Deliverable 2

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Object Oriented Analysis and Design Instructor: Usman Rafiq Deliyerable-3 Deadline: October 14, 2019 (13:00) Business Modeling References: Lecture Notes, Lecture Slides (L6-8), Case Study on Business Modeling (Class Activity) What to do: To explore the needs of the organization (your customer), and also to align the way business is done throughout the organization, the first step is to build a set of business models. In this deliverable, you need to prepare the following tasks for your proposed system (Final Year Project Tracking and Monitoring System- FYPTMS): 1. Identify and prepare alist of stakeholders 2. Identify and prepare alist of Business Actors 3, Identify Business Use Cases for Business Actors 4, Prepare a business Use Case Model 5. Identify and prepare alist of Business Entities 6. Select at least three business processes and model the workflows of the cases using activity diagrams Important notes: ‘+ You must use the Enterprise Architect for modeling ‘© You must submit the hard copy of the deliverable and also a soft copy on the portal before the deadline. The deadline is October 14, 2019, Monday, 1:00 PM. Submit it to your CR before time, ‘© Ifyouare making assumptions, then write down the assumptions on the submission (Add a section of Assumptions) ‘© You must indicate the team participation on the title page of the assignment (Title page should contain your company name, logo, revision history table, clearly indicating who did what- the one that you used in Deliverable 1 ‘© The title page must contain the name of your company ‘© Minutes of the meeting are part of this submission. Please don’t forget to includein the submission. © Nohand-written submission is allowed

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