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LWN — Training Center Litronic Testsystem version: 05-01 4 LITRONIC® TEST SYSTEM Index 4 LITRONIC® TEST SYSTEM. t 4.1. GENERAL INFORMATION ; 2 42. DESCRIPTION OF THE MENUS / PAGES « 2 421 features 2 422° ‘general 2 423. starting up ofthe test system 3 43° FUNCTION KEYS -FI... FB. a4 44 THEMENUS . coe S 441 input ‘ouput page 6 44.2 memory page 6 VAS select poge 7 “aa add selection pag. 5 AA32 Seoul tot page ® 4433 selea iesove pare 5 4Ad error page 9 445 correction page 10 146 messages application page «0 “14.61 application language selection pag. en u 447 special fnetons page u 4.74 ada functions page : - 2 4432 deve inetions pape eames : : 2 73 time fimctions page= : 2 BATA print fevel poe a : 5 4475 CAN configuration poe esas 4 & CANIin infomation page aa : Sas 75 display coniguration page. eaeees : as 4478 System language selection page 5 4479 samplesrace pope ee eee 6 447.10 system stats page . 16 SAQML | MDE page. ee = 44712 olen pase eee ” ” ‘Nawser\vms\Schulung\SO_ traning 6_can_bus_05 04104 02_testsystem.doc Page 1 of17 LWN - Training Center Litronic Testsystem version: 05-01 4.1. GENERAL INFORMATION ‘The LITRONIC® test system is an extensive diagnostic maintenance- and trouble shooting tool, dinich is available on the LITRONIC™ monitor, on a service Notebook and even via modem ‘connection. Itis used to check inputs, outputs, memories and other system internal conditions. ‘The test system can be called up simultaneously but completely independent on different ports (©-9 LITRONIC” moniter, service Notebook, modem...) 4.2 DESCRIPTION OF THE MENUS / PAGES 4.21 FEATURES + Display of installed software ID and versions + Display all inputs, outputs with identifier and comment + Display memory with identifier and comment + Display of a select list (load and save) + Display of errors (error stack) + Display of correction values (setup of crane) + Display of messages (messages stack) = Display of special functions: ‘> Modem configuration (optional) Display of CAN configuration and information © Change user level 42.2 GENERAL “The test system is build up with several pages, which can be switched over by the function keys some pages have two menu bars (for the function keys), which can be switched over to with MENU Y function key, Ifa page is being called up the first menu bar appears every time. ifthe test system is being called up the frst time (after starting the crane) the rain page of the fest {iter is ated. Fora further calings ups, the page, which had been active last, willbe reloaded. Al the other adjustments will be kept as well. ‘Some actions in he test system are secured and can only be carried outin the appropriate user level — | | MMowed to be done from LIEBHERR authorized. | ‘Nousorwme\Schulung\SO_trainingl06_can_bus_05_ 0404 02, testsystem doe Page 2 0f17 LWN - Training Center Litronic Testsystem version: 05-01 4.2.3 STARTING UP OF THE TEST SYSTEM ‘The test system is started by pressing the button “multimeter” symbol on the service panel. ATTENTION! | system is running. | LAYOUT OF THE SERVICE PANEL Alphanumeric keys from 0 to 9 Not used Exponent key to key in exponential numbers Crane pictures key to return to the crane pictures. Test system key to get access to the test system. If the test system is already loaded up the test system picture will be refreshed. Not used Key switch - change level 0 and 1 - see chapter on page 13. Back key to delete a wrong input of a number Key for changing to the correction values page (possible in crane operation page and test systern) 10 Brightness of monitor 11 The +/- key to enter negative numbers 12 Decimal key 'Nhuservma\Schulung\SO_trainingl06_car_bus_05_ 04104 02_testsystem doe Page 3 of17 LWN - Training Center Litronic Testsystem version: 05-01 4.3 FUNCTION KEYS - F1... F& ‘Monitor (crane) Procomm Plus32 Microsoft® Hyper LITRONIC® Monitor Terminal Emulation ‘Button on monitor Button on Notebook __Butlon.on Notebook Button on Notebook Ft Ftora a Ft Fa F2ors s Fa FS F3ord 4 Fs Fa Faorf ' Fa 5 Foorg 9 FS Fé F6orn h Fe ‘7 Frorj i 7 |Fa F8ork k Fa ‘Change between Test “x or'x! system and Crane operation picture | Exponent “eon E ‘et ort eor'e” Minus uy “or Numbers, decimal point Numbers, decimal point Numbers, decimal point Numbers, decimal point Tost systom (Refresh) “or T™ “cere” Correction of input Backspace, a’ orQ" Backspace, “aor Backspace, “a of" Multiple button operation ‘Some operations can be executed multiple one after another by entering the number of repetitions, (displayed in the input-/ status line) and actuation the required function key. For instance “VO channel previous / next” or “error previous / next” ‘Ntwsorims\Schulung\SO.trainingi06_can_bus_05_ 0810402 testsystem doc Page 4 0117 LWN - Training Center Litronic Testsystem version: 05-01 4.4 THE MENUS ‘The following description of the menu bars describes all available function keys. ‘MAIN MENU. From the main menu you get access to the next menu pages or leave the test system by pressing function key F8 ("BACK") 1 |[ S¥STEMFUNCTION: tain ena | proect dere no sras010%4 | fet tcce sn tat tase | ‘Spcton ste time Fan 27 1999185533 Eihcorrt werson 20211 Sciibay verson LAN TS 2001 SCL 2003 2 | strc: 2005 3 | eee eee Slr [re] [| [| [5] re] | 7] QT _ i © Y 1 Header liner contains the designation of the current page 2 Main window contains the proper information 3 Status line in this line the entered values are displayed and modified. Messages and input request is also displayed in this tine. 4 Menu tine Texts for the alternating layout of the function keys 5 Function keys Nrwserime\Schulung\SO_tainingio6_can_bus_08_0410402_testsystem.doc Page 5 of17 LWN- Training Center Litronic Testsystem version: 05-01 4.4.1 INPUT / OUTPUT PAGE (On this page all in- /outputs of the modules are indicated FUNCTION KEY LAYOUT 4.4.2 FORCE a value — you have to be on level 3- see chapter on page 13, DEFORCE a forced value ~ you have to be on level 3 ~ see chapter on page 13 NEXT CAN LINE changes to the next CAN line PREVIOUS-NEXT MODULE changes between the modules of the selected CAN line PREVIOUS-NEXT moves the cursor up and down in order to select a channel of the chosen ‘module selected channel is shown by an inverse indicated 0 ‘SELECT load the selected channel into the “selectlist”. The selected channel is deleted from the selectist,ifit was selected before, If a channel is selected, the item is displayed inverse. MENU ¥: change between the two different function key bars. DOCUMENT indicates 16 channels (in- outputs) on one page. Use buttons PREVIOUS-NEXT to change to the next page at digital modules (32 channels). UNDOCUM indicates 16 analog or 32 digital in- /outputs on one page IDENTIFY indicates 16 in- /outputs on one page with the identifier. BACK returns to MAIN MENU PAGE. MEMORY PAGE Cn this page the internal used memories are indicated FUNCTION KEY LAYOUT NEXT SECTION changes between the 16 memory-sections: X-B-W-D, 1-2-3-4 PREVIOUS-NEXT PAGE changes between the pages. One page contains 16 memories of the selected SECTION PREVIOUS-NEXT change between the memories, Indicates the selected memory with an inverse indicated M ‘SELECT loads the selected memory into the “selectlist’. The selected memory is deleted from the selectlist, if already been selected before. If a memory is selected, the item is displayed inverse. MENU % change between the two different function key bars. DOCUMENT indicates the memory with the full text additionally, IDENTIFY indicates the memory with the identifier. BACK retums to the MAIN MENU PAGE, ‘Ntuserivms\Schulung\SO_training\Q6_can_bus_05_04104.02_testsystem doc Page 6 of 17 LWN ~ Training Center Litronic Testsystem version: 05-01 4.4.3 SELECT PAGE Itis possible to enter 16 values into the select-lst, without permanently changing to the different menu pages. The entries can be modified and are displayed on the SELECT PAGE. ‘When adding a new entry to a full select-list, the oldest entry in the selects is deleted, The select list can be saved to the memory card and loaded from the memory card. POSSIBILITY FOR ADDING TO THE SELECT-LIST ‘= Select with function key SELECT directly on the 1/0, MEMORY or CORRECTION VALUE