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I. New political commitment at the top level

II. New and enhance commitment
III. New legal framework, legal personality
IV. New ASEAN bodies
V. Four new openly-recruited Deputy Secretaries-General (DSGs)
VI. More ASEAN meetings
VII. More roles of ASEAN Foreign Ministers
VIII. New and enhance role of the Secretary General of ASEAN
IX. Other new initiatives and changes

I. New political commitment at the top level

Towards the new political commitment, it is to unite under One Vision, One Identity and One Caring
and Sharing Community. It is also to build the ASEAN Community in ASEAN Political-Security Community,
ASEAN Economic Community and ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community.

II. New and enhance commitment


The importance of ASEAN Charter towards the political is mutual interest and independence among
ASEAN peoples based on common objective and shared destiny. Member States shall take all necessary
measures, including the enactment of appropriate domestic legislation to effectively implement the
provisions of this Charter and to comply with all obligations of membership. ASEAN also practice in
principle of democracy, the rule of law and good governance. The importance of ASEAN also included
respect for protection and enhance promotion of human rights. ASEAN members also practice for peace-
oriented values. It is mean Southeast Asia is free from any nuclear and free of all weapons of mass
destruction. ASEAN Charter also shared commitment and collective responsibility in enhancing regional
peace, security and prosperity.

Economic and People-Oriented

The importance of ASEAN Charter in economic is rules- based economic integration. ASEAN Member
should adherence to multilateral trade rules and ASEAN’s rules-based regimes. ASEAN Charter also have
progress reduction towards elimination of all barriers to regional economic integration. Besides, ASEAN
Charter is important to promote a people oriented ASEAN in which all sectors of society are encourage to
participate and benefit from the process of ASEAN integration and community building.
III. New legal framework, legal personality

The ASEAN Charter is a legally binding international (intra-ASEAN) agreement. All the Government
pf the 10 Member Stares of ASEAN have accepted it. The 10 ASEAN Government have deposited their
instruments of acceptance with Secretary General of ASEAN. Singapore was the first to deposit on 7
January 2008 while Thailand was the last on 15 November 2008. The ASEAN Charter enter into force on
15 December. The ASEAN Charter shall be registered with the Secretariat of the United Nations.

IV. New ASEAN bodies was established

ASEAN Coordinating Council (ACC)

The ASEAN Coordinating Council (ACC) was established in 2008, comprise the ASEAN Foreign
Minister and is held at least twice annually to prepare for ASEAN Summit.

Three Community Council

The ASEAN Community Council comprise Council of three pillars of ASEAN. Under their purview is
relevant ASEAN Sectoral Ministerial Bodies. It is included, Composition of the ASEAN Political-Security
Community Council, Composition of the ASEAN Economic Community Council and Composition of the
ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Council.

Committee of Permanent Representative

The AESAN charter provides for the established of the Committee of Permanent Representatives the
ASEAN (CPR), which shall be constituted by the Permanent Representative of AEAN Member States at
rank of Ambassadors based in Jakarta. The CPR’s task may generally be categorised as monitoring and
implementing leaders’ decision, coordinating cross-pillar issues, strengthening relations with ASEAN’s
external partners and providing substantive and administrative direction and support to the ASEAN

ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Right (AICHR)

ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Right (AICHR) was launched by ASEAN Leaders on
23 October 2009 at Thailand. The established of AICHR demonstrates ASEAN’s commitment to pursue
forward looking strategies to strengthen the regional cooperation on human right. AICHR is
responsibility for the promotion and protection of human rights in ASEAN.
V. Four new openly-recruited Deputy Secretaries-General (DSGs)

Four additional Deputy Secretaries General (DSGs) will be openly recruit one for the ASEAN
Economic Community, Community and Corporate Affairs, ASEAN Politic Community and one for ASEAN
Socio-Cultural Community. Each will serve a three-year term, which may be renewed for another three
years. Two other DSGs will continue to be appointed from national nominations based on alphabetical

VI. More ASEAN meetings

ASEAN Summit of the Heads of State/Government shall be held twice annually. Special ASEAN
Summit may be held when necessary, and it can be convened outside the ASEAN region. ASEAN
Coordinating Council, and the three Community Councils to meet at least twice a year and they shall be
supported by relevant senior officials.

VII. More roles of ASEAN Foreign Ministers

The annual ASEAN Ministerial Meeting of Foreign Ministers (AMM) has be renamed as the
ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeting. It abbreviation is stay as the (AMM). It was established in 1967 and
responsible for political-security cooperation and external relations in ASEAN. The AMM is assisted by
the ASEAN Senior Officials’ Meeting (ASEAN SOM). ASEAN Foreign ministers meet at least three times a
year for AMM Retreat, annual AMM and IAMM on the sideliners of the United Nations General
Assembly in New York.

VIII. New and enhance role of the Secretary General of ASEAN

The Secretary General of ASEAN shall carry out the duties and responsibilities of this high office
in accordance with the provisions of this Charter and relevant ASEAN instrument, protocols and
established practices. The Secretary General shall monitor progress in the implementation of ASEAN
agreements and decisions, and submit an annual report on the work of ASEAN to the ASEAN Summit. The
Secretary General work closely with the Committee of Permanent Representatives to ASEAN in Jakarta
and work closely with Dialogue Partners’ Ambassadors to ASEAN. The ASEAN Foundation shall be
accountable to the Secretary General.

IX. Other new initiatives and changes

Each Member State to appoint its Permanent Representative to ASEAN and establishment of an
ASEAN human right body as an organ of ASEAN. Besides, ASEAN Charter also give privileges and
immunities for officials on ASEAN duties and serious breaches of the ASEAN Charter and non-compliance
cases shall be referred to the ASEAN Summit for its decision.

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