasa, 2014, Edisi ke Tiga, hal.
dirham were also used as syariah 157
laws measurement standards such Karim, Adiwarman. Ekonomi Makro
as zakat imposition and thieve Islami. Jakarta: PT Grafindo
measurement. Perkasa, 2014, Edisi ke Tiga, hal.
In their journey as usable 158
currency, dinar and dirham tend to Landsburg, S.E. Macroeconomics,
be stable and not experience Mcgraw-Hill, Inc. 1997: hlm. 503
relatively great inflation during ± 1500 Majdi, Siswantoro dan Brozovsky (Stable
years. Cause of and Just GlobalMonetary Systems,
appreciation/depreciation 2002
(fluctuation) of any currency
exchange rate in Islam is also
grouped into two groups: Natural
and Human Error (Karim, 2014:167).
Some strategic steps are needed to
establish dinar as global currency.
Applying dinar step by step is
needed to substitute flat money roles
in economy and not in drastically
way. One step taken to apply dinar
is by making dinar as transaction
instrument in international goods
and service trade, both multilateral
and bilateral.


Greenwald, Douglas, Encyclopedia of

Economics, Mcgraw-Hill,
Inc.1982;hlm. 430
Huda, Nurul, Nasution, Mustafa Edwin,
Idri, Handi Risza, dkk. Ekonomi
Makro Islam: Pendekatan Teoritis,
Kencana Prenadamedia Grup,
2008, hal.100
Huda, Nurul, Nasution, Mustafa Edwin,
Idri, Handi Risza, dkk. Ekonomi
Makro Islam: Pendekatan Teoritis,
Jakarta: Kencana Prenadamedia
Grup, 2008, hal.103
Hasan, Ali. Zakat, Pajak, Asuransi dan
Lembaga Keuangan. Jakarta: PT


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