PAGE required entry (collecting of entries) or ‘= with function key ADD on the SELECT PAGE by entering the IEC address = load select-list from a file with function key LOAD FROM CARD POSSIBILITY FOR DELETING THE SELECT-LIST + Select with function key SELECT directly on the I/O, MEMORY or CORRECTION VALUE PAGE required entry again or = Delete selected entry with function key DELETE on the SELECT PAGE FUNCTION KEY LAYOUT = ADD anew entry to the selectist. A menu bar appears (see ADD SELECTION) and IEC address can be entered. * DELETE deletes the selected entry in the selectuist. + PREVIOUS-NEXT changes to each the select-entry. The selected entry is displayed invers. + MENU % changes to the two different function key bars. + IDENTIFY indicates the identifier adsitionally. + DOCUMENT indicates the full text additionally + LOAD FROM CARD loads a new selectist from a file. A menu bar appears and a filename canbe selected or a new filename entered, = SAVE TO CARD saves the current select-list in a fle. A menu bar appears and a filename can be selected * BACK returns to MAIN MENU PAGE Niuserwme\SchulunglSO_taininglO6_can_bus_05_0#104 02 testsystem doc Page 7 of 17 LWN - Training Center Litronic Testsystem version: 05-04 4.4.34 ADD SELECTION PAGE “This page is selected by operating ADD out of the SELECTION AGE. On this page the ICE address of anew select entry is generated. The IEC address is generated in the input line by operating the function keys F1-F7 and the numerical keys. e.g: wanted IEC address %QW1.17.1 Qis generated by pressing F3 Wis generated by pressing F6 4.47.1 is entered as normal number and can be modified corresponding, Press button F8 (TAKE & BACK) to take over the address, FUNCTION KEY LAYOUT + M,1, Q define the IEC-types memory, input or output. This type is modified at each operation of the function key and is displayed in the input line. The entry can be easily corrected by entering another type. =X, B,W, D defines the size of the IEC entry. The size is modified at each operation of the function key and is displayed in the input line. The entry can be easily corrected by entering another type. + TAKE & BACK returns to the SELECT PAGE. The IEC address is taken over to the input line, 44.3.2 ‘SELECT FILE LOAD PAGE ‘This menu is used to load stored select-list from the memory card. FUNCTION KEY LAYOUT + CHARACTER NEXT adds a new sign at the end of the input line. New signs can also be generated by entering numbersitetter. = CHARACTER DOWN and CHARACTER UP modify the last sign of the input line. + PREVIOUS and NEXT moves the cursor up and down in the file-list. When selecting a file, its file-name is taken over to the input line, LOAD loads the selected list, which is indicated in the input line and returns to the SELECT PAGE + BACK stops the process and returns to the SELECT PAGE ‘Nruserivms\Scnulung\SO_trainingl06_car_bus_05 0804 02 testsystem doc Page 8 0117 LWN - Training Center Litronic Testsystem version: 05-01 SELECT FILE SAVE PAGE ‘This menu is used to save a selectist to the memory card. FUNCTION KEY LAYOUT + CHARACTER NEXT adds a new sign at the end of the input ine. New signs can also be generated by entering numbersetters, «CHARACTER DOWN and CHARACTER UP modify the last sign of the input line. = PREVIOUS and NEXT select the different files in the list. When selecting a fi, its filename is taken over to the input line, = SAVE saves the selectlist in a fle (enter file-name in the input line) and returns to the SELECT PAGE. ‘BACK stops the process and returns to the SELECT PAGE. 4.4.4 ERROR PAGE Indicates all errors (system errors) of the CAN system (CAN bus, modules, CPU ...) FUNCTION KEY LAYOUT + ALL ist the last 1000 stored errors since machine life. + SINCE START lists all indicated errors since last time starting (ignition on). + ACKN depresses switching over to the ERROR PAGE if a new error appears. = PREVIOUS-NEXT changes between the error messages, = SAVE TO CARD saves all error in the error stack in a file. A menu bar appears and a filename can be selected. A standard file name generated out of the current date is