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Mission of Day 1:

Get a notebook (doesn't need to be new but use something nice to honour this process),
take a pen or a pencil and create a list of 50 people who have added value to your life.

Consider people who are positive and you think they are someone who made you grow
somehow. The list should ideally contain 50 names. The important thing is to mentally
connect with the WHY of your choice.

Move calmly, remember the good things in each person, and what he/she brought into your

The quote of the day: ”Today I behold all the abundance that surrounds me.”

Welcome to Day 2

Today’s task is to write a list of people, no matter the number, in your family and social
circles that you feel have achieved their goals in life and are happy. This can be in terms of
any aspect of their life.

Take your time, listen to the meditation, create a safe and comfortable space, connect with
your heart and enjoy this time.

Today’s inspirational quote: ”I create my personal abundance from an infinite source.”

Day 3

Today’s inspirational quote is: ”Today I focus on what I want to attract into my life.”

Allow your love to expand as you feel it can contribute to people’s development. In other
words, I am saying: making day 3 assignment is like saying to yourself:

”I am completely ready to open up to abundance

To let larger streams of life to pass through me

I have the space

I am the space”

Read these words out to yourself and allow them to settle deep within you.

Day 4

This is today’s task: Write in your notebook a list of all your financial debts and monthly
expenses: credit card, personal loans, direct debits, etc. Write also all your year expenses and
unusual payments that you are aware of.
You do not need to write down the amounts, only what the debt or expense is for: rent, car
loan, electricity bill, credit card, school, etc. Everything you have to pay on a monthly basis
needs to be included (water, electricity, internet…). Be inclusive.

Today’s inspirational quote: ”From this moment forward I invite unlimited Abundance into my

Extra inspiration: When you are doing this assignment, breathe and release from yourself the
burden you have concerning these debts.

🌟 Hold the space 🌟

Focus your mind (or pray if that works for you) on the ability of living debt free and without
financial concerns.

Remember that money is potential energy, call your potential back home to you.

For those of you who might give your potential energy away and so have other people
owing you money, pray to let go of that as well.

All debts are a result of self-value issues.

Do the practice and hold the space that you are worthy to be as you are. There is nothing
else you need to be!





Welcome to Day 5 ✨🌸✨

✨You are the money creator ✨

It doesn't matter if you have debts or not, take paper (or your notebook) and color pencils
and draw a cheque, a letter, a card, a transfer proof, and put on it the amount you feel you
need to ensure that all your debts are paid, and all your expenses are easy to afford.

Bring out your creativity and use colour, drawings, whatever your heart feels like. Feel the
freedom of being able to pay off everything and even more. Call upon the money energy to
clear and cover all those expenses and bills.

And while you do this exercise connect to your higher self to help you to expand your vision
without illusion.
Today’s inspirational quote: Today I embrace my potential to be, do and have whatever I can

Celebrate richness.

Be Here

Be Now

Be You

And everything will flow in a divine and blissful way.

✨ Welcome to Day 6 of our journey ✨

Today I (your full name), start to create a new relationship with money. Money is good, clean and
useful for my growth, satisfaction, and well-being. Money brings positive things into my life. The
success that I have will bring money and wealth for me and for those close to me. I deserve to be
prosperous and have plenty of money. Money is my friend and the value of what I invest in increases
every day. Success and money accompany me, here and now. I ask my ancestors who had difficulty
due to lack of money to bless me and to give me permission to live differently. And I ask my
prosperous forefathers and foremothers to inspire me.

You are invited to add your personality to it. Make it your own! while making sure you maintain the
main parts, where you declare, make peace, share the goods, affirm intentions, connect to your
guidance, nature and life etc.

You are called to write your final version 12 times!

I would also recommend that you speak it out loud and that you sign it with:




I also warmly recommend to record it afterwards with your voice, so you could hear it whenever you


Today’s inspirational quote: Everything I desire is within me.

Day 7

In your notebook, make a list of people that somehow feel to you that they take away energy from
you. Perhaps you have obsessive thoughts about them, unresolved emotions, fantasies about
revenge, feelings of hurt, of not being able to let go. Any type of discomfort counts. This exercise is
about recognising how energy can become stuck and stagnant. So do not get into conflict, focus
instead of freeing the energy that is currently bound to these persons.

They can be people near or far from you now, the important thing is what you feel.

Get in touch with why you have chosen to add their name, and after you are done with the list, write
a blessing to each one of them, a specific blessing, from your heart to his or her heart. Then visualise
yourself setting them free.


Today’s inspirational quote: ”I use my conscious intention to manifest my dreams.”


After finishing today’s task it will already be one week since you started the journey of Abundance!

Take some time and look back, recapitulate the process you have been going through and how your
effort is manifested in your life.

Welcome to Day 8 ✨

Find at least 5 receipts or invoices for purchases in which you have invested in yourself, and write

Receipts of any kind: supermarket, restaurant, personal items, car expenses, health, hairdresser,
travel, etc. From now on, whatever you buy, write on the receipt or invoice or bill this statement.

Remember that words have power!


Today’s inspirational quote: ”Through the law of pure potentiality I can create anything,
anytime, anywhere.”


Welcome to Day 9 💫

Today is a self-recognition day 🌟. You are called to look and see 5 things that you think are limiting
you. Look at your attitude, your behaviors, thoughts, patterns, emotions, self-care style, belief
system and other things that can be sabotaging your wishes and do not allow you to get what you
really want, both materially and non-materially.
Write them down in your notebook and look at them in a compassionate way, you are not supposed
to feel bad because of it, rather look at it in a responsible and aware way.

That will start to transform those limitations into a door opener. Concentrate and go as deep as you
can. Feel in your heart what these limitations really are.


Today’s inspirational quote: ”Today and everyday I give that which I want to receive.”


Welcome to day 10 ✨🌸✨

Today complete the practice you started in Day 9.

Of the 5 issues you listed yesterday, choose 2 which you want to transform.

Write what you can do for each of them to improve in a general way and in a practical way. Put it
into practice this week!

You are welcome to share with us in the group if you want,one of your choices and how your going
to transform them,as part of your "done" post.


Today’s inspirational quote: ”Today I make great choices because they are made with full


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