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Novo Nordisk’s Triple Bottom Line approach to business In this issue:

When cultures collide

Digital health is not a free lunch

When recruitment goes digital

No. 2 · 2017


TBL Quarterly  2


Going digital is about future proofing
Vincent Turgis, Senior Vice President of Corporate IT in Novo
Nordisk, explains why digitalisation can be an enabler for
long-term value creation and how he encourages colleagues
to take the bigger perspective.

When cultures collide

The snowballing digitalisation of healthcare has brought
with it a proliferation of partnerships. While company
sector and sizes might be different, success is made
possible by keeping the purpose of collaboration front
of mind.

Digital health is not a free lunch
A team of anthropologists travelled to the US to take
a closer look at digital health solutions. What they
uncovered was that much more than health data is
being shared in the digital ecosystem.

Scanning the horizon

– Three views on digital, business and society
How can digitalisation enable businesses to have
a more positive impact on society going forward?
And what are the potential negative impacts?
Read three perspectives here.

Mobilising patient peer support
Health social networking is on the rise, helping people
living with chronic diseases to connect, offer support,
and learn from one another. Read the story of patient
entrepreneur Brianna Wolin.
TBL Quarterly  3

TBL is short for Triple Bottom Line. The Triple Bottom Line is how we at Novo Nordisk
consider the financial, environmental and social impact of our business decisions. In each
issue of TBL Quarterly, we bring you stories of what TBL looks like in the real world.

Read more about TBL at

16 Is digital the new green?

Digitalisation can help companies work smarter but can
it also help them reduce their environmental footprint?

What’s next in tech?
Digital technology trends move at a very high pace,
continuously providing new opportunities for patients
and businesses. So what’s “the next big thing”?

Digital health:

going beyond pilots
Digital technologies are rapidly expanding health
coverage in low-resource settings. Still, more is
needed to truly reach scale. Novartis and PATH share
experiences from actions on the ground.

People driving sustainability

Working with IT security is a
balancing act
As Vice President of IT Security & Quality, Lars Falch
is responsible for keeping Novo Nordisk safe from
cybercrime and other IT risks. In this Q&A, he shares
what a typical day on the job looks like.
Vincent Turgis is Senior Vice President of
Corporate IT in Novo Nordisk

Vincent Turgis, Senior Vice In my 20+ years of experience within Nordisk’s operations are effective,
President of Corporate IT IT, I have often thought of this story. secure, stable and reliable and to
in Novo Nordisk, explains why It describes three people doing exactly develop digital solutions that provide
digitalisation can be an enabler the same job but with very different value to the millions of people who
for long-term value creation and attitudes – and although it’s an old are living with diabetes and other
how he encourages colleagues to story, I think its message continues to chronic conditions and who rely on
take the bigger perspective. be relevant today. us every day.

A man came upon a construction site In my job heading up Corporate IT in I also like to think that digitalisation is
where three people were working. Novo Nordisk, I encourage myself and about future proofing our business.
He asked the first, “What are you my colleagues to think beyond the Both because it can be a way to
doing?” and the man replied: “I am tactical “brick laying” part of our jobs increase the treatment benefits of our
laying bricks.” He asked the second, and take the bigger perspective. products and because it can enable us
“What are you doing?” and the man to work smarter and more efficiently
replied: “I am building a wall.” As he Our day-to-day tasks might be about and effectively.
approached the third, he heard him operating systems, servers and
humming a tune as he worked, and applications but at a higher level, This thinking is very much in line
asked, “What are you doing?” The the cathedral level, our job is about with Novo Nordisk’s Triple Bottom
man stood, looked up at the sky, and creating global IT solutions and Line (TBL) business principle – our
smiled, “I am building a cathedral!” processes to ensure that Novo way of balancing financial, social
and environmental considerations in
decision-making – which we consider
a prerequisite for creating long-
term value. I am therefore happy
that this issue of TBL Quarterly will
Many people think that working look at digitalisation from a TBL
lens, focusing on its financial, social
with digital solutions is only about and environmental implications
and highlighting both benefits and
technology, but actually it’s all challenges.

about people.”
It’s about people used to develop new tools for people for collaborating and recruiting
Many people think that working with diabetes. But in the pursuit of across borders. On top of that, digital
with digital solutions is only about new digital solutions, we must not lose solutions can also help our company
technology, but actually it’s all about sight of what drives human behaviour reduce its environmental impact, for
people. The formula is quite simple and where digital may also fail to example by reducing travel.
– digital solutions are only successful drive better patient outcomes. At the
when they benefit the user. same time, we must be ready to safely However, the digital way of working
store, protect and use health data as also exposes us to risks such as
Take the example of digital health well as derive insights from this huge cybercrime. Breaches of security could
which covers health offerings that amount of information. Just to put have a severe impact on patients’ or
use insights gained through digital into perspective, by 2020, healthcare other individuals’ privacy as well as
technologies to address unmet needs data is forecast to be equivalent to the our ability to produce and safeguard
of patients, healthcare professionals contents of 500bn filing cabinets.1 product quality. This means that we
and payers. This holds great of course invest heavily in information
potential because it can improve Reshaping the way we work security.
health outcomes by offering more I have been in Novo Nordisk since
personalised, accessible and intelligent 2001 and during those years, the With all of this in mind, I feel confident
care. It can connect different actors company has grown extremely fast that every brick we lay in the digital
in the healthcare ecosystem in new and become a global organisation. sphere contributes to prepare our
ways and across borders. IT has played – and is still playing – a business for the future and create
key role in supporting our growth by positive impact for people in the real
As a healthcare company, we must implementing global solutions and world every day.
be ready to develop new offerings processes that meet our business
that leverage the potential of digital needs. Across Novo Nordisk, we have I hope you will enjoy the (online)
technology. And acknowledge that created a truly global IT organisation reading.
we need to partner up with others with all the challenges and
who have the needed capabilities if we opportunities that this has to offer. Vincent Turgis
want to play in this space. In this issue, Senior Vice President, Corporate IT
you can read about how Novo Nordisk There is no doubt that IT has changed Novo Nordisk
has partnered up with Glooko and the way we work and mainly in a Twitter: @VincentTurgis
IBM Watson to generate data leading positive way as it enables us to work
to valuable health insights that can be smarter and opens up for new ways
1) Bigger data for better healthcare, Intel, 2013.
The role of shared purpose in fuelling
the digital health revolution
Text: Adam Pittard