suggested. The fle name can also be modified (Function key layout refer to SELECT FILE SAVE PAGE), + EXTENDED switches to normal or extended indication of the error code on the monitor. + BACK retums to the MAIN MENU PAGE. ‘NhuserwmelSchulung\SO.tainingl06_can_bus_05_ 0610402 testsystom doc Page 90117 LWN - Training Center Litronic Testsystem version: 05-01 4.4.5 CORRECTION PAGE On this page correction values are indicated. This page is similar to the MEMORY PAGE but only correction values are indicated. FUNCTION KEY LAYOUT + NEXT SECTION changes between the 4 correction value sections: X-B-W-D + PREVIOUS-NEXT-PAGE changes between pages. One page contains 16 correction values of the selected SECTION * PREVIOUS-NEXT changes between the correction values, The selected correction value is. indicated with an invers displayed M. = MENU % changes between the two different function key bars. = DOCUMENT indicates the correction values with the full text. = IDENTIFY indicates the correction values with the identifier. = BASE MIN & MAX indicates the correction values with the base value, the minimum and maximum value, + SAVE TO CARD saves the current correction value in a file. A menu bar appears and a filename can be selected (Function key layout refer to SELECTED FILE SAVE PAGE). * SELECT loads the selected entry into the selectuist. The selected entry is deleted from the select-ist,if already selected before. If a correction value is selected, the item is displayed * CHANGE correction values — you have to be on the level 1 ~ see chapter on page 13 BACK returns to MAIN MENU PAGE. 4.4.6 MESSAGES APPLICATION PAGE On this page stored application messages (sensor errors) are indicated. These messages are also stored in an internal stack lke the system errors, FUNCTION KEY LAYOUT = ALL ist the last 1000 stored messages. + SINCE START lists all messages since machine start only. + LANGUAGE enables to load different text files for these massages and indicates the messages in a different language. This operation is used only in the test system and is not Used for the complete machine (Function key layout refer to APPLICATION LANGUAGE SELECTION PAGE) = PREVIOUS-NEXT changes between the messages, Entering a number before pressing one of these buttons repeats the command as often as specified. + SAVE TO CARD saves all messages in the stack into a file. A menu bar appears and a filename can be selected. A standard file name generated out of the current date suggested (Function key layout refers to SELECT FILE SAVE PAGE), + BACK retums to MAIN MENU PAGE. "Nausarivms\Schulung\SO_taining\O6_can_bus_05_04108.02 testeystem doc age 10.017 LWN - Training Center Litronic Testsystem version: 05-01 APPLICATION LANGUAGE SELECTION PAGE (On this page the language of the messages can be selected FUNCTION KEY LAYOUT + PREVIOUS-NEXT changes between the languages-fles + SELECT load the selected language-fle 4.4.7 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS PAGE From this page an you can change to further pages or retumn to the main menu by pressing function key F8 (BACK). Following pages are subordinated to the special function pages. FUNCTION KEY LAYOUT ‘+ MODEM change to modem function page + DRIVE change to drive function page + TIME change to time function page + LEVEL change to priority level page + CAN CONFIG change to CAN configuration page + CAN LINE INFO change to CAN line information page + MENU % change between the two different function key bars. + DISPLAY INFO change to display configuration page + SYSTEM LANGUAGE change to system language selection page + SAMPLE change to sample trace page + SYSTEM STATUS change to system status page + MDE change to MDE page + CLIENTS change to clients page + BACK return to the MAIN MENU PAGE ‘usoriums\Schulung\SO_ralning8_can_bus_05 04\04.02_testsystom doc Page 11 of 17 LWN - Training Center Litronic Testsystem version: 05-01 447A MODEM FUNCTIONS PAGE (On this page the GSM modem can be operated and setting changed FUNCTION KEY LAYOUT + DIAL dials a entered telephone number = HANGUP rings off an active modem connection «+ RLPON/ OFF