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Electric bike

• We already have the technology we need to cure our addiction to oil, stabilize the
climate and maintain our standard of living, all at the same time. By transitioning to
sustainable technologies, such as solar and wind power, we can achieve energy
independence and stabilize human-induced climate change.
• Increasing transportation efficiency is the best place to start efforts to reduce
emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), which is a primary culprit in global warming. Of all
CO2 emissions in the United States, about 33 percent comes from transportation.
• Our electric vs. internal combustion engine chart shows the overwhelming
advantages of electric cars — plug-in hybrid vehicles and all-electric vehicles (EVs) —
over gasoline vehicles. With gasoline-electric hybrid power and all-electric power, we
can achieve significant cost and environmental savings.
• By adding more batteries and recharging capability to gasoline-electric hybrid
vehicles, we can have plug-in hybrids that offer the range of hybrids (500 miles or
more), plus the benefit of all-electric power for short trips, which dramatically
reduces the amount of gasoline used. EVs require no gasoline whatsoever and, when
recharged from renewable energy sources, produce zero total emissions.
• We as a team want to manufacture a prototype of an electric bike which can be
efficient and be cheaper in cost and is practical in day to day use.
• By outsourcing battery, motor, chassis, battery management system, and other bike
parts we want to manufacture a E-bike under 60-75 thousands rupees.
• Currently used bikes which are available in the market costs more than 1 lakh after
government subsidy. We aim to decrease the cost and increase the range of the
• Chassis and body parts 10000 to 150000


• Battery management system wiring 10000
• Fabrication 10000

Total cost estimation

• Outsourcing of parts. 1-1/2 week.
• Documentation 2 weeks
• Fabrication. 3 weeks
• Time of completion 15-03-20
• Motor 15k

• Battery 20000

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