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Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Filza Chandra Marhaga Girsang

Jl. Gunung Balikpapan No. 51 RT 002 RW 000 Kel. Prapatan,
Kec. Balikpapan Kota
Phone: +6282313363390
Personal Data
Place & Date of Birth : Balikpapan, 02 July 1997
Gender : Male
Religion : Christian Protestan
Qualification Weight : 60 kg
Height : 179 cm
A fresh graduate possesing a Marital Status : Single
strong enthusiasm, passion, and Nationality : Indonesia
vision to work on the financial
aspect of a company. Have Education
knowledge on financial Bachelor Degree of Economic at Semarang State University
statements, taxation, and auditing. Major : Accounting
Get involved on: tax training GPA : 3.32
program, internship program at a Abilities
public accounting firm and
seminars about financial issues. I Technology Skill : Ms. Office, Excel, PowerPoint,
have a good communication and
interpersonal skill. Technical skill Languange : Bahasa (active), English (passive).
includes Ms. Word, Excel, and Interpesonal Skill : Ability to relate to others,
PowerPoint. teamwork, problem solvers,
respectful, commited and
Internship passionate.
Public Accounting Firm BYSA Participation at Seminar, Organization, Training
October – Desember 2019
 Pelatihan Kepemimpinan dan Manajemen Mahasiswa
 Involved in the audit sampling
Jurusan Akuntansi (September 12-13, 2015).
process on substantive tests.
 Assist senior auditors made a  Staff Magang HIMA Akuntansi (2015).
worksheet paper.  Seminar Akuntansi “ Peluang dan Eksistensi Profesi
 Assist senior auditors in stock Auditor dan Appraisal dalam Perkembangan Ekonomi
opname, cash opname and, Global ( November 7, 2015).
asset opname.  Sosialisasi “Peranan Kementerian Keuangan Sebagai
 Travelled to clients companies Pembina Profesi Keuangan dan Pengenalan Profesi
out of town. Keuangan di Dunia Kerja (Mei 7, 2018).
 Brevet Pajak A dan B

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