switches the radio link protocol for GSM modem connection on resp. off. ‘Switching on / off activated at the next machine start up. + PREVIOUS-NEXT changes between the interfaces. The standard modem client is COM 4. = PIN INPUT enables the manuel input of the PIN code for the GSM modem. + MODEM CONNECT enables to start the modem-server program on anon used interface. + MENU % change between the two different function key bars, BACK returns to the SPECIAL FUNCTION PAGE, 44.7.2 DRIVE FUNCTIONS PAGE ‘On this page information about the current drive are indicated FUNCTION KEY LAYOUT * REMOVE CARD must be operated first before the memory card is removed from the drive «DIR LIST lists all fles and directories (no subdirectories) of the current drive. + PREVIOUS-NEXT DRIVE change between the drives defined in the system. + CHECK CARD checks for errors of actual drive. + BACK retums to the SPECIAL FUNCTION PAGE. TIME FUNCTIONS PAGE ‘On this page information's about date, time and system time are indicated. FUNCTION KEY LAYOUT + DAYLIGHT SAVING switches over to summertime, + TIMEZONE MOVE WEST switches time zone setting one hour to the west. = BACK returns to the SPECIAL FUNCTION PAGE. Nuserivms\SchulungiSO_trainingl06_can_bus_05_ 0410402, testsystem soc Page 12 0f 17 LWN - Training Center Litronic Testsystem version: 05-01 4.4. 4 PRIORITY LEVEL PAGE (On this page you can enter a LICCODE to get into the supervisor level. FUNCTION KEY LAYOUT + LEVEL CHANGE takes over the value in the input line and checks if it isa valid LICCODE. + BACK retums to the SPECIAL FUNCTION PAGE, LEVELS “There are 5 levels possible with different authorizations. Single actions (change of corrections values, forcing ...) can be switched separately to different levels. Level 0 User (e.g. indication of all values, inputs, outputs, ..) Level 1 Service ‘Access to the test system with turned key switch on the service panel (e.g, change values in the correction page) Level 2 Customer ‘Access with the entry of ~ customer code — special option for the customer (al this time used in combination with GSM or radio modem) Level 3 ‘Supervisor ‘Access with the entry of LICODE ~ service code (e.g. change values, release language, force / deforce values and set bypass) Level 4 system Is only used from “autoexec.bat and “autoexec fc" files COM 1 can be on Level 0 or 1 (depends of key switch position) COM 2-6 standard on level 1 Areached level (after entry of the code) will be kept Excoption: = Modem — by each call the code have to be entered = Test system (only by call of monitor program off) — in case of SERVICE level, but key switch is not turned, - will be switched back to the USER level. ‘NiusrvmstSchulung\SO_tralning\06_can_us_05_0410402_teetsystom doe Page 13.017 LWN ~ Training Center Litronic Testsystem version: 05-01 ‘Standard enable, ‘Action Description Forcel Forcing of Input / Output 3.4 Changemt Change value of Memory 3 ChangeCorr Change value of correction 1,34 CanConfig ‘CAN Configuration change (set used...) 13,4 SetTime Watch, Date modify 3,4 Mount Mount of drive 1,3 Dial Dial the Number of Modem all Hangup ‘Modem hang up all Pininput Input PIN for GSM Modem all Format Drive (SRAM drive) format 3.4 Program Program of Flash 4 TaskManage Modify Priority of Tasks, stop or start 34 CustCode ‘Modify Customer Code (delete) 2.3.4 KillServer Close Server program from a other interface 34 ClearSRam Delete SRam on CPU (delete only memory and correction 3, 4 value) MemAccess Read out DPRAM of CVO03 3,4 ClearNaN Delete Floating Point Memory with value "not a number” 1, 3, 4 EraseStack Delete Error, Event or Message Stack 3.4 Timezone ‘Switch over Time zone and Summer time 1.3.4 | OpHours Reset Counter of Operating hour 34 4475 CAN CONFIGURATION PAGE On this page all mounted modules are indicated with their status of use. FUNCTION KEY LAYOUT + NEXT PAGE changes to the next page. = PREVIOUS-NEXT MODULE moves the cursor up and down between the modules. + CAN LINE INFO changes to the CAN LINE INFORMATION PAGE + BACK returns to the SPECIAL FUNCTION PAGE. ‘Niuserime\Schulung\SO_trainingl06_can_bus_05_ 0804 