Cryptocurency Starter Pack PDF

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Professional Diploma in


S shawacademy
To understand
and obtain the functional
elements required to participate
in the financial speculation of

The course will show how retail traders tune out the white noise
surrounding the digital currency space, implement fact based analysis, and
decide upon an entry and exit point within these markets. The volatility
within these markets are greater than anything we have seen in recent
years, learn how to manage your risks before getting exposed to these
historical climates.

With the highly publicised gains in the value of Bitcoin, investors and speculators may
be falsely led to believe these markets can only go up, and success is an inevitability.
However without any prior education or training the biggest issue with this theory is that
novice traders only actually find out that they need an education after they have
attempted to invest their own capital, and have lost money.

After participating in the cryptocurrency program, even novice traders now fully
understand the dangers involved in trading without a complete education, they
understand the common pitfalls, and further understand what they need to do in order to
avoid those hurdles.

It is an often used statistic that over 95% of retail traders/speculators lose all their money
when trading the financial markets. This is simply because they have no education in how
the financial markets, especially digital currencies operate, and are unprepared for the risks

Trading and investing can be taught, those who commit their time and
resources to following the process are in a great position to succeed.
Anything is possible in life… but, like any subject matter, whether it’s carpentry, or surgery,
or becoming a musician, or trading the markets, unless you receive an education - unless
you are shown HOW to perform correctly by an expert in the field - the results are simply
not going to be good.

You can trade from anywhere at anytime.
Just because you can do something does not mean that you should. Professional traders
profit from the markets because they work in a professional manner. If any professional
trader was seen to be placing a trade on the markets while sitting on a train, or waiting at a
bus stop, or “just because”, I would imagine that they would no longer be in a job.

You can turn €1,000 into a recurring monthly income.

While this is certainly true, it would be highly, highly unusual. It is much better and much
more realistic to focus on consistent and conservative gains, rather than trying to achieve
what 99.9999% of traders are unable to do.

What is a Cryptocurrency?
Lesson 1 will give you a full understanding as to what markets are available to trade -
from the most popular, to the least popular Cryptocurrencies.

How to enter these markets?

Lesson 2 will go through many of the types of methods one can use in gaining exposure
in these markets, from long-term investing, to mining and day trading.

What is the best method to use when analysing

the cryptocurrencies?
We will discuss the differences between Fundamental Analysis and Technical Analysis
throughout Lesson 3/4 so that we can best understand what suits the short-term
trader versus the longer-term investor.

Those who receive a thorough education are more
likely to succeed.
Regardless of the subject matter - those who learn from expert, from those who are
experienced in the subject, are infinitely more likely to succeed. This should not be a
ground-breaking statement, rather something which is known and accepted
automatically. Cryptocurrency trading is no different!

S shawacademy

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