The snowballing digitalisation able to build a long-term, mutually

of healthcare has brought with beneficial relationship.”
it a proliferation of partnerships.
And, if anything, joint ventures In his view, the precedent of
have become the prevailing basis overcoming differences in culture and
for many of the sector’s most values to improve health is nothing
ambitious and promising enterprises. new. He points to the eradication of
New digital health entities have smallpox – achieved in tandem by
sprung up and across the globe, NGOs working hand in glove with
start-ups have combined forces both Western and Soviet governments
with vast multinationals in their to deliver a vaccine – as the shining
bid to evolve the delivery of the example of a coming together of
healthcare of tomorrow. alternative mindsets to tackle a
health challenge.
If NICE1 and the FDA2 are anything to
go by, the partnership approach seems Learning on the job
to be working. In December 2016, they While the objectives of digital health
themselves came together to explore partnerships are multiple and diverse,
how best to pave the regulatory and the key principles and challenges
policy paths for the exponentially of alignment remain the same as
growing number of diagnostic and Jeff Chang, Product Manager at
medical technologies coming to Glooko, provider of a leading remote
market. monitoring system for people with
diabetes testifies. Jeff works on a daily
But, while corporate press releases and basis with Novo Nordisk Digital Health “Together, we have
polished congress performances leave towards combined new offerings been able to learn
the observer with an impression of and has experienced first-hand the on the job. Glooko
harmonious collaboration, when small challenge of combining skills and have quickly understood
tech firms partner with multinationals, resources in a new partnership. the stringent legal and
disparities in culture and approach are compliance processes
inevitable. “Organisationally and operationally we commonplace in a
are fundamentally different. We are pharmaceutical company.
According to Professor Stan small whereas Novo Nordisk is large. In turn, we are changing
Kachnowski, Chair of the Healthcare We turn around our solutions in a the way we operate to
Innovation and Technology Lab, matter of days or weeks whereas Novo more closely align with the
INC (HITLAB) and witness to many Nordisk is more familiar with much rapid turnarounds involved in
a successful venture in the health longer-term projects. Recognising and effectively delivering digital
technology space, achieving great accepting this has meant we have health solutions.”
things can only happen when partners been able to make a good job of
have aligned values that enable them working together in partnership.”
to overcome these cultural differences.
Jens Birkenheim, Associate Global
“If the core mentalities are not Project Director at Novo Nordisk,
properly aligned, then the chances of agrees with Jeff and credits the
a successful partnership are seriously partners’ ability to quickly identify
damaged,” he explains. “The most differences in their respective
impressive partnerships are ones that approaches with the success of the
have both value systems and mindsets partnership to date.
aligned so that the institutions are
healthcare worldwide. HITLAB® acts
as an advisor to Novo Nordisk in the
area of digital health.

About Glooko
Glooko is the leading remote patient
monitoring platform for diabetes.
Glooko syncs with over 160 diabetes
devices and major fitness and activ-
ity trackers and enables patients to
easily track and proactively manage all
aspects of their diabetes care. Over 1
million people with diabetes and 6,000
health systems in 27 countries use
Glooko’s FDA-cleared, HIPAA-
compliant Mobile, Population Health
and Clinic Upload applications with
an aim to improve health outcomes
for people with diabetes. Glooko is
collaborating with Novo Nordisk to
develop digital diabetes management

About Novo Nordisk Digital Health

their joint app in the hands of Novo Nordisk Digital Health aims
diabetes patients for testing, ahead of to contribute to the organisation’s
its launch in the US. mission to improve patient outcomes
globally through access to innovative
“Seeing the response of people with treatments. To achieve this, Novo
diabetes to our product has been very Nordisk Digital Health is establishing
satisfying,” explains Jeff. “Through a network of sustainable partnerships
the positive feedback we could that provide access to capabilities and
immediately see the rewards of our tools that complement the company’s
effective collaboration and we are portfolio of treatments and connected
confident that our work will contribute device technology.
to improving the lives of these people.”

Both partners credit their shared

core values of patient centricity and
innovation with enabling them to
In any
reach this milestone.
The fact that both
there are Eureka
moments – that
“The fact that both partners have a
passion and commitment to deliver
partners have a
point in time when
the parties realise that
improved health outcomes for people passion and
it is all coming together.
with diabetes is what allows us to
come together in the first place,” says
commitment to
For Glooko and Novo
Nordisk, that moment came
Jens. “It’s this overarching philosophy deliver improved
in our partnership that motivates us to
when they were able to put work harder and better together.” health outcomes
for people with
About HITLAB® diabetes is what
HITLAB® is a healthcare innovation
lab that helps leading organisations allows us to come
ideate, create, evaluate, and diffuse
technology-based solutions to improve
together in the
the quality and accessibility of first place.”

1) The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) is an executive non-departmental public body of Department of Health in the UK. NICE provides national guidance and advice
to improve health and social care.
2) The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is a federal agency of the US Department of Health and Human Services. Among other things, the FDA is responsible for protecting the public
health by ensuring that human and veterinary drugs, and vaccines and other biological products and medical devices intended for human use are safe and effective.
Text: Scott Dille

Digital health solutions have the

promise to improve personalised
treatment and save both time
and money in cost conscious
healthcare systems. But is everyone
getting what they want? Two
anthropologists working in Novo
Nordisk’s Patient Insight team went
looking for answers.

When Kevin from

New York talks about
his experience with
digital health and type 2
diabetes, he touches
on a problem facing
technologies that are
collecting, monitoring Eva interviewing a patient with type 2 diabetes in his home
and sharing health data.

“I tried to use a website

where I would enter all kinds of data “In diabetes, there is a huge ecosystem Getting back to theory, a patient may
– food, exercise, BG [blood glucose of data being exchanged, much of it act on their obligation to give, and the
numbers], etc. but I never got any tightly associated with the doctor and data crunching engine may receive,
benefit from it. It was too much work his or her care team,” says Eva. “If we e.g. via a device app or website, but
and I don’t even know the purpose understand the logic of this ecosystem is there reciprocation? And what value
with it.” In short, what’s in it for me? from the patient’s perspective, we is expected in return?
might be better equipped to develop
According to anthropologists Eva successful digital health solutions.” Eva explains that when a patient shares
Tang Vangkilde and Kirsten Lauritsen, body data with a doctor, a health team
Kevin’s lack of enthusiasm for digital Sharing and caring or a company, the patient is giving
health solutions is based on knowledge To gain a better understanding, away much more than the actual data.
that has been around since 1925 – Eva and Kirsten used ethnographic “In the case of sharing health data
there’s no such thing as a free lunch. methods, interviewing type 2 diabetes with a doctor, the patients are giving
and asthma patients in their homes. their personal life, including revealing
“Digital health is an exchange and Nine people from New York and New secrets about themselves,” says Eva.
it needs to be balanced,” says Eva. Jersey and 12 living in San Francisco “Numbers can also reveal shameful
“When people share their personal and the surrounding areas. and ‘bad behaviour’ related to personal
body and behavioural data on a health lifestyle choices and other intangible
app, website or device, they want to Through the research, they established elements of one’s managing of type 2
feel that the value of what they get in a map of the data exchange ecosystem diabetes.”
return is equal to what they give.” (see graph on next page). They
identified six actors in the ecosystem From the patient’s side, now that they
In their study, Eva and Kirsten view that are either sharing and sending have given this valuable and personal
people’s relationship to digital health data or processing data and advising. information, the doctor for example is
through the lens of Gift Exchange For example, a patient is someone likewise expected to give back much
Theory1, stating that a “free” gift sending and sharing data, such more than the medical prescriptions.
that is not returned is a contradiction as through an app that sends the According to Eva and Kirsten’s
because it cannot create social ties. information to his or her doctor. An research, the doctor is expected to
Viewed as a shared value relationship, engine could be a company that would give an understanding of the context
Kevin’s reaction is due to a violation of be processing and advising, such as in which data is collected and provide
the principles of gift exchange – we all pooling large amounts of data to social and emotional support in the
have an obligation to give, to receive determine which treatments work format of listening, encouraging and
and to reciprocate. best in the real world. cheerleading.