02_testsystem doc Page 14 017 LWN - Training Center Litronic Testsystem version: 05-01 4.4.7. CAN LINE INFORMATION PAGE (On this page the used CAN lines and their setting are indicated, FUNCTION KEY LAYOUT. = IDENT.NO. indicates the indent-, modification- and serial number of the CAN bus interface card C003. + VERSION indicates the versions numbers of the different installed software components of the CAN bus interface card CVO03, + DIAGNOSE indicates the signal quality of the used CAN lines in % of 100. = MODULE INFO changes to the CAN CONFIGURATION PAGE. = BACK retums to the SPECIAL FUNCTION PAGE, 44.7.7 DISPLAY CONFIGURATION PAGE On this page the settings for indication of the in- /output can be changed, FUNCTION KEY LAYOUT + ALL MODULES indicates all modules (‘used” and “not used’) on the /O pages. + ONLY USED MODULES indicates “used” modules on the UO page only. = BACK retums to the SPECIAL FUNCTION PAGE, SYSTEM LANGUAGE SELECTION PAGE On this page the system language can be set resp. modified. Depending on the access level the enabled languages or all available languages with release note are displayed. FUNCTION KEY LAYOUT = RELEASE LANGUAGE - you have to be on the level 3 - see chapter on page 13 + BLOCK LANGUAGE - you have to be on the level 3 - see chapter on page 13 + PREVIOUS-NEXT select the different fles in the list. When selecting a file, its filename is taken over to the input fine, + SELECT load the selected file with new system language and retur to the SPECIAL FUNCTION PAGE. + MENU % changes between the two different function key bars. + USE DEFAULT loads English as new internal system language and returns to the SPECIAL, FUNCTION PAGE, = BACK stops the process and returns to the SELECT PAGE, NiwsorvmsSchulung\SO_trainingl06_can_bus_05_ 0804 02_tesisystem doc Page 15 01 17 LWN ~ Training Center Litronic Testsystem version: 05-01 SAMPLE TRACE PAGE The SAMPLE TRACE will be used for online data recording of selected in- /outputs. (On this page information about the sample trace is displayed, the condition of the sample trace can be modified and recorded data’s can be saved to the memory card. FUNCTION KEY LAYOUT = SAMPLE ACTIVE activates the sample-trace functionality after setting the options. With this funetion recording is started and the trigger conditions are checked. = TRIGGER MANUAL simulates the trigger conditions. This function is available only if the sample is activated and the trigger conditions are not futfilled yet. + END MANUAL stops the recording of the sample-trace and leads automatically to READY condition. This function is available only i the sample is in active condition. + LOAD FROM CARD loads a configuration from a existing sample-trace file. A menu bar ‘appears and a filename can be selected. (Function key layout refers to SELECT FILE LOAD PAGE), = SAVE TO CARD saves all recorded data’s and the sample-trace configuration into a fle. A menu bar appears and a filename can be selected. (Function key layout refers to SELECT FILE SAVE PAGE). + SAVE TO SELECT saves the variables used in the sample-trace into the select-ist. Existing variables in the select-list will bi deleted. + LOAD FROM SELECT loads the currently selected variables (see SELECT) into the sample- list. Existing variables in the sample-list wll be deleted. = PREVIOUS-NEXT change between the configuration data’s. The selected / active entry is displayed inverse. + CHANGE modifies the selected entry to the value entered in the input line. This operation is done only if the value of the input line is in the specified range. + MENU % change between the two different function key bars. * BACK retums to the SPECIAL FUNCTION PAGE. 44.710 SYSTEM STATUS PAGE On this page the current system status (running, stopped ...) and the timing of the SPS is displayed, FUNCTION KEY LAYOUT + BACK retumns to the SPECIAL FUNCTION PAGE, ‘Nhuservme\SchulungiSO_traininglQ6_can_bus_05_04104.02_testsystem doc Page 16 of 17 LWN - Training Center Litronic Testsystem version: 05-01 MDE PAGE On this page the condition of the MDE is displayed. FUNCTION KEY LAYOUT = SAVE TO CARD saves