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ATOM 35mm Air Burst Ammunition developed by ASELSAN is a Technical Specifications
smart ammunition having a base fuze. The effectiveness of the
barreled guns is increased noticeably with the use of Air Burst • Weight Of Complete Round : 1750 gr
Ammunition and they become an important option for small • Length Of Complete Round : 387 mm
and high-speed targets. • Fuze : Time-programmable base

Specifications are subject to change without any notice.

fuze with electronic
Together with the ability of precise time counting and the ca- selfdestruct function
pability of being programmed during firing by taking muzzle • Muzzle Velocity : 1020 m/sn
velocity into consideration; ATOM 35mm Air Burst Ammunition • Maximum Range : 12500 m
provides high hit probability against various types of air and • Effective Range : 4000 m
land targets. • Weapon to be Used : 35x228 mm 90 Caliber
Linkless Cannon
General Specifications

• Precise Programming Taking Muzzle Velocity

Into Account
• Improved Distribution for Tungsten Pellets
• Deep Penetration Capability
• 4 km Effective Range
• Highly Reliable Mechanical Safe & Arm Device
• High Precision Time Counting
• Resistant Against Electromagnetic Jamming
• 20 Years Shelf Life

35 mm ATOM Air Defense 35 mm ATOM IFV 35 mm ATOM C-RAM

• Air to Ground Missiles • Main Battle Tanks • Mortars
• Cruise Missiles • Infantry Fighting Vehicles • Rockets
Target Set
• UAVs • Light Armoured / Unarmoured Vehicles • UAVs
• Fighters • Infantry Units
• Helicopters • Fixed Targets like Building, Shelter, etc.
• Various Ground Targets • Units Attacking from Crest, Foxhole,
Trench etc
• UAVs

P: +90 (312) 592 10 00 | F: +90 (312) 354 13 02 | ASELSAN A.Ş. is a Turkish Armed Forces Foundation company.

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