1) The Gift Exchange Theory was developed by the French anthropologist Marcel Mauss and has had a great impact on anthropology and the social science in general. The theory origins from studies of
primitive societies in Polynesia, Melanesia and North America exploring how the economies in these societies are established and maintained by different exchanges without economic institutions or
money being involved. The logic behind the Gift Exchange Theory is based on three obligations: the obligation to give, the obligation to receive and the obligation to reciprocate.
“The exchange relation breaks down if me as whole person and to support me According to Geert Reyniers, Vice
the doctor gives back discouragement in my efforts to make a difference, not President of Digital Health at Novo
in the format of raised fingers, blame, only to see and treat me as a body.” Nordisk, anthropologists are making
punishment or accusations,” says Eva. a key contribution to the development
To fix the broken link in the exchange, of digital health solutions for people
Eva points to some digital health Eva and Kirsten point to solutions that with diabetes.
solutions that work, citing Endomondo return more empathy and individuality,
and Fitbit as examples of people thereby creating value and support “Insight into the everyday lives of
sharing data and finding satisfaction in that can maintain a balance in the data people with diabetes is critical as we
sharing their successes. exchange relationship. work towards the delivery of digital
solutions to support their health,”
“There is a very recent example from “Solutions that fail to support and Geert explains. “If what we develop
diabetes that, though not perfect, maintain a balance will be short lived,” is not user-friendly, intuitive and
does align with theory,” says Eva. “A says Eva. “There are no such things as reflective of the lived experience of
patient was using an app that pays gifts totally ‘free of charges’. All gift the end user, they simply won’t be
real money to log his food, do his exchanges involve the obligation to motivated to engage with it. The
exercise, etc. The funny thing about give, to receive and to give back.” work of our anthropologist colleagues
this example is that he has found a will ensure that the potential of our
good enough reason to share his diet Kevin makes the case fairly simple. digital technologies are realised to the
data, but he doesn’t necessarily care “If there is a logical reason to share maximum in the future provision of
what he is eating.” data – I would. Give me a good diabetes care.”
enough reason.”
Finding the right balance Curious to know more? Contact Eva
Shelton living in San Francisco, defined For the future of digital health, Eva and Kirsten on
what kind of value he would like to and Kirsten’s research offers priceless and
receive during one of Eva and Kirsten’s food for thought.
interviews. “I need my doctor to see

The ecosystem
of data exchange

Send & share

Monitor & Pool &

collect analyse

Device Patient Care team Social Network Big institutions Engine

Process & advise Developed by Eva Tang Vangkilde

and Kirsten Lauritsen, Patient
Insight team, Device R&D
TBL Quarterly 10

SCANNING How do you think digitalisation can enable

businesses to have a more positive impact

– Three views on digital, business and society
on society going forward?

Digitalisation is dramatically changing relationships

with consumers. Suddenly, we have a vast amount of
information about their health and we can act on that
data. Consumers have come to expect personalisation,
We asked three people for their perspectives on and healthcare now can deliver on those expectations.
the future of digitalisation and how to maximise We can focus on prevention, treat illnesses with
its positive contribution to society while mitigating individualised treatment plans and we can empower
potential downsides. people to more proactively manage their own health
and care.

Digital also enables better collaboration, which means

entities from across industries can work together
Every healthcare to develop innovative products and services that
maximise impact on society by solving social and
business must embrace environmental issues. If we put in the right checks and
new technologies to balances to ensure innovations are focused on societal
needs, amazing breakthroughs can happen.
be more collaborative.”
Peter Lacy
Global Managing Director, Growth,
Strategy & Sustainability at What are some of the negative impacts that
Accenture Strategy digitalisation may have going forward?

Justin Keeble
Managing Director, Sustainability, The rise of data-driven business models and increasing
Trust and Digital responsibility, sophistication of technology has the potential to
erode trust especially where companies have access to
Europe, Africa & Latin America at
increasing volumes of patient data and move towards
Accenture Strategy more personalised, tailored health services.

Automation also will create huge shifts in the jobs

that are available and the skills required to do them.
Accenture Strategy Future Workforce research1 found
that 95% of people believe they need new skills to
How do you see business models changing
stay relevant at work. Whilst digital technologies
in the short- and long run as a result of the will help doctors and nurses to be more effective for
digital transformation? example in diagnosing, they also have the potential to
displace workers in more process orientated roles.

The healthcare industry is being disrupted not just

by technology advances, but also by socioeconomic
changes and scientific breakthroughs. Organisations
must pursue new business models and strategies to
claim their role in this new landscape, and we’re seeing
several approaches rapidly taking shape.

Some companies are focused on being lean and

managing costs efficiently. Other companies are
striving to improve the patient experience, be more
product-centric, or focus on the patient journey, using
analytics to improve outcomes. Others are intently
focused on using digital to achieve global scale and
to collaborate with the greater ecosystem. Regardless
what model you choose, every healthcare business must
embrace new technologies to be more collaborative.
TBL Quarterly
Quarterly 11

How can digital technologies enable Embrace digital

businesses, public sector and other actors in technology but with
society to work better together?
your eyes wide open.”
Digital has blurred the boundaries between traditional
industries. Now, governments, healthcare companies John Morrison
and technology leaders can come together to create Chief Executive at the Institute
offerings or develop new services that transform for Human Rights and Business
patient outcomes. For instance, Novartis is teaming up
with Google to develop a micro-engineered contact
lens that can help people with diabetes by non-in-
vasively monitoring glucose levels in tear fluid. This
breakthrough has immense potential to benefit global How do you see business models changing
health, as one in 10 people in the world is expected to in the short- and long run as a result of the
have diabetes by 2040.2
digital transformation?
By sharing data, pooling resources and capabilities and
cultivating innovation, healthcare ecosystem players We are currently at the beginning of a fundamental
can drive the next wave of industry disruption, rather transformation: sometimes called the “fourth industrial
than be disrupted by it. revolution”. We are increasingly a knowledge economy.
But with big data, knowledge itself is becoming the
commodity – the purpose of many new businesses. This
will be disruptive to current business models.

Two aspects are already with us – the “gig economy”

What would be your best advice to business changing the nature of employment and “automation”
leaders when it comes to the digital increasingly displacing manual and clerical jobs. These
transformation? trends will continue and fundamentally challenge the
nature of business – for better in some ways but also
Leaders need to understand that successful and posing some new challenges for society.
enduring companies have a clear purpose that serves
society. Those who work for the company must
understand the organisation’s purpose, and align
around that purpose. Then, they must understand
how digital technologies can drive competitive How do you think digitalisation can enable
advantage in the pursuit of that purpose. In this way, businesses to have a more positive impact on
you’ll reap the value both to business and to society.
society going forward?

Digitalisation gives business much more information

about its consumers. In the case of healthcare this
means patients – allowing for more rapid and precise
interventions to prevent and cure both communicable
and non-communicable disease. The benefits will
be profound, with real time digital communication
between patient and healthcare company – an
immediate feedback loop.

With 3D printing, this will allow for prosthetics to be

produced within primary health care, or for genetic
records to be kept on every patient flagging key risk
factors relating to diet or lifestyle. This should not just
mean benefits for the rich but also the poor – think for
example the role that the data derived from cell phone
networks can play in fighting epidemics by tracking the
spread of symptoms among large populations.

1) For more information, see

2) International Diabetes Federation. IDF Diabetes Atlas, 7th edn. Brussels, Belgium: International Diabetes Federation, 2015.
TBL Quarterly 12

What would be your best advice to What are some of the negative impacts that
business leaders when it comes to the digitalisation may have going forward?
digital transformation?