the MDE-data (Function key layout refer to SELECT FILE SAVE PAGE) = BACK returns to the SPECIAL FUNCTION PAGE. 44.712 CLIENTS PAGE On this page the condition of the different communication interfaces (clients) is displayed. FUNCTION KEY LAYOUT + PREVIOUS-NEXT changes between the interfaces. = BACK retums to the SPECIAL FUNCTION PAGE. ‘Niuser\vns\Schulung\SO_trining\06_can_bus_05 0904 02. estsystem doc Page 17 of 7 LWN - TRAINING CENTRE Drive 9.0 and 10.0 version: 05-04 5 DRIVE 9.0 AND 10.0 Index 5. DRIVE 9.0 AND 10.0. SL OVERVIEW DRIVE 9.0 AND 10.0 5.2. SAMPLE TRACE nanesnnsnne 32.1 Manual activation and automauie trigger of sample trace 522 Stored information in Sample Trace file: 523 Example for sample trace data. 2 4 4 9 0 NausermelSchung\SO_tainingio7_cen_bus_customer_05_04105_stiveS_dtvet0_customer doc Page 1 of 10 LWN - TRAINING CENTRE Drive 9.0 and 10.0 version: 05-04 5.1 OVERVIEW DRIVE 9.0 AND 10.0 Drive 10.0: “service card” Card must be plugged in! Card can be plugged in if you want to store some data! ‘The program of the control system, adjustment Load recorder files, select-fles, sample trace- instructions, correction values, files, FateeteteTas eee tetatat Slot B = 10.0 "service card” Slot A= drive 9.0 “system card” Niuserivms\Schulung\SO_tralnmng\07_can_bus_customer_05_04105,drive9_drivet0_customer doc Page 2 010 LWN - TRAINING CENTRE Drive 9.0 and 10.0 version: 05-04 Drive 9.0 ="system card” Card must be plugged int Manual stored failure itve [yc am | messages es wore |e oye pie ssi Diredony © erie {| fr (oad re : a |—sf-oadonoe) « corder) a Sttesetent fs [ Manual stored correction values Manual (test system) stored error lst __| ‘All correction values of the crane are stored in Manual (fest system) that file! is br stored selection files oma ok (Entry Data monitor List) ee ber ‘Adsl nip 21.509 15.02 1999 15:19 oadooor} ses max. 16 channels. When you header ine are finished press BACK (F8) to change to the main menu /Nousertvms\Scnulung\SO_trainingO7_can_bus_customer_05_04105_drved_srve10_customer.doc Page 4 of 10 LWN - TRAINING CENTRE Drive 9.0 and 10.0 version: 05-04 Man mene aa a Dd ee ed Press SELECT (F3) to change to select menu In the select menu you can see all the selected variables on one page. Check the list, ifall needed variables are shown, jewing geet position sensor (degree! wren accra] ie | : Ea lla ila rem PEGA ]{ oo in Ee ne ee ee ee ee veces Press SAMPLE (F3) to change to the sample race menu, 1lusesvms'Schulung\SO_trainingi07_can_bus_customer_05_04105_sive8_dtivet0_castomer. doc Page $0110 LWN-- TRAINING CENTRE Drive 9.0 and 10.0 version: 05-04 ‘Sampling Trace menu: TaRABAAAAAAAAARAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKAAKAAAAKAAIAAIALAAIAAAARAAAAABAKAANAAAAAARAAAAKIAE | .s RIX RAKRAALIAASAAAAAAAAALAAAAAAAAAAAAAALAAAAAKAAAAAAAAKAXAAAAAAAAAAAAAARAARAAI | AAAAAMARAIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKAAAARAAAAALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKARAARA, Press LOAD FROM SELECT (F2) to load the selected variables to sample trace program. General Info about the Trigger and Sample options: ‘Trigger options: Are used to define trigger variable, level and edge. ‘Sample options: Are used to adjust scantime, number of samples and number of pre- and after trigger Niuserivms\Schulung\SO_training\07_can_bus_customer_05_04105,dives_divet0_customer doe Page 6 0110 LWN — TRAINING CENTRE Drive 9.0 and 10.0 version: 05-04 What is a trigger? [Atrigger is like @ switch that starts sampling trace. This switch is activated if a condition is fulfilled. For instance trigger variable reaches a certain value (¢.9. QxsgBrake is equal 1) EXRAAARAAAAAAAKAANARAXAKARAMAK |AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY 1. Move the curser to Trigger Variable with CHANGE you can flip through the list. 2. Press NEXT and type in your ‘Trigger level and press CHANGE 3, Press NEXT and choose Trigger Edge: with CHANGE you can flip ‘through the list (change, rising. falling, both, undefined) 4, Press NEXT and type in Scan time: (e.g. 25, 50, 100 ms) press CHANGE 5, Press NEXT and type in Number of