Active Words - U10 - Matching - Definitions

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Active words_U10_matching definitions

1. the fact that a product is made according to a detailed description of how it should be done, made conformity to
specification ………………..
2. an aggregate of activities (such as design analysis and inspection for defects) designed to ensure adequate quality
especially in manufactured products quality control ………ь…………………………….
3. the techniques used for controlling and checking quality total quality management …………………………………
4. a small group of workers who meet regularly to propose solutions to problems related to work a quality circle
5. a system of producing goods where things are done, supplied, made only when they are needed , just-in-time
manufacturing …………………
6. a method of production that aims to cut costs while keeping quality high by producing only the quantity of goods that
has been ordered and by reducing the amount of time and space that the production process uses …, lean manufacturing
7. all the goods owned by a business, including raw materials, parts, work not yet finished and finished products ,
inventories ….
8. a system of quality management which aims to make products that contain almost no faults a zero defects policy
9. a system of manufacturing that aims to produce products that are perfect from the start rather than quickly producing
sth that will need to be corrected or repaired later right first time ……………………………………
10. Japanese term for the practice of continuously improving the way in which a company operates kaizen
11. a method of improving a business and its value to customers by organizing its systems and the way things are done in
a completely new and different way, especially in order to make full use of computer systems business process
reengineering …………
12. to repair or improve sth in a casual way …, to tinker in a piecemeal way ………………….
13. to start from the very beginning , to start from scratch …………………………
14. efficiency leanness …………………………..
15. the group of people at a management level in an organization a management layer ……………………..
16. An employee of an organization or business who manages at least one subordinate level of managers, and reports to a
higher level of managers within the organization ……, a middle manager …………………….
17. a standard, usually of quality or performance, that other things can be compared to benchmark
18. the best way of doing a particular task or activity, often recorded by companies or organizations in formal documents .
best practice
19. the organization that sets international quality and safety standards for industry and business International
Organization for Standardization, …………………..
20. the act of officially recognizing that a particular service has achieved a required standard , accreditation of services
21. used in reference to sth that is well worth the money spent on it value for money ………… …………….
22. the way in which a company treats its customers and answers their questions, complaints , customer service
23. information that is given by users to a business about how useful a product or service is so that it can be improved
market feedback …
24. to ask people to return a product they have bought, usually because there is sth wrong with it to recall a product
25. to cafefully examine sth that is wrong , to investigate faults ……………………….
26. to stop selling sth to withdraw from sale ……………………….
27. attention which causes harm to a reputation …, bad publicity ……………………..
28. a written list of questions that are answered by customers to find out the extent to which they are happy with a
particular product or service …………, a consumer satisfaction questionnaire. …………
29. Regular and methodical checking or testing of a procedure, process, or system, to assess and report its operational
condition a routine check ……………………..
30. the lowest acceptable criterion …, a minimum standard …………………..
31. help to a customer after they have bought a product, such as doing repairs or giving advices on how to use the product
an after-sales service,
32. to give a written promise to a customer that sth they will buy will be replaced or repaired without payment if it goes
wrong within a particular period ……, to offer a guarantee …………………..
33. the investigative activities a business conducts to improve existing products and procedures or to lead to the
development of new products and procedures research and development …………………………….
34. to start selling cheap, low-quality products to move down-market … ………………………..
35. a company, product, etc. that has higher sales than its competitors in other parts of the world , a global leader
36. To delegate (a task, or responsibility) to an independent provider to outsource …..............
37. an amount that is more than usual a premium ………………………………
38. to do within a company or organization …, to do in-house ………………………
. Business practices involving initiatives that benefit society corporate social responsibility
2. An ethical barrier between different divisions of a financial or other institution to avoid conflicts of interest …………
3. Payment that is not allowed by the law ………………………………..
4. Money, etc. that you give or offer to smb to persuade them to help you, especially by doing sth dishonest a bribe
5. (informal) dishonest, disreputable, or immoral behaviour especially of public officials or employees
6. The practice of companies agreeing to sell the same goods for the same price, which is illegal in many countries . price
7. A group of separate companies that agree to increase profits by fixing prices and not competing with each other .. a
8. Moral principles that guide the way a business behaves business ethics ………………………………..
9. A list of ethical rules for a particular industry or profession ………………………………..
10. An official statement of a company of its basic business principles and the reasons for its existence……………………
11. Not morally correct or acceptable activity ………………………………..
12. A company that obeys and respects the law ………………………………..
13. Money that is kept secretly for making illegal payments ………………………………..
14. The activity of finding out secret information about an organisation for another organisation…, industrial espionage
15. To give secret information to the public, for example by telling a newspaper to leak information
16. A person who informs people in authority or the public that the company they work for is doing sth wrong or illegal .
a whistleblower..
17. Firm adherence to a code of especially moral values integrity ………………………………..
18. The crime of buying or selling shares, bonds, etc. in a company with the help of secret information about the company
that is not available to the public , insider trading ………………………………..
19. Trade which supports producers in developing countries by paying fair prices and making sure that workers have good
working conditions and fair pay fair trade ………………………………..
20. The lowest wage upon which a worker and his or her family can survive subsistence wage
21. The crime of deceiving smb in order to get money or things illegally …, fraud ……………………………..
22. A person who cheats smb by means of deception or fraud ………………………………..
23. A small mistake in the way a law or contract has been written that allows people to legally avoid sth that the law or
contract intended them to do…, a loophole ……………………………..
24. Business activity or work that is done without the knowledge of the government or other officials so that people can
avoid paying tax on the money they earn …, black economy
25. The act of moving money that has been obtained illegally into foreign bank accounts or legal business so that it is
difficult for people to know where the money came from , money laundering
26. The process of making or defending a claim in court ………………………………..
27. The fact of sth being easy to understand and not being secret ………………………………..
28. The situation when smb is influenced by other people (their peers) to act in a certain way ……………………………
29. The act of making sth known or public ………………………………..
30. Taking, bringing or sending goods or people secretly and illegally into or out of a country ……………………………
31. Behaviour which is deliberately unpleasant or frightening, and which causes smb to feel upset ………………………
32. Taking (money one has been entrusted with) for personal use ………………………………..
33. A place where people work for low wages in poor conditions, sweatshop ………………………………..
34. A practice or policy intended to make sure that everyone has the same chances of education or employment and to
correct the fact that people from some groups are often treated unfairly because of their
race , sex or gender ………………………………..
35. The imaginary barrier that stops women, or other groups, from getting the best jobs in a company, etc. although there
are no official rules to prevent them from getting these jobs glass ceiling

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