With all the new benefits come new risks. The “gig
My advice is to embrace digital technology but economy” and the growth in temporary work will
with your eyes wide open. The power of data and require new labour protections. Big data is growing at
automation comes with huge benefit but also the need an exponential rate and will largely sit in private hands.
for new responsibilities. Now is the time to educate Algorithms and machine to machine communication
yourself about the nature of these responsibilities increasingly take much decision-making out of human
– fundamentally how to put the human rights of hands.
patients and wider populations at the centre of the
analysis. Ensure that the appropriate policies and The first risk is data privacy. Businesses will increasingly
procedures are firmly in place, with adequate collect personal information about us all. We might
governance and oversight. consent to hand over information about our DNA to a
pharmaceutical or cosmetics company in exchange for a
There is also no need to face these challenges alone: bespoke product but is this really informed consent?
bring around your business peers from your industry,
experts and societal actors to ensure that human rights A second concern is discrimination. We already know
due diligence becomes the standard in every market. from apps used by landlords or the “Black Lives Matter”
campaign in the USA that algorithms are not neutral
but can discriminate against minorities that are already

And finally, perhaps the biggest dilemma will be how

How can digital technologies enable companies will manage the “positive duties” that might
arise by having so much knowledge about so many
businesses, public sector and other actors in
people. The algorithms might find new patterns in the
society to work better together? data in years to come, some of which might provide
for new healthcare interventions if they were handed
over to another company or a government agency. This
desire for business to continually solve societal problems
Given the powerful positive effects of digital technology
might conflict with commitments to individual privacy
but also the great risks, it cannot be left to governments
and meaningful consent.
alone to solve these. Regulation will have an important
role to play, but many of the dilemmas will be deeply
contextual and will need social licence from all societal

There are many parallels to medical ethics and “digital

ethics” will need similar oversight and accountability.
Technology itself will help enable some of this scrutiny.
For example, it seems that block-chain is well placed not
just to drive financial transactions but also to trace the
flow and impact of data in human lives.
TBL Quarterly
Quarterly 13

It’s a journey that will What would be your best advice to business
not be completed leaders when it comes to the digital
overnight but one that transformation?
holds great potential.”
Anne Birk Østerskov Think beyond patents. Make sure to enter into strategic
Senior International Medical Manager alliances early on. Consider this a new way to improve
working in Novo Nordisk’s Insulin & your company’s capabilities and minimise the risk of
Digital Health team getting disrupted by others.

You have to take some chances and have a corporate

culture that incentivises trying out new things that are
not necessarily within the comfort zone of your core
competencies. If you want to be a winner in the digital
How do you see the delivery of medicine health space you have to realise that access to data
changing in the short and long run as a result is key.
of the digital transformation?

In the near future, most pharma companies will need

to demonstrate value creation beyond development of
medicine. Our service offering will increasingly form What are some of the negative impacts that
part of a greater ecosystem consisting of e.g. wearables digitalisation may have going forward?
that are collecting and analysing health data in an
increasingly transparent world.
I think technology is making our lives easier and
increases our ability to learn new things, so the
This development opens up for new ways of collaborating,
impact is overwhelmingly positive. However, we must
for example with tech firms who are already now
acknowledge that it may sometimes come with a price,
disrupting the way healthcare is traditionally delivered.
such as a perceived loss of human interaction and
We are facing a new reality where healthcare
empathetic skills.
companies increasingly need to access complementary
capabilities from external partners and new alliances.
From an industry perspective, the increased amount of
I believe it’s a journey that will not be completed
data collected also poses challenges. Earlier, pharma
overnight but one that holds great potential.
companies used to be in control of all the data created
with development of their drug but today the usage
of the drug and the patient outcomes in the real
world is shared among many actors in the healthcare
ecosystem. This is positive in many ways but also puts
How do you think digitalisation can enable higher demands on the pharma industry where close
healthcare companies to have a more positive engagement with patients hasn’t traditionally been a
core competency.
impact going forward?

As a medical doctor working in the Insulin Digital &

Health team in Novo Nordisk, my job is to make sure
that we connect our clinical strategy and digitalisation How can digital technologies enable
in the best possible way. businesses, public sector and other actors in
society to work better together?
Today, an increasing amount of health data is being
collected through smart digital platforms and analysed
by companies with artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities The biggest opportunity lies in using digitalisation to
which can give us more valuable insights into diabetes collect and transform data into insights that can help
management and treatment outcomes. improve health outcomes in the real world. This requires
new ways of collaborating – which may not always be
Digitalisation also opens up for many new ways to easy – but in the end I think it will create better results
support patients 24/7 in their treatment and care, e.g. for the patient which is what we are all aiming for.
through their smartphones. This can result in better
adherence and usage of the drugs, fewer complications
and higher quality of life which is obviously beneficial
from a societal point of view.
TBL Quarterly 14

Text: Mike Dalzell

Health social networking is which sponsors events, meetup of Brianna. Frustrated by what she
on the rise, helping people groups, and educational opportunities; perceived as a lack of emotional
living with chronic diseases to and RareConnect, which helps and simple, strict nutritional support
people with more than 100 rare on campus (Brianna also lives with
connect, offer support, and diseases worldwide develop online Celiac disease, food allergies and
learn from one another. communities. food intolerances), Brianna and fellow
Michigan alum Parisa Soraya tested
Brianna Wolin naturally attracts people Some sites also serve a scientific a beta of Find Your Ditto on campus.
with her ambition, eloquence, and purpose. Patientslikeme encourages More than 100 students signed up,
thousand-watt smile. And yet, Brianna, its 500,000 members to “donate each seeking connection with another
a 2016 University of Michigan graduate your data” to researchers, healthcare student living with the same chronic
who lives with type 1 diabetes, had professionals, and industry. Recognising illness. More than 90% were matched,
had times when she felt so alone. that academic publication is a very and 98% of those wanted another
slow process, patientslikeme shares meeting after the first.
“With a campus swarming with patient-reported outcomes about
40,000 students, I couldn’t find one symptoms, therapies, and treatments The response hinted at the app’s
who could look me in the eye and tell to accelerate the pace of care commercial potential, and Find Your
me that they knew what it was like to improvements. Ditto – which Inc. magazine labeled
have a hypo episode during an exam as one of this year’s “coolest college
or talk to an awkward first date about Brianna’s story startups” – was born. Today, Brianna,
what that tube was that you pulled out Often, these digital-connection Find Your Ditto’s CEO, and Parisa, its
of your pocket,” she said. ventures are borne out of firsthand Chief Product Officer, crisscross the
experiences and needs, like those world, pitching Find Your Ditto to
So the then biomedical engineering
student took matters into her own
hands, creating a mobile app that
connects college students who share
chronic conditions. The app, called Brianna presenting at the
Find Your Ditto, facilitates on-demand, Lyfebulb-Novo Nordisk
in-person peer support. “Nobody has Innovation Award 2016
to be alone,” she says.

Brianna’s story taps into a growing

trend: health social networking. Online
support communities fill a void by
helping patients meet others who are
living with or have experienced similar
health issues. These communities have
included traditional chat rooms and
listservs, but with social media, the
possibilities – Facebook groups, virtual
meetups, and apps, to name a few –
have multiplied.