samples: press CHANGE, 6. Press NEXT and type in Pre trigger or After trigger: press CHANGE Press F7 MENU 1/2 Ee ee ee ~Y Press SAMPLE ACTIVATE (F1) ‘After you press F1 sample trace is activated and the Pre-trigger data will be recorded, iAKAARARARAAAAAAAAAAAKAKARAAAAAAKARAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARALIAKAAAAAARARARAAARAAAARY scaneecai 200 Pre trigger data will be stored and overwritten in a ring buffer constantly. Result: You know exactly what happened before the trigger. Ntuserivms\Schulung\SO_training\07_can_bus_customer_05_ 04105 ctve®_érivet0_customer doc Page 7 of 10 LWN ~ TRAINING CENTRE Drive 9.0 and 10.0 version: 05-04 Automatic trigger “The Trigger condition is fulfilled if Current level of Trigger Variable reaches Trigger level. (Eg. trigger condition is fulfilled if @XsgBrake = 1) [SxARADAAAAAAAAAAARAAAAAAAAAAAANAAAAABAAAIAABAAAKAARAAAKAARARAAAAKAAXAARIXAARAA, saKAAsAnAAAAIAAAKAAAAAARAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAARAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA sample options exigger: 800 “Trigger condition (QXsgBrake = 1) was fulfiled. After- ‘Trigger data will be stored automatically. Result: You know exactly what happened after the trigger. To save sample trace file to card (drive 10) press SAVE TO CARD (F5) Use F1, F2 and F3 to type file name (max. 8 characters) and press SAVE (Fé) ‘Sample Trace file (e.g, slewing smp) is written successfully onto the flashcard in drive 10, \With Notepad or Excel you can read out the data to see exactly what happened > example see next chapter. ‘Niuservma\Schulung\SO_training\l7_can_bus_customer_05_04105 erive®_drive0_customerdoc Page 8 of 10 LWN - TRAINING CENTRE Drive 9.0 and 10.0 version: 05-04 5.2.2 STORED INFORMATION IN SAMPLE TRACE FILE: “The result of sample trace is a *.smp (e.g. slewing.smp) file. This file is stored in a standard text format, Notepad or Excel can be used to see the data, 4 Trager optns Zitrggervarasle ——%60X1 9:23 OkeyBrake 3 nage ll 1 a lteger edge equal 54 I} tsampte options ate i] 5 co [Number of samples 1000 9 [Samples afer tigger soo feasts. Date and tine when he tigger tondiion was fulfiled 2 Bi |]13 [sample Data 14 [Togger time 24.01.2008 30038 te me HOri923 NOWLITAE HOIST? | RINGO RNOLD |Z) 4975 | 9 0327725 [8 4950, 0 0 31275 #1 | Afpewwe] 8 OER a ea o 031276 \bral Bi 3) [tigger condition is % 3278 ¥ fulfilled (e.9. QxsgBrake | 141 31275 0 1 20 31275 2% 1 331275 EI 1 o 4 aor 3127725 75 1 [[Attertrigger data 4431278 100 31275 125 1 a i sq 31275 150 1 201 , 5753127725 75 1 02 312 795 1 31277 Description for the sample trace file: Line 1to 16: Header of the sample trace file. This part will be used afterwards for the automatic start up of sample trace > see next chapter. Line 216: Trigger condition is fulflled, brake signal changed from 0 to 1, -> after trigger data will be stored automatically. Row B: ‘Slewing brake = Trigger variable. Row E: Left joystick signal: 50 ms time delay between joystick and brake open signal Row C: Slewing pump signal: 150 ms time delay between brake open and pump signal wser\ns\Schulung\S0_training\07_can_bus_customer_05_04105 crveS_drivet0_customer doc Page 9 10 LWN - TRAINING CENTRE Drive 9.0 and 10.0 version: 05-04 5.2.3 EXAMPLE FOR SAMPLE TRACE DATA List Toggertine 24012003 osan0 Tie Irs Sane 23 MOWLIT13 —%ARDETT_——wAVTEBTAML.SO GkesBiake _QWsePurreTRieh_DicLetDeadMon MsLetSe__ MDsePositon oe 7 o oT an75 00 0 ° 1 0 3275 78 ° ° 1 03275 Fy 0 a 1 % 312775 % ° 0 1 5275 ° 1 0 1 2 31275 s 1 0 1 ae 31275, 0 1 0 1 wo a7 15 1 0 4 631275 100 1 ° 1 31275 1 0 1 su 31275 10 1 2a 1 gs 3277 8 1 22 1 fa 312795 20 1 203 1 ma m7 2s 1 20 1 ya 4275 20 1 25 1 se 31275 275 1 ar 1 se 32775 a0 1 28 1 eo 32775 2 1 20 1 won = 31278 Eo 1 210 1 ooo 3126825 Er 1 an 1 tooo 32026 0 1 22 1 ooo 3125805 os, 1 213 1 ton 31255, 0 1 24 1 sooo 3128005 a5 1 216 1 ooo 312125, sn 1 216 1 mm 31239 Graph Slewing joystick ‘Slewing pump P9900! SOMDasPoo Slewing position Nwserwms\Schulung\SO_trainngld7_ean_bus_customer_05 _04105_drve®_dive1_customer doe Page 10 of 10

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