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Comprehensive Timeline for the Grant Proposal

Part 1 - Timeline

Date Objectives

October 31st Gather and organize list of foundations for

grant proposal and complete the research


November 5th Select top candidates out of pre-approved list

of foundations.

November 6th Finalize the budget and complete a

comprehensive project description for the

grant proposal.

November 8th Craft the problem statement by establishing

need to reinforcing why the proposal should

be accepted.

November 10th Finalize and prepare all completed materials

for review and approval.

November 11th Integrate all feedback and suggestions to

improve the quality of the proposal.

November 12th Finalize and polish the executive summary

section of the proposal.

November 14th Solidify and reinforce the argument that

drives the conclusion of the proposal.

November 15th Complete executive summary and finalize

first rough draft of the grant proposal.

November 25th Send completed rough draft of the grant

proposal to receive additional feedback.

November 29h Incorporate feedback, conduct additional

research and prepare to send finalized draft to

pre-approved foundation.
Part 2: Structure

Stages of Drafting a Grant Proposal

Stage 1 - Preliminary Research:

1. Refine and narrow the list of potential candidates by looking at the history of

donations, total amount of donations and the mission statement of the


2. Narrow list to “top-candidates” and schedule steps to make first contact with the

foundations to see if the foundation’s interests fit CCN’s mission and to

increase the odds of receiving a grant from the respective foundation.

Stage 2 - The Executive Summary:

1. Establish the mission statement and history of CCN as an organization.

2. Transition to current activities and accomplishments of CCN and indicate that the

organization is growing (number of programs offered and size of total operation.)

3. Establish what an essential role the development department plays in the

organization’s accomplishments.

4. Expand further by saying how the development department requires more help as

the organization grows and more resources are required to sustain the

5. Make sure to concisely and succinctly state that the grant proposal is for 38,500

dollars to hire a development assistant.

Stage 3 - Problem Statement:

1. Talk about the prevalence of domestic violence and the importance of CCN and

the services the organization provides to the community.

2. Explain and illustrate how the development department plays a crucial role in

CCN growing and expanding. Also, make the connection between funds that were

raised and services/programs that were directly impacted by said funds; further

reinforcing the need for an additional staff member.

3. End problem statement by providing the solution:

i. As CCN grows, the needs of the development section grow as well, which

is why CCN is asking for funding to hire an additional staff member

(development assistant).

Stage 4 - Project Description:

1. Go into detail about what roles and duties the development assistant will have if

they were hired by Crisis Center North and the funding is approved.

2. Justify why CCN should receive this funding over other potential organizations

and illustrate how and why a development assistant would be a useful assist for

Stage 5 – Budget:

1. Conduct additional research and establish a reasonable sum for the donation


2. Write a smooth transition from stage 4 to stage 5 as the grant proposal is finalized

and completed for review.

Stage 6 - Conclusion:

1. Establish the perimeters pertaining to the evaluation methods that the organization

can use to properly and accurately measure the success of the potential funding.

2. End on the resounding positive impact of the grant and reinforce why CCN

should receive the funding over potential competitors.

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