A 2014 Pew Research Center study

found that 1 in 61 adult internet
users in the US had gone online in
the past 12 months to find others
who share the same health concerns.
They are finding one another sites
like typeonenation, a social network
created by JDRF; Diabetes Sisters,
TBL Quarterly 15

potential sources of seed funding. The connect directly with one another also As with many things, it comes down to
two are also establishing partnerships receive the kind of social support that common sense. Technology provides
with healthcare institutions, many enables adherence to a goal. an opportunity – we have to use it
of which Brianna says struggle with wisely.
providing for mental health concerns But health social networking is not
of chronic illness patients. immune from some of the pitfalls For pure support purposes, the digital
inherent in online communities. The world is forever changing the ways in
“I want to be that entrepreneur who founders of patientslikeme observed which patients connect, inspire and be
gives back and makes that impact that that when patients receive advice inspired by others, and be empowered
I’ve always wanted to see come to from other patients, they treat it to live with chronic onditions. That’s
me,” says Brianna. differently3 than if it were coming from what motivates Brianna, who says,
a healthcare professional. Patients trust “You should be able to look someone
Brianna recently won the first their peers. in the eye and say, ‘Me too. I get it.
Lyfebulb–Novo Nordisk Innovation Ditto,’ give them a hug, have a cup of
Award, presented to patient And that may open avenues for coffee, and get on with your day.”
entrepreneurs for the best medical misinformation to spread.4 Continued
device, consumer product, or belief among some parent groups
healthcare IT product that supports in the now-debunked theory linking
diabetes management. Novo Nordisk vaccines to autism is a classic real-
sponsors the award competition in world example. A hypothetical example
conjunction with Lyfebulb, which may involve a patient with diabetes
bridges patients with industry and who abandons a medication that had
empowers patient entrepreneurs. successfully controlled HbA1c in favor
The award was given to Brianna of an herbal regimen, claims a miracle
after finalist pitches before a panel cure, and gains followers as a result.
in Copenhagen last December, and You should be
represented the first time a large The US Food and Drug Administration
pharmaceutical company had engaged warns5 that testimonials like “it cured able to look
directly with patient entrepreneurs. my diabetes” should be a red flag.
Health-product scams dominate social someone in the
Engagement and pitfalls media, with followings on Facebook
A study found that people involved and Twitter. The problem gives greater eye and say,
in health social networking are highly visibility to an underappreciated issue:
engaged – a good thing, since patient health literacy, specifically the ability ‘Me too. I get it.
engagement often leads to better of people to critically evaluate claims
health outcomes.2 Patients who about health products. Ditto.’”

1) Pew Research Center: The social life of health information. Available at:
2) Health Affairs: What The Evidence Shows About Patient Activation: Better Health Outcomes And Care Experiences; Fewer Data
On Costs. Available at:
3) H ealth Affairs blog: The Patient Engagement Pill: Lessons From Epilepsy. Available at:
4) S ee for example: If you think fake news is bad for politics, you should try being a physician. Available at:
5) F DA: 6 Tip-offs to Rip-offs: Don’t Fall for Health Fraud Scams. Available at:

The Lyfebulb-Novo Nordisk

Innovation Award is back!

We’re looking for the best innovators

within diabetes medical devices, or healthcare
information technology. The top three patient
entrepreneurs will receive monetary awards,
with the winner taking home 25,000 USD to
further develop his or her idea.

Find out more:

Click to watch:
TBL Quarterly 16


Text: Camilla Crone Jensen

Digitalisation can help companies work on reducing CO2 emissions from its own telepresence and encourage its use by
smarter – can it also help them reduce operations. More recently, the company offering continuous training and support.
their environmental footprint? Two has widened its scope to also encompass
examples show that the answer may indirect emissions such as business “We are continuously supporting
not necessarily be straightforward. travel. But how to reduce travel in a the demand for virtual collaboration
global company with affiliate offices in 77 platforms,” says Susanne Kany, Manager,
When the meeting goes virtual countries and production sites spread out Client Services in Corporate IT, Novo
For the past decade, the main focus of on five continents? Nordisk. “We are offering training in
Novo Nordisk’s climate action has been these platforms and run various campaigns
First of all, there needs to be some for users to get acquainted with them
well-functioning alternatives in place. along with extensive support and quick
Therefore, a key priority for the Corporate guides.”
IT department has been to implement
virtual meeting platforms like Skype for Susanne notes that in 2016, Skype for
Business, video conferencing (VCON) and Business meetings increased by 25%,
The company now has 350 VCON systems
and five state-of-the-art telepresence
facilities around the world which are open
to all employees. The use of telepresence
as an alternative to face-to-face meetings
has increased by 128% compared to
last year.

It’s still early to conclude on the actual

effect of the virtual meeting platforms but
the potential is there, especially when it
comes to reducing internal meetings which
account for 50% of employee air travel1.

Susanne emphasises that on top of the

environmental aspect, there are additional

“Virtual meetings enable us to work more

Virtual meetings can reduce travel efficiently and save costs, so it is also
beneficial for the other bottom lines.”

When the device goes digital believes connected devices offer great are considering different ways to reduce
Many people with diabetes use injection potential to improve treatment options the environmental impact of connected
pens for the delivery of insulin and like for patients in the future because it will devices, for example by taking a closer look
most other devices in our everyday lives, become easier to support patients in at the choice of batteries.
they are also becoming digitally connected. injecting the right amount of insulin and
identify potential issues with adherence. Novo Nordisk’s commitment to 100%
With a built-in electronic component However, he also acknowledges the renewable energy at all production
– similar to the technology used in potential environmental downside. sites also contributes to reducing the
contactless credit cards and mobile phones environmental impact of connected
– the injection pen can be connected to “Adding electronic components in devices devices.
e.g. a smartphone. This can give healthcare obviously requires more resources to
professionals the information they need to produce and poses an additional challenge “In the device R&D process, our primary
‘fill in the blanks’ between their patients’ when it comes to disposal and waste,” focus will always be on improving the
clinic visits as the connected device stores he notes. patient benefit,” says Thomas. “But this
the dosage data and time of injection doesn’t mean that we are not also
every time the patient injects insulin. Thomas explains that Novo Nordisk already concerned about the environmental
has environmental criteria integrated aspect.”
Novo Nordisk recently launched its first into its device R&D processes. It means
connected pen as a pilot in Sweden and that the company must choose materials
more connected pens are in the pipeline, with the best environmental profile as
according to Thomas Miller, Vice President, long as it doesn’t compromise patient 1) Novo Nordisk corporate travellers’ well-being survey, 2012
US Device Research, Novo Nordisk. He safety or functionality. He and his team (internal data on file).
TBL Quarterly 17

Text: Jakob Ibsen Jensen

Digital technology trends move at a emerging digital technologies that Novo understands complex questions posed in
very high pace, continuously providing Nordisk Corporate IT follows closely and natural language, proposes evidence-based
new opportunities for patients and explores to meet the patient and business answers, and learns from each interaction.
business. So what’s “the next big needs of tomorrow.
Introducing intelligent systems
Many technologies that were almost Cognitive Computing is the term used for
science fiction a couple of years back software or systems designed to mimic the Programmatic computing vs.
have become an integral part of today’s functioning of the human brain – enabling cognitive computing
work and life, without us even noticing it. them to “learn” and adapt as information
changes, and as goals and requirements
Connected mobile devices enable evolve. Programmatic computing:
patients to constantly monitor their • Leverage traditional data sources
health while sharing the outcomes with In a healthcare context, this is extremely • Follow pre-defined rules
health care practitioners. Sophisticated interesting to better understand and utilise (programs)
virtual collaboration tools provide us with the vast amount of data generated from • Provide the same output to all
the feeling of being in the same room as e.g. apps and fitness trackers. users
colleagues sitting on the other side of
the globe. “By using cognitive technologies, we Characteristics of cognitive
can create revolutionary new tools for computing:
These are just a few examples of digital people living with diabetes,” says Thomas
technologies that went from being Angelius, vice president, Digital Health IT, • Taught, not programmed
emerging trends to being key elements Novo Nordisk. “They can speak in natural • Learn and improve based on
of our everyday lives within a very short language and get individualised support. experience
period of time. The potential is big and the work is really • Interpret sensory and non-
exciting.” traditional data
But what’s the next big thing – the • Relate to each of us as individuals
emerging digital technology of today that To unleash the potential in cognitive • Allow us to expand and scale our
will shape the way we do business, work computing, Novo Nordisk has partnered own thinking
and live tomorrow? with IBM Watson – the first commercially • Allow us to pose questions and
available cognitive computing platform. receive answers
Cognitive Computing and Robotic Process The platform processes vast amounts of
Automation (RPA) are two examples of big data to uncover patterns and insights,

The robots are coming… to help us Christian notes that it is possible to

When people hear Robotics, they might complement your existing workforce with
The benefits of Robotic imagine a shiny robot moving around a RPA in any area of the business where
Process Automation (RPA): factory building. But it’s not – in reality it you have structured, rules-based and
is a piece of software – a software robot repeatable processes.
that can perform the repetitive tasks that
• Value-adding work: Employees otherwise would require human handling, From a societal point of view, the
can focus on complex, e.g. transferring data from emails, automation of certain jobs will have
value-adding tasks spreadsheets or applications to e.g. implications for the work force as less
resource planning systems or customer transactional work will be done by humans
• Employee turnover: Reduces relationship management systems. and more by robots – giving humans the
attrition (caused by repetitive opportunity to engage in value adding
work) “Robotics Process Automation (RPA) is the work instead – which may eventually
• Productivity: Significantly faster future way of working! Just like computers accelerate innovation.
handling time and able to work revolutionised our world, RPA has a huge
24/7-365 potential to change how we work,” says This calls for increased focus on continuous
• High quality: Consistent output Christian Holm Jönsson, vice president, education and training since RPA cannot
with minimal error rates Corporate IT India, Novo Nordisk. be used for processes where people
add value, e.g. when interacting with
• Low cost: Lower cost of
“Given the growth in tasks and complexity customers, making value judgements, or
operating robots compared to
of work, it’s an exciting opportunity for interpreting data that a system cannot do.
full-time employee costs
us to leverage technology to help us with
• Quick rollout: Non-invasive tasks that are repetitive, transactional
software, with no IT integration and tedious in nature; while we and
our colleagues can focus on the more
value-adding tasks.”
TBL Quarterly 18

Lesley-Anne further explains that

what is needed is a focus on
interoperable digital health systems
that connect everything, from patient
electronic health records, to health
Copyright NovartisAG
Copyright Novartis AG facility registries, to mobile phone
applications, resulting in real-time,
high-quality data that can be used
to maximise health outcomes.

DIGITAL HEALTH: “It’s important to scale data collection

tools that have been proven to work,

and that are adaptable in multiple
contexts,” says Lesley-Anne. “By doing
this, health workers, for example,
have more holistic information about

patients and health sector managers at
all levels spend less time aggregating
and reporting data because there is
one standard tool – as opposed to
Text: Camilla Crone Jensen
dozens – being used.”

Digital technologies are rapidly A serious case of “pilotitis” Taking ‘SMS for Life’ to the
expanding health coverage in According Lesley-Anne Long, next level
low-resource settings. From Director of a collaborative new digital Marcel Braun works in Novartis and
strengthening people’s access health initiative housed at PATH5 with many years of experience within
to care to increasing efficiencies and supported by USAID, FSG and development assistance, he knows very
in healthcare delivery, digital other partners, the digital health well the challenges of implementing
technologies have shown great
landscape is plagued by “pilotitis”. sustainable digital health solutions on
potential. Still, more is needed to
truly reach scale. Initiatives are too often implemented the ground.
as individual solutions, rather than part
Much of the progress within digital of an integrated national strategy to “The biggest challenge around
health1 is thanks to the mobile phone. strengthen health systems with digital implementing digital health solutions
In just over a decade, mobile-cellular technology. This means that projects in low-resource settings is ownership,”
subscriptions have outpaced internet rarely reach scale. he says via a mobile phone connection
access substantially throughout Africa. while traveling in Nigeria. “I believe
In 2005, mobile subscription rates “Short-term projects that typically are the owner of the solution must always
were approximately 12%, and only not designed for national level use be the local healthcare authorities and
1% had internet access in their home. have led to a graveyard of digital tools, Novartis should only be an enabler.”
By 2015, mobile subscriptions had products and systems that are left
reached 73% while home internet behind once a project ends,” she says. Marcel is the Programme Head for
access was slightly above 10%.2 “To respond to this challenge, we need Novartis’ ‘SMS for Life 2.0’ which was
to think at more of a system level and launched in Nigeria in 2016. It aims
In the past five years, the number of align investments behind one digital to increase the availability of essential
digital health products and services has health “solution” that connects all the medicines and improve care for
doubled in in low- and middle-income others together and is fundamental to patients by using simple, available, and
countries.3 But a large number of these treating and managing each and every affordable technology. The programme
remain in pilot or informal stages.4 disease: an overarching digital health is a joint public-private partnership
It seems that more than the mobile architecture.” between Novartis, the Kaduna State
phone is needed. Ministry of Health and Vodacom.
TBL Quarterly 19

‘SMS for Life 2.0’ builds on the ‘SMS on with the programme after Novartis According to Marcel, there has been
for Life’ programme launched by has pulled out, typically 2-3 years after a considerable change in mind-set in
Novartis in 2009, which used cell launch,” says Marcel. This is also why recent years. “For a long time, NGOs and
phones to manage stock-outs of Novartis has chosen to focus on fewer the public sector had reservations about
malaria medicines in more than countries but where the programme is collaborating with the private sector but
10,000 healthcare facilities in likely to reach larger scale. today there is much more appreciation
sub-Saharan countries. and acknowledgement of each actor’s
A change in mind-set strength. Collaboration between
The new programme will use Despite the challenges with the private, public and third sector is
smartphones and tablet computers implementing digital health solutions, not an exception anymore,” he says.
to address key operational challenges Lesley-Anne hopes to respond
at peripheral healthcare facilities in to the associated challenge by “In the long run, companies now see
Kaduna State. Local healthcare workers providing a mechanism that enhances digital health initiatives in low- and
will be able to track stock levels coordination and therefore, efficiency middle-income countries as business
of essential antimalarial medicine, of investments. She believes that the opportunities and not just philanthopic
vaccines and HIV treatments, and send new initiative can help to promote engagement, hence making it more
notifications to district medical officers investments into technologies that can sustainably embedded in their
when stock levels are low. be reused, adapted, and integrated operations.”
into national digital health systems.”6
The programme will also monitor And while these initiatives seek to
surveillance parameters of malaria, And the private sector plays an tackle enormous challenges, their
maternal and infant deaths and seven important role. “‘Engage the private long-term potential is significant.
other diseases. In addition, ‘SMS sector!’ is a common charge in
for Life 2.0’ will enable training of development circles these days, and “Just look at the African continent
healthcare workers in local facilities there’s a reason for that,” she says. which today is home to 1.2 billion
using on-demand eLearning modules. “The private sector is fundamental people but this is expected to double
to long-term success in global digital by 2050.7 A lack of well-trained health
Most importantly, the programme health, and not just as an important workers to provide quality healhcare is
is in line with local health priorities financier of digital technology already predictable and new solutions
of Nigeria. “We spend a lot of time solutions. They can be critical thought need to be developed. Here, digital
aligning expectations with local partners and strategic advisors.” health initiatives have a huge potential
partners and we only collaborate – if they are well coordinated,” he adds.
where there is a willingness to carry

The promise of digital technology in global health (HIV example)

GLOBAL WHO responds to real-world challenges,

creating and disseminating new protocols and
activating funders
Bi- and Multilaterals,
Funders, INGOs


NATIONAL District and national Pharma companies collect end

health authorities maintain user data to inform product
real-time understanding of research
“what’s working” in Pharma & Tech
HIV prevention and are Ministries of Health Device Companies Tech companies partner with
able to channel investment (MOH) Companies in-country implementers to
accordingly create effective campaigns
around HIV prevention and
SUB- Supply chains for HIV test kits,
NATIONAL prevention and treatment
drugs meet demand without
stock-outs Health Facilities & Social Enterprises, Adolescent girls receive accurate
NGOs HIV information and private
Healthcare workers participate Health Workers reminders for regular testing via
in online communities of mobile phones
practice to share best practices
on engaging adolescents Individuals, Families, &
in care Communities

END USER Copyright FSG

1) Digital health encompasses technologies that enable better collection and sharing of information, improved quality and reach of health service delivery, and better decision-making by governments, health
workers, and individuals. 2) ITU. Key ICT indicators for developed and developing countries and the world (totals and penetration rates), 2015. 3) GSMA, The Mobile Economy 2015. 4) Wilson, K., Gertz, B.,
Arenth, B., & Salisbury, N. Journey to Scale: Moving together past digital health pilots. Available at 5) PATH is an international nonprofit
organization with a mission to save lives and improve health. For more information, see 6) For more information see
7) The Guardian, January 2016. Population growth in Africa: grasping the scale of the challenge. Available at:
Text: Mike Dalzell

Digitalisation has opened up new The talent has won Supporting diversity
ways of attracting talent. But while For job seekers, digital communication It also creates opportunities for workforce
digital recruitment has made global offers multiple avenues for learning about diversity, for example in connection with
talent attraction easier and more a company and, for would-be expats, Novo Nordisk’s graduate programme that
cost-efficient, it can also present what it’s like to live and work in another each year attracts candidates from more
challenges for in-house resources and country. “Some years back, people talked than 100 countries. The programme even
employee retention. about the ‘war for talent,’ but today it got an applicant from Fiji who responded
rather goes like this: ‘The war for talent to the campaign and wanted to start a
Technology has dramatically changed is over – and the talent won,’ Franz career in Denmark.
the way human resource departments says. “This means that we as a potential
approach their work and what candidates employer need to step up, be visible Diversifying also provides a way to reach
expect from a job search. Long gone and work diligently to express what a an untapped pool of talent to fill a global
are the days when companies passively life-changing career looks like at Novo skills gap. The McKinsey Global Institute
awaited responses to job ads from Nordisk.” predicts a shortage of as many as 85
candidates who often applied with limited million qualified workers worldwide by the
amount knowledge about the company or Together with colleagues in Novo year 2020.1
its values and culture. For both employers Nordisk’s digital attraction team, Franz
and talent, today’s job market is proactive maintains platforms like the Facebook Too much of a good thing?
and transparent. career page, LinkedIn page and the But for almost every upside, there is a
global career site on, all downside. Digital recruitment increases
Employers have won different channels needed to run efficient the number of applications, straining
For employers, the Internet and social global talent attraction. This for example the internal resources needed to comb
media provide the ability to spot talent includes videos starring employees who through them all. When the number of
anywhere in the world. “In the old days, if reflect on the corporate culture and their applications for Novo Nordisk’s graduate
you were looking for, say, a chemist from careers. programme, for instance, topped 10,000,
Belgium, there would be no way you could it forced a change in recruiting strategy.
find him or her yourself, if you were sitting Those are some of the outward strengths
in another country,” says Franz Veisig, of digital recruitment but there are internal Franz tells that they decided to embark on
Novo Nordisk’s global digital attraction benefits, too. Digital recruitment is far a “fewer and better” strategy, in which
campaign manager. more cost-effective than the old ways. applicants were required to include a

graduate programme in 2016. She also understood that while a

Part of Francesca’s application video application can “make” an
process involved the creation of a applicant, it also has the potential
1-minute video, which she used to to “break” one. Following a path
differentiate herself by “transmitting recommended by others on Novo
a personal message that I could not Nordisk’s graduate blog, Francesca
have fully conveyed on paper.” chose to be herself. “I had the
temptation to do something
Perspectives from a Millennial Avoiding a list of qualifications that completely crazy, but that would
Digital recruitment strategies may all applicants could be expected have not reflected who I really am.
feel most natural to Millennials, to have, Francesca chose to Therefore, I decided to stick to my
who have embraced multimedia communicate her approach and initial plan and record it on loop until
platforms. That made Novo Nordisk’s attitude toward her work. Her I was satisfied with the outcome.”
graduate programme fertile ground presentation on her approach, she
for testing innovative recruiting says, was deliberately structured, but The plan worked and Francesca
techniques. when she got to attitude, she made is now savoring the many
the most of the medium. “I made challenges of “new people, tasks,
Francesca Passudetti is serving a sure to use the advantage of a video: work environment, culture, and
marketing rotation in Novo Nordisk’s voice and image,” she says. “I used expectations” with each new
Panama affiliate, her second rotation an enthusiastic tone and pace and rotation.
after entering the tried to be natural and smile.”
one-minute video with their applications. professionals” by sharing content about work best, and these insights can inform
“The number of applications dropped the company on social media. future strategies,” Franz says.
considerably, but the ones we got were
better,” says Franz. It’s all about relations He also sees a bigger role for e.g. virtual
Keep in mind that if you are using digital reality. Novo Nordisk has tested this
The videos gave the recruiters a new level recruitment to your advantage by targeting recently to attract job applicants for its
of insight into the personality behind the specific profiles, your competitors are likely insulin manufacturing plant in Kalundborg.
CV and cover letter by being able to watch using it to theirs as well. This can lead Applicants could go on a virtual tour of
how applicants presented themselves. to greater turnover, This, too, however, the factory and experience work life in the
And the candidates got an extra chance to creates an opportunity and underpins the area.
show what made them the perfect match importance of focusing even more on
(see box). employee engagement and satisfaction. “All in all, digitalisation increases our ability
to not just tell but also show what it means
Turning colleagues into “social Done ethically, targeted recruiting can help to work for Novo Nordisk,” says Franz. “I
professionals” to develop relationships with candidates can’t wait to see what the future brings!”
Another challenge of a digital job market whose competencies may eventually turn
lies in the speed of which social media into a hire. It’s all about creating a pipeline
can affect a company’s reputation. Social of relevant colleagues, especially for ‘hard Three ways to a
media makes a company vulnerable to to fill’ positions. “Those individuals may life-changing career:
criticism when something goes wrong and not want to change jobs now, but maybe
creates a need for a fast reply. “We need there will be a perfect opportunity for Visit
to be more agile and alert to what happens them one year from now,” says Franz. It’s
on third-party platforms like LinkedIn, a strategy that Franz acknowledges “we
Email job agent:
Facebook and Glassdoor,” says Franz. need to become better at” and one that
will require an investment in relationship careers/working-at-novo-nordisk/
But it also presents a huge opportunity. management. email-job-agent.html
Recognising that job candidates tend to
trust their peers more than companies, Want to go on a virtual factory tour? Follow us on LinkedIn:
Novo Nordisk has begun to tap into the To the digital attraction team, the evolution
potential to make each of its 42,000 of analytics technologies – which allow
employees an ambassador. 32,000 of companies to identify ideal talent profiles
them are on LinkedIn and the company and seek out people who fit them – is
is working on a pilot project right now one of the most exciting aspects of digital 1) McKinsey Global Institute. The world at work: Jobs, pay and
turning a number of colleagues into “social recruitment. “We can see which platforms skills for 3.5 billion people. June 2012.

In the old days, if you

were looking for, say, a
chemist from Belgium,
there would be no way
you could find him or her
yourself, if you were
sitting in another country.”

Digitalisation has opened

up new ways of
attracting talent
People driving sustainability

As Vice President of IT Security & What does a day on the job look like we move in. This is how we ensure that
Quality in Novo Nordisk, Lars Falch is when working with IT security in Novo we continuously improve our processes
responsible for keeping the company Nordisk? and our ability to respond to potential IT
safe from cybercrime and other IT Working with IT security is very much security incidents.
risks. Learn more about his approach a balancing act where we need to ask
and why he thinks basic IT hygiene ourselves questions like ‘how much money What types of cyber threats is Novo
is just as important as washing your do we want to spend?’ and ‘How do we Nordisk exposed to?
hands. prioritise our time?’ I believe that achieving Actually, we are facing the same threats
100% IT security is an almost impossible as most citizens of the world. Somebody
Please describe your role? task. So we need to make compromises. can steal our secrets, somebody can delete
I am Vice President of IT Security & Where should they be? Which risks can our data, or our computers can break
Quality in Novo Nordisk which is the unit we take? Or not take? My day is filled down. This goes for both our private and
dealing with IT security matters across the with a lot of these questions that must be professional life. Identity theft for you
company globally. Among other things, answered. or loss of all your family documents and
we are responsible for implementing photos can be disastrous. To Novo Nordisk,
regulatory IT requirements into our quality An important task on a normal day is to be it can result in loss of data or productivity
management system, ensuring smooth an ambassador for IT security, making sure which may affect our ability to serve
operations of our IT security infrastructure that we think IT security right from the patients.
and supporting major IT projects with IT beginning. The sooner, the more efficient.
security guidance. I also spend a lot of time communicating A lot of threats and potential sources of
about risks and how to mitigate them. IT security incidents start with an e-mail
encouraging you to click on a link or
All the feedback, thoughts and worries I urgently requesting a wire transfer. The
receive from colleagues across the globe attacker tries to trick you, just like when
feed into the IT security direction you go on holiday and get offered a
“cheap” taxi ride in the airport. The links
in those emails – if you click on them – can
create so-called backdoors. This is the
Lars Falch is Vice President
same as somebody copying your house key
of IT Security & Quality
without you knowing it. They now have
in Novo Nordisk access to your house whenever they want.
Only, in the e-mail case it is not your house
but the company’s computers.
What is done to mitigate the threats? affected by it. Luckily, in Denmark, it The big picture
We have systems in place to limit this broke out on a national holiday and
and prevent it from happening, but we the weather was lovely. So a lot of us Every year, Verizon publishes its Data
cannot be 100% safe. Our colleagues in spent time with our family enjoying Breach Investigations Report that
Novo Nordisk all have a role to play. the weather instead of working on our offers a global overview of real-
computers. world data breaches* and security
Some years ago, malicious e-mails were
incidents. The 2017 report is based on
rather obvious to spot, but today the How do you work to make
methods are way more sophisticated. employees more alert about the risk an analysis of over 40,000 incidents,
Everybody can be fooled so we need to of cybercrime? including 1,935 confirmed data
be much more cautious. Is it really your This is in the DNA of every IT security breaches of organisations from 84
friend writing? Maybe you should ask person in Novo Nordisk – we see it as different countries.
her before you click on the link or you our finest task to inform everybody we
could put yourself or the company in meet. Because that particular person
jeopardy. Look for anything that seems might be the next person clicking on the
out of the ordinary. If somebody writes wrong links or skipping a security patch.
you about a package and you know
Who’s behind the
you have not ordered one – ignore We do various awareness campaigns – breaches?
the e-mail. Or even better: contact often based on current events, such as
the police. WannaCry. We train the IT organisation
in how to identify the right level of IT perpetrated by outsiders.
How do you work with the police to security. And then we have made a
investigate cybercrime? turnaround in IT security, setting the IT 25%
In case we should experience a security security requirements into a business involved internal actors.
incident, we will of course use all the context. Relating IT security to the
expertise we can get, including that of everyday lives of our colleagues results in 18%
the police. I have good relations with my a higher degree of understanding. conducted by state-affiliated actors.
peers in other big companies as well as
the police and we meet once in a while In the future, what will be some of
to discuss what threats are “out there” the developments in cybercrime and
and what can be done to protect against what actions do companies need to
them. take?
As we become more and more What tactics do they use?
How did you handle the recent dependent on IT, the approaches
WannaCry ransomware attack? of the attackers also change, which 62%
This was certainly an interesting is something we must address. The of breaches featured hacking.
weekend for everyone working in attackers become more sophisticated
IT security! I was actually enjoying a and more targeted. 51%
day off with my daughter when I first over half of breaches included malware.
heard about WannaCry and realised A virus like WannaCry was a new kind
that this was something that might that we have feared for some years now. 81%
need my attention. One of the most The people behind it will eventually of hacking-related breaches leveraged either
stolen and/or weak passwords.
important things to do to limit the become even better. This means that
spread of WannaCry was to ensure that we must step up when fighting back.
the security patches from Microsoft The law enforcement also works
were installed. This has been a very intensively to get better at dealing
clear reminder to everyone about how with large scale cybercrime that goes
important patching is, be that at work beyond an individual trying to make Who are the victims?
or at home. some easy money.
Bear in mind that Wanna Cry was not It will require more from the everyday of breaches affected financial organizations.
aimed at someone in particular. So it life of every citizen in the world. They
could be just as devastating to Novo need to learn that basic IT hygiene is just 15%
Nordisk or to any citizen as it was to as important as washing your hands to of breaches involved healthcare organizations.

the patients of the hospital in the UK avoid, well, the physical kind of virus.
Public sector entities were the third most
prevalent breach victim at 12%.

What else is common?

It’s the same as somebody 66%

copying your house key without of malware was installed via malicious email

you knowing it. Only, in the e-mail of breaches were financially motivated.

case it is not your house but the 21%

of breaches were related to espionage.

company’s computers.” *A breach = An incident that results in the confirmed

disclosure – not just potential exposure – of data to an
unauthorised party.

Source: Verizon, 2017 Data Breach Investigations Report,

10th Edition.
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years of innovation and leadership in diabetes
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and capabilities that also enable us to help
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