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African-American History – Mrs.

Bedford-Carter – 200 point Project

Homework/project: Read the entire Willie Lynch letter; we only read parts of the speech in class. Go to
Google and Type in: Willie Lynch letter: The making of a slave.

I) Type a brief summary of each of the topics below. Next, write a strong reaction to each –

Passages: (As you read each section, you will need to define unknown terms and possibly annotate prior
to completing the typed portion). This will not be collected.

A) Let’s Make a Slave


My reaction:

B) Cardinal Principles for Making A Negro


My reaction:

C) The Breaking Process of the African woman


My reaction:

D) The Negro Marriage


My reaction:

E) Warning: Possible Interloping Negatives


My reaction:

F) Controlled Language


My reaction:

**The above MUST be single spaced and cover at least 2 pages (12 font).


Students who are absent must e-mail me their paper by the beginning of their class period.
Papers received one minute later, will lose 50%. NO papers will be accepted after the class period
Part II - Interview questions: 130 points (type each question and have the interviewee answer them. You
must do the typing, not the person you are interviewing)

A) Interviewee’s name and relationship to you

B) When did you first hear of the Willie Lynch letter?
C) Do you believe the letter is authentic or a hoax? Explain
D) Which divisive method is most detrimental to the black community today? Why?
E) Give two examples of how the media perpetuates the ideas listed in the Willie Lynch letter (be
specific as possible)
F) Many argue that Willie Lynch succeeded in his plan. If this is true, what must African-Americans
do to eradicate the Willie Lynch curse/syndrome? Give two detailed explanations.
G) Is divide and conquer the most damaging strategy used against black youth today? Explain
H) What are your thoughts on integration? Why might someone argue that integration has done
more harm than good to African-Americans?

Part III – Locate an article – you do not have to print it, just list the website – 120 points

1) Find an article that claims that the Willie Lynch letter is a hoax. What four reasons did
the writer give to make his/her claim? (Use bullet points and really explain what he or she
stated – do not cut and paste) – 40 points

2) Even if the letter is a hoax, do you still find it relevant to your generation? How so?
What has this letter made you really reflect on today? - Answer in 8 to 10 sentences.
(80 points)


Pages 1 and 2 – summaries and reflection – 200 points

Page 3 – the interview – 130 points
Page 4 – Is it a hoax and your final thoughts – 120 points

Papers that are too short will lose numerous points.


Students who are absent must e-mail me their paper by the beginning of their class period.
Papers received one minute later, will lose 50%. NO papers will be accepted